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Simulator Crashed

a guest
Dec 21st, 2015
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  1. AddressSanitizer debugger support is active. Memory error breakpoint has been installed and you can now use the 'memory history' command.
  2. Countly app key: e5981b2c6d87d123f24d711e28b8ce06dc725abe and url:
  3. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.641 FASK[20426:1693025] DATABASE: open "/Users/yasartabasam/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8124ADC4-90BB-4561-B5B0-8967357978C4/data/Containers/Data/Application/763EEA44-3AAB-47F6-9235-19F2DA26A3B1/Library/Application Support/FASK/FASK.sqlite"
  4. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.646 FASK[20426:1693025] USER_ID: Optional("c1e929d321dd83205d412d86a5ca24510c7d3e6c")
  5. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.648 FASK[20426:1693025] Starting network reachability monitor.
  6. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.654 FASK[20426:1693025] Setting up for presence updates
  7. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.656 FASK[20426:1693025] Unknown class Launch in Interface Builder file.
  8. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.800 FASK[20426:1693025] CoreData: error: (NSFetchedResultsController) The fetched object at index 11 has an out of order section name 'bab8add9fbef31996efd6904f0811780bc63520b. Objects must be sorted by section name'
  9. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.800 FASK[20426:1693025] Error: The fetched object at index 11 has an out of order section name 'bab8add9fbef31996efd6904f0811780bc63520b. Objects must be sorted by section name'
  10. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.963 FASK[20426:1693025] Error Message: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 134060.)
  11. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.963 FASK[20426:1693025] Error Domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain
  12. 2015-12-21 11:16:55.964 FASK[20426:1693025] Recovery Suggestion: (null)
  13. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.134 FASK[20426:1693025] ERROR [obtaining push or voip token] AT [/Projects/Acision/fuseme-asdk/FASK/FASK/AppDelegate.swift:367]: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3010 "REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_SIMULATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_NSERROR_DESCRIPTION" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_SIMULATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_NSERROR_DESCRIPTION}
  14. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.135 FASK[20426:1693025] AppDelegate.connect called from /Projects/Acision/fuseme-asdk/FASK/FASK/AppDelegate.swift and 368
  15. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.136 FASK[20426:1693025] Connecting...
  16. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.137 FASK[20426:1693025] AcisionSDK version 1.4.6 starting
  17. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.138 FASK[20426:1693025] onNetworkStatusChange: 1
  18. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.139 FASK[20426:1693025] Initializing libsasl2
  19. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.140 FASK[20426:1693025] Full Url - wss://
  20. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.140 FASK[20426:1693025] Creating MDWamp connection
  21. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.143 FASK[20426:1693025] SocketRocket: In debug mode. Allowing connection to any root cert
  22. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.143 FASK[20426:1693025] MDWamp connection connecting
  23. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.328 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocketDidOpen:] open
  24. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.328 FASK[20426:1693025] MDWamp Connection open
  25. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.329 FASK[20426:1693025] Full Uri -
  26. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.338 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [0,"3423965722409692",1,""]
  27. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.339 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] WELCOMMMME
  28. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.355 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"d3D3Hyw8cXGwpUJo1TYz",["X-ACISION-OAUTH"]]
  29. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.355 FASK[20426:1693025] Got mechanisms - X-ACISION-OAUTH
  30. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.356 FASK[20426:1693025] Processed mechanisms - X-ACISION-OAUTH
  31. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.356 FASK[20426:1693025] Sending oauth request:{
  32. "authAccessToken" : "78705a59a92c4b5d42c5588538ae9d1447842636",
  33. "username" : ""
  34. }
  35. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.356 FASK[20426:1693025] Using mechanism - X-ACISION-OAUTH
  36. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.356 FASK[20426:1693025] Full Uri -
  37. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.868 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"5tmIeDPx97Ye1dZARMAt",{"type":"success"}]
  38. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.868 FASK[20426:1693025] Request Authentication result - {
  39. type = success;
  40. } success
  41. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.869 FASK[20426:1693025] Successful authentication, now get bootstrap
  42. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.869 FASK[20426:1693025] Full Uri -
  43. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.893 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"lGhRct9TFXLAKyJo3ab4",{"iceServers":[{"urls":["","",""],"username":"","credential":"R6vbPofSqUInphhJA9VieJq17Ys="}],"interfaces":{"messaging":{"wsEndpoints":{"1":["wss://"],"1.1":["wss://"],"1.3":["wss://"]},"restEndpoints":{"1":[""],"1.1":[""],"1.3":[""]}},"chat":{"restEndpoints":{"1.3":[""]}},"webrtc":{"wsEndpoints":{"1":["wss://"],"1.1":["wss://"],"1.3":["wss://"]},"credentials":{"username":"","password":"R6vbPofSqUInphhJA9VieJq17Ys="}},"contacts":{"restEndpoints":{"1":[""],"1.1":[""],"1.3":[""]}},"presence":{"wsEndpoints":{"1":["wss://"],"1.1":["wss://"],"1.3":["wss://"],"2.0":["wss://"]},"restEndpoints":{"1":[""],"1.1":[""],"1.3":[""],"2.0":[""]}}},"appleApplicationArn":"apn:RzVVHJQ1y80o-push","appleWebrtcApplicationArn":"apn:RzVVHJQ1y80o-voip","voipPushNotificationPermitted":"true","googleApplicationArn":"gcm:AIzaSyDj91x-1vjRsUUdHFuUBD0pIpzlYRyfat4","googleProjectId":"544549768455","ttl":86400,"defaultDomain":"","accessToken":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJSelZWSEpRMXk4MG86YzFlOTI5ZDMyMWRkODMyMDVkNDEyZDg2YTVjYTI0NTEwYzdkM2U2YyIsImF1ZCI6WyJtZXNzYWdpbmciLCJjaGF0Iiwid2VicnRjIiwiY29udGFjdHMiLCJwcmVzZW5jZSIsImNvbmZlcmVuY2luZyJdLCJleHAiOjE0NTA4MDE2MTcsImFsbG93ZWRBZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiYzFlOTI5ZDMyMWRkODMyMDVkNDEyZDg2YTVjYTI0NTEwYzdkM2U2Y0Bpb3QuZnVzZW1lLmFjaXNpb24uY29tIl19.MjlfmYrzcgsK9jzPkYU280HvhHqEwdGrGja8d2Q-kPWPaik8zWP0-4vYFRj2FnxrpvjXAuLsPYdHF71pOcyhTfcUEoOUkTo1sPpW-G70qxXdtk59GFr1hT3GbkemPD7g-4-0K0ryhsXpCKHHCmNlXU-2r96WbYhC-H6JSnAJTog","refreshToken":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJSelZWSEpRMXk4MG86YzFlOTI5ZDMyMWRkODMyMDVkNDEyZDg2YTVjYTI0NTEwYzdkM2U2YyIsImF1ZCI6ImF1dGgiLCJleHAiOjE0NTA4MDE2MTcsIm5iZiI6MTQ1MDgwMDQxNywiZW5hYmxlZEludGVyZmFjZXMiOlsibWVzc2FnaW5nIiwiY2hhdCIsIndlYnJ0YyIsImNvbnRhY3RzIiwicHJlc2VuY2UiLCJjb25mZXJlbmNpbmciXSwiYWxsb3dlZEFkZHJlc3NlcyI6WyJjMWU5MjlkMzIxZGQ4MzIwNWQ0MTJkODZhNWNhMjQ1MTBjN2QzZTZjQGlvdC5mdXNlbWUuYWNpc2lvbi5jb20iXX0.suGbBD-J-Ht67rj27AWiw8gN43GjceJTniPG-2xijW8M9ONzw69UohU5efJKRTygtC27jQ_9wc7eUX9e8H-spp7vwqca6bZh8BmkPRC7WDRfaHjuF_8PWNUhi3PH6r9dR5WnVwIH4DmouYvvDaGZ5lFPcpHPZrqmreeLaeecvXo","primaryAddress":""}]
  44. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.894 FASK[20426:1693025] Bootstrap received
  45. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.895 FASK[20426:1693025] Authentication successful, boostrap - {
  46. accessToken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJSelZWSEpRMXk4MG86YzFlOTI5ZDMyMWRkODMyMDVkNDEyZDg2YTVjYTI0NTEwYzdkM2U2YyIsImF1ZCI6WyJtZXNzYWdpbmciLCJjaGF0Iiwid2VicnRjIiwiY29udGFjdHMiLCJwcmVzZW5jZSIsImNvbmZlcmVuY2luZyJdLCJleHAiOjE0NTA4MDE2MTcsImFsbG93ZWRBZGRyZXNzZXMiOlsiYzFlOTI5ZDMyMWRkODMyMDVkNDEyZDg2YTVjYTI0NTEwYzdkM2U2Y0Bpb3QuZnVzZW1lLmFjaXNpb24uY29tIl19.MjlfmYrzcgsK9jzPkYU280HvhHqEwdGrGja8d2Q-kPWPaik8zWP0-4vYFRj2FnxrpvjXAuLsPYdHF71pOcyhTfcUEoOUkTo1sPpW-G70qxXdtk59GFr1hT3GbkemPD7g-4-0K0ryhsXpCKHHCmNlXU-2r96WbYhC-H6JSnAJTog";
  47. appleApplicationArn = "apn:RzVVHJQ1y80o-push";
  48. appleWebrtcApplicationArn = "apn:RzVVHJQ1y80o-voip";
  49. defaultDomain = "";
  50. googleApplicationArn = "gcm:AIzaSyDj91x-1vjRsUUdHFuUBD0pIpzlYRyfat4";
  51. googleProjectId = 544549768455;
  52. iceServers = (
  53. {
  54. credential = "R6vbPofSqUInphhJA9VieJq17Ys=";
  55. urls = (
  56. "",
  57. "",
  58. ""
  59. );
  60. username = "";
  61. }
  62. );
  63. interfaces = {
  64. chat = {
  65. restEndpoints = {
  66. "1.3" = (
  67. ""
  68. );
  69. };
  70. };
  71. contacts = {
  72. restEndpoints = {
  73. 1 = (
  74. ""
  75. );
  76. "1.1" = (
  77. ""
  78. );
  79. "1.3" = (
  80. ""
  81. );
  82. };
  83. };
  84. messaging = {
  85. restEndpoints = {
  86. 1 = (
  87. ""
  88. );
  89. "1.1" = (
  90. ""
  91. );
  92. "1.3" = (
  93. ""
  94. );
  95. };
  96. wsEndpoints = {
  97. 1 = (
  98. "wss://"
  99. );
  100. "1.1" = (
  101. "wss://"
  102. );
  103. "1.3" = (
  104. "wss://"
  105. );
  106. };
  107. };
  108. presence = {
  109. restEndpoints = {
  110. 1 = (
  111. ""
  112. );
  113. "1.1" = (
  114. ""
  115. );
  116. "1.3" = (
  117. ""
  118. );
  119. "2.0" = (
  120. ""
  121. );
  122. };
  123. wsEndpoints = {
  124. 1 = (
  125. "wss://"
  126. );
  127. "1.1" = (
  128. "wss://"
  129. );
  130. "1.3" = (
  131. "wss://"
  132. );
  133. "2.0" = (
  134. "wss://"
  135. );
  136. };
  137. };
  138. webrtc = {
  139. credentials = {
  140. password = "R6vbPofSqUInphhJA9VieJq17Ys=";
  141. username = "";
  142. };
  143. wsEndpoints = {
  144. 1 = (
  145. "wss://"
  146. );
  147. "1.1" = (
  148. "wss://"
  149. );
  150. "1.3" = (
  151. "wss://"
  152. );
  153. };
  154. };
  155. };
  156. primaryAddress = "";
  157. refreshToken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJSelZWSEpRMXk4MG86YzFlOTI5ZDMyMWRkODMyMDVkNDEyZDg2YTVjYTI0NTEwYzdkM2U2YyIsImF1ZCI6ImF1dGgiLCJleHAiOjE0NTA4MDE2MTcsIm5iZiI6MTQ1MDgwMDQxNywiZW5hYmxlZEludGVyZmFjZXMiOlsibWVzc2FnaW5nIiwiY2hhdCIsIndlYnJ0YyIsImNvbnRhY3RzIiwicHJlc2VuY2UiLCJjb25mZXJlbmNpbmciXSwiYWxsb3dlZEFkZHJlc3NlcyI6WyJjMWU5MjlkMzIxZGQ4MzIwNWQ0MTJkODZhNWNhMjQ1MTBjN2QzZTZjQGlvdC5mdXNlbWUuYWNpc2lvbi5jb20iXX0.suGbBD-J-Ht67rj27AWiw8gN43GjceJTniPG-2xijW8M9ONzw69UohU5efJKRTygtC27jQ_9wc7eUX9e8H-spp7vwqca6bZh8BmkPRC7WDRfaHjuF_8PWNUhi3PH6r9dR5WnVwIH4DmouYvvDaGZ5lFPcpHPZrqmreeLaeecvXo";
  158. ttl = 86400;
  159. voipPushNotificationPermitted = true;
  160. }
  161. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.897 FASK[20426:1693025] Class ACSAcisionSDKMessaging
  162. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.898 FASK[20426:1693025] Full Url - wss://
  163. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.898 FASK[20426:1693025] Creating MDWamp connection
  164. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.898 FASK[20426:1693025] SocketRocket: In debug mode. Allowing connection to any root cert
  165. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.899 FASK[20426:1693025] MDWamp connection connecting
  166. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.922 FASK[20426:1693025] Opening websocket SIP transport to wss://
  167. 11:16:56.924 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.2.1 for POSIX initialized
  168. 11:16:56.924 sip_endpoint.c Creating endpoint instance...
  169. 11:16:56.925 pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0x6210003c1528)
  170. 11:16:56.925 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-msg-print" registered
  171. 11:16:56.925 sip_transport. Transport manager created.
  172. 11:16:56.925 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-tsx-layer" registered
  173. 11:16:56.925 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-stateful-util" registered
  174. 11:16:56.926 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-ua" registered
  175. 11:16:56.926 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-100rel" registered
  176. 11:16:56.926 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-evsub" registered
  177. 11:16:56.926 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-refer" registered
  178. 11:16:56.926 evsub.c Event pkg "refer" registered by mod-refer
  179. 11:16:56.926 sip_endpoint.c Module "ACSMobileSDK" registered
  180. 11:16:56.926 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-invite" registered
  181. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.926 FASK[20426:1693025] SocketRocket: In debug mode. Allowing connection to any root cert
  182. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.927 FASK[20426:1693025] Using User-Agent: AcisionSDK/1.4.6 (iOS 9.2; x86_64)
  183. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.927 FASK[20426:1693025] Class ACSAcisionSDKPresence
  184. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.927 FASK[20426:1693025] Full Url - wss://
  185. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.928 FASK[20426:1693025] Creating MDWamp connection
  186. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.928 FASK[20426:1693025] SocketRocket: In debug mode. Allowing connection to any root cert
  187. 2015-12-21 11:16:56.928 FASK[20426:1693025] MDWamp connection connecting
  188. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.067 FASK[20426:1693025] Websocket SIP transport established
  189. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.075 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocketDidOpen:] open
  190. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.075 FASK[20426:1693025] MDWamp (ACSAcisionSDKMessaging) open
  191. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.075 FASK[20426:1693025] Connected
  192. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.076 FASK[20426:1693025] Network update credentials -
  193. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.078 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [0,"287059051094651",1,""]
  194. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.079 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] WELCOMMMME
  195. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.086 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocketDidOpen:] open
  196. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.086 FASK[20426:1693025] MDWamp (ACSAcisionSDKPresence) open
  197. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.086 FASK[20426:1693025] Connected
  198. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.086 FASK[20426:1693025] Network update credentials -
  199. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.087 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [0,"4365269230702537",1,""]
  200. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.087 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] WELCOMMMME
  201. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.104 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"DpcWrJSlHVfHqSL5kMpC",null]
  202. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.105 FASK[20426:1693025] Interface authentication successful
  203. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.105 FASK[20426:1693025] Wamp Connected
  204. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.117 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"z4lxqboGlJBq2fDloVNy",null]
  205. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.117 FASK[20426:1693025] Interface authentication successful
  206. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.118 FASK[20426:1693025] onConnected
  207. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.118 FASK[20426:1693025] Subscribing for messages
  208. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.118 FASK[20426:1693025] Sending message over HTTP (GET) -,offline - (null)
  209. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.119 FASK[20426:1693025] Host part of address for headers:
  210. 11:16:57.119 endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36607 (tdta0x621000406100) created.
  211. 11:16:57.119 tsx0x61d000157 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36608 (tdta0x621000406100)
  212. 11:16:57.120 tsx0x61d000157 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36608 (tdta0x621000406100) in state Null
  213. 11:16:57.120 sip_resolve.c .DNS resolver not available, target '' type=WS will be resolved with getaddrinfo()
  214. 11:16:57.121 sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=WS resolved to '' type=WS ((null))
  215. 11:16:57.121 pjsip_wrapper. .on_tx_msg
  216. 11:16:57.121 tsx0x61d000157 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG
  217. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.121 FASK[20426:1693025] >>> Connected signal: true
  218. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.173 FASK[20426:1693025] >>> Starting presence updates
  219. 11:16:57.203 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=36608 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  220. 11:16:57.203 tsx0x61d000157 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=36608 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Calling
  221. 11:16:57.203 tsx0x61d000157 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG
  222. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.203 FASK[20426:1693025] Contact is <sip:Titis5GH@vvsHulxH.invalid;transport=ws;ob>
  223. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.203 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallService >>> onRegistered called
  224. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.274 FASK[20426:1693025] Response to message: (
  225. ) (location (null))
  226. 2015-12-21 11:16:57.274 FASK[20426:1693025] getMessages succeeded - (
  227. )
  228. GET
  229. [:]
  231. 200 [0.847]
  232. [Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, Content-Type: application/json, Server: nginx/1.6.3, Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, DELETE, Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Api-Version, Request-Id, Response-Time, Content-MD5: tcpjhGtehMffRIXl7/xocg==, Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Content-Type, Date, Api-Version, Response-Time, Response-Time: 18, Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 16:16:57 GMT, Content-Length: 125, Connection: keep-alive, Request-Id: 0f088229-a3d3-44bc-8126-11eefc259130]
  233. {"contact_info":[{"identifier":"","type":"1"}],"user_id":"c1e929d321dd83205d412d86a5ca24510c7d3e6c"}
  235. 2015-12-21 11:16:58.020 FASK[20426:1693025] Fetched the user profile successfully
  236. POST
  237. ["Content-Type": "application/json"]
  238. [{"type":"1","identifier":""},{"type":"1","identifier":""},{"type":"0","identifier":"5555648583"},{"type":"0","identifier":"4155553695"},{"type":"1","identifier":""},{"type":"0","identifier":"5554787672"},{"type":"0","identifier":"4085555270"},{"type":"0","identifier":"4085553514"},{"type":"1","identifier":""},{"type":"0","identifier":"8885555512"},{"type":"0","identifier":"8885551212"},{"type":"1","identifier":""},{"type":"0","identifier":"5555228243"},{"type":"1","identifier":""},{"type":"0","identifier":"5557664823"},{"type":"0","identifier":"7075551854"},{"type":"0","identifier":"5556106679"}]
  240. 200 [0.189]
  241. [Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, Content-Type: application/json, Server: nginx/1.6.3, Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Api-Version, Request-Id, Response-Time, Content-MD5: MF2/PQknGf1bsD4LTArNyg==, Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Content-Type, Date, Api-Version, Response-Time, Response-Time: 67, Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 16:16:58 GMT, Content-Length: 628, Connection: keep-alive, Request-Id: 63d6a6d4-0874-42a3-b710-9b651d3c3782]
  242. [{"code":400,"msg":" is not valid email"},{"code":400,"msg":"5555648583 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"4155553695 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"5554787672 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"4085555270 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"4085553514 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"8885555512 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"8885551212 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"5555228243 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"5557664823 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"7075551854 is not valid MSISDN"},{"code":400,"msg":"5556106679 is not valid MSISDN"}]
  244. GET
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  247. 200 [0.148]
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  249. [{"first_name":"Yas","default_region_code":"US","last_name":"","rawId":"15153444245","contact_info":[{"type":"0","identifier":"+15153444245"}],"user_id":"3b7aa04abf9db016f58fd93c28d989ac501442ca"},{"default_region_code":"US","rawId":"15157104343","contact_info":[{"type":"0","identifier":"+15157104343"}],"user_id":"bab8add9fbef31996efd6904f0811780bc63520b"}]
  251. 11:17:01.929 tsx0x61d000157 Timeout timer event
  252. 11:17:01.929 tsx0x61d000157 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER
  253. 11:17:01.929 tsx0x61d000157 Timeout timer event
  254. 11:17:01.929 tsx0x61d000157 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
  255. 11:17:01.929 tdta0x62100040 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36608 (tdta0x621000406100)
  256. 11:17:01.929 tsx0x61d000157 Transaction destroyed!
  257. 2015-12-21 11:17:02.179 FASK[20426:1693217] >>> Updating presence
  258. 2015-12-21 11:17:02.180 FASK[20426:1693217] Sending message over wamp - - {
  259. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  260. fields = {
  261. status = active;
  262. };
  263. record = 0;
  264. ttl = 600;
  265. user = "";
  266. }
  267. 2015-12-21 11:17:02.182 FASK[20426:1693217] Sending message over wamp - - {
  268. users = (
  269. "",
  270. ""
  271. );
  272. }
  273. 2015-12-21 11:17:02.225 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"rw6aGJVrXDtMAX9q1o0c",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  274. 2015-12-21 11:17:02.225 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  275. refreshDelay = 300;
  276. }
  277. 2015-12-21 11:17:02.303 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"01JtWPVDkl1UZzuf8JPX",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  278. 2015-12-21 11:17:02.303 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  279. {
  280. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  281. fields = {
  282. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  283. };
  284. result = ok;
  285. user = "";
  286. },
  287. {
  288. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  289. fields = {
  290. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  291. };
  292. result = ok;
  293. user = "";
  294. }
  295. )
  296. 2015-12-21 11:17:26.935 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didCloseWithCode:reason:wasClean:] DID CLOSE reason Stream end encountered 0
  297. 2015-12-21 11:17:26.936 FASK[20426:1693025] Connection close - code: 0 reason: Stream end encountered
  298. 2015-12-21 11:17:32.188 FASK[20426:1693232] >>> Updating presence
  299. 2015-12-21 11:17:32.188 FASK[20426:1693232] Sending message over wamp - - {
  300. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  301. fields = {
  302. status = active;
  303. };
  304. record = 0;
  305. ttl = 600;
  306. user = "";
  307. }
  308. 2015-12-21 11:17:32.190 FASK[20426:1693232] Sending message over wamp - - {
  309. users = (
  310. "",
  311. ""
  312. );
  313. }
  314. 2015-12-21 11:17:32.227 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"MBkMaj4RQwtHm63BLREw",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  315. 2015-12-21 11:17:32.227 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  316. refreshDelay = 300;
  317. }
  318. 2015-12-21 11:17:32.259 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"35JUu62uFIJSJwgkVc2o",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  319. 2015-12-21 11:17:32.259 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  320. {
  321. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  322. fields = {
  323. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  324. };
  325. result = ok;
  326. user = "";
  327. },
  328. {
  329. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  330. fields = {
  331. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  332. };
  333. result = ok;
  334. user = "";
  335. }
  336. )
  337. 2015-12-21 11:18:02.184 FASK[20426:1693610] >>> Updating presence
  338. 2015-12-21 11:18:02.185 FASK[20426:1693610] Sending message over wamp - - {
  339. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  340. fields = {
  341. status = active;
  342. };
  343. record = 0;
  344. ttl = 600;
  345. user = "";
  346. }
  347. 2015-12-21 11:18:02.186 FASK[20426:1693610] Sending message over wamp - - {
  348. users = (
  349. "",
  350. ""
  351. );
  352. }
  353. 2015-12-21 11:18:02.381 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"Ooy1kq2w86j34uPqrKdx",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  354. 2015-12-21 11:18:02.381 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  355. refreshDelay = 300;
  356. }
  357. 2015-12-21 11:18:02.426 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"SoHdaoEzH9dWnTPOAICB",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  358. 2015-12-21 11:18:02.427 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  359. {
  360. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  361. fields = {
  362. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  363. };
  364. result = ok;
  365. user = "";
  366. },
  367. {
  368. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  369. fields = {
  370. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  371. };
  372. result = ok;
  373. user = "";
  374. }
  375. )
  376. 2015-12-21 11:18:32.185 FASK[20426:1693608] >>> Updating presence
  377. 2015-12-21 11:18:32.186 FASK[20426:1693608] Sending message over wamp - - {
  378. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  379. fields = {
  380. status = active;
  381. };
  382. record = 0;
  383. ttl = 600;
  384. user = "";
  385. }
  386. 2015-12-21 11:18:32.187 FASK[20426:1693608] Sending message over wamp - - {
  387. users = (
  388. "",
  389. ""
  390. );
  391. }
  392. 2015-12-21 11:18:32.216 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"Gl6CZOsHYN6q4EMVsRK0",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  393. 2015-12-21 11:18:32.217 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  394. refreshDelay = 300;
  395. }
  396. 2015-12-21 11:18:32.251 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"QpO69eMBoOEu2D0RRiar",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  397. 2015-12-21 11:18:32.251 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  398. {
  399. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  400. fields = {
  401. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  402. };
  403. result = ok;
  404. user = "";
  405. },
  406. {
  407. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  408. fields = {
  409. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  410. };
  411. result = ok;
  412. user = "";
  413. }
  414. )
  415. 2015-12-21 11:19:02.188 FASK[20426:1694020] >>> Updating presence
  416. 2015-12-21 11:19:02.189 FASK[20426:1694020] Sending message over wamp - - {
  417. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  418. fields = {
  419. status = active;
  420. };
  421. record = 0;
  422. ttl = 600;
  423. user = "";
  424. }
  425. 2015-12-21 11:19:02.191 FASK[20426:1694020] Sending message over wamp - - {
  426. users = (
  427. "",
  428. ""
  429. );
  430. }
  431. 2015-12-21 11:19:02.229 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"yXasbmGM4QEM8TK70WAe",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  432. 2015-12-21 11:19:02.229 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  433. refreshDelay = 300;
  434. }
  435. 2015-12-21 11:19:02.269 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"mFRhIH1ZsUJirjRLMZXH",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  436. 2015-12-21 11:19:02.269 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  437. {
  438. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  439. fields = {
  440. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  441. };
  442. result = ok;
  443. user = "";
  444. },
  445. {
  446. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  447. fields = {
  448. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  449. };
  450. result = ok;
  451. user = "";
  452. }
  453. )
  454. 2015-12-21 11:19:32.188 FASK[20426:1694138] >>> Updating presence
  455. 2015-12-21 11:19:32.189 FASK[20426:1694138] Sending message over wamp - - {
  456. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  457. fields = {
  458. status = active;
  459. };
  460. record = 0;
  461. ttl = 600;
  462. user = "";
  463. }
  464. 2015-12-21 11:19:32.190 FASK[20426:1694138] Sending message over wamp - - {
  465. users = (
  466. "",
  467. ""
  468. );
  469. }
  470. 2015-12-21 11:19:32.235 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"rbVpxgom5pHkubK5iBWT",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  471. 2015-12-21 11:19:32.235 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  472. refreshDelay = 300;
  473. }
  474. 2015-12-21 11:19:32.266 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"Vf3FFMQRmpaUIzD7XrkS",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  475. 2015-12-21 11:19:32.267 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  476. {
  477. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  478. fields = {
  479. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  480. };
  481. result = ok;
  482. user = "";
  483. },
  484. {
  485. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  486. fields = {
  487. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  488. };
  489. result = ok;
  490. user = "";
  491. }
  492. )
  493. 2015-12-21 11:20:02.186 FASK[20426:1694260] >>> Updating presence
  494. 2015-12-21 11:20:02.187 FASK[20426:1694260] Sending message over wamp - - {
  495. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  496. fields = {
  497. status = active;
  498. };
  499. record = 0;
  500. ttl = 600;
  501. user = "";
  502. }
  503. 2015-12-21 11:20:02.188 FASK[20426:1694260] Sending message over wamp - - {
  504. users = (
  505. "",
  506. ""
  507. );
  508. }
  509. 2015-12-21 11:20:02.217 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"Zt5MNFHzHfIeBBkIQ3a3",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  510. 2015-12-21 11:20:02.217 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  511. refreshDelay = 300;
  512. }
  513. 2015-12-21 11:20:02.265 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"j3PtrSqHDTacEVpTbzIk",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  514. 2015-12-21 11:20:02.266 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  515. {
  516. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  517. fields = {
  518. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  519. };
  520. result = ok;
  521. user = "";
  522. },
  523. {
  524. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  525. fields = {
  526. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  527. };
  528. result = ok;
  529. user = "";
  530. }
  531. )
  532. 2015-12-21 11:20:32.185 FASK[20426:1694497] >>> Updating presence
  533. 2015-12-21 11:20:32.186 FASK[20426:1694497] Sending message over wamp - - {
  534. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  535. fields = {
  536. status = active;
  537. };
  538. record = 0;
  539. ttl = 600;
  540. user = "";
  541. }
  542. 2015-12-21 11:20:32.188 FASK[20426:1694497] Sending message over wamp - - {
  543. users = (
  544. "",
  545. ""
  546. );
  547. }
  548. 2015-12-21 11:20:32.229 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"VRFYUrhmlAfL3y5nInuL",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  549. 2015-12-21 11:20:32.230 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  550. refreshDelay = 300;
  551. }
  552. 2015-12-21 11:20:32.280 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"8NoElWXDNgpi0x8Mfh0J",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  553. 2015-12-21 11:20:32.289 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  554. {
  555. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  556. fields = {
  557. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  558. };
  559. result = ok;
  560. user = "";
  561. },
  562. {
  563. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  564. fields = {
  565. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  566. };
  567. result = ok;
  568. user = "";
  569. }
  570. )
  571. 2015-12-21 11:21:02.183 FASK[20426:1695526] >>> Updating presence
  572. 2015-12-21 11:21:02.185 FASK[20426:1695526] Sending message over wamp - - {
  573. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  574. fields = {
  575. status = active;
  576. };
  577. record = 0;
  578. ttl = 600;
  579. user = "";
  580. }
  581. 2015-12-21 11:21:02.186 FASK[20426:1695526] Sending message over wamp - - {
  582. users = (
  583. "",
  584. ""
  585. );
  586. }
  587. 2015-12-21 11:21:02.219 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"hXWcLTGU74f5JM9ukZ0z",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  588. 2015-12-21 11:21:02.220 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  589. refreshDelay = 300;
  590. }
  591. 2015-12-21 11:21:02.286 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"6fZyVZA172CgQYAbrIyo",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684435769"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  592. 2015-12-21 11:21:02.286 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  593. {
  594. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  595. fields = {
  596. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684435769;
  597. };
  598. result = ok;
  599. user = "";
  600. },
  601. {
  602. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  603. fields = {
  604. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  605. };
  606. result = ok;
  607. user = "";
  608. }
  609. )
  610. 2015-12-21 11:21:32.187 FASK[20426:1695849] >>> Updating presence
  611. 2015-12-21 11:21:32.188 FASK[20426:1695849] Sending message over wamp - - {
  612. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  613. fields = {
  614. status = active;
  615. };
  616. record = 0;
  617. ttl = 600;
  618. user = "";
  619. }
  620. 2015-12-21 11:21:32.189 FASK[20426:1695849] Sending message over wamp - - {
  621. users = (
  622. "",
  623. ""
  624. );
  625. }
  626. 2015-12-21 11:21:32.232 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"CWmOil9MB0D9Xcxs50l4",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  627. 2015-12-21 11:21:32.232 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  628. refreshDelay = 300;
  629. }
  630. 2015-12-21 11:21:32.267 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"tnbACbewjSbooE3Qr4ew",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714875538","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450684430377"}}]]
  631. 2015-12-21 11:21:32.267 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  632. {
  633. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  634. fields = {
  635. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714875538;
  636. status = active;
  637. };
  638. result = ok;
  639. user = "";
  640. },
  641. {
  642. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  643. fields = {
  644. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450684430377;
  645. };
  646. result = ok;
  647. user = "";
  648. }
  649. )
  650. 2015-12-21 11:22:02.186 FASK[20426:1696595] >>> Updating presence
  651. 2015-12-21 11:22:02.187 FASK[20426:1696595] Sending message over wamp - - {
  652. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  653. fields = {
  654. status = active;
  655. };
  656. record = 0;
  657. ttl = 600;
  658. user = "";
  659. }
  660. 2015-12-21 11:22:02.188 FASK[20426:1696595] Sending message over wamp - - {
  661. users = (
  662. "",
  663. ""
  664. );
  665. }
  666. 2015-12-21 11:22:02.220 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"thuKCk37cf2MLVPQxtCY",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  667. 2015-12-21 11:22:02.220 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  668. refreshDelay = 300;
  669. }
  670. 2015-12-21 11:22:02.264 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"EfFwlACU5gIqG31IfxIA",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714905560","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714920873","status":"active"}}]]
  671. 2015-12-21 11:22:02.264 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  672. {
  673. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  674. fields = {
  675. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714905560;
  676. status = active;
  677. };
  678. result = ok;
  679. user = "";
  680. },
  681. {
  682. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  683. fields = {
  684. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714920873;
  685. status = active;
  686. };
  687. result = ok;
  688. user = "";
  689. }
  690. )
  691. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.141 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [8,"",{"content":"{\n \"Body\" : \"Call Started.\",\n \"Attachment\" : \"joinConferenceCall:1ada734c629d2287\\/\\/1\",\n \"CreatedOn\" : \"2015-12-21T16:22:08.64Z\",\n \"AttachmentType\" : \"action\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"3B650011-3052-4497-9946-F02CE947C8FF\"\n}","from":"","fromDevice":";gr=urn:uuid:cbdb1296-fbf3-4a08-b618-c897c37e3f6a","fromApiKey":"RzVVHJQ1y80o","fromFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","toFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","toChatRoomId":"08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119","subject":"Yas,","msgId":"fbb15a29-a7fe-11e5-9391-0dd377259710","submitted":1450714929090}]
  692. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.142 FASK[20426:1693025] Received message - {
  693. content = "{\n \"Body\" : \"Call Started.\",\n \"Attachment\" : \"joinConferenceCall:1ada734c629d2287\\/\\/1\",\n \"CreatedOn\" : \"2015-12-21T16:22:08.64Z\",\n \"AttachmentType\" : \"action\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"3B650011-3052-4497-9946-F02CE947C8FF\"\n}";
  694. from = "";
  695. fromApiKey = RzVVHJQ1y80o;
  696. fromDevice = ";gr=urn:uuid:cbdb1296-fbf3-4a08-b618-c897c37e3f6a";
  697. fromFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  698. msgId = "fbb15a29-a7fe-11e5-9391-0dd377259710";
  699. subject = "Yas,";
  700. submitted = 1450714929090;
  701. toChatRoomId = "08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119";
  702. toFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  703. }
  704. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.143 FASK[20426:1693025] Chat room 08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119. Content - {
  705. "Body" : "Call Started.",
  706. "Attachment" : "joinConferenceCall:1ada734c629d2287\/\/1",
  707. "CreatedOn" : "2015-12-21T16:22:08.64Z",
  708. "AttachmentType" : "action",
  709. "MessageId" : "3B650011-3052-4497-9946-F02CE947C8FF"
  710. } from
  711. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.279 FASK[20426:1693025] Received action to join conference call with id 1ada734c629d2287//1
  712. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.294 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030000daf80> name: next: <Call: 0x6110000a1bc0> (entity: Call; id: 0xd000000000f80008 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Call/p62> ; data: {
  713. chat = "0xd000000000140006 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Chat/p5>";
  714. dateTime = "2015-12-21 16:22:09 +0000";
  715. direction = 0;
  716. finishTime = nil;
  717. identifier = nil;
  718. kind = 1;
  719. startTime = nil;
  720. status = 0;
  721. })
  722. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.294 FASK[20426:1693025] Call Status: <Call: 0x6110000a1bc0> (entity: Call; id: 0xd000000000f80008 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Call/p62> ; data: {
  723. chat = "0xd000000000140006 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Chat/p5>";
  724. dateTime = "2015-12-21 16:22:09 +0000";
  725. direction = 0;
  726. finishTime = nil;
  727. identifier = nil;
  728. kind = 1;
  729. startTime = nil;
  730. status = 0;
  731. })
  732. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.390 FASK[20426:1693025] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
  733. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
  734. Try this:
  735. (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
  736. (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
  737. (
  738. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070000144c0 V:[UIButton:0x617000013480(65)]>",
  739. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000014ae0 V:|-(0)-[UIButton:0x617000013480] (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220280 )>",
  740. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000014b50 V:[UIButton:0x617000013480]-(0)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220280 )>",
  741. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220ce0 V:[UIButton:0x617000012a00(65)]>",
  742. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070002207a0 V:[UIButton:0x617000013100]-(0)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x61300021ff00 )>",
  743. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220730 V:|-(0)-[UIButton:0x617000013100] (Names: '|':UIView:0x61300021ff00 )>",
  744. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220650 UIButton:0x617000012d80.height == UIButton:0x617000012a00.height>",
  745. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220500 UIButton:0x617000012d80.height == UIButton:0x617000013100.height>",
  746. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070002201f0 V:|-(0)-[UIView:0x61300021ff00] (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220440 )>",
  747. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220030 V:[UIView:0x61300021ff00]-(10)-[UIView:0x613000220280]>",
  748. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700021ffc0 V:[UIView:0x613000220280]-(20)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220440 )>",
  749. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700021e970 V:[FASK.LocalCameraCollectionView:0x61c00003d880]-(0)-[UIView:0x613000220440]>",
  750. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700023dfb0 V:[UIView:0x613000220440]-(0)-[_UILayoutGuide:0x614000042a40]>",
  751. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700021faf0 V:[FASK.LocalCameraCollectionView:0x61c00003d880]-(170)-[_UILayoutGuide:0x614000042a40]>"
  752. )
  754. Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
  755. <NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220ce0 V:[UIButton:0x617000012a00(65)]>
  757. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
  758. The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
  759. 2015-12-21 11:22:09.391 FASK[20426:1693025] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
  760. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
  761. Try this:
  762. (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
  763. (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
  764. (
  765. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070000144c0 V:[UIButton:0x617000013480(65)]>",
  766. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000014ae0 V:|-(0)-[UIButton:0x617000013480] (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220280 )>",
  767. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000014b50 V:[UIButton:0x617000013480]-(0)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220280 )>",
  768. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220c70 UIButton:0x617000012a00.width == UIButton:0x617000012a00.height>",
  769. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220b20 H:[UIButton:0x617000012680(65)]>",
  770. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070002207a0 V:[UIButton:0x617000013100]-(0)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x61300021ff00 )>",
  771. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220730 V:|-(0)-[UIButton:0x617000013100] (Names: '|':UIView:0x61300021ff00 )>",
  772. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220650 UIButton:0x617000012d80.height == UIButton:0x617000012a00.height>",
  773. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220570 UIButton:0x617000012d80.width == UIButton:0x617000012a00.width>",
  774. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220500 UIButton:0x617000012d80.height == UIButton:0x617000013100.height>",
  775. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070002202d0 UIButton:0x617000012680.width == UIButton:0x617000012d80.width>",
  776. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070002201f0 V:|-(0)-[UIView:0x61300021ff00] (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220440 )>",
  777. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x607000220030 V:[UIView:0x61300021ff00]-(10)-[UIView:0x613000220280]>",
  778. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700021ffc0 V:[UIView:0x613000220280]-(20)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x613000220440 )>",
  779. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700021e970 V:[FASK.LocalCameraCollectionView:0x61c00003d880]-(0)-[UIView:0x613000220440]>",
  780. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700023dfb0 V:[UIView:0x613000220440]-(0)-[_UILayoutGuide:0x614000042a40]>",
  781. "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60700021faf0 V:[FASK.LocalCameraCollectionView:0x61c00003d880]-(170)-[_UILayoutGuide:0x614000042a40]>"
  782. )
  784. Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
  785. <NSLayoutConstraint:0x6070000144c0 V:[UIButton:0x617000013480(65)]>
  787. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
  788. The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
  789. 2015-12-21 11:22:13.895 FASK[20426:1693025] Call.accept called
  790. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  791. 2015-12-21 11:22:13.897 FASK[20426:1693025] -[ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSession initWithConferenceId:sdk:]
  792. 2015-12-21 11:22:13.898 FASK[20426:1693025] Sending message over wamp - - {
  793. content = "{\"requestId\":\"253246C0-6EF3-4DA5-89F9-B73DB7255A43\",\"rpcName\":\"joinConference\",\"service\":\"conferencing\",\"params\":{\"id\":\"1ada734c629d2287\"}}";
  794. contentType = "application/x-acision-sdk-rpc-request";
  795. "delivery_modes" = (
  796. immediate
  797. );
  798. from = "";
  799. fromDevice = ";gr=urn:uuid:468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  800. to = (
  801. ""
  802. );
  803. }
  804. 2015-12-21 11:22:13.980 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"SCPfXewMOzkUUsG9sITn",{"msgid":"fe925a0d-a7fe-11e5-9ec4-085ff97fc8f7","submitted":1450714933920}]
  805. 2015-12-21 11:22:13.981 FASK[20426:1693025] Message send succeeded - {
  806. msgid = "fe925a0d-a7fe-11e5-9ec4-085ff97fc8f7";
  807. submitted = 1450714933920;
  808. }
  809. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.030 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [8,"",{"content":"{\"requestId\":\"253246C0-6EF3-4DA5-89F9-B73DB7255A43\",\"errCode\":null,\"result\":{\"focusRpc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca\",\"focusWebrtc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca;conferenceid=1ada734c629d2287\"}}","contentType":"application/x-acision-sdk-rpc-response","from":"","fromDevice":";gr=urn:uuid:74ca5130-9a77-11e5-b6b5-31dbce7bca6c","fromApiKey":"q2IDEz3iJvgm","fromFederationTag":"infrastructure","toFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","msgId":"fea063cf-a7fe-11e5-a693-2a5dc0574900","submitted":1450714934012}]
  810. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.030 FASK[20426:1693025] Received message - {
  811. content = "{\"requestId\":\"253246C0-6EF3-4DA5-89F9-B73DB7255A43\",\"errCode\":null,\"result\":{\"focusRpc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca\",\"focusWebrtc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca;conferenceid=1ada734c629d2287\"}}";
  812. contentType = "application/x-acision-sdk-rpc-response";
  813. from = "";
  814. fromApiKey = q2IDEz3iJvgm;
  815. fromDevice = ";gr=urn:uuid:74ca5130-9a77-11e5-b6b5-31dbce7bca6c";
  816. fromFederationTag = infrastructure;
  817. msgId = "fea063cf-a7fe-11e5-a693-2a5dc0574900";
  818. submitted = 1450714934012;
  819. toFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  820. }
  821. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.031 FASK[20426:1693025] Successful RPC response to request 253246C0-6EF3-4DA5-89F9-B73DB7255A43
  822. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.031 FASK[20426:1693025] Found focus RPC address;gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca
  823. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.031 FASK[20426:1693025] Found focus Webrtc address;gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca;conferenceid=1ada734c629d2287
  824. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.032 FASK[20426:1693025] Initialising session with;gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca;conferenceid=1ada734c629d2287
  825. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.034 FASK[20426:1693025] Start collecting stats every 5.000000s
  826. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.047 FASK[20426:1693025] Setting delegate for data channel 0
  827. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.132 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  828. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.132 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  829. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.132 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  830. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.132 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  831. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.133 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  832. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.348 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 2
  833. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.348 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE Gathering complete
  834. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.350 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Local Offer
  835. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.351 FASK[20426:1693025] Local SDP v=0
  836. o=- 3728334352 2 IN IP4
  837. s=-
  838. t=0 0
  839. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  840. a=msid-semantic: WMS E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76
  841. m=audio 16022 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 127 126
  842. c=IN IP4
  843. a=rtcp:17833 IN IP4
  844. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 50758 typ host generation 0
  845. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 55395 typ host generation 0
  846. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64137 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  847. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64138 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  848. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 50758 typ srflx raddr rport 50758 generation 0
  849. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 55395 typ srflx raddr rport 55395 generation 0
  850. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16022 typ relay raddr rport 50758 generation 0
  851. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 17833 typ relay raddr rport 55395 generation 0
  852. a=ice-ufrag:EGu8mw1J5LpmPPrE
  853. a=ice-pwd:Ys412jWtMzQrrxLYwD/XxnP3
  854. a=fingerprint:sha-256 8A:47:08:6C:E4:A2:38:ED:47:91:79:D4:C3:AF:27:A2:58:00:50:3A:CB:8E:1E:13:15:47:EC:86:46:6A:11:DB
  855. a=setup:actpass
  856. a=mid:audio
  857. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  858. a=extmap:3
  859. a=sendrecv
  860. a=rtcp-mux
  861. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  862. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  863. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  864. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  865. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  866. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  867. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  868. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  869. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  870. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  871. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  872. a=rtpmap:127 red/8000
  873. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  874. a=maxptime:60
  875. a=ssrc:1688802860 cname:CPm14PYw6dvIBV0F
  876. a=ssrc:1688802860 msid:E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76 AEEC0916-D523-4362-A1C0-04E13828ECFC
  877. a=ssrc:1688802860 mslabel:E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76
  878. a=ssrc:1688802860 label:AEEC0916-D523-4362-A1C0-04E13828ECFC
  879. m=video 17941 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 116 117 96
  880. c=IN IP4
  881. a=rtcp:61340 IN IP4
  882. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 52060 typ host generation 0
  883. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 61340 typ host generation 0
  884. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64140 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  885. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64141 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  886. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 61340 typ srflx raddr rport 61340 generation 0
  887. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 52060 typ srflx raddr rport 52060 generation 0
  888. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 17941 typ relay raddr rport 52060 generation 0
  889. a=ice-ufrag:EGu8mw1J5LpmPPrE
  890. a=ice-pwd:Ys412jWtMzQrrxLYwD/XxnP3
  891. a=fingerprint:sha-256 8A:47:08:6C:E4:A2:38:ED:47:91:79:D4:C3:AF:27:A2:58:00:50:3A:CB:8E:1E:13:15:47:EC:86:46:6A:11:DB
  892. a=setup:actpass
  893. a=mid:video
  894. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  895. a=extmap:3
  896. a=extmap:4 urn:3gpp:video-orientation
  897. a=recvonly
  898. a=rtcp-mux
  899. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  900. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  901. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  902. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  903. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  904. a=rtpmap:116 red/90000
  905. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  906. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  907. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  908. m=application 16417 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  909. c=IN IP4
  910. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 58122 typ host generation 0
  911. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64139 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  912. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 58122 typ srflx raddr rport 58122 generation 0
  913. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16417 typ relay raddr rport 58122 generation 0
  914. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066336767 16872 typ relay raddr rport 64132 generation 0
  915. a=ice-ufrag:EGu8mw1J5LpmPPrE
  916. a=ice-pwd:Ys412jWtMzQrrxLYwD/XxnP3
  917. a=fingerprint:sha-256 8A:47:08:6C:E4:A2:38:ED:47:91:79:D4:C3:AF:27:A2:58:00:50:3A:CB:8E:1E:13:15:47:EC:86:46:6A:11:DB
  918. a=setup:actpass
  919. a=mid:data
  920. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  921. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.352 FASK[20426:1693025] sendInviteWithSdp to <;gr=urn:uuid:85514760-9a91-11e5-bd6c-b3f966fec1ca;conferenceid=1ada734c629d2287;transport=ws>
  922. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.352 FASK[20426:1693025] Sending invite
  923. 11:22:14.353 dlg0x61d0001db UAC dialog created
  924. 11:22:14.353 dlg0x61d0001db Module mod-invite added as dialog usage, data=0x6150001806a8
  925. 11:22:14.353 dlg0x61d0001db .Session count inc to 2 by mod-invite
  926. 11:22:14.353 dlg0x61d0001db Module mod-100rel added as dialog usage, data=0x61500019c734
  927. 11:22:14.353 dlg0x61d0001db 100rel module attached
  928. 11:22:14.353 inv0x61d0001db UAC invite session created for dialog dlg0x61d0001dbb28
  929. 11:22:14.354 endpoint Request msg INVITE/cseq=20812 (tdta0x621000143d00) created.
  930. 11:22:14.354 inv0x61d0001db .Sending Request msg INVITE/cseq=20812 (tdta0x621000143d00)
  931. 11:22:14.354 dlg0x61d0001db ..Sending Request msg INVITE/cseq=20812 (tdta0x621000143d00)
  932. 11:22:14.354 tsx0x61d0001d9 ...Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=20811 (tdta0x621000143d00)
  933. 11:22:14.354 tsx0x61d0001d9 ..Sending Request msg INVITE/cseq=20811 (tdta0x621000143d00) in state Null
  934. 11:22:14.354 endpoint ...Request msg INVITE/cseq=20811 (tdta0x621000143d00): skipping target resolution because address is already set
  935. 11:22:14.354 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_tx_msg
  936. 11:22:14.354 tsx0x61d0001d9 ...State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG
  937. 11:22:14.355 dlg0x61d0001db ....Transaction tsx0x61d0001d9d28 state changed to Calling
  938. 11:22:14.355 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_state_changed 1
  939. 11:22:14.355 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  940. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.355 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onConnecting
  941. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.355 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 0
  942. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.356 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 0
  943. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.356 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Connecting >>>
  944. 11:22:14.407 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  945. 11:22:14.408 tsx0x61d0001d9 .Incoming Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Calling
  946. 11:22:14.408 tsx0x61d0001d9 ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG
  947. 11:22:14.408 dlg0x61d0001db ...Received Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  948. 11:22:14.408 dlg0x61d0001db ...Transaction tsx0x61d0001d9d28 state changed to Proceeding
  949. 11:22:14.408 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  950. 11:22:14.493 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  951. 11:22:14.493 tsx0x61d0001d9 .Incoming Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Proceeding
  952. 11:22:14.493 tsx0x61d0001d9 ..State changed from Proceeding to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG
  953. 11:22:14.493 dlg0x61d0001db ...Received Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  954. 11:22:14.493 dlg0x61d0001db ....Route-set updated
  955. 11:22:14.493 dlg0x61d0001db ...Transaction tsx0x61d0001d9d28 state changed to Proceeding
  956. 11:22:14.494 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_state_changed 3
  957. 11:22:14.494 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  958. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.494 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onProvisional
  959. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  960. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  961. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.554 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 2
  962. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.554 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 2
  963. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.554 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Ringing >>>
  964. 11:22:14.672 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  965. 11:22:14.672 tsx0x61d0001d9 .Incoming Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Proceeding
  966. 11:22:14.672 tsx0x61d0001d9 ..State changed from Proceeding to Terminated, event=RX_MSG
  967. 11:22:14.672 dlg0x61d0001db ...Received Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  968. 11:22:14.672 dlg0x61d0001db ....Route-set updated
  969. 11:22:14.672 dlg0x61d0001db ....Route-set frozen
  970. 11:22:14.672 dlg0x61d0001db ...Transaction tsx0x61d0001d9d28 state changed to Terminated
  971. 11:22:14.672 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_state_changed 4
  972. 11:22:14.672 inv0x61d0001db ....Got SDP answer in Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  973. 11:22:14.672 inv0x61d0001db ....SDP negotiation done, status=0
  974. 11:22:14.672 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_media_update
  975. 11:22:14.672 inv0x61d0001db ....Received Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=20811 (rdata0x62d0000b4428), sending ACK
  976. 11:22:14.672 endpoint ....Request msg ACK/cseq=20811 (tdta0x6210000f6500) created.
  977. 11:22:14.672 dlg0x61d0001db .....Sending Request msg ACK/cseq=20811 (tdta0x6210000f6500)
  978. 11:22:14.673 sip_resolve.c .....Target '' type=WS resolved to '' type=WS ((null))
  979. 11:22:14.673 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_tx_msg
  980. 11:22:14.673 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_state_changed 5
  981. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.673 FASK[20426:1693025] Acision Header: AcisionSDK-MediaStreamData: {"8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"188","endpointID":"188"},"E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"189","endpointID":"189"}}
  982. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.673 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"188","endpointID":"188"},"E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"189","endpointID":"189"}}
  983. 11:22:14.674 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  984. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.674 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Remote Answer
  985. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.674 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote SDP v=0
  986. o=- 3659703734 0 IN IP4
  987. s=-
  988. t=0 0
  989. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  990. a=msid-semantic:WMS *
  991. m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  992. c=IN IP6 ::
  993. a=mid:audio
  994. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  995. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  996. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  997. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  998. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  999. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  1000. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  1001. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  1002. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  1003. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  1004. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  1005. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  1006. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  1007. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  1008. a=maxptime:60
  1009. a=sendrecv
  1010. a=ssrc:622699395 cname:l6wPW3/TakS0T1Gq
  1011. a=ssrc:622699395 msid:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0 1B8F5F28-0DC7-4366-9863-00C308420F1B
  1012. a=ssrc:622699395 mslabel:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0
  1013. a=ssrc:622699395 label:1B8F5F28-0DC7-4366-9863-00C308420F1B
  1014. a=ssrc:3807128200 cname:ff007521-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1015. a=ssrc:3807128200 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-fee795f0-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6 X-AcisionSDK-Internal-ff007520-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1016. a=ice-ufrag:35lvf1a72libb9
  1017. a=ice-pwd:404ilbdev5up6ffg6ih0ok35cf
  1018. a=fingerprint:sha-1 B0:73:8A:93:12:04:58:E6:3A:AA:92:4C:F3:43:81:B6:1B:05:9B:CE
  1019. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10184 typ host generation 0
  1020. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  1021. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  1022. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10184 typ srflx raddr rport 10184 generation 0
  1023. a=rtcp-mux
  1024. a=setup:passive
  1025. m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  1026. c=IN IP6 ::
  1027. a=mid:video
  1028. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  1029. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  1030. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  1031. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  1032. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  1033. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  1034. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  1035. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  1036. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  1037. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  1038. a=sendonly
  1039. a=ssrc:950957296 cname:l6wPW3/TakS0T1Gq
  1040. a=ssrc:950957296 msid:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0 D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1041. a=ssrc:950957296 mslabel:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0
  1042. a=ssrc:950957296 label:D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1043. a=ssrc:1069746419 cname:l6wPW3/TakS0T1Gq
  1044. a=ssrc:1069746419 msid:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0 D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1045. a=ssrc:1069746419 mslabel:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0
  1046. a=ssrc:1069746419 label:D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1047. a=ssrc:9127100 cname:ff007523-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1048. a=ssrc:9127100 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-fee795f0-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6 X-AcisionSDK-Internal-ff007522-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1049. a=ssrc-group:FID 950957296 1069746419
  1050. a=ice-ufrag:35lvf1a72libb9
  1051. a=ice-pwd:404ilbdev5up6ffg6ih0ok35cf
  1052. a=fingerprint:sha-1 B0:73:8A:93:12:04:58:E6:3A:AA:92:4C:F3:43:81:B6:1B:05:9B:CE
  1053. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10184 typ host generation 0
  1054. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  1055. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  1056. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10184 typ srflx raddr rport 10184 generation 0
  1057. a=rtcp-mux
  1058. a=setup:passive
  1059. m=application 9 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  1060. c=IN IP6 ::
  1061. a=mid:data
  1062. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  1063. a=ice-ufrag:35lvf1a72libb9
  1064. a=ice-pwd:404ilbdev5up6ffg6ih0ok35cf
  1065. a=fingerprint:sha-1 B0:73:8A:93:12:04:58:E6:3A:AA:92:4C:F3:43:81:B6:1B:05:9B:CE
  1066. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10184 typ host generation 0
  1067. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  1068. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  1069. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10184 typ srflx raddr rport 10184 generation 0
  1070. a=rtcp-mux
  1071. a=setup:passive
  1072. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.700 FASK[20426:1693025] <ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCStream: 0x60d00006e0f0>: Committing new media stream
  1073. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.700 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: not ready to commit
  1074. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.701 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream (label 8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0)
  1075. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.701 FASK[20426:1693025] Received video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1076. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.701 FASK[20426:1693025] Received audio track 1B8F5F28-0DC7-4366-9863-00C308420F1B
  1077. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.701 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream (label X-AcisionSDK-Internal-fee795f0-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6)
  1078. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.702 FASK[20426:1693025] Received video track X-AcisionSDK-Internal-ff007522-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1079. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.702 FASK[20426:1693025] Received audio track X-AcisionSDK-Internal-ff007520-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1080. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.702 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: comitting updates
  1081. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.702 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process adding of stream with label 8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0
  1082. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.703 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 188
  1083. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.703 FASK[20426:1693025] Using default remote view
  1084. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.726 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000037e40; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x603000116bc0>> in view (null)
  1085. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.727 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process adding of stream with label X-AcisionSDK-Internal-fee795f0-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1086. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.727 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Skipping add of stream with label X-AcisionSDK-Internal-fee795f0-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1087. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.727 FASK[20426:1693025] Calling onConnected
  1088. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.727 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onConnected - NEW CALL CONNECTED
  1089. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.731 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 1
  1090. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.731 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 1
  1091. 2015-12-21 11:22:14.731 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Connected >>>
  1092. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  1093. 11:22:16.914 tsx0x61d0001d9 Timeout timer event
  1094. 11:22:16.914 tsx0x61d0001d9 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
  1095. 11:22:16.914 tsx0x61d0001d9 Transaction destroyed!
  1096. 2015-12-21 11:22:16.937 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000037040; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030001b6700>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  1097. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  1098. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 0
  1099. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost -1
  1100. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter -1 mS
  1101. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.037 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT -1 mS
  1102. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  1103. 11:22:19.092 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg INVITE/cseq=6390 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1104. 11:22:19.092 dlg0x61d0001db .Received Request msg INVITE/cseq=6390 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1105. 11:22:19.092 tsx0x61d0001fd ...Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=6390 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1106. 11:22:19.092 tsx0x61d0001fd ..Incoming Request msg INVITE/cseq=6390 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Null
  1107. 11:22:19.092 tsx0x61d0001fd ...State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG
  1108. 11:22:19.092 dlg0x61d0001db ....Transaction tsx0x61d0001fd728 state changed to Trying
  1109. 11:22:19.092 inv0x61d0001db .....Got SDP offer in Request msg INVITE/cseq=6390 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1110. 11:22:19.092 inv0x61d0001db .....Ignoring on_rx_offer() status because on_rx_reinvite() is implemented
  1111. 11:22:19.092 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_rx_reinvite
  1112. 11:22:19.092 endpoint ......Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00) created
  1113. 11:22:19.092 dlg0x61d0001db ......Initial answer Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00)
  1114. 11:22:19.093 inv0x61d0001db ......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00)
  1115. 11:22:19.093 dlg0x61d0001db .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00)
  1116. 11:22:19.093 tsx0x61d0001fd .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00) in state Trying
  1117. 11:22:19.093 pjsip_wrapper. ........on_tx_msg
  1118. 11:22:19.093 tsx0x61d0001fd ........State changed from Trying to Proceeding, event=TX_MSG
  1119. 11:22:19.093 dlg0x61d0001db .........Transaction tsx0x61d0001fd728 state changed to Proceeding
  1120. 11:22:19.093 pjsip_wrapper. ..........on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  1121. 11:22:19.093 inv0x61d0001db .....on_rx_reinvite() returns 0
  1122. 11:22:19.093 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  1123. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.093 FASK[20426:1693025] Acision Header: AcisionSDK-MediaStreamData: {"8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"188","endpointID":"188"},"E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"189","endpointID":"189"},"39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"190","endpointID":"190"}}
  1124. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.101 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"188","endpointID":"188"},"E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"189","endpointID":"189"},"39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"190","endpointID":"190"}}
  1125. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.102 FASK[20426:1693025] Recording inactive, remote not changing recording
  1126. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.102 FASK[20426:1693025] DEBUG-setPropertiesFromHeaders customHeadersChanged 0, streamsChanged 0, unsafeChange 0
  1127. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.105 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>>> onRenegotiateRequest
  1128. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.105 FASK[20426:1693025] WARNING: Ignoring application request, conference negotiations are automatically accepted
  1129. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.105 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  1130. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.105 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Remote Offer
  1131. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.106 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote SDP v=0
  1132. o=- 3659703734 1 IN IP4
  1133. s=-
  1134. t=0 0
  1135. a=msid-semantic:WMS *
  1136. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  1137. m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  1138. c=IN IP6 ::
  1139. a=ice-ufrag:35lvf1a72libb9
  1140. a=ice-pwd:404ilbdev5up6ffg6ih0ok35cf
  1141. a=fingerprint:sha-1 B0:73:8A:93:12:04:58:E6:3A:AA:92:4C:F3:43:81:B6:1B:05:9B:CE
  1142. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10184 typ host generation 0
  1143. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  1144. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  1145. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10184 typ srflx raddr rport 10184 generation 0
  1146. a=rtcp-mux
  1147. a=setup:actpass
  1148. a=mid:audio
  1149. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  1150. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  1151. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  1152. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  1153. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  1154. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  1155. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  1156. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  1157. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  1158. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  1159. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  1160. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  1161. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  1162. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  1163. a=maxptime:60
  1164. a=sendrecv
  1165. a=ssrc:622699395 cname:l6wPW3/TakS0T1Gq
  1166. a=ssrc:622699395 msid:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0 1B8F5F28-0DC7-4366-9863-00C308420F1B
  1167. a=ssrc:622699395 mslabel:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0
  1168. a=ssrc:622699395 label:1B8F5F28-0DC7-4366-9863-00C308420F1B
  1169. a=ssrc:3256924161 cname:CGHRHnGv42FVW1fu
  1170. a=ssrc:3256924161 msid:39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3 C22C9462-64B0-469A-86AC-405D69339A6C
  1171. a=ssrc:3256924161 mslabel:39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3
  1172. a=ssrc:3256924161 label:C22C9462-64B0-469A-86AC-405D69339A6C
  1173. a=ssrc:3807128200 cname:ff007521-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1174. a=ssrc:3807128200 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-fee795f0-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6 X-AcisionSDK-Internal-ff007520-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1175. m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  1176. c=IN IP6 ::
  1177. a=ice-ufrag:35lvf1a72libb9
  1178. a=ice-pwd:404ilbdev5up6ffg6ih0ok35cf
  1179. a=fingerprint:sha-1 B0:73:8A:93:12:04:58:E6:3A:AA:92:4C:F3:43:81:B6:1B:05:9B:CE
  1180. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10184 typ host generation 0
  1181. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  1182. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  1183. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10184 typ srflx raddr rport 10184 generation 0
  1184. a=rtcp-mux
  1185. a=setup:actpass
  1186. a=mid:video
  1187. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  1188. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  1189. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  1190. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  1191. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  1192. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  1193. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  1194. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  1195. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  1196. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  1197. a=sendonly
  1198. a=ssrc:950957296 cname:l6wPW3/TakS0T1Gq
  1199. a=ssrc:950957296 msid:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0 D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1200. a=ssrc:950957296 mslabel:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0
  1201. a=ssrc:950957296 label:D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1202. a=ssrc:1069746419 cname:l6wPW3/TakS0T1Gq
  1203. a=ssrc:1069746419 msid:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0 D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1204. a=ssrc:1069746419 mslabel:8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0
  1205. a=ssrc:1069746419 label:D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E
  1206. a=ssrc:1166074883 cname:CGHRHnGv42FVW1fu
  1207. a=ssrc:1166074883 msid:39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3 AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2
  1208. a=ssrc:1166074883 mslabel:39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3
  1209. a=ssrc:1166074883 label:AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2
  1210. a=ssrc:2381219997 cname:CGHRHnGv42FVW1fu
  1211. a=ssrc:2381219997 msid:39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3 AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2
  1212. a=ssrc:2381219997 mslabel:39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3
  1213. a=ssrc:2381219997 label:AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2
  1214. a=ssrc:9127100 cname:ff007523-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1215. a=ssrc:9127100 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-fee795f0-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6 X-AcisionSDK-Internal-ff007522-a7fe-11e5-a5eb-ede71de899d6
  1216. a=ssrc-group:FID 950957296 1069746419
  1217. a=ssrc-group:FID 1166074883 2381219997
  1218. m=application 9 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  1219. c=IN IP6 ::
  1220. a=ice-ufrag:35lvf1a72libb9
  1221. a=ice-pwd:404ilbdev5up6ffg6ih0ok35cf
  1222. a=fingerprint:sha-1 B0:73:8A:93:12:04:58:E6:3A:AA:92:4C:F3:43:81:B6:1B:05:9B:CE
  1223. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10184 typ host generation 0
  1224. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  1225. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  1226. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10184 typ srflx raddr rport 10184 generation 0
  1227. a=rtcp-mux
  1228. a=setup:actpass
  1229. a=mid:data
  1230. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  1231. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.114 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream (label 39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3)
  1232. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.114 FASK[20426:1693025] Received video track AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2
  1233. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.114 FASK[20426:1693025] Received audio track C22C9462-64B0-469A-86AC-405D69339A6C
  1234. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.114 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: not ready to commit
  1235. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.114 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  1236. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.143 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Local Answer
  1237. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.143 FASK[20426:1693025] Local SDP v=0
  1238. o=- 3728334352 3 IN IP4
  1239. s=-
  1240. t=0 0
  1241. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  1242. a=msid-semantic: WMS E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76
  1243. m=audio 16022 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  1244. c=IN IP4
  1245. a=rtcp:17833 IN IP4
  1246. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 50758 typ host generation 0
  1247. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 55395 typ host generation 0
  1248. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64137 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  1249. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64138 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  1250. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 50758 typ srflx raddr rport 50758 generation 0
  1251. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 55395 typ srflx raddr rport 55395 generation 0
  1252. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16022 typ relay raddr rport 50758 generation 0
  1253. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 17833 typ relay raddr rport 55395 generation 0
  1254. a=ice-ufrag:EGu8mw1J5LpmPPrE
  1255. a=ice-pwd:Ys412jWtMzQrrxLYwD/XxnP3
  1256. a=fingerprint:sha-256 8A:47:08:6C:E4:A2:38:ED:47:91:79:D4:C3:AF:27:A2:58:00:50:3A:CB:8E:1E:13:15:47:EC:86:46:6A:11:DB
  1257. a=setup:active
  1258. a=mid:audio
  1259. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  1260. a=sendrecv
  1261. a=rtcp-mux
  1262. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  1263. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  1264. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  1265. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  1266. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  1267. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  1268. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  1269. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  1270. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  1271. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  1272. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  1273. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  1274. a=maxptime:60
  1275. a=ssrc:1688802860 cname:CPm14PYw6dvIBV0F
  1276. a=ssrc:1688802860 msid:E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76 AEEC0916-D523-4362-A1C0-04E13828ECFC
  1277. a=ssrc:1688802860 mslabel:E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76
  1278. a=ssrc:1688802860 label:AEEC0916-D523-4362-A1C0-04E13828ECFC
  1279. m=video 17941 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  1280. c=IN IP4
  1281. a=rtcp:61340 IN IP4
  1282. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 52060 typ host generation 0
  1283. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 61340 typ host generation 0
  1284. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64140 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  1285. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64141 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  1286. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 61340 typ srflx raddr rport 61340 generation 0
  1287. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 52060 typ srflx raddr rport 52060 generation 0
  1288. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 17941 typ relay raddr rport 52060 generation 0
  1289. a=ice-ufrag:EGu8mw1J5LpmPPrE
  1290. a=ice-pwd:Ys412jWtMzQrrxLYwD/XxnP3
  1291. a=fingerprint:sha-256 8A:47:08:6C:E4:A2:38:ED:47:91:79:D4:C3:AF:27:A2:58:00:50:3A:CB:8E:1E:13:15:47:EC:86:46:6A:11:DB
  1292. a=setup:active
  1293. a=mid:video
  1294. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  1295. a=recvonly
  1296. a=rtcp-mux
  1297. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  1298. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  1299. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  1300. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  1301. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  1302. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  1303. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  1304. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  1305. m=application 16417 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  1306. c=IN IP4
  1307. b=AS:30
  1308. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 58122 typ host generation 0
  1309. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64139 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  1310. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 58122 typ srflx raddr rport 58122 generation 0
  1311. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16417 typ relay raddr rport 58122 generation 0
  1312. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066336767 16872 typ relay raddr rport 64132 generation 0
  1313. a=ice-ufrag:EGu8mw1J5LpmPPrE
  1314. a=ice-pwd:Ys412jWtMzQrrxLYwD/XxnP3
  1315. a=fingerprint:sha-256 8A:47:08:6C:E4:A2:38:ED:47:91:79:D4:C3:AF:27:A2:58:00:50:3A:CB:8E:1E:13:15:47:EC:86:46:6A:11:DB
  1316. a=setup:active
  1317. a=mid:data
  1318. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  1319. 11:22:19.225 inv0x61d0001db .SDP negotiation done, status=0
  1320. 11:22:19.225 pjsip_wrapper. .on_invite_media_update
  1321. 11:22:19.225 inv0x61d0001db .Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00)
  1322. 11:22:19.225 dlg0x61d0001db ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00)
  1323. 11:22:19.226 tsx0x61d0001fd ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00) in state Proceeding
  1324. 11:22:19.226 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_tx_msg
  1325. 11:22:19.226 tsx0x61d0001fd ...State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=TX_MSG
  1326. 11:22:19.226 dlg0x61d0001db ....Transaction tsx0x61d0001fd728 state changed to Completed
  1327. 11:22:19.226 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  1328. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.226 FASK[20426:1693025] Remotely initiated renegotiation OK
  1329. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.226 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"8F152379-A7E8-480F-9A0D-0C433D3F64C0":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"188","endpointID":"188"},"E2C314D4-1392-4118-AAD5-E36FD12ABB76":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"189","endpointID":"189"},"39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"190","endpointID":"190"}}
  1330. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.227 FASK[20426:1693025] Commit called when not renegotiating recording
  1331. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.227 FASK[20426:1693025] <ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCStream: 0x60d00006e0f0>: Committing new media stream
  1332. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.227 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: comitting updates
  1333. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.227 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 188
  1334. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.228 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process adding of stream with label 39B7D41E-F412-4637-92C7-39530C13F1F3
  1335. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.245 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 190
  1336. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.246 FASK[20426:1693025] Using default remote view
  1337. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.248 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2 (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000090240; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300011d1f0>> in view (null)
  1338. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.248 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000037e40; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x603000116bc0>>
  1339. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.249 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRenegotiateComplete
  1340. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.249 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 9
  1341. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.249 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 9
  1342. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.251 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2 (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000090440; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300021ac60>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  1343. 2015-12-21 11:22:19.251 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000037040; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030001b6700>>
  1344. 11:22:19.277 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg ACK/cseq=6390 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1345. 11:22:19.277 dlg0x61d0001db .Received Request msg ACK/cseq=6390 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1346. 11:22:19.277 tsx0x61d0001fd ..Request to terminate transaction
  1347. 11:22:19.277 tsx0x61d0001fd ...State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=USER
  1348. 11:22:19.277 dlg0x61d0001db ....Transaction tsx0x61d0001fd728 state changed to Terminated
  1349. 11:22:19.277 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  1350. WARNING: no real random source present!
  1351. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.071 FASK[20426:1693239] Data channel 0 state now 1
  1352. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.131 FASK[20426:1693239] Received text on data channel 0: {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"188"}
  1353. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.131 FASK[20426:1693025] Data Channel ID:0 received {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"188"}
  1354. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.132 FASK[20426:1693025] Stream is dominant speaker
  1355. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.132 FASK[20426:1693025] ##### ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSessionDelegate -> onConferenceStreamIsDominantSpeaker:
  1356. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.134 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000090a40; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300021c880>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  1357. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.134 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track AE5B179F-AAC0-4100-B3A7-AAC2A3520BD2 from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000090440; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300021ac60>>
  1358. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.135 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 13
  1359. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.135 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 13
  1360. 2015-12-21 11:22:21.135 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallViewController: default case executed >>>
  1361. 11:22:21.914 tsx0x61d0001fd Timeout timer event
  1362. 11:22:21.914 tsx0x61d0001fd .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
  1363. 11:22:21.914 tdta0x6210001d ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=6390 (tdta0x6210001ded00)
  1364. 11:22:21.914 tsx0x61d0001fd Transaction destroyed!
  1365. 2015-12-21 11:22:23.745 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote video stream changed size: 480.000000 640.000000
  1366. 2015-12-21 11:22:23.746 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< onRemoteVideoResizeWithStream >>> width: 480.0 height: 640.0
  1367. 2015-12-21 11:22:23.746 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRemoteVideoResizeWithWidth WIDTH: 480.0, HEIGHT: 640.0
  1368. 2015-12-21 11:22:23.746 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 11
  1369. 2015-12-21 11:22:23.746 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 11
  1370. 2015-12-21 11:22:24.077 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  1371. 2015-12-21 11:22:24.077 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 149
  1372. 2015-12-21 11:22:24.078 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost -1
  1373. 2015-12-21 11:22:24.078 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter -1 mS
  1374. 2015-12-21 11:22:24.078 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT -1 mS
  1375. 2015-12-21 11:22:24.078 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  1376. 2015-12-21 11:22:24.079 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  1377. 2015-12-21 11:22:25.784 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote video stream changed size: 480.000000 640.000000
  1378. 2015-12-21 11:22:25.784 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< onRemoteVideoResizeWithStream >>> width: 480.0 height: 640.0
  1379. 2015-12-21 11:22:25.785 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRemoteVideoResizeWithWidth WIDTH: 480.0, HEIGHT: 640.0
  1380. 2015-12-21 11:22:25.785 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 11
  1381. 2015-12-21 11:22:25.786 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 11
  1382. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  1383. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 398
  1384. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  1385. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 13 mS
  1386. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.038 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 67 mS
  1387. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.039 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  1388. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.039 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 1.000000
  1389. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.039 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  1390. 2015-12-21 11:22:29.039 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 0.598394
  1391. 2015-12-21 11:22:32.184 FASK[20426:1696592] >>> Updating presence
  1392. 2015-12-21 11:22:32.184 FASK[20426:1696592] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1393. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1394. fields = {
  1395. status = busy;
  1396. };
  1397. record = 0;
  1398. ttl = 600;
  1399. user = "";
  1400. }
  1401. 2015-12-21 11:22:32.186 FASK[20426:1696592] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1402. users = (
  1403. "",
  1404. ""
  1405. );
  1406. }
  1407. 2015-12-21 11:22:32.256 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"M2jqnw7eWS2FY11jMgQp",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1408. 2015-12-21 11:22:32.257 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1409. refreshDelay = 300;
  1410. }
  1411. 2015-12-21 11:22:32.270 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"4GEJGBMQ9kaLeA3Ky0pM",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714939488","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714951209","status":"busy"}}]]
  1412. 2015-12-21 11:22:32.271 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1413. {
  1414. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1415. fields = {
  1416. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714939488;
  1417. status = active;
  1418. };
  1419. result = ok;
  1420. user = "";
  1421. },
  1422. {
  1423. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1424. fields = {
  1425. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714951209;
  1426. status = busy;
  1427. };
  1428. result = ok;
  1429. user = "";
  1430. }
  1431. )
  1432. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.058 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  1433. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.059 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 649
  1434. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.059 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  1435. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.059 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 13 mS
  1436. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.059 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 153 mS
  1437. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.059 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  1438. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.060 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.924286
  1439. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.060 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  1440. 2015-12-21 11:22:34.060 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  1441. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.551 FASK[20426:1693239] Received text on data channel 0: {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"189"}
  1442. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.552 FASK[20426:1693025] Data Channel ID:0 received {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"189"}
  1443. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.552 FASK[20426:1693025] Stream is dominant speaker
  1444. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.552 FASK[20426:1693025] ##### ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSessionDelegate -> onConferenceStreamIsDominantSpeaker:
  1445. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.555 FASK[20426:1693025] No video to attach
  1446. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.555 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000090a40; frame = (0 -17; 375 500); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300021c880>>
  1447. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.556 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 13
  1448. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.556 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 13
  1449. 2015-12-21 11:22:35.556 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallViewController: default case executed >>>
  1450. 2015-12-21 11:22:38.849 FASK[20426:1693025] CallViewModel.muteCommand: Unmuting the session
  1451. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  1452. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.042 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 898
  1453. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.042 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  1454. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.042 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 12 mS
  1455. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.042 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 99 mS
  1456. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.043 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  1457. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.043 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 1.000000
  1458. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.043 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  1459. 2015-12-21 11:22:39.043 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  1460. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.055 FASK[20426:1693239] Received text on data channel 0: {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"188"}
  1461. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.058 FASK[20426:1693025] Data Channel ID:0 received {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"188"}
  1462. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.058 FASK[20426:1693025] Stream is dominant speaker
  1463. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.058 FASK[20426:1693025] ##### ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSessionDelegate -> onConferenceStreamIsDominantSpeaker:
  1464. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.060 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track D82DE9C7-94BA-4C73-96F2-BE1EC5B9E82E (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x61400006e640; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300037b2b0>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  1465. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.061 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 13
  1466. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.061 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 13
  1467. 2015-12-21 11:22:40.061 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallViewController: default case executed >>>
  1468. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  1469. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 1148
  1470. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  1471. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 21 mS
  1472. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.038 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 133 mS
  1473. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  1474. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.038 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.952857
  1475. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 0.987500
  1476. 2015-12-21 11:22:44.039 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  1477. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.036 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  1478. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.036 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 1397
  1479. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.036 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  1480. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 21 mS
  1481. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.037 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 70 mS
  1482. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  1483. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.037 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 1.000000
  1484. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.037 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 0.987500
  1485. 2015-12-21 11:22:49.038 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  1486. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.626 FASK[20426:1693025] Call.hangUp called
  1487. 11:22:50.627 endpoint .Request msg BYE/cseq=20813 (tdta0x6210000e2500) created.
  1488. 11:22:50.627 inv0x61d0001db .Sending Request msg BYE/cseq=20813 (tdta0x6210000e2500)
  1489. 11:22:50.627 dlg0x61d0001db ..Sending Request msg BYE/cseq=20813 (tdta0x6210000e2500)
  1490. 11:22:50.627 tsx0x61d000334 ...Transaction created for Request msg BYE/cseq=20812 (tdta0x6210000e2500)
  1491. 11:22:50.627 tsx0x61d000334 ..Sending Request msg BYE/cseq=20812 (tdta0x6210000e2500) in state Null
  1492. 11:22:50.627 sip_resolve.c ...Target '' type=WS resolved to '' type=WS ((null))
  1493. 11:22:50.627 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_tx_msg
  1494. 11:22:50.627 tsx0x61d000334 ...State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG
  1495. 11:22:50.627 dlg0x61d0001db ....Transaction tsx0x61d000334128 state changed to Calling
  1496. 11:22:50.627 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  1497. 11:22:50.710 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/BYE/cseq=20812 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1498. 11:22:50.710 tsx0x61d000334 .Incoming Response msg 200/BYE/cseq=20812 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Calling
  1499. 11:22:50.710 tsx0x61d000334 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG
  1500. 11:22:50.710 dlg0x61d0001db ...Received Response msg 200/BYE/cseq=20812 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1501. 11:22:50.710 dlg0x61d0001db ...Transaction tsx0x61d000334128 state changed to Completed
  1502. 11:22:50.710 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_state_changed 6
  1503. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.711 FASK[20426:1693025] No transfer delegate, bridge transfer pointer
  1504. 11:22:50.711 pjsip_wrapper. ....pjw_release_invite_details
  1505. 11:22:50.711 pjsip_wrapper. ....releasing rdata_2xx
  1506. 11:22:50.711 pjsip_wrapper. ....releasing pool
  1507. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.711 FASK[20426:1693025] Stop collecting stats
  1508. 11:22:50.711 tdta0x6210000f ....Destroying txdata Request msg ACK/cseq=20811 (tdta0x6210000f6500)
  1509. 11:22:50.712 tdta0x62100014 ....Destroying txdata Request msg INVITE/cseq=20811 (tdta0x621000143d00)
  1510. 11:22:50.712 dlg0x61d0001db .....Session count dec to 1 by mod-invite
  1511. 11:22:50.712 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  1512. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.712 FASK[20426:1693025] Stop collecting stats
  1513. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.713 FASK[20426:1693239] Data channel 0 state now 2
  1514. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.714 FASK[20426:1693239] Data channel 0 state now 3
  1515. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.714 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onCloseWithStatus: 406
  1516. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.715 FASK[20426:1693025] Receiver rejected the call
  1517. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.715 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 4
  1518. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.715 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 4
  1519. 2015-12-21 11:22:50.716 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Disconnected >>>
  1520. 2015-12-21 11:22:51.170 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onCloseWithStatus: 406
  1521. 2015-12-21 11:22:51.170 FASK[20426:1693025] Receiver rejected the call
  1522. 2015-12-21 11:22:51.170 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030003d6960> name: next: 4
  1523. 2015-12-21 11:22:51.170 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 4
  1524. 2015-12-21 11:22:51.170 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Disconnected >>>
  1525. 11:22:51.913 tsx0x61d000334 Timeout timer event
  1526. 11:22:51.913 tsx0x61d000334 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER
  1527. 11:22:51.913 dlg0x61d0001db ..Transaction tsx0x61d000334128 state changed to Terminated
  1528. 11:22:51.913 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  1529. 11:22:51.913 dlg0x61d0001db ...Dialog destroyed
  1530. 11:22:51.913 tsx0x61d000334 Timeout timer event
  1531. 11:22:51.913 tsx0x61d000334 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
  1532. 11:22:51.913 tdta0x6210000e ..Destroying txdata Request msg BYE/cseq=20812 (tdta0x6210000e2500)
  1533. 11:22:51.914 tsx0x61d000334 Transaction destroyed!
  1534. 2015-12-21 11:23:02.184 FASK[20426:1697049] >>> Updating presence
  1535. 2015-12-21 11:23:02.185 FASK[20426:1697049] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1536. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1537. fields = {
  1538. status = active;
  1539. };
  1540. record = 0;
  1541. ttl = 600;
  1542. user = "";
  1543. }
  1544. 2015-12-21 11:23:02.186 FASK[20426:1697049] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1545. users = (
  1546. "",
  1547. ""
  1548. );
  1549. }
  1550. 2015-12-21 11:23:02.223 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"KhSjaLJmrbSmjYypaC8Z",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1551. 2015-12-21 11:23:02.224 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1552. refreshDelay = 300;
  1553. }
  1554. 2015-12-21 11:23:02.293 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"makHcfUQYAdijyIA9Rmq",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714974524","status":"busy"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714980900","status":"active"}}]]
  1555. 2015-12-21 11:23:02.294 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1556. {
  1557. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1558. fields = {
  1559. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714974524;
  1560. status = busy;
  1561. };
  1562. result = ok;
  1563. user = "";
  1564. },
  1565. {
  1566. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1567. fields = {
  1568. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714980900;
  1569. status = active;
  1570. };
  1571. result = ok;
  1572. user = "";
  1573. }
  1574. )
  1575. 2015-12-21 11:23:32.183 FASK[20426:1697188] >>> Updating presence
  1576. 2015-12-21 11:23:32.184 FASK[20426:1697188] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1577. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1578. fields = {
  1579. status = active;
  1580. };
  1581. record = 0;
  1582. ttl = 600;
  1583. user = "";
  1584. }
  1585. 2015-12-21 11:23:32.185 FASK[20426:1697188] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1586. users = (
  1587. "",
  1588. ""
  1589. );
  1590. }
  1591. 2015-12-21 11:23:32.222 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"t7VTVJCwMCL1dzB6UVNs",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1592. 2015-12-21 11:23:32.223 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1593. refreshDelay = 300;
  1594. }
  1595. 2015-12-21 11:23:32.252 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"XsU7gc7fxlOiik46w6sA",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450714995667","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715010899","status":"active"}}]]
  1596. 2015-12-21 11:23:32.540 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1597. {
  1598. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1599. fields = {
  1600. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450714995667;
  1601. status = active;
  1602. };
  1603. result = ok;
  1604. user = "";
  1605. },
  1606. {
  1607. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1608. fields = {
  1609. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715010899;
  1610. status = active;
  1611. };
  1612. result = ok;
  1613. user = "";
  1614. }
  1615. )
  1616. 11:24:01.911 endpoint Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36608 (tdta0x621000457500) created.
  1617. 11:24:01.911 tsx0x61d000028 .Transaction created for Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36609 (tdta0x621000457500)
  1618. 11:24:01.911 tsx0x61d000028 Sending Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36609 (tdta0x621000457500) in state Null
  1619. 11:24:01.911 sip_resolve.c .DNS resolver not available, target '' type=WS will be resolved with getaddrinfo()
  1620. 11:24:01.932 sip_resolve.c .Target '' type=WS resolved to '' type=WS ((null))
  1621. 11:24:01.932 pjsip_wrapper. .on_tx_msg
  1622. 11:24:01.932 tsx0x61d000028 .State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG
  1623. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.184 FASK[20426:1697772] >>> Updating presence
  1624. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.185 FASK[20426:1697772] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1625. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1626. fields = {
  1627. status = active;
  1628. };
  1629. record = 0;
  1630. ttl = 600;
  1631. user = "";
  1632. }
  1633. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.186 FASK[20426:1697772] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1634. users = (
  1635. "",
  1636. ""
  1637. );
  1638. }
  1639. 11:24:02.216 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=36609 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  1640. 11:24:02.216 tsx0x61d000028 .Incoming Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=36609 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Calling
  1641. 11:24:02.216 tsx0x61d000028 ..State changed from Calling to Completed, event=RX_MSG
  1642. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.217 FASK[20426:1693025] Contact is <;gr=urn:uuid:468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518;ob>;+changefp
  1643. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.217 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallService >>> onRegistered called
  1644. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.219 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"B62ex5aKSp5pYPm5slch",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1645. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.220 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1646. refreshDelay = 300;
  1647. }
  1648. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.268 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"NrGyUAtG9eJAdDeQ87aQ",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715025548","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715040886","status":"active"}}]]
  1649. 2015-12-21 11:24:02.269 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1650. {
  1651. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1652. fields = {
  1653. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715025548;
  1654. status = active;
  1655. };
  1656. result = ok;
  1657. user = "";
  1658. },
  1659. {
  1660. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1661. fields = {
  1662. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715040886;
  1663. status = active;
  1664. };
  1665. result = ok;
  1666. user = "";
  1667. }
  1668. )
  1669. 11:24:06.910 tsx0x61d000028 Timeout timer event
  1670. 11:24:06.910 tsx0x61d000028 .State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=TIMER
  1671. 11:24:06.910 tsx0x61d000028 Timeout timer event
  1672. 11:24:06.910 tsx0x61d000028 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
  1673. 11:24:06.910 tdta0x62100045 ..Destroying txdata Request msg REGISTER/cseq=36609 (tdta0x621000457500)
  1674. 11:24:06.910 tsx0x61d000028 Transaction destroyed!
  1675. 2015-12-21 11:24:32.184 FASK[20426:1698061] >>> Updating presence
  1676. 2015-12-21 11:24:32.184 FASK[20426:1698061] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1677. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1678. fields = {
  1679. status = active;
  1680. };
  1681. record = 0;
  1682. ttl = 600;
  1683. user = "";
  1684. }
  1685. 2015-12-21 11:24:32.186 FASK[20426:1698061] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1686. users = (
  1687. "",
  1688. ""
  1689. );
  1690. }
  1691. 2015-12-21 11:24:32.220 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"nW8EnkAYOe6bOCRiDBrC",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1692. 2015-12-21 11:24:32.220 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1693. refreshDelay = 300;
  1694. }
  1695. 2015-12-21 11:24:32.261 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"g3EA6iS4hwMLIKSyxSNB",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715055543","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715070887","status":"active"}}]]
  1696. 2015-12-21 11:24:32.261 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1697. {
  1698. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1699. fields = {
  1700. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715055543;
  1701. status = active;
  1702. };
  1703. result = ok;
  1704. user = "";
  1705. },
  1706. {
  1707. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1708. fields = {
  1709. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715070887;
  1710. status = active;
  1711. };
  1712. result = ok;
  1713. user = "";
  1714. }
  1715. )
  1716. 2015-12-21 11:25:02.184 FASK[20426:1698748] >>> Updating presence
  1717. 2015-12-21 11:25:02.184 FASK[20426:1698748] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1718. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1719. fields = {
  1720. status = active;
  1721. };
  1722. record = 0;
  1723. ttl = 600;
  1724. user = "";
  1725. }
  1726. 2015-12-21 11:25:02.186 FASK[20426:1698748] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1727. users = (
  1728. "",
  1729. ""
  1730. );
  1731. }
  1732. 2015-12-21 11:25:02.237 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"zJeEMwoRxYTVRXXN8qJf",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1733. 2015-12-21 11:25:02.238 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1734. refreshDelay = 300;
  1735. }
  1736. 2015-12-21 11:25:02.282 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"cVtmhCaWWnXL02RCn7Td",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715085534","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715100895","status":"active"}}]]
  1737. 2015-12-21 11:25:02.282 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1738. {
  1739. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1740. fields = {
  1741. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715085534;
  1742. status = active;
  1743. };
  1744. result = ok;
  1745. user = "";
  1746. },
  1747. {
  1748. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1749. fields = {
  1750. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715100895;
  1751. status = active;
  1752. };
  1753. result = ok;
  1754. user = "";
  1755. }
  1756. )
  1757. 2015-12-21 11:25:32.184 FASK[20426:1698747] >>> Updating presence
  1758. 2015-12-21 11:25:32.185 FASK[20426:1698747] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1759. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1760. fields = {
  1761. status = active;
  1762. };
  1763. record = 0;
  1764. ttl = 600;
  1765. user = "";
  1766. }
  1767. 2015-12-21 11:25:32.187 FASK[20426:1698747] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1768. users = (
  1769. "",
  1770. ""
  1771. );
  1772. }
  1773. 2015-12-21 11:25:32.214 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"XozpEP3C6DjaaTFBXhXw",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1774. 2015-12-21 11:25:32.214 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1775. refreshDelay = 300;
  1776. }
  1777. 2015-12-21 11:25:32.267 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"OwAEpRGWQb2oIsWM8PQ6",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715115539","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715130892","status":"active"}}]]
  1778. 2015-12-21 11:25:32.268 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1779. {
  1780. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1781. fields = {
  1782. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715115539;
  1783. status = active;
  1784. };
  1785. result = ok;
  1786. user = "";
  1787. },
  1788. {
  1789. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1790. fields = {
  1791. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715130892;
  1792. status = active;
  1793. };
  1794. result = ok;
  1795. user = "";
  1796. }
  1797. )
  1798. 2015-12-21 11:26:02.184 FASK[20426:1700106] >>> Updating presence
  1799. 2015-12-21 11:26:02.184 FASK[20426:1700106] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1800. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1801. fields = {
  1802. status = active;
  1803. };
  1804. record = 0;
  1805. ttl = 600;
  1806. user = "";
  1807. }
  1808. 2015-12-21 11:26:02.186 FASK[20426:1700106] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1809. users = (
  1810. "",
  1811. ""
  1812. );
  1813. }
  1814. 2015-12-21 11:26:02.223 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"U0WyMd1lCOYQCYUurcHB",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  1815. 2015-12-21 11:26:02.223 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  1816. refreshDelay = 300;
  1817. }
  1818. 2015-12-21 11:26:02.305 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"69rErEQsVgosYEimhZPl",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715145544","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715160878","status":"active"}}]]
  1819. 2015-12-21 11:26:02.306 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  1820. {
  1821. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1822. fields = {
  1823. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715145544;
  1824. status = active;
  1825. };
  1826. result = ok;
  1827. user = "";
  1828. },
  1829. {
  1830. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1831. fields = {
  1832. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715160878;
  1833. status = active;
  1834. };
  1835. result = ok;
  1836. user = "";
  1837. }
  1838. )
  1839. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.865 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [8,"",{"content":"{\n \"Body\" : \"Call Started.\",\n \"Attachment\" : \"joinConferenceCall:27d7e693a272cc41\\/\\/1\",\n \"CreatedOn\" : \"2015-12-21T16:26:21.57Z\",\n \"AttachmentType\" : \"action\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"926DF119-2971-433F-83D7-EA52D5BDA7ED\"\n}","from":"","fromDevice":";gr=urn:uuid:cbdb1296-fbf3-4a08-b618-c897c37e3f6a","fromApiKey":"RzVVHJQ1y80o","fromFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","toFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","toChatRoomId":"08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119","subject":"Yas,","msgId":"923eeaeb-a7ff-11e5-8db9-d76653e341a4","submitted":1450715181676}]
  1840. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.866 FASK[20426:1693025] Received message - {
  1841. content = "{\n \"Body\" : \"Call Started.\",\n \"Attachment\" : \"joinConferenceCall:27d7e693a272cc41\\/\\/1\",\n \"CreatedOn\" : \"2015-12-21T16:26:21.57Z\",\n \"AttachmentType\" : \"action\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"926DF119-2971-433F-83D7-EA52D5BDA7ED\"\n}";
  1842. from = "";
  1843. fromApiKey = RzVVHJQ1y80o;
  1844. fromDevice = ";gr=urn:uuid:cbdb1296-fbf3-4a08-b618-c897c37e3f6a";
  1845. fromFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1846. msgId = "923eeaeb-a7ff-11e5-8db9-d76653e341a4";
  1847. subject = "Yas,";
  1848. submitted = 1450715181676;
  1849. toChatRoomId = "08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119";
  1850. toFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1851. }
  1852. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.866 FASK[20426:1693025] Chat room 08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119. Content - {
  1853. "Body" : "Call Started.",
  1854. "Attachment" : "joinConferenceCall:27d7e693a272cc41\/\/1",
  1855. "CreatedOn" : "2015-12-21T16:26:21.57Z",
  1856. "AttachmentType" : "action",
  1857. "MessageId" : "926DF119-2971-433F-83D7-EA52D5BDA7ED"
  1858. } from
  1859. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.866 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [8,"",{"content":"{\n \"Body\" : \"Call Started.\",\n \"Attachment\" : \"joinConferenceCall:27d7e693a272cc41\\/\\/1\",\n \"CreatedOn\" : \"2015-12-21T16:26:21.65Z\",\n \"AttachmentType\" : \"action\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"E1C21911-883D-481B-A90C-1A45DF68A512\"\n}","from":"","fromDevice":";gr=urn:uuid:cbdb1296-fbf3-4a08-b618-c897c37e3f6a","fromApiKey":"RzVVHJQ1y80o","fromFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","toFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","toChatRoomId":"08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119","subject":"Yas,","msgId":"924ea25c-a7ff-11e5-9312-1bbcf08573e0","submitted":1450715181779}]
  1860. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.867 FASK[20426:1693025] Received message - {
  1861. content = "{\n \"Body\" : \"Call Started.\",\n \"Attachment\" : \"joinConferenceCall:27d7e693a272cc41\\/\\/1\",\n \"CreatedOn\" : \"2015-12-21T16:26:21.65Z\",\n \"AttachmentType\" : \"action\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"E1C21911-883D-481B-A90C-1A45DF68A512\"\n}";
  1862. from = "";
  1863. fromApiKey = RzVVHJQ1y80o;
  1864. fromDevice = ";gr=urn:uuid:cbdb1296-fbf3-4a08-b618-c897c37e3f6a";
  1865. fromFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1866. msgId = "924ea25c-a7ff-11e5-9312-1bbcf08573e0";
  1867. subject = "Yas,";
  1868. submitted = 1450715181779;
  1869. toChatRoomId = "08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119";
  1870. toFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1871. }
  1872. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.867 FASK[20426:1693025] Chat room 08a7bce0-a4b3-11e5-a5dd-5f4ecffe5119. Content - {
  1873. "Body" : "Call Started.",
  1874. "Attachment" : "joinConferenceCall:27d7e693a272cc41\/\/1",
  1875. "CreatedOn" : "2015-12-21T16:26:21.65Z",
  1876. "AttachmentType" : "action",
  1877. "MessageId" : "E1C21911-883D-481B-A90C-1A45DF68A512"
  1878. } from
  1879. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.886 FASK[20426:1693025] Received action to join conference call with id 27d7e693a272cc41//1
  1880. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.894 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030000daf80> name: next: <Call: 0x6110002cc940> (entity: Call; id: 0xd000000000fc0008 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Call/p63> ; data: {
  1881. chat = "0xd000000000140006 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Chat/p5>";
  1882. dateTime = "2015-12-21 16:26:21 +0000";
  1883. direction = 0;
  1884. finishTime = nil;
  1885. identifier = nil;
  1886. kind = 1;
  1887. startTime = nil;
  1888. status = 0;
  1889. })
  1890. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.895 FASK[20426:1693025] Call Status: <Call: 0x6110002cc940> (entity: Call; id: 0xd000000000fc0008 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Call/p63> ; data: {
  1891. chat = "0xd000000000140006 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Chat/p5>";
  1892. dateTime = "2015-12-21 16:26:21 +0000";
  1893. direction = 0;
  1894. finishTime = nil;
  1895. identifier = nil;
  1896. kind = 1;
  1897. startTime = nil;
  1898. status = 0;
  1899. })
  1900. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.949 FASK[20426:1693025] Received action to join conference call with id 27d7e693a272cc41//1
  1901. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.956 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x6030000daf80> name: next: <Call: 0x6110002fa340> (entity: Call; id: 0xd000000001000008 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Call/p64> ; data: {
  1902. chat = "0xd000000000140006 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Chat/p5>";
  1903. dateTime = "2015-12-21 16:26:21 +0000";
  1904. direction = 0;
  1905. finishTime = nil;
  1906. identifier = nil;
  1907. kind = 1;
  1908. startTime = nil;
  1909. status = 0;
  1910. })
  1911. 2015-12-21 11:26:21.956 FASK[20426:1693025] Call Status: <Call: 0x6110002fa340> (entity: Call; id: 0xd000000001000008 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Call/p64> ; data: {
  1912. chat = "0xd000000000140006 <x-coredata://150A1122-741B-433F-A477-03702F7C6A55/Chat/p5>";
  1913. dateTime = "2015-12-21 16:26:21 +0000";
  1914. direction = 0;
  1915. finishTime = nil;
  1916. identifier = nil;
  1917. kind = 1;
  1918. startTime = nil;
  1919. status = 0;
  1920. })
  1921. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.419 FASK[20426:1693025] Call.accept called
  1922. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  1923. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.420 FASK[20426:1693025] -[ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSession initWithConferenceId:sdk:]
  1924. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.420 FASK[20426:1693025] Sending message over wamp - - {
  1925. content = "{\"requestId\":\"AA529039-0471-48AF-8FEA-75873FFB5C75\",\"rpcName\":\"joinConference\",\"service\":\"conferencing\",\"params\":{\"id\":\"27d7e693a272cc41\"}}";
  1926. contentType = "application/x-acision-sdk-rpc-request";
  1927. "delivery_modes" = (
  1928. immediate
  1929. );
  1930. from = "";
  1931. fromDevice = ";gr=urn:uuid:468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  1932. to = (
  1933. ""
  1934. );
  1935. }
  1936. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.494 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"pp2uEOfyqo1mpisZo9ID",{"msgid":"96de8ac3-a7ff-11e5-89ac-3834c51ef026","submitted":1450715189433}]
  1937. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.495 FASK[20426:1693025] Message send succeeded - {
  1938. msgid = "96de8ac3-a7ff-11e5-89ac-3834c51ef026";
  1939. submitted = 1450715189433;
  1940. }
  1941. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.562 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [8,"",{"content":"{\"requestId\":\"AA529039-0471-48AF-8FEA-75873FFB5C75\",\"errCode\":null,\"result\":{\"focusRpc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a\",\"focusWebrtc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a;conferenceid=27d7e693a272cc41\"}}","contentType":"application/x-acision-sdk-rpc-response","from":"","fromDevice":";gr=urn:uuid:74ca5130-9a77-11e5-b6b5-31dbce7bca6c","fromApiKey":"q2IDEz3iJvgm","fromFederationTag":"infrastructure","toFederationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","msgId":"96eda5f6-a7ff-11e5-bd6d-7f9f7ade096e","submitted":1450715189532}]
  1942. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.562 FASK[20426:1693025] Received message - {
  1943. content = "{\"requestId\":\"AA529039-0471-48AF-8FEA-75873FFB5C75\",\"errCode\":null,\"result\":{\"focusRpc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a\",\"focusWebrtc\":\";gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a;conferenceid=27d7e693a272cc41\"}}";
  1944. contentType = "application/x-acision-sdk-rpc-response";
  1945. from = "";
  1946. fromApiKey = q2IDEz3iJvgm;
  1947. fromDevice = ";gr=urn:uuid:74ca5130-9a77-11e5-b6b5-31dbce7bca6c";
  1948. fromFederationTag = infrastructure;
  1949. msgId = "96eda5f6-a7ff-11e5-bd6d-7f9f7ade096e";
  1950. submitted = 1450715189532;
  1951. toFederationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  1952. }
  1953. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.563 FASK[20426:1693025] Successful RPC response to request AA529039-0471-48AF-8FEA-75873FFB5C75
  1954. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.563 FASK[20426:1693025] Found focus RPC address;gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a
  1955. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.563 FASK[20426:1693025] Found focus Webrtc address;gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a;conferenceid=27d7e693a272cc41
  1956. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.563 FASK[20426:1693025] Initialising session with;gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a;conferenceid=27d7e693a272cc41
  1957. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.564 FASK[20426:1693025] Start collecting stats every 5.000000s
  1958. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.565 FASK[20426:1693025] Setting delegate for data channel 0
  1959. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.718 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  1960. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.719 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  1961. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.719 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  1962. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.719 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  1963. 2015-12-21 11:26:29.719 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 1
  1964. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.022 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE gathering state 2
  1965. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.022 FASK[20426:1693025] ICE Gathering complete
  1966. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.023 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Local Offer
  1967. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.023 FASK[20426:1693025] Local SDP v=0
  1968. o=- 92882498 2 IN IP4
  1969. s=-
  1970. t=0 0
  1971. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  1972. a=msid-semantic: WMS F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  1973. m=audio 16258 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 127 126
  1974. c=IN IP4
  1975. a=rtcp:18722 IN IP4
  1976. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 56950 typ host generation 0
  1977. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51881 typ host generation 0
  1978. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64326 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  1979. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64327 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  1980. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 56950 typ srflx raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  1981. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51881 typ srflx raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  1982. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16258 typ relay raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  1983. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 18722 typ relay raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  1984. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  1985. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  1986. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  1987. a=setup:actpass
  1988. a=mid:audio
  1989. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  1990. a=extmap:3
  1991. a=sendrecv
  1992. a=rtcp-mux
  1993. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  1994. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  1995. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  1996. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  1997. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  1998. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  1999. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  2000. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  2001. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  2002. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  2003. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  2004. a=rtpmap:127 red/8000
  2005. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  2006. a=maxptime:60
  2007. a=ssrc:474104997 cname:oQ0Cf5yQZJd0G1Za
  2008. a=ssrc:474104997 msid:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  2009. a=ssrc:474104997 mslabel:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  2010. a=ssrc:474104997 label:E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  2011. m=video 16277 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 116 117 96
  2012. c=IN IP4
  2013. a=rtcp:17270 IN IP4
  2014. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 64355 typ host generation 0
  2015. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51481 typ host generation 0
  2016. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64329 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2017. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64330 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2018. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 64355 typ srflx raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  2019. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51481 typ srflx raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  2020. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 17270 typ relay raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  2021. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16277 typ relay raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  2022. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2023. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2024. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2025. a=setup:actpass
  2026. a=mid:video
  2027. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  2028. a=extmap:3
  2029. a=extmap:4 urn:3gpp:video-orientation
  2030. a=recvonly
  2031. a=rtcp-mux
  2032. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  2033. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  2034. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  2035. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  2036. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  2037. a=rtpmap:116 red/90000
  2038. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  2039. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  2040. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  2041. m=application 18182 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  2042. c=IN IP4
  2043. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 60813 typ host generation 0
  2044. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64328 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2045. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 60813 typ srflx raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  2046. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 18182 typ relay raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  2047. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2048. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2049. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2050. a=setup:actpass
  2051. a=mid:data
  2052. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  2053. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.024 FASK[20426:1693025] sendInviteWithSdp to <;gr=urn:uuid:4fa75550-9a91-11e5-8eb5-7fe1d662881a;conferenceid=27d7e693a272cc41;transport=ws>
  2054. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.025 FASK[20426:1693025] Sending invite
  2055. 11:26:30.025 dlg0x61d000172 UAC dialog created
  2056. 11:26:30.025 dlg0x61d000172 Module mod-invite added as dialog usage, data=0x6150001824a8
  2057. 11:26:30.026 dlg0x61d000172 .Session count inc to 2 by mod-invite
  2058. 11:26:30.026 dlg0x61d000172 Module mod-100rel added as dialog usage, data=0x615000073ff0
  2059. 11:26:30.026 dlg0x61d000172 100rel module attached
  2060. 11:26:30.026 inv0x61d000172 UAC invite session created for dialog dlg0x61d000172128
  2061. 11:26:30.026 endpoint Request msg INVITE/cseq=30676 (tdta0x621000184d00) created.
  2062. 11:26:30.026 inv0x61d000172 .Sending Request msg INVITE/cseq=30676 (tdta0x621000184d00)
  2063. 11:26:30.026 dlg0x61d000172 ..Sending Request msg INVITE/cseq=30676 (tdta0x621000184d00)
  2064. 11:26:30.026 tsx0x61d0002ef ...Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=30675 (tdta0x621000184d00)
  2065. 11:26:30.026 tsx0x61d0002ef ..Sending Request msg INVITE/cseq=30675 (tdta0x621000184d00) in state Null
  2066. 11:26:30.026 endpoint ...Request msg INVITE/cseq=30675 (tdta0x621000184d00): skipping target resolution because address is already set
  2067. 11:26:30.026 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_tx_msg
  2068. 11:26:30.026 tsx0x61d0002ef ...State changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG
  2069. 11:26:30.026 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d0002ef528 state changed to Calling
  2070. 11:26:30.026 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_state_changed 1
  2071. 11:26:30.026 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2072. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.027 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onConnecting
  2073. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.027 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 0
  2074. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.027 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 0
  2075. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.027 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Connecting >>>
  2076. 11:26:30.057 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2077. 11:26:30.057 tsx0x61d0002ef .Incoming Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Calling
  2078. 11:26:30.058 tsx0x61d0002ef ..State changed from Calling to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG
  2079. 11:26:30.058 dlg0x61d000172 ...Received Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2080. 11:26:30.058 dlg0x61d000172 ...Transaction tsx0x61d0002ef528 state changed to Proceeding
  2081. 11:26:30.058 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2082. 11:26:30.109 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2083. 11:26:30.109 tsx0x61d0002ef .Incoming Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Proceeding
  2084. 11:26:30.109 tsx0x61d0002ef ..State changed from Proceeding to Proceeding, event=RX_MSG
  2085. 11:26:30.109 dlg0x61d000172 ...Received Response msg 180/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2086. 11:26:30.110 dlg0x61d000172 ....Route-set updated
  2087. 11:26:30.110 dlg0x61d000172 ...Transaction tsx0x61d0002ef528 state changed to Proceeding
  2088. 11:26:30.110 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_state_changed 3
  2089. 11:26:30.110 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2090. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.110 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onProvisional
  2091. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  2092. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  2093. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.125 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 2
  2094. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.125 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 2
  2095. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.125 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Ringing >>>
  2096. 11:26:30.160 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2097. 11:26:30.160 tsx0x61d0002ef .Incoming Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Proceeding
  2098. 11:26:30.160 tsx0x61d0002ef ..State changed from Proceeding to Terminated, event=RX_MSG
  2099. 11:26:30.160 dlg0x61d000172 ...Received Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2100. 11:26:30.160 dlg0x61d000172 ....Route-set updated
  2101. 11:26:30.160 dlg0x61d000172 ....Route-set frozen
  2102. 11:26:30.160 dlg0x61d000172 ...Transaction tsx0x61d0002ef528 state changed to Terminated
  2103. 11:26:30.160 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_state_changed 4
  2104. 11:26:30.161 inv0x61d000172 ....Got SDP answer in Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2105. 11:26:30.161 inv0x61d000172 ....SDP negotiation done, status=0
  2106. 11:26:30.161 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_media_update
  2107. 11:26:30.161 inv0x61d000172 ....Received Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=30675 (rdata0x62d0000b4428), sending ACK
  2108. 11:26:30.161 endpoint ....Request msg ACK/cseq=30675 (tdta0x621000214900) created.
  2109. 11:26:30.161 dlg0x61d000172 .....Sending Request msg ACK/cseq=30675 (tdta0x621000214900)
  2110. 11:26:30.161 sip_resolve.c .....Target '' type=WS resolved to '' type=WS ((null))
  2111. 11:26:30.161 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_tx_msg
  2112. 11:26:30.161 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_state_changed 5
  2113. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.161 FASK[20426:1693025] Acision Header: AcisionSDK-MediaStreamData: {"60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"220","endpointID":"220"},"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"}}
  2114. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.162 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"220","endpointID":"220"},"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"}}
  2115. 11:26:30.162 pjsip_wrapper. ....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2116. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.162 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Remote Answer
  2117. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.163 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote SDP v=0
  2118. o=- 3659703990 0 IN IP4
  2119. s=-
  2120. t=0 0
  2121. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  2122. a=msid-semantic:WMS *
  2123. m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  2124. c=IN IP6 ::
  2125. a=mid:audio
  2126. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  2127. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  2128. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  2129. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  2130. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  2131. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  2132. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  2133. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  2134. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  2135. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  2136. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  2137. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  2138. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  2139. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  2140. a=maxptime:60
  2141. a=sendrecv
  2142. a=ssrc:1033406525 cname:S3JvY5fIpVl9LBOH
  2143. a=ssrc:1033406525 msid:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371 FC8A6239-B5FA-4C1F-8DA5-773CC3082220
  2144. a=ssrc:1033406525 mslabel:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2145. a=ssrc:1033406525 label:FC8A6239-B5FA-4C1F-8DA5-773CC3082220
  2146. a=ssrc:2069794183 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2147. a=ssrc:2069794183 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  2148. a=ssrc:2069794183 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2149. a=ssrc:2069794183 label:DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  2150. a=ssrc:725288913 cname:974a5bc1-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2151. a=ssrc:725288913 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc0-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2152. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2153. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2154. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2155. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2156. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2157. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2158. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2159. a=rtcp-mux
  2160. a=setup:passive
  2161. m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  2162. c=IN IP6 ::
  2163. a=mid:video
  2164. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  2165. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  2166. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  2167. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  2168. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  2169. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  2170. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  2171. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  2172. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  2173. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  2174. a=sendonly
  2175. a=ssrc:3441405328 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2176. a=ssrc:3441405328 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2177. a=ssrc:3441405328 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2178. a=ssrc:3441405328 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2179. a=ssrc:956442531 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2180. a=ssrc:956442531 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2181. a=ssrc:956442531 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2182. a=ssrc:956442531 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2183. a=ssrc:121573367 cname:S3JvY5fIpVl9LBOH
  2184. a=ssrc:121573367 msid:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371 192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2185. a=ssrc:121573367 mslabel:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2186. a=ssrc:121573367 label:192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2187. a=ssrc:3954266648 cname:S3JvY5fIpVl9LBOH
  2188. a=ssrc:3954266648 msid:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371 192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2189. a=ssrc:3954266648 mslabel:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2190. a=ssrc:3954266648 label:192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2191. a=ssrc:4192320515 cname:974a5bc3-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2192. a=ssrc:4192320515 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc2-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2193. a=ssrc-group:FID 3441405328 956442531
  2194. a=ssrc-group:FID 121573367 3954266648
  2195. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2196. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2197. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2198. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2199. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2200. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2201. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2202. a=rtcp-mux
  2203. a=setup:passive
  2204. m=application 9 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  2205. c=IN IP6 ::
  2206. a=mid:data
  2207. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  2208. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2209. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2210. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2211. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2212. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2213. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2214. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2215. a=rtcp-mux
  2216. a=setup:passive
  2217. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.173 FASK[20426:1693025] <ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCStream: 0x60d00001d5e0>: Committing new media stream
  2218. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.174 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: not ready to commit
  2219. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.174 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream (label 60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371)
  2220. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.174 FASK[20426:1693025] Received video track 192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2221. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.174 FASK[20426:1693025] Received audio track FC8A6239-B5FA-4C1F-8DA5-773CC3082220
  2222. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.174 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream (label 8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE)
  2223. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.174 FASK[20426:1693025] Received video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2224. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.174 FASK[20426:1693025] Received audio track DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  2225. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.175 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream (label X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a)
  2226. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.175 FASK[20426:1693025] Received video track X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc2-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2227. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.175 FASK[20426:1693025] Received audio track X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc0-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2228. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.184 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: comitting updates
  2229. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.184 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process adding of stream with label 60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2230. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.184 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 220
  2231. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.185 FASK[20426:1693025] Using default remote view
  2232. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.188 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000086a40; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030000a4200>> in view (null)
  2233. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.188 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process adding of stream with label 8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2234. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.188 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 221
  2235. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.188 FASK[20426:1693025] Using default remote view
  2236. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.191 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000086c40; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x603000127e70>> in view (null)
  2237. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.191 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000086a40; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030000a4200>>
  2238. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.192 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process adding of stream with label X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2239. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.192 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Skipping add of stream with label X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2240. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.192 FASK[20426:1693025] Calling onConnected
  2241. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.192 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onConnected - NEW CALL CONNECTED
  2242. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.195 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 1
  2243. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.195 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 1
  2244. 2015-12-21 11:26:30.195 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< Connected >>>
  2245. AVAudioSession active with override: AVAudioSessionPortOverride
  2246. 11:26:31.903 tsx0x61d0002ef Timeout timer event
  2247. 11:26:31.903 tsx0x61d0002ef .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
  2248. 11:26:31.903 tsx0x61d0002ef Transaction destroyed!
  2249. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.184 FASK[20426:1700376] >>> Updating presence
  2250. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.185 FASK[20426:1700376] Sending message over wamp - - {
  2251. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  2252. fields = {
  2253. status = busy;
  2254. };
  2255. record = 0;
  2256. ttl = 600;
  2257. user = "";
  2258. }
  2259. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.186 FASK[20426:1700376] Sending message over wamp - - {
  2260. users = (
  2261. "",
  2262. ""
  2263. );
  2264. }
  2265. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.199 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000001e40; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x603000243ca0>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  2266. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.230 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"h0w94Wldy3GdiAOoPwd8",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  2267. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.230 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  2268. refreshDelay = 300;
  2269. }
  2270. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.273 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"aWlI6WimYqp8gb7c0l9n",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715191866","status":"active"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715190875","status":"busy"}}]]
  2271. 2015-12-21 11:26:32.274 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  2272. {
  2273. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  2274. fields = {
  2275. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715191866;
  2276. status = active;
  2277. };
  2278. result = ok;
  2279. user = "";
  2280. },
  2281. {
  2282. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  2283. fields = {
  2284. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715190875;
  2285. status = busy;
  2286. };
  2287. result = ok;
  2288. user = "";
  2289. }
  2290. )
  2291. 11:26:34.078 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg INVITE/cseq=8741 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2292. 11:26:34.078 dlg0x61d000172 .Received Request msg INVITE/cseq=8741 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2293. 11:26:34.079 tsx0x61d000267 ...Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=8741 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2294. 11:26:34.079 tsx0x61d000267 ..Incoming Request msg INVITE/cseq=8741 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Null
  2295. 11:26:34.079 tsx0x61d000267 ...State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG
  2296. 11:26:34.079 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d000267b28 state changed to Trying
  2297. 11:26:34.079 inv0x61d000172 .....Got SDP offer in Request msg INVITE/cseq=8741 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2298. 11:26:34.079 inv0x61d000172 .....Ignoring on_rx_offer() status because on_rx_reinvite() is implemented
  2299. 11:26:34.079 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_rx_reinvite
  2300. 11:26:34.079 endpoint ......Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100) created
  2301. 11:26:34.080 dlg0x61d000172 ......Initial answer Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100)
  2302. 11:26:34.080 inv0x61d000172 ......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100)
  2303. 11:26:34.080 dlg0x61d000172 .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100)
  2304. 11:26:34.080 tsx0x61d000267 .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100) in state Trying
  2305. 11:26:34.080 pjsip_wrapper. ........on_tx_msg
  2306. 11:26:34.080 tsx0x61d000267 ........State changed from Trying to Proceeding, event=TX_MSG
  2307. 11:26:34.080 dlg0x61d000172 .........Transaction tsx0x61d000267b28 state changed to Proceeding
  2308. 11:26:34.080 pjsip_wrapper. ..........on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2309. 11:26:34.080 inv0x61d000172 .....on_rx_reinvite() returns 0
  2310. 11:26:34.080 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2311. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.081 FASK[20426:1693025] Acision Header: AcisionSDK-MediaStreamData: {"60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"220","endpointID":"220"},"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"},"4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"223","endpointID":"223"}}
  2312. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.081 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"220","endpointID":"220"},"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"},"4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"223","endpointID":"223"}}
  2313. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.081 FASK[20426:1693025] Recording inactive, remote not changing recording
  2314. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.081 FASK[20426:1693025] DEBUG-setPropertiesFromHeaders customHeadersChanged 0, streamsChanged 0, unsafeChange 0
  2315. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.081 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>>> onRenegotiateRequest
  2316. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.082 FASK[20426:1693025] WARNING: Ignoring application request, conference negotiations are automatically accepted
  2317. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.082 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  2318. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.082 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Remote Offer
  2319. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.082 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote SDP v=0
  2320. o=- 3659703990 1 IN IP4
  2321. s=-
  2322. t=0 0
  2323. a=msid-semantic:WMS *
  2324. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  2325. m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  2326. c=IN IP6 ::
  2327. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2328. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2329. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2330. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2331. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2332. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2333. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2334. a=rtcp-mux
  2335. a=setup:actpass
  2336. a=mid:audio
  2337. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  2338. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  2339. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  2340. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  2341. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  2342. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  2343. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  2344. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  2345. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  2346. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  2347. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  2348. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  2349. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  2350. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  2351. a=maxptime:60
  2352. a=sendrecv
  2353. a=ssrc:2534879283 cname:T8PGkjB+W7GndFxU
  2354. a=ssrc:2534879283 msid:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7 8ABA34AB-A059-429C-850C-929CAA440C80
  2355. a=ssrc:2534879283 mslabel:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  2356. a=ssrc:2534879283 label:8ABA34AB-A059-429C-850C-929CAA440C80
  2357. a=ssrc:1033406525 cname:S3JvY5fIpVl9LBOH
  2358. a=ssrc:1033406525 msid:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371 FC8A6239-B5FA-4C1F-8DA5-773CC3082220
  2359. a=ssrc:1033406525 mslabel:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2360. a=ssrc:1033406525 label:FC8A6239-B5FA-4C1F-8DA5-773CC3082220
  2361. a=ssrc:2069794183 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2362. a=ssrc:2069794183 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  2363. a=ssrc:2069794183 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2364. a=ssrc:2069794183 label:DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  2365. a=ssrc:725288913 cname:974a5bc1-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2366. a=ssrc:725288913 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc0-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2367. m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  2368. c=IN IP6 ::
  2369. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2370. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2371. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2372. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2373. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2374. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2375. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2376. a=rtcp-mux
  2377. a=setup:actpass
  2378. a=mid:video
  2379. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  2380. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  2381. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  2382. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  2383. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  2384. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  2385. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  2386. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  2387. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  2388. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  2389. a=sendonly
  2390. a=ssrc:976224995 cname:T8PGkjB+W7GndFxU
  2391. a=ssrc:976224995 msid:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2392. a=ssrc:976224995 mslabel:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  2393. a=ssrc:976224995 label:84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2394. a=ssrc:4061986172 cname:T8PGkjB+W7GndFxU
  2395. a=ssrc:4061986172 msid:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2396. a=ssrc:4061986172 mslabel:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  2397. a=ssrc:4061986172 label:84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2398. a=ssrc:3441405328 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2399. a=ssrc:3441405328 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2400. a=ssrc:3441405328 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2401. a=ssrc:3441405328 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2402. a=ssrc:956442531 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2403. a=ssrc:956442531 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2404. a=ssrc:956442531 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2405. a=ssrc:956442531 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2406. a=ssrc:121573367 cname:S3JvY5fIpVl9LBOH
  2407. a=ssrc:121573367 msid:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371 192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2408. a=ssrc:121573367 mslabel:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2409. a=ssrc:121573367 label:192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2410. a=ssrc:3954266648 cname:S3JvY5fIpVl9LBOH
  2411. a=ssrc:3954266648 msid:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371 192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2412. a=ssrc:3954266648 mslabel:60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2413. a=ssrc:3954266648 label:192A068B-AFFE-442B-ABC6-BBCAEED1C22A
  2414. a=ssrc:4192320515 cname:974a5bc3-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2415. a=ssrc:4192320515 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc2-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2416. a=ssrc-group:FID 976224995 4061986172
  2417. a=ssrc-group:FID 3441405328 956442531
  2418. a=ssrc-group:FID 121573367 3954266648
  2419. m=application 9 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  2420. c=IN IP6 ::
  2421. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2422. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2423. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2424. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2425. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2426. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2427. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2428. a=rtcp-mux
  2429. a=setup:actpass
  2430. a=mid:data
  2431. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  2432. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.088 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream (label 4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7)
  2433. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.088 FASK[20426:1693025] Received video track 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2434. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.088 FASK[20426:1693025] Received audio track 8ABA34AB-A059-429C-850C-929CAA440C80
  2435. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.088 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: not ready to commit
  2436. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.089 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  2437. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.097 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Local Answer
  2438. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.097 FASK[20426:1693025] Local SDP v=0
  2439. o=- 92882498 3 IN IP4
  2440. s=-
  2441. t=0 0
  2442. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  2443. a=msid-semantic: WMS F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  2444. m=audio 16258 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  2445. c=IN IP4
  2446. a=rtcp:18722 IN IP4
  2447. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 56950 typ host generation 0
  2448. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51881 typ host generation 0
  2449. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64326 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2450. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64327 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2451. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 56950 typ srflx raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  2452. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51881 typ srflx raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  2453. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16258 typ relay raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  2454. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 18722 typ relay raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  2455. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2456. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2457. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2458. a=setup:active
  2459. a=mid:audio
  2460. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  2461. a=sendrecv
  2462. a=rtcp-mux
  2463. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  2464. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  2465. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  2466. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  2467. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  2468. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  2469. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  2470. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  2471. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  2472. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  2473. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  2474. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  2475. a=maxptime:60
  2476. a=ssrc:474104997 cname:oQ0Cf5yQZJd0G1Za
  2477. a=ssrc:474104997 msid:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  2478. a=ssrc:474104997 mslabel:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  2479. a=ssrc:474104997 label:E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  2480. m=video 16277 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  2481. c=IN IP4
  2482. a=rtcp:17270 IN IP4
  2483. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 64355 typ host generation 0
  2484. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51481 typ host generation 0
  2485. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64329 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2486. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64330 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2487. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 64355 typ srflx raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  2488. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51481 typ srflx raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  2489. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 17270 typ relay raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  2490. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16277 typ relay raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  2491. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2492. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2493. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2494. a=setup:active
  2495. a=mid:video
  2496. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  2497. a=recvonly
  2498. a=rtcp-mux
  2499. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  2500. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  2501. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  2502. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  2503. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  2504. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  2505. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  2506. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  2507. m=application 18182 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  2508. c=IN IP4
  2509. b=AS:30
  2510. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 60813 typ host generation 0
  2511. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64328 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2512. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 60813 typ srflx raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  2513. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 18182 typ relay raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  2514. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2515. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2516. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2517. a=setup:active
  2518. a=mid:data
  2519. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  2520. 11:26:34.098 inv0x61d000172 .SDP negotiation done, status=0
  2521. 11:26:34.098 pjsip_wrapper. .on_invite_media_update
  2522. 11:26:34.098 inv0x61d000172 .Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100)
  2523. 11:26:34.098 dlg0x61d000172 ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100)
  2524. 11:26:34.098 tsx0x61d000267 ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100) in state Proceeding
  2525. 11:26:34.098 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_tx_msg
  2526. 11:26:34.098 tsx0x61d000267 ...State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=TX_MSG
  2527. 11:26:34.098 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d000267b28 state changed to Completed
  2528. 11:26:34.098 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2529. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.098 FASK[20426:1693025] Remotely initiated renegotiation OK
  2530. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.098 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"220","endpointID":"220"},"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"},"4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"223","endpointID":"223"}}
  2531. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.098 FASK[20426:1693025] Commit called when not renegotiating recording
  2532. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.099 FASK[20426:1693025] <ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCStream: 0x60d00001d5e0>: Committing new media stream
  2533. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.099 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: comitting updates
  2534. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.099 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 221
  2535. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.099 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 220
  2536. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.099 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process adding of stream with label 4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  2537. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.099 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 223
  2538. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.100 FASK[20426:1693025] Using default remote view
  2539. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.101 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6 (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000b9a40; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x603000420fd0>> in view (null)
  2540. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.101 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000086c40; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x603000127e70>>
  2541. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.102 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRenegotiateComplete
  2542. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.102 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 9
  2543. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.102 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 9
  2544. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.103 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000b9840; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300041ff20>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  2545. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.104 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000001e40; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x603000243ca0>>
  2546. 11:26:34.162 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg ACK/cseq=8741 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2547. 11:26:34.162 dlg0x61d000172 .Received Request msg ACK/cseq=8741 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2548. 11:26:34.162 tsx0x61d000267 ..Request to terminate transaction
  2549. 11:26:34.162 tsx0x61d000267 ...State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=USER
  2550. 11:26:34.162 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d000267b28 state changed to Terminated
  2551. 11:26:34.162 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2552. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2553. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 0
  2554. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost -1
  2555. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter -1 mS
  2556. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.567 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT -1 mS
  2557. 2015-12-21 11:26:34.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2558. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.540 FASK[20426:1693239] Data channel 0 state now 1
  2559. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.597 FASK[20426:1693239] Received text on data channel 0: {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"221"}
  2560. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.597 FASK[20426:1693025] Data Channel ID:0 received {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"221"}
  2561. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.598 FASK[20426:1693025] Stream is dominant speaker
  2562. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.598 FASK[20426:1693025] ##### ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSessionDelegate -> onConferenceStreamIsDominantSpeaker:
  2563. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.600 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000e4040; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030000e8120>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  2564. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.600 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000b9840; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x60300041ff20>>
  2565. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.601 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 13
  2566. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.601 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 13
  2567. 2015-12-21 11:26:36.601 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallViewController: default case executed >>>
  2568. 11:26:36.905 tsx0x61d000267 Timeout timer event
  2569. 11:26:36.905 tsx0x61d000267 .State changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
  2570. 11:26:36.905 tdta0x62100058 ..Destroying txdata Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8741 (tdta0x621000582100)
  2571. 11:26:36.905 tsx0x61d000267 Transaction destroyed!
  2572. 2015-12-21 11:26:37.790 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote video stream changed size: 480.000000 640.000000
  2573. 2015-12-21 11:26:37.791 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< onRemoteVideoResizeWithStream >>> width: 480.0 height: 640.0
  2574. 2015-12-21 11:26:37.791 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRemoteVideoResizeWithWidth WIDTH: 480.0, HEIGHT: 640.0
  2575. 2015-12-21 11:26:37.791 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 11
  2576. 2015-12-21 11:26:37.791 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 11
  2577. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.599 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2578. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.599 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 152
  2579. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.599 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  2580. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.599 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 8 mS
  2581. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.599 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 1084 mS
  2582. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.600 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2583. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.600 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.000000
  2584. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.600 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  2585. 2015-12-21 11:26:39.600 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 0.342105
  2586. 2015-12-21 11:26:40.701 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote video stream changed size: 480.000000 640.000000
  2587. 2015-12-21 11:26:40.702 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< onRemoteVideoResizeWithStream >>> width: 480.0 height: 640.0
  2588. 2015-12-21 11:26:40.702 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRemoteVideoResizeWithWidth WIDTH: 480.0, HEIGHT: 640.0
  2589. 2015-12-21 11:26:40.702 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 11
  2590. 2015-12-21 11:26:40.702 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 11
  2591. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.572 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2592. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.572 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 401
  2593. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.572 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  2594. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.573 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 6 mS
  2595. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.573 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 72 mS
  2596. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.573 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2597. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.573 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 1.000000
  2598. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.573 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  2599. 2015-12-21 11:26:44.573 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2600. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.421 FASK[20426:1693239] Received text on data channel 0: {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"222"}
  2601. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.422 FASK[20426:1693025] Data Channel ID:0 received {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"222"}
  2602. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.422 FASK[20426:1693025] Stream is dominant speaker
  2603. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.422 FASK[20426:1693025] ##### ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSessionDelegate -> onConferenceStreamIsDominantSpeaker:
  2604. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.424 FASK[20426:1693025] No video to attach
  2605. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.424 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000e4040; frame = (0 -17; 375 500); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030000e8120>>
  2606. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.425 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 13
  2607. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.425 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 13
  2608. 2015-12-21 11:26:47.425 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallViewController: default case executed >>>
  2609. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2610. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 651
  2611. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  2612. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 21 mS
  2613. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.566 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 224 mS
  2614. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2615. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.566 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.822857
  2616. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 0.987500
  2617. 2015-12-21 11:26:49.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2618. 2015-12-21 11:26:50.633 FASK[20426:1693025] CallViewModel.muteCommand: Unmuting the session
  2619. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.922 FASK[20426:1693239] Received text on data channel 0: {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"223"}
  2620. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.922 FASK[20426:1693025] Data Channel ID:0 received {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"223"}
  2621. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.923 FASK[20426:1693025] Stream is dominant speaker
  2622. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.923 FASK[20426:1693025] ##### ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSessionDelegate -> onConferenceStreamIsDominantSpeaker:
  2623. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.925 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6 (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000bc840; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030002b6240>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  2624. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.925 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 13
  2625. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.926 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 13
  2626. 2015-12-21 11:26:51.926 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallViewController: default case executed >>>
  2627. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.568 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2628. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.568 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 900
  2629. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.568 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 0
  2630. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.568 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 21 mS
  2631. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.569 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 224 mS
  2632. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.569 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2633. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.570 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.822857
  2634. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.570 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 0.987500
  2635. 2015-12-21 11:26:54.570 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2636. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.585 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2637. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.585 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 1152
  2638. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.585 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 70
  2639. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.586 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 17 mS
  2640. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.586 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 1569 mS
  2641. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.586 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2642. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.586 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.000000
  2643. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.586 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  2644. 2015-12-21 11:26:59.586 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 0.000000
  2645. 2015-12-21 11:27:02.183 FASK[20426:1700754] >>> Updating presence
  2646. 2015-12-21 11:27:02.184 FASK[20426:1700754] Sending message over wamp - - {
  2647. device = "468350d5-040f-4e9e-a85e-6863992eb518";
  2648. fields = {
  2649. status = busy;
  2650. };
  2651. record = 0;
  2652. ttl = 600;
  2653. user = "";
  2654. }
  2655. 2015-12-21 11:27:02.186 FASK[20426:1700754] Sending message over wamp - - {
  2656. users = (
  2657. "",
  2658. ""
  2659. );
  2660. }
  2661. 2015-12-21 11:27:02.347 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"9xjVXMtG3upWrIPTH31O",{"refreshDelay":300}]
  2662. 2015-12-21 11:27:02.348 FASK[20426:1693025] Set presentity succeeded - {
  2663. refreshDelay = 300;
  2664. }
  2665. 2015-12-21 11:27:02.400 FASK[20426:1693025] -[AcisionMDWamp webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [3,"B7Wcpup7IVkHIMfhaRoV",[{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715206634","status":"busy"}},{"user":"","federationTag":"ysn0r34wdXaI","result":"ok","fields":{"_LastSeenTime":"1450715220898","status":"busy"}}]]
  2666. 2015-12-21 11:27:02.400 FASK[20426:1693025] Get presentities succeeded - (
  2667. {
  2668. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  2669. fields = {
  2670. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715206634;
  2671. status = busy;
  2672. };
  2673. result = ok;
  2674. user = "";
  2675. },
  2676. {
  2677. federationTag = ysn0r34wdXaI;
  2678. fields = {
  2679. "_LastSeenTime" = 1450715220898;
  2680. status = busy;
  2681. };
  2682. result = ok;
  2683. user = "";
  2684. }
  2685. )
  2686. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.338 FASK[20426:1693239] Received text on data channel 0: {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"221"}
  2687. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.365 FASK[20426:1693025] Data Channel ID:0 received {"colibriClass":"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent","dominantSpeakerEndpoint":"221"}
  2688. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.366 FASK[20426:1693025] Stream is dominant speaker
  2689. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.366 FASK[20426:1693025] ##### ACSAcisionSDKConferenceSessionDelegate -> onConferenceStreamIsDominantSpeaker:
  2690. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.369 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x61400003d840; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030001baf30>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  2691. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.369 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6 from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000bc840; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030002b6240>>
  2692. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.369 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 13
  2693. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.370 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 13
  2694. 2015-12-21 11:27:03.370 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CallViewController: default case executed >>>
  2695. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.583 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2696. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.583 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 1401
  2697. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.583 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 70
  2698. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.583 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 17 mS
  2699. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.583 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 1569 mS
  2700. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.584 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2701. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.584 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.000000
  2702. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.584 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  2703. 2015-12-21 11:27:04.584 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2704. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2705. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 1651
  2706. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 70
  2707. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 17 mS
  2708. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.566 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 1569 mS
  2709. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2710. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.567 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.000000
  2711. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  2712. 2015-12-21 11:27:09.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2713. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2714. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 1901
  2715. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 70
  2716. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 17 mS
  2717. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.568 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 1569 mS
  2718. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.568 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2719. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.568 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 0.000000
  2720. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.569 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 1.000000
  2721. 2015-12-21 11:27:14.569 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2722. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2723. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 2151
  2724. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 1095
  2725. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 100 mS
  2726. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.568 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 62 mS
  2727. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.568 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2728. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.568 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 1.000000
  2729. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.569 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 0.000000
  2730. 2015-12-21 11:27:19.569 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 0.000000
  2731. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.564 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2732. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.564 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 2400
  2733. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.564 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 1095
  2734. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 100 mS
  2735. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.565 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 62 mS
  2736. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2737. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.565 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 1.000000
  2738. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 0.000000
  2739. 2015-12-21 11:27:24.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2740. 11:27:29.198 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg INVITE/cseq=8742 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2741. 11:27:29.198 dlg0x61d000172 .Received Request msg INVITE/cseq=8742 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2742. 11:27:29.198 tsx0x61d00032d ...Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=8742 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2743. 11:27:29.198 tsx0x61d00032d ..Incoming Request msg INVITE/cseq=8742 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Null
  2744. 11:27:29.198 tsx0x61d00032d ...State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG
  2745. 11:27:29.198 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d00032dd28 state changed to Trying
  2746. 11:27:29.198 inv0x61d000172 .....Got SDP offer in Request msg INVITE/cseq=8742 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2747. 11:27:29.198 inv0x61d000172 .....Ignoring on_rx_offer() status because on_rx_reinvite() is implemented
  2748. 11:27:29.198 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_rx_reinvite
  2749. 11:27:29.198 endpoint ......Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500) created
  2750. 11:27:29.199 dlg0x61d000172 ......Initial answer Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500)
  2751. 11:27:29.199 inv0x61d000172 ......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500)
  2752. 11:27:29.199 dlg0x61d000172 .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500)
  2753. 11:27:29.199 tsx0x61d00032d .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500) in state Trying
  2754. 11:27:29.199 pjsip_wrapper. ........on_tx_msg
  2755. 11:27:29.199 tsx0x61d00032d ........State changed from Trying to Proceeding, event=TX_MSG
  2756. 11:27:29.199 dlg0x61d000172 .........Transaction tsx0x61d00032dd28 state changed to Proceeding
  2757. 11:27:29.199 pjsip_wrapper. ..........on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2758. 11:27:29.199 inv0x61d000172 .....on_rx_reinvite() returns 0
  2759. 11:27:29.199 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2760. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.199 FASK[20426:1693025] Acision Header: AcisionSDK-MediaStreamData: {"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"},"4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"223","endpointID":"223"}}
  2761. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.200 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"},"4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"223","endpointID":"223"}}
  2762. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.200 FASK[20426:1693025] Recording inactive, remote not changing recording
  2763. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.200 FASK[20426:1693025] DEBUG-setPropertiesFromHeaders customHeadersChanged 0, streamsChanged 0, unsafeChange 0
  2764. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.200 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>>> onRenegotiateRequest
  2765. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.201 FASK[20426:1693025] WARNING: Ignoring application request, conference negotiations are automatically accepted
  2766. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.201 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  2767. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.201 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Remote Offer
  2768. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.201 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote SDP v=0
  2769. o=- 3659703990 2 IN IP4
  2770. s=-
  2771. t=0 0
  2772. a=msid-semantic:WMS *
  2773. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  2774. m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  2775. c=IN IP6 ::
  2776. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2777. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2778. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2779. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2780. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2781. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2782. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2783. a=rtcp-mux
  2784. a=setup:actpass
  2785. a=mid:audio
  2786. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  2787. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  2788. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  2789. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  2790. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  2791. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  2792. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  2793. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  2794. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  2795. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  2796. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  2797. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  2798. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  2799. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  2800. a=maxptime:60
  2801. a=sendrecv
  2802. a=ssrc:2534879283 cname:T8PGkjB+W7GndFxU
  2803. a=ssrc:2534879283 msid:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7 8ABA34AB-A059-429C-850C-929CAA440C80
  2804. a=ssrc:2534879283 mslabel:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  2805. a=ssrc:2534879283 label:8ABA34AB-A059-429C-850C-929CAA440C80
  2806. a=ssrc:2069794183 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2807. a=ssrc:2069794183 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  2808. a=ssrc:2069794183 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2809. a=ssrc:2069794183 label:DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  2810. a=ssrc:725288913 cname:974a5bc1-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2811. a=ssrc:725288913 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc0-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2812. m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  2813. c=IN IP6 ::
  2814. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2815. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2816. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2817. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2818. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2819. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2820. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2821. a=rtcp-mux
  2822. a=setup:actpass
  2823. a=mid:video
  2824. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  2825. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  2826. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  2827. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  2828. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  2829. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  2830. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  2831. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  2832. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  2833. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  2834. a=sendonly
  2835. a=ssrc:976224995 cname:T8PGkjB+W7GndFxU
  2836. a=ssrc:976224995 msid:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2837. a=ssrc:976224995 mslabel:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  2838. a=ssrc:976224995 label:84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2839. a=ssrc:4061986172 cname:T8PGkjB+W7GndFxU
  2840. a=ssrc:4061986172 msid:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7 84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2841. a=ssrc:4061986172 mslabel:4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  2842. a=ssrc:4061986172 label:84D2F139-DEC9-4542-955C-96B0877EC7D6
  2843. a=ssrc:3441405328 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2844. a=ssrc:3441405328 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2845. a=ssrc:3441405328 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2846. a=ssrc:3441405328 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2847. a=ssrc:956442531 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  2848. a=ssrc:956442531 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2849. a=ssrc:956442531 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  2850. a=ssrc:956442531 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  2851. a=ssrc:4192320515 cname:974a5bc3-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2852. a=ssrc:4192320515 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc2-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  2853. a=ssrc-group:FID 976224995 4061986172
  2854. a=ssrc-group:FID 3441405328 956442531
  2855. m=application 9 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  2856. c=IN IP6 ::
  2857. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  2858. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  2859. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  2860. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  2861. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  2862. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  2863. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  2864. a=rtcp-mux
  2865. a=setup:actpass
  2866. a=mid:data
  2867. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  2868. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.205 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream removed (label 60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371)
  2869. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.205 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: not ready to commit
  2870. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.206 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  2871. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.209 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Local Answer
  2872. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.209 FASK[20426:1693025] Local SDP v=0
  2873. o=- 92882498 4 IN IP4
  2874. s=-
  2875. t=0 0
  2876. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  2877. a=msid-semantic: WMS F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  2878. m=audio 16258 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  2879. c=IN IP4
  2880. a=rtcp:18722 IN IP4
  2881. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 56950 typ host generation 0
  2882. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51881 typ host generation 0
  2883. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64326 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2884. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64327 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2885. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 56950 typ srflx raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  2886. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51881 typ srflx raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  2887. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16258 typ relay raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  2888. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 18722 typ relay raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  2889. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2890. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2891. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2892. a=setup:active
  2893. a=mid:audio
  2894. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  2895. a=sendrecv
  2896. a=rtcp-mux
  2897. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  2898. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  2899. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  2900. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  2901. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  2902. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  2903. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  2904. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  2905. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  2906. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  2907. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  2908. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  2909. a=maxptime:60
  2910. a=ssrc:474104997 cname:oQ0Cf5yQZJd0G1Za
  2911. a=ssrc:474104997 msid:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  2912. a=ssrc:474104997 mslabel:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  2913. a=ssrc:474104997 label:E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  2914. m=video 16277 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  2915. c=IN IP4
  2916. a=rtcp:17270 IN IP4
  2917. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 64355 typ host generation 0
  2918. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51481 typ host generation 0
  2919. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64329 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2920. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64330 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2921. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 64355 typ srflx raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  2922. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51481 typ srflx raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  2923. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 17270 typ relay raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  2924. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16277 typ relay raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  2925. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2926. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2927. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2928. a=setup:active
  2929. a=mid:video
  2930. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  2931. a=recvonly
  2932. a=rtcp-mux
  2933. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  2934. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  2935. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  2936. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  2937. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  2938. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  2939. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  2940. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  2941. m=application 18182 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  2942. c=IN IP4
  2943. b=AS:30
  2944. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 60813 typ host generation 0
  2945. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64328 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  2946. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 60813 typ srflx raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  2947. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 18182 typ relay raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  2948. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  2949. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  2950. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  2951. a=setup:active
  2952. a=mid:data
  2953. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  2954. 11:27:29.209 inv0x61d000172 .SDP negotiation done, status=0
  2955. 11:27:29.209 pjsip_wrapper. .on_invite_media_update
  2956. 11:27:29.209 inv0x61d000172 .Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500)
  2957. 11:27:29.210 dlg0x61d000172 ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500)
  2958. 11:27:29.210 tsx0x61d00032d ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8742 (tdta0x6210004c0500) in state Proceeding
  2959. 11:27:29.210 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_tx_msg
  2960. 11:27:29.210 tsx0x61d00032d ...State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=TX_MSG
  2961. 11:27:29.210 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d00032dd28 state changed to Completed
  2962. 11:27:29.210 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2963. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.210 FASK[20426:1693025] Remotely initiated renegotiation OK
  2964. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.210 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"},"4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"223","endpointID":"223"}}
  2965. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.210 FASK[20426:1693025] Commit called when not renegotiating recording
  2966. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.210 FASK[20426:1693025] <ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCStream: 0x60d00001d5e0>: Committing new media stream
  2967. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.210 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: comitting updates
  2968. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.211 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 221
  2969. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.211 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 223
  2970. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.211 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process removing of stream with label 60672D43-522B-422C-B24D-20316DFD1371
  2971. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.212 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRenegotiateComplete
  2972. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.212 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 9
  2973. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.212 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 9
  2974. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.214 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000014e40; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030004e7210>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  2975. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.214 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x61400003d840; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030001baf30>>
  2976. 11:27:29.255 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg ACK/cseq=8742 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2977. 11:27:29.255 dlg0x61d000172 .Received Request msg ACK/cseq=8742 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2978. 11:27:29.255 tsx0x61d00032d ..Request to terminate transaction
  2979. 11:27:29.255 tsx0x61d00032d ...State changed from Completed to Terminated, event=USER
  2980. 11:27:29.255 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d00032dd28 state changed to Terminated
  2981. 11:27:29.255 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  2982. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio
  2983. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.565 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets sent 2651
  2984. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Packets lost 1095
  2985. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.566 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter 100 mS
  2986. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.566 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT 62 mS
  2987. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Audio quality
  2988. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.567 FASK[20426:1693239] RTT = 1.000000
  2989. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Jitter = 0.000000
  2990. 2015-12-21 11:27:29.567 FASK[20426:1693239] Packet loss = 1.000000
  2991. 11:27:30.996 sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg INVITE/cseq=8743 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2992. 11:27:30.996 dlg0x61d000172 .Received Request msg INVITE/cseq=8743 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2993. 11:27:30.996 tsx0x61d00001a ...Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=8743 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2994. 11:27:30.996 tsx0x61d00001a ..Incoming Request msg INVITE/cseq=8743 (rdata0x62d0000b4428) in state Null
  2995. 11:27:30.996 tsx0x61d00001a ...State changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG
  2996. 11:27:30.996 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d00001af28 state changed to Trying
  2997. 11:27:30.996 inv0x61d000172 .....Got SDP offer in Request msg INVITE/cseq=8743 (rdata0x62d0000b4428)
  2998. 11:27:30.996 inv0x61d000172 .....Ignoring on_rx_offer() status because on_rx_reinvite() is implemented
  2999. 11:27:30.996 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_rx_reinvite
  3000. 11:27:30.996 endpoint ......Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900) created
  3001. 11:27:30.997 dlg0x61d000172 ......Initial answer Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900)
  3002. 11:27:30.997 inv0x61d000172 ......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900)
  3003. 11:27:30.997 dlg0x61d000172 .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900)
  3004. 11:27:31.254 tsx0x61d00001a .......Sending Response msg 183/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900) in state Trying
  3005. 11:27:31.255 pjsip_wrapper. ........on_tx_msg
  3006. 11:27:31.255 tsx0x61d00001a ........State changed from Trying to Proceeding, event=TX_MSG
  3007. 11:27:31.255 dlg0x61d000172 .........Transaction tsx0x61d00001af28 state changed to Proceeding
  3008. 11:27:31.255 pjsip_wrapper. ..........on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  3009. 11:27:31.255 inv0x61d000172 .....on_rx_reinvite() returns 0
  3010. 11:27:31.255 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  3011. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.255 FASK[20426:1693025] Acision Header: AcisionSDK-MediaStreamData: {"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"}}
  3012. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.256 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"}}
  3013. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.273 FASK[20426:1693025] Recording inactive, remote not changing recording
  3014. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.274 FASK[20426:1693025] DEBUG-setPropertiesFromHeaders customHeadersChanged 0, streamsChanged 0, unsafeChange 0
  3015. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.274 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>>> onRenegotiateRequest
  3016. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.274 FASK[20426:1693025] WARNING: Ignoring application request, conference negotiations are automatically accepted
  3017. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.274 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  3018. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.274 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Remote Offer
  3019. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.274 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote SDP v=0
  3020. o=- 3659703990 3 IN IP4
  3021. s=-
  3022. t=0 0
  3023. a=msid-semantic:WMS *
  3024. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  3025. m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  3026. c=IN IP6 ::
  3027. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  3028. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  3029. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  3030. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  3031. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  3032. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  3033. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  3034. a=rtcp-mux
  3035. a=setup:actpass
  3036. a=mid:audio
  3037. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  3038. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  3039. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  3040. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  3041. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  3042. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  3043. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  3044. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  3045. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  3046. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  3047. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  3048. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  3049. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  3050. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  3051. a=maxptime:60
  3052. a=sendrecv
  3053. a=ssrc:2069794183 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  3054. a=ssrc:2069794183 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  3055. a=ssrc:2069794183 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  3056. a=ssrc:2069794183 label:DC33F15D-AC22-4998-A2E9-8C43634A2BD5
  3057. a=ssrc:725288913 cname:974a5bc1-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  3058. a=ssrc:725288913 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc0-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  3059. m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  3060. c=IN IP6 ::
  3061. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  3062. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  3063. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  3064. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  3065. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  3066. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  3067. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  3068. a=rtcp-mux
  3069. a=setup:actpass
  3070. a=mid:video
  3071. a=rtcp:9 IN IP6 ::
  3072. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  3073. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  3074. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  3075. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  3076. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  3077. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  3078. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  3079. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  3080. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  3081. a=sendonly
  3082. a=ssrc:3441405328 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  3083. a=ssrc:3441405328 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  3084. a=ssrc:3441405328 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  3085. a=ssrc:3441405328 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  3086. a=ssrc:956442531 cname:xroEEkqP70RqknMz
  3087. a=ssrc:956442531 msid:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  3088. a=ssrc:956442531 mslabel:8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE
  3089. a=ssrc:956442531 label:3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F
  3090. a=ssrc:4192320515 cname:974a5bc3-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  3091. a=ssrc:4192320515 msid:X-AcisionSDK-Internal-9743f320-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a X-AcisionSDK-Internal-974a5bc2-a7ff-11e5-83ae-7b8ea84efa3a
  3092. a=ssrc-group:FID 3441405328 956442531
  3093. m=application 9 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  3094. c=IN IP6 ::
  3095. a=ice-ufrag:6rdp01a72lq4ri
  3096. a=ice-pwd:1u2qnv3amaurabb8jh1gul1cnt
  3097. a=fingerprint:sha-1 29:30:7B:63:A1:18:60:C0:CD:3D:18:77:7C:98:41:1A:D3:9B:53:78
  3098. a=candidate:1 1 udp 2130706431 10219 typ host generation 0
  3099. a=candidate:2 1 ssltcp 2130706431 4443 typ host generation 0
  3100. a=candidate:3 1 ssltcp 1677724415 4443 typ srflx raddr rport 4443 generation 0
  3101. a=candidate:4 1 udp 1677724415 10219 typ srflx raddr rport 10219 generation 0
  3102. a=rtcp-mux
  3103. a=setup:actpass
  3104. a=mid:data
  3105. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  3106. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.285 FASK[20426:1693025] Incoming stream removed (label 4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7)
  3107. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.285 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: not ready to commit
  3108. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.286 FASK[20426:1693025] Peer connection not replaced and stream configuration unchanged, not changing streams
  3109. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.289 FASK[20426:1693025] Maybe Replace Local Answer
  3110. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.289 FASK[20426:1693025] Local SDP v=0
  3111. o=- 92882498 5 IN IP4
  3112. s=-
  3113. t=0 0
  3114. a=group:BUNDLE audio video data
  3115. a=msid-semantic: WMS F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  3116. m=audio 16258 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 102 0 8 106 105 13 126
  3117. c=IN IP4
  3118. a=rtcp:18722 IN IP4
  3119. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 56950 typ host generation 0
  3120. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51881 typ host generation 0
  3121. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64326 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  3122. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64327 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  3123. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 56950 typ srflx raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  3124. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51881 typ srflx raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  3125. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16258 typ relay raddr rport 56950 generation 0
  3126. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 18722 typ relay raddr rport 51881 generation 0
  3127. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  3128. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  3129. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  3130. a=setup:active
  3131. a=mid:audio
  3132. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  3133. a=sendrecv
  3134. a=rtcp-mux
  3135. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  3136. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1
  3137. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  3138. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  3139. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  3140. a=rtpmap:102 ILBC/8000
  3141. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  3142. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  3143. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  3144. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  3145. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  3146. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  3147. a=maxptime:60
  3148. a=ssrc:474104997 cname:oQ0Cf5yQZJd0G1Za
  3149. a=ssrc:474104997 msid:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  3150. a=ssrc:474104997 mslabel:F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF
  3151. a=ssrc:474104997 label:E2B725BD-B705-40EF-A7B2-6A8C60D7216B
  3152. m=video 16277 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 100 117 96
  3153. c=IN IP4
  3154. a=rtcp:17270 IN IP4
  3155. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 64355 typ host generation 0
  3156. a=candidate:2367656776 2 udp 1068007166 51481 typ host generation 0
  3157. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64329 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  3158. a=candidate:3281809336 2 tcp 1067997950 64330 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  3159. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 64355 typ srflx raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  3160. a=candidate:608181405 2 udp 1068000510 51481 typ srflx raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  3161. a=candidate:2274137746 2 udp 1066369790 17270 typ relay raddr rport 51481 generation 0
  3162. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 16277 typ relay raddr rport 64355 generation 0
  3163. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  3164. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  3165. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  3166. a=setup:active
  3167. a=mid:video
  3168. a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
  3169. a=recvonly
  3170. a=rtcp-mux
  3171. a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000
  3172. a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
  3173. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
  3174. a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
  3175. a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
  3176. a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000
  3177. a=rtpmap:96 rtx/90000
  3178. a=fmtp:96 apt=100
  3179. m=application 18182 DTLS/SCTP 5000
  3180. c=IN IP4
  3181. b=AS:30
  3182. a=candidate:2367656776 1 udp 1068007167 60813 typ host generation 0
  3183. a=candidate:3281809336 1 tcp 1067997951 64328 typ host tcptype passive generation 0
  3184. a=candidate:608181405 1 udp 1068000511 60813 typ srflx raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  3185. a=candidate:2274137746 1 udp 1066369791 18182 typ relay raddr rport 60813 generation 0
  3186. a=ice-ufrag:PS1lK8jkYa0+u3pL
  3187. a=ice-pwd:/vxwCO36JfRHZFVmzOKpl2py
  3188. a=fingerprint:sha-256 A9:9D:27:EA:AD:8A:AF:08:52:C6:D9:0D:FE:EC:1E:37:1C:80:8D:E0:47:5C:4E:55:F2:31:E5:8C:BD:53:33:A7
  3189. a=setup:active
  3190. a=mid:data
  3191. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
  3192. 11:27:31.290 inv0x61d000172 .SDP negotiation done, status=0
  3193. 11:27:31.290 pjsip_wrapper. .on_invite_media_update
  3194. 11:27:31.290 inv0x61d000172 .Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900)
  3195. 11:27:31.290 dlg0x61d000172 ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900)
  3196. 11:27:31.290 tsx0x61d00001a ..Sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=8743 (tdta0x621000287900) in state Proceeding
  3197. 11:27:31.290 pjsip_wrapper. ...on_tx_msg
  3198. 11:27:31.291 tsx0x61d00001a ...State changed from Proceeding to Completed, event=TX_MSG
  3199. 11:27:31.291 dlg0x61d000172 ....Transaction tsx0x61d00001af28 state changed to Completed
  3200. 11:27:31.291 pjsip_wrapper. .....on_invite_tsx_state_changed
  3201. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.291 FASK[20426:1693025] Remotely initiated renegotiation OK
  3202. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.291 FASK[20426:1693025] Getting stream addresses: {"8EF387D6-860A-469C-B28A-DAE2972DE4BE":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"221","endpointID":"221"},"F38A2932-2929-453B-89EF-E979525DEBAF":{"address":"","deviceAddress":"222","endpointID":"222"}}
  3203. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.291 FASK[20426:1693025] Commit called when not renegotiating recording
  3204. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.291 FASK[20426:1693025] <ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCStream: 0x60d00001d5e0>: Committing new media stream
  3205. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.291 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: comitting updates
  3206. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.292 FASK[20426:1693025] Address for stream: 221
  3207. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.292 FASK[20426:1693025] Remote streams: Process removing of stream with label 4EE1A4DA-D4AE-40A1-A649-4E9076C619D7
  3208. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.292 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< ACSAcisionSDKWebRTCSessionDelegate >>> onRenegotiateComplete
  3209. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.293 FASK[20426:1693025] <RACDynamicSignal: 0x60300028bf70> name: next: 9
  3210. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.293 FASK[20426:1693025] <<< CALL STATUS >>> 9
  3211. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.295 FASK[20426:1693025] Adding video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F (local:false) to videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x6140000bda40; frame = (0 0; 375 466); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030000197b0>> in view <UIView: 0x61300021f800; frame = (0 44; 375 466); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x6030003a32d0>>
  3212. 2015-12-21 11:27:31.295 FASK[20426:1693025] Removing video track 3038EFC4-BCA9-4C1E-81BA-41C93F13F55F from videoview <RTCEAGLVideoView: 0x614000014e40; frame = (0 -17; 375 500); layer = <CALayer: 0x6030004e7210>>
  3213. (lldb)
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