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Feb 27th, 2015
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  2. +altered Power Sword attack: now inflicts as an AOE cleave spray on hit
  3. +Buffed Hatchet and POW Hatchet damage and travel speed
  4. +added new HUD icons for the sword, powered sword, and arm cannon
  5. +changed POW lance behaviour, now quickly gains speed as it travels
  6. +changed POW torch behaviour, now drops fireballs on direct hit that bounce around
  7. +added new sword sprites for standard and powered forms, as well as the thrown sword
  8. +added the Red Wyvern Cacodemon replacement
  9. +added the Mage Gunner Arachnotron replacement
  10. +added knife throwing tricks for the thief
  11. +added homing bone attack for the Chaos Revenant
  12. +added new visual effects for scatter shot, POW lance, and max charge shot
  13. +added audio cue for subshot failures
  14. +added audio and visual cues for when lifedrain is in effect with powered arm cannon
  15. +edited how power sword throw behaves, doesn't start homing until after a set time limit
  16. +added Xdeath for living armors
  17. +Lowered the melee speed of Imp Skirmishers
  18. +slightly raised Steel Duke spikeball damage
  19. +doubled the length of arcane chicken and mystic wine buffs (will be replaced with a new effect in the future)
  20. +slightly buffed dagger item crash
  21. +Lowered damage of imp skirmisher projectiles
  22. +lowered Steel Duke HP by 10
  23. +buffed powered cannon spikeball damage
  24. +buffed POW Lances
  25. +slightly buffed scattershot damage
  26. =Lowered chaos revenant particle count
  27. =Made POW status for Dagger shoot two daggers instead of one, it's essentially the same thing
  28. =Made armor amulet and POW Giver an instant use item rather than an inventory based item
  29. =Retooled the warding shield, no longer provides full invuln but instead properly blocks projectiles in front of you. DOES NOT BLOCK MELEE THOUGH. So better continue juking fools in melee. No longer hold to block anymore either, now tapping shield raises the shield up for a set time before lowering, tapping altfire again will cause you to throw it
  30. =Changed out Cluster Missile and Scatter Shot sound effects for more appropriately retro sounds
  31. =Made efforts to make Imp skirmisher bones fly a little more randomly
  32. -Raised eartshaker bomb mana cost by 20 points
  33. -raised cluster missile mana cost by 10 points
  34. -slightly nerfed max charge shot explosion radius
  35. -Nerfed POW'd earthshaker bomb pull and explode radius
  36. -nerfed earthshaker bomb radius
  37. -Players now start with no subweapon, and no subshot. Better get hunting
  38. -slightly lowered hatchet fire rate
  39. -lowered torch fire rate
  40. -nerfed hatchet bounce count
  41. -removed porta chests and porta cubes (More items will be coming in the future to replace them)
  42. -altered some ammo gem spawns, ammo should be slightly more scarce
  43. -Lowered Golden Skeleton's pain chance
  44. -Made Lord Blaz a little shorter
  45. -removed ability to charge the sword, sword throwing is now the powered sword's zoom function, this makes standard sword combos a little more fluid
  46. -Lowered big spikeball damage
  47. -raised standard spikeball mystic energy cost
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