
Shadow Tag Conversation

Jul 4th, 2014
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  1. +Hack: i think no one is actually good at xy
  2. +Hack: because the metagame
  3. +Hack: there is something wrong with it
  4. Piexplode: I know what you mean
  5. Piexplode: and no obvious solution
  6. Piexplode: still I guess the hyper anti-ban ethos of ubers stops us doing anything rash
  7. Piexplode: yeah when I listed those names I meant the best at XY but ugh I was
  8. Piexplode: talking with shrang earlier on IRC
  9. Piexplode: he was saying about
  10. Piexplode: too much effort to write a huge post about anti-shadow tag cluase
  11. Piexplode: I think
  12. Piexplode: I understand all his viewpoints
  13. Piexplode: and I don't disagree with them
  14. Piexplode: I think I just agree to disagree on his stance on banning them
  15. Piexplode: I can't quite say what is wrong with gar I just
  16. Piexplode: know it's not right
  17. Piexplode: it does affect teambuilding in unpleasant ways
  18. Piexplode: and battling
  19. Piexplode: I remember I think when shrang said about if you had
  20. Piexplode: something that was totally OP then
  21. Piexplode: everyone would use it so it wouldn't be banned or something akin to that and
  22. Piexplode: I mean he's kind of right if we had a mon with
  23. Piexplode: 255 in everything
  24. Piexplode: great movepool and typing
  25. Piexplode: only really being beatable with itself
  26. Piexplode: for example
  27. Piexplode: then everyone would use it and
  28. Piexplode: in that situation he's probaly more or less right but
  29. Piexplode: I mean it's just
  30. Piexplode: gar is just diffferent
  31. +Hack: if shrang gets in the debate
  32. +Hack: ill sure make haste
  33. +Hack: and get in it too
  34. Piexplode: I know
  35. +Hack: there is no way some irrelevant players
  36. +Hack: are stopping us
  37. +Hack: from making the only choice that is right
  38. Piexplode: yeah I know what you mean
  39. Piexplode: I wasn't sure what your stance on it would be though cos
  40. +Hack: but people like hugendugen, shrang
  41. +Hack: they can't do jack here
  42. +Hack: they don't have what it takes
  43. +Hack: they don't know the meta
  44. +Hack: me, dice, mm2 among others
  45. Piexplode: I mean I understand how much you hate gar, but I know you hate geoxern in similar measure, and I know that you have a good understanding of the ethos of this
  46. +Hack: will just walk straight over them if they even try
  47. Piexplode: yes but also hugen is kinda in charge of the whole thing even if he is clueless
  48. +Hack: my stance is very simple
  49. Piexplode: and tbf dice is kinda outdated in XY
  50. Piexplode: steel was saying about him making a comment about scizor beating xern ekiller and defogging
  51. Piexplode: and u could see clearly from that that he's not really up to date with the metagame properly
  52. +Hack: it can be 2 of those
  53. +Hack: not 3 at once
  54. Piexplode: absolutely
  55. +Hack: and that's what i think he meant
  56. Piexplode: and I know I'm paraphrasing hell of a lot yeah that's the issue
  57. +Hack: so he is not outdated
  58. Piexplode: I haven't a clue where this was
  59. +Hack: dice is an excellet player
  60. Piexplode: so I can't realy comment properly
  61. +Hack: anyway
  62. +Hack: stance is simple
  63. +Hack: metagame changes from bw to xy are three
  64. +Hack: we got
  65. +Hack: geomancy xern
  66. +Hack: shadow tag gengar
  67. +Hack: defog arceus
  68. +Hack: those are the biggest differences
  69. Piexplode: those are the biggest
  70. Piexplode: yeah
  71. +Hack: ok
  72. Piexplode: anything else can still be big but ultimately secondary stuff like
  73. +Hack: geomancy xerneas is powerful, i'd even say too powerful
  74. Piexplode: no soul dew
  75. +Hack: but is it actually uncompetitive
  76. +Hack: ?
  77. +Hack: if this was OU
  78. Piexplode: that's the question
  79. +Hack: and you were to suspect xerneas
  80. +Hack: could you ban it?
  81. +Hack: yes of course
  82. +Hack: but why
  83. Piexplode: yes and of course this is assuming OU power levels
  84. +Hack: not because it's uncompetitve
  85. +Hack: it's just bloody good
  86. +Hack: no i'm assuming
  87. +Hack: if ubers was oou
  88. Piexplode: oh okay
  89. +Hack: anyway you would ban xern most likely
  90. Piexplode: equivalent I guess
  91. +Hack: because it's a bloody good sweepr
  92. Piexplode: yeah agreed
  93. Piexplode: but does that mean you'd ban it in ubers
  94. Piexplode: I'm sure that if this were
  95. +Hack: no
  96. Piexplode: the case throughout the generations
  97. +Hack: thats the point
  98. Piexplode: and you had ubers being the ou
  99. +Hack: that does mean it's not bannable in ubers
  100. Piexplode: wouldn't a case for kyogre
  101. +Hack: because i can tolerate
  102. Piexplode: be put forward for some point
  103. +Hack: a bloody good sweepers
  104. +Hack: *s
  105. +Hack: -s
  106. +Hack: okay let's now look at shadow tag
  107. Piexplode: so are we saying that
  108. Piexplode: you're not pro-ban of geoxern in some form or another
  109. Piexplode: just before we move on
  110. Piexplode: within the context of the current ubers metagame
  111. +Hack: i am not for banning it
  112. +Hack: because that is against what ubers stands for
  113. +Hack: but
  114. +Hack: shadow tag then
  115. +Hack: the whole nature of it
  116. +Hack: is different
  117. Piexplode: agreed
  118. +Hack: you aren't using
  119. +Hack: something that is absurdly powerful
  120. +Hack: something that can sweep an entire team
  121. Piexplode: although even without shadow tag its power is very good
  122. +Hack: but shadow tag does something that is beyond me in mons
  123. +Hack: because mons is about one thing
  124. +Hack: switching
  125. +Hack: when we say skill in this game
  126. +Hack: it's switching
  127. +Hack: that is central
  128. Piexplode: and move selection
  129. +Hack: everything else in battle
  130. +Hack: is superficial
  131. +Hack: not even
  132. Piexplode: as well as teambuilding but I guess that's a different area
  133. +Hack: move selection
  134. +Hack: comes close to the impact
  135. +Hack: switching has
  136. +Hack: this is
  137. +Hack: the skill in pokemon
  138. Piexplode: move selection and switching can be 2 sides of the same coin at times
  139. +Hack: what shadow tag does is that it takes the skill aka the competitive part out of this game
  140. +Hack: and erases it
  141. +Hack: so the question to be asked is
  142. Piexplode: in some ways I agree
  143. +Hack: are the shadow tag mons powerful enough
  144. Piexplode: we all know about the wynaut ban in OU back in the day
  145. +Hack: to actually erase the skill in this game
  146. +Hack: and i believe they are this time
  147. +Hack: 1- gengar is extremely powerful
  148. +Hack: it has taunt+dbond and good speed
  149. +Hack: it has a great movepool
  150. Piexplode: great power too
  151. +Hack: it can be made to take out almost any check to any sweeper
  152. Piexplode: and not nothing in terms of bulk either
  153. Piexplode: within limits but certainly a lot of truth in it
  154. +Hack: gengar is of course one of the reasons shadow tag got buffed
  155. +Hack: because it is objectively seen
  156. +Hack: the best stag mon
  157. Piexplode: and xerneas the second best stag mon :P
  158. Piexplode: note the wordplay
  159. Piexplode: but anyways
  160. +Hack: well
  161. +Hack: then there is also
  162. +Hack: gothitelle
  163. Piexplode: yeah
  164. +Hack: and while gengar is
  165. +Hack: the most consistent stag mon
  166. +Hack: gothitelle
  167. +Hack: is the most broken one
  168. +Hack: because of a metagame change
  169. +Hack: that happened
  170. +Hack: defog
  171. +Hack: arceus
  172. Piexplode: indeed
  173. +Hack: makes gothitelle
  174. +Hack: a king vs
  175. +Hack: any stall or balance
  176. +Hack: it will
  177. +Hack: remove
  178. +Hack: a key member
  179. +Hack: to a core
  180. +Hack: it will also be very shit
  181. +Hack: against HO
  182. Piexplode: and the trick room variant is not useless versus offense
  183. Piexplode: but near to
  184. +Hack: or teams that have a defoger that gothitelle can't take out
  185. +Hack: so
  186. +Hack: why is it broken if it's so inconsistent
  187. +Hack: well the tricky part is
  188. +Hack: it's just its inconsistency vs different playstyles
  189. Piexplode: either way it does make the tier more matchup based
  190. +Hack: that makes it broken
  191. +Hack: or the ability with it broken
  192. +Hack: because against some match ups
  193. +Hack: you are going to win
  194. +Hack: without any skill at all
  195. +Hack: and you can build that team to cover goth weaknesses anyway so
  196. +Hack: it might not be that bad to use it anyway
  197. Piexplode: agreed
  198. +Hack: so you are removing a central element of competitve mons
  199. +Hack: very easily
  200. +Hack: the abusers of stag fit great in the meta
  201. +Hack: because of the other changes namely
  202. +Hack: 1. better sweepers
  203. +Hack: 2. defog arceus
  204. Piexplode: it does beg a few different things though, for example why does not every team run shadow tag? And should we allow diversity of playtsyles?
  205. +Hack: 3. more mons=more match up
  206. +Hack: there isn't a very simple answer to why every team doesn't run shadow tag
  207. Piexplode: agreed but it doesn't stop it being a question worth asking
  208. +Hack: yeah maybe the answer is that people underestimate the power of it somehow
  209. Piexplode: because from a theoretical standpoint there is some sense at least at a first glance in the arguement that if one pokemon or one element of a couple of pokemon is OP
  210. +Hack: it is also a thing for the tour scene, not ladder play
  211. Piexplode: then surely they would always be used with almost absolute certainty
  212. +Hack: well as i said
  213. +Hack: shadow tag and especially gothitelle
  214. +Hack: are inconsistent
  215. +Hack: not every player wants to run this inconsistency
  216. +Hack: all the time
  217. Piexplode: I would say gar is more consistent though since it does function as a great revenge killer and isn't set up bait for the worst HO sweepers that it has to be way of when on HO builds
  218. Piexplode: the main inconsistency for gar is more of a mixture due to its inaccurate focus blast, the existance of pursuit and how that affects it, and also in some team matchups there
  219. Piexplode: may be more or less that it is capable of trapping [but I think every 'viable' team within a certain sense will contain something that gengar can hamper and justify its moveslot for]
  220. +Hack: well gengar can get in sticky 50-50s too
  221. +Hack: but yeah basically
  222. +Hack: you don't need to run it
  223. +Hack: you don't need to run xerneas
  224. +Hack: even if it is the best sweeper in the game
  225. +Hack: mons is about teams
  226. +Hack: and a combination of 6 pokemon
  227. +Hack: the combination of these 6 are what wins games
  228. Piexplode: indeed
  229. +Hack: just because pokemon y is better than x
  230. +Hack: doesn't mean you should never run x
  231. +Hack: that's why
  232. Piexplode: indeed just because kyogre is better than reshiram
  233. +Hack: shadow tag isn't always used
  234. +Hack: that's why xernas isn't always used
  235. Piexplode: or idk umm not the best example but I get the point
  236. +Hack: that's why blaziken wasn't always used in ou
  237. +Hack: before it was banned
  238. Piexplode: indeed
  239. +Hack: so
  240. Piexplode: or any other example pokemon
  241. +Hack: so
  242. +Hack: shadow tag fits the criteria for uncompetitiveness
  243. +Hack: it restricts team building
  244. +Hack: it amplifies match up factor
  245. +Hack: it makes already good sweepers even better
  246. +Hack: and most importantly
  247. +Hack: it takes away the competitive aspect of this game
  248. Piexplode: what I like is that what you've done is
  249. Piexplode: well I saw shrang earlier today
  250. Piexplode: define uncompetitive and then
  251. Piexplode: effectively say
  252. Piexplode: gar doesn't fit
  253. Piexplode: and now you've explained
  254. Piexplode: why he's incorrect
  255. Piexplode: I think I'll pastebin this conversation because it's really been a strong one and probably
  256. Piexplode: will help with the long paragraphs of shadow tag discussion
  257. Piexplode: that with any luck should envelop
  258. +Hack: and also
  259. +Hack: lastly
  260. +Hack: remember my 3 big changes from bw?
  261. Piexplode: indeed
  262. Piexplode: gar xern defog
  263. +Hack: ok
  264. +Hack: so remove gar
  265. +Hack: would that make stall dominant
  266. Piexplode: hmm
  267. +Hack: would that make HO almost impossible to execute
  268. Piexplode: hard to tell without playing but I think
  269. +Hack: as gengar was a check to xenreas and ekiller
  270. Piexplode: melee says about how good stall is
  271. +Hack: well on first sight
  272. Piexplode: because of in spite of these changes it stilll exists
  273. +Hack: it looks like stall is going to centralize them etagame
  274. +Hack: but
  275. +Hack: why do i give a shit
  276. +Hack: about HO dying
  277. Piexplode: why do you give a shit about
  278. +Hack: stall isn't uncompetitive
  279. +Hack: just because
  280. Piexplode: stall living?
  281. Piexplode: :)
  282. +Hack: an archetype
  283. +Hack: worked in the past
  284. +Hack: doesn't mean it should be allowed to live on
  285. +Hack: and stall living is irreleant
  286. +Hack: i think stall is the best playstyle even now
  287. Piexplode: agreed
  288. +Hack: i only care about one thing
  289. +Hack: removing the uncompetitve aspects of the tier
  290. +Hack: and whatever happens
  291. +Hack: after that
  292. +Hack: i don't care
  293. Piexplode: seems legit
  294. Piexplode: at least at this moment in time
  295. Piexplode: the remaining meta game
  296. Piexplode: after tag
  297. Piexplode: is certainly less significant
  298. Piexplode: than the act of removing tag
  299. Piexplode: and making the tier more competitive
  300. +Hack: is all that matters
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