
LTV-Goodman Phone Call Apr 6 2018

Apr 7th, 2018
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  1. Impromptu Interview with Lift The Veil
  4. 00:00:30 Tenace Jason how are you hey Jason just one thing before we get started I'm
  5. 00:00:35 already on the air so if you don't want to talk to me on the air then don't but
  6. 00:00:40 if you do that'd be great I'm live on Twitch right now so yeah I'd rather have
  7. 00:00:45 a conversation with you before we decide if we're gonna go on air or not because
  8. 00:00:50 there's a number of things that I think you don't have quite right so you know I
  9. 00:00:53 want to make sure that we're on the same page I mean you say you've sent me a
  10. 00:00:56 bunch of text messages I haven't received a single one if you were
  11. 00:01:00 texting this number this number can't receive text messages and I don't see
  12. 00:01:04 any messages on Twitter either so I don't know how you've been trying to
  13. 00:01:09 reach me but just right now in your live stream on my show was the first time I
  14. 00:01:14 was made aware that you're trying to reach me and I had commented on the
  15. 00:01:18 video with Douglas Gabriel that you made last night because people who watch
  16. 00:01:25 crowd-sourced the truth - on YouTube had sent that to me and mr. Gabriel as he
  17. 00:01:30 does frequently he was making a number of you know just factually inaccurate
  18. 00:01:36 statements things that were flatly untrue reproducing false information
  19. 00:01:40 that's been put out there by people who you've been associated with in the past
  20. 00:01:46 like manuel chavez and Titus Frost Dean Fougere these guys are in a regular
  21. 00:01:49 practice of just you know generating evidence and putting it out
  22. 00:01:53 for instance Douglas Gabriel said that my email had been hacked and released to
  23. 00:01:57 the Internet this is totally untrue I saw some
  24. 00:02:04 anonymous post on 4chan or vote or something like that that said that it
  25. 00:02:09 said that Jason's email has been hacked but there was absolutely no verification
  26. 00:02:14 of that whatsoever and the texts that I saw there the texts in terms of the
  27. 00:02:19 writing that was supposedly my emails was not any kind of email that I've ever
  28. 00:02:24 seen before so I don't know who was doing that or why they're doing that I
  29. 00:02:30 they're doing it to damage my reputation I presume they're doing it to damage the
  30. 00:02:34 credibility of crowdsourced the truth but so far no one at all
  31. 00:02:38 has presented any evidence of the accusations
  32. 00:02:42 had been made against me specifically and and you know you and really graceful
  33. 00:02:49 back in June or July of 2017 when I first started working with George you
  34. 00:02:52 had a little episode where you were talking about your feelings that I was
  35. 00:02:58 affiliated with Mossad it's not true you know it was kind of it it was actually
  36. 00:03:05 kind of us just having a laugh because George Webb on that show mentioned
  37. 00:03:12 Mossad well that's correct he did he did George Sweigert makes up a lot of stories
  38. 00:03:16 that I have now found are not true and that's not to say that everything that
  39. 00:03:22 he says is untrue he's he's definitely done a lot of investigating that has led
  40. 00:03:26 to a lot of things that are true but see this is the nature of what's called a
  41. 00:03:30 limited hangout if if someone appeared on the Internet and started telling you
  42. 00:03:33 that you know the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny hacked Congress no one
  43. 00:03:38 would listen to that person because it's obviously false but in the case of your
  44. 00:03:42 friend Manuel Chavez he'll utilize a technique where he'll show you a very
  45. 00:03:48 lengthy very professionally produced documentary about someone who's come up
  46. 00:03:53 quite a life this is quite a lot this guy Arnon milk on who the quite
  47. 00:03:59 obviously stupid douglas gabriel referenced a lot last night now aren't
  48. 00:04:04 on milk on is he's a real guy he's an executive in Hollywood
  49. 00:04:09 answer that Lear he's an executive in Hollywood and there I do recall seeing
  50. 00:04:13 an article in variety when I was working in Hollywood as a cinematographer and a
  51. 00:04:18 stereo fer I was specialized in stereoscopic motion picture production
  52. 00:04:21 and people can look that up on the internet I've never hidden that and you
  53. 00:04:26 know working in Hollywood doesn't automatically make you a Mossad agent or
  54. 00:04:30 a pedophile there are a lot of honest people that work there and you know my
  55. 00:04:35 work as a stereoscopic cinematographer was very specialized people can go to
  56. 00:04:42 the 21st century 3d YouTube channel or 21st century 3d comm I've never hidden
  57. 00:04:46 any of these things and if you go back and look at the statements particularly
  58. 00:04:50 of Manuel shabbos he's been very active in spreading the lies and you know
  59. 00:04:56 months ago you posted a video that included segments
  60. 00:05:02 from something that Dave Acton had put up where Dave is is specifically
  61. 00:05:05 discussing a team of people that he intends to put together and he
  62. 00:05:11 specifically says I forget if he refers to him as Defango or Manuel Chavez but
  63. 00:05:16 it's quite clear that he's talking about Manuel sha as the third the malicious
  64. 00:05:23 malevolent individual who has made it his business to insinuate himself into
  65. 00:05:30 whatever it is that I'm doing and to try to thwart my progress I believe because
  66. 00:05:37 he is specifically paid to do that I don't have compelling enough evidence to
  67. 00:05:41 prove that to everyone but I have a number of elements of evidence that lead
  68. 00:05:47 me to believe that I just I know he's lied about numerous things so Dave Acton
  69. 00:05:50 does that video and I'm sure you recall what I'm talking about
  70. 00:05:55 Nathan where Dave is talking about Manny is gonna monitor crowdsource dotnet or
  71. 00:05:59 whatever Jason Goodman's website is I mean Dave says that in his own words
  72. 00:06:04 that Manuel Chavez is going to monitor my site every time I post a live stream
  73. 00:06:09 whether it's five minutes before I go live or an hour or a day there are two
  74. 00:06:14 viewers that automatically pop up within seconds now most of the people that are
  75. 00:06:18 legitimate and honest subscribers to the channel are telling me all I'm not
  76. 00:06:23 getting notifications or whatever I feel like it's possible that someone with
  77. 00:06:28 Manuel Chavez's level of sophistication might have some sort of software that
  78. 00:06:34 monitors my channel as Dave Sweigert Dave Acton has instructed into and that any
  79. 00:06:39 time a post goes up it's ready to record it so he can disseminate it to the
  80. 00:06:44 variety of hoax channels that he's quite obviously affiliated with I have
  81. 00:06:48 definite irrefutable evidence that Manuel Chavez uses a number of
  82. 00:06:52 alternative Twitter accounts which I've referred to as fake Twitter accounts
  83. 00:06:55 because the only Twitter accounts that I have are Twitter accounts that are
  84. 00:06:59 associated with companies that I make it very obvious our mind there's a 21st
  85. 00:07:02 century 3d Twitter account there's a crowd source the truth Twitter account
  86. 00:07:08 I'm not hiding I'm not trying to people and I'm not putting anonymous
  87. 00:07:13 strikes on videos when people steal my intellectual property by taking my
  88. 00:07:18 videos and reposting them for no purpose other than to spread lies about me to
  89. 00:07:24 say things like I'm involved with pedophiles I mean how many times can
  90. 00:07:28 they repeat the same lies man while Shabbos has repeatedly spread the lie
  91. 00:07:36 that I am somehow affiliated with Bryan Singer have you heard that well there a
  92. 00:07:40 lot of things you said I just wanted to have you heard that have you heard that
  93. 00:07:44 I am affiliated with Bryan Singer that I know Bryan Singer that I have worked
  94. 00:07:48 with Bryan Singer that I've been to parties with Bryan Singer have you heard
  95. 00:07:53 that I haven't seen any evidence of that well there's no evidence of it of course
  96. 00:07:57 because he's never happened but they've spread it and they claim that it's
  97. 00:08:01 evidence and then you take an irresponsible inaccurate foul-mouthed
  98. 00:08:07 moron like Dean Fougere who works for a company that's owned by his father who
  99. 00:08:11 when he didn't call me back in the timeframe that he said he would I called
  100. 00:08:15 the company again that he works at because it's the only publicly posted
  101. 00:08:19 phone number that I could get for him and you see you're telling me you tried
  102. 00:08:22 to contact me by Twitter you tried to contact me by text I didn't get any of
  103. 00:08:25 those messages I'm very good Nathan I'm from New York
  104. 00:08:31 if somebody does something I go and I deal with it directly so I found this
  105. 00:08:37 phone number for mr. Fougere at his company and I also I I had a feeling
  106. 00:08:41 that he would probably avoid contacting me because I don't consider him an
  107. 00:08:46 honest forthright straightforward person I think he is a duplicitous underhanded
  108. 00:08:52 scumbag who likes to spread lies who likes to deal with partial truths who is
  109. 00:08:56 working for a company that's owned by his father who he refers to as his boss
  110. 00:09:00 I don't think his father is gonna fire him from his job because I make a phone
  111. 00:09:04 call there and as a matter of fact I didn't make that phone call to get him
  112. 00:09:09 fired I made that phone call because Titus Frost Dean Fougere seemingly came
  113. 00:09:14 out of nowhere I actually met you and Titus Frost do you recall where that was
  114. 00:09:19 in person at Peet at the beach game alley and
  115. 00:09:23 Washington DC I you and I didn't actually engage in conversation we just
  116. 00:09:28 were standing in close proximity and we didn't exactly meet but I did speak with
  117. 00:09:33 Dean and I did speak with his fiancee she was very nice polite lovely young
  118. 00:09:38 woman he was friendly enough and so you know when I meet people I also met David
  119. 00:09:43 Seaman there and you know David was very standoffish David had Robert David
  120. 00:09:47 Steele on his program recently and I contacted David a number of times to
  121. 00:09:51 tell him you know I consider him a quality journalist and since he gave
  122. 00:09:55 Robert David Steele a platform to spread lies and misinformation I'd like an
  123. 00:09:59 opportunity to rebut and he didn't give me that and that's the reason why I've
  124. 00:10:02 chosen to speak to you right now and essentially give you this interview on
  125. 00:10:09 Twitch because you had Douglas Gabriel on your show last night and you know I
  126. 00:10:13 get it that that guests come forward with information and guys like you and I
  127. 00:10:20 don't have gigantic staff on hand to to vet everything that a guest says but I
  128. 00:10:24 mean I can tell you that so much of what Douglas Gabriel says is just patently
  129. 00:10:30 false the fact that anyone would listen to anything that he says as anything
  130. 00:10:35 other than comedy or mild entertainment is bizarre to me and and the fact that
  131. 00:10:40 the word intelligence would even be included in an organization that he's
  132. 00:10:43 associated with is very contradictory because that man is either completely
  133. 00:10:50 stupid or actively involved in trying to spread false information so let me just
  134. 00:10:54 address a few things is I'm sorry yeah I text it so it makes sense that you
  135. 00:10:58 didn't get the text message from me since you don't receive text and I just
  136. 00:11:02 sent a tweet at you since I can't direct now yeah I know look at Twitter that
  137. 00:11:06 much I don't look at Twitter that much so see that's like when Dean tells me oh
  138. 00:11:09 he tweet at me it's like look you know that's how you want to receive a message
  139. 00:11:13 I call people on the phone and if they answer the phone I talk to them and I
  140. 00:11:17 don't always do that sometimes I email people but in that case with a serious
  141. 00:11:21 matter I was calling Dean Fougere to alert him
  142. 00:11:25 to the fact that I intended to contact the FBI because I believe what's
  143. 00:11:33 happening nathan is a a decentralized distributed defamation attack and
  144. 00:11:38 know how these guys all think we know how Manuel Chavez thinks he's a code
  145. 00:11:44 breaker he's a hacker he says he's not a hacker but when I first met him I I have
  146. 00:11:48 it on a recording can I refer to you as a white hat hacker and he said sure and
  147. 00:11:53 at that time his Twitter account said he was a mind hacker so if he's saying he's
  148. 00:11:56 a hacker and then later he says he's not a hacker is he a hacker is he not a
  149. 00:12:04 hacker but what do hackers do Nathan they hack they seek out the weakest
  150. 00:12:11 point in a system and they exploit it hackers take advantage they exploit
  151. 00:12:16 weakness okay so right that's what they're doing
  152. 00:12:25 they have determined that if let's say a wealthy individual controls some let's
  153. 00:12:34 say in the case of Robert David Steele he owns a 501c3 nonprofit corporation or
  154. 00:12:38 he's the chairperson of it I don't know if he owns it but he's the spokesman for
  155. 00:12:44 it his name is on the documentation submitted with the IRS he is in control
  156. 00:12:49 of it right that 501c3 nonprofit organization is called earth
  157. 00:12:54 intelligence network and you can go and see the tax returns you can see that
  158. 00:13:00 there was a $65,000 tax return it's not making that much money there's a $25,000
  159. 00:13:05 tax return I mean this is a pretty low-income nonprofit organization now
  160. 00:13:08 what a lot of people don't know and what I didn't know until I started working
  161. 00:13:12 with other experts you know a lot about this if you want to be a charity if you
  162. 00:13:18 want to be a non-profit 501c3 and take people's money and let them contribute
  163. 00:13:24 to you in a tax-exempt way that they can write it off on their taxes it is not
  164. 00:13:29 sufficient in the eyes of the law for you to simply have this tax-exempt
  165. 00:13:34 organization you additionally need to register that charity certainly in the
  166. 00:13:37 state of New York certainly in the state of California and the laws vary from
  167. 00:13:41 state to state but let's just deal with New York and California because I don't
  168. 00:13:45 like to speculate and I don't like to make up fake evidence like Manuel Chavez
  169. 00:13:48 who then you know shares it and it gets received
  170. 00:13:53 by Dean Fougere air and then Dean Fougere air irresponsibly reports it and says well I
  171. 00:13:57 didn't say you did it I just said somebody else reported it that's
  172. 00:14:00 irresponsible and that's spreading false information see what I like to do is I
  173. 00:14:05 like to go to the IRS and see what Robert David Steele has filed with the
  174. 00:14:09 IRS and I like to go to the New York State Bureau of charities and see if his
  175. 00:14:15 charity is registered which it is not and so the fact that Robert David Steele
  176. 00:14:19 came on my program where he appeared with George Webb Sweigert he was brought
  177. 00:14:23 there by George Webb Sweigerted and if you go back and watch that video on the
  178. 00:14:28 original crowd-sourced the truth one channel it's called Robert David Steele
  179. 00:14:32 and it's on YouTube under crowdsource the truth there to crowdsource the truth
  180. 00:14:35 channels on YouTube there's crowdsource the truth which is the original channel
  181. 00:14:41 that had 57,000 followers and actually had gained about three or four thousand
  182. 00:14:46 in a period of a week after I revealed that the American intelligence media
  183. 00:14:53 channel is filled with lies and that Douglas Gabriel is a fool at best and a
  184. 00:14:58 liar at worst that channel you know that channel got struck by malicious
  185. 00:15:03 anonymous attacks and no one came forward and said I'm Jason Goodman and
  186. 00:15:07 you're stealing my material and using it to malign me and tell lies about me and
  187. 00:15:12 I am submitting a copyright complaint because this is my intellectual property
  188. 00:15:17 you're stealing cowards with fake names on youtubes and fake accounts submitted
  189. 00:15:22 these bullying complaints about a video where we mentioned David hog with
  190. 00:15:27 internationally recognized historian and author Ole Demogard and they took
  191. 00:15:31 out that channel because they did not want the truth getting out they did not
  192. 00:15:37 want me telling you that Robert David Steele it would seem evidence indicates
  193. 00:15:41 evidence from the New York State Bureau of charities evidence from the IRS that
  194. 00:15:48 people can go to ProPublica org and use the ProPublica advanced search to search
  195. 00:15:53 out the earth intelligence network and get the ein the employer identification
  196. 00:15:58 number and then search that E is on the New York State Bureau of charities and
  197. 00:16:01 you will see that it is not registered with the
  198. 00:16:04 New York State Bureau of charities and that is an indication that Robert David
  199. 00:16:09 Steele has committed felony charity fraud and when I brought that evidence
  200. 00:16:14 forward that is why Robert David Steele has initiated what I have dubbed a fake
  201. 00:16:19 lawsuit it is a real lawsuit it is submitted in the state of Virginia in
  202. 00:16:24 federal civil court but it is based on fake claims okay so what do I mean by
  203. 00:16:28 their real claims he's written them down they're real but they have no
  204. 00:16:33 evidentiary value they do not represent actual wrongdoing they do not represent
  205. 00:16:38 anything that will go anywhere in court and I have further evidence to indicate
  206. 00:16:44 that Robert David Steele has employed and by that I mean utilized I don't know
  207. 00:16:48 if Robert David Steele is paying them or not but Robert David Steele has utilized
  208. 00:16:53 a number of agents apparatchiks operatives whatever you want to call
  209. 00:16:59 them people like Queen Tut who I believe to be Susan Holmes certainly the police
  210. 00:17:03 in Fort Collins Colorado where she resides believe she's Susan Holmes her
  211. 00:17:09 son that was neutralized by the police in a completely justified action when he
  212. 00:17:12 attempted to murder one of them with an 11-inch hunting knife after they told
  213. 00:17:18 him 36 times to drop the knife a situation that is a really sad situation
  214. 00:17:23 it would be nice if Jeremy Holmes were not dead but I personally believe that
  215. 00:17:27 mental health is a really serious issue we see that playing out on YouTube every
  216. 00:17:33 day Dave Acton Dave Sweigert I believe has mental health issues I'm not an
  217. 00:17:36 expert I can't say that definitively but that's my opinion I also believe that
  218. 00:17:41 when it comes to mental health the family like Susan Holmes or Susan Lutzke
  219. 00:17:46 or Queen Tut or whatever her name is the responsibility the first line of defense
  220. 00:17:51 is with the family she says in the 9-1-1 call that she made to the police that
  221. 00:17:56 responded that ultimately neutralized her son because he attacked them in an
  222. 00:18:01 attempt to kill them she says he's got mental health issues that are growing
  223. 00:18:06 why didn't she proactively take care of that situation and deal with it before
  224. 00:18:10 he became a danger to the police in a danger to the public so Nathan when I
  225. 00:18:14 say someone is committing chair fraud it's not because I've made up
  226. 00:18:18 evidence it's because there is evidence and then those people are bringing
  227. 00:18:24 lawsuits against me and utilizing other people who now have shown themselves to
  228. 00:18:27 not be friends everything that Susan Holmes
  229. 00:18:32 Susan Lutzke Queen Tut has said about why she left crowdsource the truth is
  230. 00:18:36 untrue we did a broadcast where she freaked out seven minutes in for no
  231. 00:18:39 reason hung up the phone and told me that she
  232. 00:18:43 wants me to delete the video I refused to delete the video and she chose to not
  233. 00:18:47 participate in crowdsource the truth again she then made up a bunch of lies
  234. 00:18:52 about me being a pedophile she called people and told them I was a pedophile
  235. 00:18:56 she published my mother's phone number on the internet and told people to call
  236. 00:19:01 my mother Nathan this is harassment and the distributed harassment campaign that
  237. 00:19:07 I'm talking about is where Chavez puts out a piece of fake information and then
  238. 00:19:12 Fougere picks it up and reports on it and Queen tut puts the phone number on
  239. 00:19:15 the internet we get this collection of people who start to believe all these
  240. 00:19:20 falsehoods and you know maybe no one in particular has done anything so
  241. 00:19:26 egregious that the police or the FBI are gonna respond specific specifically to
  242. 00:19:30 that person but as I said these are hackers they're looking for exploits and
  243. 00:19:35 they realize that if one person went and did all this stuff well then it might be
  244. 00:19:40 enough for the police to prosecute but if each person carries out a small role
  245. 00:19:46 they can try to erode my credibility they can try to coax me into doing
  246. 00:19:52 something that gets me into trouble they can have George Webb George Sweigert
  247. 00:19:55 report a story about uranium on a ship that I don't know if it's there or not I
  248. 00:20:00 trusted George at the time George told me a number of Lies to gain my trust as
  249. 00:20:04 he does with everyone who listens to him on the Internet and then he delivered
  250. 00:20:06 this story about uranium on that ship I don't know if there was or wasn't
  251. 00:20:10 uranium on that ship Joe Napoli made a lot of calls to the Coast Guard and they
  252. 00:20:14 have given him no official report although they did give him indications
  253. 00:20:19 that there may have been uranium they are not answering his phone request as
  254. 00:20:23 to whether or not there was Iranian but immediately the story that began after
  255. 00:20:26 someone I don't know who called the Coast Guard now
  256. 00:20:31 is that is that someone that I told to call the Coast Guard or is that someone
  257. 00:20:37 else like Dave actin like Susan Holmes like men Welsh avez like any of these
  258. 00:20:40 people who just calls up and says hey there's a bomb on the ship I don't know
  259. 00:20:44 I don't know who made that call but I know that when I called the Coast Guard
  260. 00:20:48 I didn't say anything that's what's in the recording the Coast
  261. 00:20:52 Guard said to me oh the dirty bomb we already know about it
  262. 00:20:55 so Dave Acton tells you part of a story Dave Sweigert
  263. 00:20:59 tells you a little bit of a story that's factual and then he makes up a lot of
  264. 00:21:03 the other stuff there was no officially sanctioned US
  265. 00:21:09 military action in Nicaragua that I'm aware of in the 1970s the 1980s of the
  266. 00:21:16 1990s the only US involvement was by CIA contractors and this is Iran-Contra
  267. 00:21:24 where guns were flown to Iran with the assistance of Mossad CIA and Mossad were
  268. 00:21:28 involved in that George HW Bush was the kingpin Oliver North was on trial for
  269. 00:21:34 that okay they then took the money from the sale of guns to Iran which was under
  270. 00:21:38 sanctions you were not allowed to sell a pineapple to Iran and they were selling
  271. 00:21:43 them tow missiles and other things that money was then flown from Iran to
  272. 00:21:50 Nicaragua where cocaine was purchased from the Contras and the people that
  273. 00:21:54 Dave Acton says he captured were the Sandinistas the individuals that were
  274. 00:21:58 fighting the Contras so I don't know what Dave Acton was doing in Nicaragua
  275. 00:22:02 but he gets real upset when I say he was a CIA contractor flying cocaine or that
  276. 00:22:08 is maybe he was his statements seemed to indicate that he might have been I don't
  277. 00:22:12 know beyond what he said and then George makes up a story that he told me Dave
  278. 00:22:16 was a CIA contractor he didn't tell me Dave was a CIA contractor all I know is
  279. 00:22:21 I got a lot of incidents of George Webb lying to me George Webb coordinating
  280. 00:22:25 things telling people to watch Defango and his brother and then I watched
  281. 00:22:31 that video and Dave Sweigert who called your show the other day just happens to
  282. 00:22:35 call up Defango all you guys are sitting around randomly receiving calls
  283. 00:22:40 from Dave Acton I can't imagine that he possibly knows that you're on the air
  284. 00:22:43 and this is a and event but George Webb tells
  285. 00:22:46 everybody to go listen to Dave and his brother they're so funny
  286. 00:22:51 and then the comedy of that call is that Dave calls up and he tells Manuel Chavez
  287. 00:22:55 Defango all about a company called black cube a company I knew nothing
  288. 00:23:00 about until I heard that episode black cube apparently as a company started by
  289. 00:23:05 a bunch of former Israeli Defence Force and former Mossad agents that operates
  290. 00:23:08 out of London and they give you all these details about black cube they show
  291. 00:23:12 you a very professionally produced web site and at the end oh by the way
  292. 00:23:18 Goodman's getting money from them I have never received any money at all
  293. 00:23:26 knowingly from Mossad and I am NOT receiving $3,000 a week or $3,000 a
  294. 00:23:31 month I am not receiving that amount cumulatively from all of the money that
  295. 00:23:36 my generous sponsors who go to the truth or
  296. 00:23:42 PayPal dot me slash crowdsource the truth and sponsor my channel because I
  297. 00:23:46 don't accept donations donations go to charities and nonprofit organizations
  298. 00:23:52 people who sponsor crowdsource the truth or go to crowdsource the truth - on
  299. 00:23:57 YouTube they are choosing to pay because they want an independent news source
  300. 00:24:04 that's not driven by some corporate owned advertiser paid for agenda they
  301. 00:24:07 want to know that they're getting the truth and the individuals that you've
  302. 00:24:11 had on your program that you have associated yourself with are attempting
  303. 00:24:16 to stop that from happening and they don't come back and say hey wait a
  304. 00:24:19 minute Jason you had wrong information about Robert David Steele here's other
  305. 00:24:23 evidence that shows that the New York bureau of charities database isn't
  306. 00:24:27 updated Robert David Steele's lawyer didn't come to me and say I demand a
  307. 00:24:31 retraction because here's the facts he just brought
  308. 00:24:35 a lawsuit I called Dean Fougere at the office of his company that sells jet
  309. 00:24:40 fuel sensors to Halliburton Kellogg Brown and Root and Chevron deep state
  310. 00:24:44 all the way I called him at that company to alert him that I was in the process
  311. 00:24:50 of gathering information to bring to the FBI to tell the FBI that I believe a new
  312. 00:24:54 type of crime is taking place a distributed
  313. 00:25:00 decentralized defamation attack is taking place and that AB yeah absolutely
  314. 00:25:07 I spent hours on the phone I called the FBI I called the FBI Nathan I called the
  315. 00:25:11 FBI and I submitted a complaint that took about 45 minutes and in less than
  316. 00:25:16 24 hours I got a return phone call and I spent over three hours on the phone and
  317. 00:25:21 have shared extensive evidence with the FBI and I find it very interesting how
  318. 00:25:26 agitated mr. Dave Acton has become I think everyone knows I have good
  319. 00:25:31 contacts at the FBI I've had retired FBI agent Robin grits on my program many
  320. 00:25:35 times I've had Thomas Paine of true pundit whose real identity I know very
  321. 00:25:39 well and will not share with anyone but I have verified that this person is a
  322. 00:25:44 person who has a great deal of credibility and a tremendous amount of
  323. 00:25:50 very well vetted law enforcement active law enforcement sources and these people
  324. 00:25:53 have assisted me and guided me as to what to do with this information and
  325. 00:25:57 they've even shared things with me that I'm not prepared to share with you on
  326. 00:26:02 this program but that tell me that everything Dave Acton is saying is false
  327. 00:26:09 Dave Acton is also at best delusional at worst psychotic but he's you know almost
  328. 00:26:13 everything that guy says is a crazy manipulation and he seems to be becoming
  329. 00:26:19 unhinged primarily because his operation is failing and if he's this magnificent
  330. 00:26:23 genius who's involved in homeland security and all these depositions that
  331. 00:26:28 he talks about why is he so ineffective for the past nine months that's stopping
  332. 00:26:35 little old me a retired cinematographer who has designed a couple of 3d cameras
  333. 00:26:39 who initiated patents but because of business complications like patents are
  334. 00:26:44 expensive and people weren't necessarily ultimately interested in investing in
  335. 00:26:48 those patents and and so I stopped pursuing them that that's that's normal
  336. 00:26:51 these are normal things that all have explanations these guys raise questions
  337. 00:26:57 these guys find tiny little bits of fact and they try to cast doubt they have
  338. 00:27:03 never presented any evidence to support the bulk of their claims their claims
  339. 00:27:06 that I am a Mossad agent their claims that I am a pedophile or that I'm
  340. 00:27:10 affiliated with pedophile none of that is true none of that has
  341. 00:27:14 ever been substantiated with evidence they they refer to videos where I talk
  342. 00:27:18 about going on tinder well guess what it's not illegal to go on tinder tinder
  343. 00:27:24 is a dating platform where there is no contact with anyone unless there is
  344. 00:27:29 mutually agreed you know people know how Tinder works you're not talking to
  345. 00:27:33 anyone on there unless they agree to talk to you and you're not even allowed
  346. 00:27:39 on there unless you're over the age of 18 so no one on there is below the age
  347. 00:27:45 of consenting adult and every claim that they have made in that regard has been
  348. 00:27:49 totally false and never verified by evidence
  349. 00:27:54 so I appreciate that just give me one second to respond because you've given
  350. 00:27:58 us the whole story now just to let you know I've been on the other end of
  351. 00:28:04 attacks from Defango and Dave act and in fact Eve act and it really tried to
  352. 00:28:09 ruin my life why do you have him on your show then Nathan well because you know
  353. 00:28:15 when we get into this business right and I and I start I actually quit my job to
  354. 00:28:19 do the truth thing full-time and it's incredibly difficult it's incredibly get
  355. 00:28:23 difficult to get donations so I respect the fact you know I heard your interview
  356. 00:28:28 with Doug where I really did think he went over the line in what he said to
  357. 00:28:32 you although I guess he didn't know he was being recorded it's not illegal to
  358. 00:28:37 record a phone call he's lying about that if you are a party to the phone
  359. 00:28:45 call it is not illegal it's not event what no repenteth I'm in New York I'm in
  360. 00:28:49 New York it's a one-party recording call and I've spoken to lawyers who have told
  361. 00:28:54 me that on a federal level yeah if you are a party to the call it's gone all
  362. 00:28:57 the way to the Supreme Court as long as you are a party to the call and
  363. 00:29:03 recording it it's legal what is illegal is if I eavesdrop on a call between you
  364. 00:29:06 and someone else and neither of you know that it's being recorded
  365. 00:29:11 that's illegal so if Douglas thinks I've done something illegal he should go to
  366. 00:29:15 the authorities and he should you know get them involved because the more
  367. 00:29:20 attention that can be brought to this matter with regard to law enforcement
  368. 00:29:23 the FBI I want that I am actively dealing with
  369. 00:29:30 the NYPD I am actively dealing with the FBI here in New York now that Susan
  370. 00:29:35 Holmes has made the incredibly inappropriate and illegal this is
  371. 00:29:40 harassment publishing my mother's phone number on Twitter and telling people to
  372. 00:29:44 call my mother and tell her that I'm a stalker or a pedophile or whatever it is
  373. 00:29:49 that she said that is harassment calling Dean Fougere air at his place of
  374. 00:29:54 business where the phone number is publicly posted on a website D - -
  375. 00:30:00 dot-com that's not illegal and that's not harassment they are advertising with
  376. 00:30:05 that website they want you to know that D 2 is a company that's selling jet fuel
  377. 00:30:09 sensors if you want to call them up and inquire as to how you can buy a jet fuel
  378. 00:30:13 sensor if you work for a deep state company like Halliburton Kellogg Brown &
  379. 00:30:18 Root Chevron and you want to do business with Dean Fougere air you can call that
  380. 00:30:23 phone number they're actively putting it out there in the public and likewise if
  381. 00:30:28 I want to call him and alert him that he's putting himself at risk because not
  382. 00:30:34 to threaten him but to alert him that I hey man I met you in person I don't
  383. 00:30:38 understand why you're doing all this but I need to let you know that when I alert
  384. 00:30:42 the FBI to what's going on you could be getting yourself involved and there's
  385. 00:30:45 evidence that I have that seems to indicate that some of this harassment
  386. 00:30:49 campaign that you've been involved in Dean Fougere has been taking place at
  387. 00:30:54 what looks like a place of business which might in fact be D - which is
  388. 00:30:57 owned by your father Alan Fougere which is also posted on the website so I'm not
  389. 00:31:02 doxxing anyone but I think Alan Fougere might be interested to know that it is
  390. 00:31:07 incredibly irresponsible son is acting in a way that could put his business in
  391. 00:31:13 civil or legal jeopardy and he probably shouldn't do that so I prefer to call
  392. 00:31:18 people and give them these friendly polite bits of advice and they assume
  393. 00:31:22 that I'm calling to threaten them I was doing the same with Susan Holmes when I
  394. 00:31:26 attempted to call her she posted all these calls that I had placed to some
  395. 00:31:31 VoIP number that she has and in her own post it showed that she had blocked my
  396. 00:31:35 incoming number it says it's blocked and it can't be answered now on
  397. 00:31:39 and when I was calling it didn't ring it didn't make any sound at all I was
  398. 00:31:43 unclear if the phone was working at all so I called back a number of times and
  399. 00:31:48 that's how she got all these you know blocked calls missed calls whatever it
  400. 00:31:51 is she represented it as but that's certainly not harassment if someone
  401. 00:31:55 tells you don't ever call me again and you repeatedly call them that's
  402. 00:32:02 harassment if she answered every time and hung up or you know again I'm not a
  403. 00:32:06 lawyer but you know calling a number that doesn't ring and not being aware
  404. 00:32:11 that it's even registering that your call is going through I don't believe
  405. 00:32:13 that's harassment I believe that's persistence and her
  406. 00:32:16 assumption that I was calling to threaten her was just wrong I was
  407. 00:32:21 calling to ask her why she's behaving in this way because she spent many many
  408. 00:32:26 months also insinuating herself into my life pretending to be a friend
  409. 00:32:30 coincidentally the same exact way Manuel shabbos approached me hey I'm your
  410. 00:32:35 friend I'm gonna help you with this Seth rich file that came from Dan Vezina the
  411. 00:32:39 white rabbit someone who Manuel shabbos admits that he already knew someone the
  412. 00:32:45 patrician had grown and George Webb Sweigert had a text message exchange in
  413. 00:32:50 which they discussed the fact that both of them knew that that was not new
  414. 00:32:54 material that had all been released previously I didn't know that and even
  415. 00:32:59 if they mentioned that it wasn't made clear to me it was made clear to me that
  416. 00:33:04 this was material that came from a DNC whistleblower and was possibly a copy of
  417. 00:33:08 the thumb drive that Seth rich was trying to distribute George he made that
  418. 00:33:14 the focus of what we were doing and somehow Manuel shabbos got those text
  419. 00:33:17 messages out of George's phone how did he get that if they're not working
  420. 00:33:21 together does that mean they're working together I don't know does that mean man
  421. 00:33:25 while Chavez's hacking people I don't know man while shabbos has had access to
  422. 00:33:32 private skype tech text messages that I've sent to Dilyana the Bulgarian
  423. 00:33:39 journalist he says Dilyana sent them to him I say that's a lie so somehow these
  424. 00:33:43 things are happening and they're happening in a way that is being done to
  425. 00:33:48 try to reduce my credibility to try to make people think that I'm lying
  426. 00:33:52 Douglas Gabriel told you yesterday that my emails have been hacked well that's
  427. 00:33:54 wrong and if he goes back now and says well I
  428. 00:33:57 didn't know that then he's the worst intelligence operative ever because he
  429. 00:34:00 thought Craig Murray was dead I proved that wrong
  430. 00:34:05 I've spoken to Craig Murray people can go to the crowdsource the truth channel
  431. 00:34:10 on YouTube and search for Craig Murray and they can see an interview where
  432. 00:34:15 myself and Patricia know groan who I I was being very generous with I brought
  433. 00:34:19 her with me on that trip to London I didn't need to do that I pointed out
  434. 00:34:25 Craig Murray to her she didn't recognize him I introduced her to Craig Mari I put
  435. 00:34:28 her out in front not because I was trying to steal the spotlight but
  436. 00:34:31 because I was trying to make Trish an important part of crowdsource the truth
  437. 00:34:37 because I'm into teamwork I'm into integrity and building a team I've done
  438. 00:34:42 a number of start-up businesses and I understand the importance of team all of
  439. 00:34:47 these guys that you're having on your show Douglas Gabriel and Dave Acton and
  440. 00:34:53 Manuel Chavez these guys are into trying to hide things and lie about things and
  441. 00:34:59 destroy integrity and they use lies and deception to do that and they are all
  442. 00:35:05 scumbags and cowards right well okay so let me let me get a few words in here
  443. 00:35:09 Jason I appreciate what you told me first of all like I said I've been on
  444. 00:35:14 the other end of attacks by Defango I frequently say that he is a liar I think
  445. 00:35:19 he plays these these AR GS or he's barfing whatever you want to call it so
  446. 00:35:23 I've pointed that out then on the other end of attacks by Dave Acton I've had
  447. 00:35:28 people call my father and tell me me I've had I've had file set accused me of
  448. 00:35:31 elder abuse I've had people that's probably coming
  449. 00:35:37 from Dave Acton okay so I listen so I sympathize with what you think you're
  450. 00:35:41 going through if you google my name and you can do this right now I just did it
  451. 00:35:46 earlier on my show if you google my name Nathan stolen the second result is lift
  452. 00:35:51 the veil needs insulting Jew Mossad actor exposed and I'm not even Jewish
  453. 00:35:55 yeah let's see so that's what they're trying to do is fill the internet with
  454. 00:36:00 garbage about you right right so this is okay so we got into this business right
  455. 00:36:04 and and it's this what we should expect if we're telling
  456. 00:36:10 the truth so my question to you is why do you spend so much time focused on
  457. 00:36:13 other people and why don't you just ignore them because if what they're
  458. 00:36:18 saying isn't true like these things on the internet that say I'm Mossad then
  459. 00:36:22 what the hell do you care shouldn't everybody realize that it isn't true why
  460. 00:36:25 do you have to spend so much time looking into people's lives calling
  461. 00:36:30 their work you know looking into Robert David Steel's business and finding out
  462. 00:36:33 that it's not really a charity like what the do you I'm sorry for my
  463. 00:36:37 language but what do you care I mean really it doesn't it just bring doesn't
  464. 00:36:42 just attract more of the same I'm gonna start my answer by saying the way you've
  465. 00:36:47 posed that question Nathan causes me to believe that you were trying to frame
  466. 00:36:54 this question in such a way that makes what I'm doing look like the incorrect
  467. 00:36:58 thing to do so I don't appreciate the way you've asked that question but I
  468. 00:37:02 will answer it because the answer is this the answer is that I've got I don't
  469. 00:37:06 believe that this is what we should expect for trying to get to the truth I
  470. 00:37:09 believe that people out there in the United States of America and elsewhere
  471. 00:37:14 have a right to understand what's going on we're not stupid and I don't want
  472. 00:37:20 unelected people or malicious political operatives like those we're talking
  473. 00:37:24 about to be able to direct the narrative I would like to speak to a lot of
  474. 00:37:28 different experts I would like to evaluate a lot of different evidence I
  475. 00:37:34 would like to deal in facts and allow people to develop their skills of
  476. 00:37:40 critical thinking to arrive at the truth I don't want some new-age freak show a
  477. 00:37:46 cult weirdo like Douglas Gabriel to spew a lot of and try and tell me
  478. 00:37:50 what the truth is and he throws down the gauntlet and everyone has to answer like
  479. 00:37:54 he thinks I'm paying attention to what he says he's an idiot and what he says
  480. 00:37:59 is worthless so for them to put out all this crap on the internet and for me to
  481. 00:38:02 expect that it's okay that my mother's phone number is going to be put on the
  482. 00:38:07 internet so that people can harass my mother I'm sorry that's not OK and I'm
  483. 00:38:10 fighting back against that and I'm exposing the people that do it and
  484. 00:38:15 you're minimizing my effort to do that is something that I would question
  485. 00:38:19 on your part and the reason I'm looking into Robert David Steele's business is
  486. 00:38:25 because he came on my program and he raised $15,000 from my audience people
  487. 00:38:30 that I am establishing trust and confidence with and he compromised that
  488. 00:38:35 and I don't like liars and I don't like crooks and Robert David Steele is a liar
  489. 00:38:40 and a crook he's lying on the regular he's involved in charity fraud his
  490. 00:38:45 lawyer has not presented me with a demand for her attraction which in fact
  491. 00:38:51 actually that is what I was also calling Dean Fougere for to let him know that
  492. 00:38:55 I'm getting law enforcement involved that I'm exploring my legal rights and
  493. 00:39:01 that I demand a an apology and a retraction from him the same thing I did
  494. 00:39:07 with Jake Morphonios when he presented non evidence to quote debunk
  495. 00:39:11 John Collin John Cullen may well have been full of a lot of malarkey that's
  496. 00:39:15 very possible but that doesn't mean that Jake Morphonios
  497. 00:39:21 can show a caller ID on his phone and say oh the Saudi Arabian embassy
  498. 00:39:26 told me that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia was in Jeddah on October 1st
  499. 00:39:30 though that proves that you're wrong no it doesn't it just proves that Jake or
  500. 00:39:34 phoniest called the Saudi Arabian embassy he didn't play a recording of
  501. 00:39:38 the call in the way that I did he didn't get testimony from Joe Napoli in the way
  502. 00:39:43 that I did both of those pieces of actual evidence said to me that the
  503. 00:39:46 Saudi Arabian embassy never gives a specific information over the phone
  504. 00:39:50 about the royal family to submit a request
  505. 00:39:57
  506. 00:40:33 I would gladly put on my show and I would have adopted that evidence as the
  507. 00:40:39 new strongest evidence but he refused to everyone listening to this and even
  508. 00:40:42 people who are listening to this when they hear something whether it's from
  509. 00:40:45 Jake Tapper Anderson Cooper Rachel Maddow
  510. 00:40:51 Nathan Stallman Robert David Steele Dave act and George Sweigert whoever it is you
  511. 00:40:56 should seek the evidence and if the person is not willing to present the
  512. 00:41:01 evidence then you should put no value on what they say not one of these people
  513. 00:41:04 who have made the accusation that my emails have been hacked have presented
  514. 00:41:08 any kind of scientific evaluated scene those emails that they claimed in mind I
  515. 00:41:14 saw one post on 4chan or read it or steam it or something like that I saw
  516. 00:41:19 one of those things that said like hey I'm a friend of mine is 15 and was on
  517. 00:41:24 tinder and was texting Jason and I get all these uh I get all these Twitter
  518. 00:41:29 emails from the purple one which I'm pretty sure as Manuel Chavez where
  519. 00:41:33 you know he's writing as if he's an underage girl saying oh I'm gonna be 17
  520. 00:41:37 next week and I miss you so much and I mean this is nonsense he's writing that
  521. 00:41:41 I'm not writing that they're trying to entrap me by you know creating these
  522. 00:41:45 fake situations but they have no actual evidence and the people that I'm talking
  523. 00:41:49 about when I have pressured them to present evidence haven't done it if
  524. 00:41:54 Robert David Steel's lawyer sent me a demand for a retraction along with some
  525. 00:41:58 kind of evidence that what we have said is incorrect I would respond to that
  526. 00:42:02 immediately and I would retract what I've said show me how I'm incorrect that
  527. 00:42:05 Robert David Steele is committing charity fraud nobody has done that and
  528. 00:42:10 I've checked it again I've checked it frequently he is still no
  529. 00:42:14 registered so the reason I'm all up in his business is because if you come to
  530. 00:42:21 my people and steal money and lie I'm not going to allow that to stand and if
  531. 00:42:25 you're gonna post a bunch of about me and you're gonna intimidate my mother
  532. 00:42:29 over the Internet I don't expect that to be a part of this
  533. 00:42:36 job and I will work until I am NOT able to anymore to bring justice to these
  534. 00:42:41 criminals and scumbags alleged criminals and definite scumbags that's my opinion
  535. 00:42:45 and each and every one of them knows that they're scumbags and if what I'm
  536. 00:42:50 saying is untrue present evidence to count demanded Manuel shabbos should be
  537. 00:42:57 ashamed of himself he is the lowest form of scum repeatedly making up lies things
  538. 00:43:03 that he knows our lives I have never met are non MILCON he may well be a Mossad
  539. 00:43:08 agent operative whatever I believe he has admitted that I don't know that much
  540. 00:43:13 about the man he runs a film production company Regency New Regency I think our
  541. 00:43:17 other name escapes me right now he's a producer in Hollywood all right that
  542. 00:43:22 doesn't mean I know him I knew a small number of producers in Hollywood I had a
  543. 00:43:25 limited career in Hollywood I was focused on stereoscopic cinematography
  544. 00:43:29 I've invented a number of camera systems I've invented a number of optical
  545. 00:43:33 technologies some of which I applied for patents for some of which got to the
  546. 00:43:38 stage of being provisional patents but having patents and holding patents
  547. 00:43:42 doesn't mean you have money they've had a couple of persistent messages that
  548. 00:43:45 they've tried to get through Jason's a millionaire so you shouldn't pay him
  549. 00:43:50 they're trying to defund me Jason's a pedophile they're trying to discredit me
  550. 00:43:55 Jason's a Mossad agent and you and your friend really graceful who I was nice to
  551. 00:44:01 are both very biased against Israel against Jewish people against Mossad you
  552. 00:44:05 know Mossad I'm sure it does a lot of terrible things as does the CIA as does
  553. 00:44:09 mi6 as does every intelligence agency of every country but you know what I've
  554. 00:44:13 discovered and I never experienced this in my life Nathan because I was born
  555. 00:44:17 Jewish I'm still Jewish I'm not very religious I haven't been to a synagogue
  556. 00:44:23 in many many years I went on weekends - you know Jewish education
  557. 00:44:27 I was a kid until I was 13 and had a bar mitzvah and I haven't really been
  558. 00:44:32 involved in Judaism very actively since then and growing up in New York and
  559. 00:44:35 being around Jewish people you know populations with a lot of Jewish people
  560. 00:44:38 you know I haven't ever really experienced the kind of hatred and
  561. 00:44:42 Prejudice that I've been experiencing since I got involved with you know being
  562. 00:44:47 online here and all of these people who are predisposed to disliking Zionists
  563. 00:44:53 see this is the new codeword they try to seem intellectual and open-minded by
  564. 00:44:57 saying oh I like Jewish people I just don't like Zionists so if that's true
  565. 00:45:02 why does Robert David Steele the most anti Zionist guy on the Internet why
  566. 00:45:05 does he want to be friends with George Webb why is he sending emails to George
  567. 00:45:09 Webb in July while George Webb was living here and I was paying all his
  568. 00:45:13 expenses why is Robert David Steele trying to give money to George Webb and
  569. 00:45:17 I've got this in emails that George has shared with me why is Robert David
  570. 00:45:20 Steele want to be friends with a self-admitted Zionist that doesn't make
  571. 00:45:27 any sense the Zionists thing is a coded message because these guys realize that
  572. 00:45:31 in the politically correct era of 2018 you can't just come out with hatred
  573. 00:45:35 against Jewish people they have to encode it and they say well I like
  574. 00:45:39 Jewish people that I don't like Zionists and then immediately if you're Jewish
  575. 00:45:43 and they don't like you they peg you as a Zionist shill the utter moron
  576. 00:45:48 Dean Fougere is guilty of this really graceful who I used to like and thought
  577. 00:45:51 was a lovely young lady who's got a talent for making really well produced
  578. 00:45:56 videos and doing good research is incredibly biased I had an author on
  579. 00:46:00 yesterday who is not Jewish as far as I know Nelson Phillip Nelson I don't think
  580. 00:46:01 that's a Jewish name and I don't think he's Jewish
  581. 00:46:06 but he has interviewed many of the survivors of the Liberty he has written
  582. 00:46:11 extensively on the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson who is regularly engaged
  583. 00:46:16 if there's a lot of evidence to indicate numerous activities that are not in the
  584. 00:46:20 interest of the United States and presents a very compelling argument that
  585. 00:46:27 Lyndon Johnson was the leader of the effort to sink the Liberty because
  586. 00:46:31 Lyndon Johnson wanted the United States to get involved in a war in the Middle
  587. 00:46:36 East and we see that that has been a goal of neo-cons and criminals who want
  588. 00:46:39 to rule in the Middle East they want to control
  589. 00:46:45 oil and after Lyndon Johnson's presidency which ended in 1968 in 1971
  590. 00:46:51 Richard Nixon who had a lot of interaction with Lyndon Johnson Richard
  591. 00:46:55 Nixon finally removed the dollar from the gold standard and created the
  592. 00:47:02 petrodollar where Henry Kissinger who is a Jew and a scumbag made a deal with the
  593. 00:47:06 Royal House of Saud the Saudi Arabian royal family to form the petrodollar to
  594. 00:47:12 link the value of the entire US economy not to the price of oil but to the
  595. 00:47:18 inherent demand for the universally demanded commodity of oil they created
  596. 00:47:22 this petrodollar and I believe that Lyndon Johnson was hell-bent on doing
  597. 00:47:28 that because his entire political life was financed by Texas oil millionaires
  598. 00:47:32 who under his watch became oil billionaires who continued to this day
  599. 00:47:36 I'm talking about the bushes I'm talking about their associates the Harriman's
  600. 00:47:41 we're not getting a point we're right on the point Nathan because all of this
  601. 00:47:45 stuff that I'm talking about is the stuff that they don't want spoken about
  602. 00:47:50 that's why they're making a to suppress me okay so that's what I want
  603. 00:47:55 your audience to hear you do you think there's a conspiracy against the Jews I
  604. 00:47:59 don't think there's a conspiracy against the Jews but I think there are a lot of
  605. 00:48:06 people who have an inherent dislike for Jews because I think that ignorant is a
  606. 00:48:10 thing and when someone is ignorant all that means is they don't know about
  607. 00:48:16 something they are ignorant of the facts related to that and because in the
  608. 00:48:23 United States today Jewish populations are mostly concentrated in cities like
  609. 00:48:29 New York and Los Angeles and Miami and San Francisco and Chicago if you go to
  610. 00:48:33 Mississippi or if you go to Montana or if you go to Oklahoma there's far less
  611. 00:48:37 Jewish people there than there are in New York I mean is that does that seem
  612. 00:48:41 correct to you or is that incorrect where did you grow up Nathan where did
  613. 00:48:46 you grow up I'm from the Washington DC area so a lot
  614. 00:48:49 of Jewish people there a lot of you right yeah so you're not necessarily
  615. 00:48:52 ignorant of Jewish people but it's the same thing
  616. 00:48:56 if you've never been around black people maybe you don't like black people if
  617. 00:48:59 you've never been around Christian people maybe you don't like Christian
  618. 00:49:02 people you've never been around Chinese people or Mexican people there's a lot
  619. 00:49:07 of people who are xenophobic they're afraid of things that they're alien to
  620. 00:49:11 them that they don't know about and it's just sort of human nature you know I was
  621. 00:49:15 uh I was on a movie one time where we shot in Montana and myself and the
  622. 00:49:19 director were the only two Jewish people on this movie and it was a very small
  623. 00:49:23 town in Montana and we stayed in this motel that was owned by a family the
  624. 00:49:27 whole crew from the movie stayed in the hotel and they also owned a restaurant
  625. 00:49:31 we were in the restaurant on the last night of the movie we had a wrap party
  626. 00:49:36 and somebody put on rapper's delight' and I started break dancing uh you know
  627. 00:49:39 grew up in New York and when I was a kid I knew how to breakdance and people
  628. 00:49:43 couldn't believe it people like Oh Jason breakdancing and the owner of the bar
  629. 00:49:47 said who was not a Jewish guy he was a guy from Montana who had never met any
  630. 00:49:51 Jewish people before myself in this director the owner of this bar said to
  631. 00:49:54 the director man I didn't know Jews could dance like that and the director
  632. 00:49:58 got really pissed off and he came over to me he said damn I can't believe this
  633. 00:50:02 guy Ron we've spent thousands of dollars in his place and he would say some
  634. 00:50:07 hateful like that to me and I said you know what I'm not upset by that I
  635. 00:50:12 like that because I had become friends with Ron also and I feel like what we
  636. 00:50:19 were doing is we were helping him shed some of that ignorance he had a
  637. 00:50:24 preconceived notion about what Jewish people were and what Jewish people did
  638. 00:50:27 and did not do now I'm guilty of this as well the other day I said oh there are
  639. 00:50:31 no six foot eight Jews that's not true there probably are somewhere some six
  640. 00:50:37 foot eight Jews but generally speaking Jewish people have married and
  641. 00:50:42 procreated with other Jewish people and usually you know a lot of people can
  642. 00:50:46 look at me and know that I'm Jewish so I think we all agree that there are in
  643. 00:50:50 general certain physical attributes that are shared among Jewish people that
  644. 00:50:53 identifies and being six foot eight is generally not one of them okay
  645. 00:50:59 so let's put that aside this guy Ron I felt happy that I opened his eyes to the
  646. 00:51:03 fact that Jewish people are like everybody else and if you're ignorant of
  647. 00:51:06 that or you know if you're pissed off that
  648. 00:51:10 you think Jewish people run Hollywood or Jewish people you know what there were
  649. 00:51:13 plenty of Jewish assholes in Hollywood I didn't have a great time in Hollywood
  650. 00:51:18 people stole my ideas people stole credit you know I got screwed on deals
  651. 00:51:23 where I didn't get paid Jewish people not Jewish people I got screwed on a
  652. 00:51:27 deal a movie I made in Dubai those guys weren't Jewish so I'm just saying you
  653. 00:51:30 know people have a lot of preconceived notions that aren't always correct and I
  654. 00:51:35 get very disappointed in someone like really graceful when I watch her videos
  655. 00:51:38 and she's obviously intelligent but she's ignorant of a lot of things and
  656. 00:51:42 she's got a predisposition to to be hateful towards Jewish people and she
  657. 00:51:46 wants Israel to be responsible for everything what would be the strategic
  658. 00:51:52 motivation for Israel to attack a u.s. ship in 1967 when they were so dependent
  659. 00:51:56 financially and diplomatic ileana relationship of the United States why on
  660. 00:51:59 earth would they do that to draw the United States into a war
  661. 00:52:02 that they had essentially already won it doesn't make sense
  662. 00:52:07 makes much more sense that a traitor is treacherous criminal like Lyndon Johnson
  663. 00:52:12 who was pivotal in the assassination of Kennedy pivotal in the assassination of
  664. 00:52:15 Martin Luther King pivotal in the assassination of Robert F Kennedy
  665. 00:52:20 pivotal in the false flag operation in the Gulf of Tonkin that created the
  666. 00:52:25 Vietnam War makes much more sense that that criminal scumbag would create
  667. 00:52:29 another false flag to draw the United States into a war in the Middle East so
  668. 00:52:32 we could have political and military influence there and take over the
  669. 00:52:36 oilfields which is something they've been hell-bent on doing for the 50 years
  670. 00:52:41 since then and finally they have do you think it's possible that people could be
  671. 00:52:47 critical of you without being anti-semitic yes absolutely
  672. 00:52:51 absolutely but when someone says oh I think you are Mossad I say the only
  673. 00:52:56 reason you could think that in the total absence of evidence is that you've got a
  674. 00:53:00 predisposition to think that someone who's Jewish is Mossad and that to me
  675. 00:53:07 indicates a predisposition to total ignorance and very likely a dislike of
  676. 00:53:11 Jewish people which without or Semites or Arab or whatever what I was saying to
  677. 00:53:14 Jake when I said that he's an anti-semite was based not only on that
  678. 00:53:20 statement but on all of his lately anti-israel statements all of his
  679. 00:53:24 other idiotic crap that he has said the first time I ever interacted with Jake
  680. 00:53:27 was I sent him an email and I was a patron of his channel and I remained a
  681. 00:53:32 patron for months after after he made this moronic comment he was talking
  682. 00:53:37 about Rahm Emanuel who is definitely a scumbag and definitely Jewish and his
  683. 00:53:43 brother Ari Emanuel who is also a scumbag and also a Jew he's talking
  684. 00:53:47 about how Rahm Emanuel was yelling at some guy in the golf club or the gym
  685. 00:53:51 locker room or something and Rahm Emanuel is naked naked man yelling at
  686. 00:53:56 another man and it's I mean that's an embarrassing shameful weird situation
  687. 00:54:01 and Jake said something to the effect of can you imagine being yelled at by a
  688. 00:54:08 naked Jew well what what what does that mean does it add some higher degree of
  689. 00:54:14 shame that you're being yelled at by a Jew I mean Jake is an ignorant guy Jake
  690. 00:54:19 is a guy who failed to show any evidence when he made a claim Jake is a guy who
  691. 00:54:25 then went on to make a bunch of videos where he also miscategorized for text
  692. 00:54:29 messages that I sent to him over the course of four days demanding a public
  693. 00:54:34 retraction I said Jake you've made comments that are unsupported by
  694. 00:54:38 evidence where you are substantiating false claims that I'm a Mossad agent I
  695. 00:54:44 demand a public apology and a retraction and he refused to answer so I texted him
  696. 00:54:48 again each time for four days and then he attempted as he did on my program he
  697. 00:54:51 just shows a piece of the evidence he didn't show you the full text messages
  698. 00:54:55 he just says oh look at all these text messages Jason Goodman is stalking me
  699. 00:54:59 and he conflates that with video content of some unknown person coming to his
  700. 00:55:04 house who he chases away with a bat who days later he was working with an
  701. 00:55:08 interviewing so what the hell is Jake doing if he's not manipulating evidence
  702. 00:55:11 to make you think something that isn't true
  703. 00:55:15 so Jason you've got a platform right you've got your channel you've built it
  704. 00:55:18 up you've been successful with it you have a number of people who watch your
  705. 00:55:23 show and like I said I can really relate to you in the gang stalking or crowd
  706. 00:55:27 stalking I was the victim of it before by a few of the parties that are also
  707. 00:55:31 involved with you I just wonder since we're trying to get the truth
  708. 00:55:36 and everything and I wondered if and you know you have a platform where you're
  709. 00:55:41 able to say all these things that you believe about these people a number of
  710. 00:55:46 which frankly are ad hominem attacks on people idiots or scumbag well I do that
  711. 00:55:50 because it triggers them and you see wide it's also factual well because
  712. 00:55:54 that's my opinion I'm allowed to say they're idiots and scumbags if they're
  713. 00:56:00 going to attack me with false statements and try to implicate me for crimes I
  714. 00:56:04 think they deserve ad hominem attacks I've already presented the evidence to
  715. 00:56:08 show that they're liars so you know and you're trying to trigger
  716. 00:56:14 on that's it any is it any surprise then that people come back and attack you if
  717. 00:56:18 you're intentionally Nathan I didn't start this they started it I don't start
  718. 00:56:23 fights but I do finish them right okay well I wonder because you have the
  719. 00:56:27 platform to talk you know people can hear your opinion they can hear other
  720. 00:56:31 people's opinions well no they can they can because crowd sourced the truth
  721. 00:56:37 which went from 95 viewers Craig crowdsource that CI I had started a
  722. 00:56:41 YouTube channel like six years ago Jason Goodman it wasn't even a channel it was
  723. 00:56:45 just an account so I could watch YouTube videos I think I started it in 2011 and
  724. 00:56:51 then in 2016 in October when the election was going on and I just was
  725. 00:56:57 like you know I had left Hollywood my second marriage had ended and I had lost
  726. 00:57:01 all my money because my company wasn't really succeeding and I was in a kind of
  727. 00:57:05 a not good financial situation I was living off of the sale of you know I had
  728. 00:57:09 a lot of camera equipment I had an office in New York at an office in LA I
  729. 00:57:13 was doing productions I was working on movies all over the world and I was you
  730. 00:57:17 know selling off that equipment on eBay and they've doxxed my eBay account I
  731. 00:57:20 mean this is all tortious interference this is all people who are maliciously
  732. 00:57:25 trying to prevent me from earning money whatwhat is that if I can't earn money
  733. 00:57:29 and I can't buy food and I can't pay for my home what happens to me Nathan I
  734. 00:57:33 become homeless and I die that's the ultimate incarnation of this so these
  735. 00:57:37 people have declared war on me they're trying to ruin my life so I'm gonna
  736. 00:57:40 present facts that show that they're committing crimes and then I'm gonna
  737. 00:57:44 choose to call them scumbags because that's what they are you
  738. 00:57:48 anyone who would do that anyone who would call up the hospital where I am
  739. 00:57:53 going to try to meet with my friend Quinn Michaels who is in the hospital
  740. 00:57:58 whether it's because he's a smoker or whether it's because some other thing
  741. 00:58:02 happened the guy was in the hospital with a life-threatening condition and
  742. 00:58:07 you know what life is difficult Quinn's had a difficult life he doesn't
  743. 00:58:10 have a lot of family around and when I heard that he was in the hospital with
  744. 00:58:14 this really serious condition I thought to myself man it was like December 20th
  745. 00:58:20 of December 21st I was like man you know christmas is coming up the guys sitting
  746. 00:58:24 in the hospital they're not in his town no friends around no family around how
  747. 00:58:29 would I feel if I was in that situation I feel terrible and I said you know what
  748. 00:58:34 plane ticket to New Mexico was like 300 bucks 400 bucks I was like I could do
  749. 00:58:37 that I could I could make that work I had some Marriott points and went and
  750. 00:58:43 stayed a hotel was cheap over there and I went to see Quinn and people were
  751. 00:58:46 calling the nurses station at the hospital and telling them that I was
  752. 00:58:51 there to kill Quinn who does that Nathan who but a low-life scumbag
  753. 00:58:56 does that what is their purpose what is the benefit of doing that how are they
  754. 00:59:02 helping Quinn how are they helping mankind by telling a lie to a nurse to
  755. 00:59:07 do what to hurt Quinn to hurt me to get me in trouble do you know that Dave
  756. 00:59:14 Acton has sent anonymous emails from the spoliation department at mailbox org to
  757. 00:59:18 law enforcement in South Dakota law enforcement in New York City with false
  758. 00:59:23 claims this is someone who is committing crimes and that's his MO that's what he
  759. 00:59:28 did to you this is how he likes to operate and he thinks he has experience
  760. 00:59:33 with the government that man should be in jail he is a danger to the people
  761. 00:59:37 around him he appears to be psychotic in my opinion and I don't know what his
  762. 00:59:43 problem is but he is making up false information to spread to the public he
  763. 00:59:48 somehow knew that Quinn Michaels was in Vaughan New Mexico how did he know that
  764. 00:59:52 Nathan unless he or someone who's communicating with him is following
  765. 00:59:58 Quinn Quinn was shocked to learn that Dave Acton Sweigert knew his location
  766. 01:00:00 because I didn't even know his location and I
  767. 01:00:04 had just left hanging out with him in South Dakota he and I were in close
  768. 01:00:07 communication every day Quinn's become a very close friend of
  769. 01:00:11 mine and I speak to him all the time I care about Quinn I don't want anything
  770. 01:00:14 bad to happen to him he's a nice guy I don't want anything bad to happen to
  771. 01:00:18 anybody I want the people that were talking about to meet justice and
  772. 01:00:23 whether that's going to jail or strict financial penalties or losing the
  773. 01:00:26 ability to do the malicious acts that they're doing I want these things to
  774. 01:00:31 happen so ad hominem attacks I means you expect me to be nice to these people
  775. 01:00:36 that are actively trying to take away my money to take away my property why do
  776. 01:00:40 you think Robert David Steele has a 15 million three hundred and fifty thousand
  777. 01:00:44 dollar lawsuit against me he's talking about triplicate damages because he
  778. 01:00:49 thinks this is a conspiracy I think he sent Susan Holmes
  779. 01:00:57 Susan Lutzke Queen Tut to me to tell me lies to try to gain my trust so that she
  780. 01:01:02 could plant these lies to try to get me to say things that Robert David Steele
  781. 01:01:07 feels he could defend in a civil suit and then claim I did it out of malice
  782. 01:01:12 and in defamation but even if the things that she told me and that we have said
  783. 01:01:17 are not true which incidentally the charity fraud piece I found on my own I
  784. 01:01:21 don't believe he intended for me to discover that and that is HUGE because
  785. 01:01:26 he's got real legal jeopardy over that and that has him very scared I know
  786. 01:01:30 you're gonna hear this Robert David Steele why have you not addressed your
  787. 01:01:36 ongoing charity fraud Robert David Steele you are committing charity fraud
  788. 01:01:41 according to evidence that I have found and shown again and again and if there's
  789. 01:01:46 evidence to show that I'm incorrect Robert David Steele Stephen s piss your
  790. 01:01:50 lawyer bring it forward show me the evidence and I will run a retraction
  791. 01:01:56 within 24-48 hours of being notified officially which I have not but I
  792. 01:02:01 believe that Robert David Steele sent this conspiracy to me so he thinks he's
  793. 01:02:06 worthy of triplicate damages but yet his tax returns indicate he hasn't earned
  794. 01:02:10 more than $65,000 in the past five years so his lawsuit should be for one hundred
  795. 01:02:13 and ninety thousand dollars not fifteen million
  796. 01:02:17 three hundred and fifty thousand and furthermore Nathan there's something
  797. 01:02:20 else very interesting about this fake lawsuit from that real idiot Robert
  798. 01:02:24 David Steele he's now because they were trying to
  799. 01:02:29 serve Queen Tut which I'm surprised he didn't try to serve Minnie Mouse on the
  800. 01:02:34 lawsuit or the Easter Bunny but he tried to serve Queen Tut a woman believed to
  801. 01:02:38 be Carla Howell which that doesn't make sense because in the very first phone
  802. 01:02:41 call the Queen Tut place to me she said that Robert David Steele will know
  803. 01:02:45 exactly who she is once he hears this phone call and Robert David Steele
  804. 01:02:49 submitted a strike to YouTube removing that video from the channel which
  805. 01:02:54 someone has done to the video I put up on the crowdsource the truth to channel
  806. 01:02:59 on YouTube just yesterday a video revealing the sinister psychological
  807. 01:03:04 operation of George Webb Sweigert and his affiliates someone submitted a strike on
  808. 01:03:10 that video and it's right when I mentioned Dan Vezina the white rabbit
  809. 01:03:14 it's a privacy strike because they think I'm revealing his private information
  810. 01:03:20 they think he's a confidential source and I'm doxxing a source incorrect Dan
  811. 01:03:25 Vezina is an infiltrator and a liar and someone who came to me with false
  812. 01:03:30 information very probably working in coordination with manuel chavez with the
  813. 01:03:35 specific intent of giving me bad information to make me look stupid
  814. 01:03:39 probably had viruses on there I got a virus on my computer after I dealt with
  815. 01:03:44 that thumb drive they were trying to make me look stupid they were trying to
  816. 01:03:49 have it you know to control people's perception of crowdsource the truth so
  817. 01:03:53 that they say oh they put out bad information they put out a virus so I
  818. 01:04:00 suspect that Robert David Steele named Carla Howell the woman known as queen
  819. 01:04:04 ton expected to be Carla Hal because he knew that that's not who it was and what
  820. 01:04:09 it did is it left this little sort of backdoor in the lawsuit where they've
  821. 01:04:13 just exercised this earlier this week they have now submitted a motion to
  822. 01:04:19 amend the complaint do you know what that means Nathan tell me well that
  823. 01:04:23 means that because I answered the first complaint pro se without a lawyer
  824. 01:04:27 I'm myself which costs no money even though
  825. 01:04:30 they've tried to misrepresent that I had some kind of plan to make Trish pay for
  826. 01:04:33 a lawyer I never told Trish to pay for a lawyer I
  827. 01:04:37 just told her I didn't want to involve her in my legal defense because she's a
  828. 01:04:41 separate entity a separate person an adult woman who can make her own
  829. 01:04:45 decisions and I have no responsibility to I've never been legally affiliated
  830. 01:04:48 with I've never been romantically involved with and by the time the
  831. 01:04:52 lawsuit came around I no longer trusted her because she put out an expletive
  832. 01:04:58 Laden Twitter rant admonishing George at a time that it made absolutely no sense
  833. 01:05:04 and it put me in a very compromised position of having to either break ties
  834. 01:05:08 with Trish and create this appearance that Oh Jason's fighting with George
  835. 01:05:10 he's fighting with Trish he's fighting with everybody
  836. 01:05:15 or to stick with Trish essentially backing up these ridiculous general
  837. 01:05:20 claims at oh you're a fraud George and you you're an asshole I mean George
  838. 01:05:24 may be a fraud but just making that general statement that doesn't help when
  839. 01:05:29 I accused George of things I accuse them of specific things George told me and
  840. 01:05:33 Lee Stranahan that sy Hersh was his mentor he told us that at a dinner with
  841. 01:05:39 Lee Stranahan sy Hersh has no recollection of ever speaking to George
  842. 01:05:42 and he is sharp as a tack I met with him personally in his office and he
  843. 01:05:47 reiterated to me twice he has no idea who this George Webb person is George
  844. 01:05:51 lied to me about that I believe unless George and I and sy Hersh sit down and
  845. 01:05:54 sigh Hearst says you know what I do remember you now
  846. 01:05:59 I was mistaken unless George can do that showing me all the phone calls with sy
  847. 01:06:02 hirtius phone number I will go share that evidence with Jake more phony O's I
  848. 01:06:05 don't care how many times you placed calls to the guy there's no recording of
  849. 01:06:10 the call there's no here's an email from sy Hersh to me where we're communicating
  850. 01:06:14 there's no sy her saying yes sure George I remember George there's none of that
  851. 01:06:19 so that's not evidence that's a fake misleading piece of evidence so the
  852. 01:06:25 point is Robert David Steele now by submitting this motion to amend his
  853. 01:06:30 complaint well now I got to answer a new complaint then they've expanded it from
  854. 01:06:33 like a twenty page complaint to like an 80 page complaint so now I got to read
  855. 01:06:38 all that crap and I got to respond to it that takes time and what they really
  856. 01:06:41 is for me to hire a lawyer and start spending thousands of dollars because
  857. 01:06:48 what are their objectives Nathan defund discredit disrupt this is what they're
  858. 01:06:52 trying to do everything each one of these individuals is trying to do is
  859. 01:06:58 motivated towards that goal what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to have
  860. 01:07:03 credible witnesses CIA whistleblowers like Harmon Wilfred do you know that no
  861. 01:07:09 other news outlet in the world has ever revealed Harmon Wilfred's story
  862. 01:07:14 have you watched America's first refugee on crowdsource the truth or now on the
  863. 01:07:21 new crowdsource the truth to channel on YouTube I am machine it you should watch
  864. 01:07:28 America's first refugee Harman Wilford is America's first refugee I gotta I
  865. 01:07:32 gotta answer that call but Harmon Wilford is America's first refugee you
  866. 01:07:39 can see it on periscope TV the truth you can see it on Gabby I you can join
  867. 01:07:44 the crowdsource the truth Facebook group and watch it on Facebook live or you can
  868. 01:07:48 watch it on crowdsource the truth on YouTube or crowdsource truth quite
  869. 01:07:54 crowdsource the truth too on YouTube and Harmon Wilfried details with bank
  870. 01:07:59 records and financial documents and letters to and from the Department of
  871. 01:08:04 Justice people like the Inspector General Michael Horowitz who everybody's
  872. 01:08:09 been waiting for his report and idiots like Gabriel Douglas Gabriel are talking
  873. 01:08:14 about him maybe he's right about that maybe he's right Michael Horowitz might
  874. 01:08:18 in fact be a terrible guy but again this is part of what a limited hangout does
  875. 01:08:22 they put forth something that you're going to agree in Oh Israel did 9 oh
  876. 01:08:26 you know and I'm not saying I agree with that maybe they played a role maybe some
  877. 01:08:30 Israelis played a role I don't know I haven't seen that evidence that doesn't
  878. 01:08:34 mean that evidence doesn't exist but I don't think Israel did 9
  879. 01:08:38 I think Dick Cheney was involved I think elements of the CIA were involved I
  880. 01:08:43 think elements of Saudi Arabia were involved I think globalist criminals did
  881. 01:08:47 9 and I have friends who are killed on 9
  882. 01:08:51 so when morons make ignorant statements about it
  883. 01:08:56 that suit their biases I don't like that but the point of the matter is Robert
  884. 01:09:01 David Steele has now increased for whatever reason I guess he's saying
  885. 01:09:05 because we continue to call him an idiot which is my that is freedom of speech by
  886. 01:09:08 the way you call it an ad hominem attack all right well if you don't like me
  887. 01:09:11 don't listen to me I can call him an idiot all day long and
  888. 01:09:18 that is protected by free speech it's my opinion you cannot prove or disprove and
  889. 01:09:21 then that's hard to believe because there's a lot of evidence that he is an
  890. 01:09:23 idiot but it's a matter of opinion so he's now
  891. 01:09:28 increased the financial penalty to 18 million three hundred and fifty thousand
  892. 01:09:34 which is absurd that on its face is enough for any reasonable court to laugh
  893. 01:09:38 this civil case right out the door but he's increased the penalty he's
  894. 01:09:45 increased the breadth of the complaint specifically because he hopes first your
  895. 01:09:51 former friend also idiot men while Chavez sent me a text or a Twitter DM or
  896. 01:09:55 something saying Oh Jason you can't let this case get to Discovery or your cover
  897. 01:10:00 will be blown and it's like I almost couldn't believe
  898. 01:10:05 that he actually believes that I am Mossad there's no cover to be blown I
  899. 01:10:10 mean I don't this thing going to discovery wouldn't bother me rages don't
  900. 01:10:14 you think it's a pretty outrageous thing for people to say about you like that
  901. 01:10:18 maybe people should maybe maybe it would just be better ignored because like I
  902. 01:10:24 said the second result for my name Nathan stolen is lift the veil Nathan
  903. 01:10:30 stole the Jew Mossad actor exposed and I'm not filing a lawsuit again I'm not
  904. 01:10:34 filing a lawsuit against anybody Nathan do not miss categorize the facts I have
  905. 01:10:39 not filed any lawsuits against anyone involved in crowds that's not a lawsuit
  906. 01:10:44 that's criminal prosecution Nathan that is intended to get them prosecuted
  907. 01:10:48 criminally because I'm interested in getting money from losers that have no
  908. 01:10:53 money what I'm interested in is exposing criminals let's talk about something
  909. 01:11:00 real okay I have been investigating steam it steam it calm the blockchain
  910. 01:11:04 driven cryptocurrency linked social media
  911. 01:11:07 network and the reason doing that is because another malicious
  912. 01:11:13 actor Frank bacon who maybe ty Rowan approached me on a phone call that
  913. 01:11:18 people can also hear on crowdsource the truth they can hear it on bitch shoot by
  914. 01:11:22 searching for crowdsource the truth they can hear it on YouTube by searching for
  915. 01:11:26 crowdsource the truth Frank bacon called me up and said oh I used to work for
  916. 01:11:31 Robert David Steele I introduced George to Robert David Steele all of these guys
  917. 01:11:35 are revealing their connections they're revealing that they're working together
  918. 01:11:40 they're sharing each other's information they're using this collectively this guy
  919. 01:11:44 was so adamant that I get on Steam it and he tried to explain to me how steam
  920. 01:11:48 it earns money and when I asked him you know that doesn't make sense to me how
  921. 01:11:52 does it make money is anybody paying money into it is anybody advertising
  922. 01:11:56 where does the money come from he didn't have a good answer so I think I joined
  923. 01:12:00 steam it but I didn't really I didn't really post too much on it and the more
  924. 01:12:04 that I have explored steam it the more that I have spoken to financial experts
  925. 01:12:10 about the premise of steaming the more information I'm getting that seems to
  926. 01:12:15 indicate that it could be a scam and when I say it could be a scam I mean yes
  927. 01:12:20 sure people have made money from it now it's two years old it would not work if
  928. 01:12:27 everybody lost their money right away but the point I believe is to falsely
  929. 01:12:33 build up the value of this steam dollar currency by tightly controlling the way
  930. 01:12:37 this scam network operates and we've already seen it happen I've demonstrated
  931. 01:12:42 it on my channel they claim it's a censorship free platform but that's not
  932. 01:12:48 true Frank bacon Titus Frost borås and Taipei who I believe is Manuel shabbos
  933. 01:12:52 have all joined together in a very small collective but that's a collective
  934. 01:12:57 that's three people conspiring to do something to downvote my video and they
  935. 01:13:02 write it on their themselves they say I am down voting this video in retaliation
  936. 01:13:06 for a Down vote that you did the other day now they might say that's the
  937. 01:13:11 etiquette of steamin but I say to the FBI this is evidence that they are
  938. 01:13:17 collaborating that they are conspiring I down voted something on steamin that
  939. 01:13:21 said Jason Goodman is much deep throat CIA resource and they're
  940. 01:13:25 gonna say oh well you know we have confidential resources like you do well
  941. 01:13:29 you know what I no longer use those confidential resources everybody that I
  942. 01:13:32 use that's presented to the crowdsource community as a confidential source I
  943. 01:13:38 know their true identity I've met with them if any legal fallout should happen
  944. 01:13:42 I have a high degree of confidence knowing exactly who these people are and
  945. 01:13:46 I learned that because dealing with people like Susan Holmes who told me she
  946. 01:13:53 was Susan Lutzke who Steven s Biss and Robert David Steele think is Susan
  947. 01:13:58 Lutzke but the cops in Fort Collins Colorado where she desired resides they
  948. 01:14:03 think she's Susan Holmes someone submitted a letter to the court claiming
  949. 01:14:09 what that was some 81 year old woman sorry my attorney she what is the matter
  950. 01:14:13 but why you saying no no I'm not gonna let that statement go what does it
  951. 01:14:17 matter who she is Nathan because you know what that says to me that you're
  952. 01:14:22 trying to make a statement in support of their agenda but her identity doesn't
  953. 01:14:27 matter but it does matter Nathan because she's misrepresenting who she is she's
  954. 01:14:32 misrepresenting who she is and that is pivotal in allowing Robert David Steele
  955. 01:14:38 to submit this motion to amend the complaint which is intended to tie me up
  956. 01:14:43 to get me to do more legal work I can't tell you how many people call me with
  957. 01:14:46 the friendly advice if I should just hire a lawyer and handle it
  958. 01:14:51 those people could very well be false email accounts working towards Robert
  959. 01:14:57 David Steele's agenda of tie up my money tie up my time hope that I slip up
  960. 01:15:01 somewhere on the legal process what Robert David Steele really wants is a
  961. 01:15:06 default judgment where now I'm behind the eight ball and u.s. marshals can get
  962. 01:15:10 a piece of paper stamped by a court that says that I owe him eighteen and a half
  963. 01:15:14 million dollars and he can come after my home and he can put liens on my bank
  964. 01:15:19 account because he is afraid of the evidence that I have brought to light
  965. 01:15:23 that he's engaged in charity fraud because I don't want money from Robert
  966. 01:15:26 David Steele even if he had money I don't want that money I want Robert
  967. 01:15:32 David Steele to go to jail for the felony that I believe he's committed and
  968. 01:15:36 if I'm wrong his attorney should present me
  969. 01:15:41 with evidence that shows that I'm wrong and I will issue a retraction but the
  970. 01:15:46 fact that nine months have transpired and none of that evidence has surfaced I
  971. 01:15:51 believe is a strong indicator that I'm exactly correct and Robert David
  972. 01:15:58 Steele's fake lawsuit initiated from a real idiot is designed to suppress the
  973. 01:16:01 information that he's committing felonies
  974. 01:16:06 let me ask you I want to ask you about why you believe you in particular or
  975. 01:16:11 targeted but first regards to scheme it it did just you're making some claims
  976. 01:16:16 about it and you're doing them you know pretty you're doing prominently I'm
  977. 01:16:22 saying that I see evidence that seems to indicate that it may be a Ponzi scheme
  978. 01:16:28 and that evidence is it's manipulated as a network as far as who can make money
  979. 01:16:32 on it and who can it's very easy for the users to do that that's been proven by
  980. 01:16:37 their own activity I have spoken to a former derivatives trader who has spoken
  981. 01:16:42 who's also an expert in cryptocurrency mining and all this kind of stuff and he
  982. 01:16:47 says that because of the white paper that he's read extensively which I don't
  983. 01:16:51 have the software background or the computer technology expertise to really
  984. 01:16:56 evaluate that document but I take testimony from an expert who says that
  985. 01:17:00 it's a scam for this or that reason people can go listen to my interview
  986. 01:17:03 with tone Vaes on the crowdsource the truth YouTube channel to hear what he
  987. 01:17:07 has to say about it then I took the counterpoint from someone who was a
  988. 01:17:13 verification witness on the steam at blockchain and his own testimony about
  989. 01:17:18 the fact that there are only 20 of these witnesses to verify transactions in that
  990. 01:17:23 currency and that 14 of them could collude to rig the system and that
  991. 01:17:29 there's nothing to protect from one person controlling 14 spoof accounts and
  992. 01:17:32 totally rigging the system that's his testimony not mine
  993. 01:17:36 so I'm just saying the evidence that I've seen today I went in New York City
  994. 01:17:42 to the address that's registered on who is for where their website is registered
  995. 01:17:46 I went to their office no office there now none of
  996. 01:17:52 is proof that it's a scam but it's not helping to disprove the speculative
  997. 01:17:58 theory that it might be a scam I have put it out there I've tried to contact
  998. 01:18:04 dan Larmour I've tried to contact Nathan Scott now it doesn't mean that they're
  999. 01:18:08 avoiding contacting me I'm sure these are busy guys I welcome them to contact
  1000. 01:18:14 me and tell me why it isn't a scam but when I see blatant idiots like Titus
  1001. 01:18:19 frost who spread lots of fake information irresponsibly saying steam
  1002. 01:18:24 it's undervalued steam it's at $2 and he gets real bent out of shape
  1003. 01:18:29 when I put forward information showing that steaming is a scam and he calls me
  1004. 01:18:33 a and he says that Quinn Michaels and I you know he's got all kinds of
  1005. 01:18:36 terrible things to say about us that's not evidence you're talking to me about
  1006. 01:18:42 ad hominem attacks come on get real mazing that's okay no I'm not trying to
  1007. 01:18:46 antagonize you at all I just want to ask some questions and just to finalize
  1008. 01:18:51 things about email do you own any cryptocurrency yes fine you would you
  1009. 01:18:55 say you would have any understanding of cryptocurrency to explain it to somebody
  1010. 01:19:00 on the street I am far from an expert in cryptocurrency but I understand that a
  1011. 01:19:05 blockchain is a distributed ledger and my understanding is in the case of say
  1012. 01:19:10 Bitcoin if you've got a ledger stored on one computer and that computer gets
  1013. 01:19:14 hacked someone can modify the details in the ledger but if you store the same
  1014. 01:19:17 ledger on hundreds of thousands or millions of computers and they're
  1015. 01:19:20 communicating with each other through an encrypted network where they're
  1016. 01:19:26 constantly verifying the information on each computer that creates a very real
  1017. 01:19:30 practical barrier and that someone would have to hack a million computers all at
  1018. 01:19:34 once to change the information that's my understanding of it and I realize that's
  1019. 01:19:38 a very base understanding but you see when I watch people like David steam
  1020. 01:19:42 David Seaman for months and months during the pizza gate thing and he's
  1021. 01:19:46 sitting there saying hi bitcoin bitcoin is the future I have Bitcoin big points
  1022. 01:19:50 going up by aetherium see it's like that doesn't help me understand what it is
  1023. 01:19:55 that's just somebody they're trying to trump it up trying to put it out there
  1024. 01:19:59 so that people have it in their mind and want to go buy it that's just that's
  1025. 01:20:02 just he the flava flav of Bitcoin he's not
  1026. 01:20:08 educating anyone I'd rather talk to one person who explains how it works and one
  1027. 01:20:11 person who says it's great for this or that reason and one person who says it's
  1028. 01:20:15 not good for this of that reason I'd like to talk to someone like Charles or
  1029. 01:20:19 tell who has a lot of traditional investment experience I'd like to speak
  1030. 01:20:24 to someone like Lynette Zhang who has a lot of precious metals commodities
  1031. 01:20:27 trading experience and I'd like to get all of these opinions I'd like to be
  1032. 01:20:30 educated about these things rather than told go buy it
  1033. 01:20:35 go join it you're gonna make money that's a turn-and-burn sales tactic
  1034. 01:20:39 where they're just trying to get more people onto the steam at network to
  1035. 01:20:43 build up the demand for the steam currency because supply and demand and
  1036. 01:20:48 confidence in the system yeah yeah yeah there's nothing backing the value of
  1037. 01:20:52 steam it as far as I can see there's no money that's been put into it as far as
  1038. 01:20:54 I can see I mean someone must be putting money
  1039. 01:20:57 into it because it's it's created so someone invested in it but who is
  1040. 01:21:03 that someone why do they not have a physical office in New York City where
  1041. 01:21:08 is their physical office if they have one why is their main phone number a
  1042. 01:21:12 google voice over IP number that could be linked to any phone anywhere in the
  1043. 01:21:15 world you know none of this is proof that it's a scam and I'm not saying that
  1044. 01:21:20 it is a scam I'm saying I've seen an overwhelming amount of evidence that
  1045. 01:21:26 gives me tremendous pause when it comes to steam it not the least of which are
  1046. 01:21:30 the malicious individuals that seem to be very active on there that themselves
  1047. 01:21:36 are spreading false information on there and I believe they've also invented a
  1048. 01:21:43 new category of crime which is indelible per se libel the deliberate act of
  1049. 01:21:48 putting false information about someone onto a blockchain where they know it is
  1050. 01:21:54 extraordinarily difficult to delete and they are trying to fill up the world
  1051. 01:22:02 with crap so I've heard you know and as far as scheme it goes you know it's sort
  1052. 01:22:06 of like this you say what back said I mean we could ask what back to the US
  1053. 01:22:13 dollar and yeah what backs the US dollar is the demand for petroleum around the
  1054. 01:22:19 world and the United States government forcing other countries to purchase oil
  1055. 01:22:25 to buy and sell oil only in US dollars all of your listeners Nathan should go
  1056. 01:22:30 and look up petrodollar what is it if you're in China well no it just changed
  1057. 01:22:34 this week China now is using wand to purchase oil that's going to have a
  1058. 01:22:39 tremendous impact on the US economy but prior to this week okay if you are in
  1059. 01:22:45 Mexico if you were in Saudi Arabia if you were in name a country you know
  1060. 01:22:51 Addis Ababa Ethiopia whatever you needed US dollars to buy oil and if you were
  1061. 01:22:56 selling oil you had to accept only US dollars and everybody needs oil to run
  1062. 01:23:00 cars and airplanes and heat and power plants and all that kind of stuff so
  1063. 01:23:05 that is a commodity oil is something that everybody wants just like gold is
  1064. 01:23:09 something that everybody wants gold used to back the US dollar and then Richard
  1065. 01:23:15 Nixon decided he wanted more bombs to drop on Laos and Cambodia and Vietnam so
  1066. 01:23:18 he said forget it we're just gonna start printing dollars and people have
  1067. 01:23:22 confidence in the United States so we'll do that and Henry Kissinger said you
  1068. 01:23:26 know what dick you can't do that because it's a mathematical guarantee of the
  1069. 01:23:31 eventual failure of the dollar we need a universally desired commodity
  1070. 01:23:37 backing the value of the dollar and that became oil and that I believe was Lyndon
  1071. 01:23:42 Johnson's purpose that was part of his goal the Trilateral Commission the
  1072. 01:23:46 Council on Foreign Relations all of these you know think tanks or
  1073. 01:23:50 fraternities or whatever the hell they are that are these you know unelected
  1074. 01:23:55 shadow government entities who are the ones who anoint individuals to become
  1075. 01:23:59 president they wanted to control the economies of the world and are their
  1076. 01:24:03 Rothschilds in there sure are they Jewish sure is this a
  1077. 01:24:07 Jewish conspiracy I don't think so I'm not getting any of that money so for
  1078. 01:24:12 people to get on the internet and disparage all Jews as Zionists or any
  1079. 01:24:19 Jew they don't like as a Zionist or anyone defending a a theory that doesn't
  1080. 01:24:23 make logical sense like Israel is evil that's why they attack the Liberty
  1081. 01:24:28 Israel one of the United States to fight Egypt for them that's why they attacked
  1082. 01:24:35 that is not true at all the United States in 1967 wanted Israel as a
  1083. 01:24:39 strategic partner in the Middle East because Israel is a democratic country
  1084. 01:24:48 where women can walk around wearing pants not sorry I misspoke point I'm
  1085. 01:24:50 making is it's a country that offers religious freedom
  1086. 01:24:55 it offers equality to women and in the Middle East it is a country that is most
  1087. 01:24:59 closely aligned with the values of the United States you're not allowed to beat
  1088. 01:25:04 up your wife you're not allowed to throw gay people off of buildings you're not
  1089. 01:25:08 allowed to discriminate against people because of religion that is their
  1090. 01:25:12 inherent idea is their corruption in Israel absolutely are there evil people
  1091. 01:25:17 in Israel absolutely are their wrongs being done by Israel yes but I do
  1092. 01:25:22 believe the United States wanted Israel to be a viable country in the Middle
  1093. 01:25:27 East so that there could be an ally there that was more closely aligned with
  1094. 01:25:33 the values of the United States because of all of these religious governments
  1095. 01:25:38 and Sharia law and all the things that we're seeing happen now I mean is this a
  1096. 01:25:43 gross simplification of an incredibly complex geopolitical thing yes but I do
  1097. 01:25:49 not believe that it makes even if Israel is evil it just doesn't make sense that
  1098. 01:25:54 they would attack a u.s. ship in the way that the USS Liberty was attacked what
  1099. 01:25:56 would be their strategic purpose in doing that
  1100. 01:26:02 sure how do you feel about the illegal occupation of Palestine and the Golan
  1101. 01:26:10 Heights it's a it's an issue that I have not gotten into the details of because
  1102. 01:26:15 there's one person I am NOT able to understand or study the complex
  1103. 01:26:19 intricacies of every single situation around the world and you know the
  1104. 01:26:25 bloviate 'add fat disgusting idiot man while Shabbos who likes to constantly
  1105. 01:26:29 send me messages from accounts that aren't related to him that say why are
  1106. 01:26:32 you talking about Israel you know it's like why aren't I talking about you know
  1107. 01:26:37 aren't there like hundreds of countries that have corruption and all kinds of
  1108. 01:26:39 things going on that I'm not talking about I'm one person
  1109. 01:26:43 and I can only cover whatever story before I realized it was Manuel shove as
  1110. 01:26:48 I even said if you have first-hand knowledge on corruption in Israel call
  1111. 01:26:51 me up and let's talk about it and I'll have you on the show if you work for the
  1112. 01:26:57 Knesset if you work for Bibi Netanyahu if you're in Mossad if you're in the IDF
  1113. 01:27:01 and you have information that no one is publishing Laurel Everly called me and
  1114. 01:27:03 said I gave this information to the FBI I gave it to the Washington Post they're
  1115. 01:27:05 not publishing it will you publish it I said sure
  1116. 01:27:09 Harmon Wilford called me and said you know every journalist that I've shared
  1117. 01:27:13 my story with has either stopped returning my phone calls showing up
  1118. 01:27:18 missing or whatever will you publish I said sure so when a troll like the
  1119. 01:27:25 basement-dwelling coca-cola and vape sucking moron Manuel Chavez sends me an
  1120. 01:27:29 email from an account that is not clearly him which is clearly designed to
  1121. 01:27:34 trick me and troll me I'm just not going to cover it I mean is Israel doing
  1122. 01:27:39 things against Palestinians that are bad very probably I don't know I would have
  1123. 01:27:43 to study that I'd have to know both sides of the issue I know for sure that
  1124. 01:27:46 there are a lot of situations that we know about that have nothing to do with
  1125. 01:27:54 Palestine or Israel where fake evidence is presented that gets people very very
  1126. 01:27:58 convinced of one thing when the total opposite is true how many people are
  1127. 01:28:03 walking around Nathan who think that 9 was simply 19 guys who got onto
  1128. 01:28:06 planes and crashed them into buildings when I think you and I and most of the
  1129. 01:28:10 people listening believe that that is very very far from the truth how many
  1130. 01:28:13 people walking around think Lee Harvey Oswald went to the sixth floor of the
  1131. 01:28:18 Book Depository and shot John F Kennedy when I believe you and I and many people
  1132. 01:28:22 listening know that that is very very far from the truth so what is going on
  1133. 01:28:26 in Israel relative to Palestinians and occupation of a particular area of the
  1134. 01:28:31 land I do not have any first-hand knowledge of I have a very limited
  1135. 01:28:34 understanding of because it's not something that I've studied because I'm
  1136. 01:28:37 just not all that interested in Israel I've never been there
  1137. 01:28:41 I don't have any family there I don't even I can't even name any friends that
  1138. 01:28:45 I would know that lived there I know a couple of people that are from there but
  1139. 01:28:49 you know I don't have any more interest in Israel than I do Mexico France Spain
  1140. 01:28:54 China Argentina well I I mean I don't know if that's really
  1141. 01:28:58 fair you know I didn't mean to get into Israel but the first part of the show
  1142. 01:29:02 you've spent saying that anybody who attacks Israel is anti-semitic didn't
  1143. 01:29:06 say that if you said that you don't I didn't say that I didn't say that I said
  1144. 01:29:12 anyone who presumes that a Jewish person is in Mossad with no evidence probably
  1145. 01:29:18 has an anti-jewish bias I did not say that Nathan if you heard about then you
  1146. 01:29:23 misheard me and you saying that right now is trying to put an idea out to your
  1147. 01:29:28 audience that's incorrect and this is the exact technique that someone like
  1148. 01:29:32 Manuel shabbos or Dean Fougere will use so I think I've spent enough time on the
  1149. 01:29:36 phone with you now you did do a good job of captivating my attention sufficiently
  1150. 01:29:40 that I like I ask you one more question there was something you said on your
  1151. 01:29:44 show about being afraid that somebody was gonna leak out something that
  1152. 01:29:49 happened on tinder did you want to laborat on that because apparently you
  1153. 01:29:53 didn't want people talking about it I did not want people talking about it I
  1154. 01:29:58 said that so many people including the liar Tracy beans including manuel chavez
  1155. 01:30:02 including other people have said oh the information is coming out
  1156. 01:30:06 Jason's Mossad you guys will see and then now people are saying oh I've sent
  1157. 01:30:09 naked pictures around no one's presented any evidence of that and you know what
  1158. 01:30:15 when your let me finish I'll tell you what I'm gonna say Nathan I'll finish
  1159. 01:30:20 now you made Nathan Nathan can I finish Anthony Weiner was running for mayor of
  1160. 01:30:24 New York and was a married man with a child who was sending naked photographs
  1161. 01:30:30 of himself to a 15 year old girl who is not an adult that is a child before that
  1162. 01:30:35 you thought of Ben Anthony Weiner's I never said that I never said that nah
  1163. 01:30:41 you're miss categorising what I said I said that when I have been involved in
  1164. 01:30:47 romantic relationships with adult women of legally consenting age which means
  1165. 01:30:54 any woman from 18 to you know 90 that's or however old someone can be alive I've
  1166. 01:30:59 never dated a 90 year old woman but anyone over legally consenting age when
  1167. 01:31:04 I've been in consenting relationships with them we get into all kinds of
  1168. 01:31:07 romantic things and I don't really feel the need
  1169. 01:31:13 to describe my love life but women have shared pictures of themselves with me
  1170. 01:31:20 and I've shared pictures of myself with them and you know online dating is
  1171. 01:31:25 something that people do and going on tinder is something that people do and
  1172. 01:31:31 there are times that tinder is misused very probably by some of the people that
  1173. 01:31:34 I'm even talking about or certainly could be I don't have any reason to
  1174. 01:31:38 suspect I think it's just people who want to get you to I don't know what
  1175. 01:31:43 sign up for some site or something but there was a time that someone utilized
  1176. 01:31:46 some kind of software that I can't really explain and has nothing to do
  1177. 01:31:52 with facts or news where they were able to extract something from my phone that
  1178. 01:32:00 very well could have included pictures of adult consenting women who I've had
  1179. 01:32:06 mutually agreed-upon exchanges with and if anything were to surface that is the
  1180. 01:32:12 only place that I could conceive of that it would come from because no woman has
  1181. 01:32:16 come forward and said Oh Jason's done something wrong and here it is
  1182. 01:32:24 quinta reason none of the women that you've been in touch with who were all
  1183. 01:32:30 you know as far as you know of age any woman that I have interacted with on
  1184. 01:32:33 that level I have met personally and anytime there is an age disparity
  1185. 01:32:39 between me and them where there's any kind of question I would ask them to
  1186. 01:32:43 prove to me that they are of age first of all you can't join tinder as I've
  1187. 01:32:47 said unless you're over 18 now obviously people could falsify that and somehow
  1188. 01:32:51 join if they're under 18 but as I've said on the one or two occasions that
  1189. 01:32:55 there's been any question of a girl who's in college or in her 20s I mean
  1190. 01:32:59 you know I there are plenty of men that date girls that are 20 years younger
  1191. 01:33:04 than 25 years younger than them as long as the girl is of legally consenting age
  1192. 01:33:09 and an adult and able to make her own decisions and approaching me in a mutual
  1193. 01:33:15 agreement where she's making her own decisions what gives you or Susan Lutzke
  1194. 01:33:19 homes or anyone the right to pass some moral judgement do
  1195. 01:33:24 I go around saying that Susan Lutzke is a woman of low moral standards because
  1196. 01:33:29 she's had children with two separate men who she's not married to no I don't say
  1197. 01:33:34 that there might be people in the audience who would feel that way but
  1198. 01:33:38 it's her opinion it's her position it's her choice to do it and it's not illegal
  1199. 01:33:43 so she can do whatever she wants do you know that Susan Lutzke goes Susan Holmes
  1200. 01:33:49 Queen tut goes to college protests with signs that say kill all police they are
  1201. 01:33:54 killing us sure she thinks that people in college are old enough to receive
  1202. 01:33:58 instructions to commit murder and that they're emotionally mature enough to
  1203. 01:34:06 process that but they are not you know in college 20 22 you know they're not
  1204. 01:34:09 old enough to determine if they want to be in a romantic relationship with
  1205. 01:34:12 another adult that's what she would have you believe I mean frankly this is all
  1206. 01:34:17 nonsense Nathan because unless I've done something illegal unless I've done
  1207. 01:34:21 something illegal and people have evidence of it delving into my personal
  1208. 01:34:27 life and passing moral judgment over it is useless because I'm sure each of us
  1209. 01:34:31 have done things that someone else would object to morally I see you smoking a
  1210. 01:34:34 vaporizer on camera I don't morally object to it I just
  1211. 01:34:38 think it's not classy well I've sent dick pics I mean I'm
  1212. 01:34:41 willing to admit it you know if you're sending them to adult women there's
  1213. 01:34:46 nothing wrong with it there's nothing wrong with it I agree with you I and I
  1214. 01:34:51 just saying it was kind of you know people are you kind of brought it up on
  1215. 01:34:57 your show so I think what Queen Tut said whatever identity is what without having
  1216. 01:35:03 some kind of very very hard evidence was very inappropriate and I you know I
  1217. 01:35:08 don't know that we need to go into doctoring or a fine Yahoo she is we do
  1218. 01:35:13 because she is attempting to spread lies about me she is doing crimes do you know
  1219. 01:35:17 that it is a crime to incite the public to commit violence do you know that it
  1220. 01:35:23 is a crime to instruct another person to do something it's illegal the only
  1221. 01:35:27 reason the Fort Collins Police are not prosecuting her for that crime is
  1222. 01:35:32 because she's gone absolutely berserk screaming at the top of her lungs that
  1223. 01:35:35 is racist police brutality that the police
  1224. 01:35:41 neutralized her violent mentally ill son after cautiously warning him 36 times to
  1225. 01:35:46 drop the knife they waited until one second before he murdered a cop
  1226. 01:35:51 there was no racism involved there was no police brutality involved they acted
  1227. 01:35:56 totally inappropriately she is an unhinged danger to the public and she
  1228. 01:36:02 should be incarcerated that's why I expose who she what it has to do is she
  1229. 01:36:07 is involved I believe in the conspiracy to commit fraud by allowing Robert David
  1230. 01:36:11 Steele to perpetuate this frivolous lawsuit she has submitted a false
  1231. 01:36:16 document to the court claiming that the identity of the person in question is
  1232. 01:36:22 someone other than who it is she's done it knowingly she's done it anonymously
  1233. 01:36:26 she's gaming the system she's wasting the tax money of the people of Virginia
  1234. 01:36:33 and she is a disingenuous dishonest malicious liar who needs to be exposed
  1235. 01:36:38 and brought to justice that is why I'm doing it is there anyone
  1236. 01:36:44 in the community of people who do shows on YouTube that you would be willing to
  1237. 01:36:48 get along with Nathan that's a stupid loaded question like every other
  1238. 01:36:51 question you've been asking virtually every question you've got an agenda in
  1239. 01:36:57 this interview and and there are plenty of people who I get along with who
  1240. 01:37:02 appear on my show all the time and your viewers can go to youtube and they can
  1241. 01:37:08 subscribe to crowdsource the truth - on YouTube because the first Channel with
  1242. 01:37:11 50 so how long did it take how many subscribers have you got on your biggest
  1243. 01:37:17 lift the veil channel Nathan well I mean I would have more 33,000 right now but
  1244. 01:37:28 that channel was taken off 3303 33333 thousand subscribers I about II it took
  1245. 01:37:32 about a year and a half to get to 30 and then my channel got taken down I was on
  1246. 01:37:37 other channel so it took me another six months probably to get 3000 because the
  1247. 01:37:40 channel wasn't on the air okay they took me about 18 months I think to get to
  1248. 01:37:45 around 30,000 okay well you know I when you called in to my show with really
  1249. 01:37:50 graceful was around May or June of 2017 I had
  1250. 01:37:54 just begun to work with George a lot of people say Oh Jason you're nothing
  1251. 01:37:57 without George and you're riding on George's coattails I wanted to start a
  1252. 01:38:00 business I wanted to start a news channel and I wanted it to be my
  1253. 01:38:04 business because I need food and I need the place to live and if I'm going to be
  1254. 01:38:09 in the business of doing true and accurate news I need a way to make money
  1255. 01:38:13 in doing that I can't spend all day making news and then get some other job
  1256. 01:38:17 to obtain food I need the news making to be the job so
  1257. 01:38:22 I said gee you know I've got a lot of digital production skills and I know
  1258. 01:38:27 cameras and I know production and here's this guy George who's got a really
  1259. 01:38:32 unique open source investigation style very similar to what I want to do and
  1260. 01:38:37 maybe if I join forces with him and I provide money in terms of he can live at
  1261. 01:38:42 my place so he doesn't have to rent a hotel room and I pay for travel and
  1262. 01:38:46 everything this is how you form a business you have a mutual exchange of
  1263. 01:38:51 value I pay for things he helps me build the following and we work together and I
  1264. 01:38:57 built a following but you know what when George left I began to build even more
  1265. 01:39:03 rapidly and in less than a year I got to fifty seven thousand subscribers and in
  1266. 01:39:09 fact in a week I got more than three or four thousand subscribers and it looked
  1267. 01:39:15 like it was going to continue that way until malicious anonymous individuals
  1268. 01:39:20 submitted dubious complaints to videos on the channel and deliberately took it
  1269. 01:39:25 down and I object to the policies of YouTube that allow such activity to
  1270. 01:39:29 happen I do not agree that people should be able to have anonymous accounts on
  1271. 01:39:32 YouTube if you want to use YouTube anonymously you should be able to do
  1272. 01:39:37 that only by watching I believe that if you want to generate content on YouTube
  1273. 01:39:42 either in the form of videos or text content in the form of comments you
  1274. 01:39:47 should have to let everyone in the community know who you are because just
  1275. 01:39:52 like people citizens in the United States not anonymous entities whose
  1276. 01:39:56 locations are unknown citizens of the United States are protected by the
  1277. 01:40:00 Constitution you are protected in freedom of speech
  1278. 01:40:06 but I am also protected I have the right to face my accuser z-- I do not think it
  1279. 01:40:10 is constitutional for someone to anonymously accuse me of something and
  1280. 01:40:14 not even tell me what that accusation is and for me to receive a penalty I
  1281. 01:40:21 disagree with that policy and I am also working to change that policy because
  1282. 01:40:25 cowards act anonymously when they're trying to damage people you know when
  1283. 01:40:29 people are anonymous because they're trying to protect themselves and reveal
  1284. 01:40:34 some corruption that's different you know when someone anonymously releases
  1285. 01:40:38 false information about me they're not doing the right thing if they have
  1286. 01:40:41 evidence they should release it if they're making up faking whoever it is
  1287. 01:40:44 that released this thing and said oh this is Jason Goodman's email they know
  1288. 01:40:47 it's not my email I mean somebody else might get it and be like well I didn't
  1289. 01:40:54 know Douglas Gabriel the unintelligence American media he might think it's my
  1290. 01:40:59 email but that would indicate that he is a moron and he is unable to evaluate raw
  1291. 01:41:02 intelligence because someone who is actually an intelligence operative would
  1292. 01:41:06 look at it and say well how do you prove that this is Jason's email where's the
  1293. 01:41:10 IP address it came from where's the header how do you know where's a picture
  1294. 01:41:13 of him associated with this email this is just some that somebody took
  1295. 01:41:19 out of Microsoft Word posted on 4chan and said it's Jason's email what the
  1296. 01:41:26 next news Nathan I'm at a time man this is boring you've got an agenda and I've
  1297. 01:41:30 told you all you need to hear and I think I've answered most every questions
  1298. 01:41:33 you've been really nice to answer my questions I appreciate you calling in I
  1299. 01:41:37 appreciate you coming on the show I just wanted to ask questions that that other
  1300. 01:41:43 people are thinking and not so much B have any kind of agenda myself there's a
  1301. 01:41:47 lot of people that have a lot of here's what I'll leave you with Nate's not if
  1302. 01:41:52 anybody presents you with anything whether it's about me whether it's about
  1303. 01:41:58 Donald Trump or John Podesta or you or Manuel shabbos or Dave Sweigerted or
  1304. 01:42:04 George Webb Sweigert or Susan Holmes or Robert David Steele or what's-his-name
  1305. 01:42:11 Douglas Gabriel the first thing in your mind should be how do you know that
  1306. 01:42:16 where's your evidence of that where did you get that is it possible that there's
  1307. 01:42:19 some other explanation for that like when I went to the steamin office and
  1308. 01:42:24 it's a post office box facility with no offices in there that doesn't mean that
  1309. 01:42:28 that doesn't prove that steamin is a scam it doesn't it doesn't prove
  1310. 01:42:33 anything other than there's no actual office there that becomes an element of
  1311. 01:42:39 evidence when I have 600 or 12 or a million or whatever the number is some
  1312. 01:42:45 amount of evidence becomes an overwhelming indication particularly in
  1313. 01:42:51 the absence of any countermanding evidence that becomes strong evidence to
  1314. 01:42:57 support a hypothesis now people always ask for proof but proof is another very
  1315. 01:43:03 sort of fluid thing because if you're doing a mathematical proof or a
  1316. 01:43:07 scientific experiment some sort of chemical you know some sort of proof if
  1317. 01:43:12 you're doing the philosophical proof if you're in a criminal case in the United
  1318. 01:43:17 States at the state level versus the federal level if you're in a civil case
  1319. 01:43:23 if you are in a case in England all of these things have different standards of
  1320. 01:43:28 proof so when someone comes onto YouTube and says oh here's proof that Jason
  1321. 01:43:34 Goodman is doing X Y & Z right away you should think that that's probably not
  1322. 01:43:37 proof you might have evidence of something but so far I haven't seen it
  1323. 01:43:43 anyway Nathan have a nice show enjoy the evening take care thank you calling in
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