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Jan 8th, 2019
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  3. The concept of free will is not compatable with intersectional feminism. The concept of free will upholds the concept of tabula rosa, which is the idea that each person is a blank slate, and ones behavior is determined by value decisions. Determinism is the concept that people are do not have total agency over their behavior. Society and biology both act consequentially in determining people's behavior, in ways that people cannot control. In this essay, I would like to explain how society harms people by applying the concept of free will to others.
  5. The biology of neuroatypical people is bludgeoned by Applied Behavioral Therapy (ABA), and neuronormativity in general. ABA is the idea that certain behaviors for autistic children, like stimming (which can manifest itself in behaviors like hand flapping, rocking back and forth, or doing whatever provides stimulation), or natural behavior such as avoiding eye contact, etc. should be suppressed in favor of neuronormative behaviors. This creates brain damage in autistic people by giving them internalized hatred, over their perceived "flawed behavior."
  7. This is how cultural factors effectively brain damage neuroatypical children, and adults, by making them feel as though behaving neuronormatively is simply a matter of valuing "normal behavior," which is what ABA and neuronormativity instill in people; the idea that they are "not normal," - not allow them to use stimming which is a natural coping mechanism for calming themselves - forcing them into stressful situations. This concept of "normal behavior," is one based on the idea behaving neuronormatively is a matter of values, not biology.
  9. Emotional issues arise as a result enforcing normative behavior in neuroatypical people. Internalized self hatred is an event which manifests itself in self hatred over a perceived inability to follow neurotypical standards of behavior. This can apply when forcing neurotypical people into many difficult settings.
  11. Forcing people to behave according to gender norms bludgeons the brains of gender-non-normative people. Biology, as we know, does not determine gender. We know that gender it is only a set of norms which society constructs, and one does not "choose" to care for one set of norms or another. For example. Say a young AMAB child likes what society deems feminine, dresses, etc. They have a biological attraction to whatever object it is that they feel drawn to. (And vice versa; AFABs, intersex, apply as well).
  13. Cultural factors effectively brain damage gender-non-normative children which are told to stop, just as they effect neuroatypical children. Telling a gender-non-conforming person that they are "wrong" to perform these behaviors, creates brain damage in gender-non-normative people by giving them internalized hatred, over their perceived "flawed behavior. The idea that forcing one to conform to the socially constructed concept of "man or woman," is to operate on the idea that people can shape their behavior solely through values.
  15. Deterministic factors create institutionally oppressive behavior, such as white supremacy, ableism, patriarchy, classism, etc. are perpetuated by instilling phobias and biases in people. The fear response is much higher in conservatives, those most likely to uphold traditional values. Conservatives have a much higher response to fear and disgust in their amgydala. Cultural factors effect the biology of gender-normative, white, straight people.
  17. Cultural factors inform the biology of gender-normatives males. When a gender-normative male is taught that being feminine is shameful, this creates insecurity inside that person's head. Being perceived as feminine creates a biological feeling of shame when the male is taught that femininity is shameful. That male could feel threatened and afraid of other gender-non-normative people acting feminine, which is why cis people often behave violently or derisively towards gender-non-normative people. This perception of femininity being bad, while inversely, masculinity is favorable, may be called "toxic masculinity." It is a result of cultural factors determining biological phenomena.
  19. Toxic masculinity may also manifest itself in a higher suicide rate among men. Men are less likely to express their feelings or seek help, due to the fear of being perceived as feminine. This fear manifests itself in not addressing emotional issues. It may also cause men to turn to violence to express feelings, because expressing feelings through words may be difficult.
  21. Cultural factors inform the biology of white supremacy. In white people, white supremacy creates a phobia of being an "inferior race," which creates the feeling in them that they are "proud" to be white, something they did not have a choice over. The reason they feel proud to be white, is because biologically, they have an internalized phobia of being inferior. Much like the internalized phobia of neurotypical people, neuroatypical people, gender-normative people, and gender-non-normative people. This can also cause white supremacists to act violently against POC.
  23. Cultural attitudes also inform unconscious racial bias. The stereotypes about POC creates an unconscious fear inside the heads of white people, and even in POC of themselves, where an unconscious fear is created of these things. Tim Wise calls this phenomena "unconscious racial bias".
  25. Cultural attitudes inform prejudice against neuro-atypical people. Because non-normative behavior is seen as wrong, this creates a negative feeling attached to being perceived as neuro-atypical. Because of this fear, people deride neuro-atypical people by using words like autism as an insult. This fear of being perceived as abnormal creates a biological phobia inside the heads of neuro-typical people, which upholds ableism and allows neuro-typical people to condemn each other, because no person actually behaves completely typical 100% of the time. Just as no man behaves completely masculine 100% of the time.
  27. (This is not to say all neurotypical people should be treated like autistic people, or that all men should be treated femininely. Only that environments of of acceptance, where we are not taught that being feminine is shameful, or neuro-atypical behavior is shameful, or being a person of color is shameful. Only that our spaces should be re-examined for ways they can be more inclusive to all people, regardless of their ability, gender, or race. This is the current goal of intersectional feminism, however, the factor of determinism vs free will is scarecely mentioned, if ever.)
  29. Deterministic, materialistic factors inform the ability of people to function, regardless of ability, under capitalism. Rich children have an easier time succeeding under capitalism, because of things like more time spent with parents to develop verbally, more paid activities conducive to personal growth such as summer camps, more nutrition required for brain development, more advantages given to rich children growing up in nepotistic job opportunities, and a higher ability to pay for college and not have to work while doing so. It is such that a highly motivated poor kid doesn't fair as well than a highly unmotivated rich kid.
  31. In this way, deterministic factors are not only mental. Culture is deterministic too. The interplay of the two creates a bind between biology and culture, which cannot be broken. When we fail to look at human beings as biologically determined, we fail to take into account the ways that these deterministic processes shape who we are, and our society. Patriarchy, white supremacy, ableism, sexism, are not only structures upheld on the idea that some people are inherently inferior or superior. It is not only a value judgment. It is a phenomena which expresses itself in conservativism - the manifestation of fear in the amygdala, which scientists are uncovering to be the source of conservative behavior.
  33. In order to combat these phenomena, we need to, in essence, eliminate conservativism, because it harms and brain damages everything that it comes in contact with. We can do so by applying determinism to the theory of intersectional feminism.
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