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Nov 13th, 2018
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  1. # AIScript
  2. ## ScriptLoader.cs
  3. ### public static List<AIScript\> LoadAIScripts()
  4. * Script 폴더에 있는 AI script(Javascript) 파일들을 읽어와 AIScript 객체를 생성
  5. * Return
  6. 생성한 AIScript 객체들의 리스트
  7. > 실행파일과 Script 폴더가 같은 위치에 있어야 동작한다
  9. # Common
  10. ## BGMManager.cs
  11. ### public class BGMManager : MonoBehavior
  12. ### # static BGMManager _instance
  13. * singleton pattern으로 생성되는 단 하나뿐인 BGMManager instance
  15. ### # public static BGMManager instance
  16. * BGM Manager instance에 접근하기 위한 프로퍼티
  17. singleton pattern으로 BGMManager instance를 반환한다
  18. * **Return value**
  19. BGMManager [_instance](#static-bgmmanager-_instance)
  21. ### # AudioSource ready
  22. *
  24. ### # AudioSource playing
  26. ### # void Awake()
  27. * 절라 이해가 안댐
  29. ### # public void Stop()
  31. ### # public void FadeStop()
  33. ### # public void Play(AudioClip clip)
  35. ### # IEnumerator Fade(float speed)
  37. ## BattleHistory.cs
  38. ### public static class BattleHistory
  39. ### # public static List<FleetHistory\> fleetHistorys
  40. * **Init value**
  41. new List<FleetHistory\>()
  43. ### # public static float maxTotalDamage
  44. * **Init value**
  45. 0
  47. ### # public static float maxTotalEnergy
  48. * **Init value**
  49. 0
  51. ### # public static void AddFleetHistory(FleetHistory history)
  53. ### # public static void AddShipHistory(FleetHistory fleetHistory, ShipHistory history)
  56. ### public class FleetHistory
  57. ### # public Fleet fleet
  58. ### # public float restHP
  59. * **Init value**
  60. GameConsts.maxShipHp * GameSettings.shipCount
  61. ### # public float hitRate
  62. * **Init value**
  63. 0
  64. ### # public float totalDamage
  65. * **Init value**
  66. 0
  67. ### # public float damageToEnemy
  68. * **Init value**
  69. 0
  70. ### # public float damageToAlly
  71. * **Init value**
  72. 0
  73. ### # public float totalUseEnerge
  74. * **Init value**
  75. 0
  76. ### # public float damagedByEnemy
  77. * **Init value**
  78. 0
  79. ### # public float damagedByAlly
  80. * **Init value**
  81. 0
  82. ### # public float totalShootCount
  83. * **Init value**
  84. 0
  85. ### # public float totalHitCount
  86. * **Init value**
  87. 0
  88. ### # public float totalHittedCount
  89. * **Init value**
  90. 0
  91. ### # public List<ShipHistory\> shipHistorys
  92. * **Init value**
  93. new List<ShipHistory\>()
  96. ### public class ShipHistory
  97. ### # public float resetHP
  98. * **Init value**
  99. GameConsts.maxShipHp
  100. ### # public float hitRate
  101. * **Init value**
  102. 0
  103. ### # public float totalDamage
  104. * **Init value**
  105. 0
  106. ### # public float damageToEnemy
  107. * **Init value**
  108. 0
  109. ### # public float damageToAlly
  110. * **Init value**
  111. 0
  112. ### # public float totalUseEnerge
  113. * **Init value**
  114. 0
  115. ### # public float damagedByEnemy
  116. * **Init value**
  117. 0
  118. ### # public float damagedByAlly
  119. * **Init value**
  120. 0
  121. ### # public float totalShootCount
  122. * **Init value**
  123. 0
  124. ### # public float totalHitCount
  125. * **Init value**
  126. 0
  127. ### # public float totalHittedCount
  128. * **Init value**
  129. 0
  130. ### # public bool suicide
  131. * **Init value**
  132. false
  133. ### # public Ship killer
  134. * **Init value**
  135. null
  136. ### # public List<Ship\> killingShips
  137. * **Init value**
  138. new List<Ship\>()
  140. ## Events.cs
  141. ### public class AIScriptEvent : UnityEvent<AIScript\>
  142. ### public class ShipFloatEvent : UnityEvent<Ship, float>
  143. ### public class ShipShipFloatEvent : UnityEvent<Ship, Ship, float>
  144. ### public class ShipEvent : UnityEvent<Ship\>
  145. ### public class ShipShipEvent : UnityEvent<Ship, Ship>
  146. ### public class PlayerEvent : UnityEvent<Player\>
  147. ### public class PlayersEvent : UnityEvent<List<Player\>>
  148. ### public class IntEvent : UnityEvent<int\>
  149. ### public class ByteEvent : UnityEvent<byte\>
  150. ### public class ScriptEvent : UnityEvent<AIScript\>
  151. ### public class SelectedScriptEvent : UnityEvent<UIScriptListItem\>
  152. ### public class ChatMessageEvent : UnityEvent<ChatMessage\>
  153. ### public class NetworkErrorEvent : UnityEvent<NetworkError\>
  154. ### public class ClientEvent : UnityEvent<NetworkClient\>
  155. ### public class ScriptStringEvent : UnityEvent<AIScript, string>
  158. ## GameConsts.cs
  159. ### public static class GameConsts
  160. ### # public const float shipCollisionRadius
  161. * **Init value**
  162. 25f
  163. ### # public const float radarCollisionRadius
  164. * **Init value**
  165. 300
  166. ### # public const float preDelay
  167. * **Init value**
  168. 2
  169. ### # public const int minShipCount
  170. * **Init value**
  171. 1
  172. ### # public const int maxShipCount
  173. * **Init value**
  174. 25
  175. ### # public const float maxShipHp
  176. * **Init value**
  177. 5
  178. ### # public const float maxShipSpd
  179. * **Init value**
  180. 300
  181. ### # public const float maxShipRotSpd
  182. * **Init value**
  183. 360
  184. ### # public const float chargingMoveSlow
  185. * **Init value**
  186. 0.3f
  187. ### # public const float chargingRotSlow
  188. * **Init value**
  189. 0.5f
  190. ### # public const float chargingSpeed
  191. * **Init value**
  192. 1.5f
  193. ### # public const float shootingDelay
  194. * **Init value**
  195. 0.8f
  196. ### # public const float thiknessPerPower
  197. * **Init value**
  198. 1.5f
  199. ### # public const float maxChargingPower
  200. * **Init value**
  201. 5
  202. ### # public const float basicGroundSize
  203. * **Init value**
  204. 1200
  205. ### # public const float basicGroundTimer
  206. * **Init value**
  207. 10
  208. ### # public const float groundSizeMultiplayer
  209. * **Init value**
  210. 0.2f
  213. ## GameSettings.cs
  214. ### public static class GameSettings
  215. ### # public static string nickName
  216. ### # public static int shipCount
  217. * **Init value**
  218. 16
  219. ### # public static List<AIScript\> selectedScripts
  220. * **Init value**
  221. new List<AIScript\>(2)
  223. ## Observable.cs
  224. ### public class O<T\>
  225. ### # T _value
  226. ### # public T value
  227. ### # public delegate void OnValueChanged(T value)
  228. ### # OnValueChanged onValueChanged
  229. ### # public O(T initialValue)
  230. ### # public O
  231. ### # public void AddListener(OnValueChanged action)
  232. ### # public void RemoveListener(OnValueChanged action)
  234. ### public class Observable<T\>
  235. ### # T _value
  236. ### # public T value
  237. ### # class OnValueChanged : UnityEvent<T\>
  238. ### # OnValueChanged onValueChanged
  239. * **Init value**
  240. new OnValueChanged()
  241. ### # public void AddListener(UnityAction<T\> action)
  242. ### # public void RemoveListener(UnityAction<T\> action)
  243. ### # public void RemoveAllListeners()
  245. ## SFXButton.cs
  246. ### public class SFXButton : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler
  247. ### # AudioClip btnClickAudio
  248. ### # AudioClip btnMouseOverAudio
  249. ### # Button btn
  250. ### # public void Start()
  251. ### # public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
  252. ### # public void PlayClickSound()
  253. ### # public void PlayMouseOverSound()
  256. ## SFXManager.cs
  257. ### public class SFXManager : MonoBehaviour
  258. ### # static SFXManager _instance
  259. ### # public static SFXManager instance
  260. ### # const int audioCount
  261. * **Init value**
  262. 0
  263. ### # int index
  264. * **Init value**
  265. 0
  266. ### # List<AudioSource\> audioArray
  267. * **Init value**
  268. new List<AudioSource\>()
  269. ### # void Awake()
  270. ### # public void Play(AudioClip clip)
  273. ## Structs.cs
  274. ### public struct ChatMessage
  275. ### # public byte playerId
  276. ### # public string message
  277. ### # public ChatMessage(byte id, string msg)
  279. ### public struct NetworkClient
  280. ### # public PacketQueue sendQueue
  281. ### # public Socket socket
  282. ### # public byte networkId
  283. ### # public NetworkClient(Socket socket)
  285. ### public class Player
  286. ### # public string name
  287. * **Init value**
  288. "default name"
  289. ### # public byte networkId
  290. * **Init value**
  291. 0
  293. ### public class AIScript
  294. ### # public string name
  295. ### # public Player author;
  296. ### # public string code
  297. ### # public string path
  298. ### # public Color color
  299. ### # public AIScript()
  300. ### # public AIScript(AIScript origin)
  302. ### public class Fleet
  303. ### # public string name
  304. ### # public Color color
  305. ### # public List<Ship\> myShips
  306. * **Init value**
  307. new LIst<Ship\>()
  308. ### # public List<Ship\> enemyShips
  309. * **Init value**
  310. new List<Ship\>()
  311. ### # public AIScript script
  312. ### # public FleetHistory history
  313. * **Init value**
  314. new FleetHistory()
  315. ### # public Fleet(int numShip, AIScript ai)
  316. ### # public void RadarIn(Ship enemyShip)
  317. ### # public void RadarOut(Ship enemyShip)
  319. ### public class Ship : IComparable<Ship\>
  320. ### # public int id
  321. ### # public O<float\> hp
  322. * **Init value**
  323. new O<float\>(GameConsts.maxShipHp)
  324. ### # public float x
  325. ### # public float y
  326. ### # public float spd
  327. ### # public float rot
  328. ### # public float rad
  329. ### # public float rotSpd
  330. ### # public O<float\> delay
  331. * **Init value**
  332. new O<float\>(GameConsts.preDelay)
  333. ### # public O<bool\> isCharging
  334. * **Init value**
  335. new O<bool\>(false)
  336. ### # public float chargedPower
  337. ### # public float shootingPower
  338. ### # public float shootingRot
  339. ### # public float shootingRad
  340. ### # public O<Vector2\> shootedPos
  341. * **Init value**
  342. new O<Vector2\>(
  343. ### # public O<bool\> alive
  344. * **Init value**
  345. new O<bool\>(true)
  346. ### # public Fleet fleet
  347. ### # public int scanned
  348. * **Init value**
  349. 0
  350. ### # Fleet _fleet
  351. ### # public ShipHistory history
  352. * **Init value**
  353. new ShipHistory()
  354. ### # public Ship(Fleet fleet)
  355. ### # public void SetSpeed(float speed)
  356. ### # public void SetRotSpeed(float rotSpeed)
  357. ### # public void Shoot(float power)
  358. ### # public int CompareTo(Ship other)
  360. ### public class Game
  362. ## Utils.cs
  363. ### public static class Utils
  364. ### # public static double GetDouble(this ObjectInstance obj, string key)
  366. # Game
  367. ## AILauncher.cs
  368. ### public class AILauncher : MonoBehaviour
  369. ### # ScriptEngine engine
  370. ### # Fleet _fleet
  371. ### # ArrayInstance myShips
  372. ### # ArrayInstance enemyShips
  373. ### # List<ShipJSObject\> allEnemyShips
  374. * **Init value**
  375. new List<ShipJSObject\>()
  376. ### # List<MyShipJSObject\> allMyShips
  377. * **Init value**
  378. new List<MyShipJSObject\>()
  379. ### # int randomI
  380. * **Init value**
  381. 0
  382. ### # double[] randoms
  383. * **Init value**
  384. {0.67875,0.32222, ...};
  386. ### # public void Init(Fleet fleet)
  388. ### # void ExportGlobalValues(ScriptEngine engine)
  389. * JSContext로 변수들을 내보냅니다
  391. ### # void ExportGlobalFunctions(ScriptEngine engine)
  392. * JSContext로 함수들을 내보냅니다
  394. ### # void ExportArrays(ScriptEngine engine)
  395. * JSContext로 배열들을 내보냅니다
  397. ### # public void UpdateExportedValues()
  398. * 내보냈던 값들 중 변화된 점을 jsContext에 반영합니다
  400. ### # public void RunJSUpdate()
  401. * JSUpdate를 실행합니다
  403. ### # public void Log(string str)
  404. ### # public double Random()
  405. ### # public double Cos(double v)
  406. ### # public double Sin(double v)
  407. ### # public double D2R(double v)
  408. ### # public double R2D(double v)
  409. ### # public double Distance(ObjectInstance a, ObjectInstance b)
  410. ### # public ObjectInstance Cartesian(ObjectInstance target)
  411. ### # public ObjectInstance Polar(ObjectInstance target)
  412. ### # public ObjectInstance PolarFrom(ObjectInstance center, ObjectInstance target)
  414. ### public class MyShipJsObject : ShipJSObject
  415. ### # public MyShipJSObject(ScriptEngine engine, Ship ship) : base(engine, ship)
  416. ### # public void Shoot(double power)
  417. ### # public void SetSpeed(double speed)
  418. ### # public void SetRotSpeed(double rotSpeed)
  419. ### # public override void UpdateProperties()
  421. ### public class ShipJSObject : ObjectInstance
  422. ### # public bool scanned
  423. ### # public Ship ship
  424. ### # protected Ship _ship
  425. ### # public ShipJSObject(ScriptEngine engine, Ship ship) : base(engine)
  426. ### # public virtual void UpdateProperties()
  427. ### # protected void ExportValue(string key, float value)
  428. ### # protected void ExportValue(string key, bool value)
  431. ## FleetContainer.cs
  432. ### public static class FleetContainer
  433. ### # public static List<Fleet\> fleets
  434. * **Init value**
  435. new List<Fleet\>()
  436. ### # public static void InitFleetsWithGameSettings()
  437. * GameSettings를 참고해 fleets 모델을 세팅합니다
  440. ## GameCamera.cs
  441. ### public class GameCamera : GameSyncObject
  442. ### # int currentIndex
  443. * **Init value**
  444. -1
  445. ### # Ship _ship
  446. ### # Vector3 originPos
  447. ### # float delay
  448. * **Init value**
  449. 0
  450. ### # Camera cam
  451. ### # public float zoomSpeed
  452. ### # public float moveSpeed
  453. ### # public override void GameInit()
  454. ### # void Start()
  455. ### # void Update()
  456. ### # void LateUpdate()
  457. ### # void MoveCameraIndex(int index)
  458. ### # IEnumerator MoveToOrigin()
  460. ## GameEvents.cs
  461. ### public static class GameEvents
  462. ### # public static ShipShipFloatEvent onLaserHit
  463. * 공격자, 희생자, 데미지
  464. * **Init value**
  465. new ShipShipFloatEvent()
  466. ### # public static ShipFloatEvent onSuicide
  467. * 자살한 함선, 자살로 잃은 남은 hp
  468. * **Init value**
  469. new ShipFloatEvent()
  470. ### # public static ShipShipEvent onShipKilledByLaser
  471. * 킬러, 희생자
  472. * **Init value**
  473. new ShipShipEvent()
  474. ### # public static ShipFloatEvent onLaserShoot
  475. * 발사 함선, 차징 에너지
  476. * **Init value**
  477. new ShipFloatEvent()
  478. ### # public static ShipEvent onShipDestroyed
  479. * 파괴된 함선
  480. * **Init value**
  481. new ShipEvent()
  482. ### # public static ScriptStringEvent onLog
  483. * 로그 쏜 스크립트, 내용
  484. * **Init value**
  485. new ScriptStringEvent()
  487. ## GameLoader.cs
  488. ### public class GameLoader : MonoBehaviour
  489. GameSettings의 값에 따라 게임 뷰를 로드합니다
  490. ### # ShipRenderer shipViewPrefab
  491. ### # Transform gameRenderer
  492. ### # GameUpdator gameUpdator
  493. ### # AudioClip bgm
  494. ### # LogWindow logWindows
  495. ### # void CreateShipRenderersAndSetShipId()
  496. * FleetContainer의 fleets를 참고로 ShipRenderer들을 생성합니다
  497. ### # void InitGameVariables()
  498. * 게임 변수들을 초기화합니다
  499. ### # void InitGameSyncObjects()
  500. * GameSyncObject들을 찾아, Init합니다
  501. ### # void TestCode()
  502. ### # void InitPhysicsConsts()
  503. ### # IEnumerator Start()
  505. ## GameObserver.cs
  506. ### public class GameObserver : MonoBehaviour
  507. ### # void Start()
  508. ### # void LaserHit(Ship attacker, Ship victim, float damage)
  509. ### # void LaserShoot(Ship shooter, float shootingPower)
  510. ### # void Suicide(Ship target, float damage)
  511. ### # void ShipKilledByLaser(Ship killer, Ship victim)
  512. ### # void OnDestroy()
  514. ## GameSyncObject.cs
  515. ### public abstract class GameSyncObject : MonoBehaviour
  516. ### # public virtual void GameInit()
  517. ### # public virtual void GameUpdate()
  519. ## GameUpdator.cs
  520. ### public class GameUpdator : MonoBehaviour
  521. ### # Transform gamePhysicsField
  522. ### # PhysicsMaterial2D shipPhysicsMaterial
  523. ### # UIGame gameUI
  524. ### # List<ShipUpdator\> shipUpdators
  525. * **Init value**
  526. new List<ShipUpdator\>()
  527. ### # List<AILauncher\> aiLaunchers
  528. * **Init value**
  529. new List<AILauncher\>()
  530. ### # public void Init()
  531. ### # void InitAILaunchers()
  532. ### # void OnDestroy()
  533. ### # void ShipDestroyed(Ship ship)
  534. ### # void ShipDamaged(Ship ship1, Ship ship2, float damage)
  535. ### # IEnumerator GameOverSequence()
  536. ### # void FixedUpdate()
  537. ### # void CreateShipUpdators()
  539. ## GameVariables.cs
  540. ### public static class GameVariables
  541. ### # public static Player me
  542. ### # public static Observable<float\> groundSize
  543. * **Init value**
  544. new Observable<float\>()
  545. ### # public static Observable<float\> groundChangeTimer
  546. * **Init value**
  547. new Observable<float\>()
  548. ### # public static int gameFrame
  549. * **Init value**
  550. 0
  551. ### # public static bool updateBlocked
  553. ## Ground.cs
  554. ### public class Ground : GameSyncObject
  555. ### # LineRenderer line
  556. ### # EdgeCollider2D collider
  557. ### # public override void GameInit()
  558. ### # void DrawGround(float r)
  559. ### # void OnDestroy()
  560. ### # void Reset()
  562. ## LaserRenderer.cs
  563. ### public class LaserRenderer : VolumetricLineBehavior
  564. ### # Gradient colorByPower
  565. ### # MeshRenderer renderer
  566. ### # Vector3 start
  567. ### # Vector3 end
  568. ### # protected override void Start()
  569. ### # public void Show(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float power)
  570. ### # IEnumerator FadeOut()
  571. ### # void UpdatePos()
  573. ## ShipRenderer.cs
  574. ### public class ShipRenderer : MonoBehaviour
  575. ### # GameObject body
  576. ### # Renderer bodyRenderer
  577. ### # GameObject aimer
  578. ### # LaserRenderer laser
  579. ### # UIShipHUD hud
  580. ### # ParticleSystem[] chargingParticles
  581. ### # ParticleSystem[] shootParticles
  582. ### # ParticleSystem[] destroyedParticles
  583. ### # ParticleSystem[] laserHitParticles
  584. ### # Ship _ship
  585. ### # public void InitWithShip(Ship ship)
  586. ### # void InitParticles()
  587. ### # void RemoveAllListeners()
  588. * 등록한 리스너들을 모두 해제합니다
  589. ### # public void Update()
  590. ### # void UpdateTransform()
  591. * 위치 및 각도 반영
  592. ### # void UpdateShooting()
  593. * 슈팅과 관련된 드로우
  594. ### # void Alive(bool alive)
  595. ### # void Shooted(Vector2 pos)
  596. ### # IEnumerator Shooted2(Vector2 pos)
  597. ### # void IsCharging(bool value)
  599. ## ShipUpdator.cs
  600. ### public class ShipUpdator : GameSyncObject
  601. ### # public Ship ship
  602. ### # Ship _ship
  603. ### # CircleCollider2D _collider
  604. ### # CircleCollider2D _radar
  605. ### # Rigidbody2D _ rigidbody
  606. ### # Body _body
  607. ### # DCollider _dcol
  608. ### # List<Ship\> scannedEnemies
  609. * **Init value**
  610. new List<Ship\>()
  612. ### # public void ApplyPhysicsToShip()
  613. * 물리 연산들을 Ship에 적용합니다
  614. ### # public override void GameUpdate()
  615. ### # void UpdateShooting()
  616. * 슈팅에 대한 업데이트
  617. ### # void Shoot()
  618. * 슈팅합니다
  619. ### # void UpdatePosition()
  620. * 위치정보 업데이트
  621. ### # void UpdateRotation()
  622. * 각도 업데이트
  623. ### # void CheckDead()
  624. * 참조중인 함선이 고인이 됐는지 체크하고 고인이라면 장비를 정지합니다
  625. ### # public void InitWithShip(Ship ship, PhysicsMaterial2D physicsMaterial)
  626. * 함선 업데이터 동작을 위한 사전작업
  627. * **param** *ship* 참조할 함선 데이터
  628. * **param** *physicsMaterial* 물리연산시 사용할 함선의 physicsMaterial
  629. ### # void InitRadar()
  630. * 레이더 동작을 위한 사전작업
  631. ### # void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
  632. ### # void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D col)
  634. # GameUI
  635. ## LogWindow.cs
  636. ## UIGame.cs
  637. ## UIGamePlayer.cs
  638. ## UIGameShip.cs
  639. ## UIPauseMenu.cs
  640. ## UIShipHUD.cs
  642. # MainUI
  643. ## UIMain.cs
  644. ### public class UIMain : MonoBehaviour
  645. ### # static bool firstSpawn
  646. * **Init value**
  647. true
  648. ### # GameObject indexLayout
  649. ### # GameObject multiplayerLayout
  650. ### # GameObject renameLayout
  651. ### # GameObject joinLayout
  652. ### # Text nickName
  653. ### # Button btnSinglePlayer
  654. ### # Button btnMultiPlayer
  655. ### # Button btnExit
  656. ### # Button btnHost
  657. ### # Button btnJoin
  658. ### # Button btnRename
  659. ### # Button btnBackToIndex
  660. ### # Button btnRenameApply
  661. ### # InputField inputFieldNickname
  662. ### # Button btnJoinToAddress
  663. ### # InputField inputFieldNetworkAddress
  664. ### # AudioClip bgm
  665. ### # private GameObject currentLayout
  666. ### # void Start()
  667. ### # IEnumerator FirstSpawn()
  668. ### # void Update()
  669. ### # void ClickSinglePlayerBtn()
  670. ### # void ClickMultiPlayerBtn()
  671. ### # void ClickExitBtn()
  672. ### # void ClickHostBtn()
  673. ### # void ClickJoinBtn()
  674. ### # void ClickJoinToAddressBtn()
  675. ### # void ClickRenameBtn()
  676. ### # void ClickBackToIndexBtn()
  677. ### # void ClickRenameApplyBtn()
  678. ### # void ChangeLayout(GameObject layout)
  679. ### # void LoadPlayerPrefData()
  682. # Network
  683. ## NetworkConsts.cs
  684. ## NetworkEvents.cs
  685. ## NetworkIdGenerator.cs
  686. ## NetworkManager.cs
  687. ## NetworkPlayerManager.cs
  688. ## NetworkVariables.cs
  689. ## PacketBase.cs
  690. ## PacketHandler.cs
  691. ## PacketQueue.cs
  692. ## Packets.cs
  693. ## TransferTCP.cs
  695. # NetworkUI
  696. ## ChatPlayerUI.cs
  697. ### public class ChatPlayerUI : MonoBehaviour
  698. ### # RectTransform nameFieldParent
  699. ### # RectTransform chatFieldParent
  700. ### # Text nameField
  701. ### # Text chatField
  702. ### # Image nameTeduriImage
  703. ### # Image chatFieldTeduriImage
  704. ### # RectTransform chatFieldTeduri
  705. ### # Animator animator
  706. ### # Animator messageAnim
  707. ### # AudioClip chatAudio
  708. ### # AudioClip joinAudio
  709. ### # public Player player
  710. ### # const float chatLife
  711. ### # float chatRestLife
  712. ### # const float expendingDuration
  713. ### # bool isDead
  714. ### # Color originTeduriColor
  715. ### # int myScriptCount
  716. ### # public void Init(Player player, bool isRightPanel)
  717. ### # void OnGameEnd()
  718. ### # void OnScriptIn(UIScriptListItem item)
  719. ### # void OnScriptOut(UIScriptListItem item)
  720. ### # void SettingRightPanelMode()
  721. ### # void ReverseAnchoredX(RectTransform rt)
  722. ### # public void ExpendHeight(float height)
  723. ### # IEnumerator Expending(float height)
  724. ### # void OnDisable()
  725. ### # void OnChat(ChatMessage chatMessage)
  726. ### # void ShowChat(string message)
  727. ### # void Update()
  728. ### # public void Suicide()
  729. ### # IEnumerator SuicideCoroutine()
  732. ## ChatPlayerUIContainer.cs
  733. ### public class ChatPlayerUIContainer : MonoBehaviour
  734. ### # public float maxHeight
  735. ### # float preferedHeight
  736. ### # Dictionary<byte, ChatPlayerUI> childUIs
  737. ### # int childCount
  738. ### # RectTransform rt
  739. ### # bool isDirty
  740. ### # void Start()
  741. ### # void LateUpdate()
  742. ### # void OnPlayerOut(byte playerid)
  743. ### # void UpdateLayout()
  744. ### # void Update()
  745. ### # public void Add(ChatPlayerUI ui)
  746. ### # public void Clear()
  748. ## ChatUI.cs
  749. ### public class ChatUI : MonoBehaviour
  750. ### # protected static ChatUI _instance
  751. ### # public static ChatUI instance
  752. ### # ChatPlayerUI playerUIPrefab
  753. ### # ChatPlayerUIContainer leftUIContainer
  754. ### # ChatPlayerUIContainer rightUIContainer
  755. ### # InputField chatInputField
  756. ### # Dictionary<byte, ChatPlayerUI> chatPlayerUIs
  757. ### # List<byte\> deathNode
  758. ### # void Start()
  759. ### # void OnPlayerJoin(Player player)
  760. ### # void OnPlayerOut(byte id)
  761. ### # void Update()
  763. ## NoticeUI.cs
  764. ### public class NoticeUI : MonoBehaviour
  765. ### # static NoticeUI _instance
  766. ### # public static NoticeUI instance
  767. ### # GameObject popup
  768. ### # Text text
  769. ### # Button touchArea
  770. ### # Animator animator
  771. ### # string message
  772. ### # int messageCount
  773. ### # void Start()
  774. ### # void OnTouched()
  775. ### # public void ShowMessage(string message)
  776. ### # void Update()
  778. # ResultUI
  779. ## CardList.cs
  780. ### public class Card
  781. ### # public string cardName
  782. ### # public string text
  783. ### # public bool isGood
  784. ### # public Color textColor
  785. ### # public Color backgroundColor
  786. ### # public List<CardCondition\> conditions
  787. ### # public Card(string name, string text, CardColor cardColor, List<CardCondition\> conditions)
  788. ### # public bool IsSatisfyAllConditions(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  790. ### public class CardColor
  791. ### # public Color color
  792. ### # public Color fontColor
  793. ### # public bool isGood
  794. ### # public CardColor(Color color, Color fontColor, bool isGood)
  796. ### public class CardCondition
  797. ### # public float value
  798. ### # public bool expect
  799. ### # virtual public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  801. ### public class CardCondition_HP : CardCondition
  802. ### # public CardCondition_HP(float value, bool expect)
  803. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  805. ### public class CardCondition_HitRate : CardCondition
  806. ### # public CardCondition_HitRate(float value, bool expect)
  807. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  809. ### public class CardCondition_Totaldamage : CardCondition
  810. ### # public CardCondition_TotalDamage(float value, bool expect)
  811. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  813. ### public class CardCondition_DamageToEnemy : CardCondition
  814. ### # public CardCondition_DamageToEnemy(float value, bool expect)
  815. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  817. ### public class CardCondition_DamageToAlly : CardCondition
  818. ### # public CardCondition_DamageToAlly(float value, bool expect)
  819. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  821. ### public class CardCondition_DamageToWall : CardCondition
  822. ### # public CardCondition_DamageToWall(float value, bool expect)
  823. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  825. ### public class CardCondition_TotalUseEnerge : CardCondition
  826. ### # public CardCondition_TotalUseEnerge(float value, bool expect)
  827. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  829. ### public class CardCondition_DamagedByEnemy : CardCondition
  830. ### # public CardCondition_DamagedByEnemy(float value, bool expect)
  831. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  833. ### public class CardCondition_DamagedByAlly : CardCondition
  834. ### # public CardCondition_DamagedByAlly(float value, bool expect)
  835. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  837. ### public class CardCondition_DamagedByWall : CardCondition
  838. ### # public CardCondition_DamagedByWall(float value, bool expect)
  839. ### # override public bool IsSatisfyCondition(FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  842. ## CardManager.cs
  843. ### public class CardManager : MonoBehaviour
  844. ### # GameObject Card
  845. ### # GameObject CardListPlayer1
  846. ### # GameObject CardListPlayer2
  847. ### # AudioClip goodAudio
  848. ### # AudioClip badAudio
  849. ### # void Start()
  850. ### # void GenerateCard(GameObject targetList, string text, Color textColor, Color backgroundColor)
  851. ### # IEnumerator ShowCards()
  852. ### # IEnumerator CheckAllCards(GameObject targetList, FleetHistory fleetHistory)
  854. ### public static class CardList
  855. ### # public static List<Card\> cardList
  856. ### # private static Color goodColor
  857. ### # private static Color goodFontColor
  858. ### # private static Color badColor
  859. ### # private static Color badFontColor
  860. ### # private static CardColor good
  861. ### # private static CardColor bad
  862. ### # public static void InitAllCards()
  865. ## Cards.json
  866. empty
  868. ## Graph.cs
  869. ### public class Graph : MonoBehaviour
  870. ### # Text nameText
  871. ### # Image graphRed
  872. ### # Image graphBlue
  873. ### # Text redGraphText
  874. ### # Text blueGraphText
  875. ### # float GRAPH_HEIGHT
  876. ### # float MAX_GRAPH_WIDTH
  877. ### # void Awake()
  878. ### # public void SetGraphValue
  881. ## UIResult.cs
  882. ### public class UIResult : MonoBehaviour
  883. ### # private const float RESULT_GRAPH_HEIGHT
  884. ### # private const float RESULT_GAMEOBJECT_GRAPH_HEIGHT
  885. ### # private const float RESULT_GRAPH_MAX_WIDTH
  886. ### # Button btnExit
  887. ### # Graph[] graphs
  888. ### # Color RedTeamColor
  889. ### # Color BlueTeamColor
  890. ### # Text RedTeam_Name
  891. ### # Text BlueTeam_Name
  892. ### # void Start()
  893. ### # void ClickExitBtn()
  896. # RoomUI
  897. ## RoomEvents.cs
  898. ## UIRoom.cs
  899. ## UIScriptList.cs
  900. ## UIScriptListItem.cs
  901. ## UIShipCountChanger.cs
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