
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 113

Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. [15:27] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:27] <Kilarra> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:30] <Kilarra> -Session 113-
  4. [15:31] <Kilarra> After a week of rest and relaxation, Kilarra brought Aluthyra to Elysium for a bit of sightseeing, and the chance to find out her heritage. Not only did this lead them to an incredible story of Aluthyra's heroic ancestor
  5. [15:32] <Kilarra> But it also provided an unexpected opportunity for Kilarra to be free of her tiefling form, at the offering of Vidalia, a powerful Azata who had previously restored life to Aluthyra's ancestor using a unique method of reincarnation.
  6. [15:34] <Kilarra> Now, Aluthyra spends the three days needed for Kilarra's new body to be formed on Elysium with Vidalia, in her Orchard of Wild Fruits and Wilder Magic
  7. [15:37] <Kilarra> Vidalia herself is happy to keep Aluthyra company, sharing stories of her other experiences while they wait. On the day after Kilarra's body was pulled under the soil, a small white flower blooms in the spot where she stood. As well, all of the plant life in a fair radius around that spot seems to flourish.
  8. [15:37] * Aluthyra keeps near to the flower, eagerly waiting for Kilarra to emerge.
  9. [15:38] <Kilarra> Over the next two days, that white blossom grows into a massive cocoon like pod, almost as big as Vidalia herself. On the third day, as Aluthyra watches over it, it begins to twitch, and a split runs down the front of it.
  10. [15:42] <Kilarra> The pod splits again horizontally, and the four corners peel back to reveal Kilarra, looking like she was sleeping. Her face, hair, and proportions were the same as they had been, only now her skin was pale like Aluthyra's, and had a slight blue glimmer to it like sun reflecting off of frost. As well, she had no tail, no horns, and, in place of her hooves, dainty feet with four toes each. She was also quite naked.
  11. [15:43] <Aluthyra> "Kilarra?" Aluthyra asks, moving closer and bending down to be closer to her level.
  12. [15:44] * Kilarra slowly opens her eyes, then lets out a yawn. "Hey," she says a bit weakly. "How long was I gone?" She attempts to rub her eyes, then stops, staring at her hands. She turns them over in amazement.
  13. [15:47] * Aluthyra smiles. "Three days." Aluthyra reaches into her haversack, placing Kilarra's goods in a neat pile. "How are you feeling?"
  14. [15:49] <Kilarra> Kilarra just stares at her skin for another minute before responding, "Kinda weak actually, but that tends to happen when you die and come back." She gets to her feet, wobbling a bit, then falls flat on her face. She groans a bit and looks back. "Right, no tail. That's gonna need getting used to. Again."
  15. [15:50] * Aluthyra chuckles, leaning down to assist Kilarra in getting up. "It shall not take too much time, I am sure."
  16. [15:52] * Kilarra looks at herself again as she barely comes up to Aluthyra's bosom. "I was kinda hoping I'd be taller," she chides. She then turns on the spot, looking herself over. "Hey look! Toes!" She blinks after a moment, "I think I'm missing one."
  17. [15:53] * Aluthyra looks down and chuckles. "It looks like you are... that may be because of your hooves."
  18. [15:56] * Kilarra nods, "I guess. That's actually kinda funny." She chuckles wryly, "My mother has extra thumbs."
  19. [15:57] * Kilarra blinks a moment, then brings her hand to her mouth, feeling the inside. "My teeth are straight!"
  20. [15:57] * Kilarra is finding a novel, but genuine amusement in simply being, more or less, normal looking.
  21. [15:57] * Aluthyra smiles, noting, "And your skin... it seems to glow slightly."
  22. [15:58] * Kilarra holds up an arm to the sunlight. "Kinda looks like frost on a clear cold morning." She chuckles, "Guess that's a little trace of this place. Like your scent."
  23. [15:58] * Aluthyra nods, looking about. "Shall we stay here while you recover, or are you wanting to return to the veil?"
  24. [16:00] * Kilarra thinks about it for a moment, "Well..." she concentrates a bit. "Okay, so some of my spells bleed off while I was... dead. Feels wierd saying that. Anyways, I do have a few left, including the ones that could get us back to the Veil. After that, I could prepare new ones to speed my recovery."
  25. [16:01] * Kilarra grins mischeviously, "It would also give me a chance to try my new self out, don't you think?" She looks down. Although it was still the same size and shape, it was a new body, and that meant it needed to be broken in.
  26. [16:02] * Kilarra turns to Vidalia, grinning (and maybe with a couple tears in her eyes). "Thank you. I won't ever forget this." She bows deeply in respect for the gift she had been given.
  27. [16:03] * Aluthyra bows to Vidalia, showing her respect. "Then," She smile. "let's return to the veil. I am sure the others will be curious about all of this as well."
  28. [16:04] * Kilarra nods and gets dressed. She takes a moment, enjoying the feeling of grass on her new feet. "This means I can wear shoes now!" She gigles, then takes Aluthyra's hand, pulling out her forked plane rod.
  29. [16:04] * Aluthyra chuckles. "And no complaints from the ground."
  30. [16:05] <Kilarra> Vidalia waves them off with a smirk at Aluthyra's comment.
  31. [16:05] * Kilarra feels lighten than air as she shifts them back to the material plane.
  32. [16:08] <Kilarra> Kilarra and Aluthyra arrive in the middle of a bustling city street. Notably, it's not Riddleport.
  33. [16:08] * Kilarra blinks, looking around. "Huh..." She looks about until she spots a flag. "Somehow I landed us in Magnimar."
  34. [16:09] * Kilarra chuckles, "That's right on the other end of the Varisian gulf from Riddleport."
  35. [16:12] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Any interest in sightseeing? If not, I can take us straight back to the Veil. Actually, that's the only place I can take us, but I figured it was better than having to pay our way back somehow."
  36. [16:14] * Aluthyra shrugs, looking around the city. "I have not been to Magnimar before... do you know of anything here worth seeing or partaking in?"
  37. [16:15] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I haven't either, I just suggested it spontaneously since we just so happened to end up here."
  38. [16:17] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Then let's go to the veil. I would not mind, as it is getting more... comfortable."
  39. [16:18] * Kilarra smiles, "Yeah, we can go shopping in Riddleport anyways, but this way I'll be able to touch myself up a bit first. Plus I want to see myself in a mirror." She holds out her hand to Aluthyra.
  40. [16:19] * Aluthyra grasps Kilarra's hand.
  41. [16:20] * Kilarra simply says, "Sanctuary," and the two of them pop away. They reappear right in the middle of Kilarra's room at the Silken Veil, directly in front of the small shrine she kept there, which doubled as a dresser.
  42. [16:25] * Kilarra immediately disrobes, picking up a silver hand mirror off the shrine and looking at her reflection in it. She grins wide, and wider still at seeing her unpointed teeth, then uses the mirror to check over her new physique. She takes care not to step around too much ti avoid tripping again
  43. [16:26] <Kilarra> Kilarra notices, in her examination of her new form, that she has what looks like a birthmark in the same place where, on her old body, she had a scar from her mother's attempted ritual sacrifice. Aluthyra, being as perceptive as she is, would notice it too.
  44. [16:27] * Aluthyra smiles, brushing up against Kilarra's side with her wings. "Some things cannot be removed, it seems, but I take it you like your new form?"
  45. [16:28] * Kilarra sets the mirror down, "She probably cursed the dagger or something." She shakes her head, "Doesn't matter. I'm more interested in how -you- like my new form." She attempts to lead Aluthyra over to the bed, only to end up tripping and falling onto it face first. This also gives Aluthyra a nice view of her still very pert backside.
  46. [16:29] * Aluthyra chuckles. "I have no complaints," She begins to disrobe. "only compliments."
  47. [16:30] * Kilarra turns herself over, smiling up at Aluthyra. She was feeling a bit weak, and was more than content to let the other woman explore her new form freely.
  48. [16:32] * Aluthyra takes the opportunity, helping Kilarra explore her new body...
  49. [16:32] * Kilarra finds herself -very- satisfied with Aluthyra's efforts. She had taught her well it seemed
  50. [16:35] * Kilarra lays back on the sheets, sighing most contentedly after an hour. She hugs Aluthyra tightly. "That was wonderful."
  51. [16:36] * Aluthyra has her wings wrapped around Kilarra, smiling slightly. "I'm glad that you enjoyed it-- because I certainly did."
  52. [16:36] * Kilarra kisses Aluthyra firmly, "You're a wonderful student. I love you."
  53. [16:39] * Aluthyra sighs, pulling back from the kiss after several moments. "And you are a wonderful teacher, my love."
  54. [16:42] * Kilarra careuflly sits up, her newly broken in nethers just a bit tender. She glances at her posessions, particularly the sachel containing diamonds and diamond dust. "Hmmm..." She looks to Aluthyra, "I could probably remove all the negative effects of dying at once, but it would cost more of my stash."
  55. [16:43] * Aluthyra shrugs. "If you need, I can provide some gold to offset the cost."
  56. [16:44] * Kilarra shakes her head, "No, I wanna save our money to do a bit of shopping. I feel like some new clothes, and I want to try on shoes." She giggles cheerfully. "I guess since none of us died... well, for more than a couple seconds, while we were fighting Allevrah, I didn't need to use up any that I had."
  57. [16:46] * Aluthyra chuckles, sitting up. "Fair enough." Aluthyra reaches into her haversack, taking out a clean set of robes, and smiles. "Shall we find you some shoes theen?"
  58. [16:48] * Kilarra nods and pulls over her sachel of Diamond Dust. She chants a prayer and, over about half a minute, sprinkles of diamond dust form the bag seem to dissolve into her skin. Her whole body glows briefly for a moment, and then she lets out a contented sigh.
  59. [16:50] * Kilarra then gets to getting dressed, "I guess my new clothes won't need a hole or a split for my tail." She giggles as she pulls on her vestements.
  60. [16:51] * Aluthyra dresses herself, then stands by the door, waiting.
  61. [16:53] * Kilarra finishes dressing and follows Aluthyra out, still wobbling a bit on her unfamiliar feet. She leans against Aluthyra for support as they leave her room.
  62. [16:54] * Aluthyra heads for the market. Shoe-shopping time!
  63. [16:54] <Kilarra> As the two of them are leaving Kilarra's room, Lavender Lil was passing by, on her way out as well, carring her coinpurse and a shopping basket. She looks at the two of them, "Hey who said you co-" She does a double take at Kilarra. "Wha-huh?"
  64. [16:56] * Aluthyra chuckles. "We have much to tell. Again."
  65. [16:57] * Kilarra winks at Lil, "Long Story. We'll explain when we get back. I have shopping to do." She giggles again and heads out.
  66. [16:58] <Kilarra> Lil just stands there blinking. "She was only gone three hours..."
  67. [16:59] * Aluthyra smiles, and with that, starts walking with Kilarra!
  68. [17:05] * Kilarra buys several new outfits, including several different pairs of regular shoes and, after spotting them in the marketplace, a pair of winged boots. They only lasted a limited amount of time each day, but she could fly along with Aluthyra with them.
  69. [17:06] * Aluthyra smiles, looking towards the veil. "Shall we fly back?"
  70. [17:06] * Kilarra giggles and nods, clicking the heels of the boots together, making the wings on those heels grow in size and begin flapping.
  71. [17:07] * Aluthyra flutters her wings, taking off after Kilarra.
  72. [17:10] * Kilarra rather enjoys the experience of flying while solid, enjoying the wind in her face and the feeling of freedom and rush of exilharation.
  73. [17:11] <Kilarra> It takes the pair only a few minutes to get back to the Veil after their day out shopping.
  74. [17:12] * Kilarra touches down gently, then trips over her new boots.
  75. [17:13] * Aluthyra alights next to Kilarra and attempts to catch her before she hits her face. Again.
  76. [17:14] * Kilarra is grateful for the catch. Falling onto a bed was one thing, but cobblestone steps were another. "Thanks," she says, blushing in embarassment. "I'll just need to get used to walking again, that's all."
  77. [17:15] * Aluthyra chuckles, making sure Kilarra is steady. "Understandable, of course."
  78. [17:15] * Kilarra nods, "Let's go see Shorafa. I think she'll be surprised." She allows Aluthyra to lead on.
  79. [17:16] * Aluthyra nods, letting Kilarra take the lead.
  80. [17:18] <Kilarra> The two of them find Shorafa laying on her front, topless, getting a massage while scribbling something in a ledger. She closes it when the two approach, "Well well. When Lil said you looked different, she really meant it. I thought maybe you were just shapeshifting in the bedroom again for fun and it hadn't worn off."
  81. [17:20] <Kilarra> Shorafa sits up, her ample bosom on display for a moment before she pulls her leather bodice back up. "So tell me, what did you two get up to today?"
  82. [17:21] * Aluthyra nods. "While in Elysium and pursuing my own origins, we-- Kilarra, was offered a chance at rebirth, to remove her fiendish blood."
  83. [17:21] * Kilarra seats herself, taking off her boots so Shorafa could see her feet as well. "We were actually there for three days, but time doesn't seem to translate directly from here to there."
  84. [17:22] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "Intriguing. I always knew you weren't fond of your heritage, but to be offered such a chance. I suspect such a thing is the kind of blessing one recieves only once in a lifetime."
  85. [17:24] * Kilarra chuckles a bit weakly, "Well you seem to be the spawn of a succubus, so it's understandable that you're not as at odds with it, but there is another reason why I decided to accept it."
  86. [17:26] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Aside from the ones I already talked with you about."
  87. [17:27] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, waiting for Kilarra to continue.
  88. [17:28] * Kilarra looks down at her toes. "Well... my mother, what I remember of her anyways, always seemed proud of being of fiendish blood. Like it was an accomplishment rather than a curse. Granted, I was only ten when last I saw her, but I can infer based on what I've learned since that her fiendish blood, and her adherence to it, is part of what made her such a powerful sorceress."
  89. [17:29] * Aluthyra nods in understanding. "I see... so then, to spite her as well?"
  90. [17:30] * Kilarra nods, "A little bit, yeah. But moreso to prove to myself that I would never be like her. As much as I could endeavour to be my own woman in spirit, I was still tied to her by blood, whether I liked it or not."
  91. [17:33] * Aluthyra smiles. "I see."
  92. [17:34] * Kilarra smiles, "So now, this body... it's mostly human, but like Aluthyra it has a touch of Celestial material as well."
  93. [17:34] <Kilarra> Shorafa smiles, "As well, you no longer have to worry about missing out on being a mother, hm?"
  94. [17:34] * Kilarra blushes a bit, "Yes... that would be nice someday."
  95. [17:37] * Aluthyra nods, looking to Shorafa. "As well, thank you. For allowing me to stay here as long as you have."
  96. [17:38] <Kilarra> Shorafa chuckles, "Kilarra's room is hers for as long as she is in my employ. While that may change when you take up this position offered by the Elven Queen, she is free to have guests there as she wishes."
  97. [17:39] * Aluthyra shrugs. "I feel it was necessary regardless."
  98. [17:39] <Kilarra> Shorafa notes to Aluthyra, "Besides, it was thanks to you two that Zincher was removed from the city's picture. Lavender Lil's stake aside, his departure has allowed me a bit more freedom of operation within the city."
  99. [17:40] <Kilarra> Shorafa smiles, "And your manners are appreciated."
  100. [17:42] * Kilarra takes a moment to note, "I find that this new body of mine is unable to shift its appearance like I used to be able to, not even for a moment."
  101. [17:44] * Aluthyra nods. "Most likely a feature of what you once had."
  102. [17:45] * Kilarra nods, "It's fine. Between my teeth and lack of horns, I won't have to worry as much about my face being a deal breaker when it comes to conversations." She does, in fact, look more wholesome and comely since her reincarnation.
  103. [17:45] <Kilarra> Shorafa chuckles, "Not that I ever found your previous form unattractive, but I suppose that is true."
  104. [17:46] <Kilarra> Shorafa looks to Aluthyra, "As well, it seems that perhaps I was wrong about my advice to you last week. Considering all you have done for her, it seems more likely now that Kilarra's appreciation will be lifelong."
  105. [17:46] * Aluthyra smiles. "I hope so, at least."
  106. [17:47] * Kilarra hugs Aluthyra tightly.
  107. [17:48] * Aluthyra wraps a wing around Kilarra. "For now, all that remains is dealing with her mother."
  108. [17:48] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "Indeed, and you are welcome to stay here while the pursuit of revenge remains."
  109. [17:49] * Kilarra smiles appreciatively, "Thank you Madam. It will be a shame to depart your service, after all you have done for me, but... well, with the experiences of the last few months, I think it's about time I took the reins of my own life."
  110. [17:49] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "It will be rough finding another to take your place, but I would not be where I am now if I could not manage such a thing."
  111. [17:52] <Kilarra> Shorafa stands up, "Would you two like to join me for dinner? I would like to hear the whole story of your extraplanar adventure. I'm sure Lil would like to as well; she's always been fond of stories."
  112. [17:53] * Aluthyra nods. "I think that would be lovely. Thank you."
  113. [17:55] <Kilarra> Shorafa smiles and leads them down into the main area of the temple, where a couple acolytes are setting up for dinner. She takes a table for herself, Lil, Kilarra and Aluthyra. Dinner here is a bit more substantial that the breakfast, but still fairly simple. There is a bit of salted pork to go around, bread and cheese again, steamed vegetables, rice, and potatoes.
  114. [17:58] * Kilarra helps herself to some of the pork, vegetables and rice. She marvels throughout the meal at how different chewing and biting feels with her new teeth.
  115. [17:58] * Aluthyra serves herself bread, cheese, and vegetables, used to having simple meals.
  116. [17:59] * Kilarra lets Aluthyra tell the story of her ancestry, since it was for her that they had made the expedition in the first place.
  117. [18:00] * Aluthyra goes over the story; her own ancestry and that of Fiona, how Kilarra was made to be an Aasimar, and a few short stories of the oddities she found in the garden.
  118. [18:01] <Kilarra> Lil in particular seems to hang on to Aluthyra's every word. "Damn. I need to make more of my freedom."
  119. [18:05] * Kilarra adds in a few bits here and there about what the experience of being reincarnated as like, and how she celebrated her new body (excluding the details of the private time with Aluthyra)
  120. [18:06] <Kilarra> Aluthyra, over the din of the conversation, hears a rustling of curtains coming from the front of the temple.
  121. [18:07] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, looking behind her. "I hear someone coming... are you expecting more company?"
  122. [18:09] <Kilarra> Shorafa blinks, then leans to look to the curtain. "Usually patrons seeking company for an evening within the temple wait until later. It is after sundown, so maybe it's someone unfamiliar with our mealtimes."
  123. [18:10] <Kilarra> Aluthyra, upon looking, can see the shilouette of a small figure against the curtain. It appears to be a child, peeking through the edge of the curtain without entering. She wears a hooded cloak, making it hard to see her features from here.
  124. [18:11] * Aluthyra blinks, standing and moving towards the figure. "No... it seems to be a child."
  125. [18:12] <Kilarra> Shorafa blinks, standing up and approaching the curtain. She beckons for the trio to come with her as she approaches.
  126. [18:14] * Kilarra raises a curious eyebrow. What would a child be doing here this late? And a place like this. She follows Shorafa
  127. [18:15] <Kilarra> Lil just watches from her seat
  128. [18:18] <Kilarra> The child starts and shuts the curtain for a moment, then leans back over and pulls it aside again. "Is... is this the House of the Silken Veil?"
  129. [18:19] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods. "It is child. Who are you, and why didy ou come here?"
  130. [18:20] <Kilarra> The child nods, "W-well, my name is Imoto, and I'm lost." She looks up to Shorafa's horns, then pulls back her hood. The child is a tiefling, with small horn protuding from her temples. A tail flicks idly behind her, rustling the curtains.
  131. [18:20] <Kilarra> The child speaks again, "I- you see... that is... I'm lost, and my mom told me that this place would be safe for someone like me. May I come in?"
  132. [18:21] <Kilarra> Shorafa considers the child, then nods. "I see. Please, come in."
  133. [18:22] * Kilarra looks curious. Was the child actually lost, or had she been abandoned? She sticks close to Aluthyra, watching curiously.
  134. [18:22] * Aluthyra keeps quiet, watching with Kilarra.
  135. [18:23] <Kilarra> The little tiefling girl enters. Her skin is a very pale purple, and her teeth are pointed, not unlike Kilarra's had been, although her horns and tail are noticeably smaller. The shape of her eyes betrays a hint of Tian heritage. "Thank you." She blinks and looks at Aluthyra and Kilarra for a moment. "You're pretty!" she declares with a smile.
  136. [18:24] * Kilarra snickers a bit
  137. [18:25] * Aluthyra chuckles, returning the smile. "Thank you. A pleasure to meet you Imoto. I am Aluthyra," she points to Kilarra. "and this is Kilarra."
  138. [18:25] <Kilarra> Shorafa shuts the curtain and looks to the child, "So, Imoto you said? Why are you here?"
  139. [18:27] <Kilarra> Imoto smiles at them, then looks to Shorafa. She seems fixated on the other Tiefling's horns and tail for a moment before speaking. "Well, my mommy and me were here visiting, looking for family. She was trying to find my long lost big sister!" The child declares all of this cheerfully. "But then we got separated. She told me this would be a safe place if I got lost, and that you might be able to find her again."
  140. [18:27] * Kilarra giggles. The child was rather cute.
  141. [18:27] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "I see." She looks to Kilarra, "Do you have sending prepared at all?"
  142. [18:28] * Kilarra shakes her head, "Not today no. I wasn't really thinking about it."
  143. [18:29] <Kilarra> Imoto looks sad, "Aw. Mommy would be back with daddy, but now I'm alone."
  144. [18:30] * Kilarra looks to Shorafa, "Even if we can't contact her mother, maybe we can help her find her sister."
  145. [18:31] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "I do have detailed records on much of what goes on in this city." She looks to the child, "We can let your mother know you cam here tomorrow morning. What was your sister's name?"
  146. [18:31] <Kilarra> Imoto smiles, "Nisha Delshkarl. Mommy says she came here a long time ago."
  147. [18:31] * Kilarra gasps and starts, falling backwards onto her backside.
  148. [18:32] * Aluthyra frowns, leaning down to help Kilarra back onto her feet.
  149. [18:34] * Kilarra pulls Aluthyra in closer, looking at her urgently and whispering; "She's looking for -me-."
  150. [18:34] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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