
MRVerse Chapter 4(Part 3)

Jun 27th, 2018
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  1. ------------------
  2. (Sept 1599)
  3. | Rank S Official Cup|
  4. "" = Jalen
  5. [] = Colt
  6. {} = Raven
  7. ^^= Qrow
  8. ' ' = Inigo
  9. ++ = Soleil
  11. Qrow walks off towards the arena floor with his Terror Dog at his he walked there, he past by Jalen and his assistant along with their monster. They share a look before he continued forwards to the arena and stop by the edges as Corvus hop on the ring. He doesn't exactly hate Jalen, but he sure as hell don't see why his sister is so obsessed with him.
  13. Let it be know that while he may not be a genius, Qrow also isn't a dumbass and can tell from the moment they saw the guy 2 years ago, his sister felt feelings for him no matter how hard she denied them. She may not had know it, but he was awake in his room whenever she snuck out of the house to go stalk Jalen when he and Colt eventually moved to Remmant. He remember seeing her so giddy that she was shaking from it.
  15. Since then, the 2 of them have been training extremely hard with their monsters, with Raven in particular pushing Riku far beyond his limits of being a Dragon..And Qrow making sure that Corvus don't get left behind in the power gap. Speaking of, Corvus is now glaring towards his opponent, which can only be described as a waterly caterpillar. Koro-Pandoras are a very odd sort of monsters, consisting of 3 small bugs that can combine to make one line caterpillar or stand next each other side by side..They don't have great stats, but what they specialized in is namely annoy the foe with their high accuracy moves and withering attacks with their EXTREMELY high LIF.
  17. Qrow sighs as he rubs his forehead, already feeling the headache he was gonna get from this battle...^Well Corvus, let's try to wrap this one up as fast as possible...^ Corvus nods as he get into battle stance against the Liquid Cube(KP/Jell) known as Aqualine.
  19. Jalen meanwhile, back at the dugout, yawns as he gets up from the bench and begin to walk towards the door that leads to the hallways of the arena to get some food. "I'm hungry, you want something, Colt?" [Hmmmm...] She taps her chin in thought before shaking her head and watching the match between Corvus and Aqualine get underway with Aqualike starting things off with a Spirial Rush-Spinning towards Corvus as a singular unit- Which Corvus smoothly dodges with ease and land on top of a rock as Aqualine skids on the floor and and turn towards the dog with an angry face on the leading KP.
  20. [Nah, I'm not hungry! I'll be busying looking at these matches...]
  21. "Allrighty, Sora, you hungry?"
  23. Sora shakes his head as he chomps down on an apple while watching the match as well, Corvus seems to be taking a more defenisve route as he is currently dodging most of Aqualine's attacks...Jumping over a Tail Swing and then sidestepping to avoid the Triple Shot-Each KP disengage from each other to fire a energy beam from their own small tail that they use to combine-Attack before somersaulting over their Rolling Attack-Curl into a giant wheel and crash into the foe- and landing behind them as he turn towards them with a sneer matching Qrow's.
  24. "Allrighty, I'll be back."
  26. Jalen leaves out and walk up the stairs to enter the hallway of the arena, heading towards where they sell nachos and other good food..As he stand in line, he's approached by a lot of fans who ask him to sign many of their stuff in excitement, which he obliges to with a smile on his face, although he can never get over how many people walk to him and ask for this. He guess he can understand where Rhiannon get her fear of being overwhelmed by so many people...
  28. As he approaches the stand and place his order, he's suddenly glomped form behind by someone..he turns around and see a bright pink hair before being kissed on the cheek by the girl. He soon see and recognize her as Soleil Howard.
  30. +Hey Jalen! How are ya doing?+ She hugs him tight as she kisses his neck much to his annoyance as he struggles to push her off of him. She's wearing a baby blue hoodie that hides her big tits(DD) and blue jeans, fitting Fall clothing. "I-I'm fine, Soleil...Ca-can ya let me go now?!" He finds it harder to breath as Soleil loosen her hug on him and smirks. +Now, you and I both know the answer to that..+ Jalen roll his eyes as his food is given to him, he get one arm out and grab the bowl of nachos and walk slowly away from it with Soleil still hugging him.
  31. +Where ya going, sexy?~+
  32. "Back to my dugout...." He glares at her with a scowl to her innocent look..."Alone."...She still stares at him as he soon break out of her hug. "With out you, damn...shouldn't you be concerned with your brother's monster?"
  34. +Pfft, like yous aid earlier, we have have the best medical team available to us...+ She checks her nails as she look at them with interested before glancing at Jalen's crouch with a smirk.
  35. +Well, you may not be happy to see me..but SOMEONE certainly is...~+ Jalen scowls with a blush as he walk back to his dugout as Soleil call out to him..he will never regret fucking her and find her fun to talk to, but sometimes she can be a bit too much...+See ya Jalen! You better watch my match or else!+
  37. As she turn around and walk back to her own, she suddenly get a very cold chill down her spine..she bristles and hugs herself before she walk back to her dugout...behind a pillar in the hallway, a very seething Raven peeks her head out from behind with the most internally angriest expression ever...
  39. {I'm gonna kill that thot....} Her hand grip on the pillar and breaks a piece of it off as she leans her head on it to try and cool off....however some poor sap decided to be all flirty with her and tries to pat her back which resulted in her turning around and roaring at the person's face like a dragon would..scaring everyone in the hallway as she stomps her way back to her dugout..
  41. You may be wondering how she was here when she was sleeping...well, she woke up just as Qrow's battle started and see that he was winning in a very defensive manner..bored and hungry, she ordered Riku to stay put as she go get some food..
  42. She arrived at the food court of the place and was about to get some food when she spoted Jalen up ahead...getting excited and scared, she hide behind some of the pillars and move between them to make sure that he never sees her...only to see the sight of The Magenta Menace that is Soleil hugs who is clearly hers...
  44. Raven, despite what others may think of her, isn't a psychopath. Sure, she may have some odd issues, but if one knew of her and Qrow's childhood, they could see where she was coming doesn't excuse them...but it gives a good sight of who they are...That said...Raven's 1st crush is Jalen and so far, the only one...So imagine the black haired girl's anger at seeing a rival hugging and KISSING him(She had to hold herself back form running and tacking Soleil right there...) and seethed at the sight of Soleil glancing down at Jalen's dick...
  46. [She have dirtied him....I shall never forgive her!] She ranted to herself as she slam the door to her and Qrow's dugout with authority, alarming Riku who look up and see his breeder angry.
  47. Back in the arena, Qrow and Corvus decided that it's time to end things as Corvus howls and unleash a Blizzard towards Aqualine, the harsh winds cover the arena's floor with ice and snow as the KP can't dodge it in time and get blown off the arena ring, losing via ring-out. Qrow nods with a smirk as Corvus walk back to him and the 2 of them walk back to the dugout to see Riku looking uncomfortable with Raven breathing hard with a furious expression.
  48. Qrow only sighs as he sees his sister in such a state and correctly assumes it had something to do with that Pruett guy..
  50. ^Let me guess...Jalen?^
  51. {That strawberry menace took his purity....} Qrow imagines that she meant virginity here as she looks up with witha calm, but raging look. {She shall pay for it with a brutal loss...}
  52. ^Uh..sure...^ He nods as he goes to sit down next to her and chugs some water bottles as she place her head in her hands and groans in anger as the next match of Lamsweet vs Promethus is starting with Soleil and Lamsweet walking on out....
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