

Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. The machine consisted of four large steel cylinders with curved caps topped with complex valves—tanks of some kind, sitting on a wheeled steel trolley, in the base of which a whale oil tank was installed to provide power. A multitude of rubber hoses connected the valves to each other, and to another device at the end of the trolley, closest to the angled steel table to which Daud was held. The device had a smaller tank,and a mechanism with a large off-center wheel, which slowly turned, and a bellows, expanding and contracting, like the machine was breathing. There were six bolted ports on the end, from which came six more rubber hoses—far thinner than the tank hoses, each one ending in a cap, from which protruded a long silver needle.
  2. ___
  3. Then, with one last look at the horrific remains on the other table, Daud drove his fist into the side of the preservation machine in anger, punching a hole clean through it, then tore the wheel off.
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