

Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. [performance: *** No match was found after 15 seconds, dumping info]
  2. [performance: messages seen length: 121]
  3. [performance: message: Roundtime: 7 sec.]
  4. [performance: message: You start down the embrasure, but you find it hard going. Rather than risking a fall, you make your way back up.]
  5. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north.]
  6. [performance: message: Before becoming impassable, the cobbled walkway atop the town wall slopes south toward the Segoltha River. A small stone guardhouse is set snugly against the outer battlement wall, offering those warriors not on watch a place to shelter from the elements. Some whimsical soul has set a flowerpot and a doormat proclaiming "Go Away!" by the guardhouse door. You also see a guard rail, a break in the crenellation, a small embrasure, a stone guardhouse and an onager.]
  7. [performance: message: [Crossing, East Wall Battlements]]
  8. [performance: message: You run south.]
  9. [performance: message: Obvious paths: south, west.]
  10. [performance: message: Straddling the Northeast Gate, the stone battlements overlook the busiest entrance to the city. Stone merlons offer some cover to those fighting, and the embrasures appear designed to accommodate either onager or archer. The cobbled walk only stretches a short distance to the west and south, where it is broken by the tall but unfinished expanse of the town wall. You also see a stone stairway leading to the street below and a guard rail.]
  11. [performance: message: [Crossing, Northeast Gate Battlements]]
  12. [performance: message: Obvious paths: east, south, west.]
  13. [performance: message: Utter bedlam confronts you as you step out into this street. This is the point where anyone and everyone who passes through the Northeast Gate either leaving town or arriving must cross paths. You quickly conclude this is no spot to stop and admire the scenery of the regions of the Eastern Tier beyond, nor to study the local architecture around you, since the momentum of the crowd carries you along, almost without your realizing it. You also see a stone stairway.]
  14. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Firulf Vista]]
  15. [performance: message: You run north.]
  16. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, south, west.]
  17. [performance: message: Oralana Ramble runs along the east wall of town, leading between the Northeast and the Eastern Gates. Somehow, it is relatively calm and empty compared to those roads that lead west and southwest to the Town Green, Town Hall, the Bank and the other vital nerve centers of the Crossing. The three towers guarding the temple thrust into the sky to the southwest, their flames a beacon for miles. The shadowy images of nightingales swoop high in the sky, their gentle lullabies decorating the cool night air. ]
  18. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]]
  19. [performance: message: You run north.]
  20. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, south.]
  21. [performance: message: A great deal of traffic passes through here, as travelers, merchants, rogues, adventurers, ne'er-do-wells and savants make their way to and from the Eastern Tier. The Ramble continues south, leading into the heart of the Crossing, while a stone's throw away are the northeast gates. All these pedestrians make this the ideal location for the shop of Talmai the Cobbler, whose business in new footwear and repairs prospers despite his lack of shrewdness. ]
  22. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]]
  23. [performance: message: You run north.]
  24. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, south, west.]
  25. [performance: message: The road continues north and south, and merges on the west with Trothfang Street. In that direction, you see the turquoise- and crimson-tiled dome of the Champions' Arena. Your proximity to the town wall blocks out any view of the Eastern Tier which lies beyond it. Lowering your gaze to the path beneath your feet, you notice a spotted beetle wriggle into a chink in the wall and disappear. ]
  26. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]]
  27. [performance: message: You run north.]
  28. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, southwest.]
  29. [performance: message: You are traveling just inside the eastern town wall. Mosses, grasses, and weeds blooming with brilliant wildflowers grow between the road and the wall, climbing right up to the edge of the rampart itself. The way bends to the southwest, and continues straight north toward the northeastern gate. ]
  30. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Oralana Ramble]]
  31. [performance: message: You run northeast.]
  32. [performance: message: Obvious paths: northeast, south, west.]
  33. [performance: message: Someone has taken the time and care to attach flowerpots to the stone wall here, and plant cheerful flowers and fragrant herbs in them. It provides a lovely contrast to the fact that it was built to keep out marauders bringing death and destruction. The wall curves gently northeast, and off in the distance to the west, on either side of the street, you see the Seamstress and the Jeweler's shop, both about a block away. ]
  34. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Betany Street]]
  35. [performance: message: You run east.]
  36. [performance: message: Obvious paths: east, west.]
  37. [performance: message: Potted plants and verdant window boxes decorate the front of Marcipur's Stitchery here. Climbing vines of maiden tress plants poke their tendrils into any nook or cranny afforded by the clean, white stucco walls, including windows and the door. Rather plainly dressed women file into the Stitchery, while stunningly garbed ones, attired in the latest adventuring fashions, emerge, all smiles. ]
  38. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Betany Street]]
  39. [performance: message: You run east.]
  40. [performance: message: Obvious paths: east, south.]
  41. [performance: message: Adventurers stroll through the night air, some retiring to their guilds while others still intent on training stride purposefully in those directions. The normally bustling area is peaceful, the twittering of a few nightingales interspersing with the quiet conversations of people just passing through. Albreda Boulevard flows into Betany Street here, while a low hedgerow due west divides this corner from Town Green. An iron Temple walkway hovers over the outline of Town Hall to the southwest. You also see a gilded walkway.]
  42. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Betany Street]]
  43. [performance: message: You run north.]
  44. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, south, west.]
  45. [performance: message: This broad junction links Albreda Boulevard with the pleasant, tree-lined street to the west and the flower-dappled lane to the north. Such a refreshing vista invites you to stop and soak in the town's atmosphere. To the west you see the gabled slate roof of Town Hall. From the northwest comes the hue and cry of itinerant merchants, peddlers and soothsayers, vying for the attention of the adventurers gathered there in the Town's Green. You also see a town guard, a gilded walkway and Grisgonda's Jewelry Shop.]
  46. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Albreda Boulevard]]
  47. [performance: message: You go north.]
  48. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, south, west.]
  49. [performance: message: The blank side of the Town Hall building stands to the west, its modest construction evident from this oblique angle. Upscale emporiums and services line the east side of the broad boulevard here, with shoppers casually glancing in the windows and doors to see the latest in trade goods from the outlying lands of Elanthia. You also see a gilded walkway.]
  50. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Albreda Boulevard]]
  51. [performance: message: You go north.]
  52. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.]
  53. [performance: message: When no straggling pedestrian heads home for the night and no squeaking caravan wheels break the silence, sometimes a nightingale can be heard. Lamps in the windows of the Orders headquarters show someone is working late, and light shines to the southwest, where the Temple illuminates the dark sky. You also see a town guard, a walkway ramp and a news stand with a parchment scroll on it.]
  54. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Hodierna Way]]
  55. [performance: message: You go east.]
  56. [performance: message: Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.]
  57. [performance: message: The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf.]
  58. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Hodierna Way]]
  59. [performance: message: You go northeast.]
  60. [performance: message: You feel fully rested.]
  61. [performance: message: Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.]
  62. [performance: message: This stretch of road is wide and paved with smooth stone blocks. Cherry trees in carved stone planters border the sweeping approach while softening the exterior walls surrounding the Temple grounds. Flames brightly visible in the dark flare from the tops of three tall towers standing guard over the orb of the Main Temple. Fragile walkways lash the towers to each other high above the orb. You also see a grizzled old war veteran, the Longbow Bridge, the locked almsbox and a high granite wall surrounding the temple grounds.]
  63. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Immortals' Approach]]
  64. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest.]
  65. [performance: message: This busy threeway is a vital link. The Longbow Bridge feeds into it from the northeast, and the warehouse and dock district which stand to the south and west bustle with activity. The commercial district to the northwest, and the pleasant and populous beach resort are to the southeast, just at the mouth of the River Oxenwaithe, where it empties into the Segoltha. ]
  66. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Chieftain Walk]]
  67. [performance: message: You go northeast.]
  68. [performance: message: Obvious paths: northeast, west.]
  69. [performance: message: The warehouses and low buildings to the northwest resolve into a flat, open stretch of turf to the south, where the two rivers that shape the Crossing begin to come together. This level alluvial delta is home to the Crossing's main shipyard, where many of the barges, ferries, frigates, merchant ships, and corsairs that ply the rivers and seas of Elanthia are built. The weathered shipyard gate leads southeast. ]
  70. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Chieftain Walk]]
  71. [performance: message: You go east.]
  72. [performance: message: Obvious paths: east, west.]
  73. [performance: message: The promenade here is a pleasant place to stroll along the riverbank and watch the activities on the broad and swift Segoltha River. The walkway is broad and clean, paved with bright red bricks forming whimsical patterns and abstract designs. The breeze off the river is invigorating. Several young hawkers try to peddle snacks and flowers to families or couples out taking the air, while merchants and seamen rush by. ]
  74. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned]]
  75. [performance: message: You go east.]
  76. [performance: message: Obvious paths: east, west.]
  77. [performance: message: Hustling businessmen mingle with grimy dockworkers and indolent strollers here, all proceeding at very different paces. Handcarts filled with baskets and burlap bundles are pushed by stout, young lads past ladies decked in their finery. Most of the well-heeled leisure set seems to be headed to and from the freshly painted dock here. Some private boats and pleasure craft are moored to it. ]
  78. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned]]
  79. [performance: message: You go east.]
  80. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, east, west.]
  81. [performance: message: The path here runs right along the river bank, as the shore curves into the land to form a small protected inlet. Directly south, a few small craft are beached, anchored by heavy rocks. One has oars but no rudder, another has a rudder but no bottom, and yet another has a bottom riddled with holes. Several tattered nets are hung on driftwood frames to dry, and alongside them, a few gutted fish. ]
  82. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned]]
  83. [performance: message: You go east.]
  84. [performance: message: Obvious paths: east, southwest, west, northwest.]
  85. [performance: message: An apparent contradiction, the toney esplanade here is right in the midst of a group of warehouses to the north and the customs and storage house of Riverfront Portage to the west. The strollers and workers mingle, with most of the leisure traffic centering around the noisy amusement pier to the south. You also see a small mahogany building.]
  86. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Esplanade Eluned]]
  87. [performance: message: You go southeast.]
  88. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, southeast.]
  89. [performance: message: The scene is monotonous - warehouses to the west, warehouses to the east, and the hulking shell of the customs clearing house and main warehouse, Riverfront Portage. Its back wall looms due south, as you skirt around this corner. Few but the bedraggled longshoremen trudging by have business along this byway and they eye you listlessly. You also see an old warehouse.]
  90. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Stevedore's Wend]]
  91. [performance: message: You go south.]
  92. [performance: message: * Dondiego was just struck down! ]
  93. [performance: message: Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.]
  94. [performance: message: This stretch of Ustial Road is a strange mixture of people and buildings. Several prosperous-looking townhouses line the north side of the street. Their windowless exteriors rise above thick town walls decorated with glazed ceramic tiles. Through the iron gates that lead within, you spy well-appointed rooms clustered around shady courtyards. On the south side of the street, the houses are more modest, as though some invisible boundary had been drawn straight down the middle of the road. You also see a large building displaying the flag of a stylized raven.]
  95. [performance: message: [The Crossing, Ustial Road]]
  96. [performance: message: Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, west.]
  97. [performance: message: Also here: Pennerohn and Doruktin.]
  98. [performance: message: Soft Ilithic carpetry, flanked by tiled marble flooring, muffles the sound of patrons entering and exiting the club. Low tables are arrayed near the polished wooden walls, with plush high-backed chairs providing a place for members to chat with visiting guests. Paintings of various Elanthian landscapes are placed aesthetically throughout the foyer, meshing with the rest of the decor to provide an aura of comfortable luxury. You also see a large wooden door and an obsidian raven launching into flight carrying a massive trillion-cut diamond in its platinum beak.]
  99. [performance: message: [The Raven's Court, Foyer]]
  100. [performance: message: You go south.]
  101. [performance: message: Obvious exits: southeast, south, west.]
  102. [performance: message: Crafted crystal glassware, delicately gilded china and elegant silver adorn each of the dozens of polished ebony tables in the large dining room. A detailed menu rests upon a carved goldenoak easel along the wall closest to the foyer, visible to patrons before they have been seated. Ringing the walls of the room is a well-maintained water garden, with small fountains emitting the soothing sound of gently splashing water at each corner. You also see some broad marble steps, a formal waiter and a golden filigreed dessert cart tended by a formal waitress with several things on it.]
  103. [performance: message: [The Raven's Court, Dining Room]]
  104. [performance: message: Obvious exits: none.]
  105. [performance: message: A portrait of the Raven's Court founders watches over members and guests as they reach the landing, its golden frame gleaming softly in the light from the dining room below. Luscious crimson roses have been arranged in a crystal bowl atop a narrow mahogany table, their floral perfume mixing with the smell of the beeswax polish. You also see some broad marble steps and a grand marble staircase.]
  106. [performance: message: [The Raven's Court, Landing]]
  107. [performance: message: Obvious exits: south, southwest.]
  108. [performance: message: Colored a rich forest green, the painted walls retain an elegant matte finish to contrast with the gleaming polish of the golden oak wainscoting. Padded benches border the area to provide seating for patrons who wish a brief respite from perusing the selection of fine art on display throughout the rest of the gallery. Plush black carpeting cushions every footfall and dulls noise to allow for quiet observation and contemplation. You also see a refreshments table draped in dark golden cloth with several things on it and a grand marble staircase.]
  109. [performance: message: [The Raven's Court, Gallery Lobby]]
  110. [performance: message: You go northeast.]
  111. [performance: message: Obvious exits: northeast, east, south.]
  112. [performance: message: Colored a rich forest green, the painted walls retain an elegant matte finish to contrast with the gleaming polish of the golden oak wainscoting. Sculpted gaethzen orbs dangle strategically over each piece of artwork to provide ample lighting for the Court's treasures. Plush black carpeting cushions every footfall and dulls noise to allow for quiet observation and contemplation. An ornately gilded balustrade runs along the southeastern edge of the area, permitting patrons to survey the foyer below. You also see a lifelike oil painting of an embracing couple on an elegant lounge, a wide cedar-framed triptych, a small copperwood statue of a dancing Elven woman on a square-cut obsidian base, a stylized bronze figurine of a chained man and a silver-framed painting featuring an Elven man.]
  113. [performance: message: [The Raven's Court, Gallery]]
  114. [performance: message: You go north.]
  115. [performance: message: Obvious exits: north, south.]
  116. [performance: message: Colored a rich forest green, the painted walls retain an elegant matte finish to contrast with the gleaming polish of the golden oak wainscoting. Sculpted gaethzen orbs dangle strategically over each piece of artwork to provide ample lighting for the Court's treasures. Plush black carpeting cushions every footfall and dulls noise to allow for quiet observation and contemplation. An ornately gilded balustrade runs along the eastern edge of the area, permitting patrons to survey the foyer below. You also see a polished ebony door, a long cylinder carved of ironwood, a life-sized sculpture of a robed woman surrounded by a ring of brambles and shrikes, a bronze statue of an Elven boy carrying a sling, a mahogany-framed painting and a small canvas painting.]
  117. [performance: message: [The Raven's Court, Gallery]]
  118. [performance: message: You go north.]
  119. [performance: message: But that is already in your inventory.]
  120. [performance: message: Obvious exits: north, east.]
  121. [performance: message: Colored a rich forest green, the painted walls retain an elegant matte finish to contrast with the gleaming polish of the golden oak wainscoting. Sculpted gaethzen orbs dangle strategically over each piece of artwork to provide ample lighting for the Court's treasures. Plush black carpeting cushions every footfall and dulls noise to allow for quiet observation and contemplation. An ornately gilded balustrade runs along the northeastern edge of the area, permitting patrons to survey the foyer below. You also see a massive ice-blue sapphire sphere with a brilliant flame-shaped inclusion, a relief-carved pink sandstone panel, a large painting of an Elven couple standing hand in hand, a large canvas streaked in gloomy tones with tiny figures strewn about and a carved bloodwood statue of a snarling wolverine.]
  122. [performance: message: [The Raven's Court, Gallery]]
  123. [performance: message: You go west.]
  124. [performance: checked against [/You get/i]]
  125. [performance: for command get my zill]
  126. You feel fully rested.
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