

Feb 17th, 2020
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  1. [16:00] Andrew Mercia asks, "Are you still seeking assistance?"
  2. [16:01] Reiya Faren asks, "Just to clarify, you mean the meeting or?"
  3. [16:01] Andrew Mercia says, "It doesn't matter which, but I assume with your path towards the stars."
  4. [16:02] Reiya Faren says, "Oh. In general yes, but I'm also hosting a sort of unofficial meeting tomorrow for those interested in the stars. We could use someone knowledgable about the subject to teach if you're interested."
  5. [16:02] Andrew Mercia says, "Count me in, but if you'd like I'm free now."
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [16:04] Reiya gestures to the table with an open palm. "Certainly then." The red-head moves to claim an unoccupied seat, assuming that Andrew would do the same unless they wished to talk elsewhere. In which case that would be fine as well. Reiya however doesn't seek to isolate herself for what is mainly just a discussion on the stars and such related things.
  9. "I briefly read on another piece of paper someone put down in the park that there's three 'branches', how accurate is this?" She knew a little about the subject but not a whole lot, despite seeking out teachers and the likes she'd often busied herself with conversation and practice through other means.
  11. After all, there's no reason for her to be powerful if she's got no friends.
  12. (Reiya Faren)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [16:16] Andrew smiled and nodes at that statement "There are indeed three branches of the constellation and they each have their own meaning." Andrew would place up three fingers while attempting to explain the different branches to the girl.
  16. "The most difficult branch to understand or at least from the stars within it make it hard to understand. It's the head of the lion which is the blue branch.
  18. Most users that fall under this branch tend to be scholars and study everything and seek to gain understanding. In their old age most scholars are known to have long beards as an added touch."
  20. "The yellow branch is the body of the lion and from my understanding each star there is meant to show leadership. The stars within this branch match the traits of those willing to put themselves in front of everyone.
  22. They offer the guidance and offer resolve to the user allowing them to see the light no matter how much darkness surrounds them."
  24. "Finally my branch which are the paws of the lion and they show the most potential. The stars within this branch bolsters the users offensive ability; hopefully, the user can make use of this.
  26. The star I follow and that has bless me with greater knowledge is Vrona and the star mean mind, body, and spirt.
  28. These are the traits I carry into battle with me and they always seem to produce the perfect result each time even if I don't win."
  29. (Andrew Mercia)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [16:21] Reiya listens carefully to the information granted to her by Andrew, the peaceful, if a little noisy nature of the park having little effect in her efforts to memorize all that was said. Indeed there seemed to be three branches, and for each branch was a different meaning. Reiya's uncertain as to where she'd fall in that spectrum, however that was something she isn't too worried about as of yet. She just wishes to learn and develop her understanding of the stars further. She couldn't be expected to attune to the stars and develop a deeper bond if she weren't first aware of the basics regarding them now could she?
  33. But even then, she's a stronger interest in simply learning and expanding upon her knowledge of the world around her, both seen and unseen. This was merely another step to achieving that goal, and the potential for utilizing it in defense of herself or others was merely a side-goal that she'd be fine without. There are many other forms of magic she could study if she were truly interested in only empowering herself.
  35. Regardless, the teenager lets her hands rest in her lap, one folded over the other neatly as she listens along, a subtle nod being the primary indicator that she is indeed listening to their words alongside an attentive, friendly gaze accompanied by a small smile.
  37. After they were finished speaking, she goes so far as to withdraw a small notebook of sorts and begins to write down bits of information. Things she felt she may soon forget if she weren't careful, and things she felt were worth investigating further on her own time.
  39. After a few moments, she puts the notebook down in her lap and speaks: "Are people only capable of bonding with a singular star? Or is it more general than that?" A question she's been curious about. People speak of being more closely connected to a single star but rarely make mention of the others. It has her curious as to why that is. "Would it be impossible to connect with more than one?"
  40. (Reiya Faren)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [16:28] Andrew slowly taps his fingers on the table lightly while he ponders the question. He wanted to give her a clear answer and help increase her understanding over the constellation in general. he wasn't quick to answer, but he clearly had some answer cooking up within the back of his mind.
  44. "Alright while you can learn about different stars in the branches via it on a personal level I'd recommend sticking to one. The reason being there is a lot to learn from one star once you connect with it and you probably won't learn everything within the first few years.
  46. Each star has their own special gift they offer to you and while it might be possible to gain all tree I'd advise you pick one. Which ever branch and the star within that branch catches your attention is the one you should star."
  48. Andrew paused there he did wish to ramble on about that for that longer he wanted her brain to process some of the information. he'd point one finally thing out before falling silent.
  50. "Remember you can learn about them all, but only one should call out to you."
  51. (Andrew Mercia)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [16:33] "So it's possible, but not recommended..."
  55. She takes a moment to note this down, a few nods following. It's about what she expected though to have a more official confirmation on the matter will always be welcome. All the same, this was plenty of useful information and it certainly proved to be assisting her in what her current goal was, that being to learn about the stars and eventually form a stronger connection with them. Or more accurately just one, as Andrew has pointed out trying to form multiple or something of the sort isn't the best idea.
  57. Maybe she'll investigate it in the future, but for now she's starting simple as to not overdo it or set herself on the wrong path. It'd do her no good. "And how do you go about forming a connection? I was told at one point that the process generally involves meditation primarily but that seemed a bit vague. Are the specific circumstances in which a connection forms different from star to star or person to person? Or is there a general 'path' one can take that works?"
  59. It seemed like a reasonable question to ask in her opinion. What exactly has to be done to begin the path of forming a connection with a star? She assumed it varies, but to ask is better than not to do so in this case.
  60. (Reiya Faren)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [16:43] "Oh? The process is very different for everyone and I'd be happy to share my own with you. I'll say this; however, meditation is the best way it's all about how you see it visually"
  64. He'd pulled out his drawing from when he was a youth.
  67. "When I did my meditation with Vrona that is what I seen when I opened my eyes. I slowly approached the star that seemed the brightest, the one I felt offer me warmth while my mind felt cold"
  69. Andrew smiles the process was indeed different for everyone, but it would be up to the user and how they seen the different branches.
  71. "You can keep that picture if you like."
  73. (Andrew Mercia)
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [16:48] A moment is taken to carefully examine the picture shown to her. It seemed to resemble the three branches in some way, colored and all as to further indicate one branch from the other. It's actually quite helpful and Reiya's left briefly wondering why these weren't more common. Maybe they were and she'd simply failed to notice them prior?
  77. Regardless, the offer for her to take the drawing is met with a little apprehension, but an eventual acceptance. It's taken hold of carefully and stowed away safely for the time being. "Thank you" Reiya states. So meditation did seem to be the more common method, though the process was evidently different from person to person. This was good information to have and with that, Reiya felt like she might be getting somewhere in regards to forming a connection.
  79. She's not intent upon holding Andrew up with a thousand more questions after all, if the meeting were to commence tomorrow than there'd be more time for questions then for Andrew or whomever shows up to teach. "One last question and I think I'm done for now: What do you think is most important to know about the stars in general?" A bit of a vague question, she's effectively asking if there's anything else that's immediately important and needed to be noted as soon as possible rather than later down the line.
  80. (Reiya Faren)
  81. [16:54] Andrew smiled he knew this all to well even if people didn't know all he does outside of his Knightly duties or guild work. He offer the girl a smile before explaining everything he understood about the stars themselves.
  83. "Noted that each star has a plan for you and you must follow it without feeling like it's not normal. They want to go though trials and show that you'll keep your faith to the very end.
  85. For explain I found myself in Moonfall surrounded by Demons and one wanted to eat me. I looked them in the face and was prepared to fight them when he suddenly changed his mind and asked for coins.
  87. All that to say the stars put task in front of you and see how'll you deal with them."
  89. He'd offer the girl a smile and begin to speak on the part he felt was most important.
  91. "Noted that you should connect with a star for the power it just you, but to understand more about the star and the world around you.
  93. The moment you seek power only then your star with ignore your call because power alone isn't something you should seek. You most have a perfect balance of both."
  94. (Andrew Mercia)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [17:00] And with that, Reiya had no more questions. The final bit of information imparted to her is received and taken to mind for contemplation. With all this new information it was probably best Reiya - did - end it here. Other-wise she might learn too much in a single session and be incapable of keeping track of it all. Their helpful advice and explanations alongside their ability to answer her questions proved to be quite informative and helped the process along quite easily.
  98. "Okay, got it. Thank you for the lesson." A brief pause is taken to consider some of what they said. Honestly her reasons for seeking out the star were hardly power-related. It'd be a nice side-benefit, sure. But ultimately she just wished to expand her knowledge and learn more about the world around her as was previously mentioned and has been mentioned many times before to others.
  100. A balance in regards to this wouldn't be too hard to achieve, though Reiya knew better than to underestimate seemingly simple things. A brief bow of her head is offered to Andrew and at this point, Reiya seeks to stand up. "If you need anything let me know. I should go think about what was spoken here and work to memorize it... Also I'll try and get you some tea as a gift soon for this."
  102. She did actually need to be somewhere else but had honestly forgotten. She tried not to make it look like she was in a rush, but ultimately she wasn't the best at concealing such things. "Please take care!"
  103. (Reiya Faren)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [17:01] Andrew Mercia says, "Take care."
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