

Mar 10th, 2019
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  1. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "How do you even put up with me?"
  3. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I think you frustrate me to no end and get to partake in the enjoyment of me taking it out on you. As for promises, I make good on each one."
  5. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Mmh. A pleasant thought, frustrating you and getting to reap the rewards later. Wise investments on my part. But I mean've clearly got a line of people who want nothing more than to have you. They have lots of sweet words and grand promises of being yours alone. But you chose me, the one who wanders and flirts, knowing all that. And despite being uncomfortable with it, you more than tolerate me. Even when I'm so often busy."
  7. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Any of those Templars would have sworn they'd never betray you, and probably waxed poetic about the gruesome pain they'd endure on your behalf."
  9. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "You're asking me why I chose you?"
  11. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Just- well. I don't know. Why you continue to choose me."
  13. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I meant it when I said you were my match. You challenge me, inspire me, you piss me off and turn around and make me smile, you're always honest with me. You showed me you, the you not many see - under the armor. Would I like to be your only? Sure, Im human and I fell in love with a man that I knew had a mate and didn't settle. I think you're worth looking past those things, because you make me happy."
  15. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Words are pretty, sure. And people can look at me with a mouth full of forevers - but that is all it is, words."
  17. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "My Tatia? Remind me I owe you. I don't know what, yet. Or even how to repay it. But something, sometime. You see the best in me, even when you have to go looking. And you tolerate me being myself better than even my mate, sometimes."
  19. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I don't know if I want to shower you in riches, drive you crazy with pleasure, or build you a palace. Something, though."
  21. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "You don't owe me anything. Just keep being the man that I fell for, the one that makes me happy, the one that makes a moment even when ridiculously busy to run in and kiss me goodnight, the one that is strong for me when I feel weak or down."
  23. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Why do you question my choosing you?"
  25. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "You're not alone in having moments of insecurity, I suppose."
  27. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I don't intend on going anywhere without you. My favorite place to end my week is in your arms, remember?"
  29. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I suppose I just look at you, and all you do, and wonder what it is that makes me worthy of such devotion. And aye, even when I wander, you're the one I wander back to- you've got something distinctly special about you."
  31. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "At the risk of sounding like one of your Templars? A lot of people can find ways to get my attention. A few know ways to drag a lustful retort out of me. Some fewer can get sweet gestures and romance. But I think you're the only one who makes my arms hurt."
  33. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "No matter where I am, or what I'm doing, or how I'm feeling? You can make me wish I was at home with you, with my arms around you."
  35. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Could it be that you love me? That we share a bed, even? You enchanted me a long time ago, and I was yours before I ever even knew it myself. You're worthy to me, you're worth it all."
  37. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Mmh. I think so, yes. I know I love oyu, and I like, very much, coming home to you."
  39. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I like you coming home to me, too."
  41. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "There is nobody I would rather share a warm fire with, or just curl up against. We don't have to speak, you.. you make me feel safe. Until you, that wasn't something I ever felt.. I dont look over my shoulder with worries of what's going to be there."
  43. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I like that I make you feel safe. I still need something to call you, too. I keep reaching for a word that I don't have."
  45. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Call me? As in, what we call.. whatever we are to each other?"
  47. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Aye."
  49. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I don't know what I am supposed to call you either. I don't broadcast our relationship, but most Spirean's that know us - know, I think."
  51. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I am proud of you."
  53. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "For?"
  55. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "No. I am proud OF you. To have you."
  57. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Oh, well I'm proud to have what I have of you."
  59. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Lover seems...informal. Too much so."
  61. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Makes me sound a touch like a mistress, I think."
  63. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Aye, and you're not."
  65. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Hah, thank you for clarifying that."
  67. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Unless you'd rather I call you Mistress Tatia?"
  69. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Absolutely not."
  71. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Unless you want me to be mean to you, of course?"
  73. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Hah."
  75. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "What am I to call you? You're my only so.."
  77. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Don't ask Kanivara she'll give us some gibberish in Kalsu."
  79. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Er, I'll pass."
  81. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "You are my boyfriend, I think would be the right titling of it."
  83. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Well. We're a little more than that?"
  85. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "What do you suggest?"
  87. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I'm still not sure. There's some depth to it though, it needs something."
  89. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "How do you categorize our relationship? Maybe going from there is better?"
  91. (Tells): Toz Aquila-Seirath tells you something that sounds like utter gibberish.
  93. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "..what?"
  95. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "If it weren't Arbre's title, I'd call you my mate."
  97. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Sorry, multiple conversations in multiple languages gets dizzying."
  99. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Well, that title is spoken for - but that is how I see you as well. I could just call you Mine."
  101. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I like that. Or at least the implications of that."
  103. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "We'll stumble on a title eventually. You are mine, and I'm yours.. that is the important part of this."
  105. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I agree. Title is just something nice to say."
  107. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "My turn. Why did you choose me to fall for?"
  109. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "You won me, just as much- if not more- than I won you. I didn't get a choice."
  111. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Mm, the naive little Templar won the big scary Shadow man over. This, gives me a ridiculously large stroke to my ego."
  113. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "No, the vicious, beautiful woman who broke from the cocoon of the Templars did."
  115. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "She had a little shove into opening her eyes. I wouldn't change a thing from way back then, to right now. Except maybe I would be curling up on your chest now instead of stealing your spot in the bed while I work on this project."
  117. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Ha. I think I agree with you, too. Even with all the highs and lows because of it...I regret nothing."
  119. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I think the lows were just.. reinforcement. I think.. I think what we have is built strong and to last."
  121. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "So long as you can keep putting up with me? I've no interest in going anywhere."
  123. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "So long as you can keep putting up with me? I've no interest in going anywhere."
  125. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  126. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  127. Toz arrives from the north.
  128. Toz closes the door to the north.
  129. Toz locks the north door.
  131. Toz Aquila-Seirath says to you, "Hello, mine."
  133. You have emoted: Tatia looks up from her book and laughs. "Hello yourself." she returns, closing the book and sitting up from her sprawled position.
  135. Toz steps towards you, telling you, "Don't stop on my account. Coming to use my bed for sleep." He gives you a grin, if a tired one, crawling over and settling down near you.
  137. You have emoted: Tatia nods once, leaning over to kiss Toz's nose softly. "By all means, it's what your bed is for." she returns, running her fingertips through Toz's hair lightly. "Pleasant dreams, Bam." she murmurs quietly.
  139. Reaching over with his hand, Toz smiles despite himself, nose wrinkling at your kiss. He catches your thigh and squeezes once, firmly. "Tat. I love you," he tells you, voice warm. His eyes shut and he continues on, "Love feels like too weak a word, lately. See you soon."
  141. You have emoted: Tatia continues to run her fingertips through Toz's hair, attempting to settle him in to rest comfortably. "I love you too." she returns with a smile, using her free hand to pull a fur over Toz. "See you soon, mine."
  143. "Mine," Toz murmurs back to you, allowing himself to be tucked in and wearing a lingering smile even after he falls to sleep.
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