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- Structure map: done
- Detecting stars: done
- 1905 stars found.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 1 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 379 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 293 star pair matches in 6 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 2763.0770 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 794 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 2 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 469 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 396 star pair matches in 38 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 796 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 3 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 466 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 386 star pair matches in 8 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 796 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 4 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 466 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 386 star pair matches in 24 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 796 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 5 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 466 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 386 star pair matches in 18 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- * Distortion correction: Convergence reached after 5 iterations.
- * Summary of model properties:
- Inliers : 0.828
- Overlapping : 1.000
- Regularity : 0.963
- Quality : 0.948
- Root mean square error:
- delta_RMS : 0.000 px
- RMS error deviation:
- sigma_RMS : 0.000 px
- Peak errors:
- delta_x_max : 0.000 px
- delta_y_max : 0.000 px
- residual : 0.0000 px
- * Projective transformation matrix:
- -0.836968 -0.546402 +3583.905806
- +0.546155 -0.837123 +1941.123305
- +0.000000 -0.000000 +1.000000
- translation : 4075.82 px
- translation_x : +3583.91 px
- translation_y : +1941.12 px
- rotation : -213.12 deg
- scale : 1.001
- scale_x : 1.000
- scale_y : 1.001
- 3.100 s
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 as | l: 386 | b: 386
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 386 | Y: 386
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2028 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 934 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 934 star(s)
- 933 PSF fittings
- 75.654 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 931
- Error StdDev = 1.06 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 3.17 px
- Stars: 872 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 0
- Image center ... RA: 05 16 14.792 Dec: +34 21 47.76
- Resolution ..... 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............ 0.4368 px (872 stars)
- Score .......... 1213.7685
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2028 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 934 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 934 star(s)
- 933 PSF fittings
- 90.020 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 931
- Error StdDev = 0.99 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.96 px
- Stars: 872 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 1, delta = 2.445 as (2.38 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 14.792 Dec: +34 21 47.76
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2250 px (872 stars)
- Score ............. 1423.6604
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2028 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 934 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 934 star(s)
- 933 PSF fittings
- 76.779 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 931
- Error StdDev = 0.99 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.96 px
- Stars: 872 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 2, delta = 0.003 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2250 px (872 stars)
- Score ............. 1423.6604
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2028 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 934 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 934 star(s)
- 933 PSF fittings
- 78.826 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 931
- Error StdDev = 0.99 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.96 px
- Stars: 872 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 3, delta = 0.001 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2250 px (872 stars)
- Score ............. 1423.6604
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2028 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 934 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 934 star(s)
- 933 PSF fittings
- 75.539 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 931
- Error StdDev = 0.99 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.96 px
- Stars: 872 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 4, delta = 0.000 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2250 px (872 stars)
- Score ............. 1423.6604
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2028 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 934 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 934 star(s)
- 933 PSF fittings
- 74.689 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 931
- Error StdDev = 0.99 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.96 px
- Stars: 872 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 5, delta = 0.000 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2250 px (872 stars)
- Score ............. 1423.6604
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2028 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 934 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 934 star(s)
- 933 PSF fittings
- 75.555 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 931
- Error StdDev = 0.99 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.96 px
- Stars: 872 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 6, delta = 0.000 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2250 px (872 stars)
- Score ............. 1423.6604
- *****
- * Reached maximum number of iterations without further improvement.
- * Successful astrometry optimization. Score = 1423.66
- Saving keywords...
- Saving properties...
- Saving control points...
- Saved 934 control points.
- Referentiation matrix (world[ra,dec] = matrix * image[x,y]):
- +2.39172355e-04 -1.56098597e-04 -1.24876523e-01
- +1.56028264e-04 +2.39183995e-04 -5.94396374e-01
- WCS transformation ....... Thin plate spline
- Control points ........... 872
- Spline lengths ........... l:871 b:872 X:872 Y:872
- Projection ............... Gnomonic
- Projection origin ........ [1503.799774 1504.118643] px -> [RA: 5 16 14.792 Dec: +34 21 47.76]
- Resolution ............... 1.028 arcsec/px
- Rotation ................. 146.871 deg
- Reference system ......... ICRS
- Observation start time ... 2023-12-08 01:46:56 UTC
- Observation end time ..... 2023-12-08 01:47:56 UTC
- Geodetic coordinates ..... 83 00 16 W 39 57 46 N
- Focal distance ........... 754.34 mm
- Pixel size ............... 3.76 um
- Field of view ............ 51' 32.6" x 51' 32.6"
- Image center ............. RA: 5 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75 ex: -0.000160 px ey: +0.000080 px
- Image bounds:
- top-left .............. RA: 5 15 38.816 Dec: +33 46 11.09 ex: +0.007668 px ey: +0.000399 px
- top-right ............. RA: 5 19 07.137 Dec: +34 14 10.73 ex: +0.011323 px ey: -0.000205 px
- bottom-left ........... RA: 5 13 22.034 Dec: +34 29 09.46 ex: -0.002171 px ey: +0.000630 px
- bottom-right .......... RA: 5 16 51.349 Dec: +34 57 24.02 ex: +0.001850 px ey: +0.000156 px
- * Writing master Light frame:
- C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Writing image 'integration': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- 591 FITS keyword(s) embedded
- 20 image properties embedded
- Writing image 'rejection_low': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- Writing image 'rejection_high': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:42:25.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_001_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_001_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_001_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:34.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_002_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_002_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_002_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_003_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:31.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_003_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_003_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:31.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_004_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:31.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_004_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_004_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:31.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_005_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_005_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_005_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_006_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_006_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_006_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_007_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:31.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_007_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_007_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_008_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_008_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_008_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_009_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_009_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_009_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_010_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_010_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_010_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_011_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:31.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_011_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_011_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_012_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_012_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_012_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_013_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_013_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_013_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_014_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_014_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_014_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_015_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_015_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_015_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_016_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_016_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_016_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_017_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_017_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_017_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_018_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_018_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:15.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_018_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:34.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_020_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:32.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_020_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_020_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:36.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_021_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_021_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_021_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_022_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_022_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_022_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_023_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_023_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_023_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_024_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_024_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_024_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_025_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_025_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_025_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:34.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_026_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_026_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_026_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_027_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_027_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_027_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_028_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_028_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_028_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_029_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_029_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_029_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:34.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_030_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_030_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_030_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_031_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_031_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_031_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_032_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_032_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_032_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_034_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:33.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_034_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_034_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_035_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:37.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_035_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_035_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:49.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_036_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:35.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_036_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_036_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:50.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_037_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:37.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_037_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_037_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_038_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:36.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_038_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_038_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_040_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:36.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_040_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_040_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_041_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_041_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_041_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_042_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_042_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_042_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_043_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:36.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_043_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_043_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_044_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:37.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_044_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_044_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_045_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:36.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_045_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_045_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_046_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:37.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_046_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_046_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_047_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:39.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_047_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_047_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_048_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:37.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_048_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_048_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_049_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_049_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_049_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_050_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:37.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_050_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_050_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_051_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_051_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_051_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_052_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_052_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_052_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:49.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_053_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_053_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_053_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_055_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_055_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_055_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_056_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_056_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_056_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_057_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:39.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_057_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_057_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:51.999Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_058_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:39.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_058_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_058_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:53.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_059_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:39.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_059_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_059_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:53.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_060_c_r.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:40:38.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_060_c_r.xdrz: 2023-12-08T19:42:16.000Z
- [cache] - set LMD [ac46b3965e30dbbca0ffa9ad9c65f820939856b7] Light_060_c_r.xnml: 2023-12-08T19:41:53.000Z
- ************************************************************
- * End integration of Light frames
- ************************************************************
- set the group's master file at path: C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- ************************************************************
- * Begin autocrop of master light frames
- ************************************************************
- Autocrop: active groups to be processed = 1
- Autocrop: reference frames = 1
- Autocrop: masters group for reference frame Light_040_c.xisf
- Autocrop: 0. masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Autocrop: active crop groups count is 1
- Autocrop: ---------------------------------------------
- Autocrop: crop group 0
- Autocrop: crop the following masters on reference frame C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/calibrated/Light_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono/Light_040_c.xisf
- Autocrop: C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Autocrop: ---------------------------------------------
- [cache] - set LMD [154cc96d8ded4ae782aae89cb9264804646c3302] masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:42:25.000Z
- Autocrop: process master C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Reading image:
- C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Loading image 'integration': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- 21 image properties
- Loading image 'rejection_low': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- 1 image property
- Loading image 'rejection_high': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- 1 image property
- Image 1/3:
- 591 FITS keyword(s) extracted
- * Loaded astrometric solution:
- Referentiation matrix (world[ra,dec] = matrix * image[x,y]):
- +2.39172355e-04 -1.56098597e-04 -1.24876523e-01
- +1.56028264e-04 +2.39183995e-04 -5.94396374e-01
- WCS transformation ....... Thin plate spline
- Control points ........... 872
- Spline lengths ........... l:871 b:872 X:872 Y:872
- Projection ............... Gnomonic
- Projection origin ........ [1503.799774 1504.118643] px -> [RA: 5 16 14.792 Dec: +34 21 47.76]
- Resolution ............... 1.028 arcsec/px
- Rotation ................. 146.871 deg
- Reference system ......... ICRS
- Observation start time ... 2023-12-08 01:46:56 UTC
- Observation end time ..... 2023-12-08 01:47:56 UTC
- Geodetic coordinates ..... 83 00 16 W 39 57 46 N
- Focal distance ........... 754.34 mm
- Pixel size ............... 3.76 um
- Field of view ............ 51' 32.6" x 51' 32.6"
- Image center ............. RA: 5 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75 ex: -0.000160 px ey: +0.000080 px
- Image bounds:
- top-left .............. RA: 5 15 38.816 Dec: +33 46 11.09 ex: +0.007668 px ey: +0.000399 px
- top-right ............. RA: 5 19 07.137 Dec: +34 14 10.73 ex: +0.011323 px ey: -0.000205 px
- bottom-left ........... RA: 5 13 22.034 Dec: +34 29 09.46 ex: -0.002171 px ey: +0.000630 px
- bottom-right .......... RA: 5 16 51.349 Dec: +34 57 24.02 ex: +0.001850 px ey: +0.000156 px
- Image 2/3:
- Image 3/3:
- Autocrop: crop region (5,4), (2994,2946) successflly computed for the file C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Autocrop: the applied crop region is (5,4), (2994,2946)
- Autocrop: cropping file at C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Reading image:
- C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Loading image 'integration': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- 21 image properties
- Loading image 'rejection_low': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- 1 image property
- Loading image 'rejection_high': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- 1 image property
- Image 1/3:
- 591 FITS keyword(s) extracted
- * Loaded astrometric solution:
- Referentiation matrix (world[ra,dec] = matrix * image[x,y]):
- +2.39172355e-04 -1.56098597e-04 -1.24876523e-01
- +1.56028264e-04 +2.39183995e-04 -5.94396374e-01
- WCS transformation ....... Thin plate spline
- Control points ........... 872
- Spline lengths ........... l:871 b:872 X:872 Y:872
- Projection ............... Gnomonic
- Projection origin ........ [1503.799774 1504.118643] px -> [RA: 5 16 14.792 Dec: +34 21 47.76]
- Resolution ............... 1.028 arcsec/px
- Rotation ................. 146.871 deg
- Reference system ......... ICRS
- Observation start time ... 2023-12-08 01:46:56 UTC
- Observation end time ..... 2023-12-08 01:47:56 UTC
- Geodetic coordinates ..... 83 00 16 W 39 57 46 N
- Focal distance ........... 754.34 mm
- Pixel size ............... 3.76 um
- Field of view ............ 51' 32.6" x 51' 32.6"
- Image center ............. RA: 5 16 14.793 Dec: +34 21 47.75 ex: -0.000160 px ey: +0.000080 px
- Image bounds:
- top-left .............. RA: 5 15 38.816 Dec: +33 46 11.09 ex: +0.007668 px ey: +0.000399 px
- top-right ............. RA: 5 19 07.137 Dec: +34 14 10.73 ex: +0.011323 px ey: -0.000205 px
- bottom-left ........... RA: 5 13 22.034 Dec: +34 29 09.46 ex: -0.002171 px ey: +0.000630 px
- bottom-right .......... RA: 5 16 51.349 Dec: +34 57 24.02 ex: +0.001850 px ey: +0.000156 px
- Image 2/3:
- Image 3/3:
- Autocrop: generating the crop region image
- PixelMath: Processing view: masterLight_BIN_1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE_60_00s_FILTER_Ha_mono_integration1
- Executing PixelMath expression:
- iif((x()==5 && y()>=4 && y()<=2946) || (x()==2994 && y()>=4 && y()<=2946) || (y()==4 && x()>=5 && x()<=2994) || (y()==2946 && x()>=5 && x()<=2994),1,0)
- channel #0: done
- Truncating to [0,1]: done
- 973.422 ms
- Loading control points...
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Loaded 872 control points (metadata version 1.1).
- Writing swap files...
- 8472.379 MiB/s
- Loading control points...
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Loaded 872 control points (metadata version 1.1).
- Autocrop: adjusting the astrometric solution after being cropped
- Loading control points...
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 872 | b: 872
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 871 | Y: 872
- Loaded 872 control points (metadata version 1.1).
- Gaia: Global context
- 21.000 us
- * Using an automatically calculated limit magnitude of 14.92.
- * Using the automatically selected GaiaDR2 catalog.
- Seed parameters for plate solving:
- Center coordinates: RA = 05 16 15.797, Dec = +34 21 20.20
- Resolution: 1.028 as/px
- Starting StarAlignment iteration
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 931 objects inside the image.
- * Using the triangle similarity star matching algorithm.
- StarAlignment: Processing view: masterLight_BIN_1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE_60_00s_FILTER_Ha_mono_integration1
- C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Temp/stars.csv:
- Scanning star data: done
- 963 stars.
- masterLight_BIN_1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE_60_00s_FILTER_Ha_mono_integration1:
- Structure map: done
- Detecting stars: done
- 1874 stars found.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 1 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 405 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 300 star pair matches in 21 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 2733.8397 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 796 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 2 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 466 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 409 star pair matches in 14 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 797 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 3 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 491 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 422 star pair matches in 19 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 797 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 4 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 491 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 422 star pair matches in 21 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- Computing global distortion correction: done
- Performing RANSAC: done
- Global distortion correction applied with 797 stars.
- * Distortion correction: Iteration 5 of 50
- Matching stars: done
- 491 putative star pair matches.
- Performing RANSAC: done
- 422 star pair matches in 25 RANSAC iterations. Residual: 0.0000 px
- * Distortion correction: Convergence reached after 5 iterations.
- * Summary of model properties:
- Inliers : 0.859
- Overlapping : 0.993
- Regularity : 0.949
- Quality : 0.950
- Root mean square error:
- delta_RMS : 0.000 px
- RMS error deviation:
- sigma_RMS : 0.000 px
- Peak errors:
- delta_x_max : 0.000 px
- delta_y_max : 0.000 px
- residual : 0.0000 px
- * Projective transformation matrix:
- -0.837014 -0.546398 +3561.288444
- +0.546100 -0.837155 +1905.508835
- +0.000000 -0.000000 +1.000000
- translation : 4039.03 px
- translation_x : +3561.29 px
- translation_y : +1905.51 px
- rotation : -213.12 deg
- scale : 1.000
- scale_x : 1.000
- scale_y : 1.001
- 3.033 s
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 as | l: 422 | b: 422
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 422 | Y: 422
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 932 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 932 star(s)
- 928 PSF fittings
- 77.009 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 926
- Error StdDev = 0.97 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.92 px
- Stars: 866 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 0
- Image center ... RA: 05 16 15.795 Dec: +34 21 20.17
- Resolution ..... 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............ 0.4077 px (866 stars)
- Score .......... 1230.3343
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 866 | b: 866
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 866 | Y: 866
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 932 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 932 star(s)
- 928 PSF fittings
- 75.672 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 926
- Error StdDev = 0.91 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.72 px
- Stars: 866 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 1, delta = 2.318 as (2.25 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 15.797 Dec: +34 21 20.18
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2048 px (866 stars)
- Score ............. 1437.5849
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 866 | b: 866
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 866 | Y: 866
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 932 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 932 star(s)
- 928 PSF fittings
- 74.511 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 926
- Error StdDev = 0.91 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.72 px
- Stars: 866 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 2, delta = 0.007 as (0.01 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 15.797 Dec: +34 21 20.19
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2048 px (866 stars)
- Score ............. 1437.5849
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 866 | b: 866
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 866 | Y: 866
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 932 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 932 star(s)
- 928 PSF fittings
- 74.139 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 926
- Error StdDev = 0.91 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.72 px
- Stars: 866 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 3, delta = 0.002 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 15.797 Dec: +34 21 20.19
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2048 px (866 stars)
- Score ............. 1437.5849
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 866 | b: 866
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 866 | Y: 866
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 932 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 932 star(s)
- 928 PSF fittings
- 74.697 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 926
- Error StdDev = 0.91 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.72 px
- Stars: 866 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 4, delta = 0.001 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 15.797 Dec: +34 21 20.19
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2048 px (866 stars)
- Score ............. 1437.5849
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 866 | b: 866
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 866 | Y: 866
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 932 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 932 star(s)
- 928 PSF fittings
- 74.520 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 926
- Error StdDev = 0.91 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.72 px
- Stars: 866 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 5, delta = 0.000 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 15.797 Dec: +34 21 20.19
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2048 px (866 stars)
- Score ............. 1437.5849
- *****
- Starting spline iteration.
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.07 as | l: 866 | b: 866
- Simplified surfaces: tolerance = 0.05 px | X: 866 | Y: 866
- Catalog Gaia DR2: Data retrieved from cache (2008 objects).
- Catalog Gaia DR2: 932 objects inside the image.
- DynamicPSF: Global context
- 1 view(s)
- 932 star(s)
- 928 PSF fittings
- 76.752 ms
- Valid PSF fittings: 926
- Error StdDev = 0.91 px
- Tolerance for rejecting stars: 2.72 px
- Stars: 866 valid, 5 rejected.
- *****
- Iteration 6, delta = 0.000 as (0.00 px)
- Image center ...... RA: 05 16 15.797 Dec: +34 21 20.19
- Resolution ........ 1.03 as/px
- RMS ............... 0.2048 px (866 stars)
- Score ............. 1437.5849
- *****
- * Reached maximum number of iterations without further improvement.
- * Successful astrometry optimization. Score = 1437.58
- Saving keywords...
- Saving properties...
- Saving control points...
- Saved 932 control points.
- Writing image 'integration_autocrop': w=2989 h=2942 n=1 Gray Float32
- 592 FITS keyword(s) embedded
- 20 image properties embedded
- Writing image 'crop_mask': w=3008 h=3008 n=1 Gray Float32
- Autocrop: cropped master file saved at C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono_autocrop.xisf
- [cache] - set LMD [154cc96d8ded4ae782aae89cb9264804646c3302] masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono_autocrop.xisf: 2023-12-08T19:42:35.000Z
- ************************************************************
- * End autocrop of master light frames
- ************************************************************
- Smart report result
- ******************** MASTER DARK GENERATION ********************
- Group of 15 Dark frames (15 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Exposure : 60.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : calibration
- Rejection method auto-selected: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
- Integration completed: master Dark saved at path C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterDark_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s.xisf
- ****************************************************************
- ******************** MASTER DARK GENERATION ********************
- Group of 30 Dark frames (30 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Exposure : 1.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : calibration
- Rejection method auto-selected: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
- Integration completed: master Dark saved at path C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterDark_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-1.00s.xisf
- ****************************************************************
- ******************** MASTER FLAT GENERATION ********************
- Group of 15 Flat frames (15 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Filter : Ha
- Exposure : 1.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : calibration
- Color : mono
- Master Dark automatic match.
- Master bias: none
- Master dark: C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterDark_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-1.00s.xisf
- Master flat: none
- Calibration completed: 15 Flat frames calibrated.
- Rejection method auto-selected: Winsorized Sigma Clipping
- Integration completed: master Flat saved at path C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterFlat_BIN-1_3008x3008_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- ****************************************************************
- ******************** LIGHT FRAMES CALIBRATION ********************
- Group of 56 Light frames (56 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Filter : Ha
- Exposure : 60.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : calibration
- Color : mono
- Master Dark automatic match.
- Master Flat automatic match.
- Master bias: none
- Master dark: C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterDark_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s.xisf
- Master flat: C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterFlat_BIN-1_3008x3008_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Light Output Pedestal: 0
- Calibration completed: 56 Light frames calibrated.
- ******************************************************************
- ***************** IMAGE MEASUREMENTS **************
- Frames measurement:: completed successfully
- ************************************************************
- ***************** BAD FRAMES REJECTION **************
- 0 rejected
- ************************************************************
- Best reference frame: (auto selection) C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/calibrated/Light_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono/Light_040_c.xisf
- ************************************************************
- ********** PLATESOLVING REFERENCE FRAMES ***********
- Astrometric solution found: C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/calibrated/Light_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono/Light_040_c.xisf
- ************************************************************
- ******************** IMAGE REGISTRATION ********************
- Group of 56 Light frames (56 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Filter : Ha
- Exposure : 60.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : post-calibration
- Color : mono
- ******************** IMAGE REGISTRATION ********************
- Group of 56 Light frames (56 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Filter : Ha
- Exposure : 60.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : post-calibration
- Color : mono
- Reference image: C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/calibrated/Light_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono/Light_040_c.xisf
- Registration completed: 56 images out of 56 successfully registered.
- ************************************************************
- ******************** LOCAL NORMALIZATION - REFERENCE FRAME SELECTION ********************
- Group of 56 Light frames (56 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Filter : Ha
- Exposure : 60.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : post-calibration
- Color : mono
- Rejection method auto-selected: Generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate
- Local normalization: : reference frame generated by integrating 18 frames
- *****************************************************************************************
- ******************** LOCAL NORMALIZATION ********************
- Group of 56 Light frames (56 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Filter : Ha
- Exposure : 60.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : post-calibration
- Color : mono
- Local normalization reference image: : C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/LN_Reference_Light_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- Local normalization: completed.
- *************************************************************
- ******************** IMAGE INTEGRATION ********************
- Group of 56 Light frames (56 active)
- SIZE : 3008x3008
- Filter : Ha
- Exposure : 60.00s
- Keywords : []
- Mode : post-calibration
- Color : mono
- Rejection method auto-selected: Generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate
- Integration completed: master Light saved at path C:/Users/user/Desktop/Frabell/WBPP/master/masterLight_BIN-1_3008x3008_EXPOSURE-60.00s_FILTER-Ha_mono.xisf
- ***********************************************************
- *********************** AUTO CROP ***********************
- Autocrop completed: 1 master file processed, 1 cropped.
- ************************************************************
- * WeightedBatchPreprocessing: 03:12.84
- reconstruct: 4.363 ms
- pipeline: 3.753 ms
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