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a guest
Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. 10:49:45.599 [sync-1] [3ea5ea94-d696-42e7-a5ea-94d69642e7c2] INFO i.g.g.r.h.i.DefaultReactorHandlerRegistry - Registering a new handler for Api{id='3ea5ea94-d696-42e7-a5ea-94d69642e7c2', name='Hello World', version='1.0'} on path /demo/
  2. 10:49:45.967 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] [] ERROR i.g.e.client.http.HttpClient - Unable to put template mapping: status[500] template[{
  3. "mappings": {
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  38. },
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  45. },
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  49. },
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  54. "index": true
  55. },
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  57. "type": "keyword",
  58. "index": true
  59. },
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  61. "type": "keyword",
  62. "index": true
  63. },
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  65. "type": "keyword",
  66. "index": true
  67. },
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  70. }
  71. }
  72. },
  73. "request-content-length": {
  74. "type": "integer",
  75. "index": false
  76. },
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  79. "index": false
  80. },
  81. "response-time": {
  82. "type": "integer"
  83. },
  84. "status": {
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  86. },
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  88. "type": "keyword"
  89. },
  90. "transaction": {
  91. "type": "keyword"
  92. },
  93. "uri": {
  94. "type": "keyword"
  95. },
  96. "path": {
  97. "type": "keyword"
  98. },
  99. "mapped-path": {
  100. "type": "keyword"
  101. },
  102. "host": {
  103. "type": "keyword"
  104. }
  105. }
  106. },
  107. "monitor": {
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  109. "gateway": {
  110. "type": "keyword"
  111. },
  112. "hostname": {
  113. "type": "keyword"
  114. }
  115. }
  116. },
  117. "log": {
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  119. "client-request": {
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  121. "enabled": false
  122. },
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  124. "type": "object",
  125. "enabled": false
  126. },
  127. "proxy-request": {
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  130. },
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  134. }
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  136. },
  137. "health": {
  138. "properties": {
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  140. "type": "keyword"
  141. },
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  144. "index": false
  145. },
  146. "endpoint": {
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  148. },
  149. "gateway": {
  150. "type": "keyword"
  151. },
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  153. "type": "integer"
  154. },
  155. "state": {
  156. "type": "integer",
  157. "index": false
  158. },
  159. "steps": {
  160. "type": "object",
  161. "enabled": false
  162. },
  163. "success": {
  164. "type": "boolean",
  165. "index": false
  166. }
  167. }
  168. }
  169. },
  170. "settings": {
  171. "index.number_of_shards":5,
  172. "index.number_of_replicas":1,
  173. "index.refresh_interval": "5s"
  174. },
  175. "template": "logs-vn-94016-i-demo-gravitee-*"
  176. }] response[{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"runtime_exception","reason":"java.lang.NullPointerException"}],"type":"runtime_exception","reason":"java.lang.NullPointerException","caused_by":{"type":"null_pointer_exception","reason":null}},"status":500}]
  177. 10:49:45.994 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] [] ERROR i.g.r.e.ElasticsearchReporter - An error occurs while creating index mapping template
  178. io.gravitee.elasticsearch.exception.ElasticsearchException: Unable to put template mapping
  179. at io.gravitee.elasticsearch.client.http.HttpClient.lambda$putTemplate$5(
  180. at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleFlatMapCompletable$FlatMapCompletableObserver.onSuccess(
  181. at io.vertx.reactivex.core.impl.AsyncResultSingle.lambda$subscribeActual$0(
  182. at io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.client.HttpRequest$4.handle(
  183. at io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.client.HttpRequest$4.handle(
  184. at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.lambda$null$0(
  185. at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$wrapTask$2(
  186. at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(
  187. at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(
  188. at
  189. at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
  190. at
  191. at
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