
The Secret Club: Ch.3

Apr 7th, 2019
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  1. Chapter 3: Welcome To The Club
  3. Underneath the dirt paths and plains which separated Valoran's city-states, massive sewer lines flowed from Demacia to Bilgewater. No ordinary being would ever consider visiting, let alone, residing, in such a putrid place. Endless tunnels of darkness and stench were all that seemed to exist below, alongside the standard rodent vermin.
  5. Among the flowing torrents of smelly water, the sounds of voices and jumbled chatter escaped from an air duct within the tunnels. Those cold, narrow passageways led to an emptied-out generator room, which blended into the cement caverns. Jars full of cogs and rivets sat next to severed limbs from Hextech automatons, which occasionally flowed down the rancid river. Vats of strange, lime-green liquid rested on top of deactivated burners, as if they had just finished cooking. Surrounding them, were stalls of questionable reputation; it was, after all, the underground marketplace of Valoran. Among the shady figures, a certain vendor stood out among the rest; a little Yordle, propped up on a stool. Her balance was kept by a bulky, dampened cloth diaper that weighed her down.
  7. "Here you go! Should shoot better, now. I changed the strings and oiled the bow's joints." She slid a crossbow towards the other end of the counter.
  9. "Ah! Yes. You never fail to impress me, Zellie. I didn't expect it to be done already...and yet, here we are. I'd like you to have something..." Twitch grinned, going through his rucksack with great excitement.
  11. He slapped a soft, square object wrapped in aluminum foil on the table, and slid it to the short lady.
  13. " sandwich!" The rat smiled, awaiting a reaction.
  15. "Oh, thank you!" She opened the foil, and the strong, pungent odor of a rare form of cheese hit her nose. Zellie's mouth watered. She had a fondness for unusual cuisine, thanks to her fellow sewer friend. She sunk her fangs into the snack, and savored the taste.
  17. "Don't mention it, my smelly old friend. And speaking of smelly, there's someone in the League that would like to have a word with you..." He rested his elbow on the counter top, as his claw-like hand reached into his trench coat.
  19. The little fixer's focus was diverted. "Oh? Who would that be?" She looked at him with curiosity, setting the sandwich aside.
  21. He procured a balled-up diaper, decorated with a bright pink garter and purple glitter. Hand-drawn, childish artwork filled up the white plastic, with tiny dragons, pixies and stars adorning the plastic garment.
  23. "I'm not supposed to tell you, but...I'm sure you could guess correctly, Zellie. Farewell, baby butt." He rustled the prodigy's pastel-pink hair.
  25. "Heh. See ya, sewer boy." She quipped back, as he walked to another stall.
  27. "Hmm..." Zellie sat down on the stool she stood on, and felt the little package. To her surprise, it wasn't squishy, nor warm. She gave it a sniff and sneezed, after inhaling stray glitter dust. It smelt of art supplies. Her interest could not wait any longer, and so she undid the tapes, expecting something unusual.
  29. She saw text written in purple crayon as she opened up the pamper. It was messily inscribed into the absorbent padding, and it was formatted akin to a scroll. Taking note of the scribbly handwriting, she thought of two possibilities; it could have been from the Dark Child, or the Fae Sorceress. The tinkerer held up the front and back of the undone garment, and read the letter.
  31. "To the girl who smells like Green;
  32. Hi! I am cordially inviting you to my exclusive, super duper
  33. secret club. I like you. I mean, you seem pretty neat.
  34. Your dipes smell great! Better than the Purple stink I make.
  35. I think Green is my new favorite color!
  37. I think you'd like it here, cause you seem like the kinda
  38. Yordle who enjoys filling their pants!
  39. If you'd like to meet me and my best friends,
  40. Go to the potty in the road between Demacia and Noxus,
  41. Make a big mess in your diapers, and sit on the loo.
  42. I'll treat you to a change, and a pacifier, too!
  44. Love, Lulu.
  45. (P.S. Could you bring your cloth diapers? I'd like to try them on.)"
  47. The tinkerer squinted. She taped up the plastic gift, and placed it next to the half-eaten sandwich. Many questions ran through her head. How did she know about her? Did Twitch rat her out? And how did she know what she smelled like? A part of Zellie wanted to disregard the correspondence entirely; she had better things to do. However, her natural instinct told her to do as the little sorceress said. It was, after all, an opportunity to meet others like herself. Pondering for a moment, her other natural instinct began to make itself clear, as she felt the seat of her concealed onesie grow heavier.
  49. "Hm? Oh. Must be the cheese." She muttered to herself, silently grunting as she rested her hand on her padded rear. The heavy-duty cloth had no issue containing the warm mush, although the scent could not be hidden. Zellie's palm felt a radiant warmth and hefty weight, as she continued to push further. The strings which held the buttons together began to tear, but before the tinkerer could react, they had flung away from her stall. Her eyes shot open, as she looked down and saw an open, undone onesie. The dark-green cloth drooped and sagged slowly, as her tiny Yordle body continued to relieve itself.
  51. "Great. That's another pair of buttons gone. Gods know where they could be..." Zellie lamented, attempting to hide her bulky, squishy bottom, to no avail. She sighed, and let the load hang between her short legs. There were many practical problems she could solve, but this was an exception.
  53. The clever mechanic looked at the letter once more, and considered Lulu's offer. 'At least, I wouldn't need to hide my diapers there...' She sat down on her stool, letting out an audible squelch. Smirking in her warmth, she fidgeted in her seat as she thought of the possibilities which Lulu's club could bring her.
  55. 'Oh! We could fill our diapers together, or even squish 'em 'til we sleep! I've always wanted to give someone a mess butt would be left unclean! Sure, it would smell weird, but that's not gonna be our problem! Hehe.' She thought to herself, grabbing the sparkly diaper and her satchel as she got off the chair.
  57. As she left a 'closed' sign on her little booth, people held their noses and felt disgusted as they walked past her. She paid them no mind, as the sewer was always there to blame, anyways. With a sag in her step, Zellie rushed to the exit, eager to meet the Yordles who were as stinky as she was.
  59. --
  61. Far away from the League's grounds, a small, humble noodle house stood among grassy knolls and gravel pathways. The day was still new, and the sun continued to rise over the east. All the while, two Yordles reveled in their hearty breakfast, slumping on their chairs after finishing their last bowls. The table they were at was littered with towering piles of porcelain; if Jhin had been there, he could have turned it into an art exhibit. Nonetheless, Poppy and Tristana were lucky that there was no one else within the restaurant, other than the owner himself.
  63. "Oh, man...I'm stuffed." The cannoneer lamented, drinking a glass of water.
  65. "No kidding. You're just as full as your diapers." The hammer-maiden quipped. Tristana snickered in reply, patting the front of her warm, cushy padding.
  67. "What about you? Still got room for dessert?"
  69. "Well..." Poppy smirked, and lifted her pampered rear from the seat of her chair. With a slight push, her diapered derriere expanded as it struggled to contain the sudden rush of mush, straining the tapes and the plastic to some degree. The blue Yordle's heavy bottom ballooned further, reaching the wooden seat and creating her own makeshift cushion. With a sigh, the hammer-maiden grunted one last time, filling the front and back of her pampers with the warm, cozy mess, before sitting down. Poppy flustered, feeling her squishy contents wrap her privates in an aura of radiant heat and stink.
  71. "...I do now! Hehe." She chuckled, rubbing her now-empty gut.
  73. "Woah! You sure know how to stink it up, don't ya?" Tristana playfully pinched her nose, waving her hand to air out the smell.
  75. "Heh. I guess so." She replied, looking down at her packed pampers as she swung her legs.
  77. A silence grew within the restaurant, only being broken by the chopping and boiling of vegetables in the background. The Hammer Keeper's heart was pounding, despite a lack of people around her. The rush she currently felt was different from the night prior; there was something about Tristana's teasing that gave her a sense of comfort and camaraderie, akin to two children doing silly things together. It was almost like having a playmate.
  79. "So, uh...I think we should get going." The tank spoke up, getting off her seat.
  81. "Huh? I thought we were gonna get dessert?" The gunner replied, standing up as well.
  83. "I--I don't think these can hold any more..." Poppy walked to the other end of the table, and lifted her dress to prove her point.
  85. "Hey, calm down. At least you got -two- presents for Lulu. She'll love 'em, trust me!" She grinned, giving the loaded padding a playful squeeze, before walking towards the exit.
  87. Bashfully pulling down her dress, Poppy couldn't help but smile at the thought of being praised for her 'hard work'. She grabbed the opaque plastic bag which contained her previous diaper, and followed the cannoneer.
  89. The two toddled out of the noodle house, bringing with them the distinct Yordle stink that such few humans have come to love. They continued along the dirt road, both enjoying the squish in every step they took. A few minutes into the walk, Poppy realized something of great importance.
  91. "Hey, uh...I think we forgot to pay."
  93. "Nah, don't worry about it. Shen owes me one, anyway. Besides, once we're outta that club, I'll have enough to pay his rent!"
  95. "Wait, where does Lulu get all her money from, anyway?"
  97. "'ll figure it out. Trust me." Tristana said, with a smug smirk.
  99. They continued down the path for what seemed like hours. The overhead sun and their heavy diapers made the stroll somewhat problematic for the two. Passersby would occasionally gag or stare at the two in judgement as they walked past the pair. While Tristana ignored these people, Poppy could not. The short length of her gown made her ever-conscious to her predicament, always pulling down the hem of her skirt in a futile effort to conceal the load she carried around.
  101. "W-where is this club, anyway?" Poppy nervously asked, struggling to keep her diaper on.
  103. "Should be close..."
  105. In the distance, a wooden outhouse stood out among the green landscape. The two Yordles spotted a conspicuously cloaked, taller figure entering the tiny restroom. A bright, pink light flashed from the inside, and the door swung open, seemingly on its own.
  107. “Yup. I think that’s it.” Tristana confidently said, quickening her pace in spite of the heavy, stinky padding which wrapped around her waist.
  109. “H-hey! Slow down!” Poppy called out, struggling to keep her loaded pampers on her waist. With every step, it seemed that it slipped further and further. She just hoped that her diapers stayed on until they got to the actual club.
  111. Eventually, the two reached Valoran’s cleanest outhouse. No smell nor stain was left inside; all that was dirty came from the patrons of this little stall. Specifically, a comfy, cushy filth.
  113. “So...uh...where’s the door? Or the uh--portal?” The pigtailed fighter sheepishly asked.
  115. “Watch and learn.” The gunner grinned, lifting the end of her overly-sized t-shirt, revealing her beanbag-like diapers. At this point, even the magical tapes had a difficulty in holding the padding together. After all, she hadn’t changed since the night before. The fact that she hadn’t leaked yet amazed the Hammer Keeper.
  117. As her poofy, plump pampers filled in the hollow seat, glittery particles began to form in the air. Tristana crammed the padding further in, and the purple arcanic dust settled around the toilet. As a circle formed, the gunner was obscured by the same flash of light, making her disappear into thin air.
  119. “Woah! Okay, Poppy. You can do this. Just sit down and keep it snug. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?” She said, preparing herself for a journey she would never forget.
  121. Pulling up her diapers, she sat down on the seat, squishing noises emanating from her bottom. The hammer-maiden noted the longevity of her mess; it was still warm from her little potty break back at the noodle house. As she enjoyed her mushy tush, the same floating dust began to spread inside the interior of the outhouse. She held her breath, and the circle formed around her. In a neon flash, Poppy was no longer inside.
  123. For a few moments, Poppy felt as if she was falling. She opened her eyes, and was surrounded by sparkles, pixies, and other unusually girly things as her body descended through an interdimensional tunnel.
  125. “Yup. It’s Lulu’s, alright.” She sighed. The hammer-maiden hoped that the club wouldn’t be as over-saturated.
  126. Another portal of purple glitter appeared far below her, and she closed her eyes, expecting a rough landing.
  128. --
  130. “Trist! What brings you here, old friend?” Lulu excitedly ran towards the cannoneer, embracing her tightly.
  132. “Hey, Lu! I just wanted to show Pops around, you know? I think she’ll like the place.” The gunner hugged back, and she felt a hand going under her shirt.
  134. “Ooh! Two stinky-butts! This should be fun. And I see you’ve brought me a present…” She grabbed her friend’s pamper, squishing it against her privates.
  136. “Hehe. I’ve been saving this since last night.”
  138. “Wow! It sure smells like it!” Lulu crawled under Tristana’s legs, wanting to get a good look at her best friend’s mushy bottom. Turning over to face the heavy, sagging pamper, she gave it a hefty pat of affirmation, before sticking her face into it.
  140. “Ah! Oh really know how to squish a diap, don’t you?” The cannon jumper stammered, feeling the weighty mass of stink push against her derriere. She looked down, and saw that Lulu’s dress was upturned. The eccentric Yordle had a package of her own, which seemed to expand as she laid down and enjoyed the gunner’s pampers. Tristana had been frisky for the past few days, so now was a perfect time to indulge.
  142. “Mmph!” Lulu shouted, muffled by Tristana’s mushy bottom. The gunner sat down on the sparkly girl’s face, the weight of her mess surrounding her complexion in a blue-purple stink, and comfortable warmth.
  144. “Enjoying it back there?” Tristana asked, looking between her legs, lifting her heavy bottom to see Lulu’s reaction. The purple lady had a flustered expression; happy, and seemingly in heat. She gave the little carry a thumbs up, and the tomboyish Yordle sat back down on the sorceress’ smiling face.
  146. As the warm mass continued to rub against the marksman’s flower, she began to sweat. No one could give a good sniff as much as Lulu could. But, she was open to best her.
  148. She eyed the eccentric lady’s pink pampers, and took a good, lustful look at them. As Lulu’s liquid leaked into the baby-sized garment, the light purple ice cream and cakes which adorned the print turned to a dark violet, surrounded by an expanding sea of warm yellow nectar. Tristana gingerly held its slowly-growing exterior, letting it balloon into her palm. She bent down and moved slightly backwards, pulling the diaper’s garter up from her purple skin as she looked inside.
  150. To her amusement, she saw Lulu’s tight, little lips releasing a torrent of pee. Tristana giggled; the child-like mage seemed to be losing control. Then again, after three centuries of peeing all over the pixie forest grounds, control was an abstract thing for the youth-defying girl.
  152. “Aww...going potty already?” The gunner cooed, patting her friend’s soggy padding.
  154. “Mhm!” The sorceress replied, taking in deep breaths of her friend’s colorful stink.
  156. “Hehe. Squishy butt.” She squished the front of Lulu’s diaper, and slowly rubbed it against the sorceress’ purple flower.
  158. “Mm! Mm!” The childlike Yordle pushed Tristana’s heavy bottom away from her face, making her stand up.
  160. “Do that again and I’ll transmogulate you! I’m serious! No touchies!” She threatened.
  162. “O-oh! Um, sorry…” Tristana stammered, letting go of her friend’s private spot. No way was she going to become one of her over-filled pullups…
  164. “...yeah, you better be! And just for doing that…PIX!” She called out.
  166. ‘Uh oh.’ The gunner thought to herself, stepping away from her friend. She may have been a bit older than her, but she was as erratic as a marksman’s dodging mechanics.
  168. A tiny pair of wings appeared next to her. “I still need to potty. You know what that means…” As the purple Yordle spoke, the cannoneer was pushed to the ground by the inter-dimensional companion. The tiny being summoned teddy bears and plush toys from the colorful foam-mat floor, which grabbed Tristana’s arms and legs.
  170. “H-hey! I said I was sorry! What gives?!” She struggled against the seemingly lightweight toys, but they seemed to weigh as much as lead barbells.
  172. “You know, Tristy, you’re not the only one who feels all tingly! I just need to let off some steam, and maybe some tinkles, too! I’m sure you understand.” Lulu giggled.
  174. “Y--yeah, but…”
  176. “Hush, hush! Now, if you get thirsty back there, feel free to have a taste. Hihi!” The little mage pulled up her dress, facing her already-soggy rear towards the little cannoneer’s face. Squatting down, her princess-like pampers nearly touched Tristana’s nose, the soaked padding taunting the little carry like a ripened fruit hanging from a low branch.
  178. “Ahh…” She let out a second round of her warm juices, which caused the already-puffy padding to expand further. Tristana could only watch as more and more of the print turned violet, as the now bright yellow diaper sagged onto her face. Despite her friend’s domineering position, she was in heat. She liked to switch roles every once in a while.
  179. The warm plastic expanded further, covering half of the gunner’s face. Her lips and nose were surrounded by a light-smelling aroma, and the pure warmth of the sorceress’ nectar. It was almost like sleeping on a heated pillow, except it was weighted down on her complexion. As her fellow little continued to relieve herself, she had an idea. A naughty, disgusting idea. It was something only a Yordle could conceive. She opened her mouth, and let the warm padding fill the gap between her lips. Tristana began to suckle on the cushy, heated pamper like a pacifier. To her surprise, she tasted powdered sugar and traces of vanilla extract. Lulu was known to bake in her spare time, and there were times when she would adorn her diapers with ingredients to make them somewhat palatable.
  181. After all, she wasn’t opposed to the idea of putting filled-up diapers inside her mouth. Lulu found it strangely calming to teethe and nibble on the squishy, lukewarm plastic. And perhaps, Tristana did, too.
  183. The cannoneer’s trance was broken by a crashing noise, which came from across the room. Just as the sound appeared, Lulu stood up, making the tomboyish Yordle let go. As her friend walked to the source of the sudden sound, she noticed that a steady trickle of pee fell down the leg-holes of her pampers, staining the foamed floor.
  185. ‘That was close. I almost had a drink there.’ Tristana thought to herself, as Pix began to desummon the toys to follow suit.
  187. “Gah! Where am I? Is this what I think it is?” Poppy asked, buried inside a ball pit. The lower half of her body stuck out from the pool of plastic spheres, revealing her stinky present to the world.
  189. Lulu rushed to the entrance of the pit, her diaper still dribbling out droplets of her warm juices.
  191. “Oh! Hi Poppy!” She waded through the sea of color, leaking her own yellow shade into it.
  193. “Huh? Oh, Lulu! Hi. Sorry for disturbing you.” The hammer-maiden got up, with some assistance from the over-soaked sorceress.
  195. “Disturbing me? Ha! Of course not, Miss Hammerlady! Your presence is well-appreciated. Isn’t that right, Tristy?”
  197. “Yup! Sure is.” Tristana replied, walking to the pit’s entrance. Seeing droplets left on the plastic, she stepped aside to avoid the trail.
  199. “Oh! I, uh...have a gift for you.” Poppy procured the plastic bag, and gave it to the purple Yordle.
  201. “Hm? Oh This is stupendous! Perfect!” Lulu said, looking inside. She stuck her tiny hand into the bag, and brought out the now-room temperature diaper. It continued to leak, and the childlike mage gave it a few short sniffs.
  202. “Ooh! Smells like...a light blue. I like it!”
  204. “Thanks! But, uh, what does light blue smell like?”
  206. “’s kinda like berries. Blueberries! Yeah, that’s it.” She smiled, putting the package back in its container.
  208. “Oh! That’s...good to know. And, uh...can I get a change? Please?”
  210. “No problem at all, my darling. Could you lift your skirt for me?”
  212. “Um...okay.” Poppy blushed, and gave Lulu a good view of her fully-loaded diaper.
  214. “And...Changify!” She pointed at the padding, and a poof of white powder surrounded the tiny tank’s private parts. As it dissipated into the air, it revealed a poofy pair of Princess Padding, snugly wrapped around the blue Yordle’s waist. The newcomer no longer felt icky nor damp, as well. She stuck her hand down her pastel pamper, and felt her fully-cleansed bottom.
  216. “Woah. That’s pretty neat. But, uh...where’s my old diaper?”
  218. “Don’t worry. I concealed it in an inconceivable hiding spot, a place where no one would dare to look!” She proudly proclaimed.
  220. “Uh...the diaper pail?”
  222. “What!? How did you know? I planned it out perfectly!”
  224. “I guess I just...had a hunch.”
  226. “Hmm...well played, smartypants! You get a gold star!” She pointed at Poppy’s dress, and a plastic sticker appeared on it, which was inscribed with the phrase “I’m A Big Kid!”.
  228. “Neat! So, what?”
  230. “Well...we should get you acquainted with our Mommies and Big Sisters! You’ll love them, I guarantee it! I mean, you even dressed the part! How diligent of you.”
  232. “Oh! Uh...thanks! The dress is Tristana’s though--”
  234. “--Come on! We have a playdate to reach! We can’t be late, now!” She held the hammer-maiden’s hand, and dashed out of the ball pit.
  236. “Well, alrighty then.” She followed suit, noticing the yellow liquid that dribbled down her thighs. Poppy stepped with caution, as the two rushed to another room.
  238. “Well. This should be interesting.” Tristana said to herself, slowly following the two.
  240. Before the gunner could catch up, however, another figure seemed to crash into the ball pit.
  242. “What the--”
  244. [To be continued...]
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