

Jun 2nd, 2011
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  1. <drellisdee> I just rebuilt from source several libs for velocity turbo i used 2.2.2 source but works on 2.2.1 too
  2. <SavoxUnity> well
  3. <SavoxUnity> when I say patched
  4. <SavoxUnity> I mean replaced
  5. <drellisdee> which ones are you refering too
  6. <drellisdee> link me velocity 1.2 plz been waiting on trident
  7. <SavoxUnity> Nightlies can be found here: USERNAME: velocity PASSWORD: supersecret |
  8. <drellisdee>
  9. <SavoxUnity> i saw
  10. <drellisdee> latest had small ommission in  earlier one this is flashover no wipe
  11. <drellisdee> left out vold.fstab
  12. <drellisdee> that turns 1.1 or should be 1.2 into vel turbo
  13. <SavoxUnity> oh you can flasover?
  14. <drellisdee> v3 one yes
  15. <drellisdee> no wipe needed
  16. <SavoxUnity> my usb port in trashed on the ally
  17. <SavoxUnity> have to hold the cable in to get adb to work
  18. * SavoxUnity has a repacement comming tomorrow
  19. <drellisdee> and new recovery included will sd part the required partiotns now
  20. <drellisdee> ive gotten a lot better at scripts now with your help btw
  21. <SavoxUnity> badass
  22. <drellisdee> look at in recovery ramdisk if you want to make some changes/addditons (cleanup) but works well as it is
  23. <SavoxUnity> i think people are gunna love this
  24. <drellisdee> me too can be ported to virtually any device also
  25. <Sora1995> SavoxUnity... any reason why apps all of the sudden aren't updating?
  26. <SavoxUnity> in the latest nightly?
  27. <Sora1995> no, 1.1
  28. <SavoxUnity> is cache full?
  29. <Sora1995> i still don't have a battery
  30. <SavoxUnity> busybox df -h
  31. <Sora1995> let me see
  32. <Sora1995> k
  33. <SavoxUnity> sd is almost done backing up
  34. <SavoxUnity> im getting tired of holding this cable in....
  35. <Sora1995> the busybox can be done without a computer, right?
  36. <SavoxUnity> in terminal
  37. <SavoxUnity> yes
  38. <SavoxUnity> adb shell busybox df -h | grep /cache | awk '{print $4}'
  39. <SavoxUnity> would jusst tell you what you want
  40. <SavoxUnity> drellisdee,
  41. <drellisdee> yes
  42. <SavoxUnity> does the new recovery support wiping these new ext parts?
  43. <drellisdee> yes and nandroid backup of them
  44. <SavoxUnity> nice
  45. <SavoxUnity> I cant wait to get the new ally, wifi adb is annoyingly slow
  46. <SavoxUnity> select "Create a new ext3 data.img" This may take up to 10 minutes so be patient
  47. <SavoxUnity> does this what? dump your data into a yaffs img then convert to ext3?
  48. <SavoxUnity> also
  49. <drellisdee> doesnt backup data there its a blank fresh data on only needs to be generated once
  50. <drellisdee> its reused/wiped after that
  51. <SavoxUnity> why ext4? there a noticable difference? I still use 2 on my servers because the lack of fragmentation
  52. <drellisdee> dd if=/dev/zero of=data.img bs=1M count=1024
  53. <drellisdee> no its ext3 by default I added a ext4 option for those that want it
  54. <drellisdee> needs a journal to be effective
  55. * SavoxUnity nods
  56. <SavoxUnity> for the faster i/o I take it
  57. <drellisdee> ye
  58. <SavoxUnity> Im still a little confused, by the need to make this data.img..... is it mounting this img on the ext3 partition created?
  59. <SavoxUnity> and the ext2... is this for swap?
  60. <drellisdee> no
  61. <drellisdee> no
  62. <drellisdee> thats only so things that call for a wipe of mmcblk0p2 dont kill data
  63. <SavoxUnity> Sorry for my ignorance, I drew the line at automation, never learned all too much about the filesystems
  64. * SavoxUnity nods
  65. <drellisdee> place holder for app2sd mmcblk0p2
  66. <drellisdee> mmcblk0p2 is unused
  67. <drellisdee> the data.img is your actual data partiton btw
  68. <SavoxUnity> here goes nothing
  69. <drellisdee> and is mounted as such on /data
  70. <SavoxUnity> how are you able to trick it?
  71. <SavoxUnity> vvm
  72. <SavoxUnity> fstab
  73. <drellisdee> rebuilt from source :)
  74. <drellisdee> you used v3 pkg right?
  75. <SavoxUnity> Yes
  76. <SavoxUnity> its booting
  77. <SavoxUnity> suposedly
  78. <SavoxUnity> cant get the cable to work to get a cat going
  79. <SavoxUnity> booted
  80. <SavoxUnity> looks like it wiped my dalvik
  81. <drellisdee> was I called wipe cache in updater-script I have custom binarys that require rebuilding dalvik cache
  82. <drellisdee> you old data is still intact on the data mtdblock5
  83. <SavoxUnity> Yeah it didnt preserv my data partition
  84. <drellisdee> its still there but you use the data.img as data in this one
  85. <SavoxUnity> Yeah Im gunna mount it somewhere and pull my shit off
  86. <drellisdee> to go back flash old boot.img and use  vold and vold,fstab in old rom to handle parted sdcard
  87. <SavoxUnity> /dev/block/loop0       1007.9M     44.1M    912.6M   5% /data
  88. <SavoxUnity> ^ badass
  89. <drellisdee> could do a mkdir /dataold and mount it there and use a cp
  90. <drellisdee> but would get useless junk if done not in recovery
  91. <SavoxUnity> # mkdir /system/mnt
  92. <SavoxUnity> # busybox mount /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system/mnt
  93. <SavoxUnity> heh
  94. <SavoxUnity> way ahead of you
  95. <SavoxUnity> useless junk?
  96. <drellisdee> yes there is a reason nandroid requires recovery
  97. <drellisdee> copying old is not problem but writing to new is if fs is in use
  98. <SavoxUnity> I have had alot of problems dumping and restoring from userland....
  99. <SavoxUnity> makes sense
  100. <drellisdee> thats why cant dump those if in use
  101. <drellisdee> except for like misc boot or recovery dumps those are fine from userspace
  102. <SavoxUnity> hrm
  103. <SavoxUnity> recovery mounts the old data
  104. <SavoxUnity> /dev/block/mtdblock5    152.4M     49.8M    102.5M  33% /data
  105. <drellisdee> yep
  106. <SavoxUnity> :) new is /dev/block/mmcblk0p.......3?
  107. <drellisdee> no
  108. <drellisdee> mount bigdata
  109. <SavoxUnity> beautiful
  110. <drellisdee> mount -o rw /
  111. <drellisdee> mount -o rw / /data-ext
  112. <drellisdee> mount -o rw /bigdata/data.img /data-ext
  113. <drellisdee> mount bigdata 1st then use 3rd line
  114. * SavoxUnity nods
  115. <drellisdee> or mount-img will mount bigdata ie mmcblk0p3 then mount data.img as /data
  116. <SavoxUnity> copying now
  117. <SavoxUnity> hopefully it can preserve permissions
  118. <SavoxUnity> so I can keep my app data
  119. <SavoxUnity> UIDs seem to be the bane of my existance
  120. <drellisdee> will need to umount data-ext then losetup -d /dev/loop0 to be able to umount bigdata
  121. <drellisdee> err dev/block/loop0
  122. <SavoxUnity> I got it mounted
  123. <drellisdee> will need that to unmount
  124. <drellisdee> have to remove the loop node to unmount mmcblk0p3
  125. <SavoxUnity> I just rebooted
  126. <SavoxUnity> unclean style
  127. <drellisdee> check out script for use didnt add a help
  128. <SavoxUnity> and........... YES!
  129. <SavoxUnity> I was able to preserve my app data!
  130. <SavoxUnity> this is the first time ever!
  131. <drellisdee> pretty sanppy so far huh?
  132. <drellisdee> snappy
  133. <SavoxUnity> well
  134. <SavoxUnity> it seems to be very slow right when you come into userland
  135. <SavoxUnity> when the sdcard mounts the fat
  136. <SavoxUnity> only one FC problem
  137. <SavoxUnity> W/ActivityManager( 1404): Process has crashed too many times: killing!
  138. <drellisdee> as all do on velocity mmcblk0p3 is mounted in early init thats blk1 thats slow you should move apps to internal
  139. <SavoxUnity> buit I can manually tear out the data for it, and reboot should fix
  140. <drellisdee> i intended to be on a fresh /data btw
  141. <SavoxUnity> I know, I am in the middle of an audiobook tho
  142. <Sora1995> savoxunity, drellisdee
  143. <Sora1995> busybox df -h
  144. <Sora1995> whoops
  145. <SavoxUnity> gotta keep that bookmark
  146. <drellisdee> kk
  147. <SavoxUnity> lol
  148. <Sora1995>
  149. <drellisdee> move your apks to internal and it will mount faster the regular  sdcard block
  150. <SavoxUnity> makes sense
  151. <drellisdee> with 1gb data it makes no sense to run them on slower android_secure
  152. <drellisdee> with a 32gb card you could have a 25gb+ /data
  153. <SavoxUnity> Yeah
  154. <SavoxUnity> 1g is more than enough though
  155. <SavoxUnity> way more than enough
  156. <SavoxUnity> the poor phone would cry when you opened the app drawer.... if you had that many apps
  157. <drellisdee> gonna sign out let me know what you think
  158. <SavoxUnity> aight
  159. <drellisdee> i think its pretty much ready to release. maybe a scrit cleanup but thats all
  160. <SavoxUnity> ill lookit the script
  161. <SavoxUnity> its in ramdisk?
  162. <drellisdee> yes recovery sbin
  163. <drellisdee> look in updater-script too as to how i call it. same script for multiple args
  164. <drellisdee> and used in recovery menus too
  165. <SavoxUnity> this is awesome, great work man
  166. <SavoxUnity> just when these kids thought it couldnt get any better too
  167. <drellisdee> cpu wise no I/O was a whole new playground and have a 5x larger data too
  168. <SavoxUnity> YOu should see my poor phone right now, I have the usb cable wrapped around it and taped, all so it will stay in long enough to restore my sdcard
  169. <SavoxUnity> yeah
  170. <drellisdee> wow no card reader?
  171. <SavoxUnity> ...
  172. <SavoxUnity> now... you make me feel foolish
  173. * SavoxUnity cancels the copy
  174. <drellisdee> goes without saying like app2sd dont umount/eject sd with phone booted
  175. <SavoxUnity> heh heh heh
  176. <drellisdee> however a fat32 partition like i used is way more forgiving than a ext one
  177. <drellisdee> if someone does worts case is wipe data.img if the e2fsck i call on mount in init.rc doesnt repair it
  178. <SavoxUnity> my phone did just do something... interesting
  179. <drellisdee> what did it do?
  180. <SavoxUnity> it vibrated for a solid second on 2nd splash.  Then rebooted
  181. <SavoxUnity> on second boot, it came up fine
  182. <SavoxUnity> other than my ....
  183. <SavoxUnity> ok
  184. <SavoxUnity> wierd
  185. <SavoxUnity> having to do setup wiz again
  186. * Sora1995 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  187. <SavoxUnity> mayhap... data I removed is related
  188. <SavoxUnity> no...
  189. <SavoxUnity> I lost all my app data
  190. <SavoxUnity> and everything wants to fc
  191. <SavoxUnity> guess Ill go wipe...
  192. <drellisdee> yes havent had that happen may be due to unclean mount
  193. <drellisdee> use wipe data.img item
  194. <SavoxUnity> trying just a reboot
  195. <SavoxUnity> first
  196. <drellisdee> script in recovery ensure no unclean mount
  197. <SavoxUnity> something is very wonkey
  198. <SavoxUnity> rebooted
  199. <SavoxUnity> and now it want me to do setup wiz again
  200. <SavoxUnity> like its not retaining data
  201. <SavoxUnity> Ill wipe and see if its still acting rude
  202. <drellisdee> always allow cleanup script to run in recovery too dont abort it that umounts cleanly
  203. * SavoxUnity grumbles something about having to find his place in that damn book again
  204. <SavoxUnity> Alright its fresh
  205. <SavoxUnity> I didnt touch system, but shouldnt need to
  206. <drellisdee> did you do the ext4 one?
  207. <SavoxUnity> I wiped ext data img, cache and dalvik
  208. <drellisdee> thats there for power users but ext3 is safer for data
  209. <SavoxUnity> yeah, Im not convinced of the benifits of ext4
  210. <drellisdee> i meant upgrade data.img to ext4?
  211. <SavoxUnity> so no
  212. <SavoxUnity> I didnt
  213. <drellisdee> on pc yes on phone not much benefit
  214. <SavoxUnity> seems good so far let me reboot to  make sure it doesnt forget again.... it is acting a lil sluggish tho
  215. <SavoxUnity> pausing a long time between processes
  216. <SavoxUnity> might just be firstboot woes
  217. <drellisdee> yes same as 1st boot on normal for me
  218. <SavoxUnity> the check that runs in init seems to take awhile....
  219. <SavoxUnity> about a 8 second delay between the 1st 2 splashes
  220. <drellisdee> yes fixes any journal corruption from user abuse
  221. <SavoxUnity> wow, but after that bootup is considerably quicker (im clocked at 600 too)
  222. <drellisdee> has my latest kernel too
  223. <SavoxUnity> yes
  224. <SavoxUnity> quick
  225. <drellisdee> that allows better more stable overclock same one i released a few weeks go
  226. <SavoxUnity> Nice... Im liking this.
  227. <SavoxUnity> Definatly have to say goodbye to old data though
  228. <SavoxUnity> to avoid those wierd complications
  229. <SavoxUnity> Ill bet I can wasilly recover my apks
  230. <SavoxUnity> but Not anything else
  231. <drellisdee> apparently the clock spped wasnt the slow down it was the yaffs2 fs that was bootleneck. you can use ext on nand memory so there was no alternative
  232. <drellisdee> you cant
  233. <SavoxUnity> really, you cant? thats wierd
  234. <SavoxUnity> well
  235. <SavoxUnity> NOW
  236. <SavoxUnity> we have all this extra space we can use
  237. <SavoxUnity> idk what for :)
  238. <drellisdee> google figured it out on gingerbread with ext4 requiring manufactures to go emmc instead of nand
  239. <ThePunisher>
  240. <drellisdee> ext only works on block fs not pure flash like nand
  241. * Sora1995 ( has joined #velocity-dev
  242. * ChanServ gives voice to Sora1995
  243. <drellisdee> hey how do i set afk in irc?
  244. <SavoxUnity>  /away
  245. <SavoxUnity> well
  246. <SavoxUnity>  /away MESSAGE
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