

Jul 11th, 2018
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  1. # /*Welcome to ProdigyGadgetDiamond core configuration*/
  2. #
  3. # Info:
  4. # ReversedBlackListedRegions: if true any region added to the blacklist will allow cosmetics
  5. mysql:
  6. enable: false
  7. host: localhost
  8. user: root
  9. port: '3306'
  10. password: password
  11. database: prodigy
  12. 3D Selector:
  13. enable: true
  14. static: true
  15. angle: 35
  16. coinItem:
  18. name: '&eCoin: %coin $'
  19. enable: false
  20. Selector:
  21. hideItemIfNoPermission: true
  22. AntiLag:
  23. cosmetic:
  24. clear: true
  25. preventUsing: true
  26. tps: 17.0
  27. max:
  28. pet: 10.0
  29. mood: 10.0
  30. morph: 10.0
  31. particle: 10.0
  32. suit: 10.0
  33. disabled:
  34. message: §cWe are sorry your cosmetics have been disabled due to the server lag.
  35. toomany:
  36. message: §cWe are sorry, too many cosmetics like yours are activated.
  37. Conflict:
  38. mood:
  39. message: §cYou are not able to use mood when your suit is activated
  40. suit:
  41. message: §cYou are not able to use suit when your mood is activated
  42. hat:
  43. message: §cYou are not able to use /hat when you are using mood or suit
  44. Command:
  45. message:
  46. help:
  47. - '&7╔═══════════ &6Welcome to ProdigyGadgetDiamond &7═══════════╗'
  48. - '&2Commands: '
  49. - '&8Global features: &a/prodigy '
  50. - '&8Open the menu: &a/prodigy open '
  51. - '&8Give you the menu: &a/prodigy menu '
  52. - '&8Particle: &a/prodigy particle / gadget / pet / morph / djstation / mood /
  53. suit / minion '
  54. - '&8Clear all gadgets: &a/prodigy clear '
  55. - '&8Add or remove blacklisted regions: &a/prodigy blacklist add/remove <regionname> '
  56. - '&8Treasurechest demo: &a/pg treasurechest demo'
  57. - '&8Remove: &a/prodigy <type> remove '
  58. - '&6&oThe prodigy is the man who knows how to use a gadget ©'
  59. any: '&cYou do not have any %type.'
  60. notfound: '&cError: %type not found ! '
  61. syntax: '&b/pg %type <%type>'
  62. list: '&b%type list: '
  63. nostuff: '&cWe are sorry you do not have any %type'
  64. NeedUpdate:
  65. message:
  66. enable: true
  67. No Permission message: '&cYou do not have the permission'
  68. No Permission Rank message: '&cYou do not have the permission, you need %rank &crank'
  69. Black Listed Worlds:
  70. - world1
  71. - world2
  72. Black Listed Regions:
  73. - blacklisted1
  74. - blacklisted2
  75. - areashop
  76. BlackListedRegions:
  77. enterMessage: '&cYou are not able to use cosmetic here, cosmetics disabled !'
  78. reversed: false
  79. Coin item:
  80. name: '&eProdigies'
  81. symbol: $
  82. Coin Item:
  83. id: 41
  84. data: 0
  85. Item on join:
  86. active: false
  87. name: '&6&lProdigyGadget &c(Open 3D selector menu)'
  88. throwable: false
  89. permission: false
  90. lores:
  91. - '&bThe prodigy is the man who knows how to use a gadget ! ©'
  92. - ''
  93. id: 403
  94. data: 0
  95. slotPosition: 1
  96. freeSlot: false
  97. previous:
  98. name: '&6previous'
  99. id: 262
  100. data: 0
  101. previousGUI:
  102. name: '&6previous menu'
  103. next:
  104. name: '&6next'
  105. id: 262
  106. data: 0
  107. purchase:
  108. name: '&bPurchase %amount %type &bfor &2%price $'
  109. confirm:
  110. name: '&aConfirm'
  111. id: 133
  112. data: 0
  113. cancel:
  114. name: '&cCancel'
  115. id: 152
  116. data: 0
  117. add:
  118. name: '&6add'
  119. substract:
  120. name: '&6substract'
  121. message: '&aYou successfully bought &e%ammo &aammo &aof %type'
  122. error: '&cYou do not have enough money !'
  123. Glasses color:
  124. data: 10
  125. stop current:
  126. name: '&4Stop current'
  127. id: 152
  128. data: 0
  129. Inventory:
  130. name: '&3Choose your cosmetic'
  131. descriptionRank: '&bRank: %rank'
  132. descriptionOwned: '&bOwned: &f%owned &b/ %max '
  133. Particle:
  134. name: '&fParticles'
  135. id: 399
  136. data: 0
  137. enable: true
  138. Gadget:
  139. name: '&bGadgets'
  140. id: 261
  141. data: 0
  142. enable: true
  143. ammo: false
  144. purchaseAmmo: false
  145. Morph:
  146. name: '&5Morphs'
  147. id: 397
  148. data: 1
  149. enable: true
  150. Mood:
  151. name: '&6Moods'
  152. enable: true
  153. Pet:
  154. name: '&ePets'
  155. id: 421
  156. data: 0
  157. enable: true
  158. Minion:
  159. name: '&bMinions'
  160. id: 344
  161. data: 0
  162. enable: true
  163. Suit:
  164. name: '&6Suit'
  165. id: 299
  166. data: 0
  167. enable: true
  168. database:
  169. restoredmessage:
  170. enable: true
  171. message: '&bYour cosmetics have been restored !'
  172. restorestuff:
  173. enable: true
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