
In Heat for Teacher (Ed)

Apr 28th, 2011
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  1. In Heat for Teacher
  3. Applejack knocked on the door.
  4. “Come in,” Cheerilee called.
  5. Applejack swung open the schoolhouse door. The first thing she noticed was the smell. She hadn’t smelled it in years, yet it took her straight back. She wasn’t sure what it was, exactly. It could have been the paste, or maybe the cheap construction paper, or even the cleaner that the janitor used to clean the desks at night. It didn’t really matter. All schools smelled like this.
  6. Cheerilee was at her desk, correcting papers. She had her reading glasses on, and her hair up in a bun. She looked very busy.
  7. “Oh, hello Applejack,” she said.
  8. “Well, Howdy, Ms. Cheerilee. So Ah know you were supposed to have a parent-teacher conference tonight, on account of Apple Bloom but there’s a bit of an emergency down on the farm, and our parents couldn’t make it. So they asked me to come down and let you know that, and see if you could reschedule it or somethin’.”
  9. “Oh, well, thanks for stopping by and telling me. Um... Oh, you know what I could do? You’re her immediate family. You’re an adult. I could just put you down as her guardian on the paperwork and just have the conference with you. Is that alright?”
  10. “Can you do that? There’s no problem with confidentiality or nothing?” Applejack asked.
  11. “Not at all. Apple Bloom is doing just fine. There’s nothing to be concerned about with her school work. The paperwork is really just a formality. Have a seat.” Cheerilee motioned to a chair right in front of her desk.
  12. “Well, alright then. Glad I can take care of it and it ain’t no big thing. They wasn’t happy about missing it,” Applejack said.
  13. “Weren’t.”
  14. “Pardon?”
  15. “‘They weren’t happy that they were going to miss it.’ Weren’t not wasn’t. Plural form, past subjunctive.”
  16. “Oh geez,” Applejack blushed. “I should have known that.”
  17. “What?” Cheerilee looked up from her files. “Oh no, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have corrected you. That’s a bad habit of mine from correcting students all day. I shouldn’t do it with adults, it’s rude.”
  18. “No harm, no foul. I’ve always meant to get better with my grammar. This accent of mine’s so thick, it would be nice to get rid of it.”
  19. “What? Oh no, don’t do that. I knew exactly what you meant. I like regional accents like yours. They’re charming. Sexy, even.”
  20. “Sexy?”
  21. “You had Mrs. Nag for a teacher, didn’t you?”
  22. “Oh, yeah,” said Applejack. “Ol’ Lady Nag. She weren’t good for teaching grammar.”
  23. Cheerilee shot her a smile. Applejack shot one back.
  24. “You graduated the year she retired, didn’t you?” Cheerilee asked.
  25. “That’s right. If I’d stayed one more year, you’d have been my teacher. I think I would have liked that.”
  26. “Oh, you would have?”
  27. “Sure,” said Applejack, grinning wider. “You’d have taught me all kinds of valuable lessons.”
  28. “What kind of lessons would you like to learn, Miss Applejack?”
  29. “Well, Ms. Cheerilee,” Applejack leaned forward, placing her elbows on the teacher’s desk. “I’d like to learn how to talk good.”
  30. “Hmm,” Cheerilee said, leaning in close herself. “Is there anything else you’d like to learn. Miss Applejack?”
  31. “Discipline,” she said, leaning closer.
  32. “Oooo,” said Cheerilee, leaning closer still. “You want discipline?”
  33. “No, Ms. Cheerilee,” Applejack whispered. “I need it.” Their faces were so close now. Applejack couldn’t help herself. She looked down at Cheerilee’s lips. The two of them were almost kissing. They looked so delicious. Her own mouth was watering. She watched as her grin slowly fell into a casual smile, and then was gone completely, replaced by haughtiness. Applejack looked back into her eyes. The hadn’t moved one iota.
  34. “I think we can do something about that, Miss Applejack,” Cheerilee said in a stern voice. Her hoof moved down below the top of the desk. Applejack could hear her sliding one of the drawers open. She pulled something out of the drawer and put it behind her back. She got up on her hind legs, and very slowly started walking around the desk. Her hooves clopped heavily on the classroom floor. She knew how to intimidate. Applejack followed her with her eyes.
  35. “Eyes forward!” Cheerilee commanded.
  36. Applejack’s eyes shot forward on impulse. She was looking at the chalkboard. The day’s lessons were still on it. She opened her eyes as wide as saucers, pretending to be a nervous schoolfilly. She sat up straight in the chair and put both hooves on her lap. She tried to hold back laughter.
  37. Cheerilee hopped up on the front of her desk. She supported herself with two hooves on her desk, leaning back a bit. She crossed her legs. Cheerilee looked down at Applejack, in a position of authority. Applejack couldn’t help but look at her legs. They were long and beautiful. Her calves were smooth and silky. Her thighs were just a little bit thick. One thigh ballooned just a bit where it was draped over her other leg. Cheerilee was still a young mare, but she wasn’t a teenager anymore. She was mature.
  38. “My eyes are up here, Miss Applejack,” she said.
  39. “I’m awful sorry, ma’am,” Applejack said. “But y’all got some pretty legs.”
  40. Cheerilee had to bite her own lip to keep from laughing. She had to admit to herself that AJ could play this game very well. And how the game would turn out would depend on how well they both could play their roles. Cheerilee took off her reading glasses.
  41. “Are you trying to flatter me, Miss Applejack?”
  42. “No, ma’am,” she shook her head.
  43. “You don’t think that bribery will get you out of punishment?”
  44. “No, ma’am.”
  45. “Your grammar is atrocious. How do you think you’ll rectify this situation?”
  46. Applejack stuck a leg up and waved it in the air.
  47. “Yes?” Cheerilee asked her class.
  48. “What does ‘rectify’ mean?” Applejack asked.
  49. Cheerilee rolled her eyes and made an exaggerated sigh. “What ‘rectify’ means is: how you gone fix the thing that done broke?”
  50. Applejack’s jaw dropped. That had actually hurt. Her eyes boggled when Cheerilee pulled out the thing that she had been holding behind her back. It was an old fashioned wooden paddle, the kind used for spanking. It was the worst sort too. It had large holes drilled into it, to minimize air resistance and maximize paddling speed, an old fashioned physics lesson.
  51. “Answer me, young lady,” Cheerilee commanded.
  52. “Well ma’am,” Applejack said, “Ah suppose I could do this.” She got up off the chair and got down on her knees in front of Cheerilee. She looked up at her with big “puppy dog” eyes, and laid a single kiss on the knee of the leg she had been admiring earlier.
  53. “Mmm,” said Cheerilee.
  54. “And ah’ll have ta give you one a these right here,” she kissed again a bit down her shin.
  55. “Ooo,” said Cheerilee.
  56. “And another one of them right here,” Applejack kissed her calf. It was a slower kiss this time, longer. Cheerilee reached up and pulled the hair pin out of her bun, her curls spilled out over her shoulders. Applejack continued kissing down her calf to her ankle. She nibbled her ankle for a bit. Cheerilee watched as Applejack kissed the bottom of her hoof, a sure sign of submission. Applejack was looking up at her he whole time.
  57. Cheerilee uncrossed her legs. Applejack started kissing the other one. She started with the bottom of the hoof, nibbled at the ankle, licked all the way up her calf. Cheerilee cooed at this. And AJ kissed her knee. She looked up at Cheerilee and blinked innocently several times.
  58. “You may continue your studies,” Cheerilee said.
  59. Applejack kissed the inside of her knee, right where it met her thigh. She kissed the other leg at the same spot, both her knees were still close together. She started to wedge her muzzle in between her legs. She peppered the inside of Cheerilee’s thighs with kisses. With each kiss, her knees grew further and further apart. Applejack bit at the thin layers of fat on Cheerilee’s thighs. She moaned. Applejack moved her front hooves underneath Cheerilee’s legs and placed them on the desk, raising her knees up into the air. Cheerilee laid backwards on her desk, knocking off papers and books onto the floor without a care in the world. A coffee mug filled with felt pens rolled to the floor and broke. She didn’t even notice. Her hind legs were high in the air now, and spread far apart.
  60. Applejack had a full view of Cheerilee’s pussy. It was a hot pink, contrasting with the rich magenta of her coat. Cheerilee’s rump was a few inches from the edge of the desk. AJ took hold of Cheerilee’s tail in her mouth, and pulled hard. She slid all the way right to the edge of the desk, a perfect position.
  61. “Ow!” Cheerilee said, “you insolent little brat. You’ll have to pay for that.”
  62. Applejack could clearly see that it had made Cheerilee wet. “Yes, ma’am,” she said. AJ took off her hat, then dove right in to eat. Cheerilee arched her back in ecstasy, her head falling back over the other side of the desk. She had a view of the chalk board, upside down. This had been a long standing fantasy of hers, being eaten out in her own classroom, on her own desk. Now her wish was being fulfilled. AJ was sticking her long, wide, rough tongue all the way in. She was tickling all around, paying special attention to her g-spot. Only a few seconds in, and Cheerilee felt like she was near orgasm. AJ pulled her tongue out and started caressing her clit with it. Both of Cheerilee’s rear hooves started kicking. She was screaming now. AJ licked her whole crotch, from ass to clit. Cheerilee was heaving her ass up into the air for more. Her screams turned to a series of high pitched wails. AJ only had to lick a few more times all the way up and down and Cheerilee came. Her orgasm lasted forever, AJ didn’t stop what she was doing. The wails gradually subsided into groaning, and then heavy breathing. From her vantage point, AJ could see her chest still pounding, her heart racing a mile a minute. Eventually, Cheerilee pulled her stiff neck up and looked down. AJ was resting her head just above her crotch, between her ample breasts, her nipples still erect. She had an innocent but proud looking smile on her face.
  63. “How’d I do, Teach?” she asked.
  64. “Oh, Applejack,” she sighted. “You get an ‘A’ for effort. You’re the teacher’s special pet today. What would you like as your reward?”
  65. AJ glanced down at the paddle still resting on her desk, and then looked back up.
  66. “Oh,” said Cheerilee, grinning. “Oh, you’re still a naughty little filly, aren’t you?”
  67. “Yes ma’am,” she said. “I mean, no ma’am.”
  68. “Double talk?” Cheerilee asked, sitting back up. “That’s a paddling. Get up there on the chalkboard.”
  69. “Yes, ma’am!” AJ said cheerfully. She trotted around the desk and placed her front hooves on it, her butt sticking out into the air. She reflexively tucked her tail between her hind legs, as she heard the heavy clopping of Ms. Cheerilee approaching her from behind.
  70. “I’m sorry I have to do this, Miss Applejack,” Cheerilee said. “But enough is enough. This is going to hurt me a lot more than it will hurt you.” She swung the paddle hard; it spanked across Applejack's full ass with a smack loud enough to echo through the classroom. AJ winced and grunted. Cheerilee swung again, another loud smack. A pink letter X began to grow beneath AJ’s coat where the paddle had struck.
  71. “Have you learned your lesson?”
  72. “No ma’am.”
  73. “Oh, is that some sass?” She spanked again. AJ’s long blonde tail twitched. “Oh, I see what you’re doing. You’re using your tail for cushion.” Cheerille reached with her muzzle between AJ’s legs. She reached up and grabbed her tail with her mouth. It was tucked up between AJ’s firm, freckled tits. She pulled it out with her mouth, exposing AJ’s pussy and asshole to the world. She took another swing, and another. Tears were streaming down AJ’s cheeks, but she was grinning from ear to ear. The pink splotches below her coat were turning red. Another swing. A thin streamer of vaginal fluid was sliding down between her legs to land on the floor below. Another swing.
  74. “I’m going to have you clean the chalkboard, for all the trouble you’ve caused,” Cheerilee said, the tail still between her teeth.
  75. AJ strained her neck forward and began to lick the board with her tongue. It left a dark green yet undeniably clean streak along the dusty chalkboard. Another swing, another. A small pool was collecting on the floor between AJ’s legs.
  76. Cheerilee let go of the tail with her mouth, she had to catch her breath from all the swinging. AJ was panting and moaning. Her chest was heaving. Cheerilee looked around for something new.
  77. “Look at the mess you’ve made,” she exclaimed, pointing to the mess of books and papers that she herself had shoved onto the floor. “Oh, you’ve broken my favorite coffee mug.” She picked up the mug labelled ‘world’s greatest teacher.’ The handle had broken off. There were colorful markers all over the floor.
  78. “Well, somebody’s going to have to pick these up,” she said. She picked one up herself with her mouth. It was thick, rounded on both ends. It had a bright purple cap. She turned around to Applejack, who was still splayed up on the chalk board. Her eyes were shut tight in concentration. Cheerilee ran the tip of the pen up AJ’s thigh. AJ’s eyes bulged at the surprise. She started to tickle her clit with it. AJ started moaning again. She ran it up the cleft of her pussy.
  79. “Oh no, Ms. Cheerilee,” AJ said, craning her neck around. “Not in my cooter. I’m just a young innocent virgin filly.”
  80. Cheerilee kept dragging the tip up until it reached her anus. She saw AJ smile out of the corner of her eye. She pushed it in. It slid in without trouble. She flicked it with her tongue and it wobbled up and down a bit.
  81. “Look at all these pens,” Cheerilee said. She picked up a green one, and slid that in as well. Then a blue, a red, an orange. With each pen, AJ’s ass grew wider and wider, her moaning louder and louder. She had to grit her teeth as Cheerilee slid the last one in. It was very tight. Cheerilee then grabbed a rubber band and tied the bunch together, so that when one moved, they all moved. She took the other end of it in her mouth and started working with it. She slid the whole thing in and out, side to side, round and round. AJ’s butt flexed and relaxed at the motion.
  82. “Wait, wait, wait,” AJ said. “I have an idea.”
  83. “What?”
  84. “Get back up on your desk. No, the other way, on your back.”
  85. Cheerilee got onto her back, her legs spread up in the air again. Their little role-playing game had been dropped, but neither really noticed. AJ started backing up between Cheerilee’s legs. Cheerilee finally got where AJ was going with this. Using her hooves, she guided the colorful capped end into her cunt. It served as a stubby, awkward double headed dildo. Both were cautious with it; neither wanted it ending up stuck inside them. AJ did the work, sliding it in and out of Cheerilee with short strokes, getting faster as she gained confidence. She whipped at Cheerilee’s tits with her tail.
  86. “Oh, god,” Cheerilee moaned, “where have you been all these years?”
  87. “Old lady Nag weren’t anything like you.”
  88. “Wasn’t,” Cheerilee moaned, “Not weren’t. It’s a...”
  89. There was a load knocking at the door.
  90. “Oh god,” Cheerilee whispered. “That’s Diamond Tiara’s parents.” AJ sprang forward, sliding the pens out of Cheerilee. She spun around in circles, beet red, not knowing what to do. Cheerilee leaped from the desk and started madly stacking books and loose papers on top. AJ ran around the desk, to collect her hat.
  91. Cheerilee took a second to square things away. “You ready?” she whispered. AJ nodded. Cheerilee started walking over the door. AJ suddenly realized she had a bunch of colorful markers sticking out of her ass. She whisked them out and, not knowing what to do with them, stuck them under her hat.
  92. Cheerilee swung the door open. “Oh, hello! Welcome,” she greeted the parents. They both came in to take a seat for their conference. “I believe you know Applejack, Apple Bloom’s older sister. She was just leaving. Applejack, these are Diamond Tiara’s parents.”
  93. “Howdy do,” she curtsied to both of them.
  94. Cheerilee ushered her out of the door. She stuck her head out and hissed into her face, “Young lady! You’re in big trouble! I’m giving you Saturday school. You be here bright and early tomorrow, and you’re gonna get it!” She closed the door in her face.
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