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Jun 27th, 2018
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  1. :iconhopesroadtodespair:
  3. <sub><code><div align="center"><i>“Afraid? I'm always afraid. But, I don't hold myself back. I go forward, being afraid. That's why I'm called <b>brave.</b>”</i></div>
  6. <b>PROFILE.</b>
  7. <blockquote><b>Name/Status:</b> Jasper, Muyskens
  8. <b>Nickname(s):</b> Jasp | Jaspy | Mouse
  9. <b>Gender:</b> Agender
  10. <b>Age:</b> Eighteen Years Old
  11. <b>Birthday:</b> July 23rd
  12. <b>Ethnicity:</b> Dutch
  13. <b>Nationality:</b> Dutch
  14. <b>Height:</b> 5'6" | 171 cm
  15. <b>Weight:</b> 142 Lb | 64.4 Kg
  16. <b>Blood Type:</b> O+</blockquote>
  17. <b>SCHOOL INFO.</b>
  18. <blockquote><b>Ultimate Talent:</b> Traceur
  19. <blockquote>This talent is one that is both hard to describe yet incredibly simple. It can be split into two categories, both of which Jasper is exceptionally talented in-- obviously. Parkour, being the first of the two, is the sport of moving along a route to get to a destination in the fastest way possible. Jasper runs, climbs, vaults, and rolls out of the way of obstacles in dense areas or high building tops to reach their destination. The point is to be as efficient as possible. When it comes to freerunning, the rules have changed. Freerunning is similar to parkour in that they run, climb, vault, and roll in between or out of the way of obstacles. In this case, however, there is no destination. Efficiency is thrown out of the window as it is just for show. Flips and tricks are added and it becomes an aesthetically pleasing type of sport for show.
  21. In both cases, having fluidity and speed in your movements is key. The point is to be adaptable to your environment and quick in decision of action. Otherwise, the course of motion is thrown off and injury is expected--- as there are no safety precautions involved.</blockquote>
  22. <b>Dangerousness Level:</b> Zero
  23. <b>Trial Skill:</b> Innocent Until Proven Guilty
  24. <blockquote>Jasper's personality is highly involved in this special skill. That is, giving all people a chance. Jasper is likely to try and help one accused on trial clear their name, especially if they don't believe the person is being rightfully accused. This skill can only be used once per trial--- for one person alone.
  25. When used, Jasper do their best to provide sufficient evidence against what the accuser may be saying to prove the accused guilty and engage in a logic battle with the accuser. If the correct evidence is provided, then the accuser may have to back off. This doesn't mean they won't vote the accused guilty, as if the evidence stacks up, there shouldn't be any arguments. This only means that Jasper doesn't believe in open and shut cases.
  26. If the evidence is not enough for the accuser to back off, then the skill has gone to waste, and Jasper will not be able to help anyone else in the rest of the trial.
  28. Everyone is innocent to them until proven otherwise. Voting guilty should be done with care and precision. After all, lives are on the line.</blockquote>
  29. <b>Inventory:</b>
  30. <blockquote><b>Bandages</b><blockquote>An assortment of colorful and, sometimes, cute bandages. Jasper brings these everywhere, stuffed away in their pockets. Not that they are particularly accident prone, but their sport can lead to injuries. Best to put a band aid on it if there's nothing else to do. Put on a band aid, get up, and deal with it. That's their philosophy.</blockquote><b>Rubber Bands</b><blockquote>Rubber bands. That's all they are. Jasper uses them to keep their hair up. They can also be used to flick at other people, but Jasper would never do that.</blockquote><b>Skateboard</b><blockquote>It's a skateboard. That's it. Nothing fancy. Just a regular wooden skateboard with grit.</blockquote><b>Rubik's Cube</b><blockquote>To help develop the mind, its a puzzle cube. Its almost never solved. It's just for fun.</blockquote><b>Wojtek</b><blockquote>Their pet parrot. His name has the root of war, but the name ultimately means joy! He's a chipper little thing.</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>
  31. <b>PERSONAL INFO.</b>
  32. <blockquote><b>Personality:</b>
  33. <div align="center"><b>[+]</b> Active | Daring | Careful | Loyal | Optimistic | Friendly
  34. <b>[=]</b> Goofy | Lighthearted | Outspoken
  35. <b>[-]</b> Excitable | Naive | Rowdy | Obvious | Ignorant</div>
  36. <blockquote>Jasper, one could say, is very energetic. One who prefers physical exercise to lackadaisical pursuit, they are often times found running about and playing strange types of sport. Their <b>activeness</b> is rather overbearing, at times, and often annoying as they find more and more activities to take part in. Their favorite activity, freerunning, would put them in quite a <b>daring</b> position. Climbing and jumping from buildings should and is considered quite a bold, adventurous, and somewhat dangerous thing to do-- especially just for fun. However, despite the dangers involved, Jasper is quite <b>careful.</b> Though it seems quite contradictory, nearly every motion Jasper takes is calculated and decisive. In quick time, they are able to switch routes based on what would seem to be the safer option. The whole point of their talent isn't to recklessly hurt themself but to navigate environments with precision.
  37. So what else is there? A lot more, obviously. Jasper isn't just some robot who does sports; they're a <b>friendly</b> dude. Yes, Jasper's pleasant attitude is one that draws others in. Rather than to ignore others or be a rude dude, they act in a kind and warm manner to nearly everyone. That is-- everyone who deserves it. When it comes down to their good friends, things become a bit more complicated. Jasper is very <b>loyal</b> to their friends. They're willing to defend and support them until the end, even if it means their own personal end. This loyalty is unwaning and irreplaceable. In the end, Jasper is undoubtedly hopeful and confident. Their cheerful <b>optimism</b> is almost as hard and blinding as a diamond.
  39. That being said, there's more to Jasper than happy-go-lucky friendship, isn't there? Kind of. It's true that Jasper is generally cheerful and high-spirited. Their <b>lightheartedness</b> is almost amusing, in a sense that they seem to have no problems. That's obviously not the case, as every person is flawed in one way or another, despite how loveable they may seem. One such point is their frank statement of opinion. While not tactless, Jasper is incredibly straightforward in their beliefs, even if it means getting on someone's bad side. While they'd rather not, it's always better to be honest and <b>outspoken</b> than to be a liar.
  41. So what? Jasper is a little outspoken and incredibly friendly. Well, be prepared because Jasper is kind of an idiot. When it comes to new things, environments, people, and the like, Jasper tends to be <b>excitable.</b> Too excitable. Rather, to the point where it can be incredibly and increasingly annoying, Jasper responds too readily and eagerly. It doesn't help that it's in their nature to be rough and tough around the edges. A <b>rowdy</b> kid, Jasper is quite loud and unorderly. Almost wild, they tend to push things too far when it comes playing violent. Not everyone is as resilient as Jasper, and they know this. They just tend to forget about it.
  42. Yes, their <b>naivety</b> is shown as their too trusting, too innocent, and too inexperienced to know when too far is too far. That goes both ways, as well, as it's hard for them to tell when someone's taking advantage of them or just being friendly and fun. Jasper is predictable and unsubtle. Their personality is as clear as day upon meeting. This <b>obvious</b> nature makes it incredibly easy to take advantage of the kid. When they're having doubts, one can see it. When they're lying? Oh boy, can you tell. It really is what you see is what you get with Jasper when it comes down to it.
  43. Jasper is an idiot. Downright a fool. They are lacking in substantial knowledge of education and sophistication. Not to say they don't know anything at all, but that they are, quite frankly, <b>ignorant.</b> They are completely loveable but completely childish, as they lack understanding or are uninformed of things that should be at least somewhat general.
  44. This <b>goofball</b> of a kid is, most certainly, completely gullible as they let others persuade them into doing one thing or believing another. Like a dog, they are lovable and fun, yet they are gullible and stupid.</blockquote>
  45. <b>Likes:</b>
  46. <blockquote><b>✔ People</b><blockquote>Jasper is very much a people person. It doesn't matter if they're cheery, gloomy, angry, or anything else. If they're a person, then Jasper will automatically try their best to be a good friend.</blockquote><b>✔ The Outdoors</b><blockquote>Having no electronics aside from a flip phone, Jasper spent most times outside. The fresh air is wonderful and the space to roam is amazing. Plus, parkour inside tends to get on people's nerves.</blockquote><b>✔ Animals</b><blockquote>No matter what, Jasper has always thought that animals were the cutest. Plus, their adaptability was always interesting to Jasper. People were definitely less adaptable than wild animals.</blockquote><b>✔ Dance</b><blockquote>Jasper does not dance. Not now, and likely not ever. However, they thoroughly enjoy watching all kinds of dance. It seems similar to parkour and freerunning in that of the fluid motion. Dance expresses emotion through the fluidity of the body, and Jasper respects the hell out of that.</blockquote><b>✔ Scars</b><blockquote>Blood and gore doesn't bother Jasper too much, as they were once often injured. Injuries can lead to scars, and Jasper, unfortunately, has none! They feel so unlucky as scars are super cool permanent marks to prove you're a badass. They supposed that they just aren't badass enough. Therefore, scars are cool, and if you have scars, Jasper is a fan.</blockquote></blockquote>
  47. <b>Dislikes:</b>
  48. <blockquote><b>✘ Television</b><blockquote>You'd think that if you didn't have something you're entire life, you would want it and love it when you got it. Well, not in Jasper's case. They watched a few shows at a friend's house when they were younger, and TV just doesn't entertain. Why watch someone's life when you can live your own?</blockquote><b>✘ Heels</b><blockquote>Must there be an explanation? They hurt, they're awful, and you can't run in them. Period.</blockquote><b>✘ Small Spaces</b><blockquote>Quite frankly, Jasper gets antsy and nervous in small spaces. The indoors don't bother them, but the small indoors do. There's no place to run and be active. It's suffocating and disgusting.</blockquote><b>✘ Mathematics</b><blockquote>Jasper... is not the smartest kid on the block. They have okay grades, but math. Math. Math is the creation of the devil to hurt children in the numbers of millions and make them doubt their success in life. Math is bullshit, and it is hard.</blockquote><b>✘ Clumsiness</b><blockquote>It's not cute by any standard in Jasper's book. The fluidity of motion. The carefulness of action. The calculating, deliberate course of decision is a beautiful sight. One of grace. Being a klutz is graceless. Being a ditz is a staggering, unsteady, and unintended course of action. It is not cute. It is awful.</blockquote></blockquote>
  49. <b>Hobbies:</b>
  50. <blockquote><b>Parkour/Freerunning</b><blockquote>This one is obvious, likely. Jasper enjoys spending their time doing the sport of freerunning and parkour. They had no access to electronic means of play at home, so outdoor activity was a must. Their jobs they worked around the city required them to be quick, so they began partaking in parkour. It soon became less training and more fun as they enjoyed the feeling of running fast and free. Being fluid and adaptable to the environment was always necessary in their crowded city, anyways.</blockquote><b>Puzzles</b><blockquote>When Jasper doesn't feel like being particularly active or is sick, they tend to enjoy puzzles. Particularly, they enjoy puzzles like Rubik's Cubes, sliders, and the like. Whilst they aren't too smart, they enjoy the challenges they pose, and they'd like to make themselves smarter in some way. Puzzles are the relaxing go to replacement to electronic games.</blockquote><b>Skateboarding</b><blockquote>While Jasper doesn't get to do this often, they really enjoy skateboarding. It's much like with freerunning how they feel fast and free, but they can do some different things on a skateboard. The tricks are different. You can ride practically vertically as if you're walking on walls. It makes Japser feel like they're doing the impossible. However, they never had a skateboard of their own until recently and only got to do the sport when the kids on the block lent them a skateboard.</blockquote></blockquote>
  51. <b>Known Languages:</b>
  52. <blockquote><b>Dutch (native)</b><blockquote>They were born and raised in the Netherlands. This one should be a given.</blockquote><b>English (fluent)</b><blockquote>Generally speaking, most people in the Netherlands fluently speak English. It's quite easy to pick up, though some phrases and metaphors escape their mind on occasion.</blockquote></blockquote>
  53. <b>BIO.</b>
  54. <blockquote>The Tragedy that swept over the world those years ago was one of hardship. It changed billions of peoples lives for the worst. The generations that lived through it suffered the worst, and Jasper's parents weren't an exception.
  56. They never really talked about it to Jasper-- what happened to them during the war, that is. It was likely a similar story to many others and one that Jasper would learn to stop questioning. The Tragedy left Jasper's parents to be distant. Distant from eachother. Distant from their child. Distant from everyone. That seemed to be the case for many people who lived through it. This distance left much to be desired, however, as the world is a social place. Human beings are social creatures. So when it came down to jobs, there were... few to pick from that their parents would feel safe doing, especially in the crowded city of Amsterdam, Netherlands. That left them with their financial issues. They were making just enough on their own to not qualify for any type of help. Yet, they were making the kind of amount that left them without television or internet access. Flip phones were practically the only 'fancy' electronic devices they owned, aside from perhaps a radio.
  58. The world was a better place now, though. A hopeful place! That's what it was in Jasper's eyes. They had food on their plates and love in their hearts, so they were never upset about their home life. Their parents encouraged them to play outside with other children and be somewhat independent, so that's just what Jasper did. There were plenty of children around the city to interact with. At first, they hung out children in their homes, but the lazy life of electronics made Jasper feel lethargic and disgusting. Jasper took to hanging out with the children that hung around the streets or parks. That's when they began to be really active. It was fun to run around with the other children: playing tag, hide and seek, and other made up games. Climbing trees in one of the parks was always an option and skateboarding was fun, too. Yes, there were plenty of things to do outside if you could think of it.
  60. Then, something happened that threw the family's little circle of harmony off. When Jasper was 13 years old, their baby sister, Aya, was born. The family loved the small girl as much as they loved eachother-- and that was quite a bit, mind you-- so that wasn't the issue. No. The issue was still their income. Before, they could provide for everyone in the family in a necessary way. Now that a baby was in the family, there needed to be budget changes. Frankly, there was not enough money in the budget to feed everyone and pay for all of the supplies needed for a baby. So, to help their loving family, Jasper decided to step up and start taking jobs. For a little while, jobs were sparse and paid little to nothing as Jasper was slow and a child. But soon enough, things began to change.
  62. Jasper began taking up free time away from jobs to start training. They began attempting to navigate the crowded streets faster and drawing out maps of faster routes around the city. As Jasper got older and faster, jobs became easier to get and wages soon began to rize. Jasper wanted to pay for their own needs, and they let their parents know this. Their parents were wary at first, but as they began to feed themself, they relented. Training began to take up all of Jaspers spare time, as they knew that they faster and more efficient they became: the more money they would make.
  64. They began doing more dangerous things, like climbing up buildings, jumping down stairwells, and the like. Injury was common at first, but the more they practiced, the better they got. It was called parkour, and that was the key. Jasper soon replaced their old training with parkour, and they were in business. Parkour was efficient, quick, and precise. It was the easiest way to get around, especially when they didn't even have to navigate through the crowds on the street. The money was always just enough, and that made Jasper and their family proud (even if the injuries made their parents incredibly nervous at first).
  66. People always say you should do the job you love or love the job you do, and that became a very true statement for Jasper. While the oddball jobs they did, which mostly consisted of delivery type work, weren't at all the fun kind, the way they did the job was absolutely the best in their eyes. Parkour was fun. It was a sport. It became less training and more hobby as the years went by and soon they were freerunning. No destination. No worries. Just having fun adapting to the environment and feeling free. Doing tricks for the hell of it was added in and soon the kids around the city began to take notice. Before, Jasper was just some kid who liked putting themself in danger to them, but now they were that kid who could do some really cool stuff. Videos were taken and passed around, some ending up on the internet, and Jasper's popularity began to spread throughout the community.
  68. Then, there it was. A knock on the door and an invitation to Future Road's Academy. Jasper was hesitant, but even if there was a choice, they knew they would've taken it. They took that day to cut off all jobs with certainty and pack their things. They gave their love to their family and set their course to the Academy soon enough.
  70. Ultimate Traceur--- they never would've thought it were possible.</blockquote></blockquote>
  71. <b>EXTRA.</b>
  72. <blockquote><b>VA:</b> TBA
  73. <b>Mix:</b> Never Give Up
  75. <b>Trivia:</b>
  76. <blockquote>▹ Platonic hugs, hand holding, kisses, and the like are big with Jasper. Get ready if you become friends with them.
  77. ▹ Was biologically born as female, but they are just Jasper. Pronouns don't matter because... they are Jasper.
  78. ▹ Often chases after the friendship of those who are solitary or gloomy. They feel that if they become friends, the person might become happier or more talkative. If not, then they just gain another valuable person in their life.
  79. ▹ Very bad at math. Don't even ask.
  80. ▹ Actually has perfectly white and straight teeth.
  81. ▹ Quite strong. They can lift at least their own weight, mostly because they have to do parkour.</blockquote><b>Roleplay Information:</b>
  82. <blockquote><b>Status:</b> OPEN
  83. <b>Ways of Contact:</b> Discord/Docs
  84. <b>Style:</b> Lit/Semi-Lit/HC
  85. <b>Shipping:</b> Yes!!
  86. <b>Headcanon:</b> Yes!!
  87. <b>Timezone:</b> EST
  88. <b>Availability:</b> I'm typically available. It varies. Just message me whenever for RPs~</blockquote></blockquote></code></sub>
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