
The Bookstore shit

Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Bewbs.))
  2. Covet: [XD]
  3. Covet: Cadence walked into the place seeming to be in a decent mood, compared to how she had been, but she was pretty focused about coming here to pick up some magazines. She parked the hummer and got out, making her way to the doors, turning around for Remy, "Hurry! I need to get this months issue before the end of the month and they pull it." She said as if there wasn't three more days to the month.
  4. Tsaaq: ((Fuck, right in here.))
  5. Covet: [o.o]
  6. Tsaaq: Remy was dragging his feet as he walked behind her. "I know. I'm here." He said in a monotone, he looked down as he went into the bookstore. He remained close to Cadence as they walked towards the magazine rack. "There isn't like... A punk version of this magazine?" He asked listlessly.
  7. Covet: "A punk magazine? For Weddings? I mean.. There might be I guess." Cadence said as she walked to the magazine rack with him, "There's supposed to be a dress, in this one issue.. that I thought would be perfect for well.. everything we've talked about already."
  8. Tsaaq: "Probably a very limited market. And it probably wouldn't be sold in a place like this..." Remy trailed off as he looked up and down the rack. "Well... I trust you and whatever you've got in mind." He put his arms around her shoulders.
  9. Artificer: Ben stepped into the bookstore, backpack slung over one shoulder. He headed to the non-fiction section, browsing through the shelves, not really looking for anything in particular. He looked over, hearing Remy and Cadance speaking. He let out a sigh and went back to scanning the shelves.
  10. Covet: "Indeed." She scanned the racks and grabbed the magazine flipping it open to the index then started frantically going through until she found the page, "There it is... It's perfect... the jewel accents on the lace, that cut and fit." She said her eyes lighting up at the image in the magazine, "It will make my tits look fucking amazing, and my ass." Cadence turned to Remy then showed him the pictures of the front and back, then spotted Ben, "Oh.. Romeo's here, lucky us." [ ]
  11. Tsaaq: Remy nodded her head as she listed then things, completely clueless. "Yeah..." he trailed off before smiling and kissing her forehead. Knowing damn well he only paid attention to the last part of her sentence. He turned to look over at Ben then back to Cadence. "Okay so he wrote a thing on squawks but I skimmed it. And it was like. Someshit about someshit, he still loves somebody." He shrugged.
  12. Artificer: Ben pulled a book off the shelf and began reading the back. He glanced up feeling eyes on him, "I can't go anywhere in this town without running into a damn Berkoff." He teased as he forced a chuckle. "Hows it going?" He asked the two, going through the motions of echanging pleasantries.
  13. Covet: Cadence clutched the magazine in her arms and pulled a couple others in regards to decorations and other wedding shit, listening to Remy, she turned around, "That somebody is your sister, you realize that right?" She asked him, glancing over to Ben, "Have you talked to Hayley at all lately?" She asked Remy, then realized Ben was walking up to them, "Better everyday. How's the reaclimation to Portland?"
  14. Tsaaq: "Oh." He muttered, blinking a moment. "Shit." He murmured. He knew Sasha told him to check on Hayley. He rose his eyebrows and turned to Ben, giving him a wave. "Yeah what's up man?"
  15. Artificer: "It's uh, well it's going." Ben replied, scratching the back of his head. He looked down at the magazine Cadence had and raised his brows. "Are you guys getting married?" He asked as he looked between the two of them.
  16. Covet: "Cadence looked down at the magazines and smiled, "Yeah, we've been engaged since April of last year, slowly getting things put together." Cadence said, leaning into Remy with a soft smile on her face. "He proposed in Tijuana during spring break."
  17. Tsaaq: Remy opened his mouth to speak. "None of your fu-" He stopped when he heard Cadence speak. Remy turned away and gave a slow nod. "Yep. So now we're getting married and we're gonna live happily ever after."
  18. Artificer: Ben raised a brow at Remy's reaction. "Oookay. Is there a problem?" Ben asked before taking a step back. "You know what, nevermind. Im just going to go back to reading." He said holding up the book in his hand. "Congrats Cadence." He turned and started walking towards an empty seat.
  19. Covet: Cadence looked at Remy, not realizing that their engagement and what not wasn't publick knowledge. At least at this point. "Thanks, Ben." She watched him walk off, and looked to Remy, "You okay Stud Muffin?" She asked him, putting her hand on his arm.
  20. Tsaaq: "Hey man I didn't mean it like that." Remy sighed as Ben began to walk away. He turned to her then he nodded his head. "Nah, I'm fine. You just know how I get sometimes." He muttered. "I got defensive for a moment. I don't know. I don't know what type of shit he's up to."
  21. Artificer: Ben plopped down in his seat then dug into his pocket, pulling out a little cellophane wrapper from a pack of cigarettes Inside were a couple pills. Ben pulled one out and tossed it in his mouth, swallowing it dry. He didnt bother looking up at Remy, he just flipped him the bird as he opened the book and began reading.
  22. Covet: "Well, he's right there if you want to ask him about it." Cadence said, with a slight nudge. "It couldn't hurt to find out, for Hayley's sake at least, of which I hope you are going to check in with her..." She trailed off looking at him with a soft look, before glancing over at Ben as he popped a couple of pills and flipped them off. "Well then."
  23. Tsaaq: He furrowed his eyebrows at Ben. "Wow, what a fucking dick?" He murmured then turned to cadence. "Obviously he's a shit and he's not going anywhere near her because there's only so many times a person can try to off themselves and not be successful. If she's in a shitty place she might get it right." He said angrily. "Come on, let me get your shit."
  24. Covet: "Yeah... " Cadence said listening to him, she dropped her head and made her way over to the register with the magazines. "What if he's already talked to her?" She asked setting them down so they could be scanned and all that, biting the inside of her cheek.
  25. Artificer: Ben flipped through a couple more pages before closing the book and standing up. "Well that book is shit." He said as he walked back to the shelf and put it away. He scanned the shelves a bit more before he spotted a book that he knew. "Nice." whispered to himself before turning and walking towards the register, standing behind the lovebirds, waiting for them to finish.
  26. Tsaaq: Remy put the magizine down on the counter and went to go through his wallet. He looked over his shoulder at Ben then gave Cadence a look. "If he's already talked to her?" He repeated then handed over his card to the cashier. "Then we're gonna have to have a talk." He told her sternly. "And by talk I mean..." He trailed off then shook his head. "I mean talk. No fighting." He corrected himself quickly.
  27. Covet: "Hey, if you have to do some ass kicking, I completely understand and wont judge. It's nice to be a pacifist and all, but sometimes a good ass kicking is what's deserved." She said taking the magazines back as they were rang up. She looked over her shoulder seeing Ben behind them and cleared her throat.
  28. Artificer: Ben sighed, watching the two in front of him. He saw Cadence look back at him and then clear her throat. He bit the inside of his cheek before finally opening his mouth. "So, is Adam good to her?" He asked, feeling sick at the thought of her with someone else.
  29. Tsaaq: "No ass kicking." He told her sternly then took his card and the plastic bag given to them. "I guess. Better than the others." Remy shrugged "No relationship is perfect." He replied, giving very general answers. "Plus I don't really know a lot about the relationship you're asking the wrong person..." He cleared his throat.
  30. Covet: "He does the best he can, without bailing on her. I think that says a lot about him." Cadence said adding a little salt to the wound. " He seems to be pretty patient with her too, Why.. What's your angle here Ben?" Cadence said crossing her arms. "Because if you hurt her...anymore than you already have, you're gonig to sorely regret it."
  31. Artificer: Ben looked down at the ground, closing her eyes for a second. "I just want her to be happy." He said before looking back up at them. "I already regret it." He added, he looked down at the book in his hand, finding it diffcult to make eye contact with them.
  32. Tsaaq: Remy nudged Cadence with his elbow and widened his eyes at her before looking to Ben. "Hey man. We all have shit we reget. It's human." He said, completely avoiding the happy comment. "But she's not in a very uh..." He paused. "Listen dude. It's okay she'll be happy." He shrugged, taking the bag and inching away from the counter.
  33. Covet: "Yeah, just... be careful. She's.. still pretty vulnerable." Cadence said giving away as much information as she could. "We're going to take off, but... really. Be careful." She said taking Remy's hand so they could actually walk towards the door instead of slinking that direction.
  34. Tsaaq: ((regret***))
  35. Artificer: "I will." Ben said, before walking up to the register to buy his book. "Thanks." He sighed and pulled out his wallet as he was rung up.
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