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JunitTest_forms_unoapi_1 error log

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Mar 11th, 2018
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  1. [build JUT] forms_unoapi_1
  2. [build JUT] forms_unoapi_2
  3. JUnit version 4.10
  4. .OOoRunner Main() version from 20101118 (yyyymmdd)
  5. TestJob: -sce C:/cygwin/home/luke/lode/dev/core/chart2/qa/unoapi/sch.sce
  6. Connecting the Office with uno:pipe,name=oootest73839774-7b1e-4887-9566-5618f37459e7;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager
  7. Creating: sch.ChXChartDocument
  8. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:36
  9. LOG> creating a chartdocument
  10. LOG> Waiting before opening second document
  11. LOG> getting ChartDocument
  12. LOG> creating a new environment for chartdocument object
  13. LOG> Adding SelectionSupplier and Shape to select for XModel
  14. LOG> adding Controller as ObjRelation for XModel
  15. LOG> adding another Diagram as mod relation to environment
  16. LOG> adding another ChartData as mod relation to environment
  17. Environment created
  18. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:39
  19. checking: [sch.ChXChartDocument::com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.chart._ChartDocument]
  20. LOG> Execute: HasMainTitle
  21. LOG> try to set:
  22. LOG> old = true
  23. LOG> new = false
  24. LOG> Property 'HasMainTitle' OK
  25. LOG> result = false
  26. Method HasMainTitle finished with state OK
  27. LOG> HasMainTitle: COMPLETED.OK
  29. LOG> Execute: HasSubTitle
  30. LOG> try to set:
  31. LOG> old = false
  32. LOG> new = true
  33. LOG> Property 'HasSubTitle' OK
  34. LOG> result = true
  35. Method HasSubTitle finished with state OK
  36. LOG> HasSubTitle: COMPLETED.OK
  38. LOG> Execute: HasLegend
  39. LOG> try to set:
  40. LOG> old = true
  41. LOG> new = false
  42. LOG> Property 'HasLegend' OK
  43. LOG> result = false
  44. Method HasLegend finished with state OK
  45. LOG> HasLegend: COMPLETED.OK
  46. ***** State for sch.ChXChartDocument::com::sun::star::chart::ChartDocument ******
  47. Whole service: COMPLETED.OK
  48. *********************************************************************************
  49. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:39
  50. checking: [sch.ChXChartDocument::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.beans._XPropertySet]
  51. LOG> Execute: getPropertySetInfo()
  52. Method getPropertySetInfo() finished with state OK
  53. LOG> Property 'AdditionalShapes' is READONLY
  54. LOG> Getting: true
  55. LOG> Setting to :false
  56. LOG> Getting: true
  57. LOG> Setting to :false
  58. LOG> Getting: true
  59. LOG> Setting to :false
  60. LOG> Getting: true
  61. LOG> Setting to :false
  62. LOG> Getting: false
  63. LOG> Setting to :true
  64. LOG> Getting: false
  65. LOG> Setting to :true
  66. LOG> Getting: true
  67. LOG> Setting to :false
  68. LOG> Getting: true
  69. LOG> Setting to :false
  70. LOG> getPropertySetInfo(): COMPLETED.OK
  72. LOG> Execute: setPropertyValue()
  73. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  74. LOG> try to change value of property 'DataSourceLabelsInFirstColumn'
  75. LOG> try to change value of property 'EnableComplexChartTypes'
  76. LOG> try to change value of property 'EnableDataTableDialog'
  77. LOG> try to change value of property 'HasLegend'
  78. LOG> try to change value of property 'HasMainTitle'
  79. LOG> try to change value of property 'HasSubTitle'
  80. LOG> try to change value of property 'RefreshAddInAllowed'
  81. Method setPropertyValue() finished with state OK
  82. LOG> setPropertyValue(): COMPLETED.OK
  84. LOG> Execute: getPropertyValue()
  85. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  86. Method getPropertyValue() finished with state OK
  87. LOG> getPropertyValue(): COMPLETED.OK
  89. LOG> Execute: addPropertyChangeListener()
  90. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  91. LOG> *** No bound properties found ***
  92. Method addPropertyChangeListener() finished with state OK
  93. LOG> addPropertyChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  95. LOG> Execute: removePropertyChangeListener()
  96. LOG> starting required method: addPropertyChangeListener()
  97. LOG> *** No bound properties found ***
  98. Method removePropertyChangeListener() finished with state OK
  99. LOG> removePropertyChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  101. LOG> Execute: addVetoableChangeListener()
  102. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  103. LOG> *** No constrained properties found ***
  104. Method addVetoableChangeListener() finished with state OK
  105. LOG> addVetoableChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  107. LOG> Execute: removeVetoableChangeListener()
  108. LOG> starting required method: addVetoableChangeListener()
  109. LOG> *** No constrained properties found ***
  110. Method removeVetoableChangeListener() finished with state OK
  111. LOG> removeVetoableChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  112. LOG> closing xChartDoc
  113. LOG> closing xChartDoc2
  114. ***** State for sch.ChXChartDocument::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet ******
  115. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  116. ********************************************************************************
  117. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:40
  118. Creating: sch.ChXChartDocument
  119. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:40
  120. LOG> creating a chartdocument
  121. LOG> Waiting before opening second document
  122. LOG> getting ChartDocument
  123. LOG> creating a new environment for chartdocument object
  124. LOG> Adding SelectionSupplier and Shape to select for XModel
  125. LOG> adding Controller as ObjRelation for XModel
  126. LOG> adding another Diagram as mod relation to environment
  127. LOG> adding another ChartData as mod relation to environment
  128. Environment created
  129. checking: [sch.ChXChartDocument::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.lang._XComponent]
  130. LOG> Execute: dispose()
  131. LOG> Execute: removeEventListener()
  132. LOG> Execute: addEventListener()
  133. LOG> addEventListener(): null
  135. LOG> Thread[main,5,main] is removing EL ifc.lang._XComponent$MyEventListener2@60f82f98
  136. LOG> removeEventListener(): null
  138. LOG> begin dispose in thread Thread[main,5,main]
  139. LOG> Thread[main,5,main] is DISPOSING EV1ifc.lang._XComponent$MyEventListener@67b64c45
  140. LOG> end disposeThread[main,5,main]
  141. Method addEventListener() finished with state OK
  142. Method removeEventListener() finished with state OK
  143. Method dispose() finished with state OK
  144. LOG> dispose(): COMPLETED.OK
  145. LOG> closing xChartDoc
  146. Couldn't close document
  147. LOG> closing xChartDoc2
  148. ***** State for sch.ChXChartDocument::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent ******
  149. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  150. *****************************************************************************
  151. ***** State for sch.ChXChartDocument ******
  152. Whole component: COMPLETED(with known issues).OK
  153. *******************************************
  154. Creating: sch.ChXChartAxis
  155. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:44
  156. LOG> creating a chartdocument
  157. LOG> getting Diagram
  158. LOG> getting ChartAxis
  159. LOG> creating a new environment for chartdocument object
  160. Environment created
  161. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:45
  162. checking: [sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxis] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.chart._ChartAxis]
  163. LOG> Execute: Max
  164. LOG> try to set:
  165. LOG> old = 12.0
  166. LOG> new = 29.8
  167. LOG> Property Max is void
  168. LOG> Property 'Max' OK
  169. LOG> result = 29.8
  170. Method Max finished with state OK
  173. LOG> Execute: Min
  174. LOG> try to set:
  175. LOG> old = -0.1999999999999993
  176. LOG> new = 17.6
  177. LOG> Property Min is void
  178. LOG> Property 'Min' OK
  179. LOG> result = 17.6
  180. Method Min finished with state OK
  183. LOG> Execute: Origin
  184. LOG> try to set:
  185. LOG> old = 0.0
  186. LOG> new = 17.8
  187. LOG> Property Origin is void
  188. LOG> Property 'Origin' OK
  189. LOG> result = 17.8
  190. Method Origin finished with state OK
  191. LOG> Origin: COMPLETED.OK
  193. LOG> Execute: StepMain
  194. LOG> try to set:
  195. LOG> old = 2.0
  196. LOG> new = 3.96
  197. LOG> Property StepMain is void
  198. LOG> Property 'StepMain' OK
  199. LOG> result = 3.96
  200. Method StepMain finished with state OK
  201. LOG> StepMain: COMPLETED.OK
  203. LOG> Execute: StepHelp
  204. LOG> try to set:
  205. LOG> old = 10.0
  206. LOG> new = 27.8
  207. LOG> Property StepHelp is void
  208. LOG> Value for 'StepHelp' hasn't changed as expected
  209. LOG> result = 33.333333333333336
  210. LOG> But it has changed.
  211. Method StepHelp finished with state OK
  212. LOG> StepHelp: COMPLETED.OK
  214. LOG> Execute: AutoMax
  215. LOG> try to set:
  216. LOG> old = false
  217. LOG> new = true
  218. LOG> Property 'AutoMax' OK
  219. LOG> result = true
  220. Method AutoMax finished with state OK
  221. LOG> AutoMax: COMPLETED.OK
  223. LOG> Execute: AutoMin
  224. LOG> try to set:
  225. LOG> old = false
  226. LOG> new = true
  227. LOG> Property 'AutoMin' OK
  228. LOG> result = true
  229. Method AutoMin finished with state OK
  230. LOG> AutoMin: COMPLETED.OK
  232. LOG> Execute: AutoOrigin
  233. LOG> try to set:
  234. LOG> old = false
  235. LOG> new = true
  236. LOG> Property 'AutoOrigin' OK
  237. LOG> result = true
  238. Method AutoOrigin finished with state OK
  239. LOG> AutoOrigin: COMPLETED.OK
  241. LOG> Execute: AutoStepMain
  242. LOG> try to set:
  243. LOG> old = false
  244. LOG> new = true
  245. LOG> Property 'AutoStepMain' OK
  246. LOG> result = true
  247. Method AutoStepMain finished with state OK
  248. LOG> AutoStepMain: COMPLETED.OK
  250. LOG> Execute: AutoStepHelp
  251. LOG> try to set:
  252. LOG> old = false
  253. LOG> new = true
  254. LOG> Property 'AutoStepHelp' OK
  255. LOG> result = true
  256. Method AutoStepHelp finished with state OK
  257. LOG> AutoStepHelp: COMPLETED.OK
  259. LOG> Execute: Logarithmic
  260. LOG> try to set:
  261. LOG> old = false
  262. LOG> new = true
  263. LOG> Property 'Logarithmic' OK
  264. LOG> result = true
  265. Method Logarithmic finished with state OK
  266. LOG> Logarithmic: COMPLETED.OK
  268. LOG> Execute: DisplayLabels
  269. LOG> try to set:
  270. LOG> old = true
  271. LOG> new = false
  272. LOG> Property 'DisplayLabels' OK
  273. LOG> result = false
  274. Method DisplayLabels finished with state OK
  275. LOG> DisplayLabels: COMPLETED.OK
  277. LOG> Execute: TextRotation
  278. LOG> try to set:
  279. LOG> old = 0
  280. LOG> new = 5
  281. LOG> Property 'TextRotation' OK
  282. LOG> result = 5
  283. Method TextRotation finished with state OK
  284. LOG> TextRotation: COMPLETED.OK
  286. LOG> Execute: Marks
  287. LOG> try to set:
  288. LOG> old = 2
  289. LOG> new = 7
  290. LOG> Property 'Marks' OK
  291. LOG> result = 7
  292. Method Marks finished with state OK
  293. LOG> Marks: COMPLETED.OK
  295. LOG> Execute: HelpMarks
  296. LOG> try to set:
  297. LOG> old = 0
  298. LOG> new = 5
  299. LOG> Property 'HelpMarks' OK
  300. LOG> result = 5
  301. Method HelpMarks finished with state OK
  302. LOG> HelpMarks: COMPLETED.OK
  304. LOG> Execute: Overlap
  305. LOG> try to set:
  306. LOG> old = 0
  307. LOG> new = 5
  308. LOG> Property 'Overlap' OK
  309. LOG> result = 5
  310. Method Overlap finished with state OK
  311. LOG> Overlap: COMPLETED.OK
  313. LOG> Execute: GapWidth
  314. LOG> try to set:
  315. LOG> old = 100
  316. LOG> new = 105
  317. LOG> Property 'GapWidth' OK
  318. LOG> result = 105
  319. Method GapWidth finished with state OK
  320. LOG> GapWidth: COMPLETED.OK
  322. LOG> Execute: ArrangeOrder
  323. LOG> try to set:
  324. LOG> old =
  325. LOG> new =
  326. LOG> Property 'ArrangeOrder' OK
  327. LOG> result =
  328. Method ArrangeOrder finished with state OK
  329. LOG> ArrangeOrder: COMPLETED.OK
  331. LOG> Execute: TextBreak
  332. LOG> try to set:
  333. LOG> old = false
  334. LOG> new = true
  335. LOG> Property 'TextBreak' OK
  336. LOG> result = true
  337. Method TextBreak finished with state OK
  338. LOG> TextBreak: COMPLETED.OK
  340. LOG> Execute: TextCanOverlap
  341. LOG> try to set:
  342. LOG> old = false
  343. LOG> new = true
  344. LOG> Property 'TextCanOverlap' OK
  345. LOG> result = true
  346. Method TextCanOverlap finished with state OK
  347. LOG> TextCanOverlap: COMPLETED.OK
  349. LOG> Execute: NumberFormat
  350. LOG> try to set:
  351. LOG> old = 0
  352. LOG> new = 5
  353. LOG> Property 'NumberFormat' OK
  354. LOG> result = 5
  355. Method NumberFormat finished with state OK
  356. LOG> NumberFormat: COMPLETED.OK
  357. ***** State for sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxis ******
  358. Whole service: COMPLETED.OK
  359. *************************************************************************
  360. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:49
  361. checking: [sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::drawing::LineProperties] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.drawing._LineProperties]
  362. LOG> Execute: LineStyle
  363. LOG> try to set:
  364. LOG> old =
  365. LOG> new =
  366. LOG> Property 'LineStyle' OK
  367. LOG> result =
  368. Method LineStyle finished with state OK
  369. LOG> LineStyle: COMPLETED.OK
  371. LOG> Execute: LineDash
  372. LOG> changing initially empty MAYBEVOID properties is not supported by the test framework so far - skip test of property: LineDash
  373. Method LineDash finished with state OK
  374. LOG> LineDash: COMPLETED.OK
  376. LOG> Execute: LineColor
  377. LOG> try to set:
  378. LOG> old = 11776947
  379. LOG> new = 11776952
  380. LOG> Property 'LineColor' OK
  381. LOG> result = 11776952
  382. Method LineColor finished with state OK
  383. LOG> LineColor: COMPLETED.OK
  385. LOG> Execute: LineTransparence
  386. LOG> try to set:
  387. LOG> old = 0
  388. LOG> new = 1
  389. LOG> Property 'LineTransparence' OK
  390. LOG> result = 1
  391. Method LineTransparence finished with state OK
  392. LOG> LineTransparence: COMPLETED.OK
  394. LOG> Execute: LineWidth
  395. LOG> try to set:
  396. LOG> old = 0
  397. LOG> new = 5
  398. LOG> Property 'LineWidth' OK
  399. LOG> result = 5
  400. Method LineWidth finished with state OK
  401. LOG> LineWidth: COMPLETED.OK
  403. LOG> Execute: LineJoint
  404. LOG> try to set:
  405. LOG> old =
  406. LOG> new =
  407. LOG> Property 'LineJoint' OK
  408. LOG> result =
  409. Method LineJoint finished with state OK
  410. LOG> LineJoint: COMPLETED.OK
  412. LOG> Execute: LineStartName
  413. LOG> Testing with custom Property tester
  414. LOG> Property 'LineStartName' is optional and not supported
  415. Method LineStartName finished with state OK
  416. LOG> LineStartName: COMPLETED.OK
  418. LOG> Execute: LineStart
  419. LOG> Property 'LineStart' is optional and not supported
  420. Method LineStart finished with state OK
  421. LOG> LineStart: COMPLETED.OK
  423. LOG> Execute: LineEnd
  424. LOG> Property 'LineEnd' is optional and not supported
  425. Method LineEnd finished with state OK
  426. LOG> LineEnd: COMPLETED.OK
  428. LOG> Execute: LineStartCenter
  429. LOG> Property 'LineStartCenter' is optional and not supported
  430. Method LineStartCenter finished with state OK
  431. LOG> LineStartCenter: COMPLETED.OK
  433. LOG> Execute: LineStartWidth
  434. LOG> Property 'LineStartWidth' is optional and not supported
  435. Method LineStartWidth finished with state OK
  436. LOG> LineStartWidth: COMPLETED.OK
  438. LOG> Execute: LineEndCenter
  439. LOG> Property 'LineEndCenter' is optional and not supported
  440. Method LineEndCenter finished with state OK
  441. LOG> LineEndCenter: COMPLETED.OK
  443. LOG> Execute: LineEndWidth
  444. LOG> Property 'LineEndWidth' is optional and not supported
  445. Method LineEndWidth finished with state OK
  446. LOG> LineEndWidth: COMPLETED.OK
  447. ***** State for sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::drawing::LineProperties ******
  448. Whole service: COMPLETED.OK
  449. ********************************************************************************
  450. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:50
  451. checking: [sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::style::CharacterProperties] is iface: [] testcode: []
  452. LOG> Execute: CharFontName
  453. LOG> try to set:
  454. LOG> old = Liberation Sans
  455. LOG> new = Times New Roman
  456. LOG> Property 'CharFontName' OK
  457. LOG> result = Times New Roman
  458. Method CharFontName finished with state OK
  459. LOG> CharFontName: COMPLETED.OK
  461. LOG> Execute: CharFontStyleName
  462. LOG> try to set:
  463. LOG> old =
  464. LOG> new = New
  465. LOG> Property CharFontStyleName is void
  466. LOG> Property 'CharFontStyleName' OK
  467. LOG> result = New
  468. Method CharFontStyleName finished with state OK
  469. LOG> CharFontStyleName: COMPLETED.OK
  471. LOG> Execute: CharFontFamily
  472. LOG> try to set:
  473. LOG> old = 5
  474. LOG> new = 6
  475. LOG> Property 'CharFontFamily' OK
  476. LOG> result = 6
  477. Method CharFontFamily finished with state OK
  478. LOG> CharFontFamily: COMPLETED.OK
  480. LOG> Execute: CharFontCharSet
  481. LOG> try to set:
  482. LOG> old = 1
  483. LOG> new = 2
  484. LOG> Property 'CharFontCharSet' OK
  485. LOG> result = 2
  486. Method CharFontCharSet finished with state OK
  487. LOG> CharFontCharSet: COMPLETED.OK
  489. LOG> Execute: CharFontPitch
  490. LOG> try to set:
  491. LOG> old = 2
  492. LOG> new = 3
  493. LOG> Property 'CharFontPitch' OK
  494. LOG> result = 3
  495. Method CharFontPitch finished with state OK
  496. LOG> CharFontPitch: COMPLETED.OK
  498. LOG> Execute: CharColor
  499. LOG> try to set:
  500. LOG> old = -1
  501. LOG> new = 4
  502. LOG> Property 'CharColor' OK
  503. LOG> result = 4
  504. Method CharColor finished with state OK
  505. LOG> CharColor: COMPLETED.OK
  507. LOG> Execute: CharEscapement
  508. LOG> changing initially empty MAYBEVOID properties is not supported by the test framework so far - skip test of property: CharEscapement
  509. Method CharEscapement finished with state OK
  510. LOG> CharEscapement: COMPLETED.OK
  512. LOG> Execute: CharHeight
  513. LOG> try to set:
  514. LOG> old = 10.0
  515. LOG> new = 20.0
  516. LOG> Property 'CharHeight' OK
  517. LOG> result = 20.0
  518. Method CharHeight finished with state OK
  519. LOG> CharHeight: COMPLETED.OK
  521. LOG> Execute: CharUnderline
  522. LOG> try to set:
  523. LOG> old = 0
  524. LOG> new = 1
  525. LOG> Property 'CharUnderline' OK
  526. LOG> result = 1
  527. Method CharUnderline finished with state OK
  528. LOG> CharUnderline: COMPLETED.OK
  530. LOG> Execute: CharWeight
  531. LOG> try to set:
  532. LOG> old = 100.0
  533. LOG> new = 150.0
  534. LOG> Property 'CharWeight' OK
  535. LOG> result = 150.0
  536. Method CharWeight finished with state OK
  537. LOG> CharWeight: COMPLETED.OK
  539. LOG> Execute: CharPosture
  540. LOG> try to set:
  541. LOG> old =
  542. LOG> new =
  543. LOG> Property 'CharPosture' OK
  544. LOG> result =
  545. Method CharPosture finished with state OK
  546. LOG> CharPosture: COMPLETED.OK
  548. LOG> Execute: CharAutoKerning
  549. LOG> try to set:
  550. LOG> old = true
  551. LOG> new = false
  552. LOG> Property CharAutoKerning is void
  553. LOG> Property 'CharAutoKerning' OK
  554. LOG> result = false
  555. Method CharAutoKerning finished with state OK
  556. LOG> CharAutoKerning: COMPLETED.OK
  558. LOG> Execute: CharBackColor
  559. LOG> Property 'CharBackColor' is optional and not supported
  560. Method CharBackColor finished with state OK
  561. LOG> CharBackColor: COMPLETED.OK
  563. LOG> Execute: CharBackTransparent
  564. LOG> Property 'CharBackTransparent' is optional and not supported
  565. Method CharBackTransparent finished with state OK
  566. LOG> CharBackTransparent: COMPLETED.OK
  568. LOG> Execute: CharCaseMap
  569. LOG> Property 'CharCaseMap' is optional and not supported
  570. Method CharCaseMap finished with state OK
  571. LOG> CharCaseMap: COMPLETED.OK
  573. LOG> Execute: CharCrossedOut
  574. LOG> Property 'CharCrossedOut' is optional and not supported
  575. Method CharCrossedOut finished with state OK
  576. LOG> CharCrossedOut: COMPLETED.OK
  578. LOG> Execute: CharFlash
  579. LOG> Property 'CharFlash' is optional and not supported
  580. Method CharFlash finished with state OK
  581. LOG> CharFlash: COMPLETED.OK
  583. LOG> Execute: CharStrikeout
  584. LOG> try to set:
  585. LOG> old = 0
  586. LOG> new = 1
  587. LOG> Property 'CharStrikeout' OK
  588. LOG> result = 1
  589. Method CharStrikeout finished with state OK
  590. LOG> CharStrikeout: COMPLETED.OK
  592. LOG> Execute: CharWordMode
  593. LOG> try to set:
  594. LOG> old = false
  595. LOG> new = true
  596. LOG> Property 'CharWordMode' OK
  597. LOG> result = true
  598. Method CharWordMode finished with state OK
  599. LOG> CharWordMode: COMPLETED.OK
  601. LOG> Execute: CharKerning
  602. LOG> try to set:
  603. LOG> old = 0
  604. LOG> new = 1
  605. LOG> Property CharKerning is void
  606. LOG> Property 'CharKerning' OK
  607. LOG> result = 1
  608. Method CharKerning finished with state OK
  609. LOG> CharKerning: COMPLETED.OK
  611. LOG> Execute: CharLocale
  612. LOG> try to set:
  613. LOG> old ={, , }
  614. LOG> new ={en, US, }
  615. LOG> Property 'CharLocale' OK
  616. LOG> result ={en, US, }
  617. Method CharLocale finished with state OK
  618. LOG> CharLocale: COMPLETED.OK
  620. LOG> Execute: CharKeepTogether
  621. LOG> Property 'CharKeepTogether' is optional and not supported
  622. Method CharKeepTogether finished with state OK
  623. LOG> CharKeepTogether: COMPLETED.OK
  625. LOG> Execute: CharNoLineBreak
  626. LOG> Property 'CharNoLineBreak' is optional and not supported
  627. Method CharNoLineBreak finished with state OK
  628. LOG> CharNoLineBreak: COMPLETED.OK
  630. LOG> Execute: CharShadowed
  631. LOG> try to set:
  632. LOG> old = false
  633. LOG> new = true
  634. LOG> Property 'CharShadowed' OK
  635. LOG> result = true
  636. Method CharShadowed finished with state OK
  637. LOG> CharShadowed: COMPLETED.OK
  639. LOG> Execute: CharFontType
  640. LOG> Property 'CharFontType' is optional and not supported
  641. Method CharFontType finished with state OK
  642. LOG> CharFontType: COMPLETED.OK
  644. LOG> Execute: CharStyleName
  645. LOG> Testing with custom Property tester
  646. LOG> Property 'CharStyleName' is optional and not supported
  647. Method CharStyleName finished with state OK
  648. LOG> CharStyleName: COMPLETED.OK
  650. LOG> Execute: CharContoured
  651. LOG> try to set:
  652. LOG> old = false
  653. LOG> new = true
  654. LOG> Property 'CharContoured' OK
  655. LOG> result = true
  656. Method CharContoured finished with state OK
  657. LOG> CharContoured: COMPLETED.OK
  659. LOG> Execute: CharCombineIsOn
  660. LOG> Property 'CharCombineIsOn' is optional and not supported
  661. Method CharCombineIsOn finished with state OK
  662. LOG> CharCombineIsOn: COMPLETED.OK
  664. LOG> Execute: CharCombinePrefix
  665. LOG> Property 'CharCombinePrefix' is optional and not supported
  666. Method CharCombinePrefix finished with state OK
  667. LOG> CharCombinePrefix: COMPLETED.OK
  669. LOG> Execute: CharCombineSuffix
  670. LOG> Property 'CharCombineSuffix' is optional and not supported
  671. Method CharCombineSuffix finished with state OK
  672. LOG> CharCombineSuffix: COMPLETED.OK
  674. LOG> Execute: CharEmphasize
  675. LOG> Property 'CharEmphasize' is optional and not supported
  676. Method CharEmphasize finished with state OK
  677. LOG> CharEmphasize: COMPLETED.OK
  679. LOG> Execute: CharRelief
  680. LOG> try to set:
  681. LOG> old = 0
  682. LOG> new = 1
  683. LOG> Property 'CharRelief' OK
  684. LOG> result = 1
  685. Method CharRelief finished with state OK
  686. LOG> CharRelief: COMPLETED.OK
  688. LOG> Execute: RubyText
  689. LOG> Testing with custom Property tester
  690. LOG> Property 'RubyText' is optional and not supported
  691. Method RubyText finished with state OK
  692. LOG> RubyText: COMPLETED.OK
  694. LOG> Execute: RubyAdjust
  695. LOG> Testing with custom Property tester
  696. LOG> Property 'RubyAdjust' is optional and not supported
  697. Method RubyAdjust finished with state OK
  698. LOG> RubyAdjust: COMPLETED.OK
  700. LOG> Execute: RubyCharStyleName
  701. LOG> Testing with custom Property tester
  702. LOG> Property 'RubyCharStyleName' is optional and not supported
  703. Method RubyCharStyleName finished with state OK
  704. LOG> RubyCharStyleName: COMPLETED.OK
  706. LOG> Execute: RubyIsAbove
  707. LOG> Testing with custom Property tester
  708. LOG> Property 'RubyIsAbove' is optional and not supported
  709. Method RubyIsAbove finished with state OK
  710. LOG> RubyIsAbove: COMPLETED.OK
  712. LOG> Execute: CharRotation
  713. LOG> Property 'CharRotation' is optional and not supported
  714. Method CharRotation finished with state OK
  715. LOG> CharRotation: COMPLETED.OK
  717. LOG> Execute: CharRotationIsFitToLine
  718. LOG> Property 'CharRotationIsFitToLine' is optional and not supported
  719. Method CharRotationIsFitToLine finished with state OK
  720. LOG> CharRotationIsFitToLine: COMPLETED.OK
  722. LOG> Execute: CharScaleWidth
  723. LOG> Property 'CharScaleWidth' is optional and not supported
  724. Method CharScaleWidth finished with state OK
  725. LOG> CharScaleWidth: COMPLETED.OK
  727. LOG> Execute: HyperLinkURL
  728. LOG> Property 'HyperLinkURL' is optional and not supported
  729. Method HyperLinkURL finished with state OK
  730. LOG> HyperLinkURL: COMPLETED.OK
  732. LOG> Execute: HyperLinkTarget
  733. LOG> Property 'HyperLinkTarget' is optional and not supported
  734. Method HyperLinkTarget finished with state OK
  735. LOG> HyperLinkTarget: COMPLETED.OK
  737. LOG> Execute: HyperLinkName
  738. LOG> Property 'HyperLinkName' is optional and not supported
  739. Method HyperLinkName finished with state OK
  740. LOG> HyperLinkName: COMPLETED.OK
  742. LOG> Execute: VisitedCharStyleName
  743. LOG> Property 'VisitedCharStyleName' is optional and not supported
  744. Method VisitedCharStyleName finished with state OK
  745. LOG> VisitedCharStyleName: COMPLETED.OK
  747. LOG> Execute: UnvisitedCharStyleName
  748. LOG> Property 'UnvisitedCharStyleName' is optional and not supported
  749. Method UnvisitedCharStyleName finished with state OK
  750. LOG> UnvisitedCharStyleName: COMPLETED.OK
  752. LOG> Execute: CharEscapementHeight
  753. LOG> changing initially empty MAYBEVOID properties is not supported by the test framework so far - skip test of property: CharEscapementHeight
  754. Method CharEscapementHeight finished with state OK
  755. LOG> CharEscapementHeight: COMPLETED.OK
  757. LOG> Execute: CharNoHyphenation
  758. LOG> Property 'CharNoHyphenation' is optional and not supported
  759. Method CharNoHyphenation finished with state OK
  760. LOG> CharNoHyphenation: COMPLETED.OK
  762. LOG> Execute: CharUnderlineColor
  763. LOG> try to set:
  764. LOG> old = -1
  765. LOG> new = 4
  766. LOG> Property CharUnderlineColor is void
  767. LOG> Property 'CharUnderlineColor' OK
  768. LOG> result = 4
  769. Method CharUnderlineColor finished with state OK
  770. LOG> CharUnderlineColor: COMPLETED.OK
  772. LOG> Execute: CharUnderlineHasColor
  773. LOG> try to set:
  774. LOG> old = false
  775. LOG> new = true
  776. LOG> Property 'CharUnderlineHasColor' OK
  777. LOG> result = true
  778. Method CharUnderlineHasColor finished with state OK
  779. LOG> CharUnderlineHasColor: COMPLETED.OK
  781. LOG> Execute: CharStyleNames
  782. LOG> Testing with custom Property tester
  783. LOG> Property 'CharStyleNames' is optional and not supported
  784. Method CharStyleNames finished with state OK
  785. LOG> CharStyleNames: COMPLETED.OK
  787. LOG> Execute: TextUserDefinedAttributes
  788. LOG> TextUserDefinedAttributes is empty.
  789. Method TextUserDefinedAttributes finished with state OK
  790. LOG> TextUserDefinedAttributes: COMPLETED.OK
  791. ***** State for sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::style::CharacterProperties ******
  792. Whole service: COMPLETED.OK
  793. ***********************************************************************************
  794. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:03:52
  795. checking: [sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.beans._XPropertySet]
  796. LOG> Execute: getPropertySetInfo()
  797. Method getPropertySetInfo() finished with state OK
  798. LOG> Getting:
  799. LOG> Setting to
  800. LOG> Getting: true
  801. LOG> Setting to :false
  802. LOG> Getting: true
  803. LOG> Setting to :false
  804. LOG> Getting: true
  805. LOG> Setting to :false
  806. LOG> Getting: true
  807. LOG> Setting to :false
  808. LOG> Getting: true
  809. LOG> Setting to :false
  810. LOG> Getting: 0
  811. LOG> Setting to :5
  812. LOG> Getting: Any[Type[void], null]
  813. LOG> Property 'BuiltInUnit' is void but MAYBEVOID isn't set
  814. LOG> Couldn't change Property 'BuiltInUnit'
  815. LOG> Getting: 4
  816. LOG> Setting to :9
  817. LOG> Getting: true
  818. LOG> Setting to :false
  819. LOG> Getting: 0
  820. LOG> Setting to :1
  821. LOG> Getting: 2
  822. LOG> Setting to :3
  823. LOG> Getting: 1
  824. LOG> Setting to :2
  825. LOG> Getting: 1
  826. LOG> Setting to :2
  827. LOG> Getting: 6
  828. LOG> Setting to :7
  829. LOG> Getting: 6
  830. LOG> Setting to :7
  831. LOG> Getting: 6
  832. LOG> Setting to :7
  833. LOG> Getting: Times New Roman
  834. LOG> Setting to :Times New RomanNew
  835. LOG> Getting: Microsoft YaHei
  836. LOG> Setting to :Microsoft YaHeiNew
  837. LOG> Getting: Lucida Sans
  838. LOG> Setting to :Lucida SansNew
  839. LOG> Getting: 3
  840. LOG> Setting to :4
  841. LOG> Getting: 2
  842. LOG> Setting to :3
  843. LOG> Getting: 2
  844. LOG> Setting to :3
  845. LOG> Getting: 20.0
  846. LOG> Setting to :36.7
  847. LOG> Getting: 10.0
  848. LOG> Setting to :26.7
  849. LOG> Getting: 10.0
  850. LOG> Setting to :26.7
  851. LOG> Getting:
  852. LOG> Setting to
  853. LOG> Getting:
  854. LOG> Setting to
  855. LOG> Getting:
  856. LOG> Setting to
  857. LOG> Getting: 0
  858. LOG> Setting to :1
  859. LOG> Getting: false
  860. LOG> Setting to :true
  861. LOG> Getting:
  862. LOG> Setting to
  863. LOG> Getting:
  864. LOG> Setting to
  865. LOG> Getting:
  866. LOG> Setting to
  867. LOG> skipping 'CharRelief'
  868. LOG> Getting: true
  869. LOG> Setting to :false
  870. LOG> Getting: 1
  871. LOG> Setting to :2
  872. LOG> Getting: 1
  873. LOG> Setting to :2
  874. LOG> Getting: true
  875. LOG> Setting to :false
  876. LOG> Getting: 150.0
  877. LOG> Setting to :166.7
  878. LOG> Getting: 100.0
  879. LOG> Setting to :116.7
  880. LOG> Getting: 100.0
  881. LOG> Setting to :116.7
  882. LOG> Getting: true
  883. LOG> Setting to :false
  884. LOG> Getting:
  885. LOG> Setting to
  886. LOG> Getting: false
  887. LOG> Setting to :true
  888. LOG> Getting: false
  889. LOG> Setting to :true
  890. LOG> Property 'ExplicitTimeIncrement' is READONLY
  891. LOG> Getting: 105
  892. LOG> Setting to :110
  893. LOG> Getting: 5
  894. LOG> Setting to :10
  895. LOG> Getting:
  896. LOG> Setting to
  897. LOG> Getting: true
  898. LOG> Setting to :false
  899. LOG> Getting: true
  900. LOG> Setting to :false
  901. LOG> Getting:
  902. LOG> Setting to
  903. LOG> Getting: 7
  904. LOG> Setting to :12
  905. LOG> Getting: 0
  906. LOG> Setting to :5
  907. LOG> Getting: 5
  908. LOG> Setting to :10
  909. LOG> Getting: true
  910. LOG> Setting to :false
  911. LOG> Getting: false
  912. LOG> Setting to :true
  913. LOG> Getting: false
  914. LOG> Setting to :true
  915. LOG> Getting: true
  916. LOG> Setting to :false
  917. LOG> Getting: true
  918. LOG> Setting to :false
  919. LOG> Getting: 5
  920. LOG> Setting to :10
  921. LOG> Getting: false
  922. LOG> Setting to :true
  923. LOG> Getting: true
  924. LOG> Setting to :false
  925. LOG> Getting: 4
  926. LOG> Setting to :5
  927. LOG> getPropertySetInfo(): COMPLETED.OK
  929. LOG> Execute: setPropertyValue()
  930. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  931. LOG> try to change value of property 'ArrangeOrder'
  932. LOG> try to change value of property 'AutoMax'
  933. LOG> try to change value of property 'AutoMin'
  934. LOG> try to change value of property 'AutoOrigin'
  935. LOG> try to change value of property 'AutoStepHelp'
  936. LOG> try to change value of property 'AutoStepMain'
  937. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharColor'
  938. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharContoured'
  939. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharEmphasis'
  940. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontCharSet'
  941. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontCharSetAsian'
  942. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontCharSetComplex'
  943. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontFamily'
  944. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontFamilyAsian'
  945. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontFamilyComplex'
  946. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontName'
  947. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontNameAsian'
  948. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontNameComplex'
  949. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontPitch'
  950. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontPitchAsian'
  951. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharFontPitchComplex'
  952. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharHeight'
  953. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharHeightAsian'
  954. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharHeightComplex'
  955. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharLocale'
  956. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharLocaleAsian'
  957. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharLocaleComplex'
  958. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharOverline'
  959. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharOverlineHasColor'
  960. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharPosture'
  961. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharPostureAsian'
  962. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharPostureComplex'
  963. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharShadowed'
  964. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharStrikeout'
  965. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharUnderline'
  966. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharUnderlineHasColor'
  967. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharWeight'
  968. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharWeightAsian'
  969. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharWeightComplex'
  970. LOG> try to change value of property 'CharWordMode'
  971. LOG> try to change value of property 'CrossoverPosition'
  972. LOG> try to change value of property 'DisplayLabels'
  973. LOG> try to change value of property 'DisplayUnits'
  974. LOG> try to change value of property 'GapWidth'
  975. LOG> try to change value of property 'HelpMarks'
  976. LOG> try to change value of property 'LabelPosition'
  977. LOG> try to change value of property 'LinkNumberFormatToSource'
  978. LOG> try to change value of property 'Logarithmic'
  979. LOG> try to change value of property 'MarkPosition'
  980. LOG> try to change value of property 'Marks'
  981. LOG> try to change value of property 'NumberFormat'
  982. LOG> try to change value of property 'Overlap'
  983. LOG> try to change value of property 'ParaIsCharacterDistance'
  984. LOG> try to change value of property 'ReverseDirection'
  985. LOG> try to change value of property 'StackedText'
  986. LOG> try to change value of property 'TextBreak'
  987. LOG> try to change value of property 'TextCanOverlap'
  988. LOG> try to change value of property 'TextRotation'
  989. LOG> try to change value of property 'TryStaggeringFirst'
  990. LOG> try to change value of property 'Visible'
  991. LOG> try to change value of property 'WritingMode'
  992. Method setPropertyValue() finished with state OK
  993. LOG> setPropertyValue(): COMPLETED.OK
  995. LOG> Execute: getPropertyValue()
  996. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  997. Method getPropertyValue() finished with state OK
  998. LOG> getPropertyValue(): COMPLETED.OK
  1000. LOG> Execute: addPropertyChangeListener()
  1001. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  1002. LOG> Check bound property: ArrangeOrder
  1003. LOG> Check bound property: CharColor
  1004. LOG> Check bound property: CharContoured
  1005. LOG> Check bound property: CharEmphasis
  1006. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontCharSet
  1007. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontCharSetAsian
  1008. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontCharSetComplex
  1009. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontFamily
  1010. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontFamilyAsian
  1011. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontFamilyComplex
  1012. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontName
  1013. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontNameAsian
  1014. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontNameComplex
  1015. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontPitch
  1016. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontPitchAsian
  1017. LOG> Check bound property: CharFontPitchComplex
  1018. LOG> Check bound property: CharHeight
  1019. LOG> Check bound property: CharHeightAsian
  1020. LOG> Check bound property: CharHeightComplex
  1021. LOG> Check bound property: CharOverline
  1022. LOG> Check bound property: CharOverlineHasColor
  1023. LOG> Check bound property: CharPosture
  1024. LOG> Check bound property: CharPostureAsian
  1025. LOG> Check bound property: CharPostureComplex
  1026. LOG> Check bound property: CharShadowed
  1027. LOG> Check bound property: CharStrikeout
  1028. LOG> Check bound property: CharUnderline
  1029. LOG> Check bound property: CharUnderlineHasColor
  1030. LOG> Check bound property: CharWeight
  1031. LOG> Check bound property: CharWeightAsian
  1032. LOG> Check bound property: CharWeightComplex
  1033. LOG> Check bound property: CharWordMode
  1034. LOG> Check bound property: DisplayLabels
  1035. LOG> Check bound property: DisplayUnits
  1036. LOG> Check bound property: HelpMarks
  1037. LOG> Check bound property: LinkNumberFormatToSource
  1038. LOG> Check bound property: Marks
  1039. LOG> Check bound property: NumberFormat
  1040. LOG> Check bound property: ParaIsCharacterDistance
  1041. LOG> Check bound property: StackedText
  1042. LOG> Check bound property: TextBreak
  1043. LOG> Check bound property: TextCanOverlap
  1044. LOG> Check bound property: TextRotation
  1045. LOG> Check bound property: TryStaggeringFirst
  1046. LOG> Check bound property: Visible
  1047. LOG> Check bound property: WritingMode
  1048. Method addPropertyChangeListener() finished with state OK
  1049. LOG> addPropertyChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1051. LOG> Execute: removePropertyChangeListener()
  1052. LOG> starting required method: addPropertyChangeListener()
  1053. Method removePropertyChangeListener() finished with state OK
  1054. LOG> removePropertyChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1056. LOG> Execute: addVetoableChangeListener()
  1057. LOG> starting required method: getPropertySetInfo()
  1058. LOG> *** No constrained properties found ***
  1059. Method addVetoableChangeListener() finished with state OK
  1060. LOG> addVetoableChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1062. LOG> Execute: removeVetoableChangeListener()
  1063. LOG> starting required method: addVetoableChangeListener()
  1064. LOG> *** No constrained properties found ***
  1065. Method removeVetoableChangeListener() finished with state OK
  1066. LOG> removeVetoableChangeListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1067. LOG> closing xChartDoc
  1068. ***** State for sch.ChXChartAxis::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet ******
  1069. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1070. ****************************************************************************
  1071. ***** State for sch.ChXChartAxis ******
  1072. Whole component: COMPLETED(with known issues).OK
  1073. ***************************************
  1074. Creating: sch.ChXChartData
  1075. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:21
  1076. LOG> creating a chartdocument
  1077. LOG> getting Data
  1078. LOG> creating a new environment for chartdocument object
  1079. Environment created
  1080. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:22
  1081. checking: [sch.ChXChartData::com::sun::star::chart::XChartData] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.chart._XChartData]
  1082. LOG> Execute: addChartDataChangeEventListener()
  1083. Method addChartDataChangeEventListener() finished with state OK
  1084. LOG> addChartDataChangeEventListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1086. LOG> Execute: removeChartDataChangeEventListener()
  1087. LOG> starting required method: addChartDataChangeEventListener()
  1088. Method removeChartDataChangeEventListener() finished with state OK
  1089. LOG> removeChartDataChangeEventListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1091. LOG> Execute: getNotANumber()
  1092. LOG> Current NotANumber is 2.2250738585072014E-308
  1093. Method getNotANumber() finished with state OK
  1094. LOG> getNotANumber(): COMPLETED.OK
  1096. LOG> Execute: isNotANumber()
  1097. LOG> starting required method: getNotANumber()
  1098. Method isNotANumber() finished with state OK
  1099. LOG> isNotANumber(): COMPLETED.OK
  1100. LOG> closing xChartDoc
  1101. ***** State for sch.ChXChartData::com::sun::star::chart::XChartData ******
  1102. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1103. **************************************************************************
  1104. ***** State for sch.ChXChartData ******
  1105. Whole component: COMPLETED.OK
  1106. ***************************************
  1107. Creating: sch.ChXChartDataArray
  1108. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:24
  1109. LOG> creating a chartdocument
  1110. LOG> getting Data
  1111. LOG> creating a new environment for chartdocument object
  1112. Environment created
  1113. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:25
  1114. checking: [sch.ChXChartDataArray::com::sun::star::chart::XChartData] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.chart._XChartData]
  1115. LOG> Execute: addChartDataChangeEventListener()
  1116. Method addChartDataChangeEventListener() finished with state OK
  1117. LOG> addChartDataChangeEventListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1119. LOG> Execute: removeChartDataChangeEventListener()
  1120. LOG> starting required method: addChartDataChangeEventListener()
  1121. Method removeChartDataChangeEventListener() finished with state OK
  1122. LOG> removeChartDataChangeEventListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1124. LOG> Execute: getNotANumber()
  1125. LOG> Current NotANumber is 2.2250738585072014E-308
  1126. Method getNotANumber() finished with state OK
  1127. LOG> getNotANumber(): COMPLETED.OK
  1129. LOG> Execute: isNotANumber()
  1130. LOG> starting required method: getNotANumber()
  1131. Method isNotANumber() finished with state OK
  1132. LOG> isNotANumber(): COMPLETED.OK
  1133. LOG> closing xChartDoc
  1134. ***** State for sch.ChXChartDataArray::com::sun::star::chart::XChartData ******
  1135. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1136. *******************************************************************************
  1137. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:25
  1138. Creating: sch.ChXChartDataArray
  1139. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:25
  1140. LOG> creating a chartdocument
  1141. Could not create system bitmap!
  1142. E
  1143. Time: 62.374
  1144. There was 1 failure:
  1145. 1) test(org.openoffice.test.UnoApiTest)
  1146. Could not create system bitmap!
  1147. at
  1148. at
  1149. at
  1150. at
  1151. at
  1152. at
  1153. at$Handler.request(
  1154. at$Handler.invoke(
  1155. at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy8.loadComponentFromURL(Unknown Source)
  1156. at util.SOfficeFactory.loadDocument(
  1157. at util.SOfficeFactory.createChartDoc(
  1158. at mod._sch.ChXChartDataArray.initialize(
  1159. at lib.TestCase.initializeTestCase(
  1160. at base.java_fat.getEnv(
  1161. at base.java_fat.executeTest(
  1162. at
  1163. at org.openoffice.test.UnoApiTest.test(
  1164. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1165. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1166. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1167. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1168. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  1169. at
  1170. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  1171. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  1172. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
  1173. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  1174. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
  1175. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1176. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1177. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1178. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1179. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1180. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1181. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1182. at
  1183. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1184. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1185. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1186. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1187. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1188. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1189. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1190. at
  1191. at
  1192. at
  1193. at
  1194. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(
  1195. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(
  1196. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(
  1198. FAILURES!!!
  1199. Tests run: 1, Failures: 1
  1201. to rerun just this failed test without all others, run:
  1203. make JunitTest_chart2_unoapi
  1205. cd into the module dir to run the tests faster
  1206. Or to do interactive debugging, run two shells with:
  1208. make debugrun
  1209. make gb_JunitTest_DEBUGRUN=T JunitTest_chart2_unoapi
  1211. make[1]:
  1212. make[1]:
  1213. JUnit version 4.10
  1214. .OOoRunner Main() version from 20101118 (yyyymmdd)
  1215. TestJob: -sce C:/cygwin/home/luke/lode/dev/core/forms/qa/unoapi/forms_1.sce
  1216. Connecting the Office with uno:pipe,name=oootestb347341b-ba01-4967-883d-508f0d827c06;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager
  1217. Creating: forms.OButtonControl
  1218. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:35
  1219. LOG> creating a textdocument
  1220. LOG> creating a new environment for OButtonControl object
  1221. Environment created
  1222. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:37
  1223. checking: [forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::awt::XLayoutConstrains] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.awt._XLayoutConstrains]
  1224. LOG> Execute: getMinimumSize()
  1225. Method getMinimumSize() finished with state OK
  1226. LOG> getMinimumSize(): COMPLETED.OK
  1228. LOG> Execute: getPreferredSize()
  1229. Method getPreferredSize() finished with state OK
  1230. LOG> getPreferredSize(): COMPLETED.OK
  1232. LOG> Execute: calcAdjustedSize()
  1233. Method calcAdjustedSize() finished with state OK
  1234. LOG> calcAdjustedSize(): COMPLETED.OK
  1235. ***** State for forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::awt::XLayoutConstrains ******
  1236. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1237. ***********************************************************************************
  1238. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:37
  1239. checking: [forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::awt::XControl] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.awt._XControl]
  1240. LOG> Execute: setContext()
  1241. Method setContext() finished with state OK
  1242. LOG> setContext(): COMPLETED.OK
  1244. LOG> Execute: getContext()
  1245. LOG> starting required method: setContext()
  1246. Method getContext() finished with state OK
  1247. LOG> getContext(): COMPLETED.OK
  1249. LOG> Execute: createPeer()
  1250. Method createPeer() finished with state OK
  1251. LOG> createPeer(): COMPLETED.OK
  1253. LOG> Execute: getPeer()
  1254. LOG> starting required method: createPeer()
  1255. Method getPeer() finished with state OK
  1256. LOG> getPeer(): COMPLETED.OK
  1258. LOG> Execute: setModel()
  1259. Method setModel() finished with state OK
  1260. LOG> setModel(): COMPLETED.OK
  1262. LOG> Execute: getModel()
  1263. LOG> starting required method: setModel()
  1264. Method getModel() finished with state OK
  1265. LOG> getModel(): COMPLETED.OK
  1267. LOG> Execute: getView()
  1268. Method getView() finished with state OK
  1269. LOG> getView(): COMPLETED.OK
  1271. LOG> Execute: setDesignMode()
  1272. Method setDesignMode() finished with state OK
  1273. LOG> setDesignMode(): COMPLETED.OK
  1275. LOG> Execute: isDesignMode()
  1276. LOG> starting required method: setDesignMode()
  1277. Method isDesignMode() finished with state OK
  1278. LOG> isDesignMode(): COMPLETED.OK
  1280. LOG> Execute: isTransparent()
  1281. Method isTransparent() finished with state OK
  1282. LOG> isTransparent(): COMPLETED.OK
  1283. ***** State for forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::awt::XControl ******
  1284. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1285. **************************************************************************
  1286. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:37
  1287. checking: [forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.accessibility._XAccessible]
  1288. LOG> Execute: getAccessibleContext()
  1289. Method getAccessibleContext() finished with state OK
  1290. LOG> getAccessibleContext(): COMPLETED.OK
  1291. ***** State for forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible ******
  1292. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1293. ***************************************************************************************
  1294. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:37
  1295. checking: [forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::form::XApproveActionBroadcaster] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.form._XApproveActionBroadcaster]
  1296. LOG> Execute: addApproveActionListener()
  1297. Method addApproveActionListener() finished with state OK
  1298. LOG> addApproveActionListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1300. LOG> Execute: removeApproveActionListener()
  1301. LOG> starting required method: addApproveActionListener()
  1302. Method removeApproveActionListener() finished with state OK
  1303. LOG> removeApproveActionListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1305. LOG> Skipping all XApproveActionBroadcaster methods, since they need user interaction
  1306. ***** State for forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::form::XApproveActionBroadcaster ******
  1307. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1308. ********************************************************************************************
  1309. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:37
  1310. checking: [forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::awt::XButton] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.awt._XButton]
  1311. LOG> Execute: addActionListener()
  1312. Method addActionListener() finished with state OK
  1313. LOG> addActionListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1315. LOG> Execute: removeActionListener()
  1316. Method removeActionListener() finished with state OK
  1317. LOG> removeActionListener(): COMPLETED.OK
  1319. LOG> Execute: setLabel()
  1320. Method setLabel() finished with state OK
  1321. LOG> setLabel(): COMPLETED.OK
  1323. LOG> Execute: setActionCommand()
  1324. Method setActionCommand() finished with state OK
  1325. LOG> setActionCommand(): COMPLETED.OK
  1326. ***** State for forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::awt::XButton ******
  1327. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1328. *************************************************************************
  1329. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:37
  1330. checking: [forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent] is iface: [] testcode: [ifc.lang._XComponent]
  1331. LOG> Execute: dispose()
  1332. LOG> Execute: removeEventListener()
  1333. LOG> Execute: addEventListener()
  1334. LOG> addEventListener(): null
  1336. LOG> Thread[main,5,main] is removing EL ifc.lang._XComponent$MyEventListener2@4e04a765
  1337. LOG> removeEventListener(): null
  1339. LOG> begin dispose in thread Thread[main,5,main]
  1340. LOG> Thread[main,5,main] is DISPOSING EV1ifc.lang._XComponent$MyEventListener@13fee20c
  1341. LOG> end disposeThread[main,5,main]
  1342. Method addEventListener() finished with state OK
  1343. Method removeEventListener() finished with state OK
  1344. Method dispose() finished with state OK
  1345. LOG> dispose(): COMPLETED.OK
  1346. LOG> disposing xTextDoc
  1347. ***** State for forms.OButtonControl::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent ******
  1348. Whole interface: COMPLETED.OK
  1349. *****************************************************************************
  1350. LOG> disposing xTextDoc
  1351. ***** State for forms.OButtonControl ******
  1352. Whole component: COMPLETED(with known issues).OK
  1353. *******************************************
  1354. Creating: forms.OCheckBoxControl
  1355. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:04:40
  1356. LOG> creating a textdocument
  1357. Exception while getting Environment
  1359. at
  1360. at
  1361. at
  1362. at
  1363. at
  1364. at$Handler.request(
  1365. at$Handler.invoke(
  1366. at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy20.add(Unknown Source)
  1367. at mod._forms.OCheckBoxControl.createTestEnvironment(
  1368. at lib.TestCase.getTestEnvironment(
  1369. at base.java_fat.getTestEnvironment(
  1370. at base.java_fat.executeTest(
  1371. at
  1372. at org.openoffice.test.UnoApiTest.test(
  1373. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1374. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1375. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1376. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1377. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  1378. at
  1379. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  1380. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  1381. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
  1382. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  1383. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
  1384. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1385. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1386. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1387. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1388. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1389. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1390. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1391. at
  1392. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1393. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1394. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1395. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1396. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1397. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1398. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1399. at
  1400. at
  1401. at
  1402. at
  1403. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(
  1404. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(
  1405. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(
  1406. Caused by:
  1407. at
  1408. at
  1409. at
  1410. at$
  1411. LOG> disposing xTextDoc
  1412. LOG> couldn't close document
  1413. ***** State for forms.OCheckBoxControl ******
  1414. Whole component: Couldn't create OCheckBoxControl
  1415. *********************************************
  1416. Creating: forms.OCheckBoxModel
  1417. LOG> Log started 11.02.2018 - 20:06:06
  1418. LOG> creating a textdocument
  1419. EE
  1420. Time: 100.164
  1421. There were 2 failures:
  1422. 1) test(org.openoffice.test.UnoApiTest)
  1423. java_remote_bridge is disposed
  1424. at
  1425. at
  1426. at$Handler.request(
  1427. at$Handler.invoke(
  1428. at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy6.createInstance(Unknown Source)
  1429. at util.DesktopTools.createDesktop(
  1430. at util.DesktopTools.getCLoader(
  1431. at util.DesktopTools.openNewDoc(
  1432. at util.WriterTools.createTextDoc(
  1433. at mod._forms.GenericModelTest.initialize(
  1434. at mod._forms.OCheckBoxModel.initialize(
  1435. at lib.TestCase.initializeTestCase(
  1436. at base.java_fat.executeTest(
  1437. at
  1438. at org.openoffice.test.UnoApiTest.test(
  1439. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1440. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1441. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1442. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1443. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  1444. at
  1445. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  1446. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
  1447. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
  1448. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  1449. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
  1450. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1451. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1452. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1453. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1454. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1455. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1456. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1457. at
  1458. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1459. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1460. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1461. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1462. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1463. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1464. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1465. at
  1466. at
  1467. at
  1468. at
  1469. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(
  1470. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(
  1471. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(
  1472. 2) test(org.openoffice.test.UnoApiTest)
  1473. java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<0> but was:<-1073740791>
  1474. at
  1475. at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(
  1476. at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
  1477. at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
  1478. at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
  1479. at org.openoffice.test.OfficeConnection.tearDown(
  1480. at org.openoffice.test.UnoApiTest.tearDown(
  1481. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1482. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1483. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  1484. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1485. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
  1486. at
  1487. at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
  1488. at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
  1489. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
  1490. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1491. at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
  1492. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1493. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1494. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1495. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1496. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1497. at
  1498. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1499. at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
  1500. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
  1501. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
  1502. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
  1503. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
  1504. at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
  1505. at
  1506. at
  1507. at
  1508. at
  1509. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(
  1510. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(
  1511. at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(
  1513. FAILURES!!!
  1514. Tests run: 1, Failures: 2
  1516. to rerun just this failed test without all others, run:
  1518. make JunitTest_forms_unoapi_1
  1520. cd into the module dir to run the tests faster
  1521. Or to do interactive debugging, run two shells with:
  1523. make debugrun
  1524. make gb_JunitTest_DEBUGRUN=T JunitTest_forms_unoapi_1
  1526. make[1]:
  1527. Makefile:280: recipe for target 'build' failed
  1528. make: *** [build] Error 2
  1530. luke@DESKTOP-3F4CUO8 ~/lode/dev/core
  1531. $ git bisect bad
  1532. c15ea73f960bbd3d2a4b0c43b467ac62eeba3505 is the first bad commit
  1533. commit c15ea73f960bbd3d2a4b0c43b467ac62eeba3505
  1534. Author: Jan-Marek Glogowski <>
  1535. Date: Wed Mar 7 12:48:59 2018 +0100
  1537. tdf#115420 WIN clean up WinSalFrames DC handling
  1539. We still don't return a SalGraphics object from AcquireGraphics
  1540. without a valid DC. But internally we keep the WinSalGraphics
  1541. objects around, so we now have to verify the DC before using it.
  1543. In the end this also fixes the leak of the threaded SalGraphics
  1544. of the frame.
  1546. Change-Id: I267c96c04b7d00cb66a6c84c63d1373ebe0f529f
  1547. Reviewed-on:
  1548. Tested-by: Jenkins <>
  1549. Reviewed-by: Jan-Marek Glogowski <>
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