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- #KnockBack Profesional by Royendero.
- #If you have a problem or bug, sendme a PM in spigot!
- #No distribute this plugin, or your id will disabled for use this plugin.
- #
- config:
- #if debug is enabled, in the console says information for hits players.
- debug: false
- lang:
- consoledetectedgroups: "&aKnockBackProfesional > &eDetected <number> groups!"
- consoleworldsdisabled: "Disabled in:"
- reloaded: "&aKnockBackProfesional > &eReloaded, detected <number> groups!"
- debugknockback: "&2<player>&a > group: &f<group>&a, HitDelay: &f<hitdelay>&a, Ms: &f<ms>&a, horizontal: &f<horizontal>&a, vertical: &f<vertical>&a, air Multiplier: &f<airmultiplier>"
- debugknockbacktick: "&2<player>&a > group: &f<group>&a, HitDelay: &f<hitdelay>&a, Ms: &f<ms>&a, horizontal: &f<horizontal>&a, vertical: &f<vertical>&a, air Multiplier: &f<airmultiplier> &7(Are in tick: <tick>)"
- debugknockbackping: "&2<player>&a > group: &f<group>&a, HitDelay: &f<hitdelay>&a, Ms: &f<ms>&a, horizontal: &f<horizontal>&a, vertical: &f<vertical>&a, air Multiplier: &f<airmultiplier> &7(Are in ping: <ping>)"
- debugknockbackpingtick: "&2<player>&a > group: &f<group>&a, HitDelay: &f<hitdelay>&a, Ms: &f<ms>&a, horizontal: &f<horizontal>&a, vertical: &f<vertical>&a, air Multiplier: &f<airmultiplier> &7(Are in ping: <ping>, tick: <tick>)"
- helpmsg:
- - '&6Commands KnockBackProfesional:'
- - '&b/kbp reload'
- - '&b/kbp config-to-mysql'
- - '&b/kbp refresh-mysql'
- - '&b/kbp deletemysql'
- nopermission: "&cYou dont have permission."
- ready: "&aREADY!"
- check: "&cCheck process in the console..."
- mysql:
- use: false
- ip: 'localhost'
- port: '3306'
- database: 'database'
- username: 'root'
- password: 'password'
- #Seconds to refresh the configuration (Or you can ejecute /kbp refresh-mysql).
- #If you edit the data of MySQL, in X seconds this server read the data.
- #If you put -1, the data will be readed when the server are restarted.
- refreshconfig: -1
- #name of the group (You choose the name)
- default:
- # permission for this group
- permission: kbp.default
- # Sensibility of knockback (Vertical) The default value is 1.0, max 9 (If put more than 10, some times dont work, SOMETIMES, you can try)
- vertical: 0.9
- # Sensibility of knockback (Horizontal) The default value is 1.0, max 9 (If put more than 10, some times dont work, SOMETIMES, you can try)
- horizontal: 0.9
- # Sensibility of knockback (Vertical) when the player rival (damager) is sprinting. The default value is 1.0, max 9 (If put more than 10, some times dont work, SOMETIMES, you can try)
- sprintingvertical: 1.0
- # Sensibility of knockback (Horizontal) when the player rival (damager) is sprinting. The default value is 1.0, max 9 (If put more than 10, some times dont work, SOMETIMES, you can try)
- sprintinghorizontal: 1.0
- #---sprintingvertical and horizontal is perfect to w-tap (TIP)
- # AirMultiplier, normal is 1 (No difference), 0.5 change the KB 50% less.
- # If the player (damaged) is on the air, multiplier the KB.
- airmultiplier: 0.5
- # Ticks (HitDelay)
- ticks:
- # If the player has 1 tick on HitDelay (Combo Mode), change the KnockBack
- 1:
- # Sensibility of the knockback on the player with 1 tick (HitDelay) (Vertical)
- vertical: 0.6
- # Sensibility of the knockback on the player with 1 tick (HitDelay) (Horizontal)
- horizontal: 0.6
- sprintingvertical: 0.7
- sprintinghorizontal: 0.7
- airmultiplier: 0.85
- # You can create more custom ticks!
- # 2:
- # vertical: 2.0
- # horizontal: 5.0
- #Ping: if the player have a range of ping, edit his KnockBack
- ping:
- # Name of the group of ping (You choose the name)
- 0msto100ms:
- # Initial range of ping (MS)
- initial: 0
- # Final range of ping (MS)
- final: 100
- # In the initial and final, corresponds this: If the MS are 0ms-100ms, edit the KnockBack.
- #
- # Sensibility of the knockback on the player with MS on this range (Vertical)
- vertical: 0.9
- # Sensibility of the knockback on the player with MS on this range (Horizontal)
- horizontal: 0.9
- # You cant edit the KnockBack in other ticks (HitDelay) if the player has this range of MS
- sprintingvertical: 1.1
- sprintinghorizontal: 1.1
- airmultiplier: 0.5
- ticks:
- 1:
- vertical: 0.7
- horizontal: 0.7
- sprintingvertical: 0.8
- sprintinghorizontal: 0.8
- airmultiplier: 0.85
- # This is another group :)
- 101msto500ms:
- initial: 101
- final: 500
- # In the initial and final, corresponds this: If the MS are 101ms-500ms, edit the KnockBack.
- vertical: 0.7
- horizontal: 0.9
- sprintingvertical: 0.87
- sprintinghorizontal: 1.0
- airmultiplier: 0.5
- ticks:
- 1:
- vertical: 0.7
- horizontal: 0.7
- sprintingvertical: 0.8
- sprintinghorizontal: 0.8
- airmultiplier: 0.85
- # You can create infinite more groups of MS for this group!
- # moreOf500PeopleLagger:
- # initial: 501
- # final: 99999
- # vertical: 1.0
- # horizontal: 1.9
- # ticks:
- # 1:
- # vertical: 0.7
- # horizontal: 0.7
- # You can disable this group for a certain worlds!
- disabledworlds:
- - 'WorldExample'
- - 'WorldExample1'
- # - 'YouCanAddInfiniteWorlds!
- #New group of example (For Vips)
- #vips:
- # permission:
- # vertical: 0.9
- # horizontal: 1.0
- # ticks:
- # 1:
- # vertical: 0.7
- # horizontal: 0.7
- # ping:
- # forPingers:
- # initial: 0
- # final: 100
- # vertical: 1.1
- # horizontal: 1.0
- # ticks:
- # 1:
- # vertical: 0.8
- # horizontal: 0.8
- # forLaggers:
- # initial: 101
- # final: 1000
- # vertical: 0.9
- # horizontal: 0.9
- # ticks:
- # 1:
- # vertical: 0.7
- # horizontal: 0.7
- # disabledworlds:
- # - 'PvP12'
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