
Operation: Keychain discussion

Dec 25th, 2014
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  2. Session Start: Wed Dec 24 18:13:39 2014
  3. Session Ident: Santa4ever
  4. [18:14] <KeySantaMaster> So I reorganized the Operation: Keychain document. It's strangely made it to ten pages, even though little was actually added to the plan.
  5. [18:15] <Santa4ever> Huh. I didn't add anything onto it.
  6. [18:15] <Santa4ever> Did Chain after our meeting the other night?
  7. [18:15] <KeySantaMaster> No.
  8. [18:16] <Santa4ever> Ten pages is a lot of stuff to go over. ^_^
  9. [18:16] <KeySantaMaster> I spent this afternoon reorganizing it, merging categories and such.
  10. [18:16] <Santa4ever> Ah. Cool. How did that go?
  11. [18:16] <KeySantaMaster> I added like one thing, which was to better link the different kinds of things, now that we have the LP.
  12. [18:16] <KeySantaMaster> And next thing you know, the whole thing is ten pages long.
  13. [18:16] <KeySantaMaster> It went ok. It looks a lot cleaner in my opinion.
  14. [18:17] <Santa4ever> Sweet.
  15. [18:17] <KeySantaMaster> By the way, GMA uploaded a second video to the LP.
  16. [18:18] <KeySantaMaster> It sounds like it's gonna be a weekly thing.
  17. [18:18] <Santa4ever> That's awesome!
  18. [18:18] <Santa4ever> I'll check that out right now.
  19. [18:22] <Santa4ever> Is there anything left for Operation: Keychain that you need me to discuss/do?
  20. [18:22] <Santa4ever> I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to make the Roundtable- I'm going to give it my best, though.
  21. [18:23] <KeySantaMaster> I don't know. Is there something you want to discuss?
  22. [18:24] <Santa4ever> Between us two I think we're good.
  23. [18:24] <KeySantaMaster> Actually, I do have one.
  24. [18:24] <Santa4ever> Yes?
  25. [18:24] <KeySantaMaster> "Clarify if the wikis are two separate but intertwined wikis, or if they’re one wiki in two places. Do we want to be either one? What do we want the wikis to be, exactly?"
  26. [18:25] <KeySantaMaster> I'll be honest, I'm confused as to what The Keyhole aims to be, if not an encyclopedia on the series like the KHWiki.
  27. [18:26] <Santa4ever> ^ As am I.
  28. [18:26] <Santa4ever> We need to clearly define what they are supposed to do.
  29. [18:26] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah
  30. [18:26] <Santa4ever> To me, all three Wiki's-, the Keyhole, and the fanon wiki- are all one giant Wiki.
  31. [18:26] <KeySantaMaster> I feel most times that The Keyhole is like a social/community extension to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki.
  32. [18:26] <KeySantaMaster> But there are other times when it seems to be its own separate entity with different goals.
  33. [18:27] <Santa4ever> Right.
  34. [18:28] <Santa4ever> The "giant Wiki" is like a big corperation, with the actual three wikis as smaller companies within the corperation. Although they are still under the same "boss" [the giant Wiki], the smaller companies are still allowed to function on their own.
  35. [18:28] <Santa4ever> Doesn't really make sense when I typed it out, but it sounded good in my head. ^_^;
  36. [18:28] <Santa4ever> We're all three trying to cover the same topic as best as we can, so why not think of us as one big unit with a few subcomponents?
  37. [18:29] <KeySantaMaster> That could work.
  38. [18:29] <KeySantaMaster> I think we should function that way.
  39. [18:29] <Santa4ever> Under that belief, we need to define what everyone is going to do- aka the Keyhole.
  40. [18:29] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah.
  41. [18:29] <Santa4ever> We [] cover encylopedia content. That is our main focus.
  42. [18:30] <Santa4ever> KHFanon wiki is for the fan fiction people. The Keyhole...I have no idea.
  43. [18:30] <Santa4ever> One point on the KHFanon Wiki: If we do "adopt"/pick it up/bring it back/whatever, I say ENX gets a staff position over there.
  44. [18:31] <KeySantaMaster> Yes
  45. [18:31] <Santa4ever> Fanfiction is one of his absolute favorite things. He has ideas. He's done work on other fanon wikis. He's been a staff member before. I say go for it. It is right up his alley.
  46. [18:31] <KeySantaMaster> Agreed on that.
  47. [18:31] <Santa4ever> I haven't been on the fanon wiki in forever, though. I don't even know if they are active over there or not.
  48. [18:31] <Santa4ever> NitrousX, TNE, and Xiggie don't edit anymore.
  49. [18:31] <Santa4ever> Mecha doesn't either...I don't think.
  50. [18:32] <KeySantaMaster> There's really no activity from the "Active Staff" at the Fanon Wiki
  51. [18:32] <KeySantaMaster> There's something else tied, and Chain brought it up a while ago. How do we refer to these entities. We have a title for (The Keyhole) and kingdomheartsfanon.wikia.come (KHFanon Wiki), but often goes by the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, which in a way discredits (not the right word) The Keyhole. Do we refer to the giant wiki as the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, and if we do, what do we call Do we refer to as the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, and if we do, what do we call the "giant wiki".
  52. [18:32] <Santa4ever> Any active users?
  53. [18:33] <Santa4ever> Ah, geez. That's going to be tricky.
  54. [18:34] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, I couldn't come up with a solution to that.
  55. [18:34] <Santa4ever> Kingdom Hearts Wiki = giant wiki. The Keyhole, KHFanon Wiki, and ______ = components.
  56. [18:34] <Santa4ever> KH Encyclopedia? KH Content Wiki? >_<
  57. [18:34] <KeySantaMaster> I mean, we ( are the Kingdom Hearts Wiki by definition.
  58. [18:34] <KeySantaMaster> 'Cuz we are the wiki (online free encyclopedia) that covers Kingdom Hearts content
  59. [18:34] <Santa4ever> Perhaps there is a better name for the "giant wiki?"
  60. [18:35] <KeySantaMaster> I don't know. I keep jumping to "The Organization", which would work, if we were thirteen components.
  61. [18:36] <KeySantaMaster> Instead of three...
  62. [18:36] <Santa4ever> Were the trios in the games referred to as anything special?
  63. [18:36] <KeySantaMaster> I thought of Trinity Archives....but that's the's news entity.
  64. [18:36] <KeySantaMaster> Not really.
  65. [18:37] <KeySantaMaster> Not officially, anyways.
  66. [18:37] <Santa4ever> Weren't TVA referred to as something in the new Re:coded?
  67. [18:37] <KeySantaMaster> There's the fan-made groups.
  68. [18:37] <Santa4ever> "Original keys or masters?"
  69. [18:37] <KeySantaMaster> Other keys, I think
  70. [18:37] <Santa4ever> That doesn't help us. :/
  71. [18:38] <Santa4ever> Would it be <s>stupid</s> weird to have the Kingdom Hearts Wiki be the "giant wiki" and for us to still go by the "KHWiki?"
  72. [18:39] <KeySantaMaster> Kinda...'cuz KHWiki sounds like a nickname for the full thing.
  73. [18:39] <KeySantaMaster> So it'll still be confusing.
  74. [18:40] <Santa4ever> I keep drawing up KH Encyclopedia.
  75. [18:40] <Santa4ever> That's all I can come up with.
  76. [18:40] <KeySantaMaster> I guess we'll have to discuss with the others on that matter.
  77. [18:41] <KeySantaMaster> As to your earlier question, yes, there's still activity at KHFanonWiki.
  78. [18:41] <Santa4ever> Unless we refer to KH Encyclopedia as the "giant wiki" and us as the "KHWiki." Which is kind of confusing/misleading...unless we define encyclopedia as something intending to cover all aspects (canon, fanon, etc.) of the series.
  79. [18:41] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah.
  80. [18:41] <Santa4ever> That's great. I'm glad they're still around. ^_^
  81. [18:41] <KeySantaMaster>
  82. [18:41] <KeySantaMaster> They're active, just not the staff.
  83. [18:42] <Santa4ever> Cool. That can affect whether or not someone can "adopt the Wikia."
  84. [18:43] <KeySantaMaster> We could ask maggosh. I think he's still a staff member there, even if he's not active.
  85. [18:43] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, he's still listed as staff.
  86. [18:44] <Santa4ever> As to whether or not someone can adopt? You just have to make a request on the page at Central Wikia. There's certain guidelines...let me try to find the page.
  87. [18:44] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, I know. With the activity, we'd have to ask the other active members of the wiki for a vote.
  88. [18:45] <Santa4ever> Truth be told, once we "take over" (that's some harsh wording...) the fanon Wiki we can decide all the staff stuff then.
  89. [18:46] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I was thinking we just get at least one person there, and from there they can organize the Fanon Wiki.
  90. [18:46] <KeySantaMaster> Kinda like how I was doing with Square Enix Wiki.
  91. [18:46] <Santa4ever> Agreed.
  92. [18:46] <Santa4ever> You adopted a Wiki? Good on you!
  93. [18:47] <KeySantaMaster> No, I've never adopted a wiki.
  94. [18:47] <KeySantaMaster> I thought of adopting the KHFanon Wiki, actually, when I was looking into Byz's actions while we were organizing WAFRE. To see what other wikis he'd plagiarized from and we could recruit.
  95. [18:48] <Santa4ever> He's stolen from those guys, too?!
  96. [18:48] <KeySantaMaster> No.
  97. [18:48] <Santa4ever> Whew. Man, that would have been insane.
  98. [18:48] <KeySantaMaster> But I was looking into what other wikis he had taken from, and during that search, I ended up at Community Central.
  99. [18:48] <KeySantaMaster> He had adopted other wikis himself.
  100. [18:49] <KeySantaMaster> That's how I found the adoption requirements, and thought about adopting the KHFanon Wiki.
  101. [18:49] <Santa4ever> Ah, I see.
  102. [18:50] <KeySantaMaster> But yeah, since there's activity, we'd need to discuss with others that are active to gain the rights from Wikia.
  103. [18:51] <Santa4ever> We don't necessarily have to go through the whole "adopt a Wikia" process. We can do it the old fashion way: get people over there, edit/get some activity going, and then discuss with all fanon users what they want to do.
  104. [18:51] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, we could do that, too.
  105. [18:52] <Santa4ever> Speaking of which, we need to create a notice over there inviting them to whatever discussions we have about all this.
  106. [18:52] <KeySantaMaster> Ooh, Kingdom Hearts Archives. Just came to me.
  107. [18:53] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, we should tell them.
  108. [18:54] <Santa4ever> Oooh KH Archives.
  109. [18:54] <Santa4ever> I can dig it.
  110. [18:55] <KeySantaMaster> Ok, I'll tell the KHFanon Wiki.
  111. [18:56] <KeySantaMaster> See if we have more success with getting them to the Roundtable than the "recruit" wikis for WAFRE
  112. [18:56] <Santa4ever> If they seriously care about their Wiki, someone will come- or at least comment on your statement.
  113. [18:57] <KeySantaMaster> Cool. Well I think that was it.
  114. [18:58] <KeySantaMaster> Unless there's something else?
  115. [18:59] <Santa4ever> I didn't have anything, really.
  116. [18:59] <Santa4ever> Everything will ride upon what happens at the Roundtable.
  117. [18:59] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, pretty much...
  118. [19:02] <Santa4ever> I think this operation will be well recieved.
  119. [19:02] <Santa4ever> Do the Keyhole people know about this? Aka, will they be at the Roundtable?
  120. [19:03] <KeySantaMaster> No, just Chain
  121. [19:03] <KeySantaMaster> Though we probably should tell them, too.
  122. [19:04] <Santa4ever> Definitely. You think Chain would be best for rallying those guys for it?
  123. [19:04] <KeySantaMaster> Yeah, most likely.
  124. [19:06] <Santa4ever> Alrighty. So, you've got the fanon wiki; Chain has the Keyhole; our guys already know.
  125. [19:06] <Santa4ever> Think we should make a post on the Facebook page?
  126. [19:06] <KeySantaMaster> Probably. It does seem that people have reacted to that.
  127. [19:08] <Santa4ever> I can handle that side unless you want to tackle that.
  128. [19:09] <KeySantaMaster> If you want to do it, go ahead. I don't mind.
  129. [19:10] <Santa4ever> The message will be short and simple "Important discussion to be had at the next Roundtable. Be there." ~ something like that
  130. [19:11] <KeySantaMaster> Ok, I think that's fine.
  131. [19:11] <Santa4ever> Cool. I'll get on that.
  132. [19:12] <KeySantaMaster> Alright. I'm getting on the KHFanon Wiki right now.
  133. [19:26] <Santa4ever> Facebook is good to go.
  134. [19:26] <KeySantaMaster> Just finisheda at KHFanon Wiki, too.
  135. [19:26] <KeySantaMaster>
  136. [19:27] <Santa4ever> Looks good to me
  137. [19:30] <KeySantaMaster> It's time for me to go. Christmas stuff and all.
  138. [19:30] <KeySantaMaster> See ya.
  139. Session Close: Wed Dec 24 19:30:39 2014
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