
Anon and the circus 3: Rabid

Aug 4th, 2018
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  1. (this is to follow anon and the circus ch. 1 and 2
  3. Anon and the circus
  5. >Me and Dancy
  6. >Dancy, not to my surprise, was abit bipolar with me. When she was out of her makeup she avoided me constantly. When she put on her makeup she had no problem talking to me. For the most part she was nice but she had a sick fascination with pranks. Sabotaging the lock of a port-o-john then having Ode put me on the roof a moving truck while I tried to escape, for example. Reporting me to ICE saying that was a was from "Clownstonia" was another. However, there was one that did not end so well...
  8. >"Are you two high?" Said the boss. His name was Georg. He was an opossum or dog, I think. He was completely hairless with loose skin and bright blue eyes. He was covered in marks and scratches with a scar on his lip that revealed a fang. The scar made him look constantly on the brink of attacking someone which was just as well because he seemed to be in a constant state of anger.
  9. >"I had no idea what was happening, sir." I said. Me and Dancy were shrinking in our chairs in front of his ever growing desk.
  10. >"I'll break it down for you: You..." He points to Dancy, "...Put some shit in his face paint to turn it black after it's put on." He points back to me, "and you didn't notice anything was off for three hours!"
  11. >"I didn't think it would be that bad, boss!" Dancy spoke up.
  12. >"No shit! You made Mr. Straighty into Mr. Uncle Goddamn Tom!" Dancy had her head low. I didn't want to see her take more of this. Sure, she deserved this but she didn't deserve this...? While I tried to make sense of what I just thought I spoke.
  13. >"I didn't know! I though people were just laughing more that day." I said with a shrug.
  14. >"Then you went for the stage act!" He said leaning over the desk like he was about to pounce. His teeth chattering as he spoke.
  15. >"No one told me! Muggs and the guys were there!"
  16. >"M, F, and C are method actors. There could be a fire and they would put it out with clown shoes and seltzer water. You decided to do the car thing, that is the big problem."
  17. >"The car thing..." I said as the warmth left my body.
  18. >"The joke is that they back up the clown car, jump on top of it, then whip you so that you run around like a horse dragging the car behind you like a carriage. Didn't happen like that today, did it?"
  19. >"No..." I said.
  20. >"DID IT?!"
  21. >"No, the car went forward instead of reverse. I got pulled behind the car."
  22. >"And what did they do?"
  23. >"They followed behind and kept whipping."
  24. >"So we have a racial caricature being dragged by a car and whipped." His gaze again turned to Dancy. I spoke up again.
  25. >"The crowd thought it was hilarious, to be fair." I said.
  26. >"Yeah, so much they recorded it on their phones. Now it's on the internet. Now I'm getting contacting in ways I didn't even know about because of this shit show." He checks his phone and there is a brief silence. He puts it on his desk to face us.
  27. >"This just in: Mr. Straighty is banned from California."
  28. >"I am so, so sorry boss! I'll do whatever it takes to make this right. If they knew that it was just me then I'm sure this won't affect the business." Said Dancy.
  29. >"Nah." Georg says as he slumps in his chair, "I talked to the cheesiers. They are doing something with 'Dummy accounts' and 'influencing public opinion.' They said they used to do it in the motherland. They are trying to say it was a either you having a horrible medical condition or it was a high level social commentary." He looked out the window and sighed.
  30. >"Even if I fired you both I don't think anyone would care enough to come back." He said quietly. Me and Dancy paused and looked at eachother.
  31. >"You're both working double shifts to cover for the Cheeses. Dancy and Mr. Straighty are benched for awhile, understand? Best to just leave the matter alone. Still... Maybe I can work this into an advantage."
  32. >With the boss lost in thought we take it as a signal to leave. Both of us are stuck standing side by side looking over the big top.
  33. >"What the hell, Nancy?" I say to her, "If you wanted to fuck me up you could have not admitted to doing it. What do you have against me?"
  34. >"I don't hate you!"
  35. >"You barely talk to me and then you pull weird stuff like this. I'd say you were a child but this shit you pull is complex."
  36. >"I don't hate you! I just want you to think I'm smart! Understand?!" She says as she trots off.
  37. >You stay in the circus grounds and watch the lights turn off.
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