
Magical Burst: Session 12: Burst

Feb 13th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, January 19, 2014
  3. 12:27 PM - MeltingData entered chat.
  4. 12:28 PM - Smas has been invited to chat.
  5. 12:28 PM - Smas entered chat.
  6. 12:28 PM - MeltingData: ayyyyyyyyy
  7. 12:28 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy has been invited to chat.
  8. 12:28 PM - Frigs has been invited to chat.
  9. 12:28 PM - Frigs entered chat.
  10. 12:28 PM - Frigs: ayyyyyyyyyyy
  11. 12:28 PM - Sarah Salem: 12:28 PM - MeltingData: ayyyyyyyyy
  12. 12:28 PM - Sarah Salem: what are you
  13. 12:29 PM - Eevee: I am
  14. 12:29 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: Neko is going to get tea and Ryan is being a shitcunt and watching gayme of bones
  15. 12:29 PM - Eevee: man I had a witty response and I forgot it
  16. 12:30 PM - Sarah Salem: neko = nicole im assuming/
  17. 12:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: ye
  18. 12:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: I called her Nikki but she didn't like that since she has a roommate named Nikki
  19. 12:30 PM - Eevee: I'll get some coffee rly quick then
  20. 12:31 PM - Sarah Salem: quit hitting on every female you talk to appy
  21. 12:31 PM - Sarah Salem: just settle for the cointrick black guy
  22. 12:31 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: and she has 2 roommates that speak chinglish and the way they pronounce her name with their accents make it sound like they're saying neko instead of Nicole
  23. 12:31 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so she told me to call her Neko
  24. 12:31 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: :v
  25. 12:31 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  26. 12:31 PM - Sarah Salem: uguu
  27. 12:32 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: Guacamelee is rad'
  28. 12:32 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: references EVERYWHERE
  29. 12:32 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge:
  30. 12:32 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy entered chat.
  31. 12:32 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (I'll be better this time)
  32. 12:33 PM - Sarah Salem: eyyyy
  33. 12:33 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (ppy told me how to improve)
  34. 12:33 PM - Eri Motai: (ey?)
  35. 12:33 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: **(appy)
  36. 12:33 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: by that she means I'm gonna nerf her for every 3 grammatical errors she makes
  37. 12:33 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: c:
  38. 12:33 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  39. 12:33 PM - Sarah Salem: grammar oc
  40. 12:34 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (i already have a -1)
  41. 12:34 PM - Sarah Salem: i was walking around with a -2 for a while :v
  42. 12:34 PM - Sarah Salem: have fun!
  43. 12:35 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (i will not be as edgy so you guys wont get cut)
  44. 12:36 PM - Sarah Salem: what the fuck
  45. 12:36 PM - Eri Motai: (ow the edge)
  46. 12:36 PM - Sarah Salem: this guy made the stupidest tetris thing
  47. 12:36 PM - Sarah Salem: mistake
  48. 12:36 PM - Sarah Salem: aaaaaaaaaa
  49. 12:36 PM - Sarah Salem: that hurt me to see
  50. 12:38 PM - Eevee: (( eyyy sorry my dad was giving me skittles and telling me he's proud ))
  51. 12:39 PM - Sarah Salem: (( wat ))
  52. 12:39 PM - Sarah Salem: (( my dog is named skittles, shes an adorable fat piece of shit))
  53. 12:39 PM - Eevee: (( dude I think my dad just gave me your dog ))
  54. 12:39 PM - Sarah Salem: (( give it back :c))
  55. 12:39 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: kay so Imma piss then we can get this started
  56. 12:39 PM - Eevee: (( no man its mine ))
  57. 12:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: kay
  58. 12:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: SO
  59. 12:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: YALL READY
  60. 12:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: GET YOUR SHEETS AND YOUR SHIT OUT
  61. 12:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: IT'S MAGICAL TIME
  62. 12:44 PM - Eevee: ( yeeee ))
  63. 12:48 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: is there some program you can download to make spellcheck in steam?
  64. 12:48 PM - Eevee: (( if only ))
  65. 12:48 PM - Eri Motai: you could just write out what you want to say in Word, and then copy paste the corrections
  66. 1:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Contractions.
  67. 1:28 PM - Eevee disconnected.
  68. 1:29 PM - Eevee entered chat.
  69. 1:54 PM - Satoya Taji entered chat.
  71. 1:54 PM - Contractions: I told you
  72. 1:54 PM - Eevee disconnected.
  73. 1:54 PM - Contractions: multiple times
  74. 1:54 PM - Satoya Taji: I got none of these messages
  75. 1:54 PM - Contractions: 12:29 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: starting soon
  76. 12:29 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: once Nicole gets tea
  77. 12:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: like 5 minutes
  78. 12:38 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: we're going without you then k
  79. 1:55 PM - Satoya Taji: I recieved none of that
  80. 1:55 PM - Contractions: not my fault you're a failure
  81. 1:55 PM - Contractions: 0u0
  82. 1:55 PM - Sarah Salem: #dangowned
  83. 1:55 PM - Eevee entered chat.
  84. 1:56 PM - Satoya Taji: I read that as dan gow ned
  86. 1:57 PM - Contractions: pfffft
  87. 1:57 PM - Contractions: brb piss
  88. 1:57 PM - Eevee: Dan said he told you but you were too busy watching game of thrones
  89. 1:57 PM - Satoya Taji: I FINISHED AN HOUR AGO
  90. 1:57 PM - Sarah Salem: pbbbbbbbbbth
  92. 1:58 PM - Eevee: SO I was thinking "oh he's probably blowing off the game but I wont out him because IM A GOOD FRIEND"
  93. 1:58 PM - Satoya Taji: NIGGA I'D SAY IF I WAS BLOWING IT OFF
  94. 1:58 PM - Eevee: :V
  95. 1:58 PM - Contractions: back
  96. 1:58 PM - Eevee: Anywho Dan told you so bleh
  99. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah and Eri - Hot Stuff 2~~
  101. 12:48 PM - Sarah Salem: hi
  102. 12:50 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: yep
  103. 12:50 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so
  104. 12:50 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: I think we all know where we left off last time
  105. 12:51 PM - Eri Motai: (who's turn was it? was it the youmas?)
  106. 12:51 PM - Sarah Salem: mine
  107. 12:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: then go
  108. 12:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: I'll get the r20 map setup again
  109. 12:53 PM - Eri Motai: "SARAH!" Eri yells from across the foundry. "GET OVER HERE!"
  110. 12:53 PM - Sarah Salem: Aight, I'll hold my turn.
  111. 12:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge:
  112. 12:54 PM - Sarah Salem: way ahead of you
  113. 12:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: gj
  114. 12:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: ok so after Sarah went, it was Eri I think?
  115. 12:55 PM - Eri Motai: yeah
  116. 12:55 PM - Eri Motai: I'm going to move 7 spaces (it's equal to physical right?)
  117. 12:56 PM - Eri Motai: so basically, I'm going to end up (where's the marker tool?)
  118. 12:57 PM - Sarah Salem: just use the paintbrush :v
  119. 12:57 PM - Eri Motai: well, I don't really need it I guess
  120. 12:57 PM - Eri Motai: I'm going to end up in the spot right below the one with the angry face on it
  121. 12:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so, there?
  122. 12:58 PM - Eri Motai: it's the other way, upwards
  123. 12:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: ?
  124. 12:58 PM - Eri Motai: yes
  125. 12:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: use the little tool that looks like a comb I think that's the measuring tool or something
  126. 12:58 PM - Eri Motai: kk
  127. 12:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so, what now?
  128. 12:59 PM - Eri Motai: "SARAH, I NEED YOU, NOW!"
  129. 12:59 PM - Sarah Salem: oh
  130. 12:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: ?
  131. 12:59 PM - Sarah Salem: ye i interrupt
  132. 12:59 PM - Eri Motai: (how'd I make it to the group?)
  133. 12:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I pick up Eri and throw her ass over at pinkie.
  134. 1:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: um wait so
  135. 1:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: Eri moved to where she is
  136. 1:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: now Sarah's gonna use her held turn to double back and toss her
  137. 1:00 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah
  138. 1:00 PM - Sarah Salem: well
  139. 1:00 PM - Eri Motai: yeah, pretty much, don't think she'd need to toss me persay
  140. 1:00 PM - Sarah Salem: i head back there
  141. 1:01 PM - Sarah Salem: pick her up, and then just do a simple charge to get back to where i was
  142. 1:01 PM - Sarah Salem: but with eri in tow ;v
  143. 1:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: what's your physical?
  144. 1:01 PM - Sarah Salem: 7
  145. 1:01 PM - Eri Motai: (mine is also 7, if you are asking)
  146. 1:01 PM - Sarah Salem: ( #ripped )
  147. 1:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: you had to move 3 spaces to double back
  148. 1:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so that leaves you with 4
  149. 1:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: and carrying Eri, you get a half movement penalty
  150. 1:02 PM - Sarah Salem: oh so i can just walk right back :v
  151. 1:02 PM - Sarah Salem: oh really
  152. 1:02 PM - Eri Motai: yeah, it's fine, I'll be close enough
  153. 1:02 PM - Sarah Salem: nah one sec
  154. 1:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: kay then
  155. 1:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: what are you doing
  156. 1:02 PM - Eri Motai: will I be close enough to swing with my finisher dan?
  157. 1:02 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah i'll just hypercharge to move back to exactly where i was :v
  158. 1:03 PM - Eri Motai: also, now should be a good time to see how long my OS boost lasts
  159. 1:04 PM - Eri Motai: and it'll last 5
  160. 1:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: kay, so where does that leave us?
  161. 1:05 PM - Sarah Salem: right next to pinkie
  162. 1:05 PM - Sarah Salem: with eri being able to attack :v
  163. 1:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: ok
  164. 1:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: shoot, then
  165. 1:05 PM - Eri Motai: "GRIT THOSE TEETH!" Eri shouts, unleashing her Glorious Visage.
  166. 1:05 PM - Sarah Salem: (( ppft ))
  167. 1:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: roll attack and let's see what happens
  168. 1:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Contractions.
  169. 1:07 PM - Eri Motai: yeah, just trying to remember what effects I'm under
  170. 1:07 PM - Eri Motai: it's +6 from OS, +4 from visage, +2 from Full drive
  171. 1:08 PM - Eri Motai: and the attack is unclashable
  172. 1:08 PM - Contractions: doesn't mean it's undefendable
  173. 1:08 PM - Eri Motai: it is too
  174. 1:08 PM - Eri Motai: With this, I can make a single unclashable attack with a +4 bonus to damage, from which my enemies can't react their defense challenge with.
  175. 1:08 PM - Contractions: what finisher is it?
  176. 1:09 PM - Eri Motai: Uhm, let me find the actual name
  177. 1:09 PM - Eri Motai: it's close to what I named this though
  178. 1:09 PM - Sarah Salem: Grand Barrage: Your attack acts as a special, unclashable Multiple Target Attack, with none of the
  179. penalties normally applied. Alternately, you may focus your fire on one target, resulting in an attack that is
  180. very difficult to defend against with anything but raw power. Make a single unclashable attack with a +4
  181. bonus to damage. Your target may not use Reactions on the Defense challenge against this attack, though
  182. they may use Reactions after the attack has succeeded and dealt damage (or failed.)
  183. 1:10 PM - Sarah Salem: (( you're welcome c:))
  184. 1:10 PM - Eri Motai: (thnx bb)
  185. 1:10 PM - Contractions: well ok then
  186. 1:11 PM - Eri Motai: it's 19, with one involuntary oc
  187. 1:11 PM - Sarah Salem: (( 20 :v ))
  188. 1:11 PM - Sarah Salem: (( 22 :v ))
  189. 1:11 PM - Eri Motai: (no, that's my extra dice, for removing lowest roll)
  190. 1:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ah ))
  191. 1:11 PM - Eri Motai: (it's 21)
  192. 1:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((its above 20, shes hit either way :v))
  193. 1:12 PM - Eri Motai: (did I do it dan?)
  194. 1:12 PM - Contractions: guess so since these attacks are op
  195. 1:12 PM - Contractions: :v
  196. 1:13 PM - Eri Motai: kk, rolling damage
  197. 1:13 PM - Eri Motai: so wait, what's attack roll again?
  198. 1:13 PM - Sarah Salem: (( :v ))
  199. 1:14 PM - Contractions: 1d6+1/2attack normally
  200. 1:14 PM - Eri Motai: kk thanks
  201. 1:14 PM - Contractions: plus whatever your modifiers and finishers are
  202. 1:15 PM - Eri Motai: 16 damage
  203. 1:16 PM - Contractions: ah
  204. 1:16 PM - Contractions: Interception
  205. 1:16 PM - Contractions: your finisher can't prevent interceptions iirc
  206. 1:16 PM - Contractions: c:
  207. 1:16 PM - Eri Motai: (wth is an interception)
  208. 1:17 PM - Contractions: Interception: Whenever an enemy declares an action other than Revive or makes a Defense challenge, you may activate this ability as a Special Action. This ability may be used after the initial roll has been seen, as long as the action has not been fully resolved yet. Make a Normal Attack on the enemy. If this attack is successful and deals damage, the enemy takes a -3 penalty to the action it was trying to perform. This may only be used once per battle, and may not be Clashed or Covered.
  209. 1:17 PM - Eri Motai: (why was I never made aware of this)
  210. 1:18 PM - Contractions: ehehehehehhee
  211. 1:18 PM - Eri Motai: (I guess gg everyone go home I'm about to get my face wrecked)
  212. 1:18 PM - Contractions: time for the retaliation
  213. 1:19 PM - Sarah Salem: (( least she doesnt get a +18 to it :v))
  214. 1:19 PM - Contractions: ~yet~
  215. 1:19 PM - Eri Motai: (yeah, there's no way regardless, I'm dead if she ocs even once most likely)
  216. 1:20 PM - Contractions: leeeet's find out!
  217. 1:20 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i'd cover for you but :v))
  218. 1:20 PM - Contractions: did she have any modifiers? I forget
  219. 1:20 PM - Eri Motai: she didn't have the +18 is all I remember :u
  220. 1:20 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i cant remember tbh, but i dont think so))
  221. 1:21 PM - Contractions: eh, let's go with no modifiers since adding fake mods is unfair
  222. 1:21 PM - Contractions: though she can still oc and luck
  223. 1:21 PM - Contractions: c:
  224. 1:21 PM - Sarah Salem: so can eri tho :v
  225. 1:21 PM - Sarah Salem: got2getlucky
  226. 1:21 PM - Contractions: 30
  227. 1:21 PM - Contractions: c:
  228. 1:22 PM - Sarah Salem: mhm
  229. 1:22 PM - Eri Motai: hmm
  230. 1:22 PM - Eri Motai: I don't have much high hopes, but lets see how this plays out
  231. 1:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh))
  232. 1:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ((wait a second your attack still goes through))
  233. 1:23 PM - Eri Motai: I'm dropping my Full Drive btw, cuz I'll probably end up killing myself if I still have it up
  234. 1:23 PM - Contractions: both attacks go through then?
  235. 1:23 PM - Contractions: that is perfectly anime
  236. 1:23 PM - Contractions: let's find out the damage, shall we?
  237. 1:23 PM - Eri Motai: yeah, I'm not going to bother I think
  238. 1:23 PM - Contractions: 11
  239. 1:24 PM - Contractions: again she rolls lowest damage'
  240. 1:24 PM - Contractions: :v
  241. 1:24 PM - Eri Motai: hmm
  242. 1:24 PM - Sarah Salem: (( nail to the gut))
  243. 1:24 PM - Eri Motai: We both are going to lose Resolve I think
  244. 1:24 PM - Contractions: I'm cool with that
  245. 1:24 PM - Sarah Salem: (( yeah but you still murder her))
  246. 1:24 PM - Sarah Salem: ((thats all that matters))
  247. 1:24 PM - Contractions: does it put you down and out? Don't think so unless you've been losing some other resolve
  248. 1:25 PM - Eri Motai: (what do you mean?)
  249. 1:25 PM - Sarah Salem: yep
  250. 1:25 PM - Sarah Salem: 11 damage to eris 10 resolve
  251. 1:25 PM - Sarah Salem: you both go down
  252. 1:25 PM - Contractions: whoop
  253. 1:25 PM - Contractions: hang on I gotta anime this
  254. 1:25 PM - Sarah Salem: (( DOUBLE KO ))
  255. 1:26 PM - Contractions: Eri charges forwards, shouts, and Sarah doubles backwards, hyperspeed tossing Eri right into bitch's face
  256. 1:27 PM - Contractions: As you fly, sword forwards, righteous fury burning in your eyes, she cracks her whip at you, flaming icicles completely surrounding it as it wraps around your neck
  257. 1:28 PM - Contractions: She swings you with your momentum to the ground, hard. The icicles dig into your skin and burn painfully
  258. 1:28 PM - Eri Motai: "GA!"
  259. 1:28 PM - Contractions: As you bounce from your landing, you stick her in the gut with your sword
  260. 1:30 PM - Contractions: You transform back into your normal attire, as does she
  261. 1:30 PM - Contractions: there seems to be an issue, though
  262. 1:30 PM - Contractions: there's a giant tentacle
  263. 1:30 PM - Contractions: and you're right next to it
  264. 1:30 PM - Contractions: like, literally underneath it
  265. 1:30 PM - Contractions: and it's its turn
  266. 1:31 PM - Contractions: c:
  267. 1:31 PM - Eri Motai: "...I didn't want it to turn out like this... Sarah, get out of here..."
  268. 1:31 PM - Sarah Salem: (( nah ))
  269. 1:31 PM - Contractions: if you want to reaction response pause time before you guys get flattened, you can roll magic
  270. 10:32 AM - Sarah Salem: i will, then
  271. 10:33 AM - Sarah Salem: 14
  272. 1:32 PM - Contractions: BAM
  273. 1:32 PM - Contractions: NAILED THE ROLL
  274. 1:32 PM - Contractions: RIGHT ON THE DOT
  275. 1:33 PM - Sarah Salem: (( c: ))
  276. 1:33 PM - Contractions: Sarah pauses time before the tentacle can completely destroy you and the catwalk above the bubbling vats that it hangs above
  277. 1:34 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll head over there, and take my time moving Eri and Pinkie out of the way of the tentacle
  278. 1:34 PM - Sarah Salem: And then set up my bill jammed into the floor, pointing upwards.
  279. 1:35 PM - Sarah Salem: Oh and then unpause c:
  280. 1:35 PM - Contractions: there
  281. 1:35 PM - Contractions: map adjusted
  282. 1:36 PM - Contractions: so you're just about dead and there's a lively youma waiting to crush shit and you have two unmeguca'd civvies
  283. 1:36 PM - Sarah Salem: hm
  284. 1:37 PM - Sarah Salem: i'll take em as far away from the tentacles as i can
  285. 1:37 PM - Sarah Salem: and then javelin toss at the big one :v
  286. 1:39 PM - Contractions: roll
  287. 1:39 PM - Contractions: WELP
  288. 1:39 PM - Sarah Salem: you shittin me
  289. 1:39 PM - Contractions: TWO MORE OC
  290. 1:39 PM - Contractions: :VVVV
  291. 1:39 PM - Sarah Salem: 25
  292. 1:40 PM - Contractions: pass
  293. 1:40 PM - Contractions: damage
  294. 1:40 PM - Sarah Salem: 11
  295. 1:41 PM - Contractions: You javelin toss the giant tentacle, sticking it with your billhook
  296. 1:41 PM - Contractions: it's still alive
  297. 1:41 PM - Contractions: :v
  298. 1:41 PM - Sarah Salem: i know :v
  299. 1:42 PM - Sarah Salem: im just
  300. 1:42 PM - Sarah Salem: buying time
  301. 1:42 PM - Eri Motai: (boo)
  302. 1:42 PM - Sarah Salem: (( :c ))
  303. 1:42 PM - Eri Motai: (;y)
  304. 1:42 PM - Contractions: time for what? :v
  305. 1:42 PM - Sarah Salem: i dunno but i felt i needed to make a pun
  306. 1:43 PM - Sarah Salem: blame ciaster, he's a bad influence
  307. 1:43 PM - Sarah Salem: aight so its now the youmas turn, then?
  308. 1:44 PM - Eri Motai: (is it? I thought it just went)
  309. 1:44 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i just went :V))
  310. 1:44 PM - Sarah Salem: ((you two are down for the count ))
  311. 1:44 PM - Eri Motai: (and then you did, it's technically my turn to go and attempt to self revive)
  312. 1:44 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh yeah))
  313. 1:44 PM - Sarah Salem: ((damn forgot that was a thing
  314. 1:45 PM - Eri Motai: Eri trembles as she attempts to stand up on the cat walk.
  315. 1:45 PM - Contractions: roll for revive then
  316. 1:45 PM - Eri Motai: rolling to revive self, what's the roll?
  317. 1:45 PM - Sarah Salem: (( check the book yo ))
  318. 1:45 PM - Contractions: Revive
  319. If you’ve lost all your Resolve, you’re in serious trouble, and this action is the only way to get
  320. yourself back up and into the fight. First, make a TN13 Fortitude challenge to see if you can gather the
  321. strength to continue fighting. On a failure, this action fails and your turn ends. On a success, you proceed to
  322. the next step with no bonuses or penalties, and on at least one raise you gain a +2 bonus to the next roll.
  323. After you succeed on your Fortitude challenge, you make a TN14 Support challenge. On a failure
  324. you take 2 Overcharge and go to 1d6 Resolve. On a success you take 1 Overcharge and go to 1d6+3
  325. Resolve, and on a success with at least one raise you take 1 Overcharge and go to 1d6+6 Resolve.
  326. Any successful use of this action causes a ­1 penalty to future revives, as the toll of the massive
  327. damage you have suffered begins to overwhelm you. This penalty is cumulative for each revive.
  328. 1:46 PM - Eri Motai: (kk
  329. 1:47 PM - Eri Motai: (NICE)
  330. 1:47 PM - Contractions: now you need to TN14 a support roll
  331. 1:47 PM - Contractions: welp
  332. 1:48 PM - Contractions: Bitch's turn~
  333. 1:48 PM - Sarah Salem: uh
  334. 1:48 PM - Sarah Salem: On a failure
  335. you take 2 Overcharge and go to 1d6 Resolve.
  336. 1:48 PM - Eri Motai: I still have my turn I think
  337. 1:48 PM - Sarah Salem: eris up :v
  338. 1:48 PM - Eri Motai: If I'm reading correct
  339. 1:49 PM - Contractions: ah
  340. 1:49 PM - Contractions: well then
  341. 1:49 PM - Sarah Salem: (( 3 hp buddies ((
  342. 1:49 PM - Sarah Salem: ))
  343. 1:50 PM - Eri Motai: Eri remegucas, and turns to face the monster; "I-I don't know who you are, but it's obvious you hate me."
  344. 1:50 PM - Sarah Salem: (( nigga its a tentacle))
  345. 1:50 PM - Eri Motai: (talking to bitch, with my back turned)
  346. 1:50 PM - Contractions: ooo
  347. 1:51 PM - Contractions: burn
  348. 1:51 PM - Eri Motai: "But, I told you that I would help you, the next time I saw you."
  349. 1:51 PM - Eri Motai: "So run, get out of here."
  350. 1:51 PM - Eri Motai: "The world doesn't need two dead demon hunters."
  351. 1:51 PM - Sarah Salem: (( are there even any exits :v))
  352. 1:52 PM - Contractions: yep, back where you came from
  353. 1:52 PM - Contractions: lemme circle it for you
  354. 1:52 PM - Contractions: c:
  355. 1:52 PM - Contractions: big black circle
  356. 1:52 PM - Contractions: bottom left
  357. 1:52 PM - Contractions: c:
  358. 1:52 PM - Sarah Salem: i see :v
  359. 1:52 PM - Eri Motai: Eri attempts to attack the tentacle
  360. 1:52 PM - Eri Motai: the massive one
  361. 1:53 PM - Contractions: wouldn't your turn be used up just rising
  362. 1:53 PM - Contractions: and megucaing again
  363. 1:54 PM - Eri Motai: well, I'll use my lightning strike if that's the case
  364. 1:54 PM - Sarah Salem: (( yep :v ))
  365. 1:55 PM - Contractions: k
  366. 1:55 PM - Contractions: :v
  367. 1:55 PM - Eri Motai: 12, probably have to oc to hit
  368. 1:55 PM - Contractions: yep
  369. 1:55 PM - Eri Motai: I'll toss my luck in there first
  370. 1:55 PM - Eri Motai: 14, not yet?
  371. 1:55 PM - Contractions: that's its defense
  372. 1:56 PM - Contractions: so not yet
  373. 1:56 PM - Eri Motai: ok, gonna oc once
  374. 1:56 PM - Contractions: why did you roll the luck when you could have just used it to add 3 :v
  375. 1:56 PM - Eri Motai: (oh I can do that?)
  376. 1:57 PM - Contractions: yep
  377. 1:57 PM - Contractions: 2 l8 now
  378. 1:57 PM - Eri Motai: (why do I keep not getting into the loop)
  379. 1:57 PM - Eri Motai: (can we plz just hop on back to that, I wasn't aware of that T.T)
  380. 1:58 PM - Eri Motai: (you know what, it's fine, I'll just oc this)
  381. 1:58 PM - Eri Motai: (I already tossed the 6)
  382. 1:58 PM - Eri Motai: 22
  383. 1:59 PM - Contractions: pass~
  384. 1:59 PM - Contractions: so much OC
  385. 1:59 PM - Eri Motai: rolling dmg
  386. 1:59 PM - Eri Motai: 11
  387. 2:00 PM - Contractions: not bad, still not dead
  388. 2:00 PM - Contractions: almost, but not quite
  389. 2:01 PM - Contractions: So NOW it's bitch's turn
  390. 2:01 PM - Contractions: rolling to revive
  391. 2:03 PM - Contractions: what are you niggas doin
  392. 2:03 PM - Sarah Salem: aw hell
  393. 2:03 PM - Contractions: she passes the roll to rise
  394. 2:03 PM - Contractions: fails the support roll
  395. 2:03 PM - Sarah Salem: ((>dat support stat))
  396. 2:04 PM - Contractions: and rolls 3 health
  397. 2:04 PM - Contractions: :v
  398. 2:04 PM - Sarah Salem: ((we're all at 3 hp, then))
  399. 2:04 PM - Eri Motai: (by out powers combined, we're at 9 hp)
  400. 2:04 PM - Eri Motai: (our*)
  401. 2:04 PM - Sarah Salem: ((6 you mean :v))
  402. 2:04 PM - Sarah Salem: (( she aint gonna combine with our lagann :C ))
  403. 2:05 PM - Eri Motai: (well, it'd be cool if she'd hop on for the ride at least)
  404. 2:05 PM - Sarah Salem: (( :v ))
  405. 2:05 PM - Sarah Salem: ((so, my turn?))
  406. 2:05 PM - Contractions: hold on a tic I'm dialouging
  407. 2:06 PM - Contractions: Using the railing as a crutch, she rises. She pulls out a fanciful, engraved silver zippo and flicks the flint a few times before it catches a small flame
  408. 2:06 PM - Contractions: which completely engulfs her and she's now in meguca attire again
  409. 2:07 PM - Sarah Salem: ((coolio))
  410. 2:07 PM - Contractions: She looks at Eri. Her eyes are a solid black. She grins as she says, "You're a stubborn bitch. I can respect that."
  411. 2:08 PM - Contractions: She shoulders between you and Sarah, readying her whip and facing the tentacle
  412. 2:08 PM - Contractions: now it's your go
  413. 2:09 PM - Eri Motai: (not the tentacle's?)
  414. 2:09 PM - Contractions: oh
  415. 2:09 PM - Contractions: yes
  416. 2:09 PM - Contractions: it is the tenta's
  417. 2:09 PM - Contractions: whoops
  418. 2:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((almost forgot about that guy))
  419. 2:09 PM - Contractions: giant tentacle rolls to crush for 15
  420. 2:11 PM - Contractions: you guys gonna take that?
  421. 2:11 PM - Contractions: :v
  422. 2:11 PM - Eri Motai: no, we aren't
  423. 2:12 PM - Eri Motai: at least, I'm not
  424. 2:12 PM - Sarah Salem: oh fuck it
  425. 2:12 PM - Sarah Salem: i'll defend
  426. 2:12 PM - Eri Motai: I was just reading rules for defending for other players
  427. 2:12 PM - Sarah Salem: 10
  428. 2:13 PM - Eri Motai: What'd pink roll?
  429. 2:13 PM - Contractions: rip
  430. 2:13 PM - Contractions: she rolled 17
  431. 2:13 PM - Sarah Salem: ill use luck :I
  432. 2:13 PM - Contractions: 13
  433. 2:13 PM - Contractions: :v
  434. 2:13 PM - Sarah Salem: aight
  435. 2:13 PM - Sarah Salem: damn, takin it then
  436. 2:13 PM - Eri Motai: I can take it for you man
  437. 2:13 PM - Contractions: and Eri?
  438. 2:14 PM - Eri Motai: (I guess I'll just defend myself, Data says no to assistance)
  439. 2:14 PM - Eri Motai: super block HOOOO
  440. 2:14 PM - Contractions: pfffft
  441. 2:14 PM - Contractions: Sarah got nailed for 9 damage
  442. 2:15 PM - Sarah Salem: (( tbh i blame the jews ))
  443. 2:15 PM - Contractions: the handle of her billhook jabs her in the gut as the melted metal drips off the oversized tentacle and onto you
  444. 2:15 PM - Sarah Salem: (( it's a ONE HIT WONDER))
  445. 2:16 PM - Contractions: Eri and Bitch's combined defensing manages to knock the tenta back and prevent it from destroying the catwalk you're on
  446. 2:18 PM - Contractions: next up was Sarah
  447. 2:18 PM - Contractions: so, gonna try and revive?
  448. 2:18 PM - Contractions: :v
  449. 2:19 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah
  450. 2:20 PM - Sarah Salem: f15
  451. 2:20 PM - Sarah Salem: 15
  452. 2:20 PM - Sarah Salem: doubled my resolve by reviving
  453. 2:21 PM - Sarah Salem: even tho i failed the support roll
  454. 2:21 PM - Sarah Salem: uh
  455. 2:21 PM - Sarah Salem: what does the OC go into
  456. 2:21 PM - Eri Motai: (your support stat)
  457. 2:21 PM - Eri Motai: (whatever you set it as)
  458. 2:21 PM - Sarah Salem: ((thank god ))
  459. 2:22 PM - Contractions: so you got 12 resolve now?
  460. 2:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ((no))
  461. 2:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ((6))
  462. 2:22 PM - Contractions: o
  463. 2:22 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i had 3 before i went down))
  464. 2:22 PM - Contractions: ooo
  465. 2:22 PM - Contractions: yay
  466. 2:23 PM - Eri Motai: (my turn? or are you going to fit an action in there data)
  467. 2:24 PM - Contractions: don't think he can?
  468. 2:24 PM - Contractions: unless e has lightning strike
  469. 2:24 PM - Contractions: otherwise yeah I assume it's your turn
  470. 2:24 PM - Sarah Salem: (( yeah its your turn :v))
  471. 2:25 PM - Eri Motai: Eri looks down to Sarah, sees that she's ok, and takes a running slash at the Tentacle.
  472. 2:26 PM - Eri Motai: and she can't finish the monster, cuz I'm not OCing any higher.
  473. 2:26 PM - Contractions: laaaame
  474. 2:27 PM - Eri Motai: (sry bb it's the difference between being an awesome Blood Knight or going full psycho)
  475. 2:27 PM - Sarah Salem: ((a what))
  476. 2:28 PM - Eri Motai: (it's a Fury change, makes me a blood thirsty psycho in battle)
  477. 2:28 PM - Contractions: An aura of black fire surrounds Bitch as she cracks her whip
  478. 2:28 PM - Contractions: +18 buffs here we go
  479. 2:28 PM - Eri Motai: (oh wait, do I still have them?)
  480. 2:28 PM - Sarah Salem: ((uh, didnt she go down :v))
  481. 2:29 PM - Eri Motai: (cuz I mean, I thought my buff wore off, if I had +6 that'd be a different story :u)
  482. 2:29 PM - Eri Motai: (from dying I mean)
  483. 2:29 PM - Contractions: she got up
  484. 2:29 PM - Contractions: with 3 health
  485. 2:30 PM - Contractions: resolve
  486. 2:30 PM - Contractions: whatev
  487. 2:30 PM - Contractions: the buff stayed
  488. 2:30 PM - Eri Motai: (retcons yay)
  489. 2:30 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh, i thought it wore off if you went down))
  490. 2:30 PM - Contractions: you just couldn't make use of it because of the demeguca
  491. 2:30 PM - Contractions: doesn't make the fact that you absorbed it any less real
  492. 2:31 PM - Eri Motai: (kk, I still wouldn't have hit the monster regardless so it's fine dan)
  493. 2:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((17 seems like it'd hit :v))
  494. 2:31 PM - Contractions: it do
  495. 2:31 PM - Eri Motai: (nah, it's +6 to my stat I thought, not the actual roll)
  496. 2:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((sooo))
  497. 2:32 PM - Contractions: so either way roll damage
  498. 2:33 PM - Eri Motai: (9 damage from me, if we're retconning)
  499. 2:33 PM - Contractions: yep, retconned and damaged
  500. 2:34 PM - Contractions: so now Bitch goes
  501. 2:35 PM - Contractions: full on tripleseed brutalization murderkill time
  502. 2:35 PM - Eri Motai: (yay for everyone involved)
  503. 2:35 PM - Eri Motai: (except everyone she's offing)
  504. 2:36 PM - Eri Motai: (also Dan, whilst we are fighting for our lives, are they having a ball hanging out at the Wayne Manor?)
  505. 2:36 PM - Contractions: yep
  506. 2:36 PM - Eri Motai: (damnit stop having fun guys)
  507. 2:37 PM - Sarah Salem: ((man what bitches ))
  508. 2:37 PM - Sarah Salem: ((0/10 not even omniescent))
  509. 2:37 PM - Sarah Salem: ((omniscient))
  510. 2:37 PM - Contractions: She gives a warcry that puts Sarah's to shame
  511. 2:38 PM - Eri Motai: (does it put mine to shame as well?)
  512. 2:38 PM - Eri Motai: (that's a scary thought)
  513. 2:38 PM - Contractions: oh yeah
  514. 2:38 PM - Contractions: completely buttwrecks yours
  515. 2:38 PM - Contractions: she;s doing a finisher
  516. 2:38 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ha, mine was only put to shame))
  517. 2:38 PM - Contractions: final impact
  518. 2:39 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh hey i have that one))
  519. 2:39 PM - Contractions: 52
  520. 2:39 PM - Contractions: C:
  521. 2:40 PM - Contractions: rollin damage!~
  522. 2:40 PM - Eri Motai:
  523. 2:41 PM - Contractions: sorry was doing classy stuff with the others
  524. 2:41 PM - Contractions: in rich people land
  525. 2:42 PM - Contractions: 33 damage
  526. 2:42 PM - Sarah Salem: ((wait what the +6 goes directly to damage))
  527. 2:43 PM - Contractions: yeah there's a 6+ to damage from OSOC
  528. 2:43 PM - Contractions: c:
  529. 2:45 PM - Contractions: With a warcry and a running jump, she leaps off the railing of the dangling and swinging catwalk, running up the length of the tentacle, completely ignoring the fact that her legs are pretty much walking in lava
  530. 2:45 PM - Contractions: She lashes her whip back and forth as she runs its length, doing a p rad kickflip off the tip and landing with a final vertical strike
  531. 2:46 PM - Contractions: it falls to pieces
  532. 2:47 PM - Sarah Salem: As soon as the monster's dead, I bolt for the door and get the hell outta dodge.
  533. 2:48 PM - Contractions: ooooo
  534. 2:48 PM - Contractions: there's an issue here
  535. 2:48 PM - Contractions: bitch has 12 fury OC
  536. 2:49 PM - Contractions: :v
  537. 2:49 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah so do i
  538. 2:49 PM - Sarah Salem: im leaving, im faster than everybody anyway :v
  539. 2:49 PM - Sarah Salem: and its my turn c:
  540. 2:51 PM - Contractions: You bolt, completely jumping over the massive gap in the destroyed and dangling catwalks
  541. 2:51 PM - Contractions: You manage to keep your head enough to grab the pan that you came for on your way out
  542. 2:52 PM - Contractions: And Eri?
  543. 2:52 PM - Eri Motai: (can I grab on and go for the ride, at least until I hit the door?)
  544. 2:52 PM - Contractions: eh, why not
  545. 2:53 PM - Contractions: you hear a wretching noise as you bolt, but don't have time to look back and see what the issue is
  546. 2:54 PM - Contractions: You're out, pan in hand, and about to have your cherry popped, as it were
  547. 2:54 PM - Contractions: where to?
  548. 2:54 PM - Sarah Salem: out the city :v
  549. 2:55 PM - Eri Motai: I bolt in the opposite direction of Sarah, towards my house probably.
  550. 2:57 PM - Contractions: you get some ways closer to the city
  551. 2:57 PM - Contractions: roll fury TN14 to not prematurely pop
  552. 2:57 PM - Contractions: c:
  553. 2:57 PM - Eri Motai: (me? or Sarah)
  554. 2:57 PM - Sarah Salem: 18
  555. 2:58 PM - Sarah Salem: oc'd accidentally :I
  556. 2:58 PM - Contractions: pfft
  557. 2:58 PM - Contractions: uh, you wouldn't really need to oc that btw
  558. 2:58 PM - Sarah Salem: fuck :I
  559. 2:58 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah but i chained
  560. 2:58 PM - Eri Motai: (it's just a check i think)
  561. 2:58 PM - Sarah Salem: oh
  562. 2:58 PM - Sarah Salem: ok
  563. 2:58 PM - Contractions: no, I mean it doesn't oc
  564. 2:58 PM - Sarah Salem: so no oc thank god
  565. 2:58 PM - Contractions: it's just a check
  566. 2:58 PM - Contractions: yeah
  567. 2:59 PM - Contractions: you 're out of Eri's house's range, anyway, but still not out of the city
  568. 2:59 PM - Contractions: fury -2
  569. 2:59 PM - Contractions: roll
  570. 3:00 PM - Sarah Salem: woops
  571. 3:00 PM - Contractions: Sarah trips, sending herself and Eri rolling
  572. 3:01 PM - Eri Motai: (ah what, I thought I said I got off :u)
  573. 3:01 PM - Sarah Salem: wait what the hell
  574. 3:01 PM - Sarah Salem: why are you here :I
  575. 3:01 PM - Contractions: what
  576. 3:01 PM - Contractions: when did you get off?
  577. 3:01 PM - Contractions: oooh
  578. 3:01 PM - Eri Motai: when I said I bolted in the opposite direction towards my house
  579. 3:01 PM - Contractions: whoops
  580. 3:01 PM - Contractions: ok then ignore that
  581. 3:02 PM - Contractions: there's a massive explosion back where you came from, and you can see a red and black cloud of smoke burst from the factory
  582. 3:03 PM - Contractions: meanwhile, you feel like your entire body is on fire, and you're filled with breif and inconceivable rage before it stops instantly as you yourself explode in a fury storm, a shockwave of light emanating from yourself and completely encompassing the area for several city blocks
  583. 3:03 PM - Contractions: your shockwave and the shockwave that came from the factory intersect
  584. 3:03 PM - Contractions: gj all you did was spread it more
  585. 3:03 PM - Contractions: c:
  586. 3:03 PM - Sarah Salem: uh
  587. 3:03 PM - Sarah Salem: i have 9 magic OC as well
  588. 3:04 PM - Contractions: wooooooooo
  589. 3:04 PM - Eri Motai: (what, I didn't have fury though, not enough to burst at least :u)
  590. 3:04 PM - Sarah Salem: pinkies got 12, hun
  591. 3:04 PM - Contractions: no, but Bitch did
  592. 3:04 PM - Contractions: c:
  593. 3:04 PM - Contractions: roll magic to not explode on the spot
  594. 3:04 PM - Contractions: tn15
  595. 3:04 PM - Eri Motai: me?
  596. 3:04 PM - Contractions: do you have 9 magic
  597. 3:04 PM - Contractions: oc
  598. 3:04 PM - Contractions: that is
  599. 3:04 PM - Eri Motai: no, I don't
  600. 3:05 PM - Contractions: then no, you don't
  601. 3:05 PM - Contractions: Sarah, roll Magic, TN15
  602. 3:06 PM - Sarah Salem: 11
  603. 3:06 PM - Eri Motai: (gg)
  604. 3:06 PM - Contractions: Your cries and grunts of anger draw attention as you lay sprawled in the middle of the street during daytime
  605. 3:06 PM - Contractions: passerby approach you asking if you're alright
  606. 3:06 PM - Contractions: then you explode in a....
  607. 3:06 PM - Contractions: MAGICAL BURST
  608. 3:06 PM - Contractions: ~title drop~
  609. 3:06 PM - Eri Motai: (does everyone else see this happening from their nice cozy manor?)
  610. 3:08 PM - Contractions: nope, they're 2 tiers above you
  611. 3:08 PM - Contractions: they can't even feel the shockwaves
  612. 3:08 PM - Eri Motai: (how soothing for them :u)
  613. 3:08 PM - Contractions: there is a blinding flash of light around sarah
  614. 3:10 PM - Contractions: Sarah awakens to find herself in a crater
  615. 3:11 PM - Sarah Salem: I pull myself up and survey the damage.
  616. 3:12 PM - Contractions: the area around her is also much the same. The crater itself is about 15 or 20 feet deep, with you at its center, while its diamater is at least as large as the hospital you were interred in was long
  617. 3:14 PM - Sarah Salem: welp
  618. 3:14 PM - Sarah Salem: gtfo there
  619. 3:14 PM - Sarah Salem: wait am i hurt at all :v
  620. 3:15 PM - Contractions: hmm
  621. 3:15 PM - Contractions: don't think so
  622. 3:16 PM - Contractions: everything'd kinda just sploded
  623. 3:16 PM - Sarah Salem: welp gtfo then :v
  624. 3:16 PM - Sarah Salem: to my house
  625. 3:17 PM - Contractions: "oh everything just exploded I'm going home"
  626. 3:18 PM - Contractions: from outside the range of the crater, you can see people fighting what seems to be to the death
  627. 3:18 PM - Contractions: they're really going at it
  628. 3:18 PM - Contractions: a lot of people
  629. 3:18 PM - Contractions: like, all the people
  630. 3:18 PM - Contractions: some getting pushed out windows, others being stabbed with various sharp pokey bits...
  631. 3:22 PM - Contractions: really, it's a bloodbath
  632. 3:25 PM - Contractions: Sarah pauses time I guess, deciding it isn't her problem, and makes her way out of the carnage home?
  633. 3:26 PM - Sarah Salem: back
  634. 3:26 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah im leavin :v
  635. 3:33 PM - Sarah Salem: uh
  636. 3:33 PM - Contractions: sh
  637. 3:33 PM - Contractions: I'm working on it
  638. 3:33 PM - Contractions: I have to talk to Eve and keep the other guys entertained too
  639. 3:33 PM - Contractions: you just got done exploding what are you planning on doing
  640. 3:34 PM - Contractions: :v
  641. 3:34 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah i know ;v
  643. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah and Eri - Hot Stuff 2~~
  649. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Future Issues~~
  651. 12:13 PM - Eri Motai: did I manage to escape the magical burst at least? or am I
  652. 12:13 PM - Eri Motai: you know
  653. 3:16 PM - Contractions: yeah you're far enough away
  654. 3:16 PM - Contractions: although your family, as well as everyone you can see, is now full of unfathomable rage and are currently beating the shit out of each other
  655. 12:17 PM - Eri Motai: (yeah, that's no good :u)
  656. 12:18 PM - Eri Motai: (am I under the power of rage as well?)
  657. 12:20 PM - Eri Motai: (if so, I'm gonna wreck Sarah's face in :T)
  658. 3:20 PM - Contractions: uh
  659. 3:20 PM - Contractions: you're really far from her
  660. 3:20 PM - Contractions: and no your magic makes you immune to it
  661. 12:21 PM - Eri Motai: Alright, I'ma wreck the closest thing I see (and pray to god it wasn't a family member).
  662. 3:22 PM - Contractions: 3:20 PM - Contractions: and no your magic makes you immune to it
  663. 3:22 PM - Contractions: what part of that did you miss
  664. 12:22 PM - Eri Motai: oh, I forgot a word
  665. 12:23 PM - Eri Motai: when I read it
  666. 12:23 PM - Eri Motai: Alright then, I'll just attempt to keep my family from murdering each other.
  667. 3:23 PM - Contractions: Using a bit of stealthy magic, you knock them out for the time being
  668. 12:25 PM - Eri Motai: Alright first things first, I'm releasing a Heart Burst creature.
  669. 12:25 PM - Eri Motai: I managed to rack up enough in the end to do it
  670. 3:25 PM - Contractions: you feel your chest grow tighter and tighter as a ball of blackness forms, growing larger in front of you
  671. 3:26 PM - Contractions: after some rather uncomfortable time, the inflating ball hovers around a bit before it darts out a window
  672. 12:28 PM - Eri Motai: Eri lets out a sigh, as the pain is finally over. She bars the doors and windows, and prepares as she takes on a Fury change.
  673. 12:29 PM - Eri Motai: (and my question is, what do you recommend? I was going to go with Blood Knight, but I'd like to hear if you have an idea.)
  674. 3:28 PM - Contractions: no idea
  675. 3:28 PM - Contractions: don't know any changes off my head
  676. 3:29 PM - Contractions: too busy with chats to look
  677. 12:29 PM - Eri Motai: (ok, I'll just take Blood Knight for now then)
  678. 12:30 PM - Eri Motai: Eri cracks open a window to watch the mayhem unfold outside, and she laughs, finding a newfound enjoyment in violence.
  679. 12:31 PM - Eri Motai: It's slightly unnatural, but the laughing helps her feel better, in some twisted way.
  680. 12:35 PM - Eri Motai: She then decides to flip on the TV, and watch a live broadcast of the bloodbath outside, as this is obviously the biggest news thats going to be on all day (and the rest of the week most likely).
  681. 3:35 PM - Contractions: yep
  682. 12:37 PM - Eri Motai: She takes up a bowl of popcorn, and munches along watching as if it were a monster truck rally.
  683. 3:36 PM - Contractions: you also see a report on a large explosion that happened in the middle of the street
  684. 3:37 PM - Contractions: huge crater left behind, unknown casualties, some damage to surrounding buildings
  685. 12:38 PM - Eri Motai: "Heh, probably Sarah. I'm sure she's fine."
  686. 3:38 PM - Contractions: Suddenly, the fighting stops
  687. 3:38 PM - Contractions: it's only supposed to last a short time anyway
  688. 3:38 PM - Contractions: people in mid-stab look at what they're doing and back away horrified and confused
  689. 12:39 PM - Eri Motai: Eri continues to munch popcorn, but realizes that there isn't going to be any more spilled blood, so she turns off the TV.
  690. 12:41 PM - Eri Motai: Eri places her dead cell phone onto the charger, to see if she can get the battery to work again.
  691. 12:42 PM - Eri Motai: (also Dan, how much XP from almost dying but somehow surviving?)
  692. 3:41 PM - Contractions: 2
  693. 12:43 PM - Eri Motai: (good enough I suppose :u)
  694. 3:43 PM - Contractions: stuff's gonna happen soon
  695. 3:43 PM - Contractions: just hang on
  697. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Future Issues~~
  702. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Call~~
  704. 3:41 PM - Contractions: you'll get back with the others soon
  705. 3:41 PM - Contractions: assuming things go well
  706. 12:42 PM - Sarah Salem: i just want to check on my suitcase
  707. 12:42 PM - Sarah Salem: am i able to check the link wit gekko>
  708. 3:42 PM - Contractions: since you went toe to toe with princess
  709. 3:42 PM - Contractions: you find Gekko rolling around on the floor and generally being kawaii
  710. 12:43 PM - Sarah Salem: daww
  711. 12:43 PM - Sarah Salem: hows the case
  712. 3:42 PM - Contractions: you poke Gekko's mind to look at the case, and he does
  713. 3:43 PM - Contractions: it looks untouched. Luckily your sister respects your privacy
  714. 12:43 PM - Sarah Salem: radical
  715. 3:43 PM - Contractions: weren't you going home :v
  716. 12:43 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah
  717. 12:43 PM - Sarah Salem: just wanted to check on the way there tho, make sure it wasnt stoled
  718. 3:43 PM - Contractions: you take a ride up the elevator and walk your way home, completely drained from your fight
  719. 3:47 PM - Contractions: You laze about for an hour, resting, not really giving a sod about anything. Gekko's bounding around some and sunggles with you some and just acts like Gekko
  720. 12:48 PM - Sarah Salem: thats adorbs
  721. 3:48 PM - Contractions: There's a knock at your door
  722. 12:49 PM - Sarah Salem: I direct gekko to hide, before getting up and answering the door.
  723. 3:48 PM - Contractions: It's ur sis obvs
  724. 12:49 PM - Sarah Salem: ofc :v
  725. 3:48 PM - Contractions: "Sarah? There's a phonecall for you. From Eve?"
  726. 12:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh. Thank you." I follow her down to the phone and pick dat shit up.
  728. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Call~~
  733. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya~~
  735. 2:01 PM - Contractions: so
  736. 2:02 PM - Contractions: you're in your new house
  737. 2:02 PM - Contractions: covered in cats
  738. 11:02 AM - Satoya Taji: Ye
  739. 11:02 AM - Satoya Taji: Ye
  740. 2:02 PM - Contractions: your husbando seems absent, as does your new sister in law
  741. 2:02 PM - Contractions: you rise to a sitting position and cats scatter and meow
  742. 11:03 AM - Satoya Taji: Unye and ye on those regards
  743. 2:04 PM - Contractions: so
  744. 2:04 PM - Contractions: plans?
  745. 11:04 AM - Satoya Taji: Hmm
  746. 11:04 AM - Satoya Taji: Look for husbando
  747. 2:07 PM - Contractions: sorry but you're doing boring shit and I'm trying to kill Data and Smas
  748. 2:07 PM - Contractions: :v
  749. 11:07 AM - Satoya Taji: :V
  750. 11:07 AM - Satoya Taji: I don't blame you
  751. 11:07 AM - Satoya Taji: I'm actually stating out mecha for the boxing tournament
  752. 2:08 PM - Contractions: awye
  753. 2:08 PM - Contractions: so this lull in activity is convenient for both of us
  754. 11:09 AM - Satoya Taji: :V
  755. 2:08 PM - Contractions: sorry about ignoring you though
  756. 2:17 PM - Contractions: time to stop ignoring you
  757. 2:17 PM - Contractions: you wander back into the main hall
  759. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya~~
  764. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve, Valentine and Satoya - Regroup~~
  766. 12:49 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so you guys were just in the hospital
  767. 12:49 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: and beat the demon thing
  768. 12:49 PM - Eevee: (( ye ))
  769. 12:51 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (you start)
  770. 12:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: well you beat the demon thing
  771. 12:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: do you want to vent oc
  772. 12:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: :v
  773. 12:51 PM - Eevee: (( are we outside yet or just in the hospital ))
  774. 12:51 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: wherever you want
  775. 12:52 PM - Eevee: (( oop actually I have an idea ))
  776. 12:52 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (i'm venting so i will be a wreck)
  777. 12:53 PM - Eevee: (( what if for a severe distortion everybody in the hospital runs out of luck, and like a majority of the sick patients kick the bucket ))
  778. 12:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: that's terrible
  779. 12:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: I like it
  780. 12:53 PM - Eevee: (( c: ))
  781. 12:53 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (Y-Y)
  782. 12:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: you'll hear news about poor little sally whose transplant heart was rejected and they couldn't save her
  783. 12:53 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (SALLY NO)
  784. 12:54 PM - Eevee: (( poor sally T.T ))
  785. 12:54 PM - Eevee: (( annnd for heart ))
  786. 12:54 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (why would you suggest this)
  787. 12:54 PM - Eevee: *Eve grabs Ally suddenly and plants one on her*
  788. 12:54 PM - Eevee: (( bamn ))
  789. 12:54 PM - Eevee: (( all clear ))
  790. 12:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: Ally's reaction is: "Oop." o-o
  791. 12:55 PM - Eevee: *Eve blushes and looks down* "S-sorry I guess I just kinda..."
  792. 12:56 PM - Eevee: (( "I guess I just kinda was forced to kiss you to get rid of a negative effect because of a game mechanic" ))
  793. 12:57 PM - Valentine: With tears starting to stream from here eyes, she runs to Eevee and crabs her in a tight hug.
  794. 12:57 PM - Valentine: **grabs
  795. 12:58 PM - Eevee: *Eve eeps and shivers* "U-uhm a-are you uh okay...?"
  796. 12:59 PM - Valentine: She buries her head deep into Eevees chest. And utters a muffled "That was so scary..."
  797. 1:01 PM - Eevee: *Eve looks like she's about to die but pats Val on the back* "U-u-uhm y-yeah, it's okay now though, we killed it. I-it's like, r-really dead now."
  798. 1:01 PM - Eevee: *Eve has a coughing fit on Val's head*
  799. 1:02 PM - Valentine: She lets go, a little shocked "Your gonna give me a head cold!!"
  800. 1:02 PM - Valentine: (ba dum tss)
  801. 1:03 PM - Eevee: (( wowie ))
  802. 1:04 PM - Eevee: "Sorry! I can't help it...anyways let's get out of here okay?"
  803. 1:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: You dropped mister guy who you saved off at some random doctors and left the hospital
  804. 1:04 PM - Eevee: (( also I don't suppose I managed to kill Ryan's bother with that OC vent? :o ))
  805. 1:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: nope, he's unkillable because magic?
  806. 1:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: that's why Ryan's wish is to let him die :v
  807. 1:05 PM - Eevee: (( yeah ))
  808. 1:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: hm
  809. 1:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so what do I do with you gits
  810. 1:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Contractions.
  811. 1:07 PM - Valentine: Val walks really close to Eevee, just inches from her as they are trying to get outside. "That was my first demon in a long time..."
  812. 1:07 PM - Eevee: "O-oh really? S-sorry..." *Eve inches away from Val*
  813. 1:08 PM - Eevee: "You uh, fought well though...thanks for the help."
  814. 1:08 PM - Eevee: *Eve smiles at Val*
  815. 1:09 PM - Contractions: "These stupid mean monsters keep showing up for no reason!" Ally shouts, still holding Fred the bunny
  816. 1:09 PM - Valentine: She reaches to cover her left eye and flips out a little running back and crawling on the floor, looking for her eye patch.
  817. 1:11 PM - Eevee: "You okay Val?"
  818. 1:11 PM - Contractions: Val returns, eyepatch in hand
  819. 1:11 PM - Valentine: "MY EYE PATCH, WHERE IS IT!?!?!"
  820. 1:11 PM - Contractions: or, on her face
  821. 1:12 PM - Eevee: (( wut ))
  822. 1:12 PM - Valentine: she gives a sigh of relief and slips it on her head without missing a beat, like she has done it a million times
  823. 1:13 PM - Contractions: A: "Why are you wearing an eyepatch, anyways? Are you a pirate?"
  824. 1:14 PM - Valentine: She gets up a calmly walks back to the girls "Sorry about that..its for my eye and yes I am, ARRRRGG"
  825. 1:15 PM - Contractions: A: "Bunnygirl pirate."
  826. 1:15 PM - Valentine: She curved her index finger to form a hook
  827. 1:15 PM - Contractions: she giggles
  828. 1:15 PM - Valentine: "Gimmie your booty"
  829. 1:15 PM - Eevee: *Eve giggles*
  830. 1:15 PM - Contractions: ooo eve she creepin up on yo gurl
  831. 1:15 PM - Eevee: (( awwww snap ))
  832. 1:16 PM - Eevee: *Eve casually steps in front of Ally a bit*
  833. 1:16 PM - Eevee: (( :P ))
  834. 1:16 PM - Eevee: "So uhm, do you want us to take you home? Where do you live anyways?"
  835. 1:18 PM - Valentine: "Teir 2, We are the Utagawas , you may know us for our seaweed snack brand"
  836. 1:19 PM - Eevee: "OH MAN! I LOVE THOSE SO MUCH!" *Eve jumps up and down in uncharacteristic excitement*
  837. 1:19 PM - Contractions: you guys keep chatting I need to wreck the other guys' shit
  838. 1:19 PM - Contractions: c:
  839. 1:20 PM - Eevee: (( oh god ))
  840. 1:20 PM - Eevee: (( hang in there teamates ))
  841. 1:21 PM - Valentine: "I never wanna go home again, I wanna fight scary demons even if they are...scary" in a rehearsed tough pose that just looked silly
  842. 1:21 PM - Valentine: *she said in
  843. 1:21 PM - Valentine: Her arms crossed but her cheeks puffed out a little
  844. 1:22 PM - Eevee: "Oh...why's that? Your families snack's bring happiness to so many."
  845. 1:23 PM - Valentine: "I WILL KILL ALL DEMONS!!! she nearly scremed
  846. 1:24 PM - Valentine: Jake crawls out of her backpack and lays on her head, and pats her head with his front witttle pawwws
  847. 1:25 PM - Contractions: Jake is a bunny also
  848. 1:25 PM - Valentine: (they know this)
  849. 1:27 PM - Eevee: "A-ah I see. Do you uh, wanna talk about it?"
  850. 1:28 PM - Valentine: "No." She said with a angry face but it was impossiable to take her seriously with Jake still doing that pat thing on her head
  851. 1:28 PM - Contractions: Ally hides behind Eve
  852. 1:28 PM - Eevee disconnected.
  853. 1:29 PM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  854. 1:29 PM - Eevee entered chat.
  855. 1:32 PM - Valentine: After a good 30 seconds of award silence, a smile creeps up on her face "Jake always does this when i'm upset, I can never stay sad when he's here" With a huge smile she plucks Jake off her head and hugs him tightly in her arms.'
  856. 1:33 PM - Contractions: Ally peaks out from behind Eve. "Does... does Jake like other bunnies?"
  857. 1:33 PM - Eevee: (( oh did I miss a thing or ))
  858. 1:34 PM - Contractions: 1:27 PM - Eevee: "A-ah I see. Do you uh, wanna talk about it?"
  859. 1:28 PM - Valentine: "No." She said with a angry face but it was impossiable to take her seriously with Jake still doing that pat thing on her head
  860. 1:28 PM - Contractions: Ally hides behind Eve
  861. 1:28 PM - Eevee disconnected.
  862. 1:29 PM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  863. 1:29 PM - Eevee entered chat.
  864. 1:32 PM - Valentine: After a good 30 seconds of award silence, a smile creeps up on her face "Jake always does this when i'm upset, I can never stay sad when he's here" With a huge smile she plucks Jake off her head and hugs him tightly in her arms.'
  865. 1:33 PM - Contractions: Ally peaks out from behind Eve. "Does... does Jake like other bunnies?"
  866. 1:34 PM - Valentine: "He loves friends, but sometimes he's snooty, I'm spoiled him to much"
  867. 1:34 PM - Eevee: (( tanku ))
  868. 1:34 PM - Contractions: Ally comes from around Eve and holds Fred up to Jake
  869. 1:36 PM - Valentine: Jake sniffs Freds face but it looks like they are kissing
  870. 1:36 PM - Eevee: (( kawaii as shit ))
  871. 1:36 PM - Contractions: Ally giggles at bunny shenanigans
  872. 1:36 PM - Valentine: "OMG Jake got a boyfriend before me!"
  873. 1:36 PM - Valentine: "this is a cruel world"
  874. 1:37 PM - Eevee: (( Jake x Fred OTP ))
  875. 1:37 PM - Eevee: *Eve smiles because buns*
  876. 1:38 PM - Contractions: gay bunnies
  877. 1:39 PM - Valentine: "I have always wanted a gay bunny" and with this Jake bites her hand and she drops him "OWWIE"
  878. 1:40 PM - Eevee: (( roll to catch jake and not have him die ))
  879. 1:40 PM - Contractions: Jake plops to the ground
  880. 1:40 PM - Contractions: he looks up and wriggles his little bunny nose
  881. 1:40 PM - Contractions: then does a demonic bunny yawn revealing horrifying bunny teeth
  882. 1:41 PM - Valentine: "Oh sorry Jake, was I supposed to pretend that you are still well hidden in the closet?" A few seconds pass"WATCH YOUR ATTITUDE, there is no need to use that kind of language!!"
  883. 1:41 PM - Eevee: *Eve recoils*
  884. 1:42 PM - Valentine: Jake and Val appear to be having a continued argument about Jakes sexulaity.
  885. 1:42 PM - Contractions: A: "...wat."
  886. 1:42 PM - Contractions: A: "Eevee is she broke?"
  887. 1:43 PM - Valentine: She looks you at Ally "No, I can hear him"
  888. 1:43 PM - Eevee: "U-uhm..."
  889. 1:44 PM - Eevee: "W-well I guess I've met two talking animals already, it's not that unbeleivable."
  890. 1:44 PM - Valentine: She turns back to Jake "Well of course she thinks i'm nuts!!"
  891. 1:44 PM - Contractions: A: "Pretty sure she broked."
  892. 1:45 PM - Eevee: "Nah, I swear that Cat talks too, even if you can't hear it."
  893. 1:45 PM - Valentine: "I'm gonna pick you up and shake you life a baby if you don't stop calling me faggot"
  894. 1:45 PM - Valentine: She yelled at Jake
  895. 1:45 PM - Eevee: (( damn that bunny is sassy ))
  896. 1:46 PM - Contractions: A: "Be nice to your bunny!"
  897. 1:46 PM - Valentine: She kneels down and shoves Jake in her backpack "Shall we continue?"
  898. 1:47 PM - Eevee: "S-sure, but uhm where are we going?"
  899. 1:47 PM - Valentine: "You wouldn't be defending him if you have heard the things he says about people"
  900. 1:49 PM - Valentine: "Anyone up for going to my house?"
  901. 1:49 PM - Eevee: "Oh sure, I thought you said you didn't want to go home though?"
  902. 1:51 PM - Valentine: (this is all Appys fault)
  903. 1:51 PM - Valentine: "I don't have any cloths, I NEED MY BUNNY JAMMIES"
  904. 1:52 PM - Eevee: (( pfft ))
  905. 1:52 PM - Valentine: "We also hve 10 lifetime supplies of our seaweed snacks on ohand"
  906. 1:53 PM - Eevee: *Eve suddenly looks deadly serious* "I'll get you there no matter what."
  907. 1:54 PM - Eevee disconnected.
  908. 1:55 PM - Eevee entered chat.
  909. 1:58 PM - Valentine: "Follow me to the elevator!!"
  910. 1:58 PM - Valentine: She said point her finger in the air
  911. 1:58 PM - Eevee: *Eve does just that*
  912. 1:58 PM - Valentine: *pointing
  913. 1:59 PM - Valentine: They walk in circles for a couple blocks before she finally leads them to an elevator "I don't get out much.."
  914. 1:59 PM - Valentine: She said with shy smile
  915. 1:59 PM - Contractions: it's kinda hard to miss the elevator since it's in the big support beam in the middle of the city
  916. 2:00 PM - Contractions: all you need to do to find it is look up :v
  917. 2:00 PM - Valentine: Again, she doesnt get out much
  918. 2:00 PM - Eevee: "Yeah, me either." *Eve smiles worriedly wondering why she couldn't find the giant support beam thing*
  919. 2:01 PM - Contractions: Fred is now on Ally's head chewing her hair
  920. 2:01 PM - Valentine: "Let's GO!" She shouted with great cheer
  921. 2:01 PM - Valentine: "TO MY BUNNY JAMMIES"
  922. 2:01 PM - Eevee: *Eve nods and gets on the elevator nervously*
  923. 2:02 PM - Valentine: Right before Val gets in the elevator she hits her bag and says "well if your gonna say stuff like that I should just leve you here"
  924. 2:02 PM - Valentine: *leave
  925. 2:04 PM - Contractions: A short 15 minute elevator ride up later and you arrive at tier 2
  926. 2:05 PM - Eevee: *Eve gets off the Elevator and looks around at all the rich people things*
  927. 2:06 PM - Valentine: Val walks past it all because she has seen it a million times
  928. 2:08 PM - Eevee: "So uh, why don't you want to come back here exactly?"
  929. 2:08 PM - Valentine: "I told you, I can't sleep at night until all the demons are dead"
  930. 2:09 PM - Eevee: "Oh no, you must be very tired." *Eve says worriedly*
  931. 2:09 PM - Valentine: "not really, but I have slept alot less in the last couple years"
  932. 2:10 PM - Eevee: "That's horrible...I'm sorry."
  933. 2:11 PM - Contractions: A: "My bunnies help me get back to sleep when I have nightmares. Doesn't Jake help you?"
  934. 2:11 PM - Valentine: Val giggles, unable to let her sad phase her "no, it's ok I have a wide selection of teas"
  935. 2:11 PM - Contractions: You arrive at a large mansion
  936. 2:11 PM - Valentine: "Yes Jake is a biig help when he shuts up"
  937. 2:12 PM - Valentine: "ahh home, sweet boreing home"
  938. 2:12 PM - Contractions: The wrought iron gate slides open automatically
  939. 2:12 PM - Contractions: and you enter the expansive courtyard
  940. 2:13 PM - Eevee: *Eve is stunned because rich people*
  941. 2:13 PM - Valentine: "My dad tried to tell them to make the heages look like seaweed but they just look like normal square heages"
  942. 2:14 PM - Valentine: **hedges
  943. 2:15 PM - Eevee: "W-wow."
  944. 2:15 PM - Eevee: "So uh, where's the seaweed?"
  945. 2:16 PM - Valentine: "Follow me" SHe said openeing the HUGE doors to the house
  946. 2:16 PM - Contractions: Winston, your head butler, opens the doors before you can touch them
  947. 2:16 PM - Contractions: "Young Misstress, I see you have returned."
  948. 2:16 PM - Contractions: he bows
  949. 2:16 PM - Eevee: *Eve follows in a trance of hunger*
  950. 2:17 PM - Valentine: "Get a shit ton of seaweed to my room, as soon as you can please"
  951. 2:17 PM - Satoya Taji has been invited to chat.
  952. 2:17 PM - Satoya Taji entered chat.
  953. 2:17 PM - Eevee: *Eve wonders if that's..nah, it must be her imagination*
  954. 2:17 PM - Contractions: from a doorway that leads into the main hall you just entered walks Satoya
  955. 2:17 PM - Contractions: she's carrying like 17 cats
  956. 2:17 PM - Satoya Taji: "Shosuuuuuke!" Satoya wanders down the hall, calling out to her husbando, wherever he is
  957. 2:18 PM - Eevee: *Eve stands stock-still in shock*
  958. 2:18 PM - Eevee: "N-n-no w-w-way..."
  959. 2:18 PM - Contractions: A: Oh hey! Satoya's here!"
  960. 2:19 PM - Contractions: A: "Unless that's just a billion kitties combined into a mechakitty."
  961. 2:19 PM - Satoya Taji: "Eeeeeeve!" Satoya runs over and tacklehugs her furriend
  962. 2:19 PM - Contractions: The cats you're holding meow and jump off
  963. 2:19 PM - Valentine: "Oh you guys know eachother?"
  964. 2:19 PM - Satoya Taji: "Nyaw"
  965. 2:19 PM - Eevee: *Eve snap out of it* "Ow! Please stop assaulting me every time we meet..."
  966. 2:20 PM - Contractions: A: "So, Satoya, where's your husbando?"
  967. 2:20 PM - Eevee: *Eve pushes Sato off* "Yeah we're uh...friends I guess."
  968. 2:20 PM - Satoya Taji: "I dont know, I took a nap and he went off to do things!"
  969. 2:21 PM - Contractions: Winston, the butler, says in his Britishy accent, "The Young Master is in his private study. Shall I take you to him?"
  970. 2:21 PM - Eevee: *Eve whispers to Sato* "Do you think you could hook me up with some free seawead snacks?"
  971. 2:22 PM - Valentine: "Ok but get the seaweed delivered there"
  972. 2:22 PM - Satoya Taji: "Purrhaps!" I dont even whispurr to her, instead yelling a bit befur nodding to Winston. "Yes, I've been looking all ovfur fur him!"
  973. 2:23 PM - Contractions: W: "Would the Young Mistress and her guests require anything else?"
  974. 2:24 PM - Satoya Taji: "Im just fine, but the others may have whatevfur they wish fur!"
  975. 2:24 PM - Eevee: "Seaweed, just, seaweed."
  976. 2:24 PM - Valentine: "Seaweed. A shit ton. I thought i already said this"
  977. 2:32 PM - Contractions: W: "I will take it to the Young Master's study, then." He bows
  978. 2:32 PM - Contractions: and leaves
  979. 2:34 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya scampurrs off with him to the study
  980. 2:34 PM - Eevee: *Eve follows because that's where the seaweeds going she thinks*
  981. 2:35 PM - Contractions: are you guys following Winston :v
  982. 2:36 PM - Eevee: (( I think ))
  983. 2:36 PM - Satoya Taji: Ye
  984. 2:37 PM - Valentine: Val follows Winston to the study
  985. 2:37 PM - Contractions: You all follow WInston as he gives instructions to other staff to prep the seaweed. He then leaves you outside a room with a bow, saying, "The Young Master's study. The seaweed will arrive shortly."
  986. 2:39 PM - Contractions: Shosuke, seated in a plush leather chair behind a desk, has his back to you as you enter
  987. 2:40 PM - Contractions: The library is dark, but classily so. Bookshelves Sarah would probably want to flip if she were here are lined up and full of books
  988. 2:40 PM - Valentine: "Hello oniichan" She says running to hug him
  989. 2:41 PM - Eevee: *Eve waves shyly*
  990. 2:41 PM - Contractions: S: "Ah! My dear sister, how are you? And I see you've brought company! Welcome to my private study. Do make yourselves comfortable."
  991. 2:42 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya takes a running start and jumps into the chair with him
  992. 2:42 PM - Satoya Taji: :3
  993. 2:42 PM - Valentine: "I killed a demon onichan! Another demon!" She said with a excited grin on her face
  994. 2:44 PM - Contractions: "Another? Excellent work. That's one less horror in the world, then."
  995. 2:44 PM - Contractions: "It is a shame that the cat could not give me the same power as yourself, though, or I would most certainly be out assisting you."
  996. 2:45 PM - Eevee: "Wait you know about all this?"
  997. 2:45 PM - Valentine: "I share everything with onichan" She smiles finally letting got from her hug
  998. 2:46 PM - Contractions: He returns the hug in kind. "I do indeed know of the youma, and the threat they pose. My sister and I have made it our mission to stop them, at any cost."
  999. 2:47 PM - Contractions: There is a knock at the door. Shosuke smiles blindingly, "Yes, Winston. You may enter."
  1000. 2:47 PM - Eevee: "Don't you think it's kinda weird that you just happened to meet and mary another magical girl? Like what are the chances?"
  1001. 2:48 PM - Contractions: Winston leaves plates of seaweed and drinks on an empty table and leaves
  1002. 2:49 PM - Eevee: *Eve forgets her line of questioning and digs in*
  1003. 2:50 PM - Contractions: S: "Weird? Why, not at all. It could have been nothing more than fate itself. The fate of all magical girls are tied together, you see. Have you not noticed the fact that, since you made your contract, you've been in contact with a number of them yourself?"
  1004. 2:50 PM - Valentine: Val takes one of the sheets of seaweed and begins to just lick the flavor off instead of biteing into it
  1005. 2:50 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya just stares blankeyed for a moment, taking that in. "Huh, nevfur even crossed my mind."
  1006. 2:51 PM - Eevee: "Well...I guess your right."
  1007. 2:51 PM - Eevee: (( you're still shady as hell though mr. husbando
  1008. 2:51 PM - Eevee: ))
  1009. 2:55 PM - Contractions: S: "Indeed. Since magical girls are all after the same prizes, those being the Oblivion Seeds, infighting between them is a far more common occurence than teamwork."
  1010. 2:56 PM - Eevee: "How do you know al lthis?"
  1011. 2:57 PM - Valentine: "Onichan is a genius "
  1012. 2:58 PM - Contractions: "I wouldn't go that far. It is, simply, statistics."
  1013. 2:58 PM - Eevee: (( shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaady ))
  1014. 2:58 PM - Satoya Taji: "Aaaah, he's cute, nice, smart, and rich! What can't you do?"
  1015. 3:00 PM - Contractions: He looks Satoya in the eyes. His green eyes sparkle gloriously. "Stop looking at you."
  1016. 3:00 PM - Valentine: "You are such a cheese ball, brudder"
  1017. 3:00 PM - Eevee: ((smooth as hell, but shady ))
  1018. 3:01 PM - Satoya Taji: She shuts up and blushes, letting out a slight squeak
  1019. 3:02 PM - Eevee: *Eve forgets her suspicions, realizing handsome people can't be liars*
  1020. 3:06 PM - Eevee: "So do you know where the demons come from?"
  1021. 3:08 PM - Contractions: Shosuke looks almost upset. Angry, even. "Unfortunately, we do not know the origins of the youma."
  1022. 3:08 PM - Eevee: "O-oh, I'm sorry..."
  1023. 3:09 PM - Valentine: "Too many ancient books, so little time"
  1024. 3:09 PM - Eevee: "Books?"
  1025. 3:09 PM - Satoya Taji: "Eve, do you not know what a book is?"
  1026. 3:10 PM - Satoya Taji: "Wow, that's just pawful!"
  1027. 3:10 PM - Contractions: S: "The youma are clearly beasts created from raw negative emotions, that much is certain. But other than that, I can not say."
  1028. 3:10 PM - Valentine: "Well i have a suspicion that youma maybe have been here for centuries, but again its just an idea, and i have no proof"
  1029. 3:10 PM - Contractions: S: "Yes, there are, surprisingly, a number of ancient texts on the matter. Legends and tales of old."
  1030. 3:11 PM - Eevee: *Eve gives Satoya an exhasperated look then turns back to mr. shady as fuck* "So this isn't a recent thing?"
  1031. 3:13 PM - Contractions: S: "As I understand it, no. Magical girls are part and parcel of ancient legends across many different cultures."
  1032. 3:14 PM - Contractions: S: "One theory that specifically speaks to me... a personal one, I've come up with, though I have no real backing to prove it..."
  1033. 3:14 PM - Satoya Taji: "Oooh, and that is?"
  1034. 3:15 PM - Contractions: S: "You are aware of ancient Egyptians, correct? Many rulers were young indeed. How do you suspect that came to be? Does the strongest not rule? And who stronger is there than one who weilds magic?"
  1035. 3:15 PM - Contractions: S: "Just as well, their worship of cats as a sort of holy icon is also quite an oddity."
  1036. 3:16 PM - Eevee: "You think Cleopatra was a magical girl?"
  1037. 3:17 PM - Contractions: S: "It is a possibility that speaks strongly."
  1038. 3:17 PM - Satoya Taji: "CATS ARE THE SOURCE OF MAGIC?!?!" Satoya focused in on only the part mentioning cats, surprising nobody
  1039. 3:17 PM - Eevee: "Didn't a cat grant you powers?"
  1040. 3:18 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya starts to flip out. "IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!"
  1041. 3:19 PM - Eevee: *Eve facepalms*
  1042. 3:19 PM - Contractions: Shosuke laughs his dainty and fabulous laugh which, if laughs could heal diseases, could cure cancer. "No, my love. Not 'cats' but 'cat.' Singular. THE cat."
  1043. 3:20 PM - Satoya Taji: "You mean Haku?"
  1044. 3:20 PM - Contractions: S: "How many other talking cats do you know of that can grant magical abilities?"
  1045. 3:21 PM - Satoya Taji: "Well, none purrsonally!"
  1046. 3:21 PM - Eevee: "Maybe we should start asking him some questions."
  1047. 3:21 PM - Contractions: Shosuke leans back in his plush chair. "It is only a theory, mind you, but one I find quite plausible."
  1048. 3:21 PM - Eevee: "Sato, can you call him somehow?"
  1049. 3:22 PM - Satoya Taji: "Hmm, Hakuuuuu, Haakuuuuu, be a good kitty and come out!"
  1050. 3:23 PM - Contractions: You sit there awkwardly in silence, waiting for something to happen
  1051. 3:23 PM - Satoya Taji: "Nyaw"
  1052. 3:24 PM - Contractions: Jake, Valentine's bunny, and Fred, Allys bunny, are currently being bunnies next to each other on the floor, doing bunny things
  1053. 3:24 PM - Contractions: like hopping around
  1054. 3:24 PM - Contractions: and nibbling on seaweed
  1055. 3:24 PM - Eevee: (( 2cute5me))
  1056. 3:24 PM - Satoya Taji: Aww, lil bunbuns
  1057. 3:25 PM - Eevee: *Eve attemts to call the bird dude*
  1058. 3:25 PM - Eevee: attempts*))
  1059. 3:26 PM - Valentine: "I think Jake still hasa a crush on Fred"
  1060. 3:26 PM - Valentine: "we should throw a bunny wedding"
  1061. 3:26 PM - Contractions: A: "Can boy bunnies like other boy bunnies?"
  1062. 3:26 PM - Contractions: Eve, don't forget
  1063. 3:27 PM - Contractions: you got that thing he gave you
  1064. 3:27 PM - Contractions: are you calling him on that?
  1065. 3:27 PM - Eevee: (( *eve forgot what thing* ))
  1066. 3:27 PM - Satoya Taji: "Hey, thats homophobic! Bunbuns can love whoever they want!"
  1067. 3:27 PM - Contractions: he gave you his feather u dolt
  1068. 3:27 PM - Eevee: (( oh yeah of course ))
  1069. 3:28 PM - Contractions: Eve pulls out a long, black, and shining feather
  1070. 3:28 PM - Contractions: She closes her eyes and focuses on it
  1071. 3:28 PM - Valentine: "Bunny same sex marriage should be legal"
  1072. 3:29 PM - Valentine: "What is she doing with that weird feather?"
  1073. 3:30 PM - Satoya Taji: "I don
  1074. 3:30 PM - Contractions: S: "That feather seems suspiciously fine. Would it happen to be from another tsukaima?"
  1075. 3:30 PM - Satoya Taji: 't know, Eve can be weird sometimes!"
  1076. 3:30 PM - Eevee: "Shh!"
  1077. 3:33 PM - Satoya Taji: "Don't shh me misses talks to birds!"
  1078. 3:34 PM - Contractions: A: "I have no idea what's going on :3"
  1079. 3:34 PM - Contractions: Ally lays on the floor and pets both bunnies at the same time
  1080. 3:34 PM - Contractions: dual wielding bunnies
  1081. 3:35 PM - Eevee: *Eve sticks her tounge out at Sato*
  1082. 3:36 PM - Satoya Taji: She does the same in return
  1085. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve~~
  1087. 3:28 PM - Contractions: "You hail me, young one. What is it you require?"
  1088. 3:28 PM - Contractions: his voice echos in your head
  1089. 12:29 PM - Eevee: "O-ohmai uhm... well me and my friends were wondering if you could answer some questions for us."
  1090. 3:29 PM - Contractions: "Speak."
  1091. 12:30 PM - Eevee: "We were wondering uhm...where the youmma come from."
  1092. 3:31 PM - Contractions: "A difficult question to answer in such few words, young one, but I shall attempt."
  1093. 3:32 PM - Contractions: "The youma are spawns of powerful negative emotions, mixed with magic. They take twisted and distorted forms in some way reminscient to the one they broke off from."
  1094. 3:33 PM - Contractions: "And, rarely, a youma can be a Magi herself, pushed to a limit not meant to be crossed."
  1095. 12:35 PM - Eevee: "That's horrible...but thank you for the information."
  1096. 12:35 PM - Eevee: "We were also wondering...what exactly you are."
  1097. 3:36 PM - Contractions: "That is a question the answer to which you might find most disbelieveable."
  1098. 3:37 PM - Contractions: "Are you certain you wish to know?"
  1099. 3:39 PM - Contractions: um
  1100. 3:39 PM - Contractions: hello
  1101. 3:39 PM - Contractions: ???
  1102. 12:40 PM - Eevee: (( gomen ))
  1103. 12:40 PM - Eevee: "Yes, please."
  1104. 3:40 PM - Contractions: You hear a cawing almost remiscient to a sigh.
  1105. 3:41 PM - Contractions: "Very well. Perhaps you might summon your companions, as well. It would do them well to hear the truth."
  1106. 12:42 PM - Eevee: "Right, one sec."
  1108. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve~~
  1111. 3:36 PM - Valentine: Val sits next to Ally and picks up a bunny to cuddle
  1112. 3:38 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya stays with her husbando, ha, Eve's alone ouo
  1113. 3:38 PM - Contractions: dammit eve answer me
  1114. 3:40 PM - Contractions: Shosuke gently brushes his hand over Satoya's hair like an oversized kitty
  1115. 3:41 PM - Satoya Taji: She sits, purring in his lap, playing the part of the oversized kitty quite purrfectly
  1116. 3:42 PM - Eevee: *Eve opens her eyes*
  1117. 3:43 PM - Eevee: "Well, we might want to gather the others before I ask any more. Birdy wants us all to here what he has to say."
  1118. 3:43 PM - Eevee: (( do we have their phone numbers or something ))
  1119. 3:43 PM - Eevee: (( does sarah even know what a phone is ))
  1120. 3:44 PM - Contractions: she knows
  1121. 3:44 PM - Contractions: but she doesn't have a cell
  1122. 3:44 PM - Contractions: and yes you all exchanged numbers
  1123. 3:44 PM - Contractions: you could call Sarah's home tho
  1124. 3:44 PM - Eevee: "One of you call Eri, I'll call sarah."
  1125. 3:44 PM - Eevee: *Eve calls up sarah's house*
  1126. 3:45 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya tosses her phone to Val, too busy snuggling her Husbando to do things
  1127. 3:47 PM - Valentine: Val looks though the contacts on the phone until she finds an Eri. She clicks call and can hear the normal monotoned ringing sound
  1130. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Valentine and Eri~~
  1132. 12:44 PM - Eri Motai: (in the meantime, can I chat up Tami?)
  1133. 3:44 PM - Contractions: go for it
  1134. 12:45 PM - Eri Motai: Eri gives up on the battery itself for the time being, but she flips open the phone and sees if she has any missed calls or messages.
  1135. 3:48 PM - Contractions: your phone rings
  1136. 3:48 PM - Contractions: it's from Satoya
  1137. 12:50 PM - Eri Motai: Eri answers, audibly sighing when she picks up, "Hey Sato."
  1138. Sunday, January 19, 2014
  1139. 3:50 PM - Your chat with Eri Motai is now a multi-user chat.
  1140. 3:50 PM - Eri Motai has been invited to chat.
  1141. 3:50 PM - Valentine has been invited to chat.
  1142. 3:50 PM - Valentine entered chat.
  1143. 3:50 PM - Contractions: A voice that isn't Satoya's answers
  1144. 3:50 PM - Valentine: *ring ring*
  1145. 3:50 PM - Valentine: "herro? is this Eri?"
  1146. 3:51 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh... yeah? Who is this?" Eri asks, with obvious perplexity in her voice.
  1147. 3:52 PM - Valentine: "Im Valentine, Satoya is busy cuddling with my brother so I called you to tell you to come to her new hubbys house"
  1148. 3:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Right... right now? I'm not sure that right now is the best time..."
  1149. 3:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Things are kinda messy around here."
  1150. 3:53 PM - Valentine: "The Bird is asking for you"
  1151. 3:54 PM - Valentine: "Eevee said it was"
  1152. 3:54 PM - Eri Motai: "..."
  1153. 3:54 PM - Eri Motai: "Where's your house?"
  1154. 3:54 PM - Contractions: She gives you the address
  1155. 3:54 PM - Contractions: it's on tier 2
  1156. 3:55 PM - Eri Motai: Eri hangs up, not even with a goodbye.
  1157. 3:55 PM - Contractions: rude
  1158. 3:55 PM - Eri Motai: (sry)
  1159. 3:56 PM - Eri Motai: (shit did just get very real, and now the bird wants to talk, so no time for "formalities". :u)
  1160. 6:38 PM - Valentine left chat.
  1161. 6:55 PM - Eri Motai disconnected.
  1163. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Valentine and Eri~~
  1168. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Sarah~~
  1170. 3:46 PM - Contractions: "Hello, Salem residence."
  1171. 3:46 PM - Contractions: a voice that sounds like Sarah's but just a little different says
  1172. 12:47 PM - Eevee: "H-hi I'm Eve, a friend of Sarah's. Is she in?"
  1173. 3:47 PM - Contractions: "Sarah? Oh yes, she came home not too long ago. She seemed very tired, but I'll try to get her. One moment please..."
  1174. 12:48 PM - Eevee: "Thanks!"
  1175. 3:49 PM - Your chat with Eevee is now a multi-user chat.
  1176. 3:49 PM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  1177. 3:49 PM - Sarah Salem has been invited to chat.
  1178. 3:50 PM - Sarah Salem entered chat.
  1179. 3:50 PM - Sarah Salem: ((eyo))
  1180. 3:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hello?"
  1181. 3:51 PM - Contractions: eve
  1182. 3:51 PM - Eevee: "Hey, sarah."
  1183. 3:51 PM - Contractions: there u go
  1184. 3:51 PM - Eevee: "Uhm are you bust at all?"
  1185. 3:51 PM - Eevee: (( bust ))
  1186. 3:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "Bust?"
  1187. 3:51 PM - Eevee: ((busy* ))
  1188. 3:51 PM - Sarah Salem: ((2late :v))
  1189. 3:51 PM - Eevee: "I mean busy sorry I'm nervous."
  1190. 3:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "It is fine. And no, what did you need?"
  1191. 3:52 PM - Eevee: "I'm in a strangers house and I'm really uncomfortable sorry. But we're learning a lot of new information and the bird wanted you here."
  1192. 3:53 PM - Sarah Salem: "Stranger? Bird? Do they have powers like us?"
  1193. 3:55 PM - Eevee: "No, well yes, one of them. It's Satoya's new house and aparently her sister in law is like us. It's all kind of suspicious but I started talking to the bird and when I asked him what he was...he suggested that we all be there when he tells us."
  1194. 3:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "If you say so. Can you give me directions?"
  1195. 3:56 PM - Contractions: she gives you the directions to the house
  1196. 3:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I hang up quietly, and then head back into my room.
  1197. 3:57 PM - Sarah Salem: In there, I hide the case better, and then tuck Gekko into my chesthole again.
  1198. 3:57 PM - Sarah Salem: Also say g'bye to sister and leave :v
  1199. 4:06 PM - Eevee left chat.
  1200. 6:04 PM - Sarah Salem left chat.
  1202. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Sarah~~
  1207. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  1209. 3:56 PM - Contractions: you make your way to tier 2, After some time you arrive outside a large mansion with an expansive courtyard
  1210. 12:57 PM - Eri Motai: Eri rings the bell, assuming there is one.
  1211. 3:57 PM - Contractions: The wrought iron gate rolls open and you approach the front door
  1212. 3:58 PM - Contractions: it is opened by a tall man in a suit who bows. "They are awaiting your arrival in the Young Master's study. Please follow me."
  1213. 3:58 PM - Contractions: he leads you to the study after some time and bows before leaving
  1214. 3:58 PM - Contractions: now back to main chat
  1215. 12:59 PM - Eri Motai: Eri thanks the butler as he leaves.
  1217. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  1222. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  1224. 3:58 PM - Contractions: you make your way to tier 2, After some time you arrive outside a large mansion with an expansive courtyard
  1225. 3:58 PM - Contractions: The wrought iron gate rolls open and you approach the front door
  1226. 3:58 PM - Contractions: it is opened by a tall man in a suit who bows. "They are awaiting your arrival in the Young Master's study. Please follow me."
  1227. 12:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "O-oh. Thank you."
  1228. 12:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I follow Alfred to the batcave
  1229. 3:59 PM - Contractions: he leads you to the study after some time and bows before leaving
  1231. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  1236. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve, Valentine and Satoya - Regroup~~
  1239. 3:53 PM - Eevee: (( oop k ))
  1240. 3:53 PM - Satoya Taji: Ello bitches
  1241. 3:59 PM - Contractions: errywun in here now
  1242. 3:59 PM - Sarah Salem: yo
  1243. 3:59 PM - Eevee: (( eyyyy ))
  1244. 3:59 PM - Contractions: Eri arrives
  1245. 3:59 PM - Contractions: And shortly later, Sarah too
  1246. 4:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hello, everyone."
  1247. 4:00 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey." Eri acknowledges to everyone.
  1248. 4:00 PM - Contractions: For the benefit of those unaware
  1249. 4:00 PM - Contractions: namely Sarah and Eri
  1250. 4:00 PM - Contractions: :v
  1251. 4:00 PM - Valentine: "Is this the meanie who hung up on me?"
  1252. 4:01 PM - Satoya Taji: ((I assume Satoya will be carried in by husbando))
  1253. 4:01 PM - Contractions: Currently present are, Shosuke, Ally, Ally's rabbit Fred, Valentine the bunnygirl and Shosuke's sister, Valentine's rabbit Jake next to Fred, and the rest of the megucas
  1254. 4:01 PM - Eri Motai: Eri looks at Valentine, and looks away, "Sorry... Lots of errands today."
  1255. 4:02 PM - Satoya Taji: "Aaaaah, hello purreople!"
  1256. 4:02 PM - Eevee: *Eve waves at the newcomers*
  1257. 4:02 PM - Valentine: Val smiles as if see was never crossed in the first place "Okay, i get it"
  1258. 4:02 PM - Contractions: S: "An extraordinary number of magical girls, indeed. Are you all friends?"
  1259. 4:02 PM - Sarah Salem: I take a seat near Eve.
  1260. 4:03 PM - Eevee: "I guess you could say that." *Eve nods and smiles a little*
  1261. 4:03 PM - Eri Motai: Eri looks up, perplexed at being called out as a magical girl on the spot.
  1262. 4:03 PM - Satoya Taji: "The best of furriends dear!"
  1263. 4:03 PM - Contractions: A: "Hey, I'm not magic! I wish I was, though..."
  1264. 4:04 PM - Sarah Salem: "For the most part," I say, taking a glance at Satoya.
  1265. 4:04 PM - Contractions: S: "I am terribly sorry, then. But you are friends with the others, so it was only a logical, if incorrect, assumption on my part."
  1266. 4:04 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I guess we are friends."
  1267. 4:05 PM - Contractions: S: "Eve, was it? I assume that the bird will be meeting us here."
  1268. 4:05 PM - Eevee: "Ah, right! Let me call him."
  1269. 4:06 PM - Contractions: There does not seem to be a need to
  1270. 4:06 PM - Eevee: *Eve feathers it up*
  1271. 4:06 PM - Eevee: *or not*
  1272. 4:06 PM - Contractions: As not long after, you hear a tap, tap, taping at the chamber door
  1273. 4:06 PM - Eevee: (( omg ))
  1274. 4:07 PM - Eevee: (( did you really just ))
  1275. 4:07 PM - Contractions: c;
  1276. 4:08 PM - Eri Motai: ((I don't get it if it's a refrence T.T))
  1277. 4:08 PM - Valentine: (edger allen poe)
  1278. 4:08 PM - Contractions: ^
  1279. 4:08 PM - Eevee: (( edggar allen poe ))
  1280. 4:08 PM - Contractions: ^
  1281. 4:08 PM - Eevee: (( edggar wut ))
  1282. 4:08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((gj))
  1283. 4:09 PM - Valentine: (
  1284. 4:09 PM - Satoya Taji: ((I have a plane used for delivering satliites in Kerbal Space Programmed called The Raven. Its first payload was Edgar Allen Probe))
  1285. 4:09 PM - Valentine: (
  1286. 4:09 PM - Eri Motai: (tis fine, I know a bit about the Poe)
  1287. 4:09 PM - Eevee: (( beautiful ))
  1288. 4:09 PM - Contractions: yeah I think that's enough Poe thx
  1289. 4:09 PM - Contractions: I regret making that joke
  1290. 4:09 PM - Eevee: *Eve opens the door nevermore*
  1291. 4:09 PM - Valentine: (
  1292. 4:09 PM - Eri Motai: (no plz it's too much poe)
  1293. 4:10 PM - Sarah Salem: ((jesus christ i think we have enough poe lol))
  1294. 4:10 PM - Eevee: (( poeverload ))
  1295. 4:10 PM - Sarah Salem: (( no))
  1296. 4:10 PM - Eevee: (( c: ))
  1297. 4:12 PM - Contractions: hang on
  1298. 4:12 PM - Contractions: sorry m8s 1 sec
  1299. 4:12 PM - Eevee: (( kay ))
  1300. 4:12 PM - Eri Motai: (1 second later~)
  1301. 4:13 PM - Contractions: k
  1302. 4:14 PM - Contractions: The large raven flaps his way onto the nearest perchable surface
  1303. 4:14 PM - Contractions: That being a lonely, placid bust
  1304. 4:15 PM - Contractions: of someone from the family's heritage
  1305. 4:15 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya mumbles something about "Dumb old birds, aren't even cute..."
  1306. 4:15 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Eno, it's been a while."
  1307. 4:15 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shoots a death glare in Sato's direction.
  1308. 4:15 PM - Contractions: Enomatia, the raves, says, "More of an audience than expected."
  1309. 4:16 PM - Contractions: E: "It matters not, though."
  1310. 4:16 PM - Eevee: "So, you were going to tell us what you are?"
  1311. 4:17 PM - Contractions: S: "Fascinating. The cat, and now the bird. Do you also grant contracts?"
  1312. 4:17 PM - Contractions: E: "You are able to hear me? Interesting. But, unimportant."
  1313. 4:18 PM - Contractions: E: "I have summoned you here to explain expressly the purpose and origin of the Magi."
  1314. 4:18 PM - Satoya Taji: "Wait, you can hear him?!?! Ally can't hear Haku when he talks, how can you hear mr bird brain!"
  1315. 4:18 PM - Contractions: Ally's too busy petting the bunnies to care
  1316. 4:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "The cat seems like one that would specifically block her from hearing."
  1317. 4:20 PM - Contractions: E: "This is a tale that may seem extraordinairy, but is no less true."
  1318. 4:21 PM - Eri Motai: Eri plops onto the floor, getting ready for the long lecture.
  1319. 4:21 PM - Contractions: E: “On every planet with sapient life, there are what you humans would call a god, and a demon. From the planet’s inception, its future has already been decided, but only to the extent that there will be intelligent life on it. What that life is, and how it acts and reacts, is left to the care of the god, demon, and intelligence in question. The god and demon can shape the world, but not those that do or will inhabit it.”
  1320. 4:22 PM - Eevee: (( woah ))
  1321. 4:22 PM - Eri Motai: ((Eri: 1, everyone else 0))
  1322. 4:22 PM - Contractions: E: “When the planet is first born, both the god and demon wage great wars over who shall control what parts of both the planet and the life that will soon inhabit it. Eventually, they reach a conclusion satisfying for both, and the wars end, each with their own domain to rule. These wars end long before the species reaches any sort of reasonable intelligence… most of the time.”
  1323. 4:23 PM - Contractions: E: “On your planet, the war continues.”
  1324. 4:24 PM - Valentine: (mind=blown)
  1325. 4:25 PM - Contractions: “There are very few humans who can use magic naturally, and thus the war has been mostly contained to the realm that the god and demon inhabit. But the demon found a method of bypassing this restriction. By harvesting an immense energy from the emotions of humans, and combining it with magic of its own, it is able to create the youma, and tip the scales in its favor. The god of this world is either unable or unwilling to do the same.”
  1326. 4:25 PM - Satoya Taji: Satoya is staring off into space, eyes locked on a colorful butterfly
  1327. 4:25 PM - Eri Motai: "So, what exactly is a Youma? I have my theories but..."
  1328. 4:25 PM - Eevee: *Eve's shaking a little*
  1329. 4:27 PM - Sarah Salem: "What are we, then?"
  1330. 4:27 PM - Contractions: "The youma are spawns of negative emotions and magic, created by the demon of this world to shape the planet's face directly, rather than indirectly, as on most other worlds."
  1331. 4:28 PM - Contractions: “When I saw the disadvantage the god of your world was at, I felt obligated to assist. I am able to alter my magic in just such a way that it allows humans to make use of it. While I am unable to give every human magic, I find those that are most able to harness it, and offer them a contract. Because the demon uses negative emotions to create the youma, the most powerful form of combating them is with the emotional opposite of that negativity."
  1332. 4:30 PM - Contractions: "By giving humans the ability to wield magic, I tip the scales back to a more even balance. By combating the youma, you prevent the demon from gaining an immediate advantage."
  1333. 4:30 PM - Eri Motai: "So... positivity?"
  1334. 4:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((water, fire, air and dirt-fuckin magnets how do they work?))
  1335. 4:31 PM - Eevee: (( pfft ))
  1336. 4:32 PM - Contractions: "Not quite positivity, but innocence. While not an emotion specifically, it is a powerful force most commonly found in young human females, one that is simple to alter in a manner that grants the human in question magical abilities."
  1337. 4:33 PM - Contractions: "As humans age, their innocence fades, and thus, so too does their ability to wield magic."
  1338. 4:33 PM - Eevee: "But, if you're not the god, then what are you?"
  1339. 4:34 PM - Contractions: "I am indeed a god, just not of this world."
  1340. 4:35 PM - Eevee: "W...what."
  1341. 4:36 PM - Eri Motai: Eri folds her arms, in thought over this recent turn of events.
  1342. 4:37 PM - Contractions: Shosuke strokes Satoya's head slowly in contemplation
  1343. 4:38 PM - Contractions: Ally is sleeping
  1344. 4:38 PM - Sarah Salem: pft
  1345. 4:38 PM - Contractions: you guys have shockingly few questions considering the info dump I just laid on you
  1346. 4:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "The pink girl, did she make a contract with you, or the cat?"
  1347. 4:39 PM - Sarah Salem: ((you explained it pretty well i guess :v))
  1348. 4:39 PM - Contractions: I can think of a number of questions you might want to ask :v
  1349. 4:39 PM - Contractions: but if you can't think of any, then I won't bother elaborating~
  1350. 4:39 PM - Eevee: "Where are you from?"
  1351. 4:39 PM - Sarah Salem: ((well yknow i just asked a question :v))
  1352. 4:39 PM - Eri Motai: "And yeah, what's up with the cat anyways? If you're here to fight for God, then what's Haku here for?"
  1353. 4:40 PM - Eevee: (( yeah I was kinda waiting for you to answer sarah but okay ))
  1354. 4:40 PM - Contractions: and I was getting to it
  1355. 4:41 PM - Contractions: "I am unfamiliar with a Magi in any way related to the color pink, so it is only safe to presume that the cat made a contract with her,"
  1356. 4:41 PM - Contractions: "As I have said, I am the god from a different world. The one you know as Hakurobe is my opposite."
  1357. 4:42 PM - Contractions: "Why it is here, and what its goals are, I can not say,"
  1358. 4:42 PM - Eevee: "Why are you here, what happened to your world?"
  1359. 4:45 PM - Contractions: "Hakurobe used a technique similar to that which the demon uses on this world, creating a way for it to directly influence the populace of the world beyond my control."
  1360. 4:46 PM - Contractions: "I harness the innocence of humans to distribute among the population of my own world, which frees them from Hakurobe's spell."
  1361. 4:46 PM - Eevee: (( so Haku is alien lucifer ))
  1362. 4:46 PM - Eri Motai: ((no wonder he hates fun))
  1363. 4:46 PM - Satoya Taji: ((Yeah but who cares, he's a kitty))
  1364. 4:47 PM - Eevee: "So if we kill the demon of this world, will the youmma stop?"
  1365. 4:48 PM - Eri Motai: "Woah now Eve, don't you think that's a bit out of our league?"
  1366. 4:48 PM - Contractions: "It is possible, though the chance of success is no greater than zero."
  1367. 4:48 PM - Eevee: "We don't have to go after it directly."
  1368. 4:49 PM - Eevee: "We have a workaround."
  1369. 4:49 PM - Eevee: "The seeds."
  1370. 4:50 PM - Eri Motai: Eri turns back to look at Eno, "What are the seeds anyways? I... I keep having to use them, so I guess I should know what they are."
  1371. 4:50 PM - Contractions: S: "You intend to use the Oblivion Seeds to... wish the demon away?"
  1372. 4:50 PM - Eevee: "Yes."
  1373. 4:50 PM - Eevee: "We can end all of it."
  1374. 4:51 PM - Contractions: E: "The Oblivion Seeds are the defeated youma's emotional energy compressed into solid matter."
  1375. 4:53 PM - Contractions: "Never before has a Magi made such a wish. It is a theory at best."
  1376. 4:54 PM - Eri Motai: "What would the ramifications be of that kind of wish?"
  1377. 4:56 PM - Contractions: "I can not be certain. There is no way to know."
  1378. 4:57 PM - Eevee: "Well, this is all a lot more grand than I thought it was originally."
  1379. 4:58 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, slightly beyond what I had in mind."
  1380. 4:58 PM - Eevee: "Have you spoken to um, our god personally?
  1381. 4:58 PM - Eevee: "
  1382. 4:58 PM - Contractions: "I have not."
  1383. 5:01 PM - Eevee: "Do you have any other tips or advice on the situation?"
  1384. 5:02 PM - Contractions: "I can offer no more advice on the situation than when we first made a contract."
  1385. 5:02 PM - Valentine: "Wait... i have a queston.." Val asked shyly
  1386. 5:03 PM - Contractions: It turns its head to you
  1387. 5:03 PM - Valentine: "What kind of forms can demons be?"
  1388. 5:03 PM - Valentine: "How often are then not just scary monsters"
  1389. 5:03 PM - Valentine: *they
  1390. 5:04 PM - Contractions: "The youma are known to take any and all forms, always distorted gruesomely from the negative emotions they are made of."
  1391. 5:04 PM - Eri Motai: "And... what if they are somehow born from positive emotion?"
  1392. 5:05 PM - Eri Motai: Eri begins to poke her fingers together.
  1393. 5:06 PM - Contractions: "Too much of a positive emotion can lead back into negativity. Love turns into lust, for example."
  1394. 5:07 PM - Eri Motai: "I-... I see."
  1395. 5:07 PM - Eevee: "Is there any way to predict where a youma might spawn?"
  1396. 5:09 PM - Contractions: "None that are reliable. When negative emotions reach an apex, and come into contact with magic, a youma is formed. Just as well, a Magi pushed too hard can also turn into a youma."
  1397. 5:10 PM - Eevee: "So we have to be careful not that."
  1398. 5:10 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah..." Eri thinks back to the days events.
  1399. 5:11 PM - Contractions: He says nothing
  1400. 5:11 PM - Contractions: brb guys dinner
  1401. 5:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "So what does Arcanium do?"
  1402. 5:11 PM - Contractions: break time~
  1403. 5:11 PM - Sarah Salem: kk
  1404. 5:11 PM - Eevee: oop kay
  1405. 5:11 PM - Eri Motai: (kk, I'll be back in like, a bit too getting something to eat)
  1406. 5:11 PM - Valentine: meee tooo
  1407. 5:28 PM - Eri Motai: (so, status on food quotas?)
  1408. 5:31 PM - Contractions: done
  1409. 5:32 PM - Sarah Salem: yo
  1410. 5:32 PM - Valentine: herro
  1411. 5:32 PM - Valentine: i am back aswell
  1412. 5:32 PM - Contractions: surpised you guys didn't brainstorm about stuff
  1413. 5:33 PM - Sarah Salem: eve just started playing skyrim, and eri was gone :v
  1414. 5:33 PM - Eevee disconnected.
  1415. 5:33 PM - Sarah Salem: also i think ryan died
  1416. 5:33 PM - Contractions: joy
  1417. 5:33 PM - Contractions: so did yall like my infodump :v
  1418. 5:33 PM - Sarah Salem: there goes skyrim + steam crashing like its the last thing they'll ever do
  1419. 5:33 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah
  1420. 5:33 PM - Sarah Salem: was coo
  1421. 5:34 PM - Eri Motai: I enjoyed the dump of information that you put on my brain
  1422. 5:36 PM - Contractions: I'm creativ
  1423. 5:36 PM - Sarah Salem: ur lam
  1424. 5:38 PM - Eevee entered chat.
  1425. 5:39 PM - Sarah Salem: yo
  1426. 5:40 PM - Eevee: yooo
  1427. 5:40 PM - Eri Motai: yoo
  1428. 5:41 PM - Satoya Taji: I'm here
  1429. 5:41 PM - Eri Motai: (surprise! sudden chest cold)
  1430. 5:41 PM - Eri Motai: (fuck)
  1431. 5:42 PM - Contractions: oh hi
  1432. 5:42 PM - Contractions: shall we continue?
  1433. 5:42 PM - Eri Motai: (yi)
  1434. 5:42 PM - Sarah Salem: ((mhm))
  1435. 5:43 PM - Eevee: (( aight ))
  1436. 5:44 PM - Contractions: 5:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "So what does Arcanium do?"
  1437. 5:45 PM - Contractions: "Arcanium? I am unfamiliar with it."
  1438. 5:45 PM - Satoya Taji: "Magical metal! It does, things!"
  1439. 5:46 PM - Eevee: (( was that husbando o the bird? ))
  1440. 5:46 PM - Contractions: burd
  1441. 5:47 PM - Eevee: "Do youmma ever target a specific person?"
  1442. 5:49 PM - Contractions: E: "Not unless the emotional energy that creates the youma is directed at any person or persons in particular."
  1443. 5:50 PM - Eevee: "Can a single person generate enough negative energy to creat one?"
  1444. 5:52 PM - Contractions: E: "Unless a person were to come into contact with magic of some form, then the negative emotional energy is of detriment to none but themselves. Although, it is entirely possible for a youma to spawn from the emotions of a single person, especially around powerful magic."
  1445. 5:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "What if we were to get rid of Hakurobe, somehow?"
  1446. 5:53 PM - Satoya Taji: "We are not hurting a kitty!"
  1447. 5:53 PM - Contractions: E: "Hakurobe is not the cause of the youma on this world. Even so, one can not so easily slay a god or demon."
  1448. 5:54 PM - Sarah Salem: "Can you use magic directly? You and the cat, that is."
  1449. 5:54 PM - Eevee: (( ryan you literally made a contract with the devil ))
  1450. 5:55 PM - Contractions: I never said it was the devil
  1451. 5:55 PM - Contractions: c:
  1452. 5:55 PM - Eevee: (( didn't Eno say it was his counterpart? :o ))
  1453. 5:55 PM - Contractions: doesn't mean it's evil
  1454. 5:56 PM - Contractions: don't be thinkin so black n white about it~
  1455. 5:56 PM - Sarah Salem: (( he sure as hell is trying to make us think it :v))
  1456. 5:56 PM - Eevee: (( I guess he is making magical girls too which is kinda weird ))
  1457. 5:57 PM - Valentine: (if they are counterparts why are they working together)
  1458. 5:57 PM - Contractions: "Neither I nor the cat can directly influence this world, apart from creating contracts."
  1459. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: (( yeah but hes also an asshole and prolly made pinkie a magical girl, unless theres a third one at work))
  1460. 5:58 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i dont like the cat :v))
  1461. 5:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "This world? So are there worlds you /can/ influence?"
  1462. 6:00 PM - Contractions: "Only my own, until Hakurobe altered it in a manner that limited my power over it."
  1463. 6:00 PM - Valentine: "Are there any other creatures that give out contracts??"
  1464. 6:01 PM - Contractions: "None that I am aware of, apart from myself and the cat."
  1465. 6:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "How did he alter it?"
  1466. 6:02 PM - Eevee: "What makes us more qualified to harness magic than others?
  1467. 6:03 PM - Contractions: "Through a method similar to that which the demon of this world uses to create the youma."
  1468. 6:03 PM - Contractions: "The greater the amount of innocence a human has, the greater their magical potential."
  1469. 6:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "So Hakurobe is making youma as well?"
  1470. 6:06 PM - Contractions: "Not quite. As I've said, the cat can not affect this world in that manner, only our own. Its reason for creating contracts here eludes me."
  1471. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "So what, exactly, is he doing to your world?"
  1472. 6:12 PM - Contractions: "The populace of our world lacks innocence, a powerful stablizing emotion within all humans. Hakurobe turned the people of that planet against one another by filling their minds with individual and conflicting emotions that differ from the emotions of others of the species."
  1473. 6:13 PM - Contractions: "Without innocence to stablize this emotional disparity, conflict is commonplace."
  1474. 6:16 PM - Eevee: "I'm sorry, that's horrible."
  1475. 6:23 PM - Contractions: "If there are no more questions, then I have nothing more to say."
  1476. 6:23 PM - Eevee: (( thankyou alien jesus ))
  1477. 6:24 PM - Eevee: "I think that's all I have to ask."
  1478. 6:24 PM - Satoya Taji disconnected.
  1479. 6:24 PM - Eri Motai: Eri gets up and shakes the dust off. "Yeah, I think I'm good for now; just don't be a stranger."
  1480. 6:25 PM - Contractions: The bird flies into the hall and out a window
  1481. 6:25 PM - Eevee: "Well, that was a lot to take in."
  1482. 6:27 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah." Eri states whilst stretching, "Alright, if you guys don't need me for anything, I've gotta get back to my errands."
  1483. 6:27 PM - Eevee: "Alright, thanks for coming."
  1484. 6:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'll be leaving as well."
  1485. 6:28 PM - Eri Motai: "So, party here tomorrow still?"
  1486. 6:29 PM - Valentine: "That was fun! Think about it, how many girls can say they had a Q&A session with an alien bird?!?!"
  1487. 6:29 PM - Contractions: S: "I don't see why not."
  1488. 6:30 PM - Contractions: S: "Yes indeed, sister. A most curious case."
  1489. 6:30 PM - Eevee: *Eve pockets some seaweed snacks* "I guess I oughta go too. It was nice meeting you Valentine, thanks for the help earlier."
  1490. 6:30 PM - Sarah Salem: ((seaweed snacks))
  1491. 6:30 PM - Eevee: (( best kind ))
  1492. 6:30 PM - Valentine: She smiled very happy with her encounter
  1493. 6:32 PM - Valentine: Val looks at the floor and says just above a whisper "C-can I come with you guys?"
  1494. 6:33 PM - Eri Motai: Eri looks over Valentine, "I'm not sure if you want to join me for chores, but you're welcome to help me find a cake."
  1495. 6:33 PM - Eri Motai: "Just one question though."
  1496. 6:34 PM - Eri Motai: Eri walks over and pokes one of Valentine's bunny ears, "Are those real?"
  1497. 6:34 PM - Valentine: Val looked at Eri curiously
  1498. 6:35 PM - Eevee: (( amazing ))
  1499. 6:35 PM - Valentine: "OF COURSE THEY ARE REAL" Val said as they twitched in response
  1500. 6:35 PM - Eri Motai: Eri is taken aback by the very loud response.
  1501. 6:35 PM - Valentine: "I-i... also have the tail" Val said lightly blushing
  1502. 6:36 PM - Sarah Salem: (( oh no more animal people to commit murder))
  1503. 6:36 PM - Sarah Salem: ((although i guess i cant really talk anymore))
  1504. 6:36 PM - Eevee: (( :c ))
  1505. 6:36 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shrugs, "Hey, it's fine. At least you aren't making bunny puns."
  1506. 6:36 PM - Valentine: Val turned around and the tail wiggled a little
  1507. 6:38 PM - Eevee: (( if it helps I killed a bunch of sick people
  1508. 6:38 PM - Eevee: ))
  1509. 6:38 PM - Eri Motai: Eri goes into deep thought over something.
  1510. 6:39 PM - Eevee: (( P sure Eri and val are the last ones without blood on their hands at this point ))
  1511. 6:39 PM - Contractions: S: "I shall stay here for a while, then. Val, my dear sister, you are free to go. I'll stay here with my darling Satoya. She seems to have fallen asleep,"
  1512. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: ((who'd you kill?))
  1513. 6:40 PM - Eevee: (( a bunch of sick people by venting some magic OC ))
  1514. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: (( idk how many i murdered but it was a lot :v ))
  1515. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((exploded+made a several city block wide anger storm))
  1516. 6:41 PM - Eevee: (( geez ))
  1517. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: (( m-m-m-m-monster kill))
  1518. 6:41 PM - Contractions: not to mention that Bitch exploded and made several city block wide anger storm
  1519. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((yeah but her storm aint my fault so whatevs))
  1520. 6:42 PM - Contractions: :v
  1521. 6:42 PM - Sarah Salem: (( c:))
  1522. 6:42 PM - Eevee: *on the way out Eve asks sarah what that Arcaniwhatever is*
  1523. 6:43 PM - Eri Motai: Eri snaps out of whatever thought she's having and turns back to Val.
  1524. 6:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "It is a sort of metal I found. It has magical properties, but I'm not sure exactly what it can do."
  1525. 6:44 PM - Eevee: "It must be weird if even Eno doesn't know about it..."
  1526. 6:46 PM - Contractions: Eri starts squirming as though her back itched. Like, a lot. Then after a shout of pain some slightly deformed looking wings burst out of her back and through her clothing
  1527. 6:47 PM - Eevee: (( wut ))
  1528. 6:47 PM - Contractions: They're fairly small, and she definitely couldn't fly with them
  1529. 6:47 PM - Contractions: he took a temporary change
  1530. 6:47 PM - Contractions: to vent oc
  1531. 6:47 PM - Eevee: (( ahhh ))
  1532. 6:48 PM - Eevee: *Eve just looks on in confusion and slight repulsion*
  1533. 6:50 PM - Valentine: Val staggered back, surprised
  1534. 6:50 PM - Contractions: Ally looks confused
  1535. 6:51 PM - Valentine: "Are those in coming out of your back?!?!? ewwie!"
  1536. 6:51 PM - Contractions: A: "You have bunny ears though! And a funny little tail."
  1537. 6:52 PM - Sarah Salem: *Mild surprise*
  1538. 6:52 PM - Contractions: "...speaking of which, where's Fred?" you now notice Ally is not holding Fred, and after some frantic searching, you find Fred hanging from Val's cottonball poof tail
  1539. 6:52 PM - Contractions: by his mouth
  1540. 6:52 PM - Contractions: he's chewing on Val's tail
  1541. 6:52 PM - Contractions: c:
  1542. 6:53 PM - Eevee: (( kawaii ))
  1543. 6:53 PM - Sarah Salem: (( uguu ))
  1544. 6:53 PM - Valentine: "He's trying to eat my tail! Get him off me, Get him off me" She yelled as she ran in circles
  1545. 6:53 PM - Eri Motai: Eri picks the rabbit off Val's tail and places it on Ally's head.
  1546. 6:53 PM - Sarah Salem: (( if only gekko was here c;))
  1547. 6:53 PM - Contractions: "Nooo! Bad Fred! First Cottonball, now Val! You're not very nice."
  1548. 6:54 PM - Contractions: "You should go in bunny time out."
  1549. 6:54 PM - Valentine: She held her tail, which was stinging, and said "I forbid you from marrying my Jke"
  1550. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((that sounds adorable))
  1551. 6:54 PM - Valentine: *Jake
  1552. 6:55 PM - Eri Motai disconnected.
  1553. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: ((bum bum bum, another one bites the dust))
  1554. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: I stroll out the door, and back to my house
  1555. 6:59 PM - Contractions: hmmm
  1556. 6:59 PM - Contractions: yeah I got no clue what to do now
  1557. 6:59 PM - Eevee: Yeah I guess I just go home too
  1558. 7:01 PM - Eevee: well we could call it a night or wait for those two to come back
  1559. 7:01 PM - Eri Motai entered chat.
  1560. 7:01 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah
  1561. 7:01 PM - Sarah Salem: well 1/2
  1562. 7:01 PM - Sarah Salem: just need ryan
  1563. 7:02 PM - Contractions: dunno
  1564. 7:02 PM - Contractions: I think I'd prefer to call it a night really
  1565. 7:02 PM - Eri Motai: you think so?
  1566. 7:02 PM - Contractions: I'd appreciate, it at any rate
  1567. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: aight
  1568. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: im good with that
  1569. 7:02 PM - Eri Motai: it's fine, I'm coming down with a chest cold of some sort anyways
  1570. 7:03 PM - Eevee: yee alrighty
  1571. 7:03 PM - Eevee: welp night night
  1572. 7:03 PM - Valentine: night
  1575. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  1577. 1:06 PM - Sarah Salem: sooo
  1578. 1:06 PM - Sarah Salem: how hard would it be to get gekko to hide himself on satoya somewhere
  1579. 4:07 PM - Contractions: where the fuck could he possibly hide :v
  1580. 1:08 PM - Sarah Salem: i dunno :v
  1581. 1:08 PM - Sarah Salem: niggas made of paper, he can hide SOMEWHERE
  1582. 4:08 PM - Contractions: never said he was made of paper
  1583. 4:08 PM - Contractions: only that his arms were pencil lines
  1584. 4:08 PM - Contractions: and legs
  1585. 1:08 PM - Sarah Salem: hes papery enough
  1586. 1:08 PM - Sarah Salem: i imagine hes light :v
  1587. 4:08 PM - Contractions: doesn't mean he can go flat
  1588. 1:09 PM - Sarah Salem: i know :v
  1589. 1:09 PM - Sarah Salem: eh i'll think of something
  1590. 4:09 PM - Contractions: this isn't fallout, you can't reverse pickpocket a baseball onto someone without them knowing
  1591. 4:09 PM - Contractions: :V
  1592. 1:09 PM - Sarah Salem: i can try :v
  1593. 1:09 PM - Sarah Salem: if not i can just leave gekko in here
  1594. 1:09 PM - Sarah Salem: keep an eye on things
  1595. 1:10 PM - Sarah Salem: ayyyyy
  1596. 4:09 PM - Contractions: go for it
  1597. 1:10 PM - Sarah Salem: ayyyyyy
  1598. 1:10 PM - Sarah Salem: ill plop him down as we're leaving
  1599. 1:11 PM - Sarah Salem: if i'm lucky, no one'll know c:
  1600. 1:16 PM - Sarah Salem: hm
  1601. 1:16 PM - Sarah Salem: mind if i give mind contact with eno another try
  1602. 1:16 PM - Sarah Salem: since hes so close :v
  1603. 4:16 PM - Contractions: go 4 it
  1604. 1:16 PM - Sarah Salem: magic roll rite
  1605. 4:16 PM - Contractions: ye
  1606. 1:17 PM - Sarah Salem: 12
  1607. 4:18 PM - Contractions: you feel a slight headache coming on
  1608. 4:19 PM - Contractions: like you were trying to drill through a cement wall with your skull
  1609. 6:44 PM - Contractions: so did you leave gekko there or what
  1610. 3:46 PM - Sarah Salem: ye
  1611. 3:47 PM - Sarah Salem: w/ instructions to keep an eye on satoya, so to speak
  1612. 6:46 PM - Contractions: k
  1614. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  1617. 7:03 PM - Contractions: 10 logs
  1618. 7:03 PM - Contractions: 10 private chats
  1619. 7:03 PM - Contractions: I think
  1620. 7:03 PM - Eri Motai: I guess I can't help out with backing up your log, sorry dan
  1621. 7:03 PM - Eevee: wowie
  1622. 7:04 PM - Sarah Salem: lol
  1623. 7:04 PM - Sarah Salem: why do we do this
  1624. 7:04 PM - Eevee: we're horrible people that's why
  1625. 7:04 PM - Eri Motai: cuz why should we stick together :u
  1626. 7:04 PM - Eevee: we'll try to stick together more so dan doesn't have like a million logs and two monsters to deal with
  1627. 7:04 PM - Eri Motai: alright, hopping back over to my laptop, see ya in a bit
  1628. 7:05 PM - Eri Motai left chat.
  1629. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: this was p cool
  1630. 7:05 PM - Eevee: ye we got a lotta info
  1631. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: next session ill finally make that magic shit
  1632. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: and see what it does
  1633. 7:07 PM - Eevee: awww yiss
  1634. 7:08 PM - Sarah Salem: i'd test it on gekko but i left him at the manor :v
  1635. 7:08 PM - Eevee: sneaky
  1636. 7:08 PM - Eevee: also calling it that satos husband is the devil
  1637. 7:08 PM - Valentine left chat.
  1638. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: totes
  1639. 7:09 PM - Contractions: :v
  1640. 7:09 PM - Eevee: we know your secrets dan
  1641. 7:09 PM - Eevee disconnected.
  1642. 7:09 PM - Contractions: edgy
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