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Jan 26th, 2016
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  1. UpdateNotification: true
  2. TokenPrice: 150
  3. BoxTokenPrice:
  4. Level1: 1
  5. Level2: 5
  6. Level3: 10
  7. Name: Tokens
  8. MultipleBoxes: true
  9. UseMySQL: true
  10. MySQL:
  11. host:
  12. username: 203031_mysql_db
  13. password: ****
  14. port: 3306
  15. database: 203031_mysql_db
  16. Chest:
  17. MainBox:
  18. Type: RANDOM
  19. Particle: CRIT
  20. SpiralParticle: FLAME
  21. LookAtEffect: FLAME
  22. CreateArena: false
  23. KeyMode: true
  24. InventoryName: SecretBox
  25. Item:
  26. '1': 54
  27. '2': 54
  28. '3': 130
  29. Name:
  30. '1': '&e&lRandom Box'
  31. '2': '&a&lMystery Box'
  32. '3': '&c&lLegendary Box'
  33. Lore:
  34. '1':
  35. - '&7Obsahuje vsechny zakladni veci'
  36. - '&7ale muze obsahovat i ty vzacne veci.'
  37. - ''
  38. - '&8Cena: &f<> Kreditov'
  39. - ''
  40. - '&a&lKliknutim si to koupis a otevres!'
  41. '2':
  42. - '&7Obsahuje vsechny vzacnejsi veci'
  43. - '&7se kterymi budes mit swagg.'
  44. - ''
  45. - '&8Cena: &f<> Kreditov'
  46. - ''
  47. - '&a&lKliknutim si to koupis a otevres!'
  48. '3':
  49. - '&7Tento box otevira jen opravdovy'
  50. - '&7mistr ktery chce byt nejlepsi.'
  51. - ''
  52. - '&8Cena: &f<> Kreditov'
  53. - ''
  54. - '&a&lKliknutim si to koupis a otevres!'
  55. DespawnTime: 40
  56. Holo:
  57. enabled: true
  58. text:
  59. - '&c&lSecretBox'
  60. adjustHeight: 1.8
  61. ChestSpawn:
  62. Sound: WOOD_CLICK
  63. Messages:
  64. Command:
  65. Line1: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb addbox &e- &7Look at a chest to register it as
  66. a new Treasure Box.'
  67. Line2: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb removebox &e- &7Look at a chest to remove it as
  68. a Treasure Box.'
  69. Line3: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb buy &e- &7Buy a Token for &e%price%&7.'
  70. Line4: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb givetoken <player> <amount> &e- &7Gives the <player>
  71. a token.'
  72. Line5: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb reload &e- &7Reloads the config.yml.'
  73. Line6: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb givechest <player> <level> <amount> &e- &7Gives
  74. the <player> a chest.'
  75. Line7: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb reset <player> &e- &7Resets a players key & chest
  76. count.'
  77. Line8: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7/tb saveToStructure <BoxNumber> &e- §cInWork/notworkingyet
  78. &7Saves a selection made by WorldEdit to a Box Structure'
  79. No-Permissions: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You don''t have enough permissions.'
  80. Not-Enough-Coins: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You don''t have enough Coins.'
  81. Bought-Token: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You''ve bought a Token. You have &e%keys%&7 Tokens.'
  82. Not-Online: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7The given player is not online.'
  83. Gave-Token: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You gave &e%player%&7 a Token.'
  84. Gave-Tokens: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You gave &e%player% %amount%&7 Tokens.'
  85. Recieved-Token: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You recieved a Token!'
  86. Recieved-Tokens: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You recieved &e%amount%&7 Tokens!'
  87. Box-Added: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7Treasure Box has been added to the list.'
  88. Box-Removed: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7Treasure Box removed, you can now destroy the
  89. box.'
  90. Box-Already-Exists: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7This box is already registered.'
  91. UnkownBlock: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7Unkown Block ''%block%''.'
  92. Wait: '&cSecretBox &l> &7Musis pockat, az akce skonci.'
  93. No-Break: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You cannot destroy a Treasure Box. Use &e/tb removebox&7
  94. to remove it.'
  95. Not-Enough-Token: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You don''t have enough Tokens.'
  96. Buy-Token: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7Use &e/tb buy&7 to buy a Token for &e%price%$'
  97. Opening: '&cSecretBox &l> &7Prave otviras Secret Box.'
  98. Choose: '&cSecretBox &l> &7Otvor &l%amount% &r&7truhlice.'
  99. Unkown-Arguments: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7Unkown Arguments, try &e/tb &7to see all
  100. commands.'
  101. MySQL-Get-Error: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7Error while getting your Keys from the MySQL
  102. database.'
  103. Price: '&7Price: &6'
  104. Your-Tokens: '&7You have &6%tokens% &7Tokens.'
  105. Rewards: '&7Possible Rewards:'
  106. RewardFormat: '&7 - &8[%reward%&8]'
  107. ConfigReloaded: '&cConfig reloaded!'
  108. CommandNotAllowed: '&cThis command is not allowed when opening a box.'
  109. IsNotAnInt: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7The given argument needs to be an integer.'
  110. NotReady: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7Not all box entries are loaded yet, please wait.'
  111. Not-Enough-Chests: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You don''t have enough Chests.'
  112. Reset-Player: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You''ve reset %player%.'
  113. Gave-Chests: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You gave &e%player% %amount%&7 Lv.%lv% Chests.'
  114. Open-Near-Other: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You cannot open a normal chest near a Treasure
  115. Box.'
  116. Boxes-Left: '&cTreasureBox &l> &7You can open %amount% more chests.'
  117. DisabledCommands:
  118. - spawn
  119. - home
  120. - warp
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