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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. 16 [Beginning is missing] saw the servants call for the darkness and the darkness answered; I saw the void erupt from the earth as the ground shook and destroyed the cities of men; And when darkness swept over us, the four living things followed it over the horizon;
  2. 17 I travelled from ocean to ocean, looking for one free man, but all was consumed by the darkness of the abyss and mankind was blind; And mankind praised the darkness for they thought it was light
  3. 18 I was standing on a mountain of decaying flesh; Listening to the choir of the children as they poisoned the water and salted the earth; Their voices made brother turn against brother and father against son; And soon there was a howling frenzy of blood and fire;
  4. 19 So the children praised Him and prayed and begged for Him to claim His world; But He ruled from his keep of madness; I asked the living things why He did not come forth and the living things shamed me and said;
  5. 20 He need not claim what is already his, fainthearted, but this land first must prove its worth before His judgement;
  6. 21 And so the four living things revealed the herold of the elder one; Behold the madness of her image, crowned with the horns of the sinner, her fury burns unquenchably;
  7. 22 She spread out her wings and the light of the stars was no more; Her claws ripped open the earth; And these scars became gates and from the gates emerged the legion of the martyrs, clad in the armour of faith, zealeous and noble; And wrath followed them
  8. 23 I bowed and ducked before her vision with the fear of a man, but she took my fears away and sowed spirit in my heart; And she gave me great words of power so I could praise Him;
  9. 24 She opened the golden portal to His keep so I could fall to my knees before His throne. And his throne was a graveyard, but he has no grave, as Death kneeled besides me;
  10. 25 With us prayed one thousand great creatures of flesh, watching over His earth with fourty eyes and fourty jaws;
  11. 26 And when the poison had plagued mankind; And when the blood drowned all life; And when the fire has burned all the plants; And when they were consumed by darkness;
  12. 27 It was time [rest is missing]
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