
faster than ai warning, knocks someone up over a building

May 16th, 2020
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  1. “So that’s the same Calculate Fortress as the Windowless Building, huh?”
  2. By the time Hamazura heard that whisper, his opponent had already slipped right up to
  3. him.
  4. He moved faster than Aneri’s warning messages could appear.
  5. “Let’s see how well this thing can reproduce my powers. That should be fun!!!!!!”
  6. He flew.
  7. He was knocked away.
  8. With just a swing of Accelerator’s right hand, Hamazura was freed from the bonds of
  9. gravity and broke through a water storage tank on the roof of a nearby building. All the
  10. stored water turned to spray and splashed across the area. In a detached sort of way, he
  11. noted that it looked like an effect from a fighting game.
  12. While his body continued to rotate, his eyes grew unfocused and it all felt surreal. But not
  13. because he was passing out after receiving the full brunt of an attack from Academy City’s
  14. #1.
  16. - New Testament Volume 19 Chapter 4 Part 5
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