
General, Talks a man to death.

Feb 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. NOTE: This ain't termination, but let's see if SCP-682 could be pacified through someone who could be as hating of all things as the damn lizard. Just make sure "he" doesn't try to get away.
  3. Researcher: Dr. Richard Graham
  5. Item: D-3654
  7. Tissue Test Record: N/A
  9. Termination Log: D-3654 was escorted into SCP-682's containment chamber escorted by MTF 6-11, who promply exited the containment chamber and had the door sealed. D-3654 was instructed to converse with SCP-682. Strangely enough, at no point did SCP-682 attempt to kill D-3654 throughout entire duration.
  11. SCP-682 and D-3654 initially conversed in derogatory and profane manners that intensified over the course of 4 minutes and 36 seconds. After agreeing with SCP-682's percieved worldview on humanity, D-3654 ceased speaking and continued to listen to him. Observers of SCP-682's containment chamber reported feeling an increase in symptoms related to severe depresion yet refused to cease the transmission of the containment chamber's audio.
  13. SCP-682's communication ceased twenty minutes later upon MTF 6-11's retrieval of D-3654, who was found in a catatonic state and died from unknown complications shortly after exiting SCP-682's chamber. All observers of 682's containment chamber were found with severe self-inflicted wounds and treated with Class-A amnetics while restrained by handcuffs.
  15. Notes: Requesting remote-activation only modifications to audio of SCP-682's containment chamber and mandatory headphone usage by the controllers. Make sure to delete the recordings, too, Sandra.
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