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Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. Launcher.54812089.js:1 Using GLES 3
  2. index.html:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded
  3. index.html:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded
  4. Launcher.54812089.js:1 TypeError: Error in invocation of runtime.sendMessage(optional string extensionId, any message, optional object options, optional function responseCallback): chrome.runtime.sendMessage() called from a webpage must specify an Extension ID (string) for its first argument.
  5. The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
  6. The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
  7. Launcher.54812089.js:1 WebGLRenderer.dispose
  8. Launcher.54812089.js:1 WebGLRenderer.dispose
  9. Launcher.54812089.js:1 WebGLRenderer.dispose
  10. Launcher.54812089.js:1 Map id: 500400350
  11. Launcher.54812089.js:1 Kd-tree build time: 877
  12. Launcher.54812089.js:1 Grid build time: 77
  13. Launcher.54812089.js:1 WebGLRenderer.dispose
  14. Launcher.54812089.js:1 Pi
  15. Launcher.54812089.js:1 ticlosed_sfum1f$_0: falsecommandCodec_mh5b10$_0: mn {spaceOpenedCommandCodec_co0e4w$_8eij01$_0: fn}commandHandler_kq6a8w$_0: Fn {id_3mxxb5$_0: t.Long, protocol: Nt, channelHashCode_0: Vt, modelRegistry_lsin6c$_0: ne, spaceClosedListener_0: ƒ, …}connectionStatus_z9x1zj$_0: ui {name$: "CONNECTED", ordinal$: 2}currentPacketPosition_yh2rmz$_0: 0dataBuffer_2fr2gl$_0: Vt {view: DataView(1280000), capacity: 1280000, limit_6a5gib$_0: 1280000, position: 0, littleEndian_0: false}outputBuffer_4msn5u$_0: Vt {view: DataView(10500), capacity: 10500, limit_6a5gib$_0: 27, position: 0, littleEndian_0: false}protectionContext_96qu0x$_0: nn {serverSequence_kwufvh$_0: Int32Array(8), serverSelector_uvf9dn$_0: 2, clientSequence_ymo3tx$_0: Int32Array(8), clientSelector_qfv4n1$_0: 4, initialSeed_1a8cx4$_0: 52}protocol_hpzzdl$_yq354i$_0: ne {type: rr, name: null}secondDataBuffer_jdctcv$_0: Vt {view: DataView(1280000), capacity: 1280000, limit_6a5gib$_0: 1280000, position: 0, littleEndian_0: false}socket_jlutqs$_0: WebSocket {url: "wss://", readyState: 1, bufferedAmount: 0, onerror: null, onopen: ƒ, …}temporaryBufferForSendCommand_kctioa$_0: Vt {view: DataView(1280000), capacity: 1280000, limit_6a5gib$_0: 29, position: 29, littleEndian_0: false}temporaryProtocolBufferForRead_dvjquh$_0: at {buffer: Vt, optionalMap: ot, reader: Vt, writer: Vt}temporaryProtocolBufferForSendCommand_bpajgy$_0: at {buffer: Vt, optionalMap: ot, reader: Vt, writer: Vt}url_hxw8ai$_0: "wss://"protocol_hpzzdl$_0: (...)__proto__: Object "Enum item not found for code 14" Pi
  16. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  17. index.html:1 Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
  18. Launcher.54812089.js:1 WebGLRenderer.dispose
  19. Launcher.54812089.js:1 XC {damageIndicatorEffects: zn, meteorSmokes: zn, nuclearLights: zn, nuclearLightWaves: zn, nuclearBangSprites: zn, …} "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:23 size:74" Oi {message_8yp7un$_0: "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:23 size:74", cause_th0jdv$_0: null, name: "RuntimeException", stack: "RuntimeException: Please increase count of pre cre…r-public/static/js/Launcher.54812089.js:1:375015)"}
  20. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  21. Bs.doLog_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  22. Bs.doError_9pk8v0$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  23. Oe.doError_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  24. Oe.error_bbi1uo$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  25. XC.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  26. $k.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  27. qn @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  28. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  29. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  30. An @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  31. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  32. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  33. zn.clearModelData_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  34. zn.destroy @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  35. Fn.removeObject_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  36. Fn.destroyObject_s8cxhz$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  37. Fn.removeAllObjectsAndMarkAsClosed_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  38. Fn.onConnectionClose @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  39. ti.onConnectionClose_e4r76u$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  40. ti.onSocketClosed_1aqgsf$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  41. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  42. Launcher.54812089.js:1 XC {damageIndicatorEffects: zn, meteorSmokes: zn, nuclearLights: zn, nuclearLightWaves: zn, nuclearBangSprites: zn, …}animatedLightEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}animatedPlaneEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}animatedSpriteEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}artilleryFlames: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}artillerySmokes: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 74, factory: ƒ}beamEffect: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}crystalBonusEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}damageIndicatorEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}decalEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}distanceScaledAnimatedPlaneEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 1, factory: ƒ}gaussElectroEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}gaussLightingEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}hunterLightningEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}lambdaPooledPositionProviders: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}levelUpLightBeamEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}levelUpLightWaveEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}levelUpSparkEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}limitedDistanceAnimatedSpriteEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}meteorSmokes: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}movingObject3DPositionProviders: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}muzzlePositionProviders: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}normalObject3DPositionProviders: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}nuclearBangSprites: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}nuclearLightWaves: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}nuclearLights: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}offsetObject3DPositionProviders: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}omniStreamLightEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}planeMuzzleFlashEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}railgunPowEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 1, factory: ƒ}railgunShotSmokeEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}railgunShotTrailEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}rocketSmokes: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 158, factory: ƒ}scalingObject3DPositionProviders: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}shaftEnterTrailEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}shaftExitTrailEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}shieldGeneratorBeams: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}sparkleSphereEffectFew: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}sparkleSphereEffectManys: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}staticObject3DPositionProviders: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}streamWeaponGraphicEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}thunderShotEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}thunderShotSmokeEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}waspUltimateCountdownEffects: zn {cleanup_0: null, list_0: jo, countOfCreateObjectsInGetMethod_vgo105$_0: 0, factory: ƒ}__proto__: Object "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:26 size:1" Oi {message_8yp7un$_0: "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:26 size:1", cause_th0jdv$_0: null, name: "RuntimeException", stack: "RuntimeException: Please increase count of pre cre…r-public/static/js/Launcher.54812089.js:1:375015)"}cause_th0jdv$_0: nullmessage_8yp7un$_0: "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:26 size:1"name: "RuntimeException"cause: (...)message: (...)stack: "RuntimeException: Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:26 size:1↵ at Ti (↵ at XC.close (↵ at $k.close (↵ at An.qn [as cachedForEachFunction_0] (↵ at An.jsForEachFunction_0 (↵ at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)↵ at An.forEach_15xl62$ (↵ at An [as cachedForEachFunction_0] (↵ at An.jsForEachFunction_0 (↵ at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)↵ at An.forEach_15xl62$ (↵ at zn.clearModelData_0 (↵ at zn.destroy (↵ at Fn.removeObject_0 (↵ at Fn.destroyObject_s8cxhz$ (↵ at Fn.removeAllObjectsAndMarkAsClosed_0 (↵ at Fn.onConnectionClose (↵ at ti.onConnectionClose_e4r76u$_0 (↵ at ti.onSocketClosed_1aqgsf$_0 (↵ at WebSocket.<anonymous> ("__proto__: Pi
  43. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  44. Bs.doLog_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  45. Bs.doError_9pk8v0$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  46. Oe.doError_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  47. Oe.error_bbi1uo$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  48. XC.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  49. $k.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  50. qn @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  51. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  52. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  53. An @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  54. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  55. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  56. zn.clearModelData_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  57. zn.destroy @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  58. Fn.removeObject_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  59. Fn.destroyObject_s8cxhz$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  60. Fn.removeAllObjectsAndMarkAsClosed_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  61. Fn.onConnectionClose @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  62. ti.onConnectionClose_e4r76u$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  63. ti.onSocketClosed_1aqgsf$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  64. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  65. Launcher.54812089.js:1 XC {damageIndicatorEffects: zn, meteorSmokes: zn, nuclearLights: zn, nuclearLightWaves: zn, nuclearBangSprites: zn, …} "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:27 size:1" Oi {message_8yp7un$_0: "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:27 size:1", cause_th0jdv$_0: null, name: "RuntimeException", stack: "RuntimeException: Please increase count of pre cre…r-public/static/js/Launcher.54812089.js:1:375015)"}
  66. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  67. Bs.doLog_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  68. Bs.doError_9pk8v0$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  69. Oe.doError_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  70. Oe.error_bbi1uo$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  71. XC.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  72. $k.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  73. qn @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  74. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  75. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  76. An @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  77. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  78. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  79. zn.clearModelData_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  80. zn.destroy @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  81. Fn.removeObject_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  82. Fn.destroyObject_s8cxhz$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  83. Fn.removeAllObjectsAndMarkAsClosed_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  84. Fn.onConnectionClose @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  85. ti.onConnectionClose_e4r76u$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  86. ti.onSocketClosed_1aqgsf$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  87. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  88. Launcher.54812089.js:1 XC {damageIndicatorEffects: zn, meteorSmokes: zn, nuclearLights: zn, nuclearLightWaves: zn, nuclearBangSprites: zn, …} "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:34 size:158" Oi {message_8yp7un$_0: "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:34 size:158", cause_th0jdv$_0: null, name: "RuntimeException", stack: "RuntimeException: Please increase count of pre cre…r-public/static/js/Launcher.54812089.js:1:375015)"}cause_th0jdv$_0: nullmessage_8yp7un$_0: "Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:34 size:158"name: "RuntimeException"cause: (...)message: (...)stack: "RuntimeException: Please increase count of pre created objects, index of pool:34 size:158↵ at Ti (↵ at XC.close (↵ at $k.close (↵ at An.qn [as cachedForEachFunction_0] (↵ at An.jsForEachFunction_0 (↵ at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)↵ at An.forEach_15xl62$ (↵ at An [as cachedForEachFunction_0] (↵ at An.jsForEachFunction_0 (↵ at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)↵ at An.forEach_15xl62$ (↵ at zn.clearModelData_0 (↵ at zn.destroy (↵ at Fn.removeObject_0 (↵ at Fn.destroyObject_s8cxhz$ (↵ at Fn.removeAllObjectsAndMarkAsClosed_0 (↵ at Fn.onConnectionClose (↵ at ti.onConnectionClose_e4r76u$_0 (↵ at ti.onSocketClosed_1aqgsf$_0 (↵ at WebSocket.<anonymous> ("__proto__: Pi
  89. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  90. Bs.doLog_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  91. Bs.doError_9pk8v0$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  92. Oe.doError_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  93. Oe.error_bbi1uo$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  94. XC.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  95. $k.close @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  96. qn @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  97. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  98. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  99. An @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  100. An.jsForEachFunction_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  101. An.forEach_15xl62$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  102. zn.clearModelData_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  103. zn.destroy @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  104. Fn.removeObject_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  105. Fn.destroyObject_s8cxhz$ @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  106. Fn.removeAllObjectsAndMarkAsClosed_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  107. Fn.onConnectionClose @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  108. ti.onConnectionClose_e4r76u$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  109. ti.onSocketClosed_1aqgsf$_0 @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  110. (anonymous) @ Launcher.54812089.js:1
  111. index.html:1 Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
  112. index.html:1 Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
  113. index.html:1 Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
  114. index.html:1 Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
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