
Nemolux Mobius Character App

Jun 13th, 2015
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  1. Name: Egg Nemolux(Nemo Lux, or No Light)
  3. Age: 22 Years Old
  4. DoB: June 15, 1992
  5. Species: Robotic Hawk
  7. Gender: Appears to be Male
  9. Abilities: Nemolux is built with the ability to absorb nearby energy, creating spots where energy is lacking. These spots are used for the Dark Bullet/Dark Shot, Dark Shield, and the Glide-Rush. With the Dark Bullet, he begins draining energy from a spot near his hand, bending light around it as it grows, eventually becoming a black orb as he charges it up. Nearby objects, mostly metal, may be attracted and vaporized unless plot important(for example Chaos Emeralds) or other characters. Anyone hit with a Dark Bullet/Dark Shot will most likely get their energy drained and take medium void damage and minor darkness damage. Nemolux's speed is cut in half when he uses Dark Bullet. Dark Bullet takes 5 energy points to use. Dark Shield absorbs energy in the surrounding 1 yard radius, forming a black sphere around Nemolux. Due to its size, light is bent around it DRASTICALLY and alot more things are sucked in, though once again if you touch it you just get drained of energy. Dark Shield deals no damage to those who touch it and removes Nemolux's movement capabilities while in use(meaning, in other words, he can't move while using the shield). Dark Shield takes 5 energy points per post to use. When Nemolux glides, he absorbs energy around his arm area to form energy wings. These energy wings can carry him for great distances, though if he flashes the wings on slowly it sends him to the ground, he jumps back up and glides again, rinse and repeat, and he begins speeding up. The Glide Dash can go so far as to quadruple his speed with a 25% chance of overheating at such speeds and a lack of control(he can't turn that well) and though the wings can damage and drain people it would be rare for someone to be caught in them as small as they are, dealing only minor void damage. Glide-Dash uses 5 points per post to use. Finally, if Nemolux is at 75 energy, he can drain energy from the area all around him, surrounding himself in a black plasma. When Nemolux is like this, he can fly freely, and instantly reaches max speed. While like this, Nemolux is still in danger of overheating from going at such high speeds, but also due to constant energy usage the chances are doubled(meaning, 50% chance of overheating). Ramming into someone will do major void damage and medium void damage, however it will do heavy recoil damage, and it will not drain the energy of the enemy. Finally, while Nemolux can turn this off at any time, it does drain 15 points per post. Overheating means that he will not be able to use his "energy draining"-based attacks for 2 posts. Nemolux starts off with 25 points of energy and gains 5 from no power usage. Unlike Pyro, he does not gain any from taking damage.
  11. Attire: N/A
  13. "Fur": Purple
  14. "Hair": Purple
  15. "Eyes": Black
  17. Family: Created by Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
  19. Also known as: Nemolux
  20. Alignment: Evil
  21. Affiliation: Eggman Empire
  23. Moves and techniques: Nemolux is technically a weapon on his own, but excluding himself he doesn't use them.
  25. Skills: Nemolux is technically a weapon on his own, but excluding himself he doesn't use them. However, he does have basic melee, designed to fall back on kickboxing skills when "energy draining"-based attacks are unable to be used.
  27. Speed Limit: 180 Miles Per Hour(when using Glide-Dash or Dark Mode)
  29. Power Limit: Nemolux has many obvious weakpoint spots on the body - the damaged points where sparks are flying out. His programming is also somewhat corrupted, being partially controlled by a malicious AI not created by Eggman. Using Dark Mode, he can still take damage and overheating is much more possible.
  31. Bio/History: The Egg Nemolux, created by Eggman during the days of Eggman's scheming for Sonic 2, was built when a Mobian who wanted to work for Eggman came to him, and willfully was roboticized. Before he could be used in the upcoming plans, he started a fight with another badnik, and losing the fight. During this time, after Nemolux was put in the closet most likely to never be used again, someone found him... they inserted a program into him, and turned him back on. Coming across Eggman again, he effectively begged to be put back to work, so Eggman reworked him, redesigning him into something new and better. Still, unsure if it was best to put him to work immediately, he put Nemolux in charge of keeping the Eggman bases safe in case any freedom fighters came across them and tried to destroy them. Nemolux, being a robot, didn't mind. Patrolling the many bases, his programming has ever since been corrupted by the file uploaded onto him...
  33. Relationships: None(as of now for this chatroom)
  35. Personality: Nemolux is an agressive robot built by Eggman, designed for combat purpose but not used for such ever since he lost a battle with a supposedly weaker robot. Nemolux is destructive, though with a calm demeanor he is easily set off and is prone to start fights if you just look at him the wrong way. He is not a team player, only "caring" for Eggman's opinion and his alone, like a neglected child only wanting their father's love. He is prone to twitching, and due to corrupted programming it can act randomly at times, saying the weirdest of things for no other reason than the corrupted programming.
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