

Aug 23rd, 2018
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  1. Auction Owner Commands
  2. .makeauction spl, 140000 Create an auction named spl with 140000 credits for each team.
  3. If used by a room owner, this automatically binds the auction to the room
  4. .auction spl bind Binds spl to the room it is used in
  5. .auction unbind Unbinds bound auction from the room
  6. .auction report Shows the bot's internal state / auction data
  7. .auction minplayers 8 Sets the minimum player requirement to 8 players
  8. .auction minbid 5000 Sets the minimum amount of credits that can be used for a bid to 5000
  9. .auction addmanagers test: isa Adds user isa as a manager to team "test"
  10. .auction addowners isa Adds user isa as additional owner of the auction
  11. .auction addplayers HASTEBIN LINK Adds the players in the link to the player pool.
  12. Format should be copied from a spreadsheet, example:
  13. Name OU UU
  14. isa y n
  15. .auction addplayer isa:OU Adds isa as a player to the pool with the description "OU"
  16. .auction addcredits 10000, test, test2 Adds 10000 credits to the teams "test" and "test2"
  17. .auction trade test2: isa, 5000 Moves isa to the new team "test2" in exchange for 5000 credits
  18. .auction suspendteam test Suspends team "test", they no longer take part in the auction
  19. .auction assignplayers test: isa Moves isa from the player pool to the roster of team "test"
  20. .auction allownom test Makes it team test's turn to nominate a player
  21. .auction stopnom Stop the current nominaiton
  22. .auction undo Undo the last buy and let the previous team nominate again
  23. .auction run Start or resume the auction
  24. .auction stop Stop the running auction, can be resumed
  25. .auction reset Resets all bought players and credits
  26. .auction hardreset Resets all bought players, credits and managers
  27. Team Manager Commands
  28. .nom PLAYERNAME nominates the player for auction.
  29. only works if it's your turn.
  30. .4 OR .4000 OR .bid 4 OR .bid 4000 bids 4k on the player.
  31. .4.5 OR .4500 OR .bid 4.5 OR .bid 4.5 bids 4.5k on the player.
  32. .auction info shows an overview of the auction
  33. .auction info managers like the previous, but shows managers instead of players
  34. .pricelist Shows the current pricelist split by teams
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