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- version: '2.2'
- volumes:
- postgis-data:
- services:
- gunicorn_flask:
- #network_mode: "host"
- build: .
- volumes:
- - /home/ivan/osm-data:/deploy/app/osm
- - ./ops_settings_docker.yml:/deploy/app/openpoiservice/server/ops_settings.yml
- - ./categories_docker.yml:/deploy/app/openpoiservice/server/categories/categories.yml
- ports:
- - "8080:8080"
- mem_limit: 28g
- networks:
- - poi_network
- # Don't forget to change the host name inside ops_settings_docker.yml by the one given to docker container.
- # Also port should be set to 5432 (default value) inside the same file since they are on the same network
- psql_postgis_db:
- image: kartoza/postgis:11.0-2.5
- volumes:
- - postgis-data:/var/lib/postgresql
- environment:
- # If you need to create multiple database you can add coma separated databases eg gis,data
- - POSTGRES_USER=gis_admin # Here it's important to keep the same name as the one configured inside ops_settings_docker.yml
- - POSTGRES_PASS=admin # Here it's important to keep the same name as the one configured inside ops_settings_docker.yml
- - POSTGRES_DBNAME=gis # Here it's important to keep the same name as the one configured inside ops_settings_docker.yml
- restart: on-failure
- networks:
- - poi_network
- networks:
- poi_network:
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