

Apr 21st, 2017
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  1. You and your friends like to hang out at night. There's nothing weird about it. You just like the quiet, you like being able to see the stars.
  3. One of your friends gets hurt. Her boyfriend is a prick, and beat the shit out of her. But, she didn't want to tell her parents that. So instead she told them that you and your other friends have been abusing her in the woods at night, trying to summon Satan. She claims she's possessed, that you did this to her.
  5. You're arrested. Put on trial, and it drags out. Your family hates you. Your other friends have stepped away. They don't want to be associated with you. Right before sentencing, she admits that she made everything up. That it was her boyfriend that beat her. You hadn't done anything.
  7. A year of your life is gone because of this girl. You've lost all your friends and family, and many people in the community even still believe that you did it. One day you come home to find your house covered in red graffiti. Pentagrams, runes. The worst part is that they even left a dead cat in front of the door. You trigger as you realize that someone you trustedβ€”your best friend ruined your life forever.
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