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  1. Chapter 1 – Cruel to be Kind
  3. Word Definition
  4. Mingy: Mean and stingy; small in quantity (informal)
  5. Nepenthe: A drug or something else that helps someone forget sorrow or pain
  6. Nostrum: A medicine, made up of secret ingredients, whose efficacy is in question, and is usually prepared by the person selling it; a panacea
  7. Schadenfreude: Guilty pleasure one feels when others are suffering
  8. Rapprochement: An establishment or reestablishment of good relations or harmony
  9. Handsel: A gift given to wish good luck for a new year or a new enterprise; the first money received by a business or enterprise usually signifying good luck
  10. Exculpate: To free from blame, to prove to be guiltless
  11. Trade-Last: A compliment that one had overheard and is willing to trade to a person if that person will repeat a favorable remark made about oneself (informal)
  12. Minatory: Menacing or threatening
  13. Screed: A long and monotonous tirade or a long letter
  14. Excoriate: To abrade, to wear the skin off; to denounce scathingly
  15. Niggardly: Stingy; meanly small adv. In a stingy manner
  16. Stygian: Related to the river Styx; gloomy, dark; hellish; unbreakable (oath)
  17. Onus: Burden, something that takes considerable effort to accomplish; blame
  18. Panacea: A remedy for all diseases or ills; cure-all
  19. Gemütlich: Agreeable
  21. Chapter 2 – Country Mouse and City Mouse
  23. Word Definition
  24. Benighted: Inexperienced, naïve
  25. Fusty: Musty, mildew; old fashioned, antiquated
  26. Déclassé: Having reduced social status, of inferior status; one with reduced social status
  27. Jejune: Dull; lacking in nutrition; childish
  28. Tatterdemalion: One wearing rags or tattered clothes adj. ragged
  29. Eruct: To belch
  30. Bombilation: Buzzing, humming sound
  31. Troglodyte: A member of any ancient or mythological race that dwelt in caves; a recluse, a brutish person, a hermit
  32. Mordant: Bitingly sarcastic; incisive; sharply painful
  33. Elan: Enthusiasm or vigor; distinctive style
  34. Bedizen: To dress in a gaudy fashion
  35. Sashay: To walk, to glide in an easy or casual manner; to strut; to do a certain dance move in which one foot slides sideways and is then followed by the other
  36. Fop: A dandy, coxcomb, a man overly concerned with (and usually vain about) his manners and clothes
  37. Cognoscenti: A connoisseur; one with refined taste, esp. in the fine arts; one “in the know”
  38. Panache: Verve; style; originally meant a plume of feathers, esp. on a helmet
  39. Conurbation: A metropolitan area; a region that is predominately urban
  41. Chapter 3 – For Better or for Worse
  43. Word Definition
  44. Termagant: A quarrelsome woman, a shrew, a nag
  45. Poltroon: Craven, a coward; a worthless person
  46. Cuckold: A derisive word for a man whose wife is unfaithful; v. to make a cuckold
  47. Succubus: A female demon who was supposed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men; a demon or fiend; a prostitute
  48. Solipsism : A theory in philosophy that only the self can be known to exist; extreme focus on the self as opposed to relationships with others
  49. Hirsute: Covered with hair
  50. Virago: A shrew; a manly woman, a warrior
  51. Pertinacious: That which holds stubbornly and tenaciously to a course of action, perversely persistent
  52. Sine Qua Non: Something that is an essential condition or element
  53. Uxorious: Excessively submissive or fond of one’s wife
  54. Zaftig: Full-figured; plump (also zoftig)
  55. Dowager: A widow with a title or property inherited from her husband; an older woman of high social standing
  56. Agnate: From the father’s side of a family n. an actual relative from the father’s side
  57. Nacre: Mother-of-pearl adj. iridescent, like mother-of-pearl
  58. Consanguinity: Related by blood; a close affinity
  59. Doyenne: The senior female member of a group; the senior male member of a group is called a doyen
  61. Chapter 4 – War and Peace
  63. Word Definition
  64. Truculent: Ready to fight, pugnacious; fierce, cruel, deadly; scathing
  65. Fusillade: A rapid or simultaneous discharge of many firearms or a firing squad; by extension, a rapid outburst in quick succession
  66. Mettle: Courage; quality of temperament, character
  67. Martinet: An officer who is a strict military disciplinarian; one who is a stickler for rigid adherence to rules
  68. Sangfroid: Extraordinary composure even when in danger
  69. Donnybrook: A tempestuous brawl
  70. Obstreperous: Stubbornly and loudly defiant; clamorous; unmanageable
  71. Ethnocentric: Belief in the supremacy of one’s race or ethnic group
  72. Pyrrhic: Relating to Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. A Pyrrhic victory is one that is too costly
  73. Comity: Courtesy, civility
  74. Weal: Prosperity, well-being, the general good
  75. Equipoise: Equal in weight or relationship, equilibrium; a counterbalance
  76. Pollyanna: One who is unduly optimistic
  77. Encomium: Eulogy or formal expression of praise; a panegyric; warm praise
  78. Meliorism: A theory that holds the world can be improved with well-directed human action
  79. Gemeinschaft: A group with similar tastes or a strong sense of identity
  81. Chapter 5 – From Mountains to Mole Hills
  83. Word Definition
  84. Weltanschauung: A complete philosophy of the universe, world view
  85. Tumescence: A swelling; swelling fullness
  86. Ecumenical: Universal, of worldwide scope; related to the worldwide Catholic church
  87. Googol: Ten to the 100th power
  88. Gestalt: A group or configuration whose individual parts cannot stand alone, nor can they be understood as simply the summation of the elements
  89. Rubric: A class, concept or category; a decorative title or first letter or a book printed or underlined in red
  90. Turgid: Grandiloquent, excessively complicated style in language, bombastic; swollen
  91. Oeuvre: The entire body of work of an artist; a work of art
  92. Niggle: To be obsessed with trivialities; to quibble, to constantly find fault with
  93. Homunculus: A dwarf, a small human; a tiny human believed by early biologists to live in a sperm cell
  94. Exiguous: Scanty, meager
  95. Soupçon: A tiny bit, a trace, a hint, a suspicion
  96. Nugatory: Of little importance, ineffective, null
  97. Scintilla: An iota, a small amount; a spark
  98. Modicum: A small amount (usually followed by “of”)
  99. Trice: An instant, a short period of time (always preceded by “in a”)
  101. Chapter 6 – Rogers and Heart (music and musicality)
  103. Word Definition
  104. Hootenanny: A “thingamajig;” an informal jam session of singers with participation from the audience
  105. Ululate: To wail or howl loudly
  106. Paean: An intensely joyous hymn, a jubilant outburst
  107. Beguine: A kind of popular dance, associated with Martinique
  108. Threnody: A poem or song of mourning, a dirge
  109. Dulcet: Melodious, having a nice agreeable sound; soothing
  110. Tintinnabulation: The sound made when bells ring
  111. Leitmotif: (music) a repeating theme associated with a particular character (in Wagnerian opera); a dominant and recurring theme
  112. Palindrome: A word whose letters spell the same thing forward and backwards
  113. Serif: Those little lines that are used in printing on the end of broad strokes used to form the lines of a letter
  114. Metonymy: A figure of speech in which a word is substituted for a related word with which it is associated
  115. Synecdoche: (sih NEK doh kee) A rhetorical device in which a part is used to represent the whole; a figure of speech in which the more comprehensive is used to represent the less comprehensive
  116. Sesquipedalian: A long word, or one with many syllables adj. given to using long words
  117. Codicil: An appendix, esp. to a will
  118. Epistolary: Relating to letters; contained in letters; written in the form of a series of letters
  119. Codex: A volume in manuscript, esp. an ancient one
  121. Chapter 7 – Earth and Sky
  123. Word Definition
  124. Nadir: (astronomy) the point diametrically opposed to the zenith, directly below the observer, the lowest point
  125. Ensconce: To settle oneself snugly; to hide or place in a secure place
  126. Vernal: Occurring in spring; spring like; fresh, youthful
  127. Dingle: A small wooded valley
  128. Tectonic: Having to do with structural changes in the earth’s crust; architectural, related to construction
  129. Spelunker: One whose hobby is to explore caves
  130. Mudsill: A sill of a structure that is so low as to be in the mud; members of the lowest stratum of society
  131. Sylvan: Like the woods; inhabiting a forest; wooded, with many trees (also silvan)
  132. Zephyr: A gentle breeze
  133. Penumbra: A partially shaded area in an eclipse (usually) between full sun and full shade; an area where something exists in an uncertain degree, fringe
  134. Ziggurat: A pyramid constructed by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians
  135. Nimbus: A luminous cloud surrounding an ancient god while on earth; an atmosphere that surrounds a person or thing; a brilliant light that surrounds a holy person, god, or emperor that is used in artistic representation to denote holiness; a rain cloud
  136. Fulgent: Dazzlingly bright, radiant
  137. Apogee: The point of a moon or an artificial satellite when it is as far away as possible from the center of its orbit, the apex or high point
  138. Dirigible: Able to be directed; n. a flying ship (such as a blimp)
  139. Supernal: From above; from heaven
  141. Chapter 8 – Womb to Tomb
  143. Word Definition
  144. Nascent: Emerging into existence, being born
  145. Ontogeny: The development of an organism from conception to adult
  146. Immure: To enclose as if within a wall; to entomb
  147. Inchoate: In an early stage; imperfectly formed
  148. Tyro: A beginner, one who understands the basics but lacks any experience
  149. Eugenics: The study of ways in which to improve the human race through genetic breeding
  150. Etiology: The study of causes or origins; assignment of a cause of a disease
  151. Antediluvian: Extremely old (with negative connotation)
  152. Fetid: Smelly
  153. Callipygian: Having shapely buttocks
  154. Crepuscular: Of or like twilight, dim; active during twilight
  155. Etiolated: To whiten or become bleached
  156. Ossify: To become bone; to become rigidly conventional, to mold into a conventional pattern
  157. Igneous: Relating to fire; formed from a molten state; related to such rock
  158. Atavism: The reappearance or return of previous trait after a period in which the trait had not appeared; an individual or a part that exhibits atavism
  159. Incipient: Beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage
  161. Chapter 9 – Socrates and Plato
  163. Word Definition
  164. Docent: Serving to instruct; n. in some universities, a teacher who is not a member of the regular faculty; a tour guide in a museum or cathedral
  165. Pedagogue: A schoolmaster, a teacher of children
  166. Numismatics: The study of coins or currency; the collecting of coins or currency
  167. Hermeneutics: The science of interpretation (esp. spiritual texts)
  168. Cognitive: Of or related to conscious thought or intellectual activity
  169. Exiguous: Scanty, meager
  170. Emend: To correct, improve, esp. to correct a literary text
  171. Disabuse: To correct someone; to free from misconception
  172. Puerile: Juvenile; immature, puerilely
  173. Iterant: Repeating
  174. Mimetic: Imitative of the natural world in literature or art; imitative
  175. Lassitude: A state of lethargy, weariness or listlessness
  176. Ideate: To form an idea, to conceive
  177. Hortative: Giving advice; encouraging, inciting
  178. Pablum: That which nourishes or feeds; often used figuratively, i.e., food for the mind
  179. Sisyphean: Requiring a continual and ineffective effort
  181. Chapter 10 – Mutt and Jeff
  183. Word Definition
  184. Sui Generis: Unique, of its own kind
  185. Eleemosynary: Charitable, or related to charity; given as an act of charity
  186. Nonplus: To bewilder, to make incapable of speaking or doing n. state of confusion
  187. Masticate: To chew, to grind with the teeth; to grind
  188. Aphasia: An inability to understand or articulate spoken or written language caused by brain injury or disease
  189. Manqué: One who has failed to meet his or her goal
  190. Pusillanimous: Cowardly
  191. Aegis: Protection; sponsorship
  192. Trope: The use of a word in a figurative sense, a figure of speech
  193. Dada: A literary and artistic movement (1916-1923) in Europe that thrived on absurdity, flouting conventional artistic values
  194. Mollycoddle: To indulge, to pamper; a boy who is a mollycoddle n. a wimp or weakling
  195. Tome: A book, esp. a large, heavy, scholarly book
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