
Her Wonderful Little Creature (Queen Chrysalis x Anon)

Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. >You awaken to... pain.
  2. >a terrible aching is emanating from every single one of your extremities
  3. >left leg in particular
  4. >and a headache worse than any hangover you've experienced before
  5. >you try to recall events, of how this happened
  6. >various faces and ponies and sounds play in your head
  7. >every synapse in your head is firing...
  8. >all saying the same thing
  9. >pain.
  10. >You try to wiggle your fingers and toes
  11. >good. still have hands and all fingers accounted for...
  12. >right foot, and OW...
  13. >you let out a tortured moan
  14. "What?"
  15. >PAIN
  16. >left leg
  17. "Its moving?!"
  18. >is it broken?
  19. >No, no. Not bad enough. thank whatever higher power there might be...
  20. "Good, good! It's still alive!"
  21. >you register a voice
  22. >a feminine voice
  23. >you try to call to it
  24. >any kind of help...
  25. >"help..."
  26. >could she understand you?
  27. >did you speak loud enough?
  28. >your head feels as if there is an axe lodged straight inside your skull
  29. >she's saying something
  30. "...careful. This creature has experienced enough harm. If anything else happens to..."
  31. >you're starting to fade...
  32. >...
  33. "...can feel it. this creature is seething with..."
  34. >and now the... the sound of... buzzing?
  35. >yeah, buzzing
  36. >like bees. lots of bees
  37. >come on, back from the brink...
  38. >the voice is still speaking
  39. "...why, it seems to be enough to keep us satiated for months..."
  40. >the brink calls
  41. >longing for you...
  42. >you fade out of consciousness
  44. >you awaken
  45. >on a flat, hard surface
  46. >at least something soft is beneath your head
  47. >barely able to crack your eyes open, you can at least tell the room is dimly lit
  48. >you try to move
  49. >Ow.
  50. >bad idea
  51. >your trying to move must have alerted someone
  52. >or something
  53. >because there was movement
  54. >hoofsteps all around you
  55. >then silence
  56. >a single set of hooves marches near you
  57. "At ease..."
  58. >that feminine voice again
  59. "I don't believe it's going anywhere"
  60. >oh, you're not
  61. "But something must be done. I can feel it fading..."
  62. >fading?
  63. >what's fading?
  64. >you do feel tired.
  65. >your mouth is dry
  66. >and there is various chatter around you
  67. >lots of... things... talking
  68. >all drowning each other out
  69. >the feminine voice speaks up again as the rest seem to go silent
  70. "Well, of course, it will need nourishment at some point. and I don't even know what it eats..."
  71. >the chatter starts up again
  72. >nourishment...
  73. >the word plays through your head over and over
  74. >there is a slight discomfort in your stomach as it starts to grumble
  75. >you could use something to eat
  76. >anything
  77. >the chatter ceases quickly as soon as your stomach stops making noise
  78. "well, we do think it is a mammal..."
  79. >something moves closer to you
  80. >what feels like a hoof touches your head
  81. >and starts petting you
  82. "My hive, Your queen believes she can help this poor creature."
  84. >after sending all her "subjects" away, the feminine voice draws close to you
  85. "Oh, you wonderful little creature. Your queen is going to make it all better..."
  86. >you feel her lie down next to you
  87. >she moves in closer
  88. >you barely open your eyes to see this dark creature's stomach, before closing them again
  89. >she has curled around your head
  90. >petting you
  91. >you sense her shuffle herself closer to you
  92. >and something touches your face
  93. >you draw back as far as your pain will let you move
  94. "Come now..."
  95. >she has an almost sweet, motherly tone
  96. >you force your eyes open again
  97. >before you lies a mound of dark flesh, with a rather large, puffy nipple at the tip
  98. >there are multiple mounds...
  99. >but the one closest to you is right at your mouth
  100. >she moves herself closer
  101. >the nipple begins to rub along your lips
  102. "Come now, you must feed..."
  103. >too weak, pained and scared to do anything else, you open your lips slightly
  104. >her breasts begins to encompass your face as the soft nipple is guided into your mouth
  105. >with no other course of action, you begin to lightly suck on the nipple
  106. >the feminine voice moans slightly
  107. >and after a few seconds, something flows into your mouth
  108. >it's thick, bitter and overall unpleasant
  109. >you open your mouth to get rid of it
  110. >it flows down your cheek as the feminine voice speaks up
  111. "No, we can't have that..."
  112. >she moves closer and begins smothering you with her breasts
  113. >you feel a slight tingle from her body
  114. >more of the viscous liquid flows into your mouth
  115. >but this time it's different
  116. >it's grown sweeter
  117. >you begin to drink it down
  118. >it's pretty good now
  119. "Ah, there we go, my wonderful little creature"
  120. >she moans
  121. >with every suck from her teats, the liquid grows creamier and sweeter
  122. >your hand has slowly made its way up and began to massage another breast
  123. "That's right"
  124. >she cooed
  125. >you are now drinking this ambrosia from her source
  126. >you can't get enough
  127. "You must feed"
  128. >she says to you with lust in her voice and a slight giggle
  129. " that we may feed"
  131. --------------
  133. >You awaken in a nice soft bed
  134. >large enough to encompass your body and full of pillows
  135. >and almost as soft as her embrace
  136. >her subjects really outdone themselves on this one
  137. >you were refreshed from your nap
  138. >you rise and make your way out of a door and onto the balcony of the royal quarters
  139. >slowly, but you get there
  140. >your body is still sore, but the queen made sure you got the best help you could get
  141. >your leg was healing nicely
  142. >now it only hurt when you put pressure on it
  143. >gazing about at the sunset on her kingdom, you begin thinking
  144. >this place has seemed to just sprout up in the week since you've been there
  145. >so many towers and buildings
  146. >all with her subjects buzzing and flying about them
  147. >well, you didn't get too good a look when they brought you here
  148. >you remember it being dim
  149. >must have been night then
  150. >but just a week ago, you were almost dead
  151. >lying out in who-knows-where
  152. >injured and barely conscious
  153. >before your grateful queen had you rescued and she began nursing you back to health herself
  154. >you smiled as hoofsteps neared you
  156. >you turn to meet one of her royal guards decked out in solid black armor
  157. >"Hello" you say to him. Or is it a her? No, it's a him.
  158. >you couldn't really tell
  159. >besides the queen and a choice few of her subjects, they all had a uniform look
  160. >he salutes you and starts chattering something while motioning you to follow
  161. >you oblige and start slowly following
  162. >he waits up for you before slowly leading you through hallways and doors to her royal quarters
  163. >you still couldn't understand the code of clicks and chatters her subjects talked in, but they could pantomime enough for you to understand
  164. >you hoped they didn't judge you for it
  165. >but you could guess by the position of the sun what time it was
  166. >and what your queen wanted you for
  167. >what had grown to be one of your favorite times of the day
  168. >you smiled at the thought as you were lead to a door
  169. >the guard took his position by the door as you started to open it
  170. "Well, I thought you weren't going to show up! Dinner has almost past!"
  171. >you were greeted by the queen herself, in her royal quarters
  172. >"I'm sorry, it's just..."
  173. >her eyes opened wide as her holey legs embraced you
  174. "OH No, no no no, I was just teasing!"
  175. >you returned her hug, lightly patting her wings
  176. "I could wait for you all night if I had to, my darling"
  177. >she broke the hug and headed towards her bed
  178. >you slowly followed
  179. >she climbed onto her bed and turned on her side
  180. >you were right behind her, taking your position
  181. "Well, well. Isn't someone eager for dinner?"
  183. >well, you were hungry
  184. >you lay your head down on her stomach
  185. >your mouth ready to latch onto one of her nipples
  186. >you stared for a moment before she spoke up
  187. "Go on ahead..."
  188. >you eagerly attach to one of her multiple mounds and begin sucking
  189. >your queen breathes deep and begins moaning slightly
  190. >after a second, you are rewarded for your efforts with her sweet cream
  191. >some of the best stuff you've ever tasted
  192. >your sustenance for the past week
  193. >and she personally fed you three times a day
  194. >she laid her head back and relaxed as you drank from her
  195. >you could feel it renewing your energy
  196. >a loving warmth from deep within
  197. >it could have healed your very soul, for all you knew
  198. >and it was all for you
  199. >you removed yourself from her breast and looked up to her
  200. >she lifted her head and met your gaze
  201. "Now, you can't be full already..."
  202. >she said in her familiar, teasing tone
  203. >"No, not yet"
  204. >a thought had prodded your mind all day and over dinner was the perfect time to ask
  205. >"Have we had any more visitors today?
  206. "Hmm? Oh, no. No we haven't my darling"
  207. >"Okay"
  208. >as you began to feed again, your thought went to that pony the guards had brought in two days ago
  209. >she was a dingy, matted mess and had been injured somehow, kind of like how you were
  210. >you just hoped she was in as good of care as you were
  211. >and you kind of wanted a new friend
  212. >someone to hang out with in the royal quarters that wasn't a guard or the queen
  213. >Not that you didn't love the queen
  214. >it's just she was busy often and you got bored easily
  215. >and she said you couldn't leave the royal quarters area
  216. >she didn't want you to get hurt
  217. >she was so sweet
  218. >as you continued to get your fill, the queen spoke up
  219. "My dear..."
  220. >you turned your attention to her without letting go of her puffy nipple
  221. "Would you like to try some new milk?"
  223. >your eyes lit up at the thought
  224. >you let go of her breast as you swallowed the warm mouthful you had
  225. >a trickle still trailed from her
  226. >a few days ago, you would have cried at the waste
  227. >"Sure!"
  228. >every now and then, she would use her magic to make herself have different flavors
  229. >it still was like her same old milk, but it would taste worlds different
  230. >one day it seemed like you were drinking cupcakes straight from her breasts
  231. "Okay, okay."
  232. >she said as her horn lit up
  233. "Try this, my dear"
  234. >as you latched back on, you could feel the tingle of her magic on her body with your lips
  235. >this was still her same delicious, creamy goodness...
  236. >then it hit you
  237. >it was... chunky, and tasted foul
  238. >it had the aftertaste of dirt, for some reason
  239. >your mouth let go of her
  240. "Dear?"
  241. >you moved away, knowing this wasn't going to stay in your mouth
  242. "Oh no!"
  243. >you spit it out onto her bedsheets and started coughing
  244. >she wrapped her hooves around you and started patting your back
  245. "I am so sorry!"
  246. >you looked up at her with a mess still on your face
  247. >"No, I'm sorry that I..."
  248. "Now don't you apologize. It was my fault."
  249. >she began patting your head as she wiped your face with a hoof
  250. "I guess that one wasn't good. I can try again for you"
  251. >"It's okay"
  252. >she was trying her best
  253. >she leaned your head back down as her horn lit up again
  254. "There, try this"
  255. >your face smothered into her breasts again
  256. >to be safe, you chose another nipple this time
  257. >you cautiously began to suck from her puffy, soft spout again
  258. >fondling it with your tongue
  259. >this time you are greeted with a thick cream that tastes of vanilla
  260. >like ice cream that had become a warm liquid
  261. >you begin filling yourself with her heavenly cream
  262. "Did I do better on this one?"
  263. >"MmmHmm"
  264. >she began running her hoof through your hair as you kept feeding
  266. >you fed from the breast you were on until it barely gave any more of her wonderful nourishment
  267. >then you switched to another
  268. >you were in a state of bliss
  269. >almost orgasmic as your stomach was nearly full
  270. >you slowed your suckling and let it flow into your mouth on it's own
  271. "Almost done?"
  272. >removing your mouth from her and licking the tiny drop from her nipple, you answered her
  273. >"Just about..."
  274. >you stuck your lips to her and lightly started again
  275. >you began to feel tired, with you full of her warmth
  276. "Well, you better feed all you can, dear. You know I have to head out early in the morning, right?
  277. >"What? Why?" you asked with her nipple in the corner of your mouth
  278. "I have some important business to attend to outside of the kingdom tomorrow."
  279. >you looked at her with concern
  280. "But I should be back quickly, so at worst, lunch will be a little late, dear"
  281. >"Oh, okay"
  282. >you had grown very tired
  283. >you usually grew tired after eating, but now you were really tired
  284. >she pulled you towards her, hugging you to her smooth chest
  285. "And I'll make sure it's extra special, for my wonderful little creature"
  286. >you smiled as your eyes felt heavy
  287. >you had been sleeping a lot lately...
  288. >must be part of the healing process
  289. >"Could I sleep in your bed, just for tonight?"
  290. "Sure"
  291. >she giggled
  292. "You can share my bed with me anytime"
  293. >you hugged her back as you started to drift into sleep
  294. >"I love you, my queen..."
  295. "And I love you too, my dear. All of this wouldn't have been possible without you..."
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