
Episode 3 of Hoennverse

Oct 11th, 2017
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  1. Hoennverse episode 3
  3. (Jalen)
  5. I finally arrived in Slateport City after a good 30 mins on the cruise, walking out to the Slateport beach with many tourists passing pass me on vacation. There's some trainers here and there that I could battle, but at the moment, I'm fucking thirsty! In the distance, I see a shackhouse with Soda Pops on sale, so I head over there and ask for some....Well apparently, there's a fucking catch with me having to battle the other customers for the freshest sodas!!
  7. Let it be known that I showed no mercy to anyone before me...not the kids, the elderly, No one got in my way as my Pokemon thrashed everyone else's! Taking my reward of a six-pack of 7uPs and heading to the PKMN Center in the city, I walk past a line of a group of people dressed in red hoodies with 'M' on them...."Wait a min", I said to myself as I walk back to the line and look them over.
  9. For some reason, I can't help but feel like they are all up to no good, despite this, they also don't seem to be that much of a threat. Nevertheless, I put my pops in my backpack and head inside after paying the Admission fee(Apparently the line out there are people who don't have money on's fucking $50, how the hell do they not have it on them!?!?)Rolling my eyes, I walk around inside and look at the stuff that they have found on the ocean floor with many of them from the S.S Poseidon that sank many years ago taking over 200 lives with it, it's actually cool seeing what was the trends like back then with the 1920's clothing....The hats, shirts, dresses, everything.
  11. However, the fucking good time gotta end cause now the guys and girls outside decide to come in after putting all of their money together and talk loudly, disrupting the peace here. There's quite a few faces in those uniforms with a girl giving the demon stare to 2 guys that remind me of Mario and Luigi, and a guy with a long ponytail that lay on his chest due to his hoodie and another girl with big.....assets on her chest. "We need to go up there now so we can get those plans!" the boy tell his friend who sighs, clearly not wanting to do this, but she relents. "Fine Takumi, although we should wait until Lady Caeldori gets here...." "There's no need to wait for her, if we do this now and correctly, we can get promotions!" The girl crosses her arms under her tits and scowl. "Huh-huh...Tell me, Takumi, are we doing this for the glory of Team Magma...or are you trying to get back with you-know-who?" The Takumi guy pause with a blushed and a scowl...and head upstairs. "Shu-shut up, Kagero..." The girl shakes her head and ascend behind him. Not liking this, I follow them as well, shocked that no other Magma grunt(That is apparently their name) sees me.
  13. I arrive up there quietly to see Takumi and Kagero before what seems to be the manager of this museum...And Takumi is practically yelling at the guy. "WHERE ARE THE BRANDO PARTS, YOU SCUM!!" "I-I have no idea what on earth are you talking about! We haven't received the parts yet!" "LIES!! HOW DARE YOU GET IN THE WAY OF TEAM MAGMA'S GLORY!?!?" Man, this Takumi guy is a douche. I heard enough and decide to make myself known. "HEY! DICKWAD WITH TITS MCGEE!" Both of them turn around, Takumi with an angry look and Kagero with an offended look while covering her chest. "Leave that man alone!" Pointing at them, Takumi scowls and step forwards clutching a Pokeball. "Oh yeah, make us!" He throw a Pokeball out releasing a Numel before me, I send out my Kirlia ready for battle...
  15. Takumi turn out to be nothing but all bark as his Numel fell before my Kirlia after 2 well-aimed Confusions, "WHAT THE HELL!?!?" he returned his pokemon and throw out his last pokemon, a Gloom. I returned my Kirlia and let my Combusken handle it. "Damn, he got one of those huh?" Kagero muttered behind Takumi.."Tch, no matter...Gloom, use Stun Spore!" "Flame Charge!!" Combusken ignites his feet on fire and bursts towards Gloom, burning through the Stun Spore before him and knock the Gloom back. "Now use Ember!!!" Combusken opens his mouth and shoot out a barrage of fireballs the sizes of pebbles at Gloom...Eventually KOing it.
  17. "No! Goddamnit!!" Takumi stomps the ground in anger as I make my way towards the Manager and stand before him. "Who the hell are you!?!" "And why are you standing before Team Magma's goals?" Takumi and Kagero ask me questions back to back...."....Jalen, and I won't let you guys harass an innocent man." "Shut up and battle me!"
  19. "That's enough, Takumi." Both of the grunts flinch in fear as they turn behind and see a scarlet-longhaired woman walking up the stairs. her uniform foregoes the hoodie aspect and instead seem to have the old classic red suit befitting of a woman with skirts showing off her thighs and a long coat with a magma design at the tail end. Although she's not that thicc nor busty...she more than make it up for her beautiful face, even if she's scowling at the 2 grunts before her. "La-Lady Caeldori..." Kagero stammers and bow before her along with Takumi. "I apologize for our rashness, we thought that we could get the parts ahead of time before you would arrive and save you the trouble..." Hmmm...This was all Takumi's idea and yet Kagero's taking up part of the blame? Not a bad girl, she is..."Save it, It's nothing to be a shame of...although I am disappointed in you, Takumi, for losing to this teen before me." Takumi clench his fists as she walk past him and stand before me and glare at me with our difference in height very noticable since she's like 6'2 to my 5'9. I glare back, not scared of her one bit.
  21. "Oh....Usually teens like you are more easily quaint....I am Caeldori, Leader of the glorious Team Magma. Do you know who we are?" "Not really, but I don't need to know you guys seem to be assholes judging by your grunts over there." Caeldori look at them with a calm look and back to me with a smile that seems a bit smug. "Ah, let me educate you so that you will know to stay out of our way in the future...Team Magma wish to expand our land so that humanity may prosper like we should be..." Oh great, a person who thinks they are helping people when they are actually being a fucking dumbass, never seen THEM before. She must see how disinterested I am as she stop speaking. "Am I boring you, child?" She look quite displeased with me. "No, Listen, your idea is noble and all, but the whole 'violence against others' movement is not a good showing, you know?" I cross my arms while she shakes her head like she's my mom scolding me and rest her hands on my facecheek with me looking quite alarmed. "Your name is Jalen, right? You need to understand that sometimes the peaceful route is not enough for a movement, you need to make others see your way and kneel before you...You seem to be not only a bright lad, but a skilled I'll let you off for today....but next time.." She leans her face close to mines with a scowl. "I'll crush you underneath my feet and grind you to the ground with my heels..." She let me go and leave out the museum heading downstairs...Kagero follows her close behind with Takumi flipping me off and following the 2.
  23. The director thanks me for saving him as I head downstairs to see no Magma grunts in here...I leave out and look up in the's quite dark now and I should be checking in the PKMN Center by now...After getting my room, I head to it and walk inside, I take my shower and then dry off to dress myself in my PJs. I fall asleep, and wait for the next day.
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