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May 21st, 2019
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  1. Here are some info about the API
  2. The Backend API is a JSON webservice that provide convenient functionalities to integrate Mochimo in a payment proccessing plateform.
  3. Different endpoints are currently available on the API (all subject to change):
  4. # Network
  5. - /net/balance/[hex address] -> balance of the address from the network
  6. - /net/resolve/[hex tag] -> resolve the address attached to the tag from the network
  7. - /net/nodes -> all network nodes
  8. - /net/chains -> all chain/subnetwork
  9. - /net/chain -> main chain/subnetwork
  11. # Local blockchain (blockchain stored on local file system)
  12. - /bc/balance/[hex address] -> balance of the address from the local blochain
  13. - /bc/resolve/[hex tag] -> resolve the address attached to the tag from the blockchain
  14. - /bc/block/[block number] -> details of the block
  15. - /bc/raw/[block number] -> download raw block (binary file)
  17. # Global (both Network and Local blockchain)
  18. - /balance/[hex address] -> balance of the address from network and local blockchain
  19. - /resolve/[hex tag] -> resolve the address attached to the tag from network and local blockchain
  21. # Push
  22. - /push -> push a transaction to the network. POST payload {"transaction": [base64 encoded transaction], "recipients": [number of nodes to send the transaction to (optional)]}
  24. #Wallet node
  25. - A wallet node service can be activated in the backend, allowing Mojo wallet to request data from the backend instead of the network. Using this feature instead of the standard network quorum result in significantly faster retrieving of balances in Mojo
  27. Address/secret pairs can be generated with Mojo wallet command line interface by using the command wots (upcoming version of Mojo). This will store a user-defined number of pair in a JSON file.
  28. Transaction can be generated with the Mojo wallet command line interface sign.
  29. Tag can be created through a fountain. The fountain app will be released along with the API.
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