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If you could have one superpower, what would you chose?

a guest
Dec 9th, 2015
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  1. • If you could have one superpower, what would you chose?
  2. • shape-shifting
  3. • Time travel
  4. • Languages
  6. • time travel
  7. • Flying
  8. • Teleportation
  9. • flight
  10. • flying
  11. • Eternal youth
  12. • Time manipulation
  13. • Flight
  14. • Flight
  15. • teleportation
  16. • ability to fly
  17. • Flight
  18. • Never needing to sleep
  19. • flight
  20. • Flight
  21. • Immortality
  22. • Teleportation
  23. • flight
  24. • To make people act responsibly.
  25. • flight
  26. • Know everything
  27. • Teleporting
  28. • Telepathy/Psionics
  29. • telepotaion
  30. • Calm
  31. • X-Ray Vision
  32. • invisibility
  33. • the ability to understand both the specific history and the history of the type of object of any thing I choose
  34. • flying
  35. • pre-cognition
  36. • flight
  37. • immortality
  38. • Knowledge whether my next action will cause harm.
  39. • Invisibility
  40. • Omnipotence
  41. • Immortality
  42. • Teleportation
  43. • teleportation
  44. • I'd like to be able to fly.
  45. • flight
  46. • Super Strength
  47. • Flying
  48. • Invulneribility.
  49. • Super-knowledge
  50. • the power to overcome self-imposed limitation and social anxiety
  51. • divine providence
  52. • Time travel
  53. • Control time
  54. • Flying
  55. • teleportation
  56. • the ability to give anyone the perfect gift at any time without making them feel weird.
  57. • making people CARE
  58. • Teleportation
  59. • flight
  60. • ability to see better than the most powerful electron microscope - for science purposes.
  61. • fly
  62. • Invisibility
  63. • I would like to be able to know how people feel about me, for sure.
  64. • Move through time
  65. • The ability to jazz up this place
  66. • The ability to get other people to do things the way I want them done, by just knowing.
  67. • shapeshifting
  68. • ability to see the ultimate outcome of any action
  69. • Flight
  70. • Teleportation
  71. • I'd like to shoot lasers from my eyes.
  72. • Teleportation
  73. • Super speed
  74. • flight
  75. • Super speed
  76. • Teleportation
  77. • shapeshifting
  78. • Flight
  79. • Omnipotence
  80. • flight
  81. • telekinesis
  82. • long stretchy arms
  83. • stopping time
  84. • Teleportation
  85. • telekenisis
  86. • Mind reading
  87. • Infinite wealth
  88. • Negating entropy
  89. • The ability to fly
  90. • shapeshift
  91. • Teleportation
  92. • flight
  93. • Flying
  94. • invisibility
  95. • Flying
  96. • Immortality
  97. • Telekinesis
  98. • Flight
  99. • Strength
  100. • Create world peace. Seriously.
  101. • Time travel
  102. • Flying
  103. • Super agile like Catwoman
  104. • invisibility
  105. • Flying
  106. • teleportation
  107. • Time travel
  108. • Invulnerability
  109. • Flight
  110. • transporter
  111. • healing
  112. • Hearing peoples internal thoughts.
  113. • Teleportation
  114. • teleportation
  115. • flight
  116. • teleportation
  117. • Concentration
  118. • flying, or being able to (optionally) see 10s into the future
  119. • control of time
  120. • read minds
  121. • mind reading
  122. • eternal youth
  123. • fly
  124. • invisibility
  125. • Rogue's
  126. • teleportation
  127. • Immortality
  128. • Fly
  129. • flying
  130. • FLYING
  131. • Telepathy
  132. • The power to change people's minds
  133. • time travel
  134. • Flight
  135. • invisibility
  136. • Control over elements
  137. • time travel
  138. • retractable claws
  139. • flying
  140. • Melt all the weapons
  141. • Fly
  142. • invisibility
  143. • Ability to see the past
  144. • Magnetism
  145. • invisibility
  146. • Flight
  147. • Time stopping
  148. • Omnipotence. Is that cheating?
  149. • teleganvelism
  150. • Steel-trap memory
  151. • breathing underwater
  152. • The ability to stop time for the sole purpose of getting more sleep
  153. • Controlling my body including brain chemistry
  154. • Breathing underwater
  155. • unlimited energy
  156. • Invisibility
  157. • Spelling
  158. • mindfulness
  159. • teleportation
  160. • the ability to turn leaves into cash
  161. • Invisibility
  162. • invulnerability
  163. • flight
  164. • super memory
  165. • Rejuvenation/healing
  166. • Invisibility
  167. • Teleportation
  168. • Super intelligence
  169. • Reading minds
  170. • Power to grant wishes (but not ironically/with bad consequences)
  171. • Teleportation
  172. • the ability to poop dollar bills
  173. • Telekinesis
  174. • Telepathic Mind control
  175. • To ease others' pain
  176. • Steal other superpowers
  177. • Teleportation
  178. • Flying
  179. • Instantaneous travel
  180. • time travel
  181. • flight
  182. • Teleportation
  183. • Pause time
  184. • telepathy
  185. • Perfect Health
  186. • Reality manipulation, e.g. Franklin Richards
  187. • Immortality / healing
  188. • Telepathy
  189. • teleportation obviously
  190. • flight
  191. • ability to kill jerks with my imind
  192. • time travel
  193. • teleportation
  194. • Flight
  195. • godmode
  196. • Flying obvs.
  197. • Flight
  198. • invisibility
  199. • world peace!
  200. • Invisibility
  201. • Teleportation
  202. • Precognition
  203. • flight
  204. • There was this one lady on Heroes who had the ability to learn any physical skill by seeing it. That would be amazing.
  205. • Flight
  206. • the ability to keep my home and clothes magically clean and tidy with no effort
  207. • Flight
  208. • teleportation
  209. • teleportation
  210. • Teleportation
  211. • Teleportation
  212. • flying
  213. • immortality
  214. • teleportation
  215. • Omniscience
  216. • Teleportation
  217. • the
  218. • Instant, safe, faster-than-light personal teleportation, with the ability to teleport others at will.
  219. • Invulnerability
  220. • Invisibility
  221. • Shapeshifting
  222. • Control time
  223. • to fly
  224. • Flight
  225. • immortality
  226. • shapeshifting
  227. • Breathing underwater
  228. • To remove / reduce pain and stress from others
  229. • Teleportation
  230. • immortality / great longevity
  231. • Flight
  232. • Mind-reading.
  233. • telekinesis
  234. • Talking with animals
  235. • omnipotence
  236. • wonder woman's lasso of truth
  237. • Omniscience
  238. • Teleportation
  239. • Flight
  240. • breath underwater
  241. • Healing
  242. • transformation
  243. • utocompleting surveys that are too long
  244. • Flight
  245. • Reading people's minds
  246. • to be fluent in any language
  247. • telepathy
  248. • Fearlessness
  249. • catching big fish every cast
  250. • Foresight
  251. • immortality
  252. • Complete comprehension of every language
  253. • the ability to manipulate people's thoughts
  254. • Time travel
  255. • Flying
  256. • Fly
  257. • Flying
  258. • The ability to stall out the engine of a car driven by a jerk.
  259. • invisibility
  260. • able to speak every language
  261. • invisibility
  262. • invisibility
  263. • pausing time for everyone/everything except me
  264. • Flight. Duh.
  265. • Read emotions like Deanna Troi
  266. • time travel
  267. • Invsibility
  268. • Flight
  269. • Flight
  270. • Invisibility
  271. • control time
  272. • Longevity
  273. • flying
  274. • Super speed
  275. • Flight
  276. • invisibility
  277. • persuasion
  278. • Mind-reading
  279. • Control of time
  280. • Happiness
  281. • invisibility
  282. • teleportation
  283. • Teleportation
  284. • Ability to stop time
  285. • Healing Factor
  286. • Being able to fly
  287. • making the entire world safe for female human beings. alternatively, flying.
  288. • teleportation
  289. • Flying
  290. • Infinite superpowers
  291. • control over the weak nuclear force
  292. • time manipulation
  293. • Stop time
  294. • Super intelligence
  295. • Teleportation
  296. • regeneration
  297. • Control of time
  298. • Shapeshifting
  299. • Mind reading
  300. • I want to control an element. Maybe metalbending, metalbending would be cool.
  301. • knuckleball
  302. • Harry Potter style magic
  303. • Invisible
  304. • Magic
  305. • teleportation
  306. • Power to Heal
  307. • Mind Reading
  308. • The power to convince anyone of anything
  309. • invisibility
  310. • mind reader
  311. • invisibility
  312. • to be able to go back in time and take over my younger self and do everything differently
  313. • selective telepathy
  314. • Time travel
  315. • Russia
  316. • Invisibility
  317. • Teleportation
  318. • flight
  319. • Contentment
  320. • To stop and restart time
  321. • teleportation
  322. • Calculus
  323. • Stop time
  324. • Flight
  325. • Order the best dish at any restaurant
  326. • Immortality
  327. • teleportation
  328. • eternal life
  329. • teleportation
  330. • flight
  331. • immortality
  332. • Teleportation
  333. • mind reading
  334. • Prediction
  335. • shapeshifting
  336. • Flight
  337. • animal powers like Squirrel Girl, but with otters
  338. • Stopping Time
  339. • Magical ability
  340. • transformation
  341. • skill mastery
  342. • flight
  343. • Teleportation
  344. • Mary Poppins' cleaning techniques
  345. • shape changing
  346. • Stop time
  347. • To stop time
  348. • Teleportation
  349. • Teleportation
  350. • teleportation
  351. • Invisibility
  352. • Invisibility
  353. • The Ability to Have Whatever Superpower You Haven't Thought Of Yet
  354. • shapeshifting
  355. • flight
  356. • Immortality
  357. • flight
  358. • Time travel
  359. • Omnipotence
  360. • The power to control fate.
  361. • Ability to fly
  362. • Shapeshifting
  363. • To be as funny and well-liked as either relizardbits (poffin boffin), The Whelk, or Greg Nog.
  364. • Shapeshifting
  365. • flying
  366. • Control other people's thoughts/actions
  367. • flying
  368. • Teleportation
  369. • telepathy
  370. • immortality
  371. • Telepathy
  372. • stop time
  373. • Teleportation
  374. • Invisible
  375. • Probability control
  376. • time travel
  377. • Probability manipulation
  378. • super-persuasion
  379. • no need to eat
  380. • flying
  381. • Healing others
  382. • Flying
  383. • Flight
  384. • teleportation
  385. • Time manipulation
  386. • Time travel
  387. • Invulnerability
  388. • flying
  389. • invisibility
  390. • teleportation
  391. • self regulating body temperature
  392. • Teleportation
  393. • Influence
  394. • Self-confidence
  395. • Flight
  396. • Magical healing
  397. • Telekinesis
  398. • time travel
  399. • Wolverine's regenerative ability
  400. • Immortality
  401. • Flight
  402. • Immortality
  403. • wisdom
  404. • flying
  405. • flight
  406. • teleportation
  407. • invisible
  408. • Pause time (so I could finish work in what would to someone else be an instant, think about a question before answering, etc.)
  409. • Invisibility
  410. • Immortality
  411. • musical creation
  412. • Telepathic compulsion ("The Push")
  413. • Flight
  414. • Spider-Manism
  415. • the ability to fix typos in questions ;) (sorry! i was just going to leave the question blank, if it's any consolation)
  416. • Magical powers
  417. • Flight
  418. • Invisibility.
  419. • flight
  420. • telekinesis
  421. • To cure disease with a touch
  422. • time travel
  423. • Wolverine style healing factor
  424. • Flight
  425. • flying
  426. • Persuasiveness
  427. • invisibility
  428. • flight
  429. • Teleportation
  430. • invisibility
  431. • the ability to spell 'choose' correctly. Also invisibility.
  432. • Reverse death in some way that didn't Fuck everything else.
  433. • flying
  434. • Teleportation (bonus: ability to teleport others)
  435. • The power to make Donald Trump's hair dance from a distance.
  436. • speed
  437. • Invulnerability
  438. • The power to change powers
  439. • self-confidence
  440. • invisibility
  441. • Flight
  442. • omniscience
  443. • Invisibility
  444. • Teleportation
  445. • Flight
  446. • Superfarts
  447. • flight
  448. • Immortality until I decided I was finished with it
  449. • Healing powers
  450. • Immortality
  451. • Stop time
  452. • Invisibility
  453. • time travel
  454. • invisibility
  455. • invisibility
  456. • Flight
  457. • teleportation
  458. • Time travel
  459. • teleportation
  460. • Immortality
  461. • invincibility
  462. • teleportation
  463. • Flight
  464. • Dream invasion
  465. • The tardis
  466. • flight
  467. • flying
  468. • flight
  469. • Flight
  470. • time travel
  471. • Flying
  472. • Healing
  473. • Invisibility
  474. • Invisibility
  475. • Stop time
  476. • Teleportation
  477. • Flight
  478. • feline communication
  479. • no need to sleep
  480. • Invisibility
  481. • Flight
  482. • flying
  483. • immortality
  484. • Time travel
  485. • eat whatever I want with no weight gain or other consequences
  486. • invisibility
  487. • stop time
  488. • Control Time
  489. • Something about sleep
  490. • eternal youth
  491. • teleportation
  492. • invisibility
  493. • Invisibility
  494. • Flying
  495. • the ability to turn water chestnuts into cash
  496. • telekinesis
  497. • Invisibility
  498. • Control time
  499. • flying
  500. • ability to learn any language
  501. • Invisibility
  502. • Heart, like Ma-Ti from Captain Planet
  503. • immortality
  504. • Stopping time
  505. • speed
  506. • invisibility
  507. • invisability
  508. • teleportation
  509. • super strength
  510. • Health
  511. • Flight
  512. • Super endurance
  513. • oneness with all states of the universe
  514. • Join the telepathic elite, everything else is for chumps
  515. • teleportation
  516. • flight
  517. • Super strength
  518. • immortality
  519. • invisibility
  520. • to not exist anymore
  521. • super speed!
  522. • shape shifter
  523. • time control
  524. • teleportation
  525. • all knowing
  526. • invisibility
  527. • Stop time
  528. • time travel
  529. • Resurrection
  530. • flight
  531. • athleticism
  532. • Time travel
  533. • finding things
  534. • invisibility
  535. • Being able to fly
  536. • Fly
  537. • Heal people
  538. • Flight
  539. • Teleportation
  540. • Invisibility
  541. • flight
  542. • Speak and understand any language.
  543. • Jedi
  544. • Teleportation
  545. • Superhuman Speed
  546. • Flight
  547. • time travel
  548. • Unlimited-distance teleportation
  549. • precognition
  550. • The Voice of Command
  551. • Flying
  552. • Cock Punch over IP
  553. • Flying
  554. • infinite wishes
  555. • invisibility
  556. • Immortality
  557. • Invisible
  558. • fly
  559. • Eternal youth
  560. • Flying
  561. • Flight
  562. • make stupidity painful
  563. • telethapy
  564. • Flight
  565. • mind control
  566. • Not needing to sleep
  567. • flight
  568. • accio beer
  569. • I think the idea of "superpowers" is silly
  570. • Mind reading
  571. • teleportation
  572. • teleportation
  573. • teleport
  574. • Invisibilty
  575. • Flight
  576. • Flight
  577. • Remote mind control of politicans
  578. • Teleportation
  579. • Best at sex
  580. • flying
  581. • total fluency in all languages
  582. • create legal money anytime I want
  583. • The power of MONTAGE
  584. • Heal people
  585. • Rewinding time
  586. • Flight
  587. • Ability to have nothing taken from you if you didn't consent (things, life, etc)
  588. • Mind reading
  589. • flight
  590. • purple
  591. • breathe under water
  592. • Teleportation
  593. • Superspeed!
  594. • invisibility
  595. • To heal others
  596. • Bulletproof metabolism
  597. • immorality
  598. • Invisibility
  599. • teleportation
  600. • that cellophane s thing superman throws in...what is it...2?
  601. • stop time
  602. • Intangibility
  603. • Time travel
  604. • invisibility
  605. • Teleportation
  606. • Invisibility
  607. • Social shapeshifting (I always 'belong' somewhere). Or manipulating tech.
  608. • Create exact change
  609. • Shape-changing
  610. • indestructability
  611. • flying
  612. • super-speed reading
  613. • Whatever the opposite of bipolar disorder is
  614. • Immortality
  615. • Healing people
  616. • FLYING
  617. • Able to fly
  618. • Teleportation
  619. • flying
  620. • teleport
  621. • drug glands
  622. • Stop time
  623. • Telepathy
  624. • Talk to animals
  625. • teleportation
  626. • Teleportation
  627. • Healing
  628. • Invisibility
  629. • Change physical form at will
  630. • omnipotence
  631. • mind reading
  632. • teleportation
  633. • Instantaneous transportation
  634. • The ability to breath under water
  635. • flight
  636. • Charisma
  637. • mind-reading
  638. • Stop time
  639. • Advanced Intelligence
  640. • invisible
  641. • Flight. Free rides for friends and total freedom.
  642. • read minds
  643. • Empathy ray
  644. • Teleportation
  645. • Invisibility
  646. • flight
  647. • Shapeshifting
  648. • not needing sleep
  649. • Understanding things very quickly
  650. • Time travel
  651. • thought manifestation
  652. • Solves people's problems
  653. • Time travel
  654. • Immortality
  655. • Precognition
  656. • infinite patience
  657. • flight
  658. • Precognition
  659. • flight
  660. • teleportation
  661. • speak all languages
  662. • Some kind of aura that drains away the stress, anxiety and misery from people around me in a huge radius.
  663. • Time travel!
  664. • time travel
  665. • Teleportation
  666. • Mind Reading
  667. • shape shifting
  668. • Sing
  669. • iron stomach
  670. • no more migraines
  671. • invisibility
  672. • Mind reading
  673. • flight
  674. • invisibility
  675. • To go back in time
  676. • To stop time for everyone but myself
  677. • flight
  678. • Time-turner (like Hermione)
  679. • Immortality
  680. • flight
  681. • Teleportation
  682. • dog-herding
  683. • smaller boobs
  684. • flight
  685. • time manipulation
  686. • ability to forgive
  687. • Flight
  688. • Super healing
  689. • Immortality
  690. • Flying
  691. • time travel
  692. • Invisibility
  693. • Time travel
  694. • mindreading
  695. • serenity
  696. • immortality and eternal youth
  697. • Teleportation
  698. • Knowledge
  699. • Space/Time Control
  700. • X Ray vision
  701. • Flight or teleportation
  702. • Shapeshifting
  703. • Flying
  704. • Immortality
  705. • Time Travel
  706. • to not feel powerless
  707. • Teleportation
  708. • Teleportation
  709. • Animal handling
  710. • You know how in an RTS (Real Time Strategy) game like Starcraft or whatever, the player is not actually a person on the screen? In a weird way, the player does not exist within the world and yet he affects it? That's the superpower I'd take.
  711. • taco summoning
  712. • Teleportation
  713. • Flight or super punching
  714. • Teleportation
  715. • Control over moment of inertia
  716. • flight
  717. • Telepathy
  718. • speed
  719. • Diplomacy
  720. • Not need sleep
  721. • flight
  722. • Empathy
  723. • Mind Control
  724. • The Ability to Make Ideal Choices and Act Upon Them
  725. • invisiblity
  726. • Enlightened
  727. • healing factor
  728. • Sorcerer Supreme
  729. • control time (freeze , speed up / run in reverse)
  730. • invisibility
  731. • Ability to summon a dog at any time
  732. • Time Control
  733. • The ego and self-confidence of the average white male
  734. • Time travel
  735. • sleep
  736. • speed
  737. • ability to make more hours in the day
  738. • Flight
  739. • Balance
  740. • Luck.
  741. • stop time
  742. • Teleportation
  743. • Teleportation
  744. • Personal duplication (a la Madrox)
  745. • Time-Manipulation
  746. • Reality-warping
  747. • Voluntary immortality
  748. • time travel
  749. • Empathy/psionics
  750. • teleportation
  751. • mind reading
  752. • Invisibility
  753. • Omniscience
  754. • Genius
  755. • patience
  756. • Erasing memories of horrific embarrassing moments
  757. • Time travel
  758. • To fly
  759. • flying
  760. • Telepathy
  761. • time travel
  762. • Invisibility
  763. • mind reading
  764. • Invisibility
  765. • superintelligence
  766. • Omniscience
  767. • invisibility
  768. • Healing
  769. • invisibility
  770. • flying
  771. • telepathy
  772. • telepathy
  773. • flying
  774. • to be able to solve the halting problem in (low) constant time
  775. • Flight/teleportation
  776. • Quick Save/Quick Load
  777. • Immortality
  778. • flight
  779. • Talk to animals
  780. • free time
  781. • Healing
  782. • Telepathy
  783. • Time travel
  784. • Teleportation
  785. • Immortality
  786. • Stopping time
  787. • healing
  788. • Invisibility
  789. • Flying
  790. • Flying
  791. • Flight
  792. • sleep
  793. • Flying
  794. • murder
  795. • This question is too complicated to answer quickly.
  796. • Invisibility
  797. • reverse time
  798. • FLY
  799. • telekinesis
  800. • Wolverine's super healing
  801. • Fly
  802. • telekinesis
  803. • Happiness
  804. • Time travel
  805. • flight
  806. • breakdancing
  807. • Teleportation
  808. • freeze time
  809. • psionics
  810. • Telekinesis
  811. • Immortality
  812. • fly
  813. • flight
  814. • Flight
  815. • lasso of truth
  816. • flying
  817. • invisibility
  818. • telekinesis
  819. • Probablility manipulation
  820. • freeze time
  821. • time travel
  822. • Intelligence
  823. • Invisibility
  824. • Flight
  825. • flying
  826. • invisibility
  827. • matter warping
  828. • Time Control
  829. • fly
  830. • invisibility
  831. • flying
  832. • flying
  833. • Flight
  834. • teleportation
  835. • The Ability to Speak and Understand Any Language
  836. • Courage
  837. • Superhuman healing
  838. • Time travel
  839. • ESP
  840. • mind control
  841. • flight
  842. • Time travel
  843. • Flight
  844. • Invisibility
  845. • Flight
  846. • Invisibility
  847. • Time Travel
  848. • really high bouncing
  849. • teleportation
  850. • Curing disease
  851. • flying
  852. • Teleportation
  853. • Telepathy
  854. • FLight
  855. • teleportation
  856. • invisible
  857. • Time travel
  858. • Super healing
  859. • Teleportation
  860. • pause time
  861. • Shapeshifting
  862. • sex powers
  863. • transportation (like, instant location change)
  864. • time travel
  865. • time travel
  866. • Breathing Underwater
  867. • A Bill Clinton-esque ability to remember names and faces.
  868. • Flight
  869. • Teleportation
  870. • flight
  871. • Invisibility
  872. • flying
  873. • death stare
  874. • flight
  875. • Creating things by magic
  876. • Flight
  877. • Flying
  878. • flight
  879. • transmit or project my daydreams at will
  880. • Teleportation
  881. • telepathy
  882. • clairvoyance
  883. • To play an instrument really well.
  884. • Flying
  885. • Teleportation
  886. • Flight
  887. • Strength
  888. • Time travel
  889. • mind control
  890. • wealth
  891. • Eternal youth
  892. • Invisibility.
  893. • teleportation
  894. • immortality
  895. • Control over other people's hormones/emotions
  896. • telekinesis
  897. • changing people's hearts
  898. • flight
  899. • Control of time
  900. • teleportation
  901. • Super-intelligence
  902. • Traversing the Lacanian real
  903. • super speed
  904. • Universal translation
  905. • end war
  906. • Longevity
  907. • Invisibility
  908. • Flying
  909. • Ability to slow down time
  910. • Mind control
  911. • Fly
  912. • healing physical and emotional pain
  913. • super-strength
  914. • Flying
  915. • Invisibility
  916. • Flight
  917. • Not having to sleep
  918. • The ability to not be distracted
  919. • Time travel
  920. • Does immortality count? If not, invisibility
  921. • teleportation
  922. • Immotality
  923. • flight
  924. • nap while being productive
  925. • transferring money to those people/organizations/schools in need
  926. • mind reading
  927. • perfect knowledge of all forms of communication
  928. • Flight
  929. • teleportation
  930. • flight
  931. • time travel
  932. • ability to converse with animals, esp my dogs
  933. • Stopping time
  934. • Invisibility
  935. • invisibility
  936. • flight-in-a-bubble
  937. • Time travel
  938. • Wolverine-style healing
  939. • invisibility
  940. • Healing
  941. • collapse of the waveform of probable outcomes into a single action, allowing the particle form of events to be decided by concerted effort
  942. • Invincible
  943. • the power to make people always nice to other people
  944. • Teleportation
  945. • Teleportation
  946. • Efficiency
  947. • Flying
  948. • Joy
  949. • teleportation
  950. • Flight
  951. • eternal life
  952. • funny
  953. • immortality
  954. • Flying
  955. • Love
  956. • invulnerability
  957. • Math Whiz
  958. • Invisibility
  959. • Teleportation
  960. • The ability to time travel
  961. • flight
  962. • time-travel (like hermione)
  963. • flying
  964. • reincarnation
  965. • teleportation
  966. • invisibility
  967. • telekinetic
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