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a guest
Apr 29th, 2017
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  1. 17:32 - Dogu: hi william
  2. 17:32 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: whats ur real name?
  3. 17:32 - Dogu: santino, why?
  4. 17:32 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: no whats your real name
  5. 17:33 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: what school do i go to?
  6. 17:33 - Dogu: ?
  7. 17:33 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: what school do i go to?
  8. 17:34 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: im on the phone to santino now he said he isn't playing rocket league at the moment
  9. 17:34 - Dogu: xD
  10. 17:34 - Dogu: hey im from the netherlands
  11. 17:34 - Dogu: your full name is on your steam profile
  12. 17:34 - Dogu: make sure to remove your surname
  13. 17:35 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: oh what
  14. 17:35 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: whats your real name then?
  15. 17:35 - Dogu: charles
  16. 17:35 - Dogu: i have never met you before
  17. 17:36 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: so is santino your real name then?
  18. 17:36 - Dogu: nope i was just playing around c;
  19. 17:36 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: do u know santino in person
  20. 17:36 - Dogu: nop xD
  21. 17:38 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: if u dont tell me how u now santino my friend will hack! On everygame !!!
  22. 17:38 - Dogu: what?
  23. 17:39 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: if u dont tell me how u know santino my friend is great at hacking and will destroy your games !!!!!!! how do u know santino
  24. 17:39 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: !!!!!!!!
  25. 17:39 - Dogu: chill the fuck down
  26. 17:39 - Dogu: bruh
  27. 17:39 - Dogu: i dont know
  28. 17:39 - Dogu: but in the game
  29. 17:40 - Dogu: i litterly said your full name
  30. 17:40 - Dogu: and i said for the joke that i am in your math class sitting next to you
  31. 17:40 - Dogu: and you came up with the name santino
  32. 17:40 - Dogu: so i took that name
  33. 17:41 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: no i didn't u said that name first
  34. 17:41 - Dogu: dude
  35. 17:41 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: and how do u know my friends name
  36. 17:41 - Dogu: i heard the name santino for the first time in my life
  37. 17:41 - Dogu: you said it first
  38. 17:41 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: nah
  39. 17:42 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: did you have a trip to itealy reasently
  40. 17:42 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: ?
  41. 17:42 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: i cant spell
  42. 17:42 - Dogu: dude
  43. 17:42 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: did u thou
  44. 17:42 - Dogu: you said
  45. 17:42 - Dogu: jack?
  46. 17:42 - Dogu: and then when i said next to you in match class
  47. 17:43 - Dogu: math*
  48. 17:42 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: awner the question
  49. 17:43 - Dogu: you said santino
  50. 17:43 - Dogu: nop
  51. 17:43 - Dogu: i have never been to italy in my life
  52. 17:43 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^: how do u know us?
  53. 17:43 - Dogu: smh
  54. 17:43 - Dogu: cya
  55. 17:43 - Rocket [TGM] ^_^ is nu Offline.
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