Guest User


a guest
Sep 5th, 2018
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text 1.36 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ---
  2. general:
  3. locale: "en_US"
  4. motd: "A Nukkit Powered Server"
  5. max-players: 200
  6. sub-motd: ""
  7. xbox-auth: true
  8. auto-save: true
  9. force-resource-packs: false
  10. white-list: false
  11. achievements: false
  12. announce-player-achievements: false
  13. spawn-protection: -1
  14. server-closed: "Server Closed"
  15. auto-save-interval: 5
  16. mechanics:
  17. difficulty: "NORMAL"
  18. hardcore: false
  19. pvp: true
  20. default-gamemode: "CREATIVE"
  21. force-gamemode: false
  22. max-chunk-radius: 8
  23. view-distance: 6
  24. spawn-animals: false
  25. spawn-monsters: false
  26. allow-flight: false
  27. network:
  28. address: ""
  29. port: 19135
  30. query-enabled: true
  31. query-plugins: false
  32. rcon:
  33. enabled: false
  34. password: "1fr048yc9i0vz"
  35. address: ""
  36. port: 27015
  37. timings:
  38. enabled: true
  39. verbose: true
  40. ignore: []
  41. history-interval: 6000
  42. history-length: 72000
  43. bypass-max: false
  44. privacy: true
  45. advanced:
  46. debug-commands: true
  47. chunk-threads: 1
  48. network-threads: -1
  49. log-level: "INFO"
  50. netty-leak-detector-level: "DISABLED"
  51. chunk-timeout-after-load: 30
  52. chunk-timeout-after-last-access: 120
  53. spawn-radius: 4
  54. chunk-gc: true
  55. blocks-ticked-per-tick: 50
  56. levels: {}
  57. default-level:
  58. id: "worlds"
  59. seed: "-6233276666887516673"
  60. format: "NULL"
  61. type: "FLAT"
  62. generator-settings: ""
  63. read-only: false
  64. load-spawn-chunks: false
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