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Jan 7th, 2016
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  1. 00:22:40 → ian3 joined (
  2. 00:22:44 <ian3> Heya.
  3. 00:25:32 <ian3> I think i know what the problem is now. Apparently guys can be extremely rude/violent sometimes, but I don't think it's because they want to be violent, it's like cinderella where it's like "mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?" But they don't want to admit that they feel that way, so they act violent.
  4. 00:27:24 <ian3> Or somethiing possibly.
  5. 00:30:22 <ian3> They get angry and they want to prevent other people from doing what they can't.
  6. 00:31:25 <ian3> Because it's too painful for them to see people doing what they can't do or something.
  7. 00:33:37 <ian3> Because they're too lazy to work out or what not.
  8. 00:36:08 <ian3> So I don't really see it as them being mean to me as much as just like shielding their pain because they don't wish to feel pain.
  9. 00:36:24 <ian3> So they don't work out and stuff.
  10. 00:37:58 <ian3> They do whatever minimizes their pain.
  11. 00:39:39 <ian3> Possibly. But they might also like to pick on people who are able to feel less pain than them.
  12. 00:40:21 <TechnicolorDalek> I enjoy violence purely for the sake of violence immensely.
  13. 00:41:08 <ian3> Well I just don't know, I was overweight at one time, but I didn't take it out on other people, so that's something completely unknown to me.
  14. 00:42:18 <TechnicolorDalek> You don't have to be shamefully overweight to enjoy violence
  15. 00:42:32 <ian3> I don't honestly.
  16. 00:42:45 <TechnicolorDalek> weirdo
  17. 00:43:17 <ian3> Are they taking out their anger of themselves on other people possibly?
  18. 00:43:31 <TechnicolorDalek> I find a 0% likelihood.
  19. 00:44:35 <ian3> They definitely seem to have anger, that's for sure.
  20. 00:45:11 <TechnicolorDalek> I disagree.
  21. 00:45:33 <ian3> Well I don't know what it is then I guess.
  22. 00:46:23 <TechnicolorDalek> It's you, being for some reason incapable of understanding how anyone can have rules and enforce them.
  23. 00:46:52 <ian3> Oh my god. You still think it's the rules? lol.
  24. 00:47:03 <TechnicolorDalek> and that's my exact reaction to you
  25. 00:47:06 <TechnicolorDalek> thinking it's not
  26. 00:47:54 <ian3> I don't think they care about the rules, they just want to take their anger out on me, because I intensify their pain.
  27. 00:48:56 <TechnicolorDalek> So you keep repeating, but it's wrong.
  28. 00:49:16 <ian3> What reason do they have to care about the rules?
  29. 00:49:57 <TechnicolorDalek> You'd have to ask them.
  30. 00:49:57 <Xaiier> Because it's their job
  31. 00:50:10 <ian3> They say that, but I don't think they care.
  32. 00:50:21 <TechnicolorDalek> Personally, I only ever went for any kind of position of power if I got perks that outweighed the dealing with people's shit.
  33. 00:51:05 <ian3> Let's just pretend for a second that an obese person wanted to make a chat room. If they saw people flirting with each other they would get pissed off.
  34. 00:51:19 <TechnicolorDalek> why
  35. 00:51:31 <ian3> Because it's something they can't do.
  36. 00:51:35 <TechnicolorDalek> why
  37. 00:51:50 <ian3> Because they choose not to? I don't know.
  38. 00:52:24 <TechnicolorDalek> And if they don't choose not to?
  39. 00:52:53 <Xaiier> ian3: truth is the OP's jerk off to the idea of banning you, it's their kink
  40. 00:52:56 <ian3> I wouldn't care myself, I would still flirt with people on irc since they can't see me.
  41. 00:53:45 <TechnicolorDalek> You've just invalidated your own argument.
  42. 00:53:46 <TechnicolorDalek> Good job.
  43. 00:54:38 <ian3> I don't know what premise they have to excluding me.
  44. 00:55:51 <Xaiier> I think we could easier convince a tumblr feminist that rape is good than instill an ounce of sense in ian
  45. 00:56:06 <TechnicolorDalek> you broke the rules
  46. 00:56:06 <TechnicolorDalek> o
  47. 00:56:07 <TechnicolorDalek> u
  48. 00:56:07 <TechnicolorDalek> b
  49. 00:56:07 <TechnicolorDalek> r
  50. 00:56:07 <TechnicolorDalek> o
  51. 00:56:09 <TechnicolorDalek> k
  52. 00:56:11 <TechnicolorDalek> e
  53. 00:56:15 <TechnicolorDalek> t
  54. 00:56:17 <TechnicolorDalek> h
  55. 00:56:19 <TechnicolorDalek> e
  56. 00:56:21 <TechnicolorDalek> r
  57. 00:56:23 <TechnicolorDalek> u
  58. 00:56:25 <TechnicolorDalek> l
  59. 00:56:27 <TechnicolorDalek> e
  60. 00:56:29 <TechnicolorDalek> s
  61. 00:56:31 <ian3> I know, but most adults get over things like that, so I don't know what their problem is.
  62. 00:57:02 <TechnicolorDalek> sane adults identify trends of behavior in individuals and/or groups and take appropriate action for them
  63. 00:57:13 <ian3> No they don't. lol.
  64. 00:57:25 <Xaiier> Yes they do. Lol.
  65. 00:57:49 <Xaiier> You broke the rules
  66. 00:57:52 <Xaiier> Repeatedly
  67. 00:58:01 <Xaiier> Despite being warned not to do so
  68. 00:58:05 <Xaiier> They removed you
  69. 00:58:18 <Xaiier> Because it was likely that you would continue to break the rules
  70. 00:58:18 <ian3> They didn't have to be so sensitive.
  71. 00:58:34 <Xaiier> Sensitive?
  72. 00:58:46 <Xaiier> Literally none of them give a flying fuck about you
  73. 00:58:46 <ian3> I don't care if people cuss or what not.
  74. 00:58:59 <TechnicolorDalek> good for you
  75. 00:59:00 <Xaiier> Their only job is to enforce the rules laid out
  76. 00:59:02 <TechnicolorDalek> make your own channel
  77. 00:59:04 <TechnicolorDalek> oh wait.
  78. 00:59:32 <ian3> What would a sane adult take someting immature so seriously? I don't understand.
  79. 00:59:49 <Xaiier> You aren't a sane adult
  80. 01:00:00 <Xaiier> Must be why you ask that so often
  81. 01:00:17 <ian3> No I'm not, I'm a fucking kid.
  82. 01:00:48 <Xaiier> The adults have their reasons now go to your room
  83. 01:01:01 <Xaiier> No supper for you
  84. 01:02:53 <ian3> I don't know anyone who acts like these people. Have you guys met people like that?
  85. 01:03:00 <Xaiier> Yep
  86. 01:03:08 <Xaiier> Literally the entire fucking sane world
  87. 01:03:20 <TechnicolorDalek> Pretty much everyone I know, I think.
  88. 01:03:43 <ian3> Everyone I know would not give a fuck about the stuff I say.
  89. 01:03:54 <Xaiier> Yeah well your friends suck dicks
  90. 01:04:00 <Xaiier> Literally and figuratively
  91. 01:04:15 <ian3> The non-sexual stuff I mean.
  92. 01:04:18 <TechnicolorDalek> Nobody would give a fuck if I said fuck in the appropriate environment
  93. 01:04:33 <TechnicolorDalek> not all environments are appropriate for that
  94. 01:04:48 <Xaiier> Ian would you say fuck to a police officer?
  95. 01:05:02 <ian3> My cousin is a police officer, and he wouldn't care.
  96. 01:05:17 <Xaiier> So your saying you would fuck the police?
  97. 01:05:34 — Xaiier unabashedly revels in that setup
  98. 01:05:46 <ian3> If I met a police officer and he wanted me to fuck him I wouldn't refuse.
  99. 01:06:17 <Xaiier> What if he wanted you to follow the rules
  100. 01:06:45 <ian3> I don't know what situation you're referring to I guess.
  101. 01:08:57 <ian3> I'm just saying, if a normal person who was 20-something got on here they would not ban people for no reason. I have no idea what these people are like.
  102. 01:09:28 <TechnicolorDalek> I'm not aware of anyone being banned for no reason.
  103. 01:09:40 <TechnicolorDalek> I also was not aware that 20-somethings were not adults.
  104. 01:10:13 <ian3> Someone who is over 20 years old wouldn't take this stuff seriously, so my question is who are they?
  105. 01:10:53 <TechnicolorDalek> Someone over 20 years old wouldn't take the rules they agreed to uphold seriously?
  106. 01:11:12 <ian3> I seriously don't think so.
  107. 01:11:37 <TechnicolorDalek> Clearly you're wrong, then.
  108. 01:12:04 <ian3> I don't know, it just doesn't make sense.
  109. 01:12:18 <TechnicolorDalek> It makes perfect sense.
  110. 01:12:52 <ian3> An adult isn't concerned about immature things.
  111. 01:13:26 <TechnicolorDalek> why not
  112. 01:13:28 <TechnicolorDalek> and why are rules immature
  113. 01:13:40 <ian3> They just don't care.
  114. 01:13:56 <TechnicolorDalek> uh huh
  115. 01:13:59 <TechnicolorDalek> and the second question
  116. 01:14:23 <ian3> Following rules when it's not necessary is childish in my opinion.
  117. 01:15:04 <TechnicolorDalek> cool deal
  118. 01:15:09 <TechnicolorDalek> enjoy getting fucked by that opinion, then
  119. 01:15:11 <TechnicolorDalek> as you already have
  120. 01:15:56 <ian3> What are they doing? I have no idea.
  121. 01:16:13 <TechnicolorDalek> ╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝
  122. 01:16:13 <TechnicolorDalek> ╚═(███)═╝
  123. 01:16:13 <TechnicolorDalek> ╚═(███)═╝
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  132. 01:16:27 <TechnicolorDalek> ..╚═(███)═╝
  133. 01:16:29 <TechnicolorDalek> …╚═(███)═╝
  134. 01:16:31 <TechnicolorDalek> …╚═(███)═╝
  135. 01:16:33 <TechnicolorDalek> …..╚(███)╝
  136. 01:16:35 <TechnicolorDalek> ……╚(██)╝
  137. 01:16:37 <TechnicolorDalek> ………(█)
  138. 01:16:39 <TechnicolorDalek> ……….*
  139. 01:17:44 <ian3> This is weird.
  140. 01:17:45 <ian3> lol.
  141. 01:18:10 <TechnicolorDalek> (。˘з˘)ᗡლ==8
  142. 01:18:50 <TechnicolorDalek> -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐
  143. 01:18:56 <TechnicolorDalek> ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻̷┻̿═━一
  144. 01:18:58 <TechnicolorDalek> ┬┴┬┴┤ ༼ຈل͜├┬┴┬┴
  145. 01:19:39 <ian3> Not you, them.
  146. 01:22:19 <ian3> Most guys I meet are gentle, the only guys I see who are mean are guys that are jealous or something.
  147. 01:24:14 <ian3> They're mean to people who refuse to be controlled by them.
  148. 01:25:46 <ian3> Or something, I don't honestly know.
  149. 01:27:24 <ian3> But my hypothesis is that they aren't able to have what they want and they take it out on other people.
  150. 01:31:10 <ian3> They aren't able to have mutual relationships, so their only resort is domination.
  151. 01:32:27 <ian3> But it's not real, the people are just afraid so they give in to them.
  152. 01:35:04 TechnicolorDalek → technicolordalek
  153. 01:36:34 <ian3> Let me be very clear, these people don't give a fuck about the rules. They're just mean people who want to get on here and push people around.
  154. 01:38:25 <ian3> The rules are only an excuse.
  155. 01:40:16 <ian3> That's my opinion, you're free to see it as you want though.
  156. 01:42:41 <ian3> They're just like older guys I see at some bars, if you don't act exactly how they want they go absolutely crazy.
  157. 01:42:53 <ian3> Start yelling and weird shit.
  158. 01:45:20 <ian3> It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, yet they do it.
  159. 01:48:33 <ian3> Do you guys think that these people are normal or something? I think they're extremely volatile and rude.
  160. 02:11:14 ⇐ ian3 quit ( Ping timeout: 198 seconds
  161. 02:14:40 → ian3 joined (
  162. 02:44:32 <ian3> I'm not bothered at all by volatile people since I can just call the police if someone threatens to beat me up, but I can't even get beat up on here.
  163. 03:02:39 ⇐ ian3 quit ( Remote host closed the connection
  164. 03:52:33 <@DormantDex> blast
  165. 03:52:44 <@DormantDex> who here has logs?
  166. 03:54:53 DormantDex → @DuoDex|Work
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