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Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. toon raider 2 x lra2
  3. One day, Scott was walking along the wonderfully gloom and British streets of Newcastle, when he saw a sign that said
  4. "FREE CANDY" in large black letters leading down to a dark alley. Scott, who thinks the best of people and wouldn't think that
  5. anyone would have any alterior motives, decided to sign to the alley. "Hmm" Scott thought to himself, "What a generous offer!,
  6. I do enjoy candy of any kind, I wonder why someone would be handing out free candy? Oh well, I shall take advantage of it, and if
  7. they Jew me out of my money I will construct a very well-thought out argument as to why they should give me the candy. "This will
  8. be perfect!" Scott exclaimed out loud autistically as he strolled down the alleyway.
  9. As it was a gloomy day outside in England, near Newcastle the alleyway was quite dark. As Scott giddily strolled down the
  10. alleyway, there was slight trepediation in heart. He thought, now why would someone be handing out free candy? The thought hadn't
  11. really crossed his mind as continued. He heard a rustling near a garbage bin, and that trepedation welled in him again. "Who is that?"
  12. Scott called out, but after a moment or two, the alleyway was eerily still yet again, and he continued his trek down it.
  13. "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH" Toon Raider 2 chuckled to himself very Jewily as he rubbed his hands together. "This goyim has yet to know
  14. that he is in for something "free" although it may not be as sweet as candy". Even though Toon Raider 2 was a robot built by some
  15. autistic British cunt, he became much more than that. One day, while in the arena, he went up a against a special robot that had an odd arrow as it weapon.
  16. When TR2 went to go under it and flip it he was stabbed by the arrow, and immediately shut off. The next time he woke up, he was thrown in
  17. the trashcan in an alleyway. But to TR2's suprise, he was sentient, and more than that, had what he seemed to be a suit, that
  18. gave him limbs a fully functioning body, and a really huge black cock. It was then that he realized that he had his stando awakened
  19. in him, {ANOZA BURICK IN ZA WARRU} and this alleyway was his stando range.
  20. It was then that Toon Raider 2 was filled with elation as he saw someone take the bait, and enter his stand's range. He noticed
  21. it was a very *special* person, in fact, the exact person he had wanted to find. The legendary Scott the hard, the cutest shota in all
  22. of Newcastle. With his gangly teeth, frumpy visage, pert butt, and small penis, he was perfect for working his new found abilities.
  23. When he was in the right area, much like a tiger in the night, TR2 striked. In his new form, he was incredibly imposing. Around 12 stones
  24. high, and yoked to the fukken gills. Where a head would be on a human body was where his former normal robotic frame was, with his flipper
  25. as some kind of ad-hoc mouth. To put it bluntly, he was huge, and was hung like a black African stallion. He immdiately lunged at Scott,
  26. Laying on top of him as he screamed in surprise and squirmed to be free. With one mighty swipe, Scott was completely nude. With the power of
  27. NO LUBE and NO RUBER, TR2 immediately plunged into LRA2's depths. LRA2 let out a silent scream, petrifified with pain and terror, as lascerations
  28. and blood started coming out of his sphincter, serving as a nice warm lube for TR2's big black cock. TR2 then stood up, and starting using Scott
  29. as a fuck-doll, plunging him on his huge penis, Scott's guy-snatch now at least 5 times wider than it should be, and came as hard as he could inside
  30. Scott's funbox. As he came, Scott's stomach ballooned out stupidly large, and as he came, TR2 noticed something interesting. His giant hog apparently
  31. also served as an ovipositer, as large, black eggs came out of TR2's urethra, causing a somewhat painful, but very pleasing pain in his cockhead
  32. as he came ferociously into Scott's 3-car garage sized anus. Scott was barely breathing at this point, wheezing from pain as he glanced down in shock
  33. and noticed his stomach was huge. As TR2 lifted the now much heavier Scott off of his ebony cock, cum immediately spurted out of Scott's asshole.
  34. Along with that came the newly fertilized eggs, but especially large one having trouble exiting Scott's bloody ruined booty, which greatly displeased
  35. TR2 that one of his kin would have the gaul to be this stubborn. In a fit of rage, TR2 struck a stronge, quick, left-hook to Scott's babymaker, immediately
  36. aborting some of the eggs that were in-queue behind the extra stubborn one. At this point, Scott died immdiately as the punch broke all of his ribs, collapsed
  37. both of his lungs, and he had a heart attack. As TR2 and Scott's babies began to hatch around their mommy, going for Scott's now cold nipples for some milky,
  38. TR2 stood with his arms crossed looking over at this mess. "Hmmph, looks like a found the perfect counterargument to your argument, and dismantled it, hard lad."
  40. THE END
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