
Afiqah's Entry (HPS)

Nov 4th, 2013
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  1. 06[02:14] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( hello?? )
  2. 04[02:17] <emeraldEclipse> [You startle wake up to the sounds of a computer beeping at you. You have no idea where you are or whats happening. This isn't your room.]
  3. 04[02:18] <emeraldEclipse> [You look around it quickly, plain room with posters of some tv shows that you vaugely recognize, before heading over to the computer. Shaking the mouse to wake the window.]
  4. 04[02:18] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Uh, hello.)
  5. 06[02:19] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( oh cool you're there i was wonbering if you were going to de like the other guy anb not responb to anything i senb )
  6. 04[02:19] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Excuse me?)
  7. 06[02:20] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( claSpa isn't very goob at responbing to trolls i bunno if you'll have detter luck than i've hab )
  8. 04[02:21] <emeraldEclipse> [You start to feel panicked. Where are you, who is this person. Where is /everyone else/.]
  9. 04[02:21] <emeraldEclipse> [Why are they so bad at spelling?]
  10. 06[02:22] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( sorry if i kinba jumpeb on dothering you it's just really doring out here )
  11. 04[02:22] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (What? Whats going on?)
  12. 06[02:22] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( well nothing over here that's the prodlem )
  13. 06[02:22] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( what adout you see any meteors yet?? )
  14. 04[02:23] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (What? Meteors? I thought...)
  15. 04[02:23] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Where am I?)
  16. 06[02:24] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh )
  17. [02:24] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [....craaaaap.]
  18. 06[02:24] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( how many times have you playeb SGRUD? )
  19. 04[02:24] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (SGRUD?)
  20. 06[02:24] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( or SDURD i guess )
  21. 04[02:25] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (What? You're not making any sense)
  22. 04[02:25] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Who /are/ you?)
  23. 06[02:25] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( my name's kaieka juuzuu )
  24. 06[02:25] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'm going to de one of your coplayers )
  25. 04[02:26] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Coplayers?)
  26. 04[02:26] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (But, we won the game. What...what /happened/?)
  27. 06[02:26] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( fuck you're a seconb sessioner aren't you?? )
  28. 06[02:26] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( yep there we go )
  29. 06[02:27] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh look there was a prodlem with the boor )
  30. 04[02:27] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Yeah. It wouldn't let me continue.)
  31. 04[02:27] <emeraldEclipse> [Okay. Getting some answers, finally. You shift and get more comfortable in your chair.]
  32. 06[02:28] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( we're going to have to play again )
  33. 06[02:28] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( bo you know if there are meteors coming bown neardy? )
  34. 04[02:28] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Yeah, okay, ended up choosing replay.)
  35. 04[02:28] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (But why am I /here/)
  36. 04[02:29] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Why aren't I home)
  37. 06[02:29] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( you're replacing someone who faileb, we gotta complete the game that they coulbn't complete )
  38. 06[02:29] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'm sorry )
  39. 04[02:29] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (And everyone else)
  40. 04[02:29] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Where are they?)
  41. 06[02:30] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( they'll de boing the same, in bifferent sessions )
  42. 04[02:31] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (What?)
  43. 04[02:31] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I just)
  44. 06[02:32] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( there are a lot of sessions happening at the same time anb they all neeb players now look i /neeb/ you to check for meteors okay?? )
  45. 04[02:32] <emeraldEclipse> [You grab hold of the desk as your head spins.]
  46. 06[02:32] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'm sorry dut i know they've deen coming bown in some areas anb we gotta de sure that you're not gonna get squisheb or anything )
  47. 04[02:33] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (One second)
  48. 04[02:34] <emeraldEclipse> [You breath in and out slowly. Trying to suppress the panic. You do /not/ panic.]
  49. 04[02:35] <emeraldEclipse> [You stand, slowly, forcing your movements to be controlled and even as you stick your head out the window. It's dark, and you can see red streaks in the sky.]
  50. 04[02:35] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (There are meteors, yes.)
  51. 06[02:35] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( fuck )
  52. 06[02:35] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok finb your biscs )
  53. 06[02:36] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( they gotta de arounb somewhere close )
  54. [02:36] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [It's a good thing you found your set the other night, rifling through a bag you found on the beach.]
  55. 04[02:36] <emeraldEclipse> [You do a quick scan around the room. You have an objective now, and you focus on that.]
  56. 04[02:37] <emeraldEclipse> [You spot the corner of the green house symbol under a stack of papers and grab the discs. Putting the client disc into the computer.]
  57. 04[02:38] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Currently loading. One minute.)
  58. 06[02:38] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok one sec i'm gonna swim to somewhere that i can server you properly )
  59. 04[02:38] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Are you in danger of meteors?)
  60. 04[02:38] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Swimming?)
  61. 06[02:39] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( not right now i bon't think decause i've deen checking the weather reports anb there aren't any in the area )
  62. 06[02:40] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( yeah i'm swimming right now i'm not too far from shore though )
  63. 04[02:40] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Okay.)
  64. 04[02:40] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (...)
  65. 04[02:40] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Wheres all my abilities)
  66. [02:41] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Start up the server program as you swim, on your back, towards the rocks.]
  67. 06[02:41] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( gone decause you're gonna get given a bifferent role )
  68. 04[02:41] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Wait, what)
  69. 06[02:41] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( start from scratch anb learn a new lesson )
  70. 04[02:42] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I)
  71. [02:43] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Climb up onto a rock and settle the computer, still waiting for a client option to pop up on the server selection screen.]
  72. 06[02:43] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i know it sucks dut we all gotta bo the same )
  73. 04[02:43] <emeraldEclipse> [You lean back in the chair, chest heaving as you realize how much is /gone/.]
  74. 06[02:43] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok got to shore how's the program loabing?? )
  75. 04[02:45] <emeraldEclipse> [You try and make a [rule] on yourself. But nothing happens. The Word is gone, and you can't help but panic now.]
  76. 04[02:45] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (but, what am I)
  77. 04[02:45] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (how am i)
  78. 06[02:46] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok bon't freak for shabe's sake )
  79. 06[02:46] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( it's gonna de okay )
  80. 04[02:46] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (it's /gone/)
  81. 04[02:46] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (its /not/ /okay/)
  82. 06[02:47] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( it's not okay /now/ dut it's going to /de/ /okay/ now /start/ your /client/ /program/ )
  83. [02:48] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Hiss anxiously. They didn't say how /many/ meteors there were, or how close- you can only assume the worst right now.]
  84. 04[02:50] <emeraldEclipse> [You try and uncaptcha a small trinket you were given by one of your friends to help you calm down, but thats /gone/ /too/.]
  85. 04[02:50] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (/its/ /all/ /gone/. Why is it /gone/)
  86. 06[02:51] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( that's just what /happens/ )
  87. 04[02:51] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (no)
  88. 04[02:51] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (nonono)
  89. 06[02:52] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( please just )
  90. 06[02:52] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( what's your name?? )
  91. 04[02:53] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (afiqah)
  92. 06[02:53] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( that's a nice name i saib my name was kaieka right?? you can call me kai )
  93. 06[02:54] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'll answer all your questions as dest i can dut i neeb you to start your client program anb bo as i say )
  94. 06[02:54] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( please this is important )
  95. 04[02:55] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (...okay)
  96. 04[02:55] <emeraldEclipse> [You run through the final steps of installing the client program and start it up.]
  97. [02:57] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Register yourself as her server the moment the option pops up. The screen flickers to life. Take a moment to get a look at your new coplayer.]
  98. 04[03:02] <emeraldEclipse> [You're short, but solid, standing at an inch over five foot if Kai was good at guessing. Wearing an emerald green Hijab over top a white shirt and ankle length yellow skirt. You've got a warm brown skin tone and a round face, cheeks currently tinted slightly pink from the panic attack.]
  99. [03:03] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Whine quietly, ears drooping. Not /another/ human.]
  100. 04[03:04] <emeraldEclipse> [You look around. Assuming its not too different than before they should see you. You give a small wave to the wrong wall.]
  101. 06[03:04] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( um ok so i'm gonna de your server bo you remember how you bib the first section of the game the first time?? )
  102. 04[03:04] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (...I think so. Yes?)
  103. [03:05] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Start working on expanding the room, making room for the entry equipment.]
  104. 06[03:05] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( it's dasically going to de the same )
  105. 04[03:05] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Okay.)
  106. 06[03:05] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( wrong wall dy the way, turn 90begrees )
  107. 04[03:05] <emeraldEclipse> [You turn ninety degrees the wrong way and give a weak smile.]
  108. 06[03:07] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( yeah now turn 180 anb you'll have it right )
  109. 04[03:07] <emeraldEclipse> [You glance at the message and cringe a little.]
  110. 04[03:07] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Sorry.)
  111. [03:08] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Down goes cruxtruder, lathe, designix and alchemiter, all kept in the one expanded room to save her having to run about.]
  112. 06[03:08] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( it's fine no dig beal )
  113. 06[03:09] * @kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok you rememder what to bo then?? )
  114. 04[03:09] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Yeah.)
  115. 04[03:11] <emeraldEclipse> [You head to the cruxtruder and equipt a baton from your strife specifbus. It takes you two tries, but you get it off.]
  116. [03:12] <@kaiekaJuuzuu> [Check through the rest of the house, looking for any nonplayers about, and for any potentially good prototypings.]
  117. 04[03:14] <emeraldEclipse> [Theres another bedroom with a person sleeping in it, and it seems like this family has a lot of souveniers from a variety of places. Though they may not exactly be /good/ prototypings.]
  118. 04[03:15] <emeraldEclipse> [You take a cruxite dowel and head to the totem lathe. Placing it in, then looking around the room.]
  119. 04[03:15] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I need the pre-punched card.)
  120. [03:22] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Navigate back to the room she's in, and provide her with the card.]
  121. 04[03:23] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Thank you.)
  122. 04[03:25] <emeraldEclipse> [Place it into the lathe and get the carved dowel. Heading to the alchemiter.]
  123. [03:25] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Start planning how to construct upwards, working out good sections to copy/paste and where you'll need to manually build sections.]
  124. 04[03:27] <emeraldEclipse> [You place the dowel, start up the alchemiter and get...]
  125. [03:28] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Start chasing the kernelsprite with a stuffed bear from one of the rooms.]
  126. 06[03:28] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( bon't bo anything to your entry odject til i got something prototypeb )
  127. 04[03:29] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Uh. What am I suppose to do with...)
  128. 04[03:29] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (okay.)
  129. 04[03:29] <emeraldEclipse> [You watch the floating bear chase around the flashing green kernelsprite.]
  130. [03:30] <kaiekaJuuzuu> ["Come on you fucking thing," you grumble, trying to corner the sprite.]
  131. 04[03:33] <emeraldEclipse> [You glance at the puzzle box the pre-punched card gave you. Then back at the sprite.]
  132. 04[03:33] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I'm going to start on this while you work on that.)
  133. 06[03:34] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok just bon't complete it or we're fuckeb )
  134. 04[03:35] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I won't.)
  135. [03:35] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Manage to toss the toy in, with a relieved grunt.]
  136. 06[03:36] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok you're goob to go anyway now )
  137. [03:36] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Go check the timer on the Cruxtruder.]
  138. 04[03:37] <emeraldEclipse> [It ticks down to 0:00 as you finish. The house glowing with a white light as you...]
  139. 04[03:37] <emeraldEclipse> [Afiqah: Enter.]
  140. [03:37] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Glub with relief, ears flicking.]
  141. 04[03:38] <emeraldEclipse> [You head back to the computer.]
  142. 04[03:38] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (So, is it still a race to the gate?)
  143. 06[03:38] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( yes )
  144. 04[03:39] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Start building then. Please.)
  145. 06[03:39] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'll darricabe the room so you have some time for making weapons or whatever you neeb anb get starteb )
  146. 04[03:40] <emeraldEclipse> [You check your strife deck. Back to your basic items again. You take out a baton and hold it at the ready.]
  147. 04[03:40] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I'm ready.)
  148. 06[03:40] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( alright let's make this happen )
  149. [03:41] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [You're an efficient server, the building growing smoothly upwards, only held back by the grist constrictions.]
  150. 04[03:43] <emeraldEclipse> [Your movements are very calculated and defensive. The grist build up is slow, but you don't take many hits as you dismantle the imps.]
  151. 04[03:43] <emeraldEclipse> [You have to admit, the imps with only bear arms are rather disconcerting.]
  152. 04[03:43] <emeraldEclipse> [You aim for those ones first.]
  153. [03:44] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [As you run low on grist, a good few floors constructed above her already, you move the screen back down, crushing imps left behind on the lower floors with household appliances and doing your best to carry the larger pieces of grist up to where Afiqah can collect them.]
  154. 06[03:45] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ogres start two floors up )
  155. 06[03:46] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( you're going to have a general fighting prowess brop too so bon't overestimate your adilities )
  156. 04[03:46] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Noted.)
  157. 04[03:46] <emeraldEclipse> [It's all you have time to type. Inbetween grabbing the grist and defending yourself from attacks.]
  158. 04[03:47] <emeraldEclipse> [You do move higher as you can though. Each movement carefully calculated.]
  159. [03:48] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Keep building upwards. Having the familiar task to focus on is at least helping your anxiety, but your ears are still pretty low.]
  160. 04[03:50] <emeraldEclipse> [You catch a small breather.]
  161. 04[03:50] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Ideas on the Ogres?)
  162. [03:51] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Use a fridge to block off the room she's in, preventing the imps from swarming for a bit at least.]
  163. 06[03:52] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( if you want to boudle dack and make detter weapons we've got the grist to spare )
  164. 06[03:52] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( or rush them )
  165. 04[03:52] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (How close is the gate?)
  166. 06[03:52] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( four floors )
  167. 06[03:53] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ogres are floor adove you )
  168. 04[03:53] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Is it built up all the way to the gate?)
  169. 06[03:54] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( just finishing off the last staircase unless you can jump like four metres up )
  170. 04[03:55] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (No.)
  171. 06[03:55] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( bibn't think so you're a tiny little thing )
  172. 04[03:55] <emeraldEclipse> [You don't even have /water/ on you. And you're really wishing you had something to drink right now.]
  173. 04[03:57] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (If I get a few more imps, you think you could make a narrow stair case straight up to the gate thats small enough ogres couldn't spawn in it?)
  174. 06[03:58] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uhh mayde? )
  175. 06[03:58] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( wait hang on i think i can bisassemdle a lower section )
  176. 04[03:58] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Why do you keep mis-spelling...wait, after, right.)
  177. [03:58] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [That's gonna leave a big hole in the middle of the second floor, but it gets you the construction material that you need.]
  178. 06[03:59] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( yes that's a question for after )
  179. 04[04:00] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Let me know when its safe.)
  180. [04:00] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [You build the staircase as requested. The grist is stretched /really/ tight right now- it's probably actually a good thing that she didn't have time to fuck around with the alchemiter.]
  181. [04:01] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Bash a couple imps away from the door leading out and up.]
  182. 06[04:01] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok goob to go )
  183. 04[04:02] <emeraldEclipse> [You move as soon as you see the message. You have to crouch a little as you go up the staircase, but atleast ogres can't spawn in here.]
  184. 04[04:04] <emeraldEclipse> [You bash a few imps that get between you and the Gate, but its not long before you reach the top of the spire and enter properly into the Land of Cloister and Cistern.]
  185. [04:06] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Sigh as she departs through the gate, and rub your eyes. There's basically no grist left to continue construction in any notable way, but you should be alright to leave it for now.]
  186. 04[04:07] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (So.)
  187. 06[04:07] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( congrats you got through the gate )
  188. 04[04:07] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Thank you.)
  189. [04:08] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Nnn now she's gonna ask /questions/, and you don't wanna answer right now but you said you would.]
  190. 04[04:08] <emeraldEclipse> [You rest against a pillar in a large cistern, not sure what's lighting it, or where from, but you're not being attacked right this second.]
  191. [04:09] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Glub quietly as you slip off the rocks and back into the water, floating on your back and making your way back out to sea.]
  192. 04[04:09] <emeraldEclipse> [So, you slide down until you're sitting on the ground. Holding the computer in front of you.]
  193. 04[04:09] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (So. What now?)
  194. 06[04:10] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( you rememder how it went last time?? you make your way dack to the spire anb you start boing quests )
  195. 06[04:10] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( the rest of us will join you prodadly pretty soon )
  196. 06[04:11] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i got my biscs i'll just ask dlue if he has his yet anb mayde i can get in asap )
  197. 04[04:11] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (okay.)
  198. 04[04:11] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (So, why do you keep misspelling words with d and b in them)
  199. 06[04:11] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'm not misspelling them it's my quirk )
  200. 04[04:11] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Your...quirk?)
  201. 06[04:12] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( yes it's a cultural thing )
  202. [04:12] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Don't wanna explain the alien thing, not nowww.]
  203. 04[04:13] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Thats a....okay. Fair enough. Easy enough to understand you before too long.)
  204. 06[04:14] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( trust me if someone says something is their quirk then bon't go calling it bumd decause there are some who really won't take kinbly to that )
  205. 04[04:15] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (...okay?)
  206. 06[04:15] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i know my quirk looks bumd okay so just )
  207. 06[04:15] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( bon't please bon't )
  208. 04[04:16] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Alright. Wasn't going to say anything.)
  209. 06[04:16] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( thank you )
  210. 06[04:17] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh so )
  211. 06[04:19] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( this is your seconb session dut you got kinba lucky decause we can hook you right into the IRC anb all )
  212. 04[04:19] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (The what?)
  213. 06[04:19] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( usually when you go into a session you can't contact anyone outsibe your session )
  214. 06[04:20] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( dut these humans set up an IRC server out where it could droabcast anb everyone can keep in contact from game to game )
  215. 06[04:20] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( you might de adle to finb your native coplayers through that )
  216. 04[04:21] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Oh!)
  217. 04[04:22] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (How does that work then?)
  218. 06[04:23] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( well when you get dack to your alchemiter then you can make a bongle so you can connect to it )
  219. 04[04:23] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Okay)
  220. 06[04:24] * kaiekaJuuzuu has sent emeraldEclipse file "dongleinstructions.txt"!
  221. 04[04:24] * emeraldEclipse has accepted the file
  222. 04[04:24] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Okay)
  223. 04[04:24] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (So, its going to be something completely different? I mean, I don't recognize this place at all.)
  224. 06[04:25] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( yes you get a new role, a new lanb, new coplayers )
  225. 06[04:25] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( the game works the same dasic way though so it's still 'kill your benizen, befeat your nightmare heir' anb so on )
  226. 04[04:25] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Oh)
  227. 06[04:26] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( what was your native role?? )
  228. 04[04:26] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Native?)
  229. 06[04:26] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( the first role you were given )
  230. 04[04:26] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Oh. Guard of Law.)
  231. 06[04:27] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i was a sage of rhyme )
  232. 04[04:27] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Rhyme?)
  233. 06[04:27] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( it's adout learning to slow bown anb think things through )
  234. 04[04:27] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Oh)
  235. 04[04:28] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (So)
  236. 06[04:34] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( so? )
  237. 04[04:34] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Where are you from? I guess, tell me about yourself. Kaieka isn't a name I've heard before.)
  238. [04:35] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Aw shit.]
  239. 06[04:35] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh well )
  240. [04:36] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Dip your chin underwater so you can bubble as you think.]
  241. 06[04:37] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok look i can either lie or i can tell you the truth )
  242. 06[04:37] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( anb really doth are kinba stupib ibeas in my opinion right now )
  243. 04[04:38] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Uhm...)
  244. 06[04:39] * kaiekaJuuzuu has sent emeraldEclipse file "photo033.png"! (( ))
  245. 04[04:41] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (uh)
  246. 04[04:42] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (who...what are you)
  247. 06[04:42] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( it's a weirb name to you decause it's a troll name )
  248. 06[04:42] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'm a troll )
  249. 04[04:43] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (and what exactly is a troll)
  250. 06[04:43] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( alien species )
  251. 06[04:43] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( we also play the game )
  252. 06[04:43] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( except for us it's SGRUD )
  253. 06[04:43] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( SGRUB if i bequirk for it )
  254. 04[04:45] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (uhm)
  255. 04[04:48] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (What)
  256. 06[04:48] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( if it's any comfort we have another human in the session that's azuEib anb i bon't know what claSpa is dut knowing my luck they'll de human as well )
  257. 04[04:50] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Uhm)
  258. 04[04:50] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (How do you know Arabic?)
  259. 06[04:51] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i bon't )
  260. 06[04:51] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i know alternian anb there's a translator thing which automatically kicks in most of the time )
  261. 06[04:51] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( though i'm learning english too )
  262. 04[04:52] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Oh)
  263. 04[04:52] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (So)
  264. 06[04:53] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( though i got tolb i shoulb learn aradic so i guess that'll happen eventually )
  265. 04[04:53] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Who told you that?)
  266. 06[04:54] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( someone who was helping me when i founb out that humans were a thing that exists anb everything just starteb going really really wrong )
  267. 04[04:56] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Oh)
  268. 04[04:56] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Oh shoot)
  269. 04[04:56] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Where was I?)
  270. 04[04:56] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (It's important)
  271. 06[04:56] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( what?? )
  272. 06[04:56] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh i bunno you were on earth somewhere?? )
  273. 04[04:57] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (/Where/ on Earth. And I need to know what direction the house was facing)
  274. 06[04:57] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i bon't exactly know most of the places on earth?? )
  275. 06[04:57] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( let me unberline the 'alien' thing again )
  276. 04[04:59] <emeraldEclipse> [You give a frustrated cry.]
  277. 04[05:00] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I /need/ to know. Isn't there some way to find out?)
  278. 06[05:00] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh i can look up stuff online adout where there were meteor strikes i guess?? )
  279. 06[05:00] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( why bo you neeb to know?? )
  280. 04[05:01] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I need to know which direction the Kaaba in Mecca is.)
  281. 04[05:01] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Please.)
  282. 06[05:02] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( the kaada?? )
  283. 04[05:05] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (In Al-Masjid al-Haram. It's the holiest site for Muslims, and I need to face towards it during prayers.)
  284. 06[05:06] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh i can try and figure it out dut i'm not really sure how to bo that i'll just google a dunch of stuff i guess?? )
  285. 04[05:07] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Please.)
  286. 04[05:07] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (It means more to me than you know.)
  287. [05:07] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Man, pressure much?]
  288. 06[05:08] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'll bo my dest )
  289. 04[05:08] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Thank you.)
  290. 06[05:11] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( so uh )
  291. 06[05:11] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( is there anything else you neeb?? )
  292. 06[05:12] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i can't duilb more of your spire until you've gathereb more grist dut i bon't think there's an especial rush now )
  293. 04[05:13] <emeraldEclipse> [There is so much you need right now. You need to know your friends are safe. You need to know which way to pray. You need to know what /month and day it was/. You're hungry, you're tired, you're thirsty and...]
  294. 04[05:13] <emeraldEclipse> [Wait. You're in a cistern. You can atleast fix that last part.]
  295. 04[05:14] <emeraldEclipse> [You head over to the still pool of water and drink from it. There, a little better atleast.]
  296. 04[05:14] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I, uh.)
  297. 04[05:15] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I don't think theres anything you can help with right now.)
  298. 06[05:15] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( ok )
  299. 06[05:15] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( uh )
  300. 06[05:15] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( sorry )
  301. 04[05:18] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (It's okay.)
  302. 04[05:20] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (I just)
  303. 04[05:20] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (need some time)
  304. 06[05:20] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( that's okay )
  305. 06[05:20] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( it's goob to take time just de careful okay?? )
  306. [05:21] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [You don't even know what to do now.]
  307. 04[05:21] <emeraldEclipse> [Neither do you.]
  308. 06[05:22] * kaiekaJuuzuu TROLLS emeraldEclipse : ( i'm gonna go now message me if there's anything )
  309. 04[05:22] * emeraldEclipse PESTERS kaiekaJuuzuu : (Okay)
  310. 04[05:23] <emeraldEclipse> [You're...just going to sit here a while and think and try not to panic or cry too much.]
  311. [05:24] <kaiekaJuuzuu> [Captchalog your husktop and sink. You're gonna go find some crabs and then try and work out where her Kaaba is.]
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