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- #============================================================================
- # H-Mode7 Engine
- # V.1.4.4 - 26/01/2012
- # Author : MGC (MGCaladtogel)
- # Heightmaps cache by DerVVulman
- #
- # New classes
- #============================================================================
- #==============================================================================
- # ** RPG
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # A module containing RPGXP's data structures and more.
- #==============================================================================
- module RPG
- #============================================================================
- # ** Cache
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # A module that loads each of RPGXP's graphic formats, creates a Bitmap
- # object, and retains it.
- #============================================================================
- module Cache
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Obtains a heightmap graphic
- # V.1.2 : heightmaps cache
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.heightmap(filename)
- self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Heightmap/", filename)
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** HM7
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # DLL calls to load C functions into memory
- #==============================================================================
- module HM7
- Draw_Map_Tileset ="MGC_Hmode7", "drawMapTileset", "llllll", "l")
- Draw_Textureset ="MGC_Hmode7", "drawTextureset", "lll", "l")
- Draw_Heightmap ="MGC_Hmode7", "drawHeightmap", "lllll", "l")
- Apply_Lighting ="MGC_Hmode7", "applyLighting", "l", "l")
- Compute_M7 ="MGC_Hmode7", "computeM7", "lll", "l")
- Render_HM7 ="MGC_Hmode7", "renderHM7", "llll", "l")
- Refresh_Map_Tileset ="MGC_Hmode7", "refreshMapTileset", "lllll", "l")
- # V.1.2 : events translucidity & blend type
- Apply_Opacity ="MGC_Hmode7", "applyOpacity", "ll", "l")
- # V.1.3
- Apply_Zoom ="MGC_Hmode7", "applyZoom", "lll", "l")
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Draw the specific tileset for the map
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.draw_map_tileset(map_tileset, tileset, heightset, tilemap_hash,
- auto_tilesets, nb_layers)
-, tileset.__id__, heightset.__id__,
- tilemap_hash.__id__, auto_tilesets.__id__, nb_layers)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Draw the specific textureset for the map
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.draw_textureset(textures, colormap, texture_auto)
-, colormap.__id__, texture_auto.__id__)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Draw the complete heightmap
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.draw_heightmap(heightmap, heightpattern, map_tileset, tilemap_data,
- nb_layers)
-, heightpattern.__id__,
- map_tileset.__id__, tilemap_data.__id__, nb_layers)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Apply the lighting effects on the map
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.apply_lighting(heightmap)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Calculate a basic mode7 rendering
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.compute_m7(datatable, lightline, params)
-, lightline.__id__, params.__id__)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * H-Mode7 rendering
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.render_hm7(params, vars, surfaces, nb_layers)
- return, vars.__id__, surfaces.__id__, nb_layers)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Refresh the specific tileset for the map for animated autotiles
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.refresh_map_tileset(map_tileset, tileset, tilemap_hash, auto_tilesets,
- nb_layers)
-, tileset.__id__,
- tilemap_hash.__id__, auto_tilesets.__id__, nb_layers)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Alter a bitmap by applying an opacity value
- # V.1.2 : events translucidity & blend type
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.apply_opacity(bitmap, opacity)
-, opacity)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * V.1.3 : Apply an zoom value
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.apply_zoom(bitmap, source, lissage)
-, source.__id__, lissage)
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** HM7::Bitmap_Autotiles
- #============================================================================
- module HM7
- class Bitmap_Autotiles < Bitmap
- # data list to form tiles from an autotiles file
- Data_Patterns = [[27,28,33,34],[5,28,33,34],[27,6,33,34],[5,6,33,34],
- [27,28,33,12],[5,28,33,12],[27,6,33,12],[5,6,33,12],[27,28,11,34],
- [5,28,11,34],[27,6,11,34],[5,6,11,34],[27,28,11,12],[5,28,11,12],
- [27,6,11,12],[5,6,11,12],[25,26,31,32],[25,6,31,32],[25,26,31,12],
- [25,6,31,12],[15,16,21,22],[15,16,21,12],[15,16,11,22],[15,16,11,12],
- [29,30,35,36],[29,30,11,36],[5,30,35,36],[5,30,11,36],[39,40,45,46],
- [5,40,45,46],[39,6,45,46],[5,6,45,46],[25,30,31,36],[15,16,45,46],
- [13,14,19,20],[13,14,19,12],[17,18,23,24],[17,18,11,24],[41,42,47,48],
- [5,42,47,48],[37,38,43,44],[37,6,43,44],[13,18,19,24],[13,14,43,44],
- [37,42,43,48],[17,18,47,48],[13,18,43,48],[13,18,43,48]]
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Attributes
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :number # autotile's number to identify it
- attr_accessor :animated # TRUE if the autotile is animated
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Initialize Object
- # file : autotiles file's bitmap (Bitmap)
- # l : pattern's number for animated autotiles
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(file, l)
- super(256, 192)
- create(file, l)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Create the tiles set
- # file : autotiles file's bitmap (Bitmap)
- # l : pattern's number for animated autotiles
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create(file, l)
- l = (file.width > 96 ? l : 0)
- self.animated = (file.width > 96)
- for i in 0..5
- for j in 0..7
- data = Data_Patterns[(i << 3) + j]
- for number in data
- number -= 1
- m = number % 6 << 4
- n = number / 6 << 4
- blt((j << 5) + m % 32, (i << 5) + n % 32, file,
- + 96 * l, n, 16, 16))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** HM7::Autotile
- #============================================================================
- module HM7
- class Autotile
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Attributes
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :autotile_id
- attr_accessor :animated
- attr_accessor :animations_number
- attr_accessor :graphics
- attr_accessor :animation_index
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Initialize Object
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(autotile_id, autotile_name)
- self.autotile_id = autotile_id
- bmp_file = RPG::Cache.autotile(autotile_name)
- self.animations_number = bmp_file.width / 96
- self.animated = (animations_number > 1)
- = []
- for pattern_iterator in 0...animations_number
- data_autotile =, pattern_iterator)
- data_autotile.number = pattern_iterator * 10 + autotile_id
- graphics.push(data_autotile)
- end
- self.animation_index = 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get current graphics
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_current_graphics
- return graphics[animation_index]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Animate - next pattern
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def animate
- self.animation_index = animation_index.succ % animations_number
- end
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** HM7::Surface
- # V.1.3 : modifications to handle wall events
- #============================================================================
- module HM7
- class Surface
- attr_accessor :type, :bitmap, :bitmap_set, :screen_x, :screen_y, :character,
- :visible, :opacity, :blend_type, :displayed, :altitude
- attr_reader :x1, :y1, :x2, :y2, :screen_x1, :screen_y1,
- :screen_x2, :screen_y2, :inverse
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Technical constant to handle relative reference of frame
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Left = [6, 2, 8, 4]
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Object Initialization
- # character (Game_Character) : character to display
- # tilemap (HM7::Tilemap)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(character, tilemap, viewport)
- @viewport = viewport
- self.character = character
- @tilemap = tilemap
- self.type = character.type
- @need_refresh = false
- @sx_old = nil
- @sy_old = nil
- @visible_old = nil
- @opacity_old = nil
- @blend_type_old = nil
- @screen_x_old = nil
- @screen_y_old = nil
- @altitude_old = nil
- update
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Frame Update
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- if character.character_name == ""
- self.displayed = false
- return
- end
- # If tile ID, file name, or hue are different from current ones
- if @tile_id != character.tile_id or
- @character_name != character.character_name or
- @character_hue != character.character_hue
- # Remember tile ID, file name, and hue
- @tile_id = character.tile_id
- @character_name = character.character_name
- @character_hue = character.character_hue
- # If tile ID value is valid
- if @tile_id >= 384
- @offset_height = 0
- self.bitmap_set = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name,
- @tile_id, character.character_hue)
- @sx = 0
- @sy = 0
- @cw = 32
- @ch = 32
- # If tile ID value is invalid
- else
- # V.1.3 : OV
- unless bitmap_set.nil?
- bitmap_set.dispose
- end
- @offset_height = 2
- self.bitmap_set = RPG::Cache.character(character.character_name,
- character.character_hue)
- # V.1.3 : OV
- if $game_system.hm7_ov && character.ov
- ov_bmp = * HM7::OV_ZOOM,
- bitmap_set.height * HM7::OV_ZOOM)
- HM7.apply_zoom(ov_bmp, bitmap_set, 1)
- self.bitmap_set = ov_bmp
- end
- @cw = bitmap_set.width >> 2
- # V.1.1 : 8-directions graphics
- @ch = bitmap_set.height / character.directions
- end
- self.bitmap =, @ch - @offset_height)
- @need_refresh = true
- end
- # Set visible situation
- self.visible = (not character.transparent)
- # If graphic is character
- if @tile_id == 0
- # Set rectangular transfer
- @sx = character.pattern * @cw
- unless character.instance_variable_get(:@direction_fix)
- # V.1.1 : 8-directions graphics
- current_direction = (@character.direction - 2) / 2
- directions_list = HM7::Dirs[character.directions]
- list_size = directions_list.size
- current_direction = directions_list[(directions_list.index(current_direction) +
- (($game_system.hm7_theta + (180 / list_size)) % 360) / (360 / list_size)) % list_size]
- @sy = current_direction * @ch
- else
- @sy = ((character.direction >> 1) - 1) * @ch
- end
- end
- if @need_refresh || @sx_old != @sx || @sy_old != @sy
- bitmap.clear
- bitmap.blt(0, 0, bitmap_set,, @sy, @cw, @ch - @offset_height))
- # V.1.2 : events translucidity & blend type
- HM7.apply_opacity(bitmap, character.opacity)
- end
- # Set sprite coordinates
- update_coordinates
- # Set sprite altitude
- update_altitude
- # Set opacity level, blend method
- self.opacity = character.opacity
- self.blend_type = character.blend_type
- # Force rendering if condition changed
- if @need_refresh || @screen_x_old != screen_x1 || @screen_y_old != screen_y1 ||
- @sx_old != @sx || @sy_old != @sy ||
- @visible_old != visible || @opacity_old != opacity ||
- @blend_type_old != blend_type || @altitude_old != altitude
- then
- @tilemap.need_update_surfaces = true
- @screen_x_old = screen_x1
- @screen_y_old = screen_y1
- @sx_old = @sx
- @sy_old = @sy
- @visible_old = visible
- @opacity_old = opacity
- @blend_type_old = blend_type
- @altitude_old = altitude
- @need_refresh = false
- end
- # V.1.1 : map animations
- if character.animation_id != 0
- @tilemap.spriteset.play_animation(@character.animation_id, screen_x, screen_y, get_zoom)
- character.animation_id = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Dispose
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose
- unless bitmap.nil? then bitmap.dispose end
- unless bitmap_set.nil? then bitmap_set.dispose end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get data to render the surface
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_data
- # V.1.2 : events translucidity & blend type
- return [type, screen_x1, screen_y1, screen_x2, screen_y2, inverse,
- bitmap, altitude, blend_type, @d_width, @d_offset]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Calculate initial coordinates
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_coordinates
- x0 = character.screen_x + character.pos_x - 16
- y0 = character.screen_y + character.pos_y - 32
- if character.type == 0
- dx = @cw * character.cos_angle >> 13
- dy = @cw * character.sin_angle >> 13
- else
- dx = 0
- dy = 0
- end
- @x1 = x0 - dx
- @y1 = y0 + dy
- @x2 = x0 + dx
- @y2 = y0 - dy
- update_screen_coordinates
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Calculate x and y coordinates in the screen for a HM7 rendering
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_screen_coordinates
- @d_width = bitmap.width
- @d_offset = 0
- screen_coords1 = calculate_screen_coordinates(x1, y1)
- if screen_coords1.nil? ||
- (screen_coords1[0].abs >> 12) != 0 ||
- (screen_coords1[1].abs >> 12) != 0
- then
- self.displayed = false
- return
- end
- if character.type == 0
- screen_coords2 = calculate_screen_coordinates(x2, y2)
- if screen_coords2.nil? ||
- (screen_coords2[0].abs >> 12) != 0 ||
- (screen_coords2[1].abs >> 12) != 0
- then
- self.displayed = false
- return
- end
- else
- halfwidth = (get_zoom(screen_coords1[1]) * @cw).to_i >> 1
- screen_coords2 = [screen_coords1[0] + halfwidth, screen_coords1[1]]
- screen_coords1[0] -= halfwidth
- end
- @inverse = 0
- if screen_coords2[1] > screen_coords1[1]
- @inverse = 1 - inverse
- @screen_y1 = screen_coords2[1]
- @screen_y2 = screen_coords1[1]
- else
- @screen_y1 = screen_coords1[1]
- @screen_y2 = screen_coords2[1]
- end
- if screen_coords1[0] > screen_coords2[0]
- @inverse = 1 - inverse
- @screen_x1 = screen_coords2[0]
- @screen_x2 = screen_coords1[0]
- else
- @screen_x1 = screen_coords1[0]
- @screen_x2 = screen_coords2[0]
- end
- if @screen_y1 == @screen_y2
- @inverse = 0
- end
- if @screen_x2 < @tilemap.display_x_min || @screen_x1 >= @tilemap.display_x_max ||
- @screen_y1 < @tilemap.display_y_min ||
- @screen_y2 >= @tilemap.display_y_max + get_zoom(@screen_y2) * (character.get_altitude + @ch) # V.1.4.1
- then
- self.displayed = false
- else
- self.displayed = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # calculate x and y coordinates in mode 7 for a character sprite
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculate_screen_coordinates(xs, ys)
- y_init = $game_temp.zoom_sprites * (ys - $game_temp.pivot)
- x_init = $game_temp.zoom_sprites * (xs - 320)
- y_intermediate = (y_init * $game_temp.cos_theta -
- x_init * $game_temp.sin_theta).to_i >> 11
- x_intermediate = (x_init * $game_temp.cos_theta +
- y_init * $game_temp.sin_theta).to_i >> 11
- scr_y = $game_temp.pivot + ($game_temp.distance_h * y_intermediate *
- $game_temp.cos_alpha) / (($game_temp.distance_h << 11) - y_intermediate *
- $game_temp.sin_alpha)
- yc = @tilemap.render.height - 1 -
- (scr_y / @tilemap.coeff_resolution).to_i
- xc = ((320 + ($game_temp.slope_value * scr_y +
- $game_temp.corrective_value) * x_intermediate) /
- @tilemap.coeff_resolution).to_i
- self.displayed = true
- return [xc, @tilemap.render.height - 1 - yc]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # calculate x and y coordinates in mode 7 for a character sprite
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_altitude
- # V.1.1 : integer values for better compatibility
- xx = ((character.real_x.to_i >> 2) + 16) % ($game_map.width << 5)
- yy = ((character.real_y.to_i >> 2) + 16) % ($game_map.height << 5)
- # V.1.1 : replaced $game_map.width << 4 by $game_map.width << 5
- if yy & 1 == 1 then xx += ($game_map.width << 5) end
- yy = ($game_map.height << 5) + (yy >> 1)
- # V.1.1 : jump command
- self.altitude = character.get_altitude + (character.floating ? 0 : @tilemap.heightmap[xx, yy])
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get zoom
- # V.1.1 : map animations
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_zoom(scr_y = screen_y)
- if scr_y >= @tilemap.display_y_max # V.1.4.1
- return @tilemap.zoom_min + @tilemap.zoom_slope * (scr_y - @tilemap.y_min)
- else
- color = @tilemap.rowsdata.get_pixel(scr_y, 1)
- return (( << 8) + color.alpha).to_f / 4096
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** HM7::Tilemap
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This new Tilemap class handles the drawing of a HM7 map
- #============================================================================
- module HM7
- class Tilemap
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Attributes
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_reader :spriteset # spriteset that called this class
- attr_accessor :sprite # sprite used to contain the map's drawing
- attr_accessor :alpha # angle of slant
- attr_accessor :theta # angle of rotation
- attr_writer :need_update_surfaces
- attr_reader :heightmap
- attr_reader :coeff_resolution
- attr_reader :render
- attr_reader :rowsdata # V.1.1 : map animations
- attr_reader :display_x_min, :display_x_max # V.1.3
- attr_reader :display_y_min, :display_y_max # V.1.3
- attr_reader :y_min, :zoom_min, :zoom_slope # V.1.4.1
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Object Initialization
- # viewport : viewport
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(viewport, spriteset)
- @viewport = viewport
- @spriteset = spriteset
- @id = $game_map.map_id
- @height = $game_map.height << 5 # @height : map's height (in pixel)
- @width = $game_map.width << 5 # @width : map's width (in pixel)
- @zoom = $game_system.hm7_zoom # zoom level of the map
- $game_temp.zoom_sprites = @zoom.to_f / 100
- $game_temp.zoom_map = (4096 * (1.0 / $game_temp.zoom_sprites)).to_i
- # angle of rotation (theta)
- self.theta = $game_system.hm7_theta
- theta_rad = (Math::PI * theta) / 180
- # easier to work with integer value than floats ('>>' and '<<' operations)
- $game_temp.cos_theta = (2048 * Math.cos(theta_rad)).to_i
- $game_temp.sin_theta = (2048 * Math.sin(theta_rad)).to_i
- $game_temp.distance_h = 480 # distance between the center of the map (halfwidth, pivot) and the point of view
- # screenline's number of the slant's pivot = y-coordinate of the rotation center
- $game_temp.pivot = $game_system.hm7_pivot # character sprites
- $game_temp.pivot_map = $game_temp.pivot /
- ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 1 ? 1 :
- ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 2 ? 1.33 : 2)) # map sprite
- # distance between the center of the map (halfwidth, pivot) and the projection plane surface
- $game_temp.distance_p = $game_temp.distance_h - $game_temp.distance_h /
- ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 1 ? 1 :
- ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 2 ? 1.334 : 2))
- # zoom value of the map sprite
- @coeff_resolution = ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 1 ? 1 :
- ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 2 ? 1.334 : 2))
- # x-offset for the 3 resolutions
- @offset_x_res = ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 1 ? 0 :
- ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 2 ? 40 : 80))
- # y-offset for the 3 resolutions
- @offset_y_res = ($game_temp.pivot - $game_temp.pivot_map).to_i >> 1
- @index_animated = 0 # 0..3 : index of animated tiles pattern
- # map sprite
- self.sprite =
- sprite.x = HM7::X - (640 - HM7::WIDTH >> 1)
- sprite.y = HM7::Y - (480 - HM7::HEIGHT >> 1)
- sprite.z = -99999
- if $game_system.hm7_resolution != 1
- @render = ($game_system.hm7_resolution == 2 ?
-, 360) :, 240))
- else
- @render =, 480)
- end
- sprite.zoom_x = @coeff_resolution
- sprite.zoom_y = @coeff_resolution
- sprite.bitmap = @render
- if $game_system.hm7_less_cut # V.1.2.1
- @computetable =, @render.height << 1, 2)
- @rowsdata = << 1, 3)
- else
- @computetable =, @render.height, 2)
- @rowsdata =, 3)
- end
- # V.1.3
- d_width = (HM7::WIDTH / @coeff_resolution).to_i
- d_height = (HM7::HEIGHT / @coeff_resolution).to_i
- @display_x_min = @render.width - d_width >> 1
- @display_x_max = display_x_min + d_width
- @display_y_min = @render.height - d_height >> 1
- @display_y_max = display_y_min + d_height
- if HM7::Cache.in_cache?(@id)
- # load the data in the Cache
- array = HM7::Cache.load(@id)
- @heightmap = array[0]
- @map_tileset = array[1]
- @tiletable = array[2]
- @textureset = array[3]
- @autotiles = array[4]
- @tilemap_hash_animated = array[5]
- # V.1.3
- @animated_textures = array[6]
- @animated_tiles = array[7]
- @texture_auto ="Textures/Texture_Auto"), 0)
- # V.1.4.2
- @nb_layers = array[8]
- else
- HM7::Cache.clear
- # create specific tilesets for the map
- initialize_map_data
- # load the ground heightmap
- if $game_system.hm7_heightmap == ""
- heightpattern =, 32)
- else
- # V.1.2 : heightmaps cache
- heightpattern = RPG::Cache.heightmap($game_system.hm7_heightmap)
- end
- # create the complete heightmap : HUGE OBJECT IN MEMORY !!!
- @heightmap = << 1, @height + (@height >> 1))
- HM7.draw_heightmap(@heightmap, heightpattern,
- @map_tileset, @tiletable, @nb_layers) # V.1.4 : n-layers
- heightpattern.dispose
- # generate lighting effects
- if $game_system.hm7_lighting
- HM7.apply_lighting(@heightmap)
- end
- # save the data in the Cache
- # V.1.3
-, [@heightmap, @map_tileset, @tiletable,
- @textureset, @autotiles, @tilemap_hash_animated,
- @animated_textures, @animated_tiles, @nb_layers]) # V.1.4.2
- end
- # angle of slant (alpha)
- self.alpha = $game_system.hm7_alpha
- # V.1.2 : events translucidity & blend type
- @params = [@render, @computetable, @rowsdata, @heightmap,
- @map_tileset, @tiletable, @textureset, $game_system.hm7_loop_x,
- $game_system.hm7_loop_y, $game_system.hm7_camera_mode,
- << 1, @render.height), $game_system.hm7_less_cut,
- $game_system.hm7_no_black_cut, @display_x_min, @display_x_max,
- @display_y_min, @display_y_max] # V.1.2.1, V.1.3
- @vars = [0, 0, 0, 0, $game_temp.camera_altitude] # V.1.4.2
- @parameters = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # V.1.3
- refresh_alpha
- # initialize surfaces
- @surfaces = []
- for i in $
- surface =$[i], self, @viewport)
- @surfaces.push(surface)
- end
- # V.1.4.2
- @surface_player =$game_player, self, @viewport)
- @surfaces.push(@surface_player)
- @render_surfaces = []
- self.need_update_surfaces = true
- update_surfaces
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Refresh all the parameters dependent on the angle of slant
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh_alpha
- # angle of slant
- alpha_rad = (Math::PI * alpha) / 180
- $game_temp.cos_alpha = (2048 * Math.cos(alpha_rad)).to_i
- $game_temp.sin_alpha = (2048 * Math.sin(alpha_rad)).to_i
- $game_system.hm7_alpha = alpha
- $game_system.hm7_pivot = $game_temp.pivot
- # h0, z0 : intermediate values used to calculate the slope
- h0 = (- ($game_temp.distance_h) * $game_temp.pivot *
- $game_temp.cos_alpha) / (($game_temp.distance_h << 11) +
- $game_temp.pivot * $game_temp.sin_alpha) + $game_temp.pivot
- z0 = ($game_temp.distance_h << 11).to_f /
- (($game_temp.distance_h << 11) + $game_temp.pivot * $game_temp.sin_alpha)
- # slope
- $game_temp.slope_value = (1.0 - z0) / ($game_temp.pivot - h0)
- $game_temp.slope_value_map = (131072 * $game_temp.slope_value).to_i
- $game_temp.corrective_value = 1.0 - $game_temp.pivot * $game_temp.slope_value
- $game_temp.corrective_value_map = (131072 * $game_temp.corrective_value / @coeff_resolution).to_i
- last_line = - $game_temp.pivot_map - $game_system.hm7_horizon
- old_limit = $game_temp.hm7_height_limit
- $game_temp.hm7_height_limit = (($game_temp.distance_h - $game_temp.distance_p) *
- last_line * $game_temp.cos_alpha) / (($game_temp.distance_h << 11) -
- last_line * $game_temp.sin_alpha) + $game_temp.pivot_map
- $game_temp.hm7_height_limit = [$game_temp.hm7_height_limit.to_i, 0].max
- @parameters = [$game_temp.cos_alpha, $game_temp.sin_alpha,
- $game_temp.distance_h, $game_temp.pivot_map.to_i,
- $game_temp.slope_value_map, $game_temp.corrective_value_map,
- $game_temp.hm7_height_limit, $game_temp.cos_theta, $game_temp.sin_theta,
- $game_temp.distance_p.to_i, $game_temp.zoom_map,
- @display_x_min, @display_x_max, @display_y_min, @display_y_max,
- $game_system.hm7_less_cut] # V.1.3
- @rowsdata.set_pixel(0, 0, $game_system.hm7_fading_color)
- HM7.compute_m7(@computetable, @rowsdata, @parameters)
- refresh_zoom_data # V.1.4.1
- @vars[0] = $game_temp.hm7_height_limit
- @need_update = true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Increase (or decrease) the angle of slant
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def increase_alpha(value)
- self.alpha = [[alpha + value, 80].min, 0].max
- refresh_alpha
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Set the angle of slant
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_alpha(value)
- self.alpha = [[value, 80].min, 0].max
- refresh_alpha
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Slide from the current slant angle into the target value
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def to_alpha(value, speed)
- value = [[value, 80].min, 0].max
- while value > alpha
- increase_alpha([speed, value - alpha].min)
- spriteset.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- while value < alpha
- increase_alpha(-([speed, alpha - value].min))
- spriteset.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Refresh all the parameters dependent on the angle of rotation
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh_theta
- @rowsdata.set_pixel(0, 0, $game_system.hm7_fading_color)
- @parameters[7] = $game_temp.cos_theta
- @parameters[8] = $game_temp.sin_theta
- HM7.compute_m7(@computetable, @rowsdata, @parameters)
- refresh_zoom_data # V.1.4.1
- @need_update = true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Increase (or decrease) the angle of rotation
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def increase_theta(value)
- self.theta += value
- self.theta %= 360
- theta_rad = (Math::PI * theta) / 180
- $game_temp.cos_theta = (2048 * Math.cos(theta_rad)).to_i
- $game_temp.sin_theta = (2048 * Math.sin(theta_rad)).to_i
- $game_system.hm7_theta = theta
- refresh_theta
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Set the angle of rotation
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_theta(value)
- self.theta = value % 360
- theta_rad = (Math::PI * theta) / 180
- $game_temp.cos_theta = (2048 * Math.cos(theta_rad)).to_i
- $game_temp.sin_theta = (2048 * Math.sin(theta_rad)).to_i
- $game_system.hm7_theta = theta
- refresh_theta
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Slide from the current theta into the target value
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def to_theta(value, speed, direction)
- value %= 360
- while value != theta
- increase_theta(direction * ([(value - theta).abs, speed].min))
- spriteset.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Increase (or decrease) the zoom level
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def increase_zoom(value)
- value = value.to_f / 100
- @zoom = [[@zoom * (2 ** value), 500].min, 1].max
- $game_temp.zoom_sprites = @zoom.to_f / 100
- $game_temp.zoom_map = (4096 * (1.0 / $game_temp.zoom_sprites)).to_i
- $game_system.hm7_zoom = @zoom
- refresh_alpha
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Set the zoom level
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_zoom(value)
- @zoom = [[value, 500].min, 1].max
- $game_temp.zoom_sprites = @zoom.to_f / 100
- $game_temp.zoom_map = (4096 * (1.0 / $game_temp.zoom_sprites)).to_i
- $game_system.hm7_zoom = @zoom
- refresh_alpha
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Slide from the current zoom level into the target value
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def to_zoom(value, speed)
- value = [[value, 500].min, 1].max
- while value > @zoom
- increase_zoom(speed)
- if value < @zoom
- set_zoom(value)
- end
- spriteset.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- while value < @zoom
- increase_zoom(-speed)
- if value > @zoom
- set_zoom(value)
- end
- spriteset.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Set the light fading
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_fading(red, green, blue, flag)
- $game_system.hm7_fading_color =, green, blue, flag)
- @rowsdata.set_pixel(0, 0, $game_system.hm7_fading_color)
- HM7.compute_m7(@computetable, @rowsdata, @parameters)
- refresh_zoom_data # V.1.4.1
- @need_update = true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Increase/Decrease the pivot value (V.1.3)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def increase_pivot(value)
- res = [[$game_temp.pivot + value, 472].min, 32].max
- $game_map.display_y -= ((res - $game_temp.pivot) << 2)
- $game_system.hm7_center_y += ((res - $game_temp.pivot) << 2)
- $game_temp.pivot = res
- $game_temp.pivot_map = $game_temp.pivot / @coeff_resolution
- @offset_y_res = ($game_temp.pivot - $game_temp.pivot_map).to_i >> 1
- refresh_alpha
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Set the pivot value (V.1.3)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_pivot(value)
- res = [[value, 472].min, 32].max
- $game_map.display_y -= ((res - $game_temp.pivot) << 2)
- $game_system.hm7_center_y += ((res - $game_temp.pivot) << 2)
- $game_temp.pivot = res
- $game_temp.pivot_map = $game_temp.pivot / @coeff_resolution
- @offset_y_res = ($game_temp.pivot - $game_temp.pivot_map).to_i >> 1
- refresh_alpha
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Slide from the current pivot value into the target value (V.1.3)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def to_pivot(value, speed)
- value = [[value, 480].min, 32].max
- while value > $game_temp.pivot
- increase_pivot([speed, value - $game_temp.pivot].min)
- spriteset.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- while value < $game_temp.pivot
- increase_pivot(-([speed, $game_temp.pivot - value].min))
- spriteset.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Dispose
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose
- @render.dispose
- @rowsdata.dispose
- # dispose of surfaces
- @surfaces.each{|surface|
- surface.dispose
- }
- # dispose of map sprite
- sprite.dispose
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Update
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- # update animated autotiles / tiles (V.1.3)
- if Graphics.frame_count % $game_system.hm7_anim_freq == 0 &&
- $game_system.hm7_animated
- then
- update_autotiles
- update_animated_tiles
- @need_update = true
- end
- # update surfaces
- update_surfaces
- if $game_system.hm7_two_frames_refresh && Graphics.frame_count & 1 == 0
- return
- end
- # update offsets
- offset_x = ($game_map.display_x >> 3) + @offset_x_res
- offset_y = ($game_map.display_y >> 3) + @offset_y_res
- if !@need_update && (offset_x != @offset_x_old || offset_y != @offset_y_old)
- @offset_x_old = offset_x
- @offset_y_old = offset_y
- @need_update = true
- end
- if @need_update
- @vars[1] = offset_x
- @vars[2] = offset_y
- @need_update = false
- if $game_system.hm7_filter
- if $game_system.hm7_two_frames_refresh
- @vars[3] = (Graphics.frame_count >> 1 & 1) + 1
- else
- @vars[3] = (Graphics.frame_count & 1) + 1
- end
- end
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- @target_y = HM7.render_hm7(@params, @vars, @render_surfaces, @nb_layers)
- @need_update_screen = true
- elsif @need_update_screen
- @vars[3] = 0
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- @target_y = HM7.render_hm7(@params, @vars, @render_surfaces, @nb_layers)
- @need_update_screen = false
- end
- # camera : vertical offset update
- update_camera
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Update surfaces
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_surfaces
- @surfaces.each{|surface|
- surface.update
- }
- if @need_update_surfaces
- @render_surfaces.clear
- @surfaces.each{|surface|
- if surface.displayed then @render_surfaces.push(surface.get_data) end
- }
- @render_surfaces.sort! {|a, b| b[2] - a[2] == 0 ? a[1] - b[1] : b[2] - a[2]}
- self.need_update_surfaces = false
- @need_update = true
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Update animated autotiles
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_autotiles
- if @tilemap_hash_animated.keys.empty? then return end # V.1.3
- autotiles_graphics = {}
- @autotiles.each{|autotile|
- autotile.animate
- autotiles_graphics[autotile.autotile_id] = autotile.get_current_graphics
- }
- auto_tilesets = []
- for i in 0..6
- if autotiles_graphics.has_key?(i)
- auto_tilesets.push(autotiles_graphics[i])
- else
- auto_tilesets.push(0)
- end
- end
- HM7.refresh_map_tileset(@map_tileset,
- RPG::Cache.tileset($game_map.tileset_name),
- @tilemap_hash_animated, auto_tilesets, @nb_layers) # V.1.4 : n-layers
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Update animated tiles V.1.3
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_animated_tiles
- if @animated_tiles.empty? then return end
- @animated_tiles.each {|animated_tile|
- animated_tile.animate
- }
- HM7.draw_textureset(@animated_textures, @textureset, @texture_auto)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Update camera
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_camera
- if $game_system.hm7_camera_mode > 0
- # V.1.4.2
- if $game_system.hm7_camera_mode == 3
- # V.1.4.3 : I forgot the sinus, that's really a shame.
- @target_y = @surface_player.altitude * $game_temp.sin_alpha >> 14
- end
- $game_temp.camera_altitude = @target_y # V.1.4.2
- if @vars[4] < @target_y
- @vars[4] = [@vars[4] + 1 + (@target_y - @vars[4] >> 2), @target_y].min
- @need_update = true
- elsif @vars[4] > @target_y + 1
- @vars[4] = [@vars[4] - 1 - (@vars[4] - @target_y >> 2), @target_y].max
- @need_update = true
- end
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * no tileset for HM7 maps
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def tileset
- return nil
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Compute zoom data V.1.4.1
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh_zoom_data
- color = rowsdata.get_pixel(display_y_max - 1, 1)
- zoom_max = (( << 8) + color.alpha).to_f / 4096
- if $game_temp.hm7_height_limit > display_y_min
- @y_min = $game_temp.hm7_height_limit
- else
- @y_min = display_y_min
- end
- color = rowsdata.get_pixel(y_min, 1)
- @zoom_min = (( << 8) + color.alpha).to_f / 4096
- @zoom_slope = (zoom_max - zoom_min) / (display_y_max - 1 - y_min)
- end
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** HM7::Tilemap
- #============================================================================
- module HM7
- class Tilemap
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Initialize the HM7 data depending on the map
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize_map_data
- data = $
- @nb_layers = data.zsize # V.1.4 : n-layers
- # Create autotiles graphics
- # autotiles_hmap : [autotile heightmap]
- autotiles_hmap = []
- # animated_autotiles_ids : [animated autotile identifier]
- animated_autotiles_ids = []
- # autotiles_graphics : {autotile identifier => HM7::Autotile_Bitmap}
- autotiles_graphics = {}
- # @autotiles : [HM7::Autotile]
- @autotiles = []
- # autotextures_map : {autotile identifier => texture name}
- autotextures_map = {}
- # create the graphics for the autotiles colormap
- @texture_auto ="Textures/Texture_Auto"), 0) # V.1.3
- for i in 0..6
- autotile_name = $game_map.autotile_names[i]
- if autotile_name == ""
- autotiles_hmap.push(0)
- else
- autotile =, autotile_name)
- @autotiles.push(autotile)
- if autotile.animated then animated_autotiles_ids.push(i) end
- autotiles_graphics[i] = autotile.get_current_graphics
- # heigthmap
- if FileTest.exist?("Graphics/Autotiles/" + autotile_name + "_Hmap.png") ||
- FileTest.exist?("Graphics/Autotiles/" + autotile_name + "_Hmap.PNG")
- then
- autotiles_hmap.push( + "_Hmap"), 0))
- else
- autotiles_hmap.push(, 192))
- end
- # texturemap
- if FileTest.exist?("Graphics/Autotiles/Textures/Texture_" + autotile_name + ".png") ||
- FileTest.exist?("Graphics/Autotiles/Textures/Texture_" + autotile_name + ".PNG")
- then
- autotextures_map[i] = autotile_name
- end
- end
- end
- # Get the textures graphics for the tileset
- textures_list = Dir.glob("Graphics/Tilesets/" + $game_map.tileset_name + "_Textures/*.{png,PNG}")
- textures_map = {} # {tileId => texture filename}
- for filename in textures_list
- basic_filename = File.basename(filename, ".*")
- num_tile = (basic_filename[/\d+/]).to_i
- textures_map[num_tile] = basic_filename
- end
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- # tiletable : for each map square, store the HM7Ids of :
- # [n-layers tile, layer1 tile, layer2 tile, layer3 tile, ...]
- @tiletable = >> 5) * (@nb_layers + 1), @height >> 5, 1)
- textures = {}
- @animated_textures = {} # V.1.3
- @animated_tiles = [] # V.1.3
- basic_tiles_list = {}
- basic_tiles_count = 0
- tiles_list = {}
- tiles_count = 0
- animated_autotiles_keys = []
- bush_data = {}
- for i in 0...$game_map.height
- for j in 0...$game_map.width
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- tiles_values = []
- for l in 0...@nb_layers
- tiles_values.push(data[j, i, l])
- end
- unless tiles_list.has_key?(tiles_values)
- tiles_count += 1
- tiles_list[tiles_values] = tiles_count
- # determine the bush value
- bush_value = @nb_layers
- for tile_id in tiles_values.reverse
- if tile_id.nil? || tile_id == 0 ||
- $game_map.passages[tile_id] & 0x40 == 0x40
- then
- bush_value -= 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- bush_data[tiles_count - 1] = bush_value
- end
- count = tiles_list[tiles_values]
- @tiletable[j * (@nb_layers + 1), i, 0] = count - 1
- k = 0
- for value in tiles_values
- k += 1
- if value > 0
- unless basic_tiles_list.has_key?(value)
- basic_tiles_list[value] = basic_tiles_count
- if value >= 384
- value -= 384
- if textures_map.has_key?(value)
- texture_bmp = RPG::Cache.tileset($game_map.tileset_name + "_Textures/" + textures_map[value])
- # V.1.3
- if texture_bmp.width > 160
- animated_tile =,
- value + 384, texture_bmp)
- @animated_tiles.push(animated_tile)
- textures[basic_tiles_count] = animated_tile.get_data
- @animated_textures[basic_tiles_count] = animated_tile.get_data
- else
- textures[basic_tiles_count] = [value + 384, texture_bmp, 1, 0]
- end
- end
- value += 384
- else # autotile
- if autotextures_map.has_key?(value / 48 - 1)
- texture_bmp = RPG::Cache.autotile("Textures/Texture_" + autotextures_map[value / 48 - 1])
- # V.1.3
- if texture_bmp.width > 128
- animated_tile =,
- value, texture_bmp)
- @animated_tiles.push(animated_tile)
- textures[basic_tiles_count] = animated_tile.get_data
- @animated_textures[basic_tiles_count] = animated_tile.get_data
- else
- textures[basic_tiles_count] = [value, texture_bmp, 1, 0]
- end
- end
- end
- basic_tiles_count += 1
- end
- if value < 384 &&
- animated_autotiles_ids.include?(value / 48 - 1)
- then
- animated_autotiles_keys.push(count - 1)
- end
- @tiletable[j * (@nb_layers + 1) + k, i, 0] = basic_tiles_list[value]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- tileset_height = 1 + (tiles_count >> 3) << 5
- auto_tilesets = []
- for i in 0..6
- if autotiles_graphics.has_key?(i)
- auto_tilesets.push(autotiles_graphics[i])
- else
- auto_tilesets.push(0)
- end
- end
- for i in 0..6
- auto_tilesets.push(autotiles_hmap[i])
- end
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- @map_tileset = * (@nb_layers + 8 >> 2), tileset_height)
- tilemap_hash = {}
- for key in tiles_list.keys
- value = tiles_list[key] - 1
- tilemap_hash[value] = key.push(bush_data[value])
- end
- # V.1.4 : n-layers
- # create the specific n-layers tileset for the map
- HM7.draw_map_tileset(@map_tileset,
- RPG::Cache.tileset($game_map.tileset_name),
- RPG::Cache.tileset($game_map.tileset_name + "_Hmap"),
- tilemap_hash, auto_tilesets, @nb_layers)
- for bitmap in autotiles_hmap
- unless bitmap.is_a?(Fixnum)
- bitmap.dispose
- end
- end
- # create a hash that contains data for animated 3-layers tiles
- @tilemap_hash_animated = {}
- for key in animated_autotiles_keys
- if tilemap_hash.has_key?(key)
- @tilemap_hash_animated[key] = tilemap_hash[key]
- end
- end
- if animated_autotiles_keys.empty? && @animated_tiles.empty? # V.1.3
- $game_system.hm7_animated = false
- end
- # create the textureset used to draw vertical walls
- @textureset =, basic_tiles_count << 5)
- HM7.draw_textureset(textures, @textureset, @texture_auto) # V.1.3
- end
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** HM7::Cache
- #============================================================================
- module HM7
- module Cache
- @cache = {}
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Check if the map is in the Cache
- # map_id : map identifier
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.in_cache?(map_id)
- return @cache.include?(map_id)
- end
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Return the map data (Array)
- # map_id : map identifier
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.load(map_id)
- return @cache[map_id]
- end
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Save the map data in the Cache
- # map_id : map identifier
- # params : map data (Array)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def, params)
- @cache[map_id] = params
- end
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Clear the Cache
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.clear
- @cache = {}
- GC.start
- end
- end
- end
- #============================================================================
- # ** HM7::Animated_Tile (V.1.3)
- #============================================================================
- module HM7
- class Animated_Tile
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Attributes
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :tile_count
- attr_accessor :animations_number
- attr_accessor :animation_index
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Initialize Object
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(tile_count, tile_id, texture_bmp)
- self.animations_number = (texture_bmp.width / (tile_id < 384 ? 128 : 160))
- self.animation_index = 0
- @data = [tile_id, texture_bmp, animations_number, animation_index]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get current data
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_data
- return @data
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Animate - next pattern
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def animate
- self.animation_index = animation_index.succ % animations_number
- @data[3] = animation_index
- end
- end
- end
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