

Mar 9th, 2016
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  1. <modulus> any comrades know anything about lubricants?
  2. 00:04 <+eegor> what kind of
  3. 00:04 <modulus> for taps
  4. 00:04 <+eegor> like faucet?
  5. 00:04 <modulus> yes
  6. 00:04 <+eegor> oh not really
  7. 00:06 <modulus> my father put wd40 in a tap and it's basically fucked it up
  8. 00:06 <modulus> incredibly tough to run now
  9. 00:06 <modulus> er, turn
  10. 00:08 <-- ziggy-prime ( has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  11. 00:10 <-- yar (~yar@unaffiliated/yar) has quit (Excess Flood)
  12. 00:10 <+emmeka> problem: you used a cheap lubricant
  13. 00:11 --> ziggy-prime ( has joined ##marxism
  14. 00:11 * emmeka yawns
  15. 00:11 <+emmeka> sleep
  16. 00:11 <-- emmeka (~emmeka___@ has quit (Quit: Γ  boire, tabarnak!)
  17. 00:11 <@melanated_pupil> who lubricates their faucets
  18. 00:11 <@melanated_pupil> wth faucet is this
  19. 00:12 --> yar (~yar@unaffiliated/yar) has joined ##marxism
  20. 00:13 <+eegor> look at this american with faucets that actually work well
  21. 00:16 <-- ziggy-prime ( has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  22. 00:17 <modulus> well melanated_pupil - on tap i have a handle thing that i move up or down to open or close the flow, and left or right for temp
  23. 00:18 <modulus> this device moves around some kind of spherical joint i think
  24. 00:18 <modulus> my father was bored and put wd40 on it becuase he was bored
  25. 00:18 <-- Blood-Wiper ( has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  26. 00:18 <modulus> now it takes some superhuman effort to turn it
  27. 00:18 <+eegor> can he not get a hobby and not wreck faucets when bored
  28. 00:19 <modulus> eegor: unfortunately not
  29. 00:19 <@melanated_pupil> this is like one of those old peasant folk tales where people do good things and get fucked anyways
  30. 00:19 <@melanated_pupil> maybe ur father's under the galician curse modulus
  31. 00:19 <modulus> btw tap was working perfectly smoothly before hand
  32. 00:20 <modulus> he just has this weird thing that things need to be maintained and he's bored so he's going to maintain them
  33. 00:20 <modulus> he also used this material on my mother's pendulum clock and it's probably going to destroy the gearing
  34. 00:20 <modulus> but i'm not going to say shit about it
  35. 00:21 --> ziggy-prime ( has joined ##marxism
  36. 00:24 <@melanated_pupil> why not?
  37. 00:25 <modulus> melanated_pupil - it makes no difference
  38. 00:25 <modulus> when my father gets an idea in his head there's nothing one can do about it, it just has to take its course
  39. 00:26 <modulus> also it's too late now since it's done so what use would it even be'
  40. 00:26 <@melanated_pupil> maybe there's an antidote to wd40
  41. 00:26 <-- ziggy-prime ( has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  42. 00:27 <ArrowLance> lets get more drunk because why not
  43. 00:29 <+eegor> laundry got so fucked at my housing when they turned to online bookings of laundry turns
  44. 00:29 <+eegor> next free turn: 24th of the month
  45. 00:30 <-- jebus_belly (uid74698@gateway/web/ has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  46. 00:31 --> ziggy-prime ( has joined ##marxism
  47. 00:31 <+eegor> and the last time i did laundry, despite this ridiculous overbooking, two of the three machines were unused
  48. 00:31 <+eegor> whats wrong with people
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