

Jan 9th, 2018
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  1. [12:04:24] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: mr feintrogue.
  2. [12:04:25] Qartvelo-Doomhammer laughs at Empusa-Quel'Thalas.
  3. [12:04:52] [Qartvelo-Doomhammer]: learn how tho play your lock first
  4. [12:04:56] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: eh
  5. [12:05:01] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: i play my lock perfectly fine
  6. [12:05:02] [Enae]: but playing warlock is simple
  7. [12:05:05] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: it's not a shame to lose from a rogue
  8. [12:05:08] [Enae]: just spam agony and corruption
  9. [12:05:08] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: your gear on my undergeared lock.
  10. [12:05:09] [Qartvelo-Doomhammer]: i see
  11. [12:05:10] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: in wpvp.
  12. [12:05:16] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: u also denied to truly wargame my lock
  13. [12:05:20] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: So you can't make that comment foolish boy.
  14. [12:05:25] [Enae]: then some drain life/other spell
  15. [12:05:28] [Enae]: and drain soul
  16. [12:05:30] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: enea
  17. [12:05:32] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: you're a fucking priest
  18. [12:05:34] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: wtf are u on about
  19. [12:05:35] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: stfu already.
  20. [12:05:42] [Qartvelo-Doomhammer]: i loss vs 912ilvl lock rat
  21. [12:05:44] [Outbréák-Terenas]: guys why do u hate eachother so much
  22. [12:05:48] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: i hate
  23. [12:05:49] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: fake girls
  24. [12:05:51] [Outbréák-Terenas]: are u gonna fight irl
  25. [12:05:51] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: like enea
  26. [12:05:53] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: creating 100 priests
  27. [12:05:55] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: this person enea
  28. [12:05:55] [Enae]: I have 23 alts and I already know most of the classes.
  29. [12:05:58] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: has litteraly 23 alts
  30. [12:06:01] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: and all priests lvl 110
  31. [12:06:02] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: with 3k hp.
  32. [12:06:04] [Enae]: no
  33. [12:06:06] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: yes
  34. [12:06:06] [Qartvelo-Doomhammer]: lock can beat rogue but not you
  35. [12:06:07] [Outbréák-Terenas]: is it a male or female
  36. [12:06:08] [Enae]: only 22 priests
  37. [12:06:08] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: dude ur exposed.
  38. [12:06:10] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: it's a male.
  39. [12:06:10] [Enae]: and 1 lock
  40. [12:06:14] You laugh.
  41. [12:06:14] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: honestly
  42. [12:06:15] [Outbréák-Terenas]: enea
  43. [12:06:15] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: told you
  44. [12:06:17] [Outbréák-Terenas]: are you male or female
  45. [12:06:19] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: mate
  46. [12:06:20] Asclépion-Terokkar has defeated Legz-Lightbringer in a duel
  47. [12:06:24] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: it's a male
  48. [12:06:25] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: don't bother.
  49. [12:06:29] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: ofc it's a male
  50. [12:06:31] [Enae]: I'm not into erp, sorry.
  51. [12:06:33] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: girls dont get triggered like that.
  52. [12:06:35] [Outbréák-Terenas]: thats a bit embarassing
  53. [12:06:39] You gently pat Outbréák-Terenas.
  54. [12:06:41] [Outbréák-Terenas]: making female chars for attention
  55. [12:06:42] [Qartvelo-Doomhammer]: hes dont know tat
  56. [12:06:44] [Outbréák-Terenas]: you must get none irl
  57. [12:06:46] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: oi jord
  58. [12:06:46] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: ^
  59. [12:06:48] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: wrap up mate
  60. [12:06:49] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: like all these
  61. [12:06:51] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: girls in goldshire
  62. [12:06:53] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: wow girl gamers
  63. [12:06:56] [Outbréák-Terenas]: who the fuck are you
  64. [12:06:58] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: dont hang in goldshire
  65. [12:06:59] [Outbréák-Terenas]: oh
  66. [12:07:00] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: That's a fact.
  67. [12:07:07] Cadfaél-KulTiras looks at Empusa-Quel'Thalas.
  68. [12:07:12] Empusa-Quel'Thalas looks at Cadfaél-KulTiras.
  69. [12:07:16] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: what
  70. [12:07:16] Cadfaél-KulTiras bites Empusa-Quel'Thalas. Ouch!
  71. [12:07:17] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: tiruel.
  72. [12:07:20] Cadfaél-KulTiras nods at Empusa-Quel'Thalas.
  73. [12:08:15] [Xephlor-Aszune]: i dont duel, im just here for the trolls, i suck at Duels and not ashamed to admit it
  74. [12:08:31] Sebboltz-Lightbringer has defeated Unholyfrost in a duel
  75. [12:08:34] Asclépion-Terokkar has defeated Legz-Lightbringer in a duel
  76. [12:08:54] Unholyfrost bows before Sebboltz-Lightbringer.
  77. [12:08:58] Hamham-Blade'sEdge welcomes Empusa-Quel'Thalas.
  78. [12:09:01] [Outbréák-Terenas]: emea don't mess with my boy empusa again
  79. [12:09:24] [Enae]: why, is he crying all the time?
  80. [12:09:28] Xephlor-Aszune lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
  81. [12:09:31] [Enae]: I feel sorry for him then.
  82. [12:09:32] [Outbréák-Terenas]: because he doesn't like fake girls
  83. [12:09:39] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: ima fake girl
  84. [12:09:45] [Enae]: playing as a female demon hunter
  85. [12:09:51] [Enae]: I completely understand it.
  86. [12:09:56] [Emekçi-Draenor]: i can fck she.male too
  87. [12:10:01] [Outbréák-Terenas]: :/ you don't get it
  88. [12:10:04] [Emekçi-Draenor]: it can be fake
  89. [12:10:14] Unholyfrost has gone offline.
  90. [12:10:56] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: gucci on my sweater gucci on my dresser
  91. [12:10:59] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: hey wishye
  92. [12:11:00] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: im back.
  93. [12:11:10] [Emekçi-Draenor]: any crossdresser here?
  94. [12:11:17] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: yes me
  95. [12:11:19] Unholyfrost has gone offline.
  96. [12:11:21] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: i like womans clothes
  97. [12:11:27] [Emekçi-Draenor]: i can lick ur azz
  98. [12:11:32] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: yes
  99. [12:11:36] [Zaiv-Quel'Thalas]: yes you can
  100. [12:11:36] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: yo blood dk
  101. [12:11:38] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: Duel me?
  102. [12:11:38] [Emekçi-Draenor]: glurp glurp
  103. [12:11:49] Flaze-Saurfang has defeated Xephlor-Aszune in a duel
  104. [12:11:50] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: dude
  105. [12:11:52] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: ur fuckin blood dk
  106. [12:11:54] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: lets go.
  107. [12:11:58] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: what are u afraid of
  108. [12:12:01] Asclépion-Terokkar has defeated Xishtila-Doomhammer in a duel
  109. [12:12:03] With arms flapping, Empusa-Quel'Thalas struts around Arnely-Draenor. Cluck, Cluck, Chicken!
  110. [12:12:07] [Arnely-Draenor]: not afraid but i dont have much time
  111. [12:12:10] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: just go
  112. [12:12:12] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: u wont live long
  113. [12:12:13] [Emekçi-Draenor]: coz of ur azzpussy
  114. [12:12:15] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: i promise.
  115. [12:12:21] [Arnely-Draenor]: if i first time said i wont do it
  116. [12:12:28] Empusa-Quel'Thalas waves goodbye to Arnely-Draenor. Farewell!
  117. [12:12:38] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: brb
  118. [12:12:39] [Empusa-Quel'Thalas]: purple glaives
  119. [12:12:58] [Kami] has come online.
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