
PopcornPvper's Initiate Review

Jun 19th, 2015
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  1. Hey there! :3
  3. Firstly, terrain. You have a little hill at the side of your plot made from grass. This is okay, but it would be nice if there was a little more of this, maybe in the other corner, as the rest of your plot is all one level. I really like the palette choice of your terrain though!
  5. Secondly, organics. I like the plant pots you have around the outside of the plot; they're really nice and make the plot feel kind of inviting. But there are quite a few of them, and maybe you don't need as many as you have!
  6. The tree you have is okay, but the leaves are too 'perfect'. Basically, you have them in an awkward shape, and the leaves aren't ask random as they should be. Try and make the shape of the leaves more spotted than the shape you have currently.
  8. Lastly, structure. I like the red wool/birch wood palette on the sides of the house, but I'm not too sure about the blue/quarts. I would stick with one palette, and not make it so different and contrasting on the different walls. Other than that, the house is passable, just change some of the blocks around.
  10. Good luck!
  11. - Dutty :3
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