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Oct 24th, 2015
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  1. Gabbie exits the 512 train at the southern station. She walks across the platform with haste. It's almost midnight and her day has been longer than usual. Entering the station hall, she is almost glosses over the re-decorative efforts made. All of the pink banners had been replaced with purple. The faded gold-painted architecture seemed new and shone amidst the innumerable ceiling
  2. lights lingers alongside the stars. The appearance of stars over New Olney made her tinge lighter than she usually is. Standing alone in the station hall, she feels tired and only wants to go to bed. She ignores these changes and presses onward outside.
  3. The automated golden-rimmed doors give Gabbie no pause as she steps out onto the brick-laden veranda. Candy-colored lights flicker high above the shadows echoing across the busy city basin. The cold air of the night gives way to a warm breeze. She feels a distinct sense of comfort in a space where she would normally be unable to relax. Her intake of the environment is interrupted by the loud and incoherent ramblings of an obese dark skinned woman directed at an old, balding African man who looked as tired as she felt. Not even Forty feet away, the shrill sounds of an outburst fueled by some undoubtedly petty happenstance forcibly rolled the eyes in her head. She marches past them, leaving their public squabble to another tired fool.
  4. Gabbie checks both sides of the Four lane main road she intends to cross. The red light shines bright, bathing the crosswalk in it's foreboding shade. She crosses without worry, fumbling with her black coat and the music player in a shirt pocket directly underneath. She's only two thirds of the way across when the pool of red light suddenly switches to green and the roar of a hundred impatient engines cause her ears to bleed. She almost literally jumps in place and without thinking dashes the rest of the way across. Only narrowly avoiding a Two-hundred horsepower demise.
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